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The annotation process of a newly sequenced bacterial genome is largely based on algorithms derived from databases of previously defined RNA and protein-encoding gene structures. This process generally excludes the possibility that the two strands of a given stretch of DNA can each harbor a gene in an overlapping manner. While the presence of such structures in eukaryotic genomes is considered to be relatively common, their counterparts in prokaryotic genomes are just beginning to be recognized. Application of an in vivo expression technology has previously identified 22 discrete genetic loci in Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 that were specifically activated in the soil environment, of which 10 were present in an antisense orientation relative to previously annotated genes. This observation led to the hypothesis that the physiological role of overlapping genetic structures may be relevant to growth conditions outside artificial laboratory media. Here, we examined the role of one of the overlapping gene pairs, iiv19 and leuA2, in soil. Although iiv19 was previously demonstrated to be preferentially activated in the soil environment, its absence did not alter the ability of P. fluorescens to colonize or survive in soil. Surprisingly, the absence of the leuA2 gene conferred a fitness advantage in the soil environment when leucine was supplied exogenously. This effect was determined to be independent of the iiv19 gene, and further analyses revealed that amino acid antagonism was the underlying mechanism behind the observed fitness advantage of the bacterium in soil. Our findings provide a potential mechanism for the frequent occurrence of auxotrophic mutants of Pseudomonas spp. in the lungs of cystic fibrosis patients.  相似文献   

Genome sequences are annotated by computational prediction of coding sequences, followed by similarity searches such as BLAST, which provide a layer of possible functional information. While the existence of processes such as alternative splicing complicates matters for eukaryote genomes, the view of bacterial genomes as a linear series of closely spaced genes leads to the assumption that computational annotations that predict such arrangements completely describe the coding capacity of bacterial genomes. We undertook a proteomic study to identify proteins expressed by Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 from genes that were not predicted during the genome annotation. Mapping peptides to the Pf0-1 genome sequence identified sixteen non-annotated protein-coding regions, of which nine were antisense to predicted genes, six were intergenic, and one read in the same direction as an annotated gene but in a different frame. The expression of all but one of the newly discovered genes was verified by RT-PCR. Few clues as to the function of the new genes were gleaned from informatic analyses, but potential orthologs in other Pseudomonas genomes were identified for eight of the new genes. The 16 newly identified genes improve the quality of the Pf0-1 genome annotation, and the detection of antisense protein-coding genes indicates the under-appreciated complexity of bacterial genome organization.  相似文献   

【目的】DNA磷硫酰化修饰是DNA骨架上非桥接的氧原子以序列选择性和R-构型被硫取代的一种新型DNA修饰。目前,磷硫酰化修饰在多种细菌、古生菌以及人类致病菌中多有发现,但其分子调控机制尚不清楚。为了全面解析磷硫酰化修饰的调控机制,本文选择荧光假单胞菌Pf0-1为研究对象,开展了其DNA磷硫酰化修饰的调控机制研究。【方法】首先,构建了spfB基因缺失和回补菌株,使用碘能特异性断裂磷硫酰化修饰DNA的方法,研究了该基因缺失对修饰表型的影响。利用cDNA在相邻同方向的基因间隔区进行PCR,确定了磷硫酰化修饰基因簇spf BCDE内的共转录单元。通过荧光定量RT-PCR,分析了spfB基因缺失突变株中磷硫酰化修饰基因的转录量。利用异源表达并纯化得到的重组蛋白SpfB进行了体外功能研究。通过EMSA实验,验证了SpfB蛋白具有与spfB启动子序列结合活性。通过DNase I footprinting实验,精确定位了Spf B蛋白与DNA结合序列。【结果】spf B基因的缺失加剧了磷硫酰化修饰DNA断裂所致电泳条带弥散的表型,spf B基因的回补能够恢复该表型,证明spf B基因负调控磷硫酰化修饰。鉴定了spf基因簇中只含有1个共转录单元,且该共转录单元在?spfB突变株中转录水平明显上升。通过EMSA和DNase I footprint实验,检测了SpfB蛋白与磷硫酰化修饰基因spf BCDE的启动子区域5′-TGTTTGT-3′相结合。【结论】SpfB作为转录调控因子负调控磷硫酰化修饰基因spf BCDE的表达,为解析磷硫酰化修饰的调控机制和全面理解基因组上的部分修饰特征奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Knowledge of the genetic basis for bacterial survival and persistence in soil is a critical component in the development of successful biological control strategies and for understanding the ecological success of bacteria. We found a locus specifying polyphosphate kinase (ppk) and a nonpredicted antisense RNA (iiv8) in Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 to be necessary for optimal competitive fitness in LB broth culture and sterile loam soil. Pf0-1 lacking ppk and iiv8 was more than 10-fold less competitive against wild-type Pf0-1 in sterile loam soil low in inorganic phosphate. Studies indicated that ppk, and not iiv8, was required for competitive fitness. No role for iiv8 was identified. While a ppk and iiv8 mutant of Pf0-1 did not have increased sensitivity to osmotic, oxidative, and acid stress, it was more sensitive to elevated temperatures in laboratory medium and during growth in sterile soil. ppk was shown to be part of the Pho regulon in P. fluorescens, being upregulated in response to a low external Pi concentration. Of importance, overproduction of polyphosphate in the soil environment appears to be more deleterious than production of none at all. Our findings reveal a new role for polyphosphate (and the need for proper regulation of its production) in competitive fitness of P. fluorescens in laboratory and soil environments.Soils are complex environments, presenting microbial inhabitants with a range of challenges which must be met if they are to survive and persist. Nutrients, pH, water content, and temperature can all affect survival of bacteria in soil (44). An understanding of the ecological success of microbes in natural environments such as soil requires knowledge of the mechanisms underlying adaptation and persistence. This appreciation for adaptive mechanisms is also important for the successful use of microbes for environmental applications, such as biocontrol or bioremediation (29, 47). Pseudomonas species, which are frequently isolated from soil environments, have a large complement of regulatory genes which are thought to permit rapid responses to environmental changes (42). For example, the two-component pair phoB-phoR responds to change in the concentration of exogenous inorganic phosphate (Pi) (25, 46). The regulatory targets of such systems likely include genes that are critical for adaptation and thus are important for long-term success within a fluctuating environment.Many Pseudomonas species are being investigated as potential biocontrol agents because of their ability to produce compounds that are inhibitory to plant-pathogenic fungi (10). In addition, some Pseudomonas species have plant growth-promoting activity independent of their antifungal activity, making them very attractive in biocontrol (45). Despite the frequency with which Pseudomonas species are isolated from soils and the interest in developing biocontrol applications, the determinants of their environmental success are not well characterized (8).Genes that are upregulated in a particular environment are likely to be important for success in that environment (28). Indeed, a number of environmentally regulated genes, identified using in vivo expression technology (IVET), have been shown to be important for success in the environment from which they were isolated (for examples, see references 3, 8, 19, and 20). We have been investigating the genetic basis of persistence of the soil isolate Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1. Using an IVET screen, we found 22 sequences upregulated during growth in sterile loam soil (40). Three of these IVET-identified genes were shown to be involved in colonization of sterile soil. Here we report the analysis of an additional IVET-identified locus, termed iiv8 (40). The sequence upregulated in soil did not match any gene predicted in the Pf0-1 genome annotation (GenBank accession number CP000094) and was antisense to a predicted polyphosphate (poly P) kinase gene (Pfl01_5464). In a previous study, we demonstrated that a nonpredicted IVET-identified antisense gene specified a protein of importance in colonization of sterile soil (39). Kim and Levy (16) recently showed that at a sense/antisense locus, at which the antisense gene was identified by IVET, the sense gene had a role in soil fitness.poly P is a polymer of inorganic phosphate found ubiquitously and is important for a number of processes in bacteria (reviewed in reference 36). For example, in Escherichia coli, loss of poly P production is associated with defects in stationary-phase survival and with tolerance of osmotic, oxidative, and heat stress (30). In Vibrio cholerae poly P is important for motility (33), surface attachment (27), and tolerance of low pH and oxidative and osmotic stress (12). Proposed functions of poly P include chelation of metals, phosphate storage, substitution for ATP, and maintenance of pH (reviewed in reference 18). In Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1, poly P plays a role in numerous traits including motility (32); biofilm formation, quorum sensing, and virulence (34); and carbenicillin tolerance and maintenance of normal cellular ultrastructure (7). In E. coli, poly P production is part of the Pho regulon (1), a suite of genes upregulated in response to low phosphate by the response regulator PhoB. When Pi is limiting, PhoB is phosphorylated by PhoR and can then activate the Pho regulon. When Pi is in excess, PhoR-mediated phosphorylation of PhoB is prevented by an interaction with the Pst (phosphate-specific transport) system. This regulatory system is widely conserved and has been demonstrated to be present in P. fluorescens Pf0-1. The Pho regulon is constitutively derepressed in pst mutants because of the inability to prevent phosphorylation of PhoB. phoB mutants cannot activate the Pho regulon, and hence, Pho regulon genes are repressed under all conditions (25).The objective of this study was to determine the importance of the overlapping gene pair ppk and iiv8 in stress tolerance and fitness. Studies of bacteria in soil sought to extend our understanding of survival and fitness traits of soil bacteria.  相似文献   



Many soil-inhabiting bacteria are known to produce secondary metabolites that can suppress microorganisms competing for the same resources. The production of antimicrobial compounds is expected to incur fitness costs for the producing bacteria. Such costs form the basis for models on the co-existence of antibiotic-producing and non-antibiotic producing strains. However, so far studies quantifying the costs of antibiotic production by bacteria are scarce. The current study reports on possible costs, for antibiotic production by Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1, a soil bacterium that is induced to produce a broad-spectrum antibiotic when it is confronted with non-related bacterial competitors or supernatants of their cultures.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We measured the possible cost of antibiotic production for Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 by monitoring changes in growth rate with and without induction of antibiotic production by supernatant of a bacterial competitor, namely Pedobacter sp.. Experiments were performed in liquid as well as on semi-solid media under nutrient-limited conditions that are expected to most clearly reveal fitness costs. Our results did not reveal any significant costs for production of antibiotics by Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1. Comparison of growth rates of the antibiotic-producing wild-type cells with those of non-antibiotic producing mutants did not reveal costs of antibiotic production either.


Based on our findings we propose that the facultative production of antibiotics might not be selected to mitigate metabolic costs, but instead might be advantageous because it limits the risk of competitors evolving resistance, or even the risk of competitors feeding on the compounds produced.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation by Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 requires the cell surface adhesin LapA. We previously reported that LapG, a periplasmic cysteine protease of P. fluorescens, cleaves the N terminus of LapA, thus releasing this adhesin from the cell surface and resulting in loss of the ability to make a biofilm. The activity of LapG is regulated by the inner membrane-localized cyclic-di-GMP receptor LapD via direct protein-protein interactions. Here we present chelation and metal add-back studies demonstrating that calcium availability regulates biofilm formation by P. fluorescens Pf0-1. The determination that LapG is a calcium-dependent protease, based on in vivo and in vitro studies, explains the basis of this calcium-dependent regulation. Based on the crystal structure of LapG of Legionella pneumophila in the accompanying report by Chatterjee and colleagues (D. Chatterjee et al., J. Bacteriol. 194:4415-4425, 2012), we show that the calcium-binding residues of LapG, D134 and E136, which are near the critical C135 active-site residue, are required for LapG activity of P. fluorescens in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, we show that mutations in D134 and E136 result in LapG proteins no longer able to interact with LapD, indicating that calcium binding results in LapG adopting a conformation competent for interaction with the protein that regulates its activity. Finally, we show that citrate, an environmentally relevant calcium chelator, can impact LapG activity and thus biofilm formation, suggesting that a physiologically relevant chelator of calcium can impact biofilm formation by this organism.  相似文献   

Biofilm formation is commonly described as a developmental process regulated by environmental cues. In the current study we present a mechanistic model to explain regulation of Pseudomonas fluorescens biofilm formation by the environmentally relevant signal inorganic phosphate (P(i)). We show that activation of the Pho regulon, the major pathway for adaptation to phosphate limitation, results in conditional expression of a c-di-GMP phosphodiesterase referred to as RapA. Genetic analysis indicated that RapA is an inhibitor of biofilm formation and required for loss of biofilm formation in response to limiting P(i). Our results suggest that RapA lowers the level of c-di-GMP, which in turn inhibits the secretion of LapA, a large adhesion required for biofilm formation by P. fluorescens. The ability of c-di-GMP to modulate protein secretion is a novel finding and further extends the biological influence of c-di-GMP beyond that of regulating exopolysaccharide synthesis and motility. Interestingly, Pho regulon expression does not impinge on the rate of attachment to a surface but rather inhibits the transition of cells to a more stable interaction with the surface. We hypothesize that Pho regulon expression confers a surface-sensing mode on P. fluorescens and suggest this strategy may be broadly applicable to other bacteria.  相似文献   

Cyclic di-GMP (c-di-GMP) is a broadly conserved, intracellular second-messenger molecule that regulates biofilm formation by many bacteria. The synthesis of c-di-GMP is catalyzed by diguanylate cyclases (DGCs) containing the GGDEF domain, while its degradation is achieved through the phosphodiesterase activities of EAL and HD-GYP domains. c-di-GMP controls biofilm formation by Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1 by promoting the cell surface localization of a large adhesive protein, LapA. LapA localization is regulated posttranslationally by a c-di-GMP effector system consisting of LapD and LapG, which senses cytoplasmic c-di-GMP and modifies the LapA protein in the outer membrane. Despite the apparent requirement for c-di-GMP for biofilm formation by P. fluorescens Pf0-1, no DGCs from this strain have been characterized to date. In this study, we undertook a systematic mutagenesis of 30 predicted DGCs and found that mutations in just 4 cause reductions in biofilm formation by P. fluorescens Pf0-1 under the conditions tested. These DGCs were characterized genetically and biochemically to corroborate the hypothesis that they function to produce c-di-GMP in vivo. The effects of DGC gene mutations on phenotypes associated with biofilm formation were analyzed. One DGC preferentially affects LapA localization, another DGC mainly controls swimming motility, while a third DGC affects both LapA and motility. Our data support the conclusion that different c-di-GMP-regulated outputs can be specifically controlled by distinct DGCs.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas fluorescens strain Pf1, inhibitory to the growth of the rice sheath blight pathogen Rhizoctonia solani in vitro , was developed as a talc-based formulation. W hen the formulation was applied as a seed treatment, the bacteria established well in the rice rhizosphere. Root treatment or soil application of the formulation was less effective in establishing the bacteria into the rhizosphere. Effective control of rice sheath blight was obtained when the powder formulation was applied to seed, roots, soil and foliage, and these methods of application increased crop grain yield in four field trials. The possible commercial exploitation of the powder formulation of the bacteria is discussed.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine the genetic needs for the survival of Pseudomonas fluorescens Pf0-1, a gram-negative soil bacterium potentially important for biocontrol and bioremediation, in soil. In vivo expression technology (IVET) identified 22 genes with elevated expression in soil relative to laboratory media. Soil-induced sequences included genes with probable functions of nutrient acquisition and use, and of gene regulation. Ten sequences, lacking similarity to known genes, overlapped divergent known genes, revealing a novel genetic organization at those soil-induced loci. Mutations in three soil-induced genes led to impaired early growth in soil but had no impact on growth in laboratory media. Thus, IVET studies have identified sequences important for soil growth and have revealed a gene organization that was undetected by traditional laboratory approaches.  相似文献   

The phytotoxic pathogenicity factor fusaric acid (FA) represses the production of 2,4-diacetylphloroglucinol (DAPG), a key factor in the antimicrobial activity of the biocontrol strain Pseudomonas fluorescens CHA0. FA production by 12 Fusarium oxysporum strains varied substantially. We measured the effect of FA production on expression of the phlACBDE biosynthetic operon of strain CHA0 in culture media and in the wheat rhizosphere by using a translational phlA′-′lacZ fusion. Only FA-producing F. oxysporum strains could suppress DAPG production in strain CHA0, and the FA concentration was strongly correlated with the degree of phlA repression. The repressing effect of FA on phlA′-′lacZ expression was abolished in a mutant that lacked the DAPG pathway-specific repressor PhlF. One FA-producing strain (798) and one nonproducing strain (242) of F. oxysporum were tested for their influence on phlA expression in CHA0 in the rhizosphere of wheat in a gnotobiotic system containing a sand and clay mineral-based artificial soil. F. oxysporum strain 798 (FA+) repressed phlA expression in CHA0 significantly, whereas strain 242 (FA) did not. In the phlF mutant CHA638, phlA expression was not altered by the presence of either F. oxysporum strain 242 or 798. phlA expression levels were seven to eight times higher in strain CHA638 than in the wild-type CHA0, indicating that PhlF limits phlA expression in the wheat rhizosphere.  相似文献   

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