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Recent research on whole-body cryotherapy has hypothesized a major responsibility of head cooling in the physiological changes classically reported after a cryostimulation session. The aim of this experiment was to verify this hypothesis by studying the influence of exposing the head to cold during whole-body cryostimulation sessions, on the thermal response and the autonomic nervous system (ANS). Over five consecutive days, two groups of 10 participants performed one whole-body cryostimulation session daily, in one of two different systems; one exposing the whole-body to cold (whole-body cryostimulation, WBC), and the other exposing the whole-body except the head (partial-body cryostimulation, PBC).10 participants constituted a control group (CON) not receiving any cryostimulation. In order to isolate the head-cooling effect on recorded variables, it was ensured that the WBC and PBC systems induced the same decrease in skin temperature for all body regions (mean decrease over the 5 exposures: -8.6°C±1.3°C and -8.3±0.7°C for WBC and PBC, respectively), which persisted up to 20-min after the sessions (P20). The WBC sessions caused an almost certain decrease in tympanic temperature from Pre to P20 (-0.28 ±0.11°C), while it only decreased at P20 (-0.14±0.05°C) after PBC sessions. Heart rate almost certainly decreased after PBC (-8.6%) and WBC (-12.3%) sessions. Resting vagal-related heart rate variability indices (the root-mean square difference of successive normal R-R intervals, RMSSD, and high frequency band, HF) were very likely to almost certainly increased after PBC (RMSSD:+49.1%, HF: +123.3%) and WBC (RMSSD: +38.8%, HF:+70.3%). Plasma norepinephrine concentration was likely increased in similar proportions after PBC and WBC, but only after the first session. Both cryostimulation techniques stimulated the ANS with a predominance of parasympathetic tone activation from the first to the fifth session and in slightly greater proportion with WBC than PBC. The main result of this study indicates that the head exposure to cold during whole-body cryostimulation may not be the main factor responsible for the effects of cryostimulation on the ANS.  相似文献   

A spectral analysis of heart rate was carried out on 11 young female adults in order to evaluate the effects of bright light exposure on autonomic nervous activity. Bright light (5,000 lx) was provided by fluorescent lamps during the daytime (07:00-15:00) on day 1. Dim light (200 lx) was given on day 2. High frequency components (HF: 0.15-0.4Hz) were used as a marker of parasympathetic activity and the ratio of low frequency (LF: 0.04-0.15 HZ) to high frequency (LF/HF) as an indicator of sympathetic activity. The average value during the sleep period (23:30-06:30) was compared following diurnal exposure to bright or dim light. HF component was significantly greater from 23:30 to 02:00 after diurnal exposure of bright light, being accompanied by lower heart rate during these periods. There existed negative correlation between heart rate and HF component from 23:30 to 02:00 under diurnal exposure to bright and dim lights. The results indicate that bright light exposure during the daytime (07:00-15:00) could enhance parasympathetic activity around midnight.  相似文献   

Music and exercise can both affect autonomic nervous system activity. However, the effects of the combination of music and exercise on autonomic activity are poorly understood. Additionally, it remains unknown whether music affects post-exercise orthostatic tolerance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of music on autonomic nervous system activity in orthostatic tolerance after exercise. Twenty-six healthy graduate students participated in four sessions in a random order on four separate days: a sedentary session, a music session, a bicycling session, and a bicycling with music session. Participants were asked to listen to their favorite music and to exercise on a cycle ergometer. We evaluated autonomic nervous system activity before and after each session using frequency analysis of heart rate variability. High frequency power, an index of parasympathetic nervous system activity, was significantly increased in the music session. Heart rate was increased, and high frequency power was decreased, in the bicycling session. There was no significant difference in high frequency power before and after the bicycling with music session, although heart rate was significantly increased. Additionally, both music and exercise did not significantly affect heart rate, systolic blood pressure or also heart rate variability indices in the orthostatic test. These data suggest that music increased parasympathetic activity and attenuated the exercise-induced decrease in parasympathetic activity without altering the orthostatic tolerance after exercise. Therefore, music may be an effective approach for improving post-exercise parasympathetic reactivation, resulting in a faster recovery and a reduction in cardiac stress after exercise.  相似文献   

The effects of extreme cold on the human body are not fully understood, there are also no reports on the effect of cryogenic temperatures on the levels of erythropoietin (EPO) and interleukin 3 (IL-3), two important factors that regulate hematopoiesis. Aim: determination of changes in peripheral blood cell counts and EPO and IL-3 levels induced by a series of 10, 20 and 30 standard whole-body cryostimulation (WBC) treatments. The study involved 45 men, experimental group (EXP, n = 30) subjected to 30 WBC treatments (−130°C, treatment duration: 3 minutes) and a control group (CON, n = 15). Blood samples were collected before the series of treatments and after 10, 20 and 30 treatments. After 10 and 20 treatments we observed lower red blood cell counts and hematocrit and hemoglobin levels compared to baseline (p<0.05) and the control group (p<0.05). Additionally we observed an increase in hemoglobin concentration in plasma (p<0.05), and bilirubin after 10 and 20 treatments, and a decrease in plasma concentration of haptoglobin after 10, 20 and 30 treatments (p<0.05). The number of leukocytes was higher after 10 and 20 WBC treatments compared to baseline and the CON group. EPO concentration in plasma was elevated and the concentration of IL-3 was lower after 10, 20 and 30 WBC treatments. The decrease in indices of the erythrocytic system, plasma hemoglobin and bilirubin, with a simultaneous decrease in haptoglobin concentrations after 10 and 20 WBC treatments, may be due to increased intravascular hemolysis. At the same time there was a small, but statistically significant increase in the concentration of EPO stimulated erythropoiesis which could facilitate a return of erythrocytic system indices to initial levels after 30 WBC treatments. Changes in the white blood cell system showed transient mobilization of this system under the influence of WBC.  相似文献   

The relationship between locomotor activity and monoamine levels in gerbils after single and/or double forebrain ischemic insult was studied. Locomotor hyperactivity was observed after the first ischemic episode, but the gerbils failed to show hyperactivity after the second ischemic episode induced one week later. The monoamine levels were determined in order to clarify the biochemical basis of post-ischemic locomotor hyperactivity. Norepinephrine increased in response to first ischemic episode but remained at normal levels after the second episode of ischemia. Metabolites of dopamine and serotonin increased after both the first and second ischemic insults, which indicates that these monoamines do not play significant roles in post-ischemic locomotor activity. Therefore, increases in norepinephrine after first ischemic insult may play a role in increasing locomotor activity during the period following such an episode.  相似文献   

Integration of Single and Multicellular Wound Responses   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Single cells and multicellular tissues rapidly heal wounds. These processes are considered distinct, but one mode of healing—Rho GTPase-dependent formation and closure of a purse string of actin filaments (F-actin) and myosin-2 around wounds—occurs in single cells [1] and [2] and in epithelia [3], [4], [5], [6], [7], [8], [9] and [10]. Here, we show that wounding of one cell in Xenopus embryos elicits Rho GTPase activation around the wound and at the nearest cell-cell junctions in the neighbor cells. F-actin and myosin-2 accumulate at the junctions and around the wound itself, and as the resultant actomyosin array closes over the wound site, junctional F-actin and myosin-2 become mechanically integrated with the actin and myosin-2 around the wound, forming a hybrid purse string. When cells are ablated rather than wounded, Rho GTPase activation and F-actin accumulation occur at cell-cell junctions surrounding the ablated cell, and the purse string closes the hole in the epithelium. Elevation of intracellular free calcium, an essential upstream signal for the single-cell wound response [2] and [11], also occurs at the cell-cell contacts and in neighbor cells. Thus, the single and multicellular purse string wound responses represent points on a signaling and mechanical continuum that are integrated by cell-cell junctions.  相似文献   

The regional distribution of c-fos mRNA in the mouse brain has been investigated by in situ hybridization autoradiography after seizures induced by an acute electroconvulsive shock (ECS). ECS led to a widespread induction of the proto-oncogene c-fos in the brain, with highest concentrations in discrete areas within the limbic system and also in the hypothalamus and cerebellum. The mild stress of sham treatment in earclipped animals induced a weaker and qualitatively different pattern of c-fos mRNA expression involving the cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. These data suggest the usefulness of c-fos in situ hybridization as a marker of neuronal stimulation and in mapping a range of effects from a mild stress to the robust changes of an electroconvulsive seizure.  相似文献   

Only little is known about whether single volatile compounds are as efficient in eliciting behavioral responses in animals as the whole complex mixture of a behaviorally relevant odor. Recent studies analysing the composition of volatiles in mammalian blood, an important prey-associated odor stimulus for predators, found the odorant trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal to evoke a typical “metallic, blood-like” odor quality in humans. We therefore assessed the behavior of captive Asian wild dogs (Cuon alpinus), African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus), South American bush dogs (Speothos venaticus), and Siberian tigers (Panthera tigris altaica) when presented with wooden logs that were impregnated either with mammalian blood or with the blood odor component trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal, and compared it to their behavior towards a fruity odor (iso-pentyl acetate) and a near-odorless solvent (diethyl phthalate) as control. We found that all four species displayed significantly more interactions with the odorized wooden logs such as sniffing, licking, biting, pawing, and toying, when they were impregnated with the two prey-associated odors compared to the two non-prey-associated odors. Most importantly, no significant differences were found in the number of interactions with the wooden logs impregnated with mammalian blood and the blood odor component in any of the four species. Only one of the four species, the South American bush dogs, displayed a significant decrease in the number of interactions with the odorized logs across the five sessions performed per odor stimulus. Taken together, the results demonstrate that a single blood odor component can be as efficient in eliciting behavioral responses in large carnivores as the odor of real blood, suggesting that trans-4,5-epoxy-(E)-2-decenal may be perceived by predators as a “character impact compound” of mammalian blood odor. Further, the results suggest that odorized wooden logs are a suitable manner of environmental enrichment for captive carnivores.  相似文献   

The effects of electroconvulsive shock on the levels of acetylcholinesterase in several brain regions of the rat were studied. Hippocampus, mesencephalon, cortex, and striatum exhibited rapid changes in acetylcholinesterase activity during the first few minutes following the convulsion, whereas brainstem and basal forebrain levels remained unchanged. In both hippocampus and midbrain there was a sustained decrease in activity: the total acetylcholinesterase activity was decreased by up to 40% within 2 min of the convulsion and did not return to control values for another 3 h. Thirty minutes after a flurothyl-induced convulsion there was a similar fall in acetylcholinesterase activity in both these regions, whereas a subconvulsive electric shock produced no change. It is concluded that a convulsion produces significant short-term decreases in acetylcholinesterase activity in areas of the rat brain that are involved in the generation and propagation of seizures, and the question is raised of whether this is related to the increase in seizure threshold that follows a convulsion.  相似文献   

结合应用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜系统(LSCM)和DiI-AcLDL及BODIPY FL-LDL两种荧光配基选择性标记技术,可在单细胞水平上同时测定LDL受体和清道夫受体活性.C57BL/6J小鼠巨噬细胞用终浓度为5mg/L的 DiI-AcLDL及BODIPY FL-LDL,在37℃负载5 h左右的条件下可获得良好的标记效果.两种荧光配基选择性标记具有高度特异性,在激光共聚焦显微镜下可清晰、定量地观察细胞对LDL和AcLDL摄入,是一种灵敏度高且可定量研究LDL受体和清道夫受体功能的非同位素方法.  相似文献   

Competitive swimming as a physical activity results in changes to the activity level of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). However, the precise relationship between ANS activity, fatigue and sports performance remains contentious. To address this problem and build a model to support a consistent relationship, data were gathered from national and regional swimmers during two 30 consecutive-week training periods. Nocturnal ANS activity was measured weekly and quantified through wavelet transform analysis of the recorded heart rate variability. Performance was then measured through a subsequent morning 400 meters freestyle time-trial. A model was proposed where indices of fatigue were computed using Banister’s two antagonistic component model of fatigue and adaptation applied to both the ANS activity and the performance. This demonstrated that a logarithmic relationship existed between performance and ANS activity for each subject. There was a high degree of model fit between the measured and calculated performance (R2 = 0.84±0.14,p<0.01) and the measured and calculated High Frequency (HF) power of the ANS activity (R2 = 0.79±0.07, p<0.01). During the taper periods, improvements in measured performance and measured HF were strongly related. In the model, variations in performance were related to significant reductions in the level of ‘Negative Influences’ rather than increases in ‘Positive Influences’. Furthermore, the delay needed to return to the initial performance level was highly correlated to the delay required to return to the initial HF power level (p<0.01). The delay required to reach peak performance was highly correlated to the delay required to reach the maximal level of HF power (p = 0.02). Building the ANS/performance identity of a subject, including the time to peak HF, may help predict the maximal performance that could be obtained at a given time.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a major risk factor for cerebral, cardiovascular, and renal disease, and its prevalence and devastating consequences raises a need for new strategies for its early diagnosis and treatment. We show here that lack of a Cyp2c44 epoxygenase causes dietary salt-sensitive hypertension, a common form of the human disease. Cyp2c44(−/−) mice on normal salt diets are normotensive but become hypertensive when fed high salt. Hypertensive Cyp2c44(−/−) mice show a hyperactive kidney epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and reductions in ERK1/2 and ENaC subunit phosphorylation. The demonstration that amiloride, an ENaC inhibitor, lowers the blood pressure of hypertensive Cyp2c44(−/−) mice identifies a role for the channel in the hypertensive phenotype of the animals. These studies: (a) identify an antihypertensive role for the kidney Cyp2c44 epoxygenase and for its epoxyeicosatrienoic acid (EET) metabolites in the in vivo control of ENaC activity and the activation of mitogenic kinase pathways; (b) provide evidence for a Cyp2c44 epoxygenase, EET-mediated mechanism of ENaC regulation involving an ERK1/2-catalyzed threonine phosphorylation of the channel γ subunit: and (c) characterize a common scientific platform that could explain the seemingly unrelated biological activities attributed to the epoxygenase metabolites in cell proliferation, angiogenesis, channel activity, and blood pressure control. It is expected that these results will serve as a basis for the development of novel strategies for the early diagnosis and treatment of hypertension and of pathophysiologies associated with dysfunctional mitogenic signaling.  相似文献   

The secretion of radioiodine in the milk following the administration of a single oral dose was studied using I131. All of the values are corrected for the physical decay of the isotope. I131 began to appear in the milk 30 minutes after administration with a maximal concentration of, on the average, 1.7 per cent of the given dose per 1 of milk at about six hours following administration. The subsequent reduction in the concentration showed a two exponential course with biological half-lives of 0.6 days and 10 days, respectively. The total secretion in the milk was between 10 and 27 per cent of the given dose of I131 in six days. The total secretion of radioiodine in the milk was seen to be dependent upon the cow’s milk production.  相似文献   

Current invasion ecology theory predicts that disturbance will stimulate invasion by exotic plant species. Cheatgrass or Downy brome (Bromus tectorum) was surveyed in three sites near Florence, Colorado, U.S.A., immediately following Tamarisk or Saltcedar (Tamarix spp.) control and restoration activities that caused disturbance. Despite predictions to the contrary, neither mowing with heavy machinery nor tilling for seedbed preparation stimulated invasion, with a trend for the opposite pattern such that highest percent cover of B. tectorum was observed in the least disturbed transects. Aerial application of imazapyr for Tamarix spp. control caused mortality of nearly all B. tectorum and other understory plant species in all sites. Mechanical control of Tamarix spp. will not necessarily result in increased abundance of invasive species already present, possibly due to the effects of mulch usually left on‐site. Imazapyr will control B. tectorum and other herbaceous understory species when applied aerially for Tamarix spp. control. These results are encouraging for managers of riparian systems who may fear that control of woody invasives will stimulate herbaceous invasions.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that spontaneous obesity in rhesus monkeys is associated with abnormalities in energy expenditure was tested. Obese (n=7) and non-obese (n=5) monkeys were described in terms of body size and composition, food intake, and physical activity. Additionally, the relationships among fasting and stimulated insulin levels in serum, C-peptide levels in serum and urine, and urinary catecholamines were examined. Obese animals had primarily abdominal deposition of excess body fat, as indicated by markedly elevated abdominal circumferences and skin-fold thicknesses. Food intake did not differ between groups. Physical activity was much lower in the obese group. Obese monkeys had markedly higher serum insulin and C-peptide levels in the fasted state and in response to an intravenous glucose challenge. Urinary excretion of C-peptide and catecholamines was measured during successive 2-day periods of ad libitum feeding, food deprivation, and refeeding in order to examine potential differences between groups in sympathoadrenal activity and their relationship to insulin secretion. C-peptide excretion was greater for obese and decreased for both groups during food deprivation. Urinary dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), and epinephrine (E) levels were significantly greater for obese animals in all conditions. DA excretion was lowest during deprivation and E excretion was lowest during refeeding, whereas NE excretion was relatively unaffected by feeding condition. The overall patterns of C-peptide and catecholamine excretion were qualitatively similar for both groups, and there were no reliable differences between obese and non-obese in their responses to the feeding manipulation. The results suggest that hyperinsulinemia associated with obesity in rhesus monkeys is linked to increased catecholamine secretion and a resistance to cate-cholaminergic action.  相似文献   

Understanding sensory systems that perceive environmental inputs and neural circuits that select appropriate motor outputs is essential for studying how organisms modulate behavior and make decisions necessary for survival. Drosophila melanogaster oviposition is one such important behavior, in which females evaluate their environment and choose to lay eggs on substrates they may find aversive in other contexts. We employed neurogenetic techniques to characterize neurons that influence the choice between repulsive positional and attractive egg-laying responses toward the bitter-tasting compound lobeline. Surprisingly, we found that neurons expressing Gr66a, a gustatory receptor normally involved in avoidance behaviors, receive input for both attractive and aversive preferences. We hypothesized that these opposing responses may result from activation of distinct Gr66a-expressing neurons. Using tissue-specific rescue experiments, we found that Gr66a-expressing neurons on the legs mediate positional aversion. In contrast, pharyngeal taste cells mediate the egg-laying attraction to lobeline, as determined by analysis of mosaic flies in which subsets of Gr66a neurons were silenced. Finally, inactivating mushroom body neurons disrupted both aversive and attractive responses, suggesting that this brain structure is a candidate integration center for decision-making during Drosophila oviposition. We thus define sensory and central neurons critical to the process by which flies decide where to lay an egg. Furthermore, our findings provide insights into the complex nature of gustatory perception in Drosophila. We show that tissue-specific activation of bitter-sensing Gr66a neurons provides one mechanism by which the gustatory system differentially encodes aversive and attractive responses, allowing the female fly to modulate her behavior in a context-dependent manner.  相似文献   

海马在追踪性眨眼条件反应的巩固过程中发挥重要作用,但解剖学上与其紧密联系的齿状回在此过程中的作用尚不清楚. 实验拟观察齿状回颗粒细胞在追踪性眨眼条件反应巩固过程中的放电活动,阐明齿状回在此海马依赖任务中所发挥的作用. 条件反射组动物 (n=8) 首先接受 200 ms 声音条件刺激,间隔 600 ms 后,再被给予 200 ms 吹气非条件刺激,多次重复配对,建立追踪性眨眼条件反应. 对照组动物 (n=8) 接受非配对出现的上述两种刺激. 采用在体单细胞外记录技术,研究习得条件反应豚鼠的齿状回颗粒细胞在条件反应巩固过程中的放电活动. 结果显示:a. 通过 14 天的训练,条件反射组动物均建立了追踪性眨眼条件反应,而非配对组动物则没有建立该条件反应;b. 齿状回颗粒细胞在追踪性眨眼条件反应的巩固过程中表现出不同的活动模式,如在声音条件刺激、间隔期或吹气非条件刺激出现后活动的增强. 这些结果提示:齿状回可能参与巩固追踪性眨眼条件反应所需的神经环路,其颗粒细胞在追踪性眨眼条件反应巩固过程中可能编码不同的信息.  相似文献   

Little research exists concerning Heart Rate (HR) Variability (HRV) following supramaximal efforts focused on upper-body explosive strength-endurance. Since they may be very demanding, it seems of interest to analyse the relationship among performance, lactate and HR dynamics (i.e. HR, HRV and complexity) following them; as well as to know how baseline cardiac autonomic modulation mediates these relationships. The present study aimed to analyse associations between baseline and post-exercise HR dynamics following a supramaximal Judo test, and their relationship with lactate, in a sample of 22 highly-trained male judoists (20.70±4.56 years). A large association between the increase in HR from resting to exercise condition and performance suggests that individuals exerted a greater sympathetic response to achieve a better performance (Rating of Perceived Exertion: 20; post-exercise peak lactate: 11.57±2.24 mmol/L; 95.76±4.13 % of age-predicted HRmax). Athletes with higher vagal modulation and lower sympathetic modulation at rest achieved both a significant larger ∆HR and a faster post-exercise lactate removal. A enhanced resting parasympathetic modulation might be therefore related to a further usage of autonomic resources and a better immediate metabolic recovery during supramaximal exertions. Furthermore, analyses of variance displayed a persistent increase in α1 and a decrease in lnRMSSD along the 15 min of recovery, which are indicative of a diminished vagal modulation together with a sympathovagal balance leaning to sympathetic domination. Eventually, time-domain indices (lnRMSSD) showed no lactate correlations, while nonlinear indices (α1 and lnSaEn) appeared to be moderate to strongly correlated with it, thus pointing to shared mechanisms between neuroautonomic and metabolic regulation.  相似文献   

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