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Cortical spreading depression (CSD) waves can occur in the cortices of various brain structures and are associated with the
spread of depression of the electroencephalogram signal. In this paper, we present a continuum neuronal model for the instigation
and spreading of CSD. Our model assumes that the brain-cell microenvironment can be treated as a porous medium consisting
of extra- and intracellular compartments. The main mechanisms in our model for the transport of ions into and out of neurons
are cross-membrane ionic currents and (active) pumps, coupled with diffusion in the extracellular space. To demonstrate the
applicability of our model, we have carried out extensive numerical simulations under different initial conditions and inclusion
of various mechanisms. Our results show that CSD waves can be instigated by injecting cross-membrane ionic currents or by
applying KCl in the extracellular space. Furthermore, the estimated speeds of CSD waves are within the experimentally observed
range. Effects of specific ion channels, background ion concentrations, extracellular volume fractions, and cell swelling
on the propagation speed of CSD are also investigated. 相似文献
T. Pearson J. A. D. Wattis J. R. King I. A. MacDonald D. J. Mazzatti 《Bulletin of mathematical biology》2014,76(9):2091-2121
In healthy subjects some tissues in the human body display metabolic flexibility, by this we mean the ability for the tissue to switch its fuel source between predominantly carbohydrates in the postprandial state and predominantly fats in the fasted state. Many of the pathways involved with human metabolism are controlled by insulin and insulin-resistant states such as obesity and type-2 diabetes are characterised by a loss or impairment of metabolic flexibility. In this paper we derive a system of 12 first-order coupled differential equations that describe the transport between and storage in different tissues of the human body. We find steady state solutions to these equations and use these results to nondimensionalise the model. We then solve the model numerically to simulate a healthy balanced meal and a high fat meal and we discuss and compare these results. Our numerical results show good agreement with experimental data where we have data available to us and the results show behaviour that agrees with intuition where we currently have no data with which to compare. 相似文献
Cortical spreading depression (CSD) is a pathophysiological phenomenon, which underlies some neurological disorders, such as migraine and stroke, but its mechanisms are still not completely understood. One of the striking facts is that the spatiotemporal evolution of CSD wave is varying. Observations in experiments reveal that a CSD wave may propagate through the entire cortex, or just bypass some areas of the cortex. In this paper, we have applied a 2D reaction-diffusion equation with recovery term to study the spatiotemporal evolution of CSD. By modulating the recovery rate from CSD in the modeled cortex, CSD waves with different spatiotemporal evolutions, either bypassing some areas or propagating slowly in these areas, were present. Moreover, spiral CSD waves could also be induced in case of the transiently altered recovery rate, i.e. block release from the absolute refractory period. These results suggest that the refractory period contributes to the different propagation patterns of CSD, which may help to interpret the mechanisms of CSD propagation. 相似文献
Migraine is sexually dimorphic and associated in 20–30% of patients with an aura most likely caused by cortical spreading depression (CSD). We have previously shown that systemic L-kynurenine (L-KYN), the precursor of kynurenic acid, suppresses CSD and that this effect depends on the stage of the estrous cycle in female rats. The objectives here are to determine the influence of ovarian hormones on KCl-induced CSD and its suppression after L-KYN by directly modulating estradiol or progesterone levels in ovariectomized rats. Adult female rats were ovariectomized and subcutaneously implanted with silastic capsules filled with progesterone or 17β-estradiol mixed with cholesterol, with cholesterol only or left empty. Two weeks after the ovariectomy/capsule implantation, the animals received an i.p. injection of L-KYN (300 mg/kg) or NaCl as control. Thirty minutes later CSDs were elicited by applying KCl over the occipital cortex and recorded by DC electrocorticogram for 1 hour. The results show that both estradiol and progesterone increase CSD frequency after ovariectomy. The suppressive effect of L-KYN on CSD frequency, previously reported in normal cycling females, is not found anymore after ovariectomy, but reappears after progesterone replacement therapy. Taken together, these results emphasize the complex role of sex hormones on cortical excitability. The CSD increase by estradiol and, more surprisingly, progesterone may explain why clinically migraine with aura appears or worsens during pregnancy or with combined hormonal treatments. 相似文献
Shapiro BE 《Journal of computational neuroscience》2001,10(1):99-120
In a computational model of spreading depression (SD), ionic movement through a neuronal syncytium of cells connected by gap junctions is described electrodiffusively. Simulations predict that SD will not occur unless cells are allowed to expand in response to osmotic pressure gradients and K+ is allowed to move through gap junctions. SD waves of [K+]out 25 to 60 mM moving at 2 to 18 mm/min are predicted over the range of parametric values reported in gray matter, with extracellular space decreasing up to 50%. Predicted waveform shape is qualitatively similar to laboratory reports. The delayed-rectifier, NMDA, BK, and Na+ currents are predicted to facilitate SD, while SK and A-type K+ currents and glial activity impede SD. These predictions are consonant with recent findings that gap junction poisons block SD and support the theories that cytosolic diffusion via gap junctions and osmotic forces are important mechanisms underlying SD. 相似文献
The mechanism for cortical folding pattern formation is not fully understood. Current models represent scenarios that describe pattern formation through local interactions, and one recent model is the intermediate progenitor model. The intermediate progenitor (IP) model describes a local chemically driven scenario, where an increase in intermediate progenitor cells in the subventricular zone correlates to gyral formation. Here we present a mathematical model that uses features of the IP model and further captures global characteristics of cortical pattern formation. A prolate spheroidal surface is used to approximate the ventricular zone. Prolate spheroidal harmonics are applied to a Turing reaction-diffusion system, providing a chemically based framework for cortical folding. Our model reveals a direct correlation between pattern formation and the size and shape of the lateral ventricle. Additionally, placement and directionality of sulci and the relationship between domain scaling and cortical pattern elaboration are explained. The significance of this model is that it elucidates the consistency of cortical patterns among individuals within a species and addresses inter-species variability based on global characteristics and provides a critical piece to the puzzle of cortical pattern formation. 相似文献
Francesca Gelfo Laura Petrosini Alessandro Graziano Paola De Bartolo Lorena Burello Emilia Vitale Arianna Polverino Antonietta Iuliano Giuseppe Sorrentino Laura Mandolesi 《Neurochemical research》2013,38(10):2114-2123
Evidence indicates that the degeneration of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons may represent an important factor underlying the progressive cognitive decline characterizing Alzheimer’s disease (AD). However, the nature of the relationship between cholinergic depletion and AD is not fully elucidated. This study aimed at clarifying some aspects of the relation existing between deficits in cerebral energy metabolism and degeneration of cholinergic system in AD, by investigating the neuronal metabolic activity of several cortical areas after depletion of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons. In cholinergically depleted rats, we evaluated the neuronal metabolic activity by assaying cytochrome oxidase (CO) activity in frontal, parietal and posterior parietal cortices at four different time-points after unilateral injection of 192 IgG-saporin in the nucleus basalis magnocellularis. Unilateral depletion of cholinergic cells in the basal forebrain induced a bilateral decrease of metabolic activity in all the analyzed areas. Frontal and parietal cortices showed decreased metabolic activity even 3 days after the lesion, when the cholinergic degeneration was still incomplete. In posterior parietal cortex metabolic activity decreased only 7 days after the lesion. The possible molecular mechanisms underlying these findings were also investigated. Real-time PCR showed an increase of CO mRNA levels at 3, 7 and 15 days after the lesion both in frontal and parietal cortices, followed by normalization at 30 days. Western Blot analysis did not show any change in CO protein levels at any time-point after the lesion. Our findings support a link between metabolic deficit and cholinergic hypofunctionality characterizing AD pathology. The present model of cholinergic hypofunctionality provides a useful means to study the complex mechanisms linking two fundamental and interrelated phenomena characterizing AD from the early stages. 相似文献
Kenneth B. Storey 《基因组蛋白质组与生物信息学报(英文版)》2015,13(2):77-80
<正>The use of daily torpor and/or of multi-day torpor bouts during a hibernation season are energy-saving survival strategies that have been well-studied for many years,particularly for small mammals living in seasonally-cold environments.Both phenomena are characterized by a regulated suppression of metabolic rate,a slowing of many physiological processes 相似文献
A mathematical model is presented to investigate the relationship between drug order and treatment response in gastric cancer
chemotherapy involving a taxane (either paclitaxel or docetaxel) coupled with flavopiridol. To model treatment effects, we
simulate treatment by bolus injection and employ a pulsing condition to indicate cell kill as well as instantaneous changes
to the cell’s transition rates. Cell population growth is described using an ordinary differential equation model whereby
we examine the treatment effects upon cells in various stages of the cell cycle. Ultimately, the results generated support
prior clinical investigations which indicate that for an enhanced synergistic effect, flavopiridol must be administered following
taxane therapy. 相似文献
Acta Biotheoretica - Tuberculosis has continued to retain its title as “the captain among these men of death”. This is evident as it is the leading cause of death globally from a single... 相似文献
In this work we study the connection between some dynamic effects at the synaptic level and fast reorganization of cortical sensory maps. By using a biologically plausible computational model of the primary somatosensory system we obtained simulation results that can be used to relate the dynamics of the interactions of excitatory and inhibitory neurons to the process of somatotopic map reorganization immediately after peripheral lesion. The model consists of three regions integrated into a single structure: tactile receptors representing the glabrous surface of the hand, ventral posterior lateral nucleus of the thalamus and area 3b of the primary somatosensory cortex, reproducing the main aspects of the connectivity of these regions. By applying informational measures to the simulation results of the dynamic behavior of AMPA, NMDA and GABA synaptic conductances we draw some conjectures about how the several neuronal synaptic elements are related to the initial stage of the digit-induced reorganization of the hand map in the somatosensory cortex. 相似文献
We present a mathematical model to study the effects of HER2 over-expression on cell proliferation in breast cancer. The model
illustrates the proliferative behavior of cells as a function of HER2 and EGFR receptors numbers, and the growth factor EGF.
This mathematical model comprises kinetic equations describing the cell surface binding of EGF growth factor to EGFR and HER2
receptors, coupled to a model for the dependence of cell proliferation rate on growth factor receptors binding. The simulation
results from this model predict: (1) a growth advantage associated with excess HER2 receptors; (2) that HER2-over-expression
is an insufficient parameter to predict the proliferation response of cancer cells to epidermal growth factors; and (3) the
EGFR receptor expression level in HER2-over-expressing cells plays a key role in mediating the proliferation response to receptor-ligand
signaling. This mathematical model also elucidates the interaction and roles of other model parameters in determining cell
proliferation rate of HER2-over-expressing cells. 相似文献
Yilmaz N Demirdas A Yilmaz M Sutcu R Kirbas A Cure MC Eren I 《The Journal of membrane biology》2011,242(3):145-151
Depression may relate to neurocognitive impairment that results from alteration of N-methyl-D: -aspartate receptor (NMDAR) levels. Venlafaxine and escitalopram are two drugs commonly used to treat depression. The drugs may affect expression of NMDARs, which mediate learning and memory formation. The aim of the study was to examine whether the effects of venlafaxine and escitalopram treatments are associated with NMDARs in a rat model of depression. Forty male Wistar albino rats were randomly divided into four groups (n?=?10) as follows: control group, chronic mild stress group (CMS), venlafaxine (20?mg/kg body weight per day)?+?CMS, and escitalopram (10?mg/kg body weight per day)?+?CMS. After induction of depression, a decrease in the concentration of NR2B was observed; venlafaxine treatment prevented the reduction of NR2B expression. Escitalopram treatment did not effect the reduced levels of NR2B resulting from depression. There was no significant difference in NR2A concentration among groups. The present data support the notion that venlafaxine plays a role in maintaining NR2B receptor in experimental depression. It may be possible that treatment with escitalopram has no effect on NMDARs in experimental depression. 相似文献
The theoretical setting of hierarchical Bayesian inference is gaining acceptance as a framework for understanding cortical computation. In this paper, we describe how Bayesian belief propagation in a spatio-temporal hierarchical model, called Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM), can lead to a mathematical model for cortical circuits. An HTM node is abstracted using a coincidence detector and a mixture of Markov chains. Bayesian belief propagation equations for such an HTM node define a set of functional constraints for a neuronal implementation. Anatomical data provide a contrasting set of organizational constraints. The combination of these two constraints suggests a theoretically derived interpretation for many anatomical and physiological features and predicts several others. We describe the pattern recognition capabilities of HTM networks and demonstrate the application of the derived circuits for modeling the subjective contour effect. We also discuss how the theory and the circuit can be extended to explain cortical features that are not explained by the current model and describe testable predictions that can be derived from the model. 相似文献
In this paper, we present a mathematical model predicting the fraction of proliferating cells in G1, S, and G2/M phases of
the cell cycle as a function of EGFR and HER2. We show that it is possible to find parameters for the mathematical model so
that its predictions agree with the experimental observations that HER2 over-expression results in: (1) a shorter G1-phase
and early S-phase entry; (2) and that with a 1-to-1 ration between EGFR and HER2, the growth advantage in HER2 over-expressing
cells is indeed associated with the increase of the HER2 expression level. 相似文献