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Benthic diatoms were sampled at 197 sites in Finnish boreal streams. The diatom distribution patterns were related to environmental and spatial factors at three spatial scales using Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA). The results emphasized the predominance of chemical‐constituent concentration and ion composition on structuring benthic diatom communities in running waters. Within a river system, physical factors had notable influence on diatom community structure reflecting mainly only minor changes in water chemistry within a watershed. Partial CCA revealed that pure spatial component explained ca. 20% of explainable variation in diatom data at each of the three scales. Environmental factors captured 53–78% of explained variation in species data at ecoregion and river system level. According to Procrustean Randomization Test, spatial coordinates of the study sites and patterns in diatom community structure were strongly concordant (m2 = 0.862, p = 0.001) across the largest spatial scale. Similarly, at smaller spatial scales in southern and central Finland, congruence was significant. These data support the view that diatom communities exhibit a rather strong spatial component especially at largest, national scale.  相似文献   

Recently, community ecologists are focusing on the relative importance of local environmental factors and proxies to dispersal limitation to explain spatial variation in community structure. Albeit less explored, temporal processes may also be important in explaining species composition variation in metacommunities occupying dynamic systems. We aimed to evaluate the relative role of environmental, spatial and temporal variables on the metacommunity structure of different organism groups in the Upper Paraná River floodplain (Brazil). We used data on macrophytes, fish, benthic macroinvertebrates, zooplankton, periphyton, and phytoplankton collected in up to 36 habitats during a total of eight sampling campaigns over two years. According to variation partitioning results, the importance of predictors varied among biological groups. Spatial predictors were particularly important for organisms with comparatively lower dispersal ability, such as aquatic macrophytes and fish. On the other hand, environmental predictors were particularly important for organisms with high dispersal ability, such as microalgae, indicating the importance of species sorting processes in shaping the community structure of these organisms. The importance of watercourse distances increased when spatial variables were the main predictors of metacommunity structure. The contribution of temporal predictors was low. Our results emphasize the strength of a trait-based analysis and of better defining spatial variables. More importantly, they supported the view that “all-or- nothing” interpretations on the mechanisms structuring metacommunities are rather the exception than the rule.  相似文献   

Benthic diatoms are widely used in Europe to assess ecological status of running waters. The aim of this study was to develop models to predict average pH and total phosphorus (TP) for European stream monitoring using combined diatom data-sets from Hungary and Sweden. As first step, the relationship between the measured environmental variables and the distribution of the taxa was checked by classification by using cluster-analysis and CCA. Diatom data separated clearly along the main hydrogeochemical parameters (e.g. alkalinity, pH). Concerning nutrients, TP was the most determinant factor. Predictive value of the TP model (r = 0.96) is high only for the Hungarian data and the pH model (r = 0.97) can be used in both phycogeographical regions.  相似文献   

The Oregon Coast Range, rich in natural resources, is under increasing pressure from rapid development. The purpose of this study was to examine diatom species patterns in relation to environmental variables in streams of this region. Diatoms, water quality, physical habitat and watershed characteristics were assessed for 33 randomly selected stream sites. Watershed size, elevation, geology, vegetation and stream morphology varied substantially among sites. Streams were characterized by dilute water chemistry and a low percent of fine substrate. A total of 80 diatom taxa were identified. Taxa richness was low throughout the region (median 15, range 10–26). Assemblages were dominated by two adnate species, Achnanthidium minutissimum and Achnanthes pyrenaicum. Diatoms sensitive to organic pollution dominated the assemblages at all sites (median 85%). Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) and correlational analysis showed quantitative relationships between diatom assemblages and environmental variables. NMDS axes were significantly correlated with watershed area, watershed geology, conductivity, total nitrogen, total solids and stream width. Diatom-based site classification (Two-way Indicators Species Analysis, (TWINSPAN)) yielded 4 discrete groups that displayed weak correlations with environmental variables. When stream sites were classified by dominant watershed geology, overall diatom assemblages between groups were significantly different (Analysis of Similarity (ANOSIM) global R = 0.19, p < 0.05). Our results suggest that streams in the coastal region are in relatively good condition. High natural variability in stream conditions in the Oregon Coast Range ecoregion may obscure quantitative relationships between environmental variables and diatom assemblages. A bioassessment protocol that classifies sites by major landscape variables and selects streams along the major human disturbance gradient might allow for detection of early signs of human disturbance in environmentally heterogeneous regions, such as the Pacific Northwest.  相似文献   

Although organisms can alter dynamics of elements in ecosystems via physiological results, the effects of tree species on ecosystem nutrient dynamics are highly uncertain. A four-fold variation in the calcium concentrations of streams, soils and leaf litters were caused by the planting of Cryptomeria japonica in south-central Japan. In this study, we examined how the calcium dynamics were affected by the planting of C. japonica through strontium isotope analysis. We predicted the planting of C. japonica would result in the calcium concentration increasing because of the significant dissolution of calcium from bedrock. In a forest ecosystem, calcium is usually derived from precipitation and bedrock weathering, and their relative contributions can be estimated using a strontium isotope mixing model. Therefore, we collected stream water, litter, soil, precipitation and bedrock samples from 17 sites in catchments dominated by C. japonica plantation or evergreen broad-leaved forest; after collection, we analyzed the sample chemical compositions and strontium isotope ratios. The calcium concentrations in the stream water and the water-soluble calcium in the soil were significantly higher at sites dominated by C. japonica than at broad-leaved forest sites. Strontium isotope analysis indicated that there was more calcium from the bedrock present in stream water at sites dominated by C. japonica than in stream water at broad-leaved forest sites. Our results showed that watershed-scale dynamics of calcium and other cations can be altered by the type of vegetation in a catchment due to the effects of vegetation on the supply of calcium from bedrock.  相似文献   

The effect of sand grain size, porosity and the abundance of algae on the community structure of psammic rotifers was tested in three anthropogenic lakes (Upper Silesia) and compared with three natural ones (West Pomerania). The structure of grain size in the studied beaches of artificial and natural lakes was similar but differences were found in the abundance of algae. The structure of the psammic rotifer community in Upper Silesian lakes was different from natural lakes in West Pomerania. The structure of psammic rotifer communities in anthropogenic reservoirs and lakes (West Pomerania) differed in numbers of species and numbers of psammobiont species, and also diversity index. The most altered structure of rotifer assemblages was observed in the psammon rotifers of the strongly contaminated Dzierżno Duże Lake.  相似文献   

This study examines distributional patterns of benthic diatom assemblages in relation to environmental characteristics in streams and rivers in the California Central Valley ecoregion. Benthic diatoms, water quality, and physical habitat conditions were characterized from 53 randomly selected sites. The stream sites were characterized by low mid-channel canopy cover and high channel substrate embeddedness. The waters at these sites were enriched with minerals and turbidity varied from 1.3 to 185.0 NTU with an average of 13.5 NTU. A total of 249 diatom taxa were identified. Average taxa richness was 41 with a range of 7–76. The assemblages were dominated by Staurosira construens (11%), Epithemia sorex (8%), Cocconeis placentula (7%), and Nitzschia amphibia (6%). Multivariate analyses (cluster analysis, classification tree analysis, and canonical correspondence analysis) all showed that benthic diatom assemblages were mainly affected by channel morphology, in-stream habitat, and riparian conditions. The 1st CCA axis negatively correlated with mean wetted channel width (r = −0.66) and thalweg depth (r = −0.65) (Table 4). The 2nd axis correlated with % coarse substrates (r=0.60). Our results suggest that benthic diatoms can be used for assessing physical habitat alterations in streams.  相似文献   

The distribution of beta diversity is shaped by factors linked to environmental and spatial control. The relative importance of both processes in structuring spider metacommunities has not yet been investigated in the Atlantic Forest. The variance explained by purely environmental, spatially structured environmental, and purely spatial components was compared for a metacommunity of web spiders. The study was carried out in 16 patches of Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil. Field work was done in one landscape mosaic representing a slight gradient of urbanization. Environmental variables encompassed plot- and patch-level measurements and a climatic matrix, while principal coordinates of neighbor matrices (PCNMs) acted as spatial variables. A forward selection procedure was carried out to select environmental and spatial variables influencing web-spider beta diversity. Variation partitioning was used to estimate the contribution of pure environmental and pure spatial effects and their shared influence on beta-diversity patterns, and to estimate the relative importance of selected environmental variables. Three environmental variables (bush density, land use in the surroundings of patches, and shape of patches) and two spatial variables were selected by forward selection procedures. Variation partitioning revealed that 15% of the variation of beta diversity was explained by a combination of environmental and PCNM variables. Most of this variation (12%) corresponded to pure environmental and spatially environmental structure. The data indicated that (1) spatial legacy was not important in explaining the web-spider beta diversity; (2) environmental predictors explained a significant portion of the variation in web-spider composition; (3) one-third of environmental variation was due to a spatial structure that jointly explains variation in species distributions. We were able to detect important factors related to matrix management influencing the web-spider beta-diversity patterns, which are probably linked to historical deforestation events.  相似文献   

Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is recognized as a major component in the global carbon cycle and is an important driver in aquatic ecosystem function. Climate, land use, and forest cover changes all impact stream DOM and alter biogeochemical cycles in terrestrial environments. We determined the temporal variation in DOM quantity and quality in headwater streams at a reference watershed (REF), a watershed clear-cut 30 years ago (CC), and a watershed converted to a white pine plantation 50 years ago (WP) at the US Forest Service, Coweeta Hydrologic Laboratory, in the Nantahala Mountains of western North Carolina, USA. Average stream dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations in CC or WP were 60 and 80% of those in REF, respectively. Stream DOM composition showed that the difference was mainly due to changes in humic-like components in chromophoric DOM. In addition, excitation–emission matrix fluorescence data with parallel factor analysis indicate that although the concentration of protein-like components did not differ significantly among watersheds, their relative abundance showed an enrichment in CC and WP compared to REF. The ratio of humic acid-type to fulvic acid-type components was highest and lowest at REF and WP, respectively. Our data suggest that forest ecosystem disturbance history affects the DOM quantity and quality in headwater streams over decades as a result of changes in watershed soil organic matter characteristics due to differences in organic matter inputs.  相似文献   

环境因子对植物叶绿体结构的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
叶绿体是一种对环境变化敏感的细胞器,环境变化通常会直接造成叶绿体大小、位置、类囊体片层、淀粉粒数量等方面发生适应性变化.从上述几个方面综述了植物叶绿体结构时CO2 浓度、温度、光照、水分胁迫等环境因子及多因子复合作用的适应性变化,分析了该领域的研究特点及方向.  相似文献   

Fungi are the dominant organisms decomposing leaf litter in streams and mediating energy transfer to other trophic levels. However, less is known about their role in decomposing submerged wood. This study provides the first estimates of fungal production on wood and compares the importance of fungi in the decomposition of submerged wood versus that of leaves at the ecosystem scale. We determined fungal biomass (ergosterol) and activity associated with randomly collected small wood (<40 mm diameter) and leaves in two southern Appalachian streams (reference and nutrient enriched) over an annual cycle. Fungal production (from rates of radiolabeled acetate incorporation into ergosterol) and microbial respiration on wood (per gram of detrital C) were about an order of magnitude lower than those on leaves. Microbial activity (per gram of C) was significantly higher in the nutrient-enriched stream. Despite a standing crop of wood two to three times higher than that of leaves in both streams, fungal production on an areal basis was lower on wood than on leaves (4.3 and 15.8 g C m−2 year−1 in the reference stream; 5.5 and 33.1 g C m−2 year−1 in the enriched stream). However, since the annual input of wood was five times lower than that of leaves, the proportion of organic matter input directly assimilated by fungi was comparable for these substrates (15.4 [wood] and 11.3% [leaves] in the reference stream; 20.0 [wood] and 20.2% [leaves] in the enriched stream). Despite a significantly lower fungal activity on wood than on leaves (per gram of detrital C), fungi can be equally important in processing both leaves and wood in streams.  相似文献   

Results of a multiyear complex study of species diversity, features and patterns of distribution, substrate colonization, and ecology of soil microscopic fungi in the lowland, piedmont, and mountain monsoon rain forests of Vietnam are presented for the first time. In 97 forest habitats studied within 13 specially protected areas of Vietnam in the Northern, Central, and Southern parts of the country, 510 species of micromycetes from 148 genera have been identified. The influence of environmental factors (climatic features, relief, soils, forest types, etc.) on the formation of complexes of micromycetes has been analyzed. As a result, the dependence of the number of colony-forming units (CFUs) on the type of the substrate and the season (wet/dry) is established: significantly more species are detected in the dry season (October–March) (p < 0.05) in comparison with the wet one; many species are associated with certain plant species. Indicators of species diversity decrease with an increase above sea level altitude (p < 0.01). Herewith, the ratio of the taxonomic groups of micromycetes also consistently changes. A latitudinal–zonal trend of the change of the species composition of microscopic fungi, determined by a combination of environmental factors, has been revealed.  相似文献   

The absolute amount of microbial biomass and relative contribution of fungi and bacteria are expected to vary among types of organic matter (OM) within a stream and will vary among streams because of differences in organic matter quality and quantity. Common types of benthic detritus [leaves, small wood, and fine benthic organic matter (FBOM)] were sampled in 9 small (1st-3rd order) streams selected to represent a range of important controlling factors such as surrounding vegetation, detritus standing stocks, and water chemistry. Direct counts of bacteria and measurements of ergosterol (a fungal sterol) were used to describe variation in bacterial and fungal biomass. There were significant differences in bacterial abundance among types of organic matter with higher densities per unit mass of organic matter on fine particles relative to either leaves or wood surfaces. In contrast, ergosterol concentrations were significantly greater on leaves and wood, confirming the predominance of fungal biomass in these larger size classes. In general, bacterial abundance per unit organic matter was less variable than fungal biomass, suggesting bacteria will be a more predictable component of stream microbial communities. For 7 of the 9 streams, the standing stock of fine benthic organic matter was large enough that habitat-weighted reach-scale bacterial biomass was equal to or greater than fungal biomass. The quantities of leaves and small wood varied among streams such that the relative contribution of reach-scale fungal biomass ranged from 10% to as much as 90% of microbial biomass. Ergosterol concentrations were positively associated with substrate C:N ratio while bacterial abundance was negatively correlated with C:N. Both these relationships are confounded by particle size, i.e., leaves and wood had higher C:N than fine benthic organic matter. There was a weak positive relationship between bacterial abundance and streamwater soluble reactive phosphorus concentration, but no apparent pattern between either bacteria or fungi and streamwater dissolved inorganic nitrogen. The variation in microbial biomass per unit organic matter and the relative abundance of different types of organic matter contributed equally to driving differences in total microbial biomass at the reach scale.  相似文献   

环境因子对大石鸡种群遗传结构的影响   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
卫明  侯鹏  黄族豪  刘迺发 《生态学报》2002,22(4):528-534
大石鸡是我国特有种 ,仅分布于青海东部 ,甘肃中部 ,宁夏六盘山以西 ,是我国北方干旱和半干旱荒漠环境指示鸟类。研究其遗传多样性与环境变化的关系 ,不仅是生态遗传学的前沿领域 ,而且在进化生物学和保护生物学领域都有重要的理论意义。采用聚合酶链式反应 ( PCR)和直接测序的方法 ,测定了甘肃境内由北向南的 5个大石鸡 ( Alectorismagna)种群 (兰州、榆中、定西、武山和礼县 )的线粒体 DNA( mt DNA)控制区 ( D-loop) 4 5 7~ 4 5 8个碱基长度的基因序列。结果表明兰州、榆中、定西、武山和礼县种群的平均碱基含量中 A( F=0 .30 F0 .0 1( 4 ,32 ) =3.97)、T( F=6 .4 4>F0 .0 1( 4 ,32 ) =3.97)差异极显著。 5个种群的基因变异率分别为 0 .32± 0 .2 7%、0 .4 8± 0 .4 5 %、0 .6 2± 0 .4 3%、0 .4 4± 0 .2 4 %、0 .1 7± 0 .1 4 % ,种群内的平均基因变异率为 0 .4 1± 0 .1 7% ,种群间的平均基因变异率为 0 .4 6± 0 .1 0 % ,种群内和种群间的平均基因变异率差异不明显( F=2 .5 90 .0 5 )和无霜期 ( r=-0 .81 0  相似文献   

Understanding factors that structure regional biodiversity is important for linking ecological and biogeographic processes. Our objective was to explore regional patterns in riverine benthic invertebrate assemblages in relation to their broad positioning along the river network and examine differences in composition, biodiversity (alpha and beta diversity), and environmental drivers. We up-scaled methods used to examine patterns in metacommunity structure (Elements of Metacommunity Structure framework) to examine faunal distribution patterns at the regional extent for 168 low-mountain stream invertebrate assemblages in central Germany. We then identified the most influential environmental factors using boosted regression trees. Faunal composition patterns were compartmentalised (Clementsian or quasi-Clementsian), with little difference from headwaters to large rivers, potentially reflecting the regional scale of the study, by crossing major catchment boundaries and incorporating different species pools. While idealised structures did not vary, environmental drivers of composition varied considerably between river sections and with alpha diversity. Prediction was substantially weaker, and the importance of space was greater, in large rivers compared to other sections suggesting a weakening in species sorting downstream. Further, there was a stronger transition in composition than for alpha diversity downstream. The stronger links with regional faunal composition than with richness further emphasises the importance of considering the alternative ways in which anthropogenic stressors are operating to affect biodiversity patterns. Our approach allowed bridging the gap between local (or metacommunity) and regional scales, providing key insights into drivers of regional biodiversity patterns.  相似文献   

Respiration of selected nematode species was measured relative to CO₂ level, temperature, osmotic pressure, humidity, glucose utilization and high ionic concentrations of sodium and potassium.In general, respiration was stimulated most by the dominant environmental factors at levels near those expected in the nematode''s "natural" habitat. Soil-inhabiting nematodes utilized O₂, most rapidly with high (1-2%) CO₂ whereas a foliar nematode (Aphelenchoides ritzemabosi) did so with 0.03% CO₂, the concentration typically found in air. Temperature optima for respiration corresponded closely to those for other activities. Ditylenchus dipsaci and Pratylenchus penetrans adults and Anguina tritici and A. agrostis second-stage larvae respired within the range of osmotic pressures from 0 to 44.8 arm and respiration of their drought-resistant stages was stimulated by increasing osmotic pressure which accompanies the onset of drought. Rehydration of A. tritici and A. agrostis larvae with RH as low as 5% stimulated measurable respiration. Glucose utilization from liquid medium by A. tritici larvae or A. ritzembosi was not detectable. Supplemental Na⁺ stimulated respiration of Anguina tritici, K⁺ did not.  相似文献   

青草沙水库是位于长江河口的一座江心水库,是现今上海最大的水源地,作为一个半自然半人工水体,其生态系统具有特殊性,既会受到来水影响,又有自身独特性,轮虫作为最有效的水质监测生物之一,能很好地反应水库的水体现状,为水库管理提供生物学参考依据。于2014~2015年对青草沙水库轮虫群落结构的特征进行了研究,依据水库轮虫水平分布和时间分布特征,分析了该水库轮虫的种类组成、优势种、污染指示种、数量分布。结合多样性指数运用聚类分析方法分析轮虫群落结构特征,采用冗余分析方法研究轮虫和环境因子的关系。两年共发现轮虫32种,2014年为20种,优势种7种;2015年为26种,优势种2种。其中针簇多肢轮虫(Polyarthra trigla)为两年共有优势种。寡污型种类共鉴定出8种。2014年年均生物密度比2015年低,分别为(156.37±119.48)ind/L和(237.12±252.86)ind/L。2014年年均生物量比2015年高,分别为(0.1316±0.1146)mg/L和(0.1229±0.1371)mg/L。聚类分析表明,轮虫的水平分布与水库的形状、地理特征水文情况有着很大关系。冗余分析(RDA)表明,水温、溶氧、总氮、总磷、浮游植物生物密度为主要影响因子。  相似文献   

We recorded stingless bee colony abundance and nesting habits in three sites with different anthropogenic activities in the Soconusco region of Chiapas, Mexico: (1) agroforestry (7 hacacao crop), (2) grassland (12?ha), and (3) urban area (3?ha). A total of 67 nests were found, representing five stingless bee species, Tetragonisca angustula angustula (Lepeletier), Trigona fulviventris (Guérin), Scaptotrigona mexicana (Guérin), Scaptotrigona pectoralis (Dalla Torre), and Oxytrigona mediorufa (Cockerell). The most abundant stingless bee in each site was T. angustula angustula (>50%). The primary tree species used by the bees were Ficus spp. (Moraceae, 37.8%) and Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae, 13.5%). The nest entrance height of T. angustula angustula (96?±?19?cm) was different than the other species, and this bee was the only one that used all different nesting sites. Volatiles analyzed by gas chromatography from pollen collected by the stingless bees differed between bee species, but were highly similar in respect to the fragrances of the pollen collected by the same species at any site. Our data indicate that T. angustula angustula experienced low heterospecific and high intraspecific foraging overlap especially in the urban site. We observed cluster spatial distribution in grassland and in agroforestry sites. In the urban site, T. angustula angustula presented random distribution tended to disperse. Trigona fulviventris was the only overdispersed and solitary species.  相似文献   

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