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The aim of this study was to investigate the difference in a muscle contraction phase dependence between ipsilateral (ipsi)- and contralateral (contra)-primary motor cortex (M1) excitability during repetitive isometric contractions of unilateral index finger abduction using a transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) technique. Ten healthy right-handed subjects participated in this study. We instructed them to perform repetitive isometric contractions of the left index finger abduction following auditory cues at 1 Hz. The force outputs were set at 10, 30, and 50% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). Motor evoked potentials (MEP) were obtained from the right and left first dorsal interosseous muscles (FDI). To examine the muscle contraction phase dependence, TMS of ipsi-M1 or contra-M1 was triggered at eight different intervals (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 300, or 500 ms) after electromyogram (EMG) onset when each interval had reached the setup triggering level. Furthermore, to demonstrate the relationships between the integrated EMG (iEMG) in the active left FDI and the ipsi-M1 excitability, we assessed the correlation between the iEMG in the left FDI for the 100 ms preceding TMS onset and the MEP amplitude in the resting/active FDI for each force output condition. Although contra-M1 excitability was significantly changed after the EMG onset that depends on the muscle contraction phase, the modulation of ipsi-M1 excitability did not differ in response to any muscle contraction phase at the 10% of MVC condition. Also, we found that contra-M1 excitability was significantly correlated with iEMG in all force output conditions, but ipsi-M1 excitability was not at force output levels of below 30% of MVC. Consequently, the modulation of ipsi-M1 excitability was independent from the contraction phase of unilateral repetitive isometric contractions at least low force output.  相似文献   

Experts in a skill produce movement-related cortical potentials (MRCPs) of smaller amplitude and later onset than novices. This may indicate that, following long-term training, experts require less effort to plan motor skill performance. However, no longitudinal evidence exists to support this claim. To address this, EEG was used to study the effect of motor skill training on cortical activity related to motor planning. Ten non-musicians took part in a 5-week training study learning to play guitar. At week 1, the MRCP was recorded from motor areas whilst participants played the G Major scale. Following a period of practice of the scale, the MRCP was recorded again at week 5. Results showed that the amplitude of the later pre-movement components were smaller at week 5 compared to week 1. This may indicate that, following training, less activity at motor cortex sites is involved in motor skill preparation. This supports claims for a more efficient motor preparation following motor skill training.  相似文献   

The embodied cognition hypothesis suggests that motor and premotor areas are automatically and necessarily involved in understanding action language, as word conceptual representations are embodied. This transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) study explores the role of the left primary motor cortex in action-verb processing. TMS-induced motor-evoked potentials from right-hand muscles were recorded as a measure of M1 activity, while participants were asked either to judge explicitly whether a verb was action-related (semantic task) or to decide on the number of syllables in a verb (syllabic task). TMS was applied in three different experiments at 170, 350 and 500 ms post-stimulus during both tasks to identify when the enhancement of M1 activity occurred during word processing. The delays between stimulus onset and magnetic stimulation were consistent with electrophysiological studies, suggesting that word recognition can be differentiated into early (within 200 ms) and late (within 400 ms) lexical-semantic stages, and post-conceptual stages. Reaction times and accuracy were recorded to measure the extent to which the participants'' linguistic performance was affected by the interference of TMS with M1 activity. No enhancement of M1 activity specific for action verbs was found at 170 and 350 ms post-stimulus, when lexical-semantic processes are presumed to occur (Experiments 1–2). When TMS was applied at 500 ms post-stimulus (Experiment 3), processing action verbs, compared with non-action verbs, increased the M1-activity in the semantic task and decreased it in the syllabic task. This effect was specific for hand-action verbs and was not observed for action-verbs related to other body parts. Neither accuracy nor RTs were affected by TMS. These findings suggest that the lexical-semantic processing of action verbs does not automatically activate the M1. This area seems to be rather involved in post-conceptual processing that follows the retrieval of motor representations, its activity being modulated (facilitated or inhibited), in a top-down manner, by the specific demand of the task.  相似文献   

B. J. Taylor 《Genetics》1992,132(1):179-191
A pair of muscles span the fifth abdominal segment of male but not female Drosophila melanogaster adults. To establish whether genes involved in the development of other sexually dimorphic tissues controlled the differentiation of sex-specific muscles, flies mutant for five known sex-determining genes were examined for the occurrence of male-specific abdominal muscles. Female flies mutant for alleles of Sex-lethal, defective in sex determination, or null alleles of transformer or transformer-2 are converted into phenotypic males that formed male-specific abdominal muscles. Both male and female flies, when mutant for null alleles of doublesex, develop as nearly identical intersexes in other somatic characteristics. Male doublesex flies produced the male-specific muscles, whereas female doublesex flies lacked them. Female flies, even when they inappropriately expressed the male-specific form of doublesex mRNA, failed to produce the male-specific muscles. Therefore, the wild-type products of the genes Sex-lethal, transformer and transformer-2 act to prevent the differentiation of male-specific muscles in female flies. However, there is no role for the genes doublesex or intersex in either the generation of the male-specific muscles in males or their suppression in females.  相似文献   

目的:评价BCTC和辣椒辣素对气道高反应性大鼠气管平滑肌张力的影响。方法:健康成年SD大鼠32只,每只大鼠第1天和第8天腹腔加皮下注射卵清蛋白致敏,第15天连续雾化吸入卵清蛋白(OVA)三天,激发建立哮喘模型。分离气管平滑肌,随机分为四组,0组(Ovalbumin)卵清蛋白组,OC组(Ovalbumin+capsaicin)卵清蛋白+辣椒辣素组,0B组(Ovalbumin+BCTC),DSMO组(DSMO+Ovalbumin)溶剂组。分别在4组溶液的刺激下测定离体气管平滑肌张力的变化。结果:离体气管平滑肌的张力OC组较0组为高;O组气管平滑肌张力比0B组高。结论:辣椒辣素增加致敏离体气管平滑肌张力,BCTC能够降低致敏大鼠气管平滑肌张力,对致敏离体平滑肌有松弛作用。  相似文献   



Aerobic exercise is associated with enhanced plasticity in the motor cortex of healthy individuals, but the effect of aerobic exercise on neuroplasticity following a stroke is unknown.


The aim of this study was to compare corticomotoneuronal excitability and neuroplasticity in the upper limb cortical representation following a single session of low intensity lower limb cycling, or a rest control condition.


We recruited chronic stroke survivors to take part in three experimental conditions in a randomised, cross-over design. Corticomotoneuronal excitability was examined using transcranial magnetic stimulation to elicit motor evoked potentials in the affected first dorsal interosseus muscle. Following baseline measures, participants either cycled on a stationary bike at a low exercise intensity for 30 minutes, or remained resting in a seated position for 30 minutes. Neuroplasticity within the motor cortex was then examined using an intermittent theta burst stimulation (iTBS) paradigm. During the third experimental condition, participants cycled for the 30 minutes but did not receive any iTBS.


Twelve participants completed the study. We found no significant effect of aerobic exercise on corticomotoneuronal excitability when compared to the no exercise condition (P > 0.05 for all group and time comparisons). The use of iTBS did not induce a neuroplastic-like response in the motor cortex with or without the addition of aerobic exercise.


Our results suggest that following a stroke, the brain may be less responsive to non-invasive brain stimulation paradigms that aim to induce short-term reorganisation, and aerobic exercise was unable to induce or improve this response.  相似文献   

Transpiration reduces the hydrostatic pressure in the xylemand water moves into the root and across the root cortex inresponse to the pressure gradient so produced. This effect wassimulated by raising the pressure on the external medium surroundinga detopped root system. The flux of sap from the stem stumpand the concentration of potassium in the sap were measuredand the flux of potassium into xylem obtained as (sap flux Xconcentration of potassium). The application of a pressure of 2 atm. caused an approximatelyfourfold increase in potassium flux. This increase was independentof the presence of potassium in the external medium and wasdue, therefore, to an efflux of ions already stored in the roottissues. The effect was specifically due to hydrostatic pressureand not to the D.P.D. difference across the cortex, and wascaused, in part at least, by an increase in the permeabilityof the tissues to iona. This is evident since the increasedpotassium flux occurred in response to pressure, even when theconcentration of potassium in the xylem increased at the sametime, thus precluding any ‘dilution effects‘. It was confirmed that metabolic inhibitors and low temperaturereduce the sap flux but leave the concentration of the sap unchanged.Under a pressure gradient, however, there was an even greaterporportionate reduction of sap flux by equivalent concentrationsof inhibitor or low temperature and the concentration of potassiumin the sap gradually increased. Adding calcium or magnesium ions to the medium caused an increaseof potassium concentration in the sap, demonstrating exchangeprocesses in the transpiration pathway. The difficulty of framing a hypothesis to cover all the factsis discussed and it is tentatively suggested that movement acrossthe cortex to the xylem is a catenary process in which soluteand water move independently at one stage and together as asolution at another stage.  相似文献   

The hydrostatic pressure gradient across the root cortex inducedby transpiration was simulated by raising the pressure on themedium surrounding the roots of detopped tomato (Lycopersicumesculentum) and castoroil plants (Ricinus communis).Applyinga pressure of 2 atm. resulted in a doubling of the sodium fluxfrom medium to xylern (table I). This flux depended on a maintainedsuply of Na in the medium (fig.1) indicating that there wasa small but readily available storage and exchange capacityfor Na in the root tissues. In the presence of metabolic inhaibitorsthe Na flux was considerablyu reduced and equalled the fluxof mannitol (talble II) believed to be a passive mass flow.The Na flux under a pressure gradient appeared therefore tobe metabollism-facilitated. Metabolic inhibition after the rootshad been allowed to take up Na led to a large flux of sodiuminto the xylem (Fig.2). This was considered to come from a largeunavailable store in the roots. Metabolism-facilitated processes also appeared to predominatein the flux of calcium to the xylem of Ricinus, buit not inthe flux through tomato roots. The location of the centripetal metabolism-facilitated transferand the available and unavailable stores is discussed in relationto the effects of pressure gradients.  相似文献   

The measurement of tissue and cell oxygenation is important for understanding cell metabolism. We have addressed this problem with a novel optical technique, called triplet imaging, that exploits oxygen-induced triplet lifetime changes and is compatible with a variety of fluorophores. A modulated excitation of varying pulse widths allows the extraction of the lifetime of the essentially dark triplet state using a high-fluorescence signal intensity. This enables the monitoring of fast kinetics of oxygen concentration in living cells combined with high temporal and spatial resolution. First, the oxygen-dependent triplet-state quenching of tetramethylrhodamine is validated and then calibrated in an L-ascorbic acid titration experiment demonstrating the linear relation between triplet lifetime and oxygen concentration according to the Stern-Volmer equation. Second, the method is applied to a biological cell system, employing as reporter a cytosolic fusion protein of β-galactosidase with SNAP-tag labeled with tetramethylrhodamine. Oxygen consumption in single smooth muscle cells A7r5 during an [Arg8]-vasopressin-induced contraction is measured. The results indicate a consumption leading to an intracellular oxygen concentration that decays monoexponentially with time. The proposed method has the potential to become a new tool for investigating oxygen metabolism at the single cell and the subcellular level.  相似文献   

Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) is a neuromodulation technique that has been increasingly used over the past decade in the treatment of neurological and psychiatric disorders such as stroke and depression. Yet, the mechanisms underlying its ability to modulate brain excitability to improve clinical symptoms remains poorly understood 33. To help improve this understanding, proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H-MRS) can be used as it allows the in vivo quantification of brain metabolites such as γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and glutamate in a region-specific manner 41. In fact, a recent study demonstrated that 1H-MRS is indeed a powerful means to better understand the effects of tDCS on neurotransmitter concentration 34. This article aims to describe the complete protocol for combining tDCS (NeuroConn MR compatible stimulator) with 1H-MRS at 3 T using a MEGA-PRESS sequence. We will describe the impact of a protocol that has shown great promise for the treatment of motor dysfunctions after stroke, which consists of bilateral stimulation of primary motor cortices 27,30,31. Methodological factors to consider and possible modifications to the protocol are also discussed.  相似文献   

On unanesthetized cats, we studied the effects of selective modulators of noradrenergic transmission on the activity of neurons of the cerebral motor cortex in the course of realization of an operant motor reflex to presentation of a complex of stimuli. These modulators were applied using microiontophoretic injections into sites of recording of impulse activity of cortical neurons within the zone of projection of the “working” forelimb. Applications of the α1 receptor agonist Mesaton resulted in significant suppression of background impulsation of the neurons and spiking within the interstimulus interval immediately during realization of the movement. Under the action of the α2 blocker yohimbine, opposite effects were observed. The activity of neurons increased within both background period and other examined time intervals. Mechanisms of the effects of modulation of noradrenergic transmission in the sensorimotor cortex are discussed.  相似文献   

The interaction between language and motor action has been approached by studying the effect of action verbs, kinaesthetic imagery and mental subtraction upon the performance of a complex movement, the squat vertical jump (SVJ). The time of flight gave the value of the height of the SVJ and was measured with an Optojump® and a Myotest® apparatuses. The results obtained by the effects of the cognitive stimuli showed a statistically significant improvement of the SVJ performance after either loudly or silently pronouncing, hearing or reading the verb saute (jump in French language). Action verbs specific for other motor actions (pince = pinch, lèche = lick) or non-specific (bouge = move) showed no or little effect. A meaningless verb for the French subjects (tiáo = jump in Chinese) showed no effect as did rêve (dream), tombe (fall) and stop. The verb gagne (win) improved significantly the SVJ height, as did its antonym perds (lose) suggesting a possible influence of affects in the subjects’ performance. The effect of the specific action verb jump upon the heights of SVJ was similar to that obtained after kinaesthetic imagery and after mental subtraction of two digits numbers from three digits ones; possibly, in the latter, because of the intervention of language in calculus. It appears that the effects of the specific action verb jump did seem effective but not totally exclusive for the enhancement of the SVJ performance. The results imply an interaction among language and motor brain areas in the performance of a complex movement resulting in a clear specificity of the corresponding action verb. The effect upon performance may probably be influenced by the subjects’ intention, increased attention and emotion produced by cognitive stimuli among which action verbs.  相似文献   

Khorevin  V. I.  Levchuk  T. E. 《Neurophysiology》2002,34(2-3):150-152
We demonstrate that dopamine itself, a selective dopamine D1 receptor agonist, SKF 38393, and a selective dopamine D2 receptor agonist, quinpirole, exert both facilitatory and suppressive effects on neuronal activity in the sensorimotor cortex of the cat, which is related to a conditioned movement. These effects are mediated by activation of dopamine receptors. Our data can be used for understanding the mechanisms underlying modulation of the excitability of central neurons during various behavioral events under the influence of dopamine.  相似文献   

Partial injury to the central nervous system (CNS) is exacerbated by additional loss of neurons and glia via toxic events known as secondary degeneration. Using partial transection of the rat optic nerve (ON) as a model, we have previously shown that myelin decompaction persists during secondary degeneration. Failure to repair myelin abnormalities during secondary degeneration may be attributed to insufficient OPC proliferation and/or differentiation to compensate for loss of oligodendrocyte lineage cells (oligodendroglia). Following partial ON transection, we found that sub-populations of oligodendroglia and other olig2+ glia were differentially influenced by injury. A high proportion of NG2+/olig2–, NG2+/olig2+ and CC1−/olig2+ cells proliferated (Ki67+) at 3 days, prior to the onset of death (TUNEL+) at 7 days, suggesting injury-related cues triggered proliferation rather than early loss of oligodendroglia. Despite this, a high proportion (20%) of the NG2+/olig2+ OPCs were TUNEL+ at 3 months, and numbers remained chronically lower, indicating that proliferation of these cells was insufficient to maintain population numbers. There was significant death of NG2+/olig2– and NG2−/olig2+ cells at 7 days, however population densities remained stable, suggesting proliferation was sufficient to sustain cell numbers. Relatively few TUNEL+/CC1+ cells were detected at 7 days, and no change in density indicated that mature CC1+ oligodendrocytes were resistant to secondary degeneration in vivo. Mature CC1+/olig2– oligodendrocyte density increased at 3 days, reflecting early oligogenesis, while the appearance of shortened myelin internodes at 3 months suggested remyelination. Taken together, chronic OPC decreases may contribute to the persistent myelin abnormalities and functional loss seen in ON during secondary degeneration.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. The fine structure of Leishmania tarentolae growing in the presence of homologous rabbit antiserum was investigated. Immediately after agglutination of the promastigotes, a dense band between pellicles of adjacent cells could be seen, and a surface coat was rendered visible. The cells did not fuse. At dilutions of antiserum from 1:100–1:1200 the promastigotes continued to grow, forming large masses. By 5 days these consisted of individual cells adhering to one another. In cross-section, any 2 cells were separated by 2 membranes with associated subpellicular fibrils and a dense band between the 2 membranes. The term syncytium generally refers to a multinucleate cell originating by fusion of several cells and has been used to mean a multinucleate cell arising from nuclear division unaccompanied by cytokinesis. Therefore, it is unlikely that the masses formed in the presence of homologous antiserum are syncytia.  相似文献   

Tissue microstructure, in particular the alignment of myocytes (fibre direction) and their lateral organisation into sheets, is fundamental to cardiac function. We studied the effect of microstructure on contraction in a computational model of rat left ventricular electromechanics. Different fibre models, globally rule-based or locally optimised to DT-MRI data, were compared, in order to understand whether a subject-specific fibre model would enhance the predictive power of our model with respect to the global ones. We also studied the impact of sheets on ventricular deformation by comparing: (a) a transversely isotropic versus an orthotropic material law and (b) a linear model with a bimodal model of sheet transmural variation. We estimated ejection fraction, wall thickening and base-to-apex shortening and compared them with measures from cine-MRI. We also evaluated Lagrangian strains as local metrics of cardiac deformation. Our results show that the subject-specific fibre model provides little improvement in the metric predictions with respect to global fibre models while material orthotropy allows closer agreement with measures than transverse isotropy. Nonetheless, the impact of sheets in our model is smaller than that of fibres. We conclude that further investigation of the modelling of sheet dynamics is necessary to fully understand the impact of tissue structure on cardiac deformation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨生长激素(growth hormone,GH)对实验大鼠牙齿移动过程中血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)在牙周组织中表达的影响。方法:将40只7周龄大的雄性Wistar大鼠根据是否注射生长激素分为实验组(E)和对照组(C)。将50 g力值加于近中左侧上颌第一磨牙。E组和C组分别腹部皮下注射GH(0.15IU/公斤/天)及等剂量的生理盐水。大鼠分别在第1、3、7、14和21天处死。上颌第一磨牙及其牙周组织切片行VEGF免疫组织化学染色,并进行图像分析和统计。结果:无论张力侧及压力侧VEGF在实验组表达的量均高于对照组,第3天组中张力侧及压力侧实验组平均光密度值分别为174.47±7.53和345.80±25.46与其各自对照组相比较数据具有统计学意义(P0.05),两侧实验组的VEGF的表达强度峰值均出现在第7天,分别为669.97±3.22和923.77±18.41差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),VEGF表达峰值及峰值之前压力侧无论实验组和对照组VEGF的表达强度要明显高于张力侧相应分组。结论:短期注射生长激素促进了牙周组织中VEGF的表达,对于正畸牙齿移动具有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Ultramarathon runners are exposed to a high number of impact shocks and to severe neuromuscular fatigue. Runners may manage mechanical stress and muscle fatigue by changing their running kinematics. Our purposes were to study (i) the effects of a 110-km mountain ultramarathon (MUM) on tibial shock acceleration and lower limb kinematics, and (ii) whether kinematic changes are modulated according to the severity of neuromuscular fatigue. Twenty-three runners participated in the study. Pre- and post-MUM, neuromuscular tests were performed to assess knee extensor (KE) and plantar flexor (PF) central and peripheral fatigue, and a treadmill running bouts was completed during which step frequency, peak acceleration, median frequency and impact frequency content were measured from tibial acceleration, as well as foot-to-treadmill, tibia-to-treadmill, and ankle flexion angles at initial contact, and ankle range of motion using video analysis. Large neuromuscular fatigue, including peripheral changes and deficits in voluntary activation, was observed in KE and PF. MVC decrements of ~35% for KE and of ~28% for PF were noted. Among biomechanical variables, step frequency increased by ~2.7% and the ankle range of motion decreased by ~4.1% post-MUM. Runners adopting a non rearfoot strike pre-MUM adopted a less plantarflexed foot strike pattern post-MUM while those adopting a rearfoot strike pre-MUM tended to adopt a less dorsiflexed foot strike pattern post-MUM. Positive correlations were observed between percent changes in peripheral PF fatigue and the ankle range of motion. Peripheral PF fatigue was also significantly correlated to both percent changes in step frequency and the ankle angle at contact. This study suggests that in a fatigued state, ultratrail runners use compensatory/protective adjustments leading to a flatter foot landing and this is done in a fatigue dose-dependent manner. This strategy may aim at minimizing the overall load applied to the musculoskeletal system, including impact shock and muscle stretch.  相似文献   

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