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Molecular diversity of protists from bovine rumen fluid incubated with condensed tannins of Leucaena leucocephala hybrid‐Rendang at 20 mg/500 mg dry matter (treatment) or without condensed tannins (control) was investigated using 18S rRNA gene library. Clones from the control library were distributed within nine genera, but clones from the condensed tannin treatment clone library were related to only six genera. Diversity estimators such as abundance‐based coverage estimation and Chao1 showed significant differences between the two libraries, although no differences were found based on Shannon–Weaver index and Libshuff.  相似文献   

Autotrophic ammonia oxidizer (AAO) populations in soils from native, tilled, and successional treatments at the Kellogg Biological Station Long-Term Ecological Research site in southwestern Michigan were compared to assess effects of disturbance on these bacteria. N fertilization effects on AAO populations were also evaluated with soils from fertilized microplots within the successional treatments. Population structures were characterized by PCR amplification of microbial community DNA with group-specific 16S rRNA gene (rDNA) primers, cloning of PCR products and clone hybridizations with group-specific probes, phylogenetic analysis of partial 16S rDNA sequences, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis. Population sizes were estimated by using most-probable-number (MPN) media containing varied concentrations of ammonium sulfate. Tilled soils contained higher numbers than did native soils of culturable AAOs that were less sensitive to different ammonium concentrations in MPN media. Compared to sequences from native soils, partial 16S rDNA sequences from tilled soils were less diverse and grouped exclusively within Nitrosospira cluster 3. Native soils yielded sequences representing three different AAO clusters. Probes for Nitrosospira cluster 3 hybridized with DGGE blots from tilled and fertilized successional soils but not with blots from native or unfertilized successional soils. Hybridization results thus suggested a positive association between the Nitrosospira cluster 3 subgroup and soils amended with inorganic N. DGGE patterns for soils sampled from replicated plots of each treatment were nearly identical for tilled and native soils in both sampling years, indicating spatial and temporal reproducibility based on treatment.  相似文献   

基于线粒体12S rRNA和16S rRNA基因序列联合分析,采用最大简约法、最大似然法和贝叶斯法分别构建了中国蚤蝇科14属的系统发育树.结果表明:联合分析序列总长度为819 bp,其中可变位点277个,简约信息位点200个;A+T平均含量为77.7%,具A、T偏倚性.系统发育分析显:中国蚤蝇科为单系发生,分为蚤蝇亚科和裂蚤蝇亚科两个单系群.蚤蝇亚科内脉蚤蝇属、锥蚤蝇属和刺蚤蝇属亲缘关系较近,栅蚤蝇属与栓蚤蝇属亲缘关系较近;裂蚤蝇亚科中虼蚤蝇属与裂蚤蝇属互为姐妹群,寡蚤蝇属与伐蚤蝇属互为姐妹群.  相似文献   

The novel multi-million read generating sequencing technologies are very promising for resolving the immense soil 16S rRNA gene bacterial diversity. Yet they have a limited maximum sequence length screening ability, restricting studies in screening DNA stretches of single 16S rRNA gene hypervariable (V) regions. The aim of the present study was to assess the effects of properties of four consecutive V regions (V3-6) on commonly applied analytical methodologies in bacterial ecology studies. Using an in silico approach, the performance of each V region was compared with the complete 16S rRNA gene stretch. We assessed related properties of the soil derived bacterial sequence collection of the Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) database and concomitantly performed simulations based on published datasets. Results indicate that overall the most prominent V region for soil bacterial diversity studies was V3, even though it was outperformed in some of the tests. Despite its high performance during most tests, V4 was less conserved along flanking sites, thus reducing its ability for bacterial diversity coverage. V5 performed well in the non-redundant RDP database based analysis. However V5 did not resemble the full-length 16S rRNA gene sequence results as well as V3 and V4 did when the natural sequence frequency and occurrence approximation was considered in the virtual experiment. Although, the highly conserved flanking sequence regions of V6 provide the ability to amplify partial 16S rRNA gene sequences from very diverse owners, it was demonstrated that V6 was the least informative compared to the rest examined V regions. Our results indicate that environment specific database exploration and theoretical assessment of the experimental approach are strongly suggested in 16S rRNA gene based bacterial diversity studies.  相似文献   

分别在2004年、2005年和2006年洱海鱼腥藻水华暴发时期,分离优势种,获得藻株EH-A、EH-B和EH-C,通过形态学特征和16S rRNA基因序列分析鉴定了藻株的种类.选用藻丝的形态、气囊的存在与否、异形胞和孢子的位置、各种细胞的形状以及营养细胞、异形胞和孢子的大小等传统的分类特征描述藻株的形态.依据形态特征,初步判断这3个藻株可能为卷曲鱼腥藻(Anabaena circinalis)或 A.crassa株系成员.利用16S rRNA基因序列构建邻接树分析了藻株间的系统进化关系,分析表明:藻株EH-A、EH-B和EH-C序列的同源性达到100%,且与A.circicular 和A.crassa藻株组成一个群(cluster),其藻株间的序列相似度高达100%,进一步说明藻株EH-A、EH-B和EH-C为相同的物种,且均为卷曲鱼腥藻(A.circinalis)或A.crassa.  相似文献   

Based on comparative phylogenetic analysis of 16S rRNA gene sequences deposited in an RDP database, we constructed a local database of thaumarchaeotal 16S rRNA gene sequences and developed a novel PCR primer specific for the archaeal phylum Thaumarchaeota. Among 9,727 quality-filtered (chimeral-checked, size >1.2 kb) archaeal sequences downloaded from the RDP database, 1,549 thaumarchaeotal sequences were identified and included in our local database. In our study, Thaumarchaeota included archaeal groups MG-I, SAGMCG-I, SCG, FSCG, RC, and HWCG-III, forming a monophyletic group in the phylogenetic tree. Cluster analysis revealed 114 phylotypes for Thaumarchaeota. The majority of the phylotypes (66.7%) belonged to the MG-I and SCG, which together contained most (93.9%) of the thaumarchaeotal sequences in our local database. A phylum-directed primer was designed from a consensus sequence of the phylotype sequences, and the primer’s specificity was evaluated for coverage and tolerance both in silico and empirically. The phylum-directed primer, designated THAUM-494, showed >90% coverage for Thaumarchaeota and <1% tolerance to non-target taxa, indicating high specificity. To validate this result experimentally, PCRs were performed with THAUM-494 in combination with a universal archaeal primer (ARC917R or 1017FAR) and DNAs from five environmental samples to construct clone libraries. THAUM-494 showed a satisfactory specificity in empirical studies, as expected from the in silico results. Phylogenetic analysis of 859 cloned sequences obtained from 10 clone libraries revealed that >95% of the amplified sequences belonged to Thaumarchaeota. The most frequently sampled thaumarchaeotal subgroups in our samples were SCG, MG-I, and SAGMCG-I. To our knowledge, THAUM-494 is the first phylum-level primer for Thaumarchaeota. Furthermore, the high coverage and low tolerance of THAUM-494 will make it a potentially valuable tool in understanding the phylogenetic diversity and ecological niche of Thaumarchaeota.  相似文献   

A rapid polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based procedure was developed for the detection of Pseudomonas avellanae , the causal agent of hazelnut ( Corylus avellana ) decline in northern Greece and central Italy. The partial sequence of the 16S rRNA gene of P. avellanae strain PD 2390, isolated in central Italy, was compared with the sequence coding for the same gene of P. syringae pv. syringae type-strain LMG 1247t1. Primers PAV 1 and PAV 22 were chosen, and after the PCR, an amplification product of 762 base pairs was specifically produced only by 40 strains of P. avellanae isolated from northern Greece and central Italy. No other bacterial species among those tested showed an amplification product under optimized PCR conditions. The adding of 4% BLOTTO (10% skim milk powder and 0.2% NaN3) in the PCR mixture proved essential in order to avoid interference of hazelnut extracts during the amplification. The procedure proved more effective than repetitive PCR with ERIC primer sets in diagnosing apparently healthy hazelnut trees as infected. This technique could be of great help for screening the hazelnut propagative material as well as for monitoring the wild C. avellana trees growing in the woods near the infected hazelnut orchards.  相似文献   

Bacterial 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) amplicons have been widely used in the classification of uncultured bacteria inhabiting environmental niches. Primers targeting conservative regions of the rDNAs are used to generate amplicons of variant regions that are informative in taxonomic assignment. One problem is that the percentage coverage and application scope of the primers used in previous studies are largely unknown. In this study, conservative fragments of available rDNA sequences were first mined and then used to search for candidate primers within the fragments by measuring the coverage rate defined as the percentage of bacterial sequences containing the target. Thirty predicted primers with a high coverage rate (>90%) were identified, which were basically located in the same conservative regions as known primers in previous reports, whereas 30% of the known primers were associated with a coverage rate of <90%. The application scope of the primers was also examined by calculating the percentages of failed detections in bacterial phyla. Primers A519–539, E969–983, E1063–1081, U515 and E517, are highly recommended because of their high coverage in almost all phyla. As expected, the three predominant phyla, Firmicutes, Gemmatimonadetes and Proteobacteria, are best covered by the predicted primers. The primers recommended in this report shall facilitate a comprehensive and reliable survey of bacterial diversity in metagenomic studies.  相似文献   

旨在探究脂肪酸作为一种有效的芽胞杆菌分类标记,以25种芽胞杆菌模式菌株为研究对象,对芽胞杆菌进行脂肪酸组分和16S rRNA基因系统进化分析比较。结果表明,脂肪酸系统发育分析能充分体现芽胞杆菌种类间的亲缘关系,并且按生物学特性进行聚类分群,而16S rRNA系统发育仅完美体现出种间的亲缘关系。利用脂肪酸分析可将25种芽胞杆菌完全准确分开,且将生物学特性相同的芽胞杆菌种类聚为一类,如碱性条件下生长良好的4种芽胞杆菌(B.agaradhaerens、B.alacalphilus、B.alkalitelluris和B.fastidiosus)聚为一类,芽胞杆菌为圆形的芽胞杆菌(B.fusiformis、B.odysseyi和B.sphaericus)聚为一类。结果表明,脂肪酸分析不仅根据亲缘关系进行聚类,还可以根据生物学特性对芽胞杆菌进行分类。  相似文献   

Old World fruitbats were divided into the cynopterine, epomophorine, rousettine, eonycterine, and notopterine sections by Knud Andersen (1912). Among these, the eonycterine and notopterine sections together comprise the subfamily Macroglossinae, which includes forms with specializations for nectarivory. Single-copy DNA hybridization data argue against the monophyly of four of Andersen's sections and further suggest paraphyly or polyphyly of the Macroglossinae. DNA hybridization data provide support for an endemic African clade that includes Megaloglossus (an eonycterine), Epomophorus (an epomophorine), and Lissonycteris (a rousettine). Analyses of mitochondrial 12S rRNA-tRNA valine gene sequences corroborate the African clade but provide less resolution than hybridization data for most branches on the pteropodid tree. Here, we report 11 new 16S rRNA sequences and analyze a mitochondrial data set that includes 12S rRNA, tRNA valine, and 16S rRNA for 18 pteropodid genera. Parsimony, minimum evolution, and maximum likelihood were all employed in phylogenetic analyses. The addition of 16S rRNA sequences to the mitochondrial data set resulted in increased support for several clades, including Macroglossus + Syconycteris, Cynopterus + Thoopterus, Rousettus + the endemic African clade, and Eonycteris + Rousettus + the endemic African clade. Statistical tests suggest that another endemic African genus, Eidolon, is dissociated from the African clade and represents an independent invasion into Africa. We constructed a molecular phylogenetic framework that incorporated clades that were strongly supported by both single-copy DNA hybridization and 12S rRNA-tRNA valine-16S rRNA sequences. Using this framework as a backbone phylogenetic constraint, we then analyzed a morphological data matrix for 34 pteropodid genera with parsimony. Results of this analysis suggest that other epomophorines and Myonycteris (a cynopterine) are also part of the endemic African clade.  相似文献   

蟋蟀科5属9个种的线粒体16S rRNA基因部分序列被测定或从Gen Bank获得,比较其同源性,计算核苷酸使用频率,并构建NJ和MP分子系统树。在获得的449bp的序列中A、T、C和G碱基含量分别为31.8%、36.9%、9.9%和21.4%,A T平均含量为68.7%。研究结果表明:所研究的5属9种蟋蟀聚成3个聚类簇,斗蟋属先与灶蟋属汇合,再与棺头蟋属构成聚类簇Ⅰ;油葫芦属黑脸油葫芦和北京油葫芦与蟋蟀属的家蟋相聚构成聚类簇Ⅱ;蟋蟀属的田蟋单独构成聚类簇Ⅲ。  相似文献   

基于12S和16S rRNA序列的湍蛙属部分物种的系统发育关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测定了湍蛙属 6个种共 10个种群 ,以及 4个外群种的线粒体 12S和 16SrRNA基因片段 ,比对后有94 0bp序列 ,发现 35 2个变异位点、 186个简约性位点。运用NJ法、MP法、ML法构建了系统关系树 ,各系统树一致表明内群为一单系群 ,分为两组 :第一组中 ,四川湍蛙两种群先聚合 ,再和棕点湍蛙聚为一支 ;第二组中 ,香港湍蛙和戴云湍蛙聚为一支 ,而香港大屿山离岛湍蛙种群首先与华南湍蛙相聚 ,再与武夷湍蛙构成姐妹支。研究结果表明 :香港地区增加 1种湍蛙分布 ;戴云湍蛙是一有效种 ;四川湍蛙的石棉和洪雅种群间遗传差异达到或超过其他种间的分歧水平。  相似文献   

We found and sequenced intervening sequences (IVSs) in the PCR-amplicons of 16S rRNA genes of 3 strains of Campylobacter rectus, 2 strains of C. curvus and 2 strains of C. sputorum. The lengths of the IVSs were 140 to 233 bp. The IVSs of C. rectus were identical and had a sequence homology of 55 to 79% against those of C. curvus and C. helveticus. The IVSs of C. sputorum were 97.9-100% homologous but poorly homologous to the other IVSs. In spite of the diversities of the lengths and the nucleotide sequences, all of the IVSs were located at the same position in the 16S rRNA genes.  相似文献   

A defined template mixture of seven closely related 16S-rDNA clones was used in a PCR-cloning experiment to assess and track sources of artifactual sequence variation in 16S rDNA clone libraries. At least 14% of the recovered clones contained aberrations. Artifact sources were polymerase errors, a mutational hot spot, and cloning of heteroduplexes and chimeras. These data may partially explain the high degree of microheterogeneity typical of sequence clusters detected in environmental clone libraries.  相似文献   

The brine-seawater interface of the Kebrit Deep, northern Red Sea, was investigated for the presence of microorganisms using phylogenetic analysis combined with cultivation methods. Under strictly anaerobic culture conditions, novel halophiles were isolated. The new rod-shaped isolates belong to the halophilic genus Halanaerobium and are the first representatives of the genus obtained from deep-sea, anaerobic brine pools. Within the genus Halanaerobium, they represent new species which grow chemoorganotrophically at NaCl concentrations ranging from 5 to 34%. The cellular fatty acid compositions are consistent with those of other Halanaerobium representatives, showing unusually large amounts of Δ7 and Δ11 16:1 fatty acids. Phylogenetic analysis of the brine-seawater interface sample revealed the presence of various bacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences dominated by cultivated members of the bacterial domain, with the majority affiliated with the genus Halanaerobium. The new Halanaerobium 16S rRNA clone sequences showed the highest similarity (99.9%) to the sequence of isolate KT-8-13 from the Kebrit Deep brine. In this initial survey, our polyphasic approach demonstrates that novel halophiles thrive in the anaerobic, deep-sea brine pool of the Kebrit Deep, Red Sea. They may contribute significantly to the anaerobic degradation of organic matter enriched at the brine-seawater interface.  相似文献   

基于16S rRNA序列的角蟾科部分属间系统关系   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
采用最大似然法(ML法)、最大简约法(MP法)、邻接法(NJ法)对来自角蟾科Megophryidae(Anura)8属17种及外群2种共25条400bp左右的线粒体16S rRNA序列进行系统发育关系分析。结果表明,用于分析的所有角蟾科物种形成两大支,第一支包括Megophrys,Brachytarsophrys和Atympanophrys,第二支包括Leptobrachium,Leptolalax,Scutiger,Oreolalax和Vibrissaphora。支持将角蟾科划分为两大类群,即第一支属于Megophryini族.第二支属于Leptobrachiini族。根据分子钟模型初步推测两类群问的分歧时间大致为14.2~18.7百万年前。在Megophryini族中,基因树的拓扑结构不支持Atympanophrys建立后的Megophrys为单系;而在Leptobrachiini族中,Leptolalax为一有效属,其系统发生较早。  相似文献   

甘蔗茎内两个内生菌株16S rRNA 序列分析及其生长特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从两个甘蔗品种GT11和RB86-7515表面灭菌的茎中分离到两株具有固氮活性的菌株,分别编号为B11S和B8S.利用16S rRNA序列分析对其进行鉴定,并对两个菌株的生物学特性进行了比较.结果表明:B11S菌株与Stenotrophomonas maltophili菌株处在同一个分支,其序列与多个Stenotrophomonas maltophili菌株的序列相似性都达到98%以上,菌株B8S与多个土壤杆菌属细菌的序列相似性达到100%;两个菌株在温度31℃、pH为6左右时生长量最高;温度31℃、pH为6.5~7.0时固氮酶活性最高;相同浓度的蔗糖生长量大于葡萄糖,且表达固氮酶活性也最强;添加一定量的氮素有利于细菌生长和固氮酶活性的表达,但随着N含量的增加,抑制作用越来越明显.  相似文献   

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