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SYNOPSIS. A model relating environmental variability and populationvariability is proposed and discussed. The model strongly emphasizesthe importance of the different consequences of erratic andregular environmental variability, which are discussed fromboth the theoretical and empirical viewpoints. Data on populationvariability for six species in three communities (temperateintertidal, subtropical intertidal, and oligotrophic lake benthic)are presented and discussed in the context of the model. Ingeneral, environmental variability and population variabilityare trongly correlated. The impact of erratic environmentalvariability is apparent in one community.  相似文献   

The alternating climate between wet and dry periods has important effects on the hydrology and therefore on niche-based processes of water bodies in tropical areas. Additionally, assemblages of microorganism can show spatial patterns, in the form of a distance decay relationship due to their size or life form. We aimed to test spatial and environmental effects, modulated by a seasonal flooding climatic pattern, on the distribution of microalgae in 30 wetlands of a tropical dry forest region: the Pacific coast of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Three surveys were conducted corresponding to the beginning, the highest peak, and the end of the hydrological year during the wet season, and species abundance and composition of planktonic and benthic microalgae was determined. Variation partitioning analysis (as explained by spatial distance or environmental factors) was applied to each seasonal dataset by means of partial redundancy analysis. Our results show that microalgal assemblages were structured by spatial and environmental factors depending on the hydrological period of the year. At the onset of hydroperiod and during flooding, neutral effects dominated community dynamics, but niche-based local effects resulted in more structured algal communities at the final periods of desiccating water bodies. Results suggest that climate-mediated effects on hydrology can influence the relative role of spatial and environmental factors on metacommunities of microalgae. Such variability needs to be accounted in order to describe accurately community dynamics in tropical coastal wetlands.  相似文献   

Many species exhibit widespread spatial synchrony in population fluctuations. This pattern is of great ecological interest and can be a source of concern when the species is rare or endangered. Both dispersal and spatial correlations in the environment have been implicated as possible causes of this pattern, but these two factors have rarely been studied in combination. We develop a spatially structured population model, simple enough to obtain analytic solutions for the population correlation, that incorporates both dispersal and environmental correlation. We ask whether these two synchronizing factors contribute additively to the total spatial population covariance. We find that there is always an interaction between these two factors and that this interaction is small only when one or both of the environmental correlation and the dispersal rate are small. The interaction is opposite in sign to the environmental correlation; so, in the normal case of positive environmental correlation across sites, the population synchrony will be lower than predicted by simply adding the effects of dispersal and environmental correlation. We also find that population synchrony declines as the strength of population regulation increases. These results indicate that dispersal and environmental correlation need to be considered in combination as explanations for observed patterns of population synchrony.  相似文献   

Resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been commonly used to measure functional connectivity between cortical regions, while diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) can be used to characterize structural connectivity of white matter tracts. In principle combining resting state fMRI and DTI data could allow characterization of structure-function relations of distributed neural networks. However, due to differences in the biophysical origins of their signals and in the tissues to which they apply, there has been no direct integration of these techniques to date. We demonstrate that MRI signal variations and power spectra in a resting state are largely comparable between gray matter and white matter, that there are temporal correlations of fMRI signals that persist over long distances within distinct white matter structures, and that neighboring intervoxel correlations of low frequency resting state signals showed distinct anisotropy in many regions. These observations suggest that MRI signal variations from within white matter in a resting state may convey similar information as their corresponding fluctuations of MRI signals in gray matter. We thus derive a local spatio-temporal correlation tensor which captures directional variations of resting-state correlations and which reveals distinct structures in both white and gray matter. This novel concept is illustrated with in vivo experiments in a resting state, which demonstrate the potential of the technique for mapping the functional structure of neural networks and for direct integration of structure-function relations in the human brain.  相似文献   

E. A. Thompson 《Genetics》1979,93(2):479-495
Most models in population genetics are models of allele frequency, making implicit or explicit assumptions of equilibrium or constant population size. In recent papers, we have attempted to develop more appropriate models for the analysis of rare variant data in South American Indian tribes; these are branching process models for the total number of replicates of a variant allele. The spatial distribution of a variant may convey information about its history and characteristics, and this paper extends previous models to take this factor into consideration. A model of fission into subdivisions is superimposed on the previous branching process, and variation between subdivisions is considered. The case where fission is nonrandom and the locations of like alleles are initially positively associated, as would happen were a tribal cluster or village to split on familial lines, is also analyzed. The statistics developed are applied to Yanomama Indian data on rare genetic variants. Due to insufficient time depth, no definitive new inferences can be drawn, but the analysis shows that this model provides results consistent with previous conclusions, and demonstrates the general type of question that may be answered by the approach taken here. In particular, striking confirmation of a higher-than-average growth rate, and hence smaller-than-previously-estimated age, is obtained for the Yan2 serum albumen variant.  相似文献   

It is often difficult to track the spatio-temporal variability of vegetation distribution in lakes because of the technological limitations associated with mapping using traditional field surveys as well as the lack of a unified field survey protocol. Using a series of Landsat remote sensing images (i.e. MSS, TM and ETM+), we mapped the composition and distribution area of emergent, floating-leaf and submerged macrophytes in Taihu Lake, China, at approximate five-year intervals over the past 30 years in order to quantify the spatio-temporal dynamics of the aquatic vegetation. Our results indicated that the total area of aquatic vegetation increased from 187.5 km2 in 1981 to 485.0 km2 in 2005 and then suddenly decreased to 341.3 km2 in 2010. Similarly, submerged vegetation increased from 127.0 km2 in 1981 to 366.5 km2 in 2005, and then decreased to 163.3 km2. Floating-leaf vegetation increased continuously through the study period in both area occupied (12.9 km2 in 1981 to 146.2 km2 in 2010) and percentage of the total vegetation (6.88% in 1981 to 42.8% in 2010). In terms of spatial distribution, the aquatic vegetation in Taihu Lake has spread gradually from the East Bay to the surrounding areas. The proportion of vegetation in the East Bay relative to that in the entire lake has decreased continuously from 62.3% in 1981, to 31.1% in 2005 and then to 21.8% in 2010. Our findings have suggested that drastic changes have taken place over the past 30 years in the spatial pattern of aquatic vegetation as well as both its relative composition and the amount of area it occupies.  相似文献   

Variability is inherent in any population, regardless whether the population comprises humans, plants, biological cells, or manufactured parts. Is the variability beneficial, detrimental, or inconsequential? This question is of fundamental importance in manufacturing, agriculture, and bioengineering. This question has no simple categorical answer because research shows that variability in a population can have both beneficial and detrimental effects. Here we ask whether there is a certain level of variability that can maximize benefit to the population as a whole. We answer this question by using a model composed of a population of individuals who independently make binary decisions; individuals vary in making a yes or no decision, and the aggregated effect of these decisions on the population is quantified by a benefit function (e.g. accuracy of the measurement using binary rulers, aggregate income of a town of farmers). Here we show that an optimal variance exists for maximizing the population benefit function; this optimal variance quantifies what is often called the “right mix” of individuals in a population.  相似文献   

An analysis of allozymic variation carried out in the main groups of vertebrate animals revealed a tendency towards the increased level of genetic polymorphism in the species of small animals compared to the large ones. This tendency was clearly followed in caudate amphibians, fishes, and mammals. The data are discussed in terms of the integration of monogenic and polygenic systems in the populations. It is hypothesized that this relationship between heterozygosity and body size confirms more general regularity consisting in highly statistically significant correlation between polygenic heterozygosity, maturation rate and life span. It is suggested that high rate of development in small animals resulting in early sexual maturation, can serve as a mechanism determining correlation between heterozygosity and body size at the species level. As a result, compared to large animals, small animals display higher rates of generation change, resulting in accelerated growth of population size and faster accumulation of genetic variability.  相似文献   

Populations often exhibit a pronounced degree of individual variability and this can be important when constructing ecological models. In this paper, we revisit the role of inter-individual variability in population persistence and stability under predation pressure. As a case study, we consider interactions between a structured population of zooplankton grazers and their predators. Unlike previous structured population models, which only consider variability of individuals according to the age or body size, we focus on physiological and behavioural structuring. We first experimentally demonstrate a high degree of variation of individual consumption rates in three dominant species of herbivorous copepods (Calanus finmarchicus, Calanus glacialis, Calanus euxinus) and show that this disparity implies a pronounced variation in the consumption capacities of individuals. Then we construct a parsimonious predator-prey model which takes into account the intra-population variability of prey individuals according to behavioural traits: effectively, each organism has a ‘personality’ of its own. Our modelling results show that structuring of prey according to their growth rate and vulnerability to predation can dampen predator-prey cycles and enhance persistence of a species, even if the resource stock for prey is unlimited. The main mechanism of efficient top-down regulation is shown to work by letting the prey population become dominated by less vulnerable individuals when predator densities are high, while the trait distribution recovers when the predator densities are low.  相似文献   

We propose an extension to the metacommunity (MC) concept and a novel operational methodology that has the potential to refine the analysis of MC structure at different hierarchical levels. We show that assemblages of species can also be seen as assemblages of abstract subregional habitat-related metacommunities (habMCs). This intrinsically fuzzy concept recognizes the existence of habMCs that are typically associated with given habitats, while allowing for the mixing and superposition of different habMCs in all sites and for boundaries among subregions that are neither spatially sharp nor temporally constant. The combination of fuzzy clustering and direct gradient analysis permits us to 1) objectively identify the number of habMCs that are present in a region as well as their spatial distributions and relative weights at different sites; 2) associate different subregions with different biological communities; and 3) quantitatively assess the affinities between habMCs and physical, morphological, biogeochemical, and environmental properties, thereby enabling an analysis of the roles and relative importance of various environmental parameters in shaping the spatial structure of a metacommunity. This concept and methodology offer the possibility of integrating the continuum and community unit concepts and of developing the concept of a habMC ecological niche. This approach also facilitates the practical application of the MC concept, which are not currently in common use. Applying these methods to macrophytobenthic and macrozoobenthic hard-substrate assemblages in the Venetian Lagoon, we identified a hierarchical organization of macrobenthic communities that associated different habMCs with different habitats. Our results demonstrate that different reference terms should be applied to different subregions to assess the ecological status of a waterbody and show that a combination of several environmental parameters describes the spatial heterogeneity of benthic communities much better than any single property can. Our results also emphasize the importance of considering heterogeneity and fuzziness when working in natural systems.  相似文献   

While the effect of habitat connectivity on local and regional diversity has been analysed in a number of studies, time-dependent dynamics in metacommunities have received comparatively little consideration. When local patches of a metacommunity are identical in environmental conditions but differ in initial community composition, dispersal among patches may result in homogenization of local communities. In a microcosm experiment with benthic ciliates, we tested the hypothesis that the effect of connectivity on diversity is time-dependent and only transitory, with the degree of connectivity affecting the time to homogenization but not the final outcome. Six microcosms were connected to a metacommunity with one of three levels of connectivity. The six patches differed in initial community composition but were identical in environmental conditions. We found a time-dependent and transitory effect of connectivity on local and regional richness and on local Shannon diversity, while Bray-Curtis dissimilarity and regional Shannon diversity were persistently affected by connectivity. Local richness increased and regional richness decreased with connectivity during the initial phase of the experiment but soon converged to similar values in all three connectivity treatments. Local Shannon diversity was unimodally related to time, with maximum diversity reached sooner with high than with medium or low connectivity. Eventually, however, local diversity converged to similar values irrespective of connectivity. At the regional scale, Shannon diversity was persistently lower with high than with low connectivity. While initial differences in community composition vanished with medium and high connectivity, they were maintained with low connectivity resulting in persistently high beta and regional diversity. The effect of connectivity on ciliate community composition translated down to the algal resource, as stronger dominance of the superior competitor with high and medium connectivity resulted in stronger depletion of the resource.  相似文献   

This article reviews some of the current guidance concerning the separation of variability and uncertainty in presenting the results of human health and ecological risk assessments. Such guidance and some of the published examples of its implementation using two-stage Monte Carlo simulation methods have not emphasized the fact that there is considerable judgment involved in determining which input parameters can be modeled as purely variable or purely uncertain, and which require explicit treatment in both dimensions. Failure to discuss these choices leads to confusion and misunderstanding of the proposed methods. We conclude with an example illustrating some of the reasoning and statistical calculations that might be used to inform such choices.  相似文献   

Arthropod communities in fragmented agricultural landscapes depend on local processes and the interactions between communities in the habitat islands. We aimed to study metacommunity structure of spiders, a group that is known for high dispersal power, local niche partitioning and for engaging in species interactions. While living in fragmented habitats could lead to nestedness, other ecological traits of spiders might equally lead to patterns dominated either by species interactions or habitat filtering. We asked, which community pattern will prevail in a typical agricultural landscape with isolated patches of semi-natural habitats. Such a situation was studied by sampling spiders in 28 grassland locations in a Hungarian agricultural landscape. We used the elements of metacommunity structure (EMS) framework to distinguish between alternative patterns that reveal community organization. The EMS analysis indicated coherent species ranges, high turnover and boundary clumping, suggesting Clementsian community organization. The greatest variation in species composition was explained by local habitat characteristics, indicating habitat filtering. The influence of dispersal could be detected by the significant effect of landscape composition, which was strongest at 500 m. We conclude that dispersal allows spiders to respond coherently to the environment, creating similar communities in similar habitats. Consistent habitat differences, such as species rich versus species poor vegetation, lead to recognisably different, recurrent communities. These characteristics make spiders a predictable and diverse source of natural enemies in agricultural landscapes. Sensitivity to habitat composition at medium distances warns us that landscape homogenization may alter these metacommunity processes.  相似文献   

Tomoko Ohta  Motoo Kimura 《Genetics》1974,76(3):615-624
Using a new model of isoalleles, extensive Monte Carlo experiments were performed to examine the pattern of allelic distribution in a finite population. In this model it was assumed that the set of allelic states is represented by discrete points on a one-dimensional lattice and that change of state by mutation occurs in such a way that an allele moves either one step in the positive direction or one step in the negative direction on the lattice. Such a model was considered to be appropriate for estimating theoretically the number of electrophoretically detectable alleles within a population. The evenness of allelic distribution was measured by the ratio of the effective to the actual number of alleles (n(e)/n(a)). The results of the Monte Carlo experiments have shown that this ratio is generally larger under the new model of isoalleles than under the conventional Kimura-Crow model of neutral isoalleles. In other words, the distribution of allelic frequencies within a population is expected to be more uniform in the new model. By comparing the Monte Carlo results with actual observations, it was concluded that the observed deviation from what is predicted under the new model with selective neutrality is not in the direction of conforming to the overdominance hypothesis but is, in fact, in the opposite direction.  相似文献   

Abstract The influences of plant species and plant incubation conditions on the variability in bacterial population sizes among leaves were investigated in field and growth chamber studies. Pseudomonas syringae strains TLP2 and Cit7 were inoculated onto plants and population sizes were measured at intervals after inoculation. Total bacterial population sizes were also assessed in field studies. Levels of leaf-to-leaf variability in both P. syringae population size and bacterial community size differed significantly among plant species. For all plant species, variability among leaves in population sizes of inoculated bacteria was consistently greater than the leaf-to-leaf variability in numbers of total bacteria. Considering levels of variability in population size immediately prior to and following incubation under either wet or dry physical conditions, leaf-to-leaf variability in the population sizes of inoculated P. syringae strains increased significantly following incubation under dry, but not under wet, conditions. Measurements of leaf-to-leaf variability immediately prior to and following incubation were positively correlated regardless of whether the incubation was under wet or dry conditions, though the correlation was greater following dry incubation. These data provide insight into the biological and physical factors that may be important in generating variability in bacterial population sizes among leaves, and they have important implications for the design of appropriate strategies for sampling leaf surface microbial populations.  相似文献   

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