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目的:观察中枢nesfatin-1对大鼠夜间摄食和胃排空的影响。方法:大鼠经腹腔注射硫酸仲丁巴比妥(100~150 mg/kg)麻醉,侧脑室、第四脑室或小脑延髓池注射nesfatin-1或CRF受体拮抗剂astressin-B或astressin2-B,观察对摄食、胃排空的影响。结果:侧脑室注射nesfatin-1后大鼠第3-6 h夜间进食量(t=3.05~3.58,P0.01)和3 h和6 h的累积进食量(t=5.90~12.1,P0.01)明显减少,nesfatin-1的该抑制效应可被预先侧脑室注射astressin-B或astressin2-B阻断(t=1.06~2.22,P0.05)。第四脑室或小脑延髓池注射nesfatin-1后大鼠夜间摄食量在第1h就明显减少(t=2.59~6.26,P0.05~0.01),持续减少至5-6h(t=1.69~7.42,P0.05~0.01)。侧脑室注射不同剂量nesfatin-1(0.05或0.5μg)20 min后GE率明显降低,且随注射剂量增大,GE率越低(t=3.25~4.67,P0.01)。若预先给予大鼠CRF受体拮抗剂astressin2-B(30μg)再注射nesfatin-1(0.5μg),nesfatin-1抑制大鼠胃排空效应明显减弱(t=2.45~2.85,P0.05)。禁食24 h后再喂食2 h,大鼠下丘脑中nesfatin-1表达明显增加(t=2.87,P0.05),禁食24 h后血浆nesfatin-1水平明显降低(t=1.51,P0.05)。结论:Nesfatin-1抑制摄食作用可能由nesfatin-1和CRF2信号系统共同调节。  相似文献   

目的:通过颈静脉注射外源性nesfatin-1,观察营养性肥胖大鼠摄食、体重、胃排空率的变化情况。方法:营养性肥胖大鼠造模 成功后,各组大鼠行颈静脉插管手术,术后所有大鼠分为四组,正常对照组及肥胖对照组大鼠注射0.9%生理盐水,正常给药及肥 胖给药组大鼠注射外源性nesfatin-1(100 滋g·kg-1),连续颈静脉给药7 d,期间记录各组大鼠摄食量以及体重,给药结束后采用灌 胃酚红法测定大鼠胃排空率。结果:用高脂饲料连续饲养大鼠7天,正常对照组和正常nesfatin-1组大鼠的Lee’s指数分别为314.22 和314.44,肥胖对照组和肥胖nesfatin-1 组大鼠的Lee’s指数分别为318.22 和319.03,肥胖差异显著(T-test, P<0.01),造模成功。连 续给药7 d 后,给药组摄食量和体重与对照组相比明显降低,但肥胖给药组摄食量及体重下降较正常给药组更加明显。胃排空率 与胃排出酚红量是成负相关的,实验中正常对照组和正常给药组的胃排空率分别是64.71± 4.51 和46.47± 3.20,而肥胖对照组和 肥胖给药组大鼠的胃排空率分别是75.67± 2.47 和50.88± 3.07,因此高剂量给予nesfatin-1 能显著降低大鼠的胃排空率。结论:综 上所述,长期持续外周静脉给予外源性的nesfatin-1 可以明显抑制正常及肥胖大鼠的摄食,动物体重减轻。  相似文献   

目的:观察Nesfatin-1对大鼠摄食、胃酸分泌、胃运动及胃排空的影响并探究其可能机制。方法:将大鼠随机分为摄食实验组、胃酸实验组、胃运动实验组以及胃排空实验组。大鼠经腹内侧核置管后给予nasfatin-1,检测大鼠摄食量,使用Na OH滴定法测定大鼠胃酸分泌,记录清醒大鼠胃运动,以比色法测定大鼠胃排空。结果:低剂量和高剂量nesfatin-1均减少2小时累积食物摄入量;高剂量组4小时累积食物摄入量仍显著低于NS对照组。Nesfatin-1能够抑制2-DG对胃酸分泌的促进作用。SHU9119能够部分阻断nesfatin-1对2-DG的抑制作用。Nesfatin-1能够抑制胃运动及胃排空,SHU9119可部分阻断nesfatin-1对胃运动及胃排空的抑制作用。结论:Nesfatin-1能够调控大鼠摄食、胃酸分泌、胃运动及胃排空,黑皮质素信号通路可能也参与该调控过程。  相似文献   

Objective: It has been reported that electrical stimulation at the distal stomach can disrupt intrinsic gastric electrical activity and delay gastric emptying. Gastric dysrhythmia and impaired gastric emptying are associated with upper gastrointestinal symptoms and weight loss. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of low‐frequency/long‐pulse gastric electrical stimulation (GES), at proximal and distal stomach, on canine gastric emptying, food intake, and body weight. Research Methods and Procedures: Eight dogs were surgically implanted with four pairs of electrodes along the greater curvature and a gastric tube at the dependent part of the stomach. Liquid gastric emptying at baseline, during proximal and distal GES at 6 cycles per minute, was assessed first by a dye dilution technique. Proximal and distal GES were then randomly delivered during feeding for 10 consecutive days, and food intake and body weight were recorded daily. Results: There was no significant difference in gastric emptying parameters among the various sessions. The mean daily food consumption was significantly reduced during both sessions of GES, resulting in significant immediate weight loss. Percentage weight loss was comparable between both sessions of GES. Discussion: Short‐term GES significantly reduced canine food intake and weight. This effect may not be related to changes in gastric emptying. GES may have a potential role in the treatment of obesity.  相似文献   

Understanding the impact of rheological properties of food on postprandial appetite and glycemic response helps to design novel functional products. It has been shown that solid foods have a stronger satiating effect than their liquid equivalent. However, whether a subtle change in viscosity of a semi-solid food would have a similar effect on appetite is unknown. Fifteen healthy males participated in the randomized cross-over study. Each participant consumed a 1690 kJ portion of a standard viscosity (SV) and a high viscosity (HV) semi-solid meal with 1000 mg acetaminophen in two separate sessions. At regular intervals during the three hours following the meal, subjective appetite ratings were measured and blood samples collected. The plasma samples were assayed for insulin, glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP), glucose and acetaminophen. After three hours, the participants were provided with an ad libitum pasta meal. Compared with the SV meal, HV was consumed at a slower eating rate (P = 0.020), with postprandial hunger and desire to eat being lower (P = 0.019 and P<0.001 respectively) while fullness was higher (P<0.001). In addition, consuming the HV resulted in lower plasma concentration of GIP (P<0.001), higher plasma concentration of glucose (P<0.001) and delayed gastric emptying as revealed by the acetaminophen absorption test (P<0.001). However, there was no effect of food viscosity on insulin or food intake at the subsequent meal. In conclusion, increasing the viscosity of a semi-solid food modulates glycemic response and suppresses postprandial satiety, although the effect may be short-lived. A slower eating rate and a delayed gastric emptying rate can partly explain for the stronger satiating properties of high viscous semi-solid foods.  相似文献   

Over the years, the knowledge regarding the relevance of the cannabinoid system to the regulation of metabolism has grown steadily. A central interaction between the cannabinoid system and ghrelin has been suggested to regulate food intake. Although the stomach is the main source of ghrelin and CB1 receptor expression in the stomach has been described, little information is available regarding the possible interaction between the gastric cannabinoid and ghrelin systems in the integrated control of energy homeostasis. The main objective of the present work was to assess the functional interaction between these two systems in terms of food intake using a combination of in vivo and in vitro approaches. The present work demonstrates that the peripheral blockade of the CB1 receptor by rimonabant treatment decreased food intake but only in food-deprived animals. This anorexigenic effect is likely a consequence of decreases in gastric ghrelin secretion induced by the activation of the mTOR/S6K1 intracellular pathway in the stomach following treatment with rimonabant. In support of this supposition, animals in which the mTOR/S6K1 intracellular pathway was blocked by chronic rapamycin treatment, rimonabant had no effect on ghrelin secretion. Vagal communication may also be involved because rimonabant treatment was no longer effective when administered to animals that had undergone surgical vagotomy. In conclusion, to the best of our knowledge, the present work is the first to describe a CB1 receptor-mediated mechanism that influences gastric ghrelin secretion and food intake through the mTOR pathway.  相似文献   

目的:研究下丘脑室旁核(paraventricular nucleus,PVN)注射胰高血糖素样肽-1(GLP-1)对糖尿病早期大鼠胃排空的影响,并探讨其相关作用机制.方法:60只清洁级雄性Wistar大鼠随机分为正常对照组(NC组),糖尿病组(DM组),GLP-1干预组(GLP-1组),每组各20只,后两组腹腔注射链脲佐菌素(STZ)制备糖尿病模型,分别于注射STZ2周、6周后每组随机取半数进行实验,实验前于无菌条件下大鼠一侧下丘脑PVN区埋置套管,GLP-1组经套管注入GLP-1,NC组及DM组注入等体积生理盐水.酚红灌胃法检测胃排空率,酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定血浆GLP-1浓度,半定量RT-PCR法测定胃窦、胃底GLP-1RmRNA表达.结果:注射STZ2周后,DM组较NC组胃排空率显著升高(P<0.01).GLP-1组胃排空率低于DM组(P<0.01),血浆GLP-1浓度高于DM组及NC组(P均<0.05),胃窦GLP-1RmRNA表达明显高于DM组、NC组(P均<0.01).注射STZ 6周后,DM组胃排空率高于NC组(P<0.01).GLP-1组较DM组胃排空率显著降低(P<0.01),血浆GLP-1浓度、胃窦GLP-1RmRNA表达显著高于DM组、NC组(P均<0.01).结论:下丘脑PVN区注射GLP-1后,可减慢糖尿病大鼠初期加速的胃排空,原因可能与血浆GLP-1浓度及胃窦GLP-1RmRNA表达增加有关.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the therapeutic potential of retrograde gastric electrical stimulation (RGES) for obesity in a rodent model of obesity. Research Methods and Procedures: The study was performed in 12 obese Zucker rats implanted with two pairs of gastric serosal electrodes, one pair for stimulation and the other for recording intrinsic gastric myoelectrical activity. It was composed of an acute study in three sessions to study the effect of RGES on intrinsic gastric myoelectrical activity and acute food intake and a chronic phase to study the short‐term effect of RGES on weight. RGES was performed through the distal stomach using long pulses at a frequency of tachygastria (known to induce gastric hypomotility). Results: RGES completely entrained intrinsic gastric myoelectrical activity and turned it into tachygastria at a certain strength. RGES reduced acute food intake compared with the control (p < 0.01). A 2‐week treatment of RGES resulted in a significant reduction in food intake (p = 0.002) and a significantly greater weight loss than sham stimulation (p = 0.004). Discussion: RGES at a tachygastrial frequency reduces food intake and results in weight loss in obese Zucker rats, and its effect is probably attributed to the introduction of tachygastria in the stomach.  相似文献   

Amylin, also known as islet amyloid polypeptide, identified in 1987, is a naturally occurring hormone, released by the β cells of the pancreas and consists of 37 amino acids. Amylin seems to decrease food intake through both central and peripheral mechanisms and indirectly by slowing gastric emptying. The mean basal amylin concentration is higher in obese than in lean human subjects. The amylin response to oral glucose is also greater in obese subjects, whether or not they have impaired glucose tolerance. The elevated amylin levels in obesity may lead to down-regulation of amylin receptors and lessen the impact of postprandial amylin secretion on satiety and gastric emptying. Amylin administration may overcome resistance at target tissues, delay gastric emptying, and have potential for inducing weight loss in obese individuals.  相似文献   

Benzodiazepine receptor (BZR) agonists, used extensively for their anxiolytic effects, have been shown to increase food intake in many mammalian species. Little information, however, is available on the effects of BZR agonists on feeding behaviors of humans. Food intake was evaluated in a 60-minute free-feeding standardized test after the acute administration of the BZR agonist chlordiazepoxide (CDP, Librium; 5 mg or 20 mg) or placebo. Subjects were 12 individuals with the Prader Willi syndrome (PWS), a disorder characterized by extreme hyperphagia and morbid obesity, and 11 controls with obesity. PWS subjects showed the characteristic hyperphagia associated with the appetite disorder, consuming more than six times as many sandwiches as controls with obesity. Results revealed no significant effect of either dose of CDP on the food intake of either group. Serum assays revealed that dose-dependent, clinically effective levels of CDP and active metabolites were achieved. These results suggest that acute administration of the BZR agonist CDP, at the therapeutic levels used, may not increase food intake in populations with obesity. However, the chronic effects of CDP on appetite in human populations still need to be explored.  相似文献   

目的:探讨侧脑室注射obestatin对大鼠血浆酰基化ghrelin、去酰基化ghrelin、nesfatin-1水平的影响以及对胃排空的调控。方法:侧脑室注射obestatin,采用酶免疫测定(EIA)法检测血浆酰基化ghrelin、去酰基化ghrelin、nesfatin-1水平以及胃排空率的变化。结果:侧脑室分别注射0.1、0.3或1.0 nmol obestatin,大鼠血浆酰基化ghrelin、去酰基化ghrelin以及nesfatin-1水平无显著改变(P0.05),且酰基化ghrelin与去酰基化ghrelin比率无显著改变(P0.05);侧脑室注射obestatin,大鼠摄食量无显著改变,但胃排空率明显增加(P0.05);胃排空率明显延迟(P0.05)。与侧脑室注射1.0 nmol Obestatin组相比,注射1.0 nmol Obestatin+CRF,大鼠摄食量无显著改变,胃排空率明显延迟(P0.05)。各组摄食量及进入十二指肠内食物量无明显差异(P0.05)。结论:中枢obestatin促进大鼠的胃排空,可能与h/r CRF通路有关。  相似文献   

Schank, Roger C. with Peter C. Childers The Cognitive Computer: On Language, Learning, and Artificial Intelligence Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1984 268 pp. $17.95. Reviewed by Gerald R. Rising.

Brown, Vinson Building Your Own Nature Museum for Study and Pleasure, 2d ed. New York: Arco Pub., 1984 161 pp. $12.95 hardcover, $7.95 paper. Reviewed by A. Gilbert Wright.

Heppenheimer, T. A. The Man-Made Sun: The Quest for Fusion Power Boston, Mass.: Little, Brown and Co., 1984 347 pp., $19.95 hardcover. Reviewed by Laurence A. Marschall.

Stiebing, William H., Jr. Ancient Astronauts, Cosmic Collisions, and Other Popular Theories About Man's Past Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1984 217 pp. $19.95 hardcover, $9.95 paper. Reviewed by Joseph S. Tenn.

Finucane, R. C. Appearances of the Dead: A Cultural History of Ghosts Buffalo, N.Y.: Prometheus Books, 1984 232 pp. $18.95 hardcover. Reviewed by Russell F. Trimble.

De Carlo, Nicola Alberto Psychological Games New York: Facts on File, 1984 184 pp. $22.95 hardcover, $12.95 paper. Reviewed by Barry Guinagh.  相似文献   

LY226936, methylcarbamothoic acid-S-(4,5-dihydro-2-thiazolyl) ester, is a new compound that, when administered to obese Zucker rats, caused reduced food intake. LY226936 reduced the food consumption after a single oral dose of 50 and 100 mg/kg. On chronic oral administration to meal-fed obese (5 to 35 mg/kg. once daily) and to fed obese and lean (15 mg/kg. twice daily) Zucker rats, LY226936 reduced food intake and body weight gain for periods ranging from 40 to 48 days. The effect on both parameters was statistically significant. There is no evidence in our studies that tolerance to the actions of LY226936 developed. LY226936 decreased the consumption of both high carbohydrate and high fat diets. Food consumption of meal-fed obese Zucker rats was reduced significantly each time a single dose of 10 ugm LY226936 per rat was infused intracerebroventricularly. None of the receptors studied (mu and kappa opioid, CCK, serotonin, neuropeptide Y, galinin, N-methyl-D-aspartic acid) appeared to bind LY226936 and therefore, appear not to be involved in the depression of food intake by the obese Zucker rat.  相似文献   



The mechanisms determining long-term weight maintenance after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) remain unclear. Cross sectional studies have suggested that enhanced energy expenditure (EE) may play a significant role and the aim of this study was to reveal the impact of RYGB on each major component constituting total EE.


Six obese female subjects, without other co-morbidities, were assessed before and at 10 days, 3 and 20 months after RYGB. Indirect calorimetry in a metabolic chamber was used to assess 24h EE at each study visit. Other measurements included body composition by DEXA, gut hormone profiles and physical activity (PA) using high sensitivity accelerometers.


Median Body Mass Index decreased from 41.1 (range 39.1-44.8) at baseline to 28 kg/m2 (range 22.3-30.3) after 20 months (p<0.05). Lean tissue decreased from 55.9 (range 47.5-59.3) to 49.5 (range 41.1-54.9) kg and adipose tissue from 61 (range 56-64.6) to 27 (range 12-34.3) kg (both p<0.05). PA over 24h did not change after surgery whereas 24h EE and basal metabolic rate (BMR) decreased. EE after a standard meal increased after surgery when adjusted for total tissue (p<0.05). After an initial drop, RQ (respiratory quotient) had increased at 20 months, both as measured during 24h and after food intake (p<0.05).


RYGB surgery up-regulates RQ and EE after food intake resulting in an increased contribution to total EE over 24h when corrected for total tissue.  相似文献   

Several models of Gastric Emptying (GE) have been employed in the past to represent the rate of delivery of stomach contents to the duodenum and jejunum. These models have all used a deterministic form (algebraic equations or ordinary differential equations), considering GE as a continuous, smooth process in time. However, GE is known to occur as a sequence of spurts, irregular both in size and in timing. Hence, we formulate a simple stochastic process model, able to represent the irregular decrements of gastric contents after a meal. The model is calibrated on existing literature data and provides consistent predictions of the observed variability in the emptying trajectories. This approach may be useful in metabolic modeling, since it describes well and explains the apparently heterogeneous GE experimental results in situations where common gastric mechanics across subjects would be expected.  相似文献   

Partially purified cholecystokinin (CCK) was injected intraperitoneally into fasted rats prior to food presentation. The hormone produced a large doserelated suppression of intake of solid and liquid diets. Identical doses of the synthetic terminal octapeptide of cholecystokinin produced identical results. An effective dose of CCK did not suppress drinking after water deprivation. Treated animals did not appear ill and were not hyperthermic; neither CCK nor the octapeptide produced learning of a taste aversion in bait-shyness tests. The effect of CCK is not a property of all gut hormones, since injections of secretin did not affect feeding. These studies raise the possibility that CCK plays an inhibitory role in the short-term control of feeding behavior.  相似文献   

The pattern and rate of gastric emptying have been studied in 16 patients before and after vagotomy and pyloroplasty. The rate of emptying, expressed as half life in minutes, was not greatly changed by operation. After operation, however, there was a rapid initial phase of emptying, particularly marked in patients who had post-vagotomy diarrhoea.  相似文献   

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