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The chemokine receptor CXCR7, belonging to the membrane-bound G protein-coupled receptor superfamily, is expressed in several tumor types. Inhibition of CXCR7 with either small molecules or small interference (si)RNA has shown promising therapeutic benefits in several tumor models. With the increased interest and effectiveness of biologicals inhibiting membrane-bound receptors we made use of the “Nanobody platform” to target CXCR7. Previously we showed that Nanobodies, i.e. immunoglobulin single variable domains derived from naturally occurring heavy chain-only camelids antibodies, represent new biological tools to efficiently tackle difficult drug targets such as G protein-coupled receptors. In this study we developed and characterized highly selective and potent Nanobodies against CXCR7. Interestingly, the CXCR7-targeting Nanobodies displayed antagonistic properties in contrast with previously reported CXCR7-targeting agents. Several high affinity CXCR7-specific Nanobodies potently inhibited CXCL12-induced β-arrestin2 recruitment in vitro. A wide variety of tumor biopsies was profiled, showing for the first time high expression of CXCR7 in head and neck cancer. Using a patient-derived CXCR7-expressing head and neck cancer xenograft model in nude mice, tumor growth was inhibited by CXCR7-targeting Nanobody therapy. Mechanistically, CXCR7-targeting Nanobodies did not inhibit cell cycle progression but instead reduced secretion of the angiogenic chemokine CXCL1 from head and neck cancer cells in vitro, thus acting here as inverse agonists, and subsequent angiogenesis in vivo. Hence, with this novel class of CXCR7 inhibitors, we further substantiate the therapeutic relevance of targeting CXCR7 in head and neck cancer.  相似文献   

Chemokines display considerable promiscuity with multiple ligands and receptors shared in common, a phenomenon that is thought to underlie their biochemical “redundancy.” Their receptors are part of a larger seven-transmembrane receptor superfamily, commonly referred to as G protein-coupled receptors, which have been demonstrated to be able to signal with different efficacies to their multiple downstream signaling pathways, a phenomenon referred to as biased agonism. Biased agonism has been primarily reported as a phenomenon of synthetic ligands, and the biologic prevalence and importance of such signaling are unclear. Here, to assess the presence of biased agonism that may underlie differential signaling by chemokines targeting the same receptor, we performed a detailed pharmacologic analysis of a set of chemokine receptors with multiple endogenous ligands using assays for G protein signaling, β-arrestin recruitment, and receptor internalization. We found that chemokines targeting the same receptor can display marked differences in their efficacies for G protein- or β-arrestin-mediated signaling or receptor internalization. This ligand bias correlates with changes in leukocyte migration, consistent with different mechanisms underlying the signaling downstream of these receptors induced by their ligands. These findings demonstrate that biased agonism is a common and likely evolutionarily conserved biological mechanism for generating qualitatively distinct patterns of signaling via the same receptor in response to different endogenous ligands.  相似文献   

Recently, we identified extracellular ubiquitin as an endogenous CXC chemokine receptor (CXCR) 4 agonist. However, the receptor selectivity and molecular basis of the CXCR4 agonist activity of ubiquitin are unknown, and functional consequences of CXCR4 activation with ubiquitin are poorly defined. Here, we provide evidence that ubiquitin and the cognate CXCR4 ligand stromal cell-derived factor (SDF)-1α do not share CXCR7 as a receptor. We further demonstrate that ubiquitin does not utilize the typical two-site binding mechanism of chemokine-receptor interactions, in which the receptor N terminus is important for ligand binding. CXCR4 activation with ubiquitin and SDF-1α lead to similar Gα(i)-responses and to a comparable magnitude of phosphorylation of ERK-1/2, p90 ribosomal S6 kinase-l and Akt, although phosphorylations occur more transiently after activation with ubiquitin. Despite the similarity of signal transduction events after activation of CXCR4 with both ligands, ubiquitin possesses weaker chemotactic activity than SDF-lα in cell migration assays and does not interfere with productive entry of HIV-1 into P4.R5 multinuclear activation of galactosidase indicator cells. Unlike SDF-1α, ubiquitin lacks interactions with an N-terminal CXCR4 peptide in NMR spectroscopy experiments. Binding and signaling studies in the presence of antibodies against the N terminus and extracellular loops 2/3 of CXCR4 confirm that the ubiquitin CXCR4 interaction is independent of the N-terminal receptor domain, whereas blockade of extracellular loops 2/3 prevents receptor binding and activation. Our findings define ubiquitin as a CXCR4 agonist, which does not interfere with productive cellular entry of HIV-1, and provide new mechanistic insights into interactions between CXCR4 and its natural ligands.  相似文献   

All chemokines share a common structural scaffold that mediate a remarkable variety of functions from immune surveillance to organogenesis. Chemokines are classified as CXC or CC on the basis of conserved cysteines, and the two subclasses bind distinct sets of GPCR class of receptors and also have markedly different quaternary structures, suggesting that the CXC/CC motif plays a prominent role in both structure and function. For both classes, receptor activation involves interactions between chemokine N-loop and receptor N-domain residues (Site-I), and between chemokine N-terminal and receptor extracellular/transmembrane residues (Site-II). We engineered a CC variant (labeled as CC-CXCL8) of the chemokine CXCL8 by deleting residue X (CXC → CC), and found its structure is essentially similar to WT. In stark contrast, CC-CXCL8 bound poorly to its cognate receptors CXCR1 and CXCR2 (Ki > 1 μm). Further, CC-CXCL8 failed to mobilize Ca2+ in CXCR2-expressing HL-60 cells or recruit neutrophils in a mouse lung model. However, most interestingly, CC-CXCL8 mobilizes Ca2+ in neutrophils and in CXCR1-expressing HL-60 cells. Compared with the WT, CC-CXCL8 binds CXCR1 N-domain with only ∼5-fold lower affinity indicating that the weak binding to intact CXCR1 must be due to its weak binding at Site-II. Nevertheless, this level of binding is sufficient for receptor activation indicating that affinity and activity are separable functions. We propose that the CXC motif functions as a conformational switch that couples Site-I and Site-II interactions for both receptors, and that this coupling is critical for high affinity binding but differentially regulates activation.  相似文献   

Unlike formyl peptide receptor 1 (FPR1), FPR2/ALX (FPR2) interacts with peptides of diverse sequences but has low affinity for the Escherichia coli-derived chemotactic peptide fMet-Leu-Phe (fMLF). Using computer modeling and site-directed mutagenesis, we investigated the structural requirements for FPR2 to interact with formyl peptides of different length and composition. In calcium flux assay, the N-formyl group of these peptides is necessary for activation of both FPR2 and FPR1, whereas the composition of the C-terminal amino acids appears more important for FPR2 than FPR1. FPR2 interacts better with pentapeptides (fMLFII, fMLFIK) than tetrapeptides (fMLFK, fMLFW) and tripeptide (fMLF) but only weakly with peptides carrying negative charges at the C terminus (e.g. fMLFE). In contrast, FPR1 is less sensitive to negative charges at the C terminus. A CXCR4-based homology model of FPR1 and FPR2 suggested that Asp-2817.32 is crucial for the interaction of FPR2 with certain formyl peptides as its negative charge may be repulsive with the terminal COO- group of fMLF and negatively charged Glu in fMLFE. Asp-2817.32 might also form a stable interaction with the positively charged Lys in fMLFK. Site-directed mutagenesis was performed to remove the negative charge at position 281 in FPR2. The D2817.32G mutant showed improved affinity for fMLFE and fMLF and reduced affinity for fMLFK compared with wild type FPR2. These results indicate that different structural determinants are used by FPR1 and FPR2 to interact with formyl peptides.  相似文献   

Chemokine receptors form a large subfamily of G protein-coupled receptors that predominantly activate heterotrimeric Gi proteins and are involved in immune cell migration. CCX-CKR is an atypical chemokine receptor with high affinity for CCL19, CCL21, and CCL25 chemokines, but is not known to activate intracellular signaling pathways. However, CCX-CKR acts as decoy receptor and efficiently internalizes these chemokines, thereby preventing their interaction with other chemokine receptors, like CCR7 and CCR9. Internalization of fluorescently labeled CCL19 correlated with β-arrestin2-GFP translocation. Moreover, recruitment of β-arrestins to CCX-CKR in response to CCL19, CCL21, and CCL25 was demonstrated using enzyme-fragment complementation and bioluminescence resonance energy transfer methods. To unravel why CCX-CKR is unable to activate Gi signaling, CCX-CKR chimeras were constructed by substituting its intracellular loops with the corresponding CCR7 or CCR9 domains. The signaling properties of chimeric CCX-CKR receptors were characterized using a cAMP-responsive element (CRE)-driven reporter gene assay. Unexpectedly, wild type CCX-CKR and a subset of the chimeras induced an increase in CRE activity in response to CCL19, CCL21, and CCL25 in the presence of the Gi inhibitor pertussis toxin. CCX-CKR signaling to CRE required an intact DRY motif. These data suggest that inactive Gi proteins impair CCX-CKR signaling most likely by hindering the interaction of this receptor with pertussis toxin-insensitive G proteins that transduce signaling to CRE. On the other hand, recruitment of the putative signaling scaffold β-arrestin to CCX-CKR in response to chemokines might allow activation of yet to be identified signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

Elevated glucagon levels and increased hepatic glucagon receptor (GCGR) signaling contribute to hyperglycemia in type 2 diabetes. We have identified a monoclonal antibody that inhibits GCGR, a class B G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR), through a unique allosteric mechanism. Receptor inhibition is mediated by the binding of this antibody to two distinct sites that lie outside of the glucagon binding cleft. One site consists of a patch of residues that are surface-exposed on the face of the extracellular domain (ECD) opposite the ligand-binding cleft, whereas the second binding site consists of residues in the αA helix of the ECD. A docking model suggests that the antibody does not occlude the ligand-binding cleft. We solved the crystal structure of GCGR ECD containing a naturally occurring G40S mutation and found a shift in the register of the αA helix that prevents antibody binding. We also found that alterations in the αA helix impact the normal function of GCGR. We present a model for the allosteric inhibition of GCGR by a monoclonal antibody that may form the basis for the development of allosteric modulators for the treatment of diabetes and other class B GPCR-related diseases.  相似文献   

Chemerin is a chemoattractant involved in innate and adaptive immunity as well as an adipokine implicated in adipocyte differentiation. Chemerin circulates as an inactive precursor in blood whose bioactivity is closely regulated through proteolytic processing at its C terminus. We developed methodology for production of different recombinant chemerin isoforms (chem163S, chem157S, and chem155A) which allowed us to obtain large quantities of these proteins with purity of >95%. Chem158K was generated from chem163S by plasmin cleavage. Characterization by mass spectrometry and Edman degradation demonstrated that both the N and C termini were correct for each isoform. Ca(2+) mobilization assays showed that the EC(50) values for chem163S and chem158K were 54.2 ± 19.9 nm and 65.2 ± 13.2 nm, respectively, whereas chem157S had a ~50-fold higher potency with an EC(50) of 1.2 ± 0.7 nm. Chem155A had no agonist activity and weak antagonist activity, causing a 50% reduction of chem157S activity at a molar ratio of 100:1. Similar results were obtained in a chemotaxis assay. Because chem158K is the dominant form in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with glioblastoma (GBM), we examined the significance of chemerin in GBM biology. In silico analysis showed chemerin mRNA was significantly increased in tissue from grade III and IV gliomas. Furthermore, U-87 MG cells, a human GBM line, express the chemerin receptors, chemokine-like receptor 1 and chemokine receptor-like 2, and chem157S triggered Ca(2+) flux. This study emphasized the necessity of appropriate C-terminal proteolytic processing to generate the likely physiologic form of active chemerin, chem157S, and suggested a possible role in malignant GBM.  相似文献   

The canonical heptahelical bundle architecture of seven-transmembrane domain (7TM) receptors is intertwined by three intra- and three extracellular loops, whose local conformations are important in receptor signaling. Many 7TM receptors contain a cysteine residue in the third extracellular loop (EC3) and a complementary cysteine residue on the N terminus. The functional role of such EC3-N terminus conserved cysteine pairs remains unclear. This study explores the role of the EC3-N terminus cysteine pairs on receptor conformation and G protein activation by disrupting them in the chemokine receptor CXCR4, while engineering a novel EC3-N terminus cysteine pair into the complement factor 5a receptor (C5aR), a chemo attractant receptor that lacks it. Mutated CXCR4 and C5aRs were expressed in engineered yeast. Mutation of the cysteine pair with the serine pair (C28S/C274S) in constitutively active mutant CXCR4 abrogated the receptor activation, whereas mutation with the aromatic pair (C28F–C274F) or the salt bridge pair (C28R/C274E), respectively, rescued or retained the receptor activation in response to CXCL12. In this context, the cysteine pair (Cys30 and Cys272) engineered into the EC3-N terminus (Ser30 and Ser272) of a novel constitutively active mutant of C5aR restrained the constitutive signaling without affecting the C5a-induced activation. Further mutational studies demonstrated a previously unappreciated role for Ser272 on EC3 of C5aR and its interaction with the N terminus, thus defining a new microswitch region within the C5aR. Similar results were obtained with mutated CXCR4 and C5aRs expressed in COS-7 cells. These studies demonstrate a novel role of the EC3-N terminus cysteine pairs in G protein-coupled receptor activation and signaling.  相似文献   

Cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulates the type 1 CCK receptor (CCK1R) to elicit satiety after a meal. Agonists with this activity, although potentially useful for treatment of obesity, can also have side effects and toxicities of concern, making the development of an intrinsically inactive positive allosteric modulator quite attractive. Positive allosteric modulators also have the potential to correct the defective receptor-G protein coupling observed in the high membrane cholesterol environment described in metabolic syndrome. Current model systems to study CCK1R in such an environment are unstable and expensive to maintain. We now report that the Y140A mutation within a cholesterol-binding motif and the conserved, class A G protein-coupled receptor-specific (E/D)RY signature sequence results in ligand binding and activity characteristics similar to wild type CCK1R in a high cholesterol environment. This is true for natural CCK, as well as ligands with distinct chemistries and activity profiles. Additionally, the Y140A construct also behaved like CCK1R in high cholesterol in regard to its internalization, sensitivity to a nonhydrolyzable GTP analog, and anisotropy of a bound fluorescent CCK analog. Chimeric CCK1R/CCK2R constructs that systematically changed the residues in the allosteric ligand-binding pocket were studied in the presence of Y140A. This established increased importance of unique residues within TM3 and reduced the importance of TM2 for binding in the presence of this mutation, with the agonist trigger likely pulled away from its Leu356 target on TM7. The distinct conformation of this intramembranous pocket within Y140A CCK1R provides an opportunity to normalize this by using a small molecule allosteric ligand, thereby providing safe and effective correction of the coupling defect in metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Many experimental and clinical studies suggest a relationship between enhanced angiotensin II release by the angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) and the pathophysiology of atherosclerosis. The atherosclerosis-enhancing effects of angiotensin II are complex and incompletely understood. To identify anti-atherogenic target genes, we performed microarray gene expression profiling of the aorta during atherosclerosis prevention with the ACE inhibitor, captopril. Atherosclerosis-prone apolipoprotein E (apoE)-deficient mice were used as a model to decipher susceptible genes regulated during atherosclerosis prevention with captopril. Microarray gene expression profiling and immunohistology revealed that captopril treatment for 7 months strongly decreased the recruitment of pro-atherogenic immune cells into the aorta. Captopril-mediated inhibition of plaque-infiltrating immune cells involved down-regulation of the C-C chemokine receptor 9 (CCR9). Reduced cell migration correlated with decreased numbers of aorta-resident cells expressing the CCR9-specific chemoattractant factor, chemokine ligand 25 (CCL25). The CCL25-CCR9 axis was pro-atherogenic, because inhibition of CCR9 by RNA interference in hematopoietic progenitors of apoE-deficient mice significantly retarded the development of atherosclerosis. Analysis of coronary artery biopsy specimens of patients with coronary artery atherosclerosis undergoing bypass surgery also showed strong infiltrates of CCR9-positive cells in atherosclerotic lesions. Thus, the C-C chemokine receptor, CCR9, exerts a significant role in atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

The ability of G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) to activate selective signaling pathways according to the conformation stabilized by bound ligands (signaling bias) is a challenging concept in the GPCR field. Signaling bias has been documented for several GPCRs, including chemokine receptors. However, most of these studies examined the global signaling bias between G protein- and arrestin-dependent pathways, leaving unaddressed the potential bias between particular G protein subtypes. Here, we investigated the coupling selectivity of chemokine receptors CCR2, CCR5, and CCR7 in response to various ligands with G protein subtypes by using bioluminescence resonance energy transfer biosensors monitoring directly the activation of G proteins. We also compared data obtained with the G protein biosensors with those obtained with other functional readouts, such as β-arrestin-2 recruitment, cAMP accumulation, and calcium mobilization assays. We showed that the binding of chemokines to CCR2, CCR5, and CCR7 activated the three Gαi subtypes (Gαi1, Gαi2, and Gαi3) and the two Gαo isoforms (Gαoa and Gαob) with potencies that generally correlate to their binding affinities. In addition, we showed that the binding of chemokines to CCR5 and CCR2 also activated Gα12, but not Gα13. For each receptor, we showed that the relative potency of various agonist chemokines was not identical in all assays, supporting the notion that signaling bias exists at chemokine receptors.  相似文献   

Because T cell differentiation leads to an expanded repertoire of chemokine receptors, a subgroup of G protein-coupled receptors, we hypothesized that the repertoire of G proteins might be altered in parallel. We analyzed the abundance of mRNA and/or protein of six G protein α-subunits in human CD4+ and CD8+ T cell subsets from blood. Although most G protein α-subunits were similarly expressed in all subsets, the abundance of Gαo, a protein not previously described in hematopoietic cells, was much higher in memory versus naive cells. Consistent with these data, activation of naive CD4+ T cells in vitro significantly increased the abundance of Gαo in cells stimulated under nonpolarizing or TH17 (but not TH1 or TH2)-polarizing conditions. In functional studies, the use of a chimeric G protein α-subunit, Gαqo5, demonstrated that chemokine receptors could couple to Gαo-containing G proteins. We also found that Gαi1, another α-subunit not described previously in leukocytes, was expressed in naive T cells but virtually absent from memory subsets. Corresponding to their patterns of expression, siRNA-mediated knockdown of Gαo in memory (but not naive) and Gαi1 in naive (but not memory) CD4+ T cells inhibited chemokine-dependent migration. Moreover, although even in Gαo- and Gαi1-expressing cells mRNAs of these α-subunits were much less abundant than Gαi2 or Gαi3, knockdown of any of these subunits impaired chemokine receptor-mediated migration similarly. Together, our data reveal a change in the repertoire of Gαi/o subunits during T cell differentiation and suggest functional equivalence among Gαi/o subunits irrespective of their relative abundance.  相似文献   

The Gβγ subunits of heterotrimeric G proteins transmit signals to control many cellular processes, including leukocyte migration. Gβγ signaling may regulate and be regulated by numerous signaling partners. Here, we reveal that WDR26, a member of the WD40 repeat protein family, directly bound free Gβγ in vitro, and formed a complex with endogenous Gβγ in Jurkat T cells stimulated by the chemokine SDF1α. Suppression of WDR26 by siRNAs selectively inhibited Gβγ-dependent phospholipase Cβ and PI3K activation, and attenuated chemotaxis in Jurkat T cells and differentiated HL60 cells in vitro and Jurkat T cell homing to lymphoid tissues in scid mice. Similarly, disruption of the WDR26/Gβγ interaction via expression of a WDR26 deletion mutant impaired Gβγ signaling and Jurkat T cell migration, indicating that the function of WDR26 depends on its binding to Gβγ. Additional data show that WDR26 also controlled RACK1, a negative regulator, in binding Gβγ and inhibiting leukocyte migration. Collectively, these experiments identify WDR26 as a novel Gβγ-binding protein that is required for the efficacy of Gβγ signaling and leukocyte migration.  相似文献   

In the female reproductive tract, mammalian sperm undergo a regulated sequence of prefusion changes that "prime" sperm for fertilization. Among the least understood of these complex processes are the molecular mechanisms that underlie sperm guidance by environmental chemical cues. A "hard-wired" Ca(2+) signaling strategy that orchestrates specific motility patterns according to given functional requirements is an emerging concept for regulation of sperm swimming behavior. The molecular players involved, the spatiotemporal characteristics of such motility-associated Ca(2+) dynamics, and the relation between a distinct Ca(2+) signaling pattern and a behavioral sperm phenotype, however, remain largely unclear. Here, we report the functional characterization of two human sperm chemoreceptors. Using complementary molecular, physiological, and behavioral approaches, we comparatively describe sperm Ca(2+) responses to specific agonists of these novel receptors and bourgeonal, a known sperm chemoattractant. We further show that individual receptor activation induces specific Ca(2+) signaling patterns with unique spatiotemporal dynamics. These distinct Ca(2+) dynamics are correlated to a set of stimulus-specific stereotyped behavioral responses that could play vital roles during various stages of prefusion sperm-egg chemical communication.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptors are involved in the modulation of complex neuronal networks in the brain. To investigate the impact of a cell-specific G(i/o) protein-mediated signaling pathway on brain function, we created a new optogenetic mouse model in which the G(i/o) protein-coupled receptor vertebrate rhodopsin can be cell-specifically expressed with the aid of Cre recombinase. Here we use this mouse model to study the functional impact of G(i/o) modulation in cerebellar Purkinje cells (PCs). We show that in vivo light activation of vertebrate rhodopsin specifically expressed in PCs reduces simple spike firing that is comparable with the reduction in firing observed for the activation of cerebellar G(i/o)-coupled GABA(B) receptors. Notably, the light exposure of the cerebellar vermis in freely moving mice changes the motor behavior. Thus, our studies directly demonstrate that spike modulation via G(i/o)-mediated signaling in cerebellar PCs affects motor coordination and show a new promising approach for studying the physiological function of G protein-coupled receptor-mediated signaling in a cell type-specific manner.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) heteromers are macromolecular complexes with unique functional properties different from those of its individual protomers. Little is known about what determines the quaternary structure of GPCR heteromers resulting in their unique functional properties. In this study, using resonance energy transfer techniques in experiments with mutated receptors, we provide for the first time clear evidence for a key role of intracellular domains in the determination of the quaternary structure of GPCR heteromers between adenosine A2A, cannabinoid CB1, and dopamine D2 receptors. In these interactions, arginine-rich epitopes form salt bridges with phosphorylated serine or threonine residues from CK1/2 consensus sites. Each receptor (A2A, CB1, and D2) was found to include two evolutionarily conserved intracellular domains to establish selective electrostatic interactions with intracellular domains of the other two receptors, indicating that these particular electrostatic interactions constitute a general mechanism for receptor heteromerization. Mutation experiments indicated that the interactions of the intracellular domains of the CB1 receptor with A2A and D2 receptors are fundamental for the correct formation of the quaternary structure needed for the function (MAPK signaling) of the A2A-CB1-D2 receptor heteromers. Analysis of MAPK signaling in striatal slices of CB1 receptor KO mice and wild-type littermates supported the existence of A1-CB1-D2 receptor heteromer in the brain. These findings allowed us to propose the first molecular model of the quaternary structure of a receptor heteromultimer.  相似文献   

BLT2, a low affinity receptor for leukotriene B4 (LTB4), is a member of the G protein-coupled receptor family and is involved in many signal transduction pathways associated with various cellular phenotypes, including chemotactic motility. However, the regulatory mechanism for BLT2 has not yet been demonstrated. To understand the regulatory mechanism of BLT2, we screened and identified the proteins that bind to BLT2. Using a yeast two-hybrid assay with the BLT2 C-terminal domain as bait, we found that RanBPM, a previously proposed scaffold protein, interacts with BLT2. We demonstrated the specific interaction between BLT2 and RanBPM by GST pulldown assay and co-immunoprecipitation assay. To elucidate the biological function of the RanBPM-BLT2 interaction, we evaluated the effects of RanBPM overexpression or knockdown. We found that BLT2-mediated motility was severely attenuated by RanBPM overexpression and that knockdown of endogenous RanBPM by shRNA strongly promoted BLT2-mediated motility, suggesting a negative regulatory function of RanBPM toward BLT2. Furthermore, we observed that the addition of BLT2 ligands caused the dissociation of BLT2 and RanBPM, thus releasing the negative regulatory effect of RanBPM. Finally, we propose that Akt-induced BLT2 phosphorylation at residue Thr355, which occurs after the addition of BLT2 ligands, is a potential mechanism by which BLT2 dissociates from RanBPM, resulting in stimulation of BLT2 signaling. Taken together, our results suggest that RanBPM acts as a negative regulator of BLT2 signaling to attenuate BLT2-mediated cell motility.  相似文献   

The complement anaphylatoxin C5a is a proinflammatory component of host defense that functions through two identified receptors, C5a receptor (C5aR) and C5L2. C5aR is a classical G protein-coupled receptor, whereas C5L2 is structurally homologous but deficient in G protein coupling. In human neutrophils, we show C5L2 is predominantly intracellular, whereas C5aR is expressed on the plasma membrane. Confocal analysis shows internalized C5aR following ligand binding is co-localized with both C5L2 and β-arrestin. Antibody blockade of C5L2 results in a dramatic increase in C5a-mediated chemotaxis and ERK1/2 phosphorylation but does not alter C5a-mediated calcium mobilization, supporting its role in modulation of the β-arrestin pathway. Association of C5L2 with β-arrestin is confirmed by cellular co-immunoprecipitation assays. C5L2 blockade also has no effect on ligand uptake or C5aR endocytosis in human polymorphonuclear leukocytes, distinguishing its role from that of a rapid recycling or scavenging receptor in this cell type. This is thus the first example of a naturally occurring seven-transmembrane segment receptor that is both obligately uncoupled from G proteins and a negative modulator of signal transduction through the β-arrestin pathway. Physiologically, these properties provide the possibility for additional fine-tuning of host defense.  相似文献   

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