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In 2001 nine temporary pools of the northern Apennines (Italy) were visited on 13 occasions during the ice‐free season (May to October). The aims of this research were to define the relationships between hydroperiod and other environmental variables and the zooplankton. In total, 49 zooplankton taxa were identified: 36 rotifers, 5 cladocerans, 6 copepods and 2 anostracans. Our results indicate that hydroperiod is a major determinant affecting zooplankton species richness. The highest number of taxa was found in the pond having the longest duration. Distinctive species assemblages were observed in different habitat types: pools with the shortest hydroperiod were characterised by organisms with brief life cycles (e.g. rotifers) and/or typical of temporary habitat (e.g. anostracans). Of the physical and chemical characteristics, pH and chlorophyll‐a appeared to have the largest influence on zooplankton distribution in the studied pools. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Changes in the distribution of game animals that have living ranges with northern and southern boundaries in the northwestern regions of Russia have been analyzed and compared to horological materials published by a group of researchers almost 50 years ago. An anthropogenic impact has been identified as the major factor for the changes named above.  相似文献   

为了了解鸟类组成和海拔分布状况,利用样线法和固定调查点法于2007~2015年对广西大明山的鸟类进行了研究。在大明山共记录鸟类337种,隶属于17目56科。繁殖鸟类(包括留鸟和夏候鸟)共计234种,占大明山鸟类种数的69.4%,具有明显优势,构成了大明山鸟类区系组成的主体。大明山具有典型的华南区向华中区过渡的鸟类区系特征,67.1%的繁殖鸟类属于东洋型的种类。随着海拔的增加,东洋型的种类逐渐减少。依据海拔梯度和植被的不同,可以将大明山鸟类分成6个类群,鸟类总种数和繁殖鸟类种数均以海拔500~900 m的范围内最多,海拔200~500 m范围内鸟类次之。由于大明山地处热带南缘,本研究将为今后监测气候变暖对鸟类的影响提供依据。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to measure the communities associated with different seagrass species to predict how shifts in seagrass species composition may affect associated fauna. In the northwestern Gulf of Mexico, coverage of the historically dominant shoal grass (Halodule wrightii) is decreasing, while coverage of manatee grass (Syringodium filiforme) and turtle grass (Thalassia testudinum) is increasing. We conducted a survey of fishes, crabs, and shrimp in monospecific beds of shoal, manatee, and turtle grass habitats of South Texas, USA to assess how changes in sea grass species composition would affect associated fauna. We measured seagrass parameters including shoot density, above ground biomass, epiphyte type, and epiphyte abundance to investigate relationships between faunal abundance and these seagrass parameters. We observed significant differences in communities among three seagrass species, even though these organisms are highly motile and could easily travel among the different seagrasses. Results showed species specific relationships among several different characteristics of the seagrass community and individual species abundance. More work is needed to discern the drivers of the complex relationships between individual seagrass species and their associated fauna.  相似文献   

Foraging theory indicates that aphid predators should lay their eggs early in the development of an aphid colony. Hoverflies appear to respond to cues associated with the age of an aphid colony in assessing its quality for oviposition. However, in the study reported here, ovipositing two-spot ladybirds did not respond differentially to two cues, in various combinations, associated with the age of aphid colonies on herbaceous plants: (a) age structure of the aphid colony and (b) the age of the plant. Thus, this aphid predator appears to be mainly using cues associated with the presence of conspecific larvae rather than those associated with aphids and/or plants when assessing patch quality.  相似文献   

Understanding tree growth in response to rainfall distribution is critical to predicting forest and species population responses to climate change. We investigated inter‐annual and seasonal variation in stem diameter by three emergent tree species in a seasonally dry tropical forest in southeast Pará, Brazil. Annual diameter growth rates by Swietenia macrophylla demonstrated strong positive correlation with annual rainfall totals during 1997–2009; Hymenaea courbaril growth rates demonstrated weak positive correlation, whereas Parkia pendula exhibited weak negative correlation. For both Swietenia and Hymenaea, annual diameter growth rates correlated positively and significantly with rainfall totals during the first 6 mo of the growing year (July to December). Vernier dendrometer bands monitored at 4‐wk intervals during 3–5 yr confirmed strong seasonal effects on stem diameter expansion. Individuals of all three species expanded in unison during wet season months and were static or even contracted during dry season months. Stems of the deciduous Swietenia contracted as crowns were shed during the early dry season, expanded slightly as new crowns were flushed, and then contracted further during 3–5 wk flowering periods in the late dry season by newly mature crowns. The three species’ physiographic distribution patterns at the study site may partially underlie observed differences in annual and seasonal growth. With most global circulation models predicting conditions becoming gradually drier in southeast Amazonia over the coming decades, species such as Swietenia that perform best on the ‘wet end’ of current conditions may experience reduced growth rates. However, population viability will not necessarily be threatened if life history and ecophysiological responses to changing conditions are compensatory.  相似文献   

Decaying macrophytes are an important source of carbon and nutrients in fungal and bacterial communities of northern prairie wetlands. Dead macrophytes do not collapse into the water column immediately after death, and decomposition by fungi and bacteria begins while the plants are standing. The seasonal variations in fungal biomass and production on Scirpus lacustris stems, both above and below water, were measured to assess which environmental factors were dominant in affecting these variations in a typical prairie wetland. Fungal biomass and production were measured from early May to November, just prior to freeze-up. Fungal decomposition began and was greatest in the spring despite low water temperatures. The fungal production, as measured by the incorporation of [1-14C]acetate into ergosterol, ranged from 1.8 to 376 μg of C g of ash-free dry mass (AFDM)−1 day−1, and the biomass, as estimated by using ergosterol, ranged from nondetectable to 5.8 mg of C g of AFDM−1. There was no significant difference in biomass or production between aerial and submerged portions of Scirpus stems. The water temperature was correlated with fungal production (r = 0.7, P < 0.005) for aerial stem pieces but not for submerged pieces. However, in laboratory experiments water temperature had a measurable effect on both biomass and production in submerged stem pieces. Changes in fungal biomass and productivity on freshly cut green Scirpus stems decaying in the water either exposed to natural solar radiation or protected from UV radiation were monitored over the summer. There was no significant difference in either fungal biomass (P = 0.76) or production (P = 0.96) between the two light treatments. The fungal biomass and rates of production were within the lower range of the values reported elsewhere, probably as a result of the colder climate and perhaps the lower lability of Scirpus stems compared to the labilities of the leaves and different macrophytes examined in other studies performed at lower latitudes.  相似文献   

Phenology of Tree Species in Bolivian Dry Forests   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phenological characteristics of 453 individuals representing 39 tree species were investigated in two dry forests of the Lomerío region, Department of Santa Cruz, Bolivia. The leaf, flower, and fruit production of canopy and sub–canopy forest tree species were recorded monthly over a two–year period. Most canopy species lost their leaves during the dry season, whereas nearly all sub–canopy species retained their leaves. Peak leaf fall for canopy trees coincided with the peak of the dry season in July and August. Flushing of new leaves was complete by November in the early rainy season. Flowering and fruiting were bimodal, with a major peak occurring at the end of the dry season (August–October) and a minor peak during the rainy season (January). Fruit development was sufficiently long in this forest that fruiting peaks actually tended to precede flowering peaks by one month. A scarcity of fruit was observed in May, corresponding to the end of the rainy season. With the exception of figs (Ficus), most species had fairly synchronous fruit production. Most canopy trees had small, wind dispersed seeds or fruits that matured during the latter part of the dry season, whereas many sub–canopy tree species produced larger animal– or gravity–dispersed fruits that matured during the peak of the rainy season. Most species produced fruit annually. Lomerio received less rainfall than other tropical dry forests in which phenological studies have been conducted, but rainfall can be plentiful during the dry season in association with the passage of Antarctic cold fronts. Still, phenological patterns in Bolivian dry forests appear to be similar to those of other Neotropical dry forests.  相似文献   

Interspecific and interannual variation in reproductive phenology was quantified for 50 common species of trees and shrubs from a mesic savanna near Darwin, northern Australia. The presence of buds, flowers, and fruit was noted over a 30-month period, from September 1992 to February 1995. Surveys were undertaken at monthly intervals for the less common species, and at bimonthly intervals for ten of the common trees and tall shrubs. The majority of species flowered each year at about the same time. There was no evidence of sub-annual or continuous regimes of reproductive phenology. There was no supra-annual carryover of seed-bearing fruit in the canopy of any species. The peak flowering periods were the mid to late dry season (July–August) and the transition between the dry season and the wet season (October–November). The two dominant trees–Eucalyptus miniata and E, tetrodonta– flowered during the dry season, thereby providing resources for some elements of the vertebrate fauna. Flowering and fruiting were uncommon at the end of the wet season (February/March), although two species that flower and fruit at this time (E. porrecta and Terminalia ferdinandianas may provide resources to consumers at a time when floral or fruit resources are otherwise scarce. Because the peak of reproductive activity takes place during the late dry season, fruit maturity and seed dispersal have occurred prior to the onset of the rainy season for most species, and germination and seedling establishment potentially may take effect in response to the first rains. Late dry season fires, which tend to be extensive and intense, are a potential threat to the floral and fruit reserves within these savannas.  相似文献   

Phenological studies are especially important in order to understand the ecological process operating at temporal level. The western slopes of the northern Chilean Andes at about 3,500 m asl are a mosaic of arid environments in which precipitations are highly seasonal, mostly concentrated in summer. Teriocolias zelia andina Forbes (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) is one of the most conspicuous and regularly observed butterflies flying in this region; it is a host specialist associated with the native shrub Senna birostris var. arequipensis (Fabaceae). The objectives of this study were (1) to characterize the temporal variations in the relative abundance of eggs of this host-specialist butterfly and (2) to examine the relationship of these variations with leaf phenology. Monthly samplings of eggs were carried out from February 2011 to January 2012. Circular statistical analyses of the relative abundance of eggs indicated clustered distribution along the year with the mean vector in June. Temporal variation in the relative abundance of eggs was correlated (Spearman rank correlation test) with the availability of plant substrate for egg laying and larval feeding.  相似文献   

Growth and production of the temperate C4 species Cyperus longusL. was measured throughout a growing season in an establishedplot in Eastern Ireland. The maximum standing live biomass reachedwas 2·5 kg m–2. Estimates of unit leaf rate (ULR)and leaf area index (LAI) were made. The product of these quantitiesgave the crop growth rate (CGR) each week. C. longus was foundto maintain high values of LAI throughout the summer, with amaximum value of about 13 in early August. CGR reached a peakin early July. The optimum LAI was 11·6. Temperaturesat five levels in the plant canopy, and the amount of solarradiation intercepted by the canopy were measured continuouslyduring the summer. The mean daily rate of leaf extension waspositively correlated with the mean daily air temperature abovethe canopy but the temperature coefficient of the process waslow compared with other temperate species. The percentage ofsolar radiation intercepted by the canopy increased rapidlyin early summer, and canopy closure had occurred by mid-June.Rates of net photosynthesis were measured on young and old leafmaterial in situ at the time of peak LAI. In young leaves themaximum rates of net photosynthesis were higher than those publishedfor a range of temperate C3 species, but similar to those foundin another temperate C4 species, Spartina townsendii. Key words: C4 photosynthesis, leaf growth, productivity  相似文献   

Journal of Plant Growth Regulation - Sustainable crop production under changing climate is crucial to feed the increasing population of the world. Efforts are underway to discover novel strategies...  相似文献   

Spring phenologies are advancing in many ecosystems associated with climate warming causing unpredictable changes in ecosystem functioning. Here we establish a phenological model for Daphnia, an aquatic keystone herbivore based on decadal data on water temperatures and the timing of Daphnia population maxima from Lake Constance, a large European lake. We tested this model with long-term time-series data from two lakes (Müggelsee, Germany; Lake Washington, USA), and with observations from a diverse set of 49 lakes/sites distributed widely across the Northern Hemisphere (NH). The model successfully captured the observed temporal variation of Daphnia phenology in the two case study sites (r2 = 0.25 and 0.39 for Müggelsee and Lake Washington, respectively) and large-scale spatial variation in the NH (R2 = 0.57). These results suggest that Daphnia phenology follows a uniform temperature dependency in NH lakes. Our approach – based on temperature phenologies – has large potential to study and predict phenologies of animal and plant populations across large latitudinal gradients in other ecosystems.  相似文献   

The frequency of occurrence and seasonal periodicity of aquatic hyphomycetes in a temperate freshwater stream of Central Himalaya were studied. The number of aquatic hyphomycetes species was found to vary inversely with temperature (r= −0.499; not significant), which explained 25 % of the variability. There were two maxima, one in spring and the other in autumn. On the basis of their occurrence, the species observed have been categorised into three groups. Constant species were Campylospora chaetocladia, Flagellospora penicilloides, Lemonniera aquatica and Tetracladium marchalianum.  相似文献   

The composition of the Caspian fauna is considered in the light of modern data. The number of autochthonous species known for the Caspian Sea has now reached 435 and the Caspian species in the Pontoazov basin and Lake Aral number 178 and 41 species, respectively, i. e. 25–30% more than stated in the lists in my previous review (1960, 1964). The distribution of the Caspian fauna outside the Caspian Sea is discussed and it is shown that the ranges of many species have diminised owing to unfavourable conditions. However, in some species, especially mysids, the ranges have become substantially larger on account of their artificial acclimatization.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - The ichthyoplankton of the upper epipelagic zone (0–50 m) was studied in the northern part of the Sea of ​​Japan in July–August 2017. Eggs of seven...  相似文献   

吸虱是寄生于真兽类哺乳动物体表的专性吸血寄生虫,广布于世界各地.我国已知吸虱11科22属96种.分别占世界已知科、属、种的64.71%、45.83%、17.14%.从分类阶元、特有物种、动物地理区划和宿主动物4个方面分析了我国吸虱的物种多样性.中国特有种吸虱27种.中国横跨古北和东洋两界,吸虱分布以东洋界和占北界共有属级分布型最丰富,有13属29种;其次为东洋界特有分布型,有6属41种,种类丰富;古北界特有分布型仅2属,但种类丰富,有24种.吸虱在7个地理区分布,以华中区、华南区、西南区3个地理区的吸虱物种多样性较高,其它4个区的物种多样性较低.我国吸虱物种多样性较为丰富,吸虱的物种分布受宿主动物地域分布的影响较大.吸虱的宿主动物种类丰富,但宿主动物体表吸虱的物种多样性低,一科(属)阶元的吸虱其宿主多为相对应的一科(亚科)动物阶元,反映了吸虱宿主特异性较高的事实,是吸虱与其宿主协同进化的生态学表现.  相似文献   

本文研究了小龙门林区夏季鸟类群落物种组成和多样性及其在 1999年~ 2 0 0 3年时间段内的变化。通过野外设置8块样地 ,采用网捕环志、望远镜观察、鸣叫识别三种方法统计 ,得到了以下结论 :山雀科 (Paridae)、长尾山雀科 (Aegithalidae)、翁鸟科 (Muscicapidae)为该地区的优势科 ,银喉长尾山雀 (Aegithaloscaudatus)、大山雀 (Parusmajor)、褐头山雀 (Parusmontanus)、冠纹柳莺 (Phylloscopusreguloides)为该地区的优势种 ;林区鸟类物种及生物多样性丰富 ,且在研究阶段内呈现逐渐增长的趋势 ;另外 ,通过分析也发现林区内空间距离是决定不同森林生境类型间鸟类群落相似程度的主要因素 ,这些结论对于太行山生态恢复工程如何继续实施有重要意义。  相似文献   

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