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The complex MalFGK2 hydrolyzes ATP and alternates between inward- and outward-facing conformations during maltose transport. It has been shown that ATP promotes closure of MalK2 and opening of MalFG toward the periplasm. Yet, why the transporter rests in a conformation facing the cytosol in the absence of nucleotide and how it returns to this state after hydrolysis of ATP is unknown. The membrane domain MalFG may be naturally stable in the inward-facing conformation, or the ABC domain may catalyze the transition. We address this question by analyzing the conformation of MalFG in nanodiscs and in proteoliposomes. We find that MalFG alone exists in an intermediate state until MalK binds and converts the membrane domain to the inward-facing state. We also find that MalK, if overly-bound to MalFG, blocks the transition of the transporter, whereas suppressor mutations that weaken this association restore transport. MalK therefore exploits hydrolysis of ATP to reverse the conformation of MalFG to the inward-facing conformation, a step essential for release of maltose in the cytosol.  相似文献   

The MetNI methionine importer of Escherichia coli, an ATP binding cassette (ABC) transporter, uses the energy of ATP binding and hydrolysis to catalyze the high affinity uptake of d- and l-methionine. Early in vivo studies showed that the uptake of external methionine is repressed by the level of the internal methionine pool, a phenomenon termed transinhibition. Our understanding of the MetNI mechanism has thus far been limited to a series of crystal structures in an inward-facing conformation. To understand the molecular mechanism of transinhibition, we studied the kinetics of ATP hydrolysis using detergent-solubilized MetNI. We find that transinhibition is due to noncompetitive inhibition by l-methionine, much like a negative feedback loop. Thermodynamic analyses revealed two allosteric methionine binding sites per transporter. This quantitative analysis of transinhibition, the first to our knowledge for a structurally defined transporter, builds upon the previously proposed structurally based model for regulation. This mechanism of regulation at the transporter activity level could be applicable to not only ABC transporters but other types of membrane transporters as well.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters belong to one of the largest protein superfamilies that expands from prokaryotes to man. Recent x-ray crystal structures of bacterial and mammalian ABC exporters suggest a common alternating access mechanism of substrate transport, which has also been biochemically substantiated. However, the current model does not yet explain the coupling between substrate binding and ATP hydrolysis that underlies ATP-dependent substrate transport. In our studies on the homodimeric multidrug/lipid A ABC exporter MsbA from Escherichia coli, we performed cysteine cross-linking, fluorescence energy transfer, and cysteine accessibility studies on two reporter positions, near the nucleotide-binding domains and in the membrane domains, for transporter embedded in a biological membrane. Our results suggest for the first time that substrate binding by MsbA stimulates the maximum rate of ATP hydrolysis by facilitating the dimerization of nucleotide-binding domains in a state, which is markedly distinct from the previously described nucleotide-free, inward-facing and nucleotide-bound, outward-facing conformations of ABC exporters and which binds ATP.  相似文献   

Embedded in the plasma membrane of all bacteria, ATP binding cassette (ABC) importers facilitate the uptake of several vital nutrients and cofactors. The ABC transporter, MolBC-A, imports molybdate by passing substrate from the binding protein MolA to a membrane-spanning translocation pathway of MolB. To understand the mechanism of transport in the biological membrane as a whole, the effects of the lipid bilayer on transport needed to be addressed. Continuous wave-electron paramagnetic resonance and in vivo molybdate uptake studies were used to test the impact of the lipid environment on the mechanism and function of MolBC-A. Working with the bacterium Haemophilus influenzae, we found that MolBC-A functions as a low affinity molybdate transporter in its native environment. In periods of high extracellular molybdate concentration, H. influenzae makes use of parallel molybdate transport systems (MolBC-A and ModBC-A) to take up a greater amount of molybdate than a strain with ModBC-A alone. In addition, the movement of the translocation pathway in response to nucleotide binding and hydrolysis in a lipid environment is conserved when compared with in-detergent analysis. However, electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy indicates that a lipid environment restricts the flexibility of the MolBC translocation pathway. By combining continuous wave-electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy and substrate uptake studies, we reveal details of molybdate transport and the logistics of uptake systems that employ multiple transporters for the same substrate, offering insight into the mechanisms of nutrient uptake in bacteria.  相似文献   

Bacterial ATP-binding cassette (ABC) importers are primary active transporters that are critical for nutrient uptake. Based on structural and functional studies, ABC importers can be divided into two distinct classes, type I and type II. Type I importers follow a strict alternating access mechanism that is driven by the presence of the substrate. Type II importers accept substrates in a nucleotide-free state, with hydrolysis driving an inward facing conformation. The ribose transporter in Escherichia coli is a tripartite complex consisting of a cytoplasmic ATP-binding cassette protein, RbsA, with fused nucleotide binding domains; a transmembrane domain homodimer, RbsC2; and a periplasmic substrate binding protein, RbsB. To investigate the transport mechanism of the complex RbsABC2, we probed intersubunit interactions by varying the presence of the substrate ribose and the hydrolysis cofactors, ATP/ADP and Mg2+. We were able to purify a full complex, RbsABC2, in the presence of stable, transition state mimics (ATP, Mg2+, and VO4); a RbsAC complex in the presence of ADP and Mg2+; and a heretofore unobserved RbsBC complex in the absence of cofactors. The presence of excess ribose also destabilized complex formation between RbsB and RbsC. These observations suggest that RbsABC2 shares functional traits with both type I and type II importers, as well as possessing unique features, and employs a distinct mechanism relative to other ABC transporters.  相似文献   

Pdr5 is a plasma membrane-bound ABC transporter from Saccharomyces cerevisiae and is involved in the phenomenon of resistance against xenobiotics, which are clinically relevant in bacteria, fungi, and humans. Many fungal ABC transporters such as Pdr5 display an inherent asymmetry in their nucleotide-binding sites (NBS) unlike most of their human counterparts. This degeneracy of the NBSs is very intriguing and needs explanation in terms of structural and functional relevance. In this study, we mutated nonconsensus amino acid residues in the NBSs to its consensus counterpart and studied its effect on the function of the protein and effect on yeast cells. The completely “regenerated” Pdr5 protein was severely impaired in its function of ATP hydrolysis and of rhodamine 6G transport. Moreover, we observe alternative compensatory mechanisms to counteract drug toxicity in some of the mutants. In essence, we describe here the first attempts to restore complete symmetry in an asymmetric ABC transporter and to study its effects, which might be relevant to the entire class of asymmetric ABC transporters.  相似文献   

The retina-specific ATP binding cassette transporter, ABCA4 protein, is associated with a broad range of inherited macular degenerations, including Stargardt disease, autosomal recessive cone rod dystrophy, and fundus flavimaculatus. In order to understand its role in retinal transport in rod out segment discs, we have investigated the interactions of the soluble domains of ABCA4 with both 11-cis- and all-trans-retinal. Using fluorescence anisotropy-based binding analysis and recombinant polypeptides derived from the amino acid sequences of the four soluble domains of ABCA4, we demonstrated that the nucleotide binding domain 1 (NBD1) specifically bound 11-cis-retinal. Its affinity for all-trans-retinal was markedly reduced. Stargardt disease-associated mutations in this domain resulted in attenuation of 11-cis-retinal binding. Significant differences in 11-cis-retinal binding affinities were observed between NBD1 and other cytoplasmic and lumenal domains of ABCA4. The results suggest a possible role of ABCA4 and, in particular, the NBD1 domain in 11-cis-retinal binding. These results also correlate well with a recent report on the in vivo role of ABCA4 in 11-cis-retinal transport.  相似文献   

The mitochondrial ATP binding cassette transporter ABCB6 has been associated with a broad range of physiological functions, including growth and development, therapy-related drug resistance, and the new blood group system Langereis. ABCB6 has been proposed to regulate heme synthesis by shuttling coproporphyrinogen III from the cytoplasm into the mitochondria. However, direct functional information of the transport complex is not known. To understand the role of ABCB6 in mitochondrial transport, we developed an in vitro system with pure and active protein. ABCB6 overexpressed in HEK293 cells was solubilized from mitochondrial membranes and purified to homogeneity. Purified ABCB6 showed a high binding affinity for MgATP (Kd = 0.18 μm) and an ATPase activity with a Km of 0.99 mm. Reconstitution of ABCB6 into liposomes allowed biochemical characterization of the ATPase including (i) substrate-stimulated ATPase activity, (ii) transport kinetics of its proposed endogenous substrate coproporphyrinogen III, and (iii) transport kinetics of substrates identified using a high throughput screening assay. Mutagenesis of the conserved lysine to alanine (K629A) in the Walker A motif abolished ATP hydrolysis and substrate transport. These results suggest a direct interaction between mitochondrial ABCB6 and its transport substrates that is critical for the activity of the transporter. Furthermore, the simple immunoaffinity purification of ABCB6 to near homogeneity and efficient reconstitution of ABCB6 into liposomes might provide the basis for future studies on the structure/function of ABCB6.  相似文献   

ATP has dual roles in the reaction cycle of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase. Upon binding to the Ca2E1 state, ATP phosphorylates the enzyme, and by binding to other conformational states in a non-phosphorylating modulatory mode ATP stimulates the dephosphorylation and other partial reaction steps of the cycle, thereby ensuring a high rate of Ca2+ transport under physiological conditions. The present study elucidates the mechanism underlying the modulatory effect on dephosphorylation. In the intermediate states of dephosphorylation the A-domain residues Ser186 and Asp203 interact with Glu439 (N-domain) and Arg678 (P-domain), respectively. Single mutations to these residues abolish the stimulation of dephosphorylation by ATP. The double mutation swapping Asp203 and Arg678 rescues ATP stimulation, whereas this is not the case for the double mutation swapping Ser186 and Glu439. By taking advantage of the ability of wild type and mutant Ca2+-ATPases to form stable complexes with aluminum fluoride (E2·AlF) and beryllium fluoride (E2·BeF) as analogs of the E2·P phosphoryl transition state and E2P ground state, respectively, of the dephosphorylation reaction, the mutational effects on ATP binding to these intermediates are demonstrated. In the wild type Ca2+-ATPase, the ATP affinity of the E2·P phosphoryl transition state is higher than that of the E2P ground state, thus explaining the stimulation of dephosphorylation by nucleotide-induced transition state stabilization. We find that the Asp203-Arg678 and Ser186-Glu439 interdomain bonds are critical, because they tighten the interaction with ATP in the E2·P phosphoryl transition state. Moreover, ATP binding and the Ser186-Glu439 bond are mutually exclusive in the E2P ground state.  相似文献   

Glutathione (GSH) transport is vital for maintenance of intracellular and extracellular redox balance. Only a few human proteins have been identified as transporters of GSH, glutathione disulfide (GSSG) and/or GSH conjugates (GS-X). Human epithelial MDA1586, A549, H1975, H460, HN4, and H157 cell lines were exposed to 2′,5′-dihydroxychalcone, which induces a GSH efflux response. A real-time gene superarray for 84 proteins found in families that have a known role in GSH, GSSG, and/or GS-X transport was employed to help identify potential GSH transporters. ABCG2 was identified as the only gene in the array that closely corresponded with the magnitude of 2′,5′-dihydroxychalcone (2′,5′-DHC)-induced GSH efflux. The role of human ABCG2 as a novel GSH transporter was verified in a Saccharomyces cerevisiae galactose-inducible gene expression system. Yeast expressing human ABCG2 had 2.5-fold more extracellular GSH compared with those not expressing ABCG2. GSH efflux in ABCG2-expressing yeast was abolished by the ABCG2 substrate methotrexate (10 μm), indicating competitive inhibition. In contrast, 2′,5′-DHC treatment of ABCG2-expressing yeast increased extracellular GSH levels in a dose-dependent manner with a maximum 3.5-fold increase in GSH after 24 h. In addition, suppression of ABCG2 with short hairpin RNA or ABCG2 overexpression in human epithelial cells decreased or increased extracellular GSH levels, respectively. Our data indicate that ABCG2 is a novel GSH transporter.  相似文献   

The roles of Ser72, Glu90, and Lys297 at the luminal ends of transmembrane helices M1, M2, and M4 of sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase were examined by transient and steady-state kinetic analysis of mutants. The dependence on the luminal Ca2+ concentration of phosphorylation by Pi (“Ca2+ gradient-dependent E2P formation”) showed a reduction of the apparent affinity for luminal Ca2+ in mutants with alanine or leucine replacement of Glu90, whereas arginine replacement of Glu90 or Ser72 allowed E2P formation from Pi even at luminal Ca2+ concentrations much too small to support phosphorylation in wild type. The latter mutants further displayed a blocked dephosphorylation of E2P and an increased rate of conversion of the ADP-sensitive E1P phosphoenzyme intermediate to ADP-insensitive E2P as well as insensitivity of the E2·BeF3 complex to luminal Ca2+. Altogether, these findings, supported by structural modeling, indicate that the E2P intermediate is stabilized in the mutants with arginine replacement of Glu90 or Ser72, because the positive charge of the arginine side chain mimics Ca2+ occupying a luminally exposed low affinity Ca2+ site of E2P, thus identifying an essential locus (a “leaving site”) on the luminal Ca2+ exit pathway. Mutants with alanine or leucine replacement of Glu90 further displayed a marked slowing of the Ca2+ binding transition as well as slowing of the dissociation of Ca2+ from Ca2E1 back toward the cytoplasm, thus demonstrating that Glu90 is also critical for the function of the cytoplasmically exposed Ca2+ sites on the opposite side of the membrane relative to where Glu90 is located.  相似文献   

Equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENTs) are polytopic integral membrane proteins that transport nucleosides and, to a lesser extent, nucleobases across cell membranes. ENTs modulate efficacy for a range of human therapeutics and function in a diffusion-controlled bidirectional manner. A detailed understanding of ENT function at the molecular level has remained elusive. FUN26 (function unknown now 26) is a putative ENT homolog from S. cerevisiae that is expressed in vacuole membranes. In the present system, proteoliposome studies of purified FUN26 demonstrate robust nucleoside and nucleobase uptake into the luminal volume for a broad range of substrates. This transport activity is sensitive to nucleoside modifications in the C(2′)- and C(5′)-positions on the ribose sugar and is not stimulated by a membrane pH differential. [3H]Adenine nucleobase transport efficiency is increased ∼4-fold relative to nucleosides tested with no observed [3H]adenosine or [3H]UTP transport. FUN26 mutational studies identified residues that disrupt (G463A or G216A) or modulate (F249I or L390A) transporter function. These results demonstrate that FUN26 has a unique substrate transport profile relative to known ENT family members and that a purified ENT can be reconstituted in proteoliposomes for functional characterization in a defined system.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette multidrug efflux pumps transport a wide range of substrates. Current models suggest that a drug binds relatively tightly to a transport site in the transmembrane domains when the protein is in the closed inward facing conformation. Upon binding of ATP, the transporter can switch to an outward facing (drug off or drug releasing) structure of lower affinity. ATP hydrolysis is critically important for remodeling the drug-binding site to facilitate drug release and to reset the transporter for a new transport cycle. We characterized the novel phenotype of an S1368A mutant that lies in the putative drug-binding pocket of the yeast multidrug transporter Pdr5. This substitution created broad, severe drug hypersensitivity, although drug binding, ATP hydrolysis, and intradomain signaling were indistinguishable from the wild-type control. Several different rhodamine 6G efflux and accumulation assays yielded evidence consistent with the possibility that Ser-1368 prevents reentry of the excluded drug.  相似文献   

The high-affinity choline transporter CHT1 mediates choline uptake essential for acetylcholine synthesis in cholinergic nerve terminals. CHT1 belongs to the Na+/glucose cotransporter family (SLC5), which is postulated to have a common 13-transmembrane domain core; however, no direct experimental evidence for CHT1 transmembrane topology has yet been reported. We examined the transmembrane topology of human CHT1 using cysteine-scanning analysis. Single cysteine residues were introduced into the putative extra- and intracellular loops and probed for external accessibility for labeling with a membrane-impermeable, sulfhydryl-specific biotinylating reagent in intact cells expressing these mutants. The results provide experimental evidence for a topological model of a 13-transmembrane domain protein with an extracellular amino terminus and an intracellular carboxyl terminus. We also constructed a three-dimensional homology model of CHT1 based on the crystal structure of the bacterial Na+/galactose cotransporter, which supports our conclusion of CHT1 transmembrane topology. Furthermore, we examined whether CHT1 exists as a monomer or oligomer. Chemical cross-linking induces the formation of a higher molecular weight form of CHT1 on the cell surface in HEK293 cells. Two different epitope-tagged CHT1 proteins expressed in the same cells can be co-immunoprecipitated. Moreover, co-expression of an inactive mutant I89A with the wild type induces a dominant-negative effect on the overall choline uptake activity. These results indicate that CHT1 forms a homo-oligomer on the cell surface in cultured cells.  相似文献   

Pdr5 is the founding member of a large subfamily of evolutionarily distinct, clinically important fungal ABC transporters containing a characteristic, deviant ATP-binding site with altered Walker A, Walker B, Signature (C-loop), and Q-loop residues. In contrast to these motifs, the D-loops of the two ATP-binding sites have similar sequences, including a completely conserved aspartate residue. Alanine substitution mutants in the deviant Walker A and Signature motifs retain significant, albeit reduced, ATPase activity and drug resistance. The D-loop residue mutants D340A and D1042A showed a striking reduction in plasma membrane transporter levels. The D1042N mutation localized properly had nearly WT ATPase activity but was defective in transport and was profoundly hypersensitive to Pdr5 substrates. Therefore, there was a strong uncoupling of ATPase activity and drug efflux. Taken together, the properties of the mutants suggest an additional, critical intradomain signaling role for deviant ATP-binding sites.  相似文献   

ATP-binding cassette (ABC) systems translocate a wide range of solutes across cellular membranes. The thermophilic gram-negative eubacterium Thermus thermophilus, a model organism for structural genomics and systems biology, discloses ~46 ABC proteins, which are largely uncharacterized. Here, we functionally analyzed the first two and only ABC half-transporters of the hyperthermophilic bacterium, TmrA and TmrB. The ABC system mediates uptake of the drug Hoechst 33342 in inside-out oriented vesicles that is inhibited by verapamil. TmrA and TmrB form a stable heterodimeric complex hydrolyzing ATP with a K(m) of 0.9 mm and k(cat) of 9 s(-1) at 68 °C. Two nucleotides can be trapped in the heterodimeric ABC complex either by vanadate or by mutation inhibiting ATP hydrolysis. Nucleotide trapping requires permissive temperatures, at which a conformational ATP switch is possible. We further demonstrate that the canonic glutamate 523 of TmrA is essential for rapid conversion of the ATP/ATP-bound complex into its ADP/ATP state, whereas the corresponding aspartate in TmrB (Asp-500) has only a regulatory role. Notably, exchange of this single noncanonic residue into a catalytic glutamate cannot rescue the function of the E523Q/D500E complex, implicating a built-in asymmetry of the complex. However, slow ATP hydrolysis in the newly generated canonic site (D500E) strictly depends on the formation of a posthydrolysis state in the consensus site, indicating an allosteric coupling of both active sites.  相似文献   

Two novel regulatory motifs, LDEVFL and C-terminal regulatory Glu (E)-rich motif (CREEM), are identified in the extreme C terminus of the ABC protein DrrA, which is involved in direct interaction with the N-terminal cytoplasmic tail of the membrane protein DrrB and in homodimerization of DrrA. Disulfide cross-linking analysis showed that the CREEM and the region immediately upstream of CREEM participate directly in forming an interaction interface with the N terminus of DrrB. A series of mutations created in the LDEVFL and CREEM motifs drastically affected overall function of the DrrAB transporter. Mutations in the LDEVFL motif also significantly impaired interaction between the C terminus of DrrA and the N terminus of DrrB as well as the ability of DrrA and DrrB to co-purify, therefore suggesting that the LDEVFL motif regulates CREEM-mediated interaction between DrrA and DrrB and plays a key role in biogenesis of the DrrAB complex. Modeling analysis indicated that the LDEVFL motif is critical for conformational integrity of the C-terminal domain of DrrA and confirmed that the C terminus of DrrA forms an independent domain. This is the first report which describes the presence of an assembly domain in an ABC protein and uncovers a novel mechanism whereby the ABC component facilitates the assembly of the membrane component. Homology sequence comparisons showed the presence of the LDEVFL and CREEM motifs in close prokaryotic and eukaryotic homologs of DrrA, suggesting that these motifs may play a similar role in other homologous drug and lipid export systems.  相似文献   

Although endogenous mechanisms that negatively regulate cytochrome P450 (P450) monooxygenases in response to physiological and pathophysiological signals are not well understood, they are thought to result from alterations in the level of endogenous metabolites, involved in maintaining homeostasis. Here we show that homeostatic changes in hepatic metabolite profile in Abcb6 (mitochondrial ATP-binding cassette transporter B6) deficiency results in suppression of a specific subset of hepatic P450 activity. Abcb6 null mice are more susceptible to pentobarbital-induced sleep and zoxazolamine-induced paralysis, secondary to decreased expression and activity of Cyp3a11 and Cyp2b10. The knock-out mice also show decrease in both basal and xeno-inducible expression and activity of a subset of hepatic P450s that appear to be related to changes in hepatic metabolite profile. These data, together with the observation that liver extracts from Abcb6-deficient mice suppress P450 expression in human primary hepatocytes, suggest that this mouse model may provide an opportunity to understand the physiological signals and the mechanisms involved in negative regulation of P450s.  相似文献   

We identified a novel prostaglandin (PG)-specific organic anion transporter (OAT) in the OAT group of the SLC22 family. The transporter designated OAT-PG from mouse kidney exhibited Na+-independent and saturable transport of PGE2 when expressed in a proximal tubule cell line (S2). Unusual for OAT members, OAT-PG showed narrow substrate selectivity and high affinity for a specific subset of PGs, including PGE2, PGF, and PGD2. Similar to PGE2 receptor and PGT, a structurally distinct PG transporter, OAT-PG requires for its substrates an α-carboxyl group, with a double bond between C13 and C14 as well as a (S)-hydroxyl group at C15. Unlike the PGE2 receptor, however, the hydroxyl group at C11 in a cyclopentane ring is not essential for OAT-PG substrates. Addition of a hydroxyl group at C19 or C20 impairs the interaction with OAT-PG, whereas an ethyl group at C20 enhances the interaction, suggesting the importance of hydrophobicity around the ω-tail tip forming a “hydrophobic core” accompanied by a negative charge, which is essential for substrates of OAT members. OAT-PG-mediated transport is concentrative in nature, although OAT-PG mediates both facilitative and exchange transport. OAT-PG is kidney-specific and localized on the basolateral membrane of proximal tubules where a PG-inactivating enzyme, 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase, is expressed. Because of the fact that 15-keto-PGE2, the metabolite of PGE2 produced by 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase, is not a substrate of OAT-PG, the transport-metabolism coupling would make unidirectional PGE2 transport more efficient. By removing extracellular PGE2, OAT-PG is proposed to be involved in the local PGE2 clearance and metabolism for the inactivation of PG signals in the kidney cortex.  相似文献   

Membrane transporters belonging to the multidrug and toxic compound extrusion family mediate the efflux of unrelated pharmaceuticals from the interior of the cell in organisms ranging from bacteria to human. These proteins are thought to fall into two classes that couple substrate efflux to the influx of either Na+ or H+. We studied the energetics of drug extrusion by NorM from Vibrio cholerae in proteoliposomes in which purified NorM protein was functionally reconstituted in an inside-out orientation. We establish that NorM simultaneously couples to the sodium-motive force and proton-motive force, and biochemically identify protein regions and residues that play important roles in Na+ or H+ binding. As the positions of protons are not available in current medium and high-resolution crystal structures of multidrug and toxic compound extrusion transporters, our findings add a previously unrecognized parameter to mechanistic models based of these structures.  相似文献   

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