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We have used site-directed mutagenesis, EPR spectroscopy, redox potentiometry, and protein crystallography to monitor assembly of the FS0 [4Fe-4S] cluster and molybdo-bis(pyranopterin guanine dinucleotide) cofactor (Mo-bisPGD) of the Escherichia coli nitrate reductase A (NarGHI) catalytic subunit (NarG). Cys and Ser mutants of NarG-His49 both lack catalytic activity, with only the former assembling FS0 and Mo-bisPGD. Importantly, both prosthetic groups are absent in the NarG-H49S mutant. EPR spectroscopy of the Cys mutant reveals that the Em value of the FS0 cluster is decreased by at least 500 mV, preventing its participation in electron transfer to the Mo-bisPGD cofactor. To demonstrate that decreasing the FS0 cluster Em results in decreased enzyme activity, we mutated a critical Arg residue (NarG-Arg94) in the vicinity of FS0 to a Ser residue. In this case, the Em of FS0 is decreased by 115 mV, with a concomitant decrease in enzyme turnover to ∼30% of the wild type. Analysis of the structure of the NarG-H49S mutant reveals two important aspects of NarGHI maturation: (i) apomolybdo-NarGHI is able to bind GDP moieties at their respective P and Q sites in the absence of the Mo-bisPGD cofactor, and (ii) a critical segment of residues in NarG, 49HGVNCTG55, must be correctly positioned to ensure holoenzyme maturation.  相似文献   

Proper coordination between glycolysis and respiration is essential, yet the regulatory mechanisms involved in sensing respiratory chain defects and modifying mitochondrial functions accordingly are unclear. To investigate the nature of this regulation, we introduced respiratory bypass enzymes into cultured human (HEK293T) cells and studied mitochondrial responses to respiratory chain inhibition. In the absence of respiratory chain inhibitors, the expression of alternative respiratory enzymes did not detectably alter cell physiology or mitochondrial function. However, in permeabilized cells NDI1 (alternative NADH dehydrogenase) bypassed complex I inhibition, whereas alternative oxidase (AOX) bypassed complex III or IV inhibition. In contrast, in intact cells the effects of the AOX bypass were suppressed by growth on glucose, whereas those produced by NDI1 were unaffected. Moreover, NDI1 abolished the glucose suppression of AOX-driven respiration, implicating complex I as the target of this regulation. Rapid Complex I down-regulation was partly released upon prolonged respiratory inhibition, suggesting that it provides an “emergency shutdown” system to regulate metabolism in response to dysfunctions of the oxidative phosphorylation. This system was independent of HIF1, mitochondrial superoxide, or ATP synthase regulation. Our findings reveal a novel pathway for adaptation to mitochondrial dysfunction and could provide new opportunities for combatting diseases.  相似文献   

Complex I (NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase) in mammalian mitochondria is an L-shaped assembly of 44 protein subunits with one arm buried in the inner membrane of the mitochondrion and the orthogonal arm protruding about 100 Å into the matrix. The protruding arm contains the binding sites for NADH, the primary acceptor of electrons flavin mononucleotide (FMN), and a chain of seven iron-sulfur clusters that carries the electrons one at a time from FMN to a coenzyme Q molecule bound in the vicinity of the junction between the two arms. In the structure of the closely related bacterial enzyme from Thermus thermophilus, the quinone is thought to bind in a tunnel that spans the interface between the two arms, with the quinone head group close to the terminal iron-sulfur cluster, N2. The tail of the bound quinone is thought to extend from the tunnel into the lipid bilayer. In the mammalian enzyme, it is likely that this tunnel involves three of the subunits of the complex, ND1, PSST, and the 49-kDa subunit. An arginine residue in the 49-kDa subunit is symmetrically dimethylated on the ω-NG and ω-NG′ nitrogen atoms of the guanidino group and is likely to be close to cluster N2 and to influence its properties. Another arginine residue in the PSST subunit is hydroxylated and probably lies near to the quinone. Both modifications are conserved in mammalian enzymes, and the former is additionally conserved in Pichia pastoris and Paracoccus denitrificans, suggesting that they are functionally significant.  相似文献   

Complex II couples oxidoreduction of succinate and fumarate at one active site with that of quinol/quinone at a second distinct active site over 40 Å away. This process links the Krebs cycle to oxidative phosphorylation and ATP synthesis. The pathogenic mutation or inhibition of human complex II or its assembly factors is often associated with neurodegeneration or tumor formation in tissues derived from the neural crest. This brief overview of complex II correlates the clinical presentations of a large number of symptom-associated alterations in human complex II activity and assembly with the biochemical manifestations of similar alterations in the complex II homologs from Escherichia coli. These analyses provide clues to the molecular basis for diseases associated with aberrant complex II function.  相似文献   

The three-component toluene dioxygenase system consists of an FAD-containing reductase, a Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin, and a Rieske-type dioxygenase. The task of the FAD-containing reductase is to shuttle electrons from NADH to the ferredoxin, a reaction the enzyme has to catalyze in the presence of dioxygen. We investigated the kinetics of the reductase in the reductive and oxidative half-reaction and detected a stable charge transfer complex between the reduced reductase and NAD+ at the end of the reductive half-reaction, which is substantially less reactive toward dioxygen than the reduced reductase in the absence of NAD+. A plausible reason for the low reactivity toward dioxygen is revealed by the crystal structure of the complex between NAD+ and reduced reductase, which shows that the nicotinamide ring and the protein matrix shield the reactive C4a position of the isoalloxazine ring and force the tricycle into an atypical planar conformation, both factors disfavoring the reaction of the reduced flavin with dioxygen. A rapid electron transfer from the charge transfer complex to electron acceptors further reduces the risk of unwanted side reactions, and the crystal structure of a complex between the reductase and its cognate ferredoxin shows a short distance between the electron-donating and -accepting cofactors. Attraction between the two proteins is likely mediated by opposite charges at one large patch of the complex interface. The stability, specificity, and reactivity of the observed charge transfer and electron transfer complexes are thought to prevent the reaction of reductaseTOL with dioxygen and thus present a solution toward conflicting requirements.  相似文献   

Na(+) is the second major coupling ion at membranes after protons, and many pathogenic bacteria use the sodium-motive force to their advantage. A prominent example is Vibrio cholerae, which relies on the Na(+)-pumping NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na(+)-NQR) as the first complex in its respiratory chain. The Na(+)-NQR is a multisubunit, membrane-embedded NADH dehydrogenase that oxidizes NADH and reduces quinone to quinol. Existing models describing redox-driven Na(+) translocation by the Na(+)-NQR are based on the assumption that the pump contains four flavins and one FeS cluster. Here we show that the large, peripheral NqrA subunit of the Na(+)-NQR binds one molecule of ubiquinone-8. Investigations of the dynamic interaction of NqrA with quinones by surface plasmon resonance and saturation transfer difference NMR reveal a high affinity, which is determined by the methoxy groups at the C-2 and C-3 positions of the quinone headgroup. Using photoactivatable quinone derivatives, it is demonstrated that ubiquinone-8 bound to NqrA occupies a functional site. A novel scheme of electron transfer in Na(+)-NQR is proposed that is initiated by NADH oxidation on subunit NqrF and leads to quinol formation on subunit NqrA.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial complex I couples electron transfer between matrix NADH and inner-membrane ubiquinone to the pumping of protons against a proton motive force. The accepted proton pumping stoichiometry was 4 protons per 2 electrons transferred (4H+/2e) but it has been suggested that stoichiometry may be 3H+/2e based on the identification of only 3 proton pumping units in the crystal structure and a revision of the previous experimental data. Measurement of proton pumping stoichiometry is challenging because, even in isolated mitochondria, it is difficult to measure the proton motive force while simultaneously measuring the redox potentials of the NADH/NAD+ and ubiquinol/ubiquinone pools. Here we employ a new method to quantify the proton motive force in living cells from the redox poise of the bc1 complex measured using multiwavelength cell spectroscopy and show that the correct stoichiometry for complex I is 4H+/2e in mouse and human cells at high and physiological proton motive force.  相似文献   

8-Chloroadenosine (8-Cl-Ado) is a ribosyl nucleoside analog currently in phase I testing for the treatment of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). 8-Cl-Ado activity is dependent on adenosine kinase and requires intracellular accumulation of 8-Cl-Ado as mono-, di-, and tri-phosphates. In the current study with four mantle cell lymphoma cell lines, we report a new major metabolic pathway for 8-Cl-Ado intracellular metabolism, the formation of succinyl-8-chloro-adenosine (S-8-Cl-Ado) and its monophosphate (S-8-Cl-AMP). 8-Cl-AMP levels were highly associated with S-8-Cl-AMP levels and reached a steady-state prior to the secondary metabolites, 8-Cl-ATP and S-8-Cl-Ado. Consistent with fumarate as a required substrate for formation of succinyl-8-Cl-adenylate metabolites, the S-8-Cl-adenylate concentrations in multiple cell lines were associated with fumarate loss. The distribution of metabolites was also altered using the energy metabolism modifiers, metformin and oligomycin. The rates of succinyl-8-Cl-adenylate metabolism were enhanced by increasing the intracellular fumarate concentrations after metformin co-treatment. In addition, the S-8-Cl-AMP concentrations were increased after acute inhibition of ATP synthase by oligomycin. We conclude that 8-Cl-Ado metabolism not only affects intracellular purine metabolism; 8-Cl-Ado conversion to succinyl analogs ties its metabolism to the citric acid cycle by reduction of the fumarate pool.  相似文献   

The main cofactors that determine the photosystem II (PSII) oxygen evolution activity are borne by the D1 and D2 subunits. In the cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus, there are three psbA genes coding for D1. Among the 344 residues constituting D1, there are 21 substitutions between PsbA1 and PsbA3, 31 between PsbA1 and PsbA2, and 27 between PsbA2 and PsbA3. Here, we present the first study of PsbA2-PSII. Using EPR and UV-visible time-resolved absorption spectroscopy, we show that: (i) the time-resolved EPR spectrum of TyrZ in the (S3TyrZ)′ is slightly modified; (ii) the split EPR signal arising from TyrZ in the (S2TyrZ)′ state induced by near-infrared illumination at 4.2 K of the S3TyrZ state is significantly modified; and (iii) the slow phases of P680+⋅ reduction by TyrZ are slowed down from the hundreds of μs time range to the ms time range, whereas both the S1TyrZ → S2TyrZ and the S3TyrZ → S0TyrZ + O2 transition kinetics remained similar to those in PsbA(1/3)-PSII. These results show that the geometry of the TyrZ phenol and its environment, likely the Tyr-O···H···Nϵ-His bonding, are modified in PsbA2-PSII when compared with PsbA(1/3)-PSII. They also point to the dynamics of the proton-coupled electron transfer processes associated with the oxidation of TyrZ being affected. From sequence comparison, we propose that the C144P and P173M substitutions in PsbA2-PSII versus PsbA(1/3)-PSII, respectively located upstream of the α-helix bearing TyrZ and between the two α-helices bearing TyrZ and its hydrogen-bonded partner, His-190, are responsible for these changes.  相似文献   

Photosystem II (PSII) is a multiprotein complex that splits water and initiates electron transfer in photosynthesis. The central part of PSII, the PSII core, is surrounded by light-harvesting complex II proteins (LHCIIs). In higher plants, two or three LHCII trimers are seen on each side of the PSII core whereas only one is seen in the corresponding positions in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, probably due to the absence of CP24, a minor monomeric LHCII. Here, we re-examined the supramolecular organization of the C. reinhardtii PSII-LHCII supercomplex by determining the effect of different solubilizing detergents. When we solubilized the thylakoid membranes with n-dodecyl-β-d-maltoside (β-DM) or n-dodecyl-α-d-maltoside (α-DM) and subjected them to gel filtration, we observed a clear difference in molecular mass. The α-DM-solubilized PSII-LHCII supercomplex bound twice more LHCII than the β-DM-solubilized supercomplex and retained higher oxygen-evolving activity. Single-particle image analysis from electron micrographs of the α-DM-solubilized and negatively stained supercomplex revealed that the PSII-LHCII supercomplex had a novel supramolecular organization, with three LHCII trimers attached to each side of the core.  相似文献   

The Na(+)-pumping NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na(+)-NQR) is the main entrance for electrons into the respiratory chain of many marine and pathogenic bacteria. The enzyme accepts electrons from NADH and donates them to ubiquinone, and the free energy released by this redox reaction is used to create an electrochemical gradient of sodium across the cell membrane. Here we report the role of glycine 140 and glycine 141 of the NqrB subunit in the functional binding of ubiquinone. Mutations at these residues altered the affinity of the enzyme for ubiquinol. Moreover, mutations in residue NqrB-G140 almost completely abolished the electron transfer to ubiquinone. Thus, NqrB-G140 and -G141 are critical for the binding and reaction of Na(+)-NQR with its electron acceptor, ubiquinone.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial TCA cycle dehydrogenase enzymes have been shown to be stimulated by Ca(2+) under various substrate and ADP incubation conditions in an attempt to determine and understand the role of Ca(2+) in maintaining energy homeostasis in working hearts. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that, at physiological temperature and 1 mM extramitochondrial free magnesium, Ca(2+) can stimulate the overall mitochondrial NAD(P)H generation flux in rat heart mitochondria utilizing pyruvate and malate as substrates at both subsaturating and saturating concentrations. In both cases, we found that, in the physiological regime of mitochondrial oxygen consumption observed in the intact animal and in the physiological range of cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration averaged per beat, Ca(2+) had no observable stimulatory effect. A modest apparent stimulatory effect (22-27%) was observable at supraphysiological maximal ADP-stimulated respiration at 2.5 mM initial phosphate. The stimulatory effects observed over the physiological Ca(2+) range are not sufficient to make a significant contribution to the control of oxidative phosphorylation in the heart in vivo.  相似文献   

Modern α-proteobacteria are thought to be closely related to the ancient symbiont of eukaryotes, an ancestor of mitochondria. Respiratory complex I from α-proteobacteria and mitochondria is well conserved at the level of the 14 "core" subunits, consistent with that notion. Mitochondrial complex I contains the core subunits, present in all species, and up to 31 "supernumerary" subunits, generally thought to have originated only within eukaryotic lineages. However, the full protein composition of an α-proteobacterial complex I has not been established previously. Here, we report the first purification and characterization of complex I from the α-proteobacterium Paracoccus denitrificans. Single particle electron microscopy shows that the complex has a well defined L-shape. Unexpectedly, in addition to the 14 core subunits, the enzyme also contains homologues of three supernumerary mitochondrial subunits as follows: B17.2, AQDQ/18, and 13 kDa (bovine nomenclature). This finding suggests that evolution of complex I via addition of supernumerary or "accessory" subunits started before the original endosymbiotic event that led to the creation of the eukaryotic cell. It also provides further confirmation that α-proteobacteria are the closest extant relatives of mitochondria.  相似文献   

In response to iron deprivation, Staphylococcus aureus produces staphyloferrin B, a citrate-containing siderophore that delivers iron back to the cell. This bacterium also possesses a second citrate synthase, SbnG, that is necessary for supplying citrate to the staphyloferrin B biosynthetic pathway. We present the structure of SbnG bound to the inhibitor calcium and an active site variant in complex with oxaloacetate. The overall fold of SbnG is structurally distinct from TCA cycle citrate synthases yet similar to metal-dependent class II aldolases. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that SbnG forms a separate clade with homologs from other siderophore biosynthetic gene clusters and is representative of a metal-independent subgroup in the phosphoenolpyruvate/pyruvate domain superfamily. A structural superposition of the SbnG active site to TCA cycle citrate synthases and site-directed mutagenesis suggests a case for convergent evolution toward a conserved catalytic mechanism for citrate production.  相似文献   

Respiratory complex II oxidizes succinate to fumarate as part of the Krebs cycle and reduces ubiquinone in the electron transport chain. Previous experimental evidence suggested that complex II is not a significant contributor to the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in isolated mitochondria or intact cells unless mutated. However, we find that when complex I and complex III are inhibited and succinate concentration is low, complex II in rat skeletal muscle mitochondria can generate superoxide or H(2)O(2) at high rates. These rates approach or exceed the maximum rates achieved by complex I or complex III. Complex II generates these ROS in both the forward reaction, with electrons supplied by succinate, and the reverse reaction, with electrons supplied from the reduced ubiquinone pool. ROS production in the reverse reaction is prevented by inhibition of complex II at either the ubiquinone-binding site (by atpenin A5) or the flavin (by malonate), whereas ROS production in the forward reaction is prevented by malonate but not by atpenin A5, showing that the ROS from complex II arises only from the flavin site (site II(F)). We propose a mechanism for ROS production by complex II that relies upon the occupancy of the substrate oxidation site and the reduction state of the enzyme. We suggest that complex II may be an important contributor to physiological and pathological ROS production.  相似文献   

Metabolic intermediates, such as succinate and citrate, regulate important processes ranging from energy metabolism to fatty acid synthesis. Cytosolic concentrations of these metabolites are controlled, in part, by members of the SLC13 gene family. The molecular mechanism underlying Na+-coupled di- and tricarboxylate transport by this family is understood poorly. The human Na+/dicarboxylate cotransporter NaDC3 (SLC13A3) is found in various tissues, including the kidney, liver, and brain. In addition to citric acid cycle intermediates such as α-ketoglutarate and succinate, NaDC3 transports other compounds into cells, including N-acetyl aspartate, mercaptosuccinate, and glutathione, in keeping with its dual roles in cell nutrition and detoxification. In this study, we construct a homology structural model of NaDC3 on the basis of the structure of the Vibrio cholerae homolog vcINDY. Our computations are followed by experimental testing of the predicted NaDC3 structure and mode of interaction with various substrates. The results of this study show that the substrate and cation binding domains of NaDC3 are composed of residues in the opposing hairpin loops and unwound portions of adjacent helices. Furthermore, these results provide a possible explanation for the differential substrate specificity among dicarboxylate transporters that underpin their diverse biological roles in metabolism and detoxification. The structural model of NaDC3 provides a framework for understanding substrate selectivity and the Na+-coupled anion transport mechanism by the human SLC13 family and other key solute carrier transporters.  相似文献   

Yeast cells deficient in the Rieske iron-sulfur subunit (Rip1) of ubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase (bc1) accumulate a late core assembly intermediate, which weakly associates with cytochrome oxidase (CcO) in a respiratory supercomplex. Expression of the N-terminal half of Rip1, which lacks the C-terminal FeS-containing globular domain (designated N-Rip1), results in a marked stabilization of trimeric and tetrameric bc1-CcO supercomplexes. Another bc1 mutant (qcr9Δ) stalled at the same assembly intermediate is likewise converted to stable supercomplex species by the expression of N-Rip1, but not by expression of intact Rip1. The N-Rip1-induced stabilization of bc1-CcO supercomplexes is independent of the Bcs1 translocase, which mediates Rip1 translocation during bc1 biogenesis. N-Rip1 induces the stabilization of bc1-CcO supercomplexes through an enhanced formation of CcO. The association of N-Rip1 with the late core bc1 assembly intermediate appears to confer stabilization of a CcO assembly intermediate. This induced stabilization of CcO is dependent on the Rcf1 supercomplex stabilization factor and only partially dependent on the presence of cardiolipin. N-Rip1 exerts a related induction of CcO stabilization in WT yeast, resulting in enhanced respiration. Additionally, the impact of CcO stabilization on supercomplexes was observed by means other than expression of N-Rip1 (via overexpression of CcO subunits Cox4 and Cox5a), demonstrating that this is a general phenomenon. This study presents the first evidence showing that supercomplexes can be stabilized by the stimulated formation of CcO.  相似文献   

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