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采用自动在线纳流多维液相色谱 串联质谱联用的方法分离和鉴定蔗糖密度梯度离心法分离和富集的小鼠肝脏质膜蛋白质 .以强阳离子交换柱为第一相 ,反相柱为第二相 ,在两相之间连接一预柱脱盐和浓缩肽段 .用含去污剂的溶剂提取细胞质膜中的蛋白质 ,获得的质膜蛋白质经酶解和适当的酸化后通过离子交换柱吸附 ,分别用 10个不同浓度的乙酸铵盐溶液进行分段洗脱 .洗脱物经预柱脱盐和浓缩后进入毛细管反相柱进行反相分离 ,分离后的肽段直接进入质谱仪离子源进行一级和二级质谱分析 .质谱仪采得的数据经计算机处理后用Mascot软件进行蛋白质数据库搜寻 ,共鉴定出 12 6种蛋白质 ,其中 4 1种为膜蛋白 ,包括与膜相关的蛋白质和具有多个跨膜区的整合膜蛋白 ,为建立质膜蛋白质组学研究的适宜方法和质膜蛋白质数据库提供了有价值的基础性研究资料 .  相似文献   

Little is known about the structural properties of semi-denatured membrane proteins. The current study employs laser-induced oxidative labeling of methionine side chains in combination with electrospray mass spectrometry and optical spectroscopy for gaining insights into the conformation of bacteriorhodopsin (BR) under partially denaturing conditions. The native protein shows extensive oxidation at M32, M68, and M163, which are located in solvent-accessible loops. In contrast, M20 (helix A), M56/60 (helix B), M118 (helix D), M145 (helix E), and M209 (helix G) are strongly protected, consistent with the known protein structure. Exposure of the protein to acidic conditions leads to a labeling pattern very similar to that of the native state. The absence of large-scale conformational changes at low pH is in agreement with recent crystallography data. Solubilization of BR in SDS induces loss of the retinal chromophore concomitant with collapse of the binding pocket, thereby precluding solvent access to the protein interior. Tryptophan fluorescence data confirm the presence of a large protein core that remains protected from water. However, oxidative labeling indicates partial unfolding of helices A and D in SDS. Irreversible thermal denaturation of the protein at 100 °C induces a labeling pattern quite similar to that seen upon SDS exposure. Labeling experiments on refolded bacterioopsin reveal a native-like structure, but with partial unfolding of helix D. Our data suggest that noncovalent contacts with the retinal chromophore in native BR play an important role for the stability of this particular helix. Overall, the present work illustrates the viability of using laser-induced oxidative labeling as a novel tool for characterizing structural changes of membrane proteins in response to alterations of their solvent environment.  相似文献   

The spread of cancer cells from a primary tumor to form metastasis at distant sites is a complex multistep process. The cancer cell proteins and plasma membrane proteins in particular involved in this process are poorly defined, and a study of the very early events of the metastatic process using clinical samples or in vitro assays is not feasible. We have used a unique model system consisting of two isogenic human breast cancer cell lines that are equally tumorigenic in mice; but although one gives rise to metastasis, the other disseminates single cells that remain dormant at distant organs. Membrane purification and comparative quantitative LC-MS/MS proteomics identified 13 membrane proteins that were expressed at higher levels and three that were underexpressed in the metastatic compared with the non-metastatic cell line from a total of 1919 identified protein entries. Among the proteins were ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73), NDRG1, integrin β1, CD44, CD74, and major histocompatibility complex class II proteins. The altered expression levels of proteins identified by LC-MS/MS were validated using flow cytometry, Western blotting, and immunocyto- and immunohistochemistry. Analysis of clinical breast cancer biopsies demonstrated a significant correlation between high ecto-5′-nucleotidase and integrin β1 expression and poor outcome, measured as tumor spread or distant recurrence within a 10-year follow-up. Further the tissue analysis suggested that NDRG1, HLA-DRα, HLA-DRβ, and CD74 were associated with the ER/PR phenotype represented by the two cell lines. The study demonstrates a quantitative and comparative proteomics strategy to identify clinically relevant key molecules in the early events of metastasis, some of which may prove to be potential targets for cancer therapy.Breast cancer is the most common malignant disease among women in Western countries, occurring in approximately one in 11 women (1). In this disease, malignant cells often disseminate to regional lymph nodes and establish distant metastases, preferentially in the bone, lung, and liver, resulting in poor outcome and high mortality (2, 3).Metastases are established through a complex set of events that is yet not fully understood but requires detachment of single cells from the primary tumor, penetration of the tissue matrix, and migration of these cells to distant locations where they induce angiogenesis and undergo expansive growth (4). Some disseminated cancer cells seem to be capable of maintaining dormancy in distant organs without establishing metastases but may suddenly become activated many years after resection of the primary tumor (5). The dormancy may be caused by environmental signals, either lack of those inducing differentiation or the presence of signals stimulating growth arrest. Cellular factors and changes in the microenvironment, such as inflammation or a change in hormonal status, might eventually induce proliferation, differentiation, and subsequent metastatic growth, whereas other disseminated cancer cells remain dormant for a lifetime (6).Traditional models of metastasis suggest that a subpopulation of cells in the primary tumor acquire metastatic capacity late in tumorigenesis, but gene expression profiles and cellular studies have recently provided evidence for a possible alternative model that suggests the metastatic capacity is acquired early in tumorigenesis (7). Stem cell populations have been identified in a range of hematopoietic and solid tumors and might represent the cells of origin for these tumors but might also be responsible for metastasis (8). Although a preserved genetic signature between the primary tumor and the metastasis has been found, other studies provide evidence of a gradual acquisition of genomic changes because distant metastases may not uniformly share mutations and often differ extensively from the primary tumor, reflecting the extent of genetic instability of breast cancer (9, 10). Only few studies provide proteomic characteristics of metastatic versus primary tumor of breast cancer because of the difficulties of obtaining high quality human tumor samples with full clinical histories and the absence of directly relevant in vitro assays (11, 12).The two isogenic cell lines M-4A4 and NM-2C5, which were derived from the MDA-MB-435 cell line and originated from a highly aggressive human invasive ductal carcinoma, provide an interesting model of the metastatic process (13). M-4A4 and NM-2C5, when inoculated into the mammary fat pad of nude mice, showed equal tumorigeneity, but although M-4A4 established easily detectable metastases restricted to lymph nodes and lungs, NM-2C5 cells disseminated to distal organs, but the cells remained dormant and did not establish metastasis (14). There is an ongoing debate on whether the parent cell line MDA-MB-435 can be defined as a breast cancer cell line because it, along with breast- and epithelia-specific markers, also expresses melanoma-specific genes (15). However, MDA-MB-435 can be induced to express breast differentiation-specific proteins and secrete milk lipids as observed in other well established breast cancer cell lines and has therefore been considered as an excellent model of a highly malignant and dedifferentiated breast cancer (16). Regardless of this debate, our model system remains valuable in the context of cancer metastasis, but the results should, as always when using cell line models, be supported by studies of clinically relevant human tissue specimens.M-4A4 and NM-2C5 have been extensively compared using gene expression analysis identifying a panel of differentially expressed genes (13, 1720). However, because the proteome is so much more complex than the genome, similar studies at the protein level with special focus on plasma membrane proteins may add valuable biological insight and identify cell surface molecules that might be targeted with drugs or antibodies to inhibit the metastatic process.Comparative quantitative proteomics using stable isotope labeling with amino acids in cell culture (SILAC)1 and LC-MS/MS allows a study of proteins with quantitatively different expression levels on metastasizing versus non-metastasizing cells. We used this technique to identify a panel of plasma membrane proteins showing altered expression in cells capable of forming metastasis. Validation studies at the protein and RNA expression level of the cell lines indicate that several of the identified proteins may be important for establishing metastasis in distant organs and thus have potential in target-specific therapy. Therefore, to further evaluate the clinical relevance of a selected number of the candidates identified by our analysis, their expression levels were evaluated in a panel of primary breast cancer biopsies and corresponding axillary lymph node metastasis from patients with known clinical outcomes. The results demonstrated the power of this systematic stepwise strategy for identifying targets of potential clinical value.  相似文献   

The identification of clinically relevant biomarkers represents an important challenge in oncology. This problem can be addressed with biomarker discovery and verification studies performed directly in tumor samples using formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissues. However, reliably measuring proteins in FFPE samples remains challenging. Here, we demonstrate the use of liquid chromatography coupled to multiple reaction monitoring mass spectrometry (LC-MRM/MS) as an effective technique for such applications. An LC-MRM/MS method was developed to simultaneously quantify hundreds of peptides extracted from FFPE samples and was applied to the targeted measurement of 200 proteins in 48 triple-negative, 19 HER2-overexpressing, and 20 luminal A breast tumors. Quantitative information was obtained for 185 proteins, including known markers of breast cancer such as HER2, hormone receptors, Ki-67, or inflammation-related proteins. LC-MRM/MS results for these proteins matched immunohistochemistry or chromogenic in situ hybridization data. In addition, comparison of our results with data from the literature showed that several proteins representing potential biomarkers were identified as differentially expressed in triple-negative breast cancer samples. These results indicate that LC-MRM/MS assays can reliably measure large sets of proteins using the analysis of surrogate peptides extracted from FFPE samples. This approach allows to simultaneously quantify the expression of target proteins from various pathways in tumor samples. LC-MRM/MS is thus a powerful tool for the relative quantification of proteins in FFPE tissues and for biomarker discovery.  相似文献   

Plasma membrane microdomains are features based on the physical properties of the lipid and sterol environment and have particular roles in signaling processes. Extracting sterol-enriched membrane microdomains from plant cells for proteomic analysis is a difficult task mainly due to multiple preparation steps and sources for contaminations from other cellular compartments. The plasma membrane constitutes only about 5-20% of all the membranes in a plant cell, and therefore isolation of highly purified plasma membrane fraction is challenging. A frequently used method involves aqueous two-phase partitioning in polyethylene glycol and dextran, which yields plasma membrane vesicles with a purity of 95% 1. Sterol-rich membrane microdomains within the plasma membrane are insoluble upon treatment with cold nonionic detergents at alkaline pH. This detergent-resistant membrane fraction can be separated from the bulk plasma membrane by ultracentrifugation in a sucrose gradient 2. Subsequently, proteins can be extracted from the low density band of the sucrose gradient by methanol/chloroform precipitation. Extracted protein will then be trypsin digested, desalted and finally analyzed by LC-MS/MS. Our extraction protocol for sterol-rich microdomains is optimized for the preparation of clean detergent-resistant membrane fractions from Arabidopsis thaliana cell cultures.We use full metabolic labeling of Arabidopsis thaliana suspension cell cultures with K15NO3 as the only nitrogen source for quantitative comparative proteomic studies following biological treatment of interest 3. By mixing equal ratios of labeled and unlabeled cell cultures for joint protein extraction the influence of preparation steps on final quantitative result is kept at a minimum. Also loss of material during extraction will affect both control and treatment samples in the same way, and therefore the ratio of light and heave peptide will remain constant. In the proposed method either labeled or unlabeled cell culture undergoes a biological treatment, while the other serves as control 4.  相似文献   

Electrospray ionization–Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (ESI–FTICR) mass spectrometryallows for high-resolution, accurate mass analysisof multiply charged ions of proteins. In the workdescribed here, the ability of ESI–FTICR to distinguish small differences in molecular mass is evaluated. Ubiquitin was used as an internal mass calibration standard to measure the molecular mass of cytochromec, myoglobin, and several carbonic anhydrase isoforms. Mass calibration was based onthe tallest isotopic peak of each ubiquitin chargestate. Ubiquitin performed well as an internal standard because its charge states covered the appropriate mass range, interference was minimal, and thetallest peak was easily identified. The peak massesof cytochrome c (12.5 kDa) and myoglobin (17 kDa) were measured to an accuracy of about 0.02 Da (<2ppm). However, errors of 1.0 Da were observedfor some individual determinations because of the difficulty in identifying the tallest peak. When the technique was applied to bovine carbonic anhydrase II, even combining data from several charge statesdid not yield an unequivocal assignment of thetallest peak, resulting in a mass assignment of 29,023.7 or 29,024.7. Similarly, measurements of two isoforms with a mass difference of 1 Da, human carbonic anhydrase I, pI6.0 and 6.6, yielded overlapping values for the mass of the tallest peak. However, these two isoforms were clearly distinguished by (a) identification of the tallest peak using a measurement of average mass as a guide and (b) comparison of the isotopic peak intensity patterns.  相似文献   

Lipid membranes structurally define the outer surface and internal organelles of cells. The multitude of proteins embedded in lipid bilayers are clearly functionally important, yet they remain poorly defined. Even today, integral membrane proteins represent a special challenge for current large scale shotgun proteomics methods. Here we used endothelial cell plasma membranes isolated directly from lung tissue to test the effectiveness of four different mass spectrometry-based methods, each with multiple replicate measurements, to identify membrane proteins. In doing so, we substantially expanded this membranome to 1,833 proteins, including >500 lipid-embedded proteins. The best method combined SDS-PAGE prefractionation with trypsin digestion of gel slices to generate peptides for seamless and continuous two-dimensional LC/MS/MS analysis. This three-dimensional separation method outperformed current widely used two-dimensional methods by significantly enhancing protein identifications including single and multiple pass transmembrane proteins; >30% are lipid-embedded proteins. It also profoundly improved protein coverage, sensitivity, and dynamic range of detection and substantially reduced the amount of sample and the number of replicate mass spectrometry measurements required to achieve 95% analytical completeness. Such expansion in comprehensiveness requires a trade-off in heavy instrument time but bodes well for future advancements in truly defining the ever important membranome with its potential in network-based systems analysis and the discovery of disease biomarkers and therapeutic targets. This analytical strategy can be applied to other subcellular fractions and should extend the comprehensiveness of many future organellar proteomics pursuits.The plasma membrane provides a fundamental physical interface between the inside and outside of any cell. Beyond creating a protected compartment with a segregated, distinct, and well controlled internal milieu for the cell, it also mediates a wide variety of basic biological functions including signal transduction, molecular transport, membrane trafficking, cell migration, cell-cell interactions, intercellular communication, and even drug resistance. Plasma membrane-associated proteins, especially integral membrane proteins (IMPs)1 that traverse the lipid bilayer, are key elements mediating these vital biological processes. Consistent with its fundamental importance in both normal cellular functions and pathophysiology, the plasma membrane has also been targeted extensively for biomarker discovery and drug development. In fact, more than two-thirds of known targets for existing drugs are plasma membrane proteins (1).Despite the potential benefits, profiling the proteome of plasma membranes comprehensively using standard large scale methods including MS-based strategies has been limited and technically quite challenging. Intrinsic hydrophobicity, a wide concentration range of proteins, and other factors have hampered IMP resolution and identification using conventional two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Gel and gel-free protein separations, including combinations of both, have been reported as an alternative to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (29). Yet most such efforts have focused predominantly on identifying rather soluble proteins from body fluids (i.e. plasma, serum, and cerebrospinal fluid), cell lysates, or cytoplasm. These proteins, unlike IMPs, are relatively abundant and readily susceptible to enzymatic digestion in solution. Various attempts have been made to solubilize and enrich for IMPs, including different detergents, solvents, high pH solutions, and affinity purification (1022). Even when organellar membranes are enriched through isolation by subcellular fractionation, the yield of proteins identified has been below expectation, especially for multipass transmembrane proteins such as G-protein-coupled receptors.Here we systematically characterize four analytical approaches to enhance the identification of proteins, specifically those embedded in plasma membranes isolated directly from vascular endothelium in rat lung. Endothelial cells (ECs) constitute the tissue-blood interface that controls many important physiological functions, including tissue homeostasis, nutrition, vasomotion, and even drug delivery. In vivo mapping of the EC plasma membrane proteome provides unique opportunities for extending basic understanding in vascular biology and for directing the delivery of therapeutic and imaging agents in vivo (2325). But it also presents distinct challenges beyond those generally associated with extraction, solubilization, and identification of IMPs in cells and tissues. ECs form a thin monolayer lining each blood vessel. They constitute a very small fraction of all the cells existing in tissue, thereby making it difficult to isolate sufficiently pure EC plasma membrane fractions for proteomics analysis using conventional subcellular fractionation techniques. Although relatively simple to isolate from tissue and grow in culture, ECs require cues from the tissue microenvironment to maintain their tissue-specific qualities and thus undergo rapid and considerable phenotypic drift after isolation (26).We have developed a specialized coating procedure using colloidal silica nanoparticles perfused through the blood vessels of the tissue to isolate luminal plasma membranes of the vascular endothelium as they exist natively in tissue (2628). Our initial survey of these plasma membranes isolated directly from rat lungs used primarily three standard analytical techniques of the time: two-dimensional electrophoresis, Western analysis, and the shotgun method of two-dimensional liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (24, 26). We identified 450 proteins of which only ∼15% were IMPs. Although at the time this was a notable total number of proteins, more IMPs are expected. In fact, this large scale 2DC study did not identify several well known EC surface marker proteins, including specific enzymes, adhesion molecules, and growth factor receptors.Here we comparatively analyze four different MS-based strategies involving two- and three-dimensional separation by combining protein prefractionation via SDS-PAGE with in-gel digestion to produce peptides separated by one- and two-dimensional nano-HPLC before seamless and continuous MS analysis. Each method used multiple replicate measurements to comprehensively identify proteins, especially IMPs, and in doing so achieved a clear statistical definition of completeness that permits meaningful comparisons. Ultimately this analysis greatly expanded the EC plasma membranome to 1,833 proteins of which nearly 30% are membrane-embedded.  相似文献   

为了研究膜蛋白的跨膜结构,进行拓扑学分析是十分重要的.有许多分析膜蛋白拓扑结构的方法,本文采用烟草蚀斑病毒(TEV)酶特异性切割测试蛋白中跨膜片段的前段或后端所插入的tev识别序列EXXYXQ(S/G),如果TEV酶能够切割,表明该序列位于目标蛋白的细胞 质外.将Tev识别序列ENLYFQG 分别插入到拟南芥整合膜蛋白的的跨膜区域,然后转化进入酿酒酵母中. 消解酶(zymolyase)酶破除酵母的细胞壁后,TEV酶消化球状体,最后通过Western免疫印迹法来分析结果.有关该方法的注意事项在结果中进行了讨论.  相似文献   

The relative stability of membrane proteins in Escherichia coli was investigated to determine whether these proteins are degraded at heterogeneous rates and, if so, whether the degradative rates are correlated with the sizes or charges of the proteins. Cells growing in a glucose-limited chemostat with a generation time of 15 h were labeled with [14C]leucine. After allowing 24 h for turnover of 14C-labeled proteins, the cells were labeled for 15 min with [3H]leucine. By this protocol, the rapidly degraded proteins have a high ratio of 3H to 14C, whereas the stable proteins have a lower ratio. The total cell envelope fraction was collected by differential centrifugation, and the proteins were separated by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The relative ratio for each protein was determined by dividing its 3H/14C ratio by the 3H/14C ratio of the total membrane fraction. Although most of the 125 membrane proteins had relative ratios close to the average for the total membrane fraction, 19 varied significantly from this value. These differences were also observed when the order of addition of [14C]leucine and [3H]leucine was reversed. In control cultures labeled simultaneously with both isotopes, the relative ratios of these 19 proteins were similar to that of the total membrane fraction. Thirteen of these proteins had low relative ratios, which suggested that they were more stable than the average protein. An experiment in which the normal labeling procedure was followed by a 60-min chase period in the presence of excess unlabeled leucine suggested that the low relative ratios of 3 of these 13 proteins may be due to a slow post-translational modification step. Six membrane proteins had high relative ratios, which indicated that they were degraded rapidly. In contrast to the relationships found for soluble proteins in mammalian cells, there were no strong correlations between the degradative rates and either the isoelectric points or the molecular weights of membrane proteins in E. coli.  相似文献   

The ability of cells to modulate interactions with each other and the substrate is essential for epithelial tissue remodeling during processes such as wound healing and tumor progression. However, despite strides made in the field of proteomics, proteins involved in adhesion have been difficult to study. Here, we report a method for the enrichment and analysis of proteins associated with the basal surface of the cell and its underlying matrix. The enrichment involves deroofing the cells with 20 mm ammonium hydroxide and the removal of cytosolic and organellar proteins by stringent water wash. Proteomic profiling was achieved by LC-FTMS, which allowed comparison of differentially expressed or shared proteins under different cell states. First, we analyzed and compared the basal cell components of mouse keratinocytes lacking the cell-cell junction molecule plakoglobin with their control counterparts. Changes in the molecules involved in motility and invasion were detected in plakoglobin-deficient cells, including decreased detection of fibronectin, integrin β4, and FAT tumor suppressor. Second, we assessed the differences in basal cell components between two human oral squamous cell carcinoma lines originating from different sites in the oral cavity (CAL33 and UM-SCC-1). The data show differences between the two lines in the type and abundance of proteins specific to cell adhesion, migration, and angiogenesis. Therefore, the method described here has the potential to serve as a platform to assess proteomic changes in basal cell components including extracellular and adhesion-specific proteins involved in wound healing, cancer, and chronic and acquired adhesion-related disorders.There is an urgent need for tools to comprehensively identify markers of normal and pathological processes at the molecular level. DNA microarrays have enabled researchers to follow gene expression changes with respect to many of these processes, including individual tumors in the case of cancer (1). Direct detection of proteins is typically required to validate changes at the gene product level; however, the changes in protein levels do not always reflect changes in gene expression because of post-translational modifications, differential compartmentalization, recycling, and degradation. Because it is ultimately the proteins that convey cellular phenotypes, it is necessary to develop methods for direct screening of proteins, and mass spectrometry shows promise for this purpose. However, the usefulness of mass spectrometry as an analytical tool to detect proteins in cells or tissue is limited to the extent to which the sample is sufficiently enriched for the specific fraction of interest. It is still challenging to identify molecules involved in specific normal or pathological processes because the relevant proteins are often difficult to isolate from the majority of cellular proteins that are not correlated to the process of interest. In this context, an ideal proteomics approach would require a minimal amount of starting material, be amenable to an efficient enrichment strategy, and would provide results quickly.It has been well established that molecules directly involved in cell-cell and cell-substrate adhesions are critical for processes such as epithelial to mesenchymal transition and wound healing. Their further role in regulation of tissue integrity, cell polarity, motility, and invasion is emphasized by a variety of disorders stemming from their inappropriate expression and mutations (2, 3). Selectins, intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 have been established both as biomarkers (4) and predictive factors (5, 6) for the development of accelerated atherosclerosis and heart disease. In epithelial tissues, reduced expression of the cell-cell adhesion molecule E-cadherin correlates with epithelial to mesenchymal transition, tissue invasion, and metastasis and is a prognostic biomarker of poor clinical outcome in many cell types (79). Furthermore, up-regulating E-cadherin is considered as a treatment option in several types of cancer (10). Therefore, methods are also needed to not only identify adhesion molecules as disease markers but to also understand the pathology of underlying medical problems caused by impairment in adhesion molecule function (e.g. inability to heal chronic wounds (11)). However, the lack of knowledge about regulation and functional interactions of the specific adhesion-related proteins has so far thwarted the attempts at direct targeting of these molecules in basic and clinical research (12, 13). Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of how proteins that function in adhesive processes work together to maintain proper tissue form and function is critical.Some of the same barriers to effective application of mass spectrometry as an analytical tool (as discussed above) have impeded analysis of cell-cell and cell-matrix adhesion-dependent processes such as wound healing and cancer (14). The study of extracellular matrix (ECM)1 and adhesion-related proteins is further complicated by the difficulty in sample preparation because compared with cytosolic proteins basal cell proteins are often highly insoluble (e.g. transmembrane and plaque components) and difficult to isolate from intracellular proteins. One general strategy involves using ECM-specific enzymes to dislodge the cells at their points of attachment (15). The supernatant from the partial digest is collected for further proteomics analysis. However, most mass spectrometric analyses depend on detection of peptides with specific ionization and fragmentation properties that are most readily achieved using trypsin as the sole enzyme. The use of ECM-specific enzymes may result in a distribution of peptides that are not optimal for detection (i.e. the generation of non-tryptic termini). The other general approach to isolate components of the ECM involves using detergents to lyse cells on the surfaces to which they are attached and collect the remaining cell debris for analysis (15). Although progress has been made with respect to the creation of “mass spectrometry-friendly” detergents (16), the use of chemicals for the purpose of protein solubilization is generally not ideal. To overcome these problems, we adapted a fast, simple method of isolating extracellular, transmembrane, and associated proteins (from here on collectively referred to as “basal cell proteins”) from cells attached to a solid substrate. The method consists of “deroofing” the cells attached to glass coverslips by 20 mm NH4OH solution followed by rapid water rinses to remove the bulk of the cell and its remaining debris (17). Our results show efficient removal of cytoplasm and organelles and detection of basal cell proteins by mass spectrometry, including those involved in cell-cell and cell-extracellular matrix interactions. These proteins were liberated from the surface with trypsin, and the subsequently generated peptides were detected and profiled for differences using LC-FTMS.The approach was first validated by comparing basal cell protein composition in mouse keratinocytes with or without a critical cell-cell junction protein called plakoglobin (PG). This desmosomal protein is required for cell-cell adhesion and maintenance of tissue integrity (18). Plakoglobin inhibits keratinocyte motility (19) and is down-regulated in several distinct tumor types, including bladder, breast, and cervical cancers (2022). Moreover, we were able to dissect the molecular differences between an independent isolate of PG−/− keratinocytes that behaved differently in motility assays from the rest of the PG-null cells, further emphasizing the potential for using the method to differentiate between cells with distinct adhesive and motile behaviors. The method was then evaluated in clinically relevant human tumor cell lines by extending the analysis to include two human oral squamous cancers of different origin. Because they lack precisely defined changes in cell adhesion molecules and phenotype, we compared the basal cell protein expression of UM-SCC-1 (23) and CAL33 (24) cell lines isolated from the roof of the mouth and tongue, respectively. These experiments revealed 40 proteins differentially expressed between the cell lines among over 100 detected. Moreover, the proteomic profile reveals a set of motility- and invasion-related genes unique to tongue-derived CAL33 cells. This could indicate the difference between oral cancers derived from different parts of the mouth, or it may indicate a potential difference in aggressiveness between these cell lines. These results show that our detection method is applicable for both detection and comparative studies in human cancer model systems.  相似文献   

Proteins newly synthesized in cells of root tips of Arabidopsisseedlings after gravistimulation and photo-induced tactile stimulationwere analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. Intensitiesof two out of about 600 protein spots were observed to increasetransiently when culture flasks in which seedlings has beengrown were kept on their sides. When the flasks were kept verticalon a rocking table and rocked continuously for 24 hours, intensitiesof ten protein spots increased, and four spots appeared forthe first time. Analysis of [32P]-labeled proteins revealedthat the continuous rocking treatment enhanced the phosphorylationof proteins in two spots. When the seedlings in flasks wereilluminated from the front, and the roots bent towards the backwall of the flasks, three spots appeared for the first timeand intensities of nine spots were enhanced. Three of the twelvespots whose intensities were enhanced by the photo-induced tactilestimulation were also affected by continuous rocking treatment.The roles of protein synthesis and phosphorylation in the pathwaysbetween the stimuli and the responses are discussed. (Received June 18, 1992; Accepted December 16, 1992)  相似文献   

The properties of plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPases from wheat ( Triticum aestivum L. cv. Lengchun No. 13) root and leaf were compared, and their different properties were analyzed in association with the differentia of the functions of these two organs and their relevant environments. Root plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPase showed a high activity in a broad range of pH and an optimum reaction temperature of 45 ℃, while the leaf enzyme activated in a narrow range of pH and an optimum reaction temperature of 50 ℃. Hill coefficient of root plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPase for ATP was 1.6, revealing an obvious positive cooperativity. In contrast, that of leaf plasma membrane Ca2 +-ATPase was 1.0, being in keeping with Michaelis-Menten dynamics. For Ca2 + activation, Hill coefficient of plasma membrane Ca2 + -ATPases from both organs were less than 1, suggesting that both had negative cooperativity. The enzymes were activated by calmodulin and inhibited by Mg2+.  相似文献   

Previous papers in the series have shown that the surface membranes of herpesvirus-infected cells acquire new immunological specificities and that purified infected cell membrane preparations, characterized by their physical properties rather than topology in the cell, contain new glycoproteins genetically determined by the virus. In this study, we prepared purified plasma membrane identified by its 5' nucleotidase, fucose, and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide-diaphorase content. Analysis of the membrane proteins and glycoproteins by electrophoresis in acrylamide gels indicated the following. (i) Purified plasma membranes from infected cells contained two sets of proteins, i.e., host proteins were present both before and after infection and viral proteins were present only after infection. (ii) After infection, no appreciable selective or nonselective loss of host proteins from membranes was demonstrable. However, no new host proteins were made. (iii) Electropherograms of plasma membrane proteins from infected cells indicated the presence of at least 12 virus-specific proteins ranging in molecular weight from 25 x 10(3) to 126 x 10(3) daltons. Of these, at least nine were glycosylated. Proteins and glycoproteins with similar electrophoretic mobilities but in somewhat different ratios were also present in preparations of highly purified virions.  相似文献   

The primary structure of two proteins named major latex protein in Arabidopsis thaliana were characterized by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometer and Nano-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (nanoESI-MS/MS) after two-dimensional gel electrophoresis separation. We revealed that the two proteins with the same N termini and the N-terminal alanine were acetylated after methionine cleavage by fragmentation of three doubly charged peptides using a quadrupole-time of flight 2 tandem mass spectrometer. It was worth noting that one peptide with sodium addition and acetylation was sequenced. It is usually difficult to analyze the peptide sequence of sodium adduct due to the 22-Da increment. The two proteins are highly homologous, and both their N-terminal and C-terminal peptides were sequenced. Of the two proteins, gi|15236568 (spot A) appears only in the seeding stage and flower organ, but gi|15236566 (spot B) appears throughout the whole life of A. thaliana. The biological mechanism of the two proteins and the function of N-terminal acetylation remain to be elucidated. This study showed that ESI-MS/MS was a powerful tool for the characterization of N-terminal acetylation of proteins.  相似文献   

The major barrier responsible for the slow pace of structure determination of integral membrane proteins is the difficulty of crystallizing detergent-solubilized hydrophobic proteins, particularly hetero-oligomeric integral membrane proteins. For the latter class of multi-subunit proteins, we have encountered the following problems in addition to the ubiquitous problem of detergent compatibility: (i) instability caused by over-purification that results in delipidation; (ii) protease activity degrading exposed loops and termini of subunits of the complex that could not be inhibited; (iii) poor protein–protein contacts presumably arising from masking by the detergent micelle. Problem (i) could be ameliorated in crystallization of the cytochrome b6f complex by augmenting the delipidated complex with synthetic lipid. Problem (ii) has not been solved. Problem (iii) has been solved in other systems by the use of monoclonal antibodies (or other protein ligands) to increase the probability of protein–protein contacts. In the case of the complex formed by the cobalamin and colicin receptor, BtuB, and the receptor binding domain of colicin E3, the latter served as a ligand for protein–protein contacts that facilitated crystallization.  相似文献   

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