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Cryptosporidium parvum is an apicomplexan parasite that infects humans and ruminants. C. parvum isolated from cattle in northeastern Turkey and in Israel was genotyped using multiple polymorphic genetic markers, and the two populations were compared to assess the effect of cattle husbandry on the parasite's population structure. Dairy herds in Israel are permanently confined with essentially no opportunity for direct herd-to-herd transmission, whereas in Turkey there are more opportunities for transmission as animals range over wider areas and are frequently traded. A total of 76 C. parvum isolates from 16 locations in Israel and seven farms in the Kars region in northeastern Turkey were genotyped using 16 mini- and microsatellite markers. Significantly, in both countries distinct multilocus genotypes confined to individual farms were detected. The number of genotypes per farm was higher and mixed isolates were more frequent in Turkey than in Israel. As expected from the presence of distinct multilocus genotypes in individual herds, linkage disequilibrium among loci was detected in Israel. Together, these observations show that genetically distinct populations of C. parvum can emerge within a group of hosts in a relatively short time. This may explain the frequent detection of host-specific genotypes with unknown taxonomic status in surface water and the existence of geographically restricted C. hominis genotypes in humans.  相似文献   

The intra-herd and intra-host genetic variability of 123 Cryptosporidium parvum isolates was investigated using a multilocus fragment typing approach with eleven variable-number tandem-repeat (VNTR) loci and the GP60 gene. Isolates were collected from intensively farmed diarrheic pre-weaned calves originating from 31 dairy farms in three adjoining regions in northern Spain (País Vasco, Cantabria and Asturias). The multilocus tool demonstrated an acceptable typeability, with 104/123 samples amplifying at all twelve loci. The ML2, TP14, GP60 and the previously un-described minisatellite at locus cgd2_3850 were the most discriminatory markers, while others may be dismissed as monomorphic (MSB) or less informative (CP47, ML1 and the novel minisatellites at loci Cgd1_3670 and Cgd6_3940). The 12-satellite typing tool provided a Hunter-Gaston index (HGDI) of 0.987 (95% CI, 0.982–0.992), and differentiated a total of 70 multilocus subtypes (MLTs). The inclusion of only the four most discriminatory markers dramatically reduced the number of MLTs (n: 44) but hardly reduced the HGDI value. A total of 54 MLTs were distinctive for individual farms, indicating that cryptosporidiosis is an endemic condition on most cattle farms. However, a high rate of mixed infections was detected, suggesting frequent meiotic recombination. Namely, multiple MLTs were seen in most farms where several specimens were analyzed (90.5%), with up to 9 MLTs being found on one farm, and individual specimens with mixed populations being reported on 11/29 farms. Bayesian Structure analysis showed that over 35% of isolates had mixed ancestry and analysis of evolutionary descent using the eBURST algorithm detected a high rate (21.4%) of MLTs appearing as singletons, indicating a high degree of genetic divergence. Linkage analysis found evidence of linkage equilibrium and an overall panmictic structure within the C. parvum population in this discrete geographical area.  相似文献   

The absence of a self-sustaining in vitro propagation method for Cryptosporidium parvum is a major obstacle for research on this parasite. Conventional cell monolayers are unsuitable for long-term parasite propagation because the level of infection decreases over time and few oocysts, if any, are produced. The interaction between parasite and host cell was studied to identify factors limiting parasite development in vitro. Loss of substrate adherence and death of parasitized host cells was observed in 2 epithelial cell lines. Nuclear morphology, DNA laddering, annexin V binding, and terminal deoxytransferase-mediated dUTP nick end labeling indicated that host cell death occurred by apoptosis. At 6 hr postinfection, only a minority of infected cells remained in the monolayer, and few survived the initial phase of parasite development without losing adherence. Treatment of infected monolayers with caspase inhibitors drastically reduced cell detachment but failed to increase the number of parasites in monolayers. In contrast, cell cultures grown on laminin-coated plates showed a higher proportion of infected cells. These observations indicate that cell detachment and apoptosis in C. parvum-infected cell culture negatively affect parasite survival in vitro.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum is a parasitic protist and a causative agent of mild‐to‐severe diarrheal diseases in humans and animals. Despite its globally recognized importance, knowledge on the mechanism of parasite invasion and molecular interactions between host cells and the parasite is limited. Here, we report the establishment of 43 mutant cell lines derived from HCT‐8 cells by UV‐induced mutagenesis and the characterization of three mutants with significantly reduced susceptibility to cryptosporidial infection. Based on qRT‐PCR assay performed at 18 h postinfection time, the parasite loads could be reduced by ~45%, ~35%, and ~20% in mutants A05, B08, and B12, respectively (< 0.001 in all three mutants vs. HCT‐8 cells). The mutagenesis mainly affected the attachment of parasite in A05 (i.e. ~30% reduction, < 0.001 vs. HCT‐8), and intracellular development in B08 and B12. The three cell mutants may serve as valuable reagents to further investigate the mechanism of parasite invasion and intracellular development by identifying the gene mutations associated with the parasite attachment (A05) and intracellular development (B08 and B12).  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Oocysts of a Cryptosporidium isolate from guinea pigs were not infectious for adult mice, but were infectious for two of three newborn calves and for suckling mice. However, oocysts isolated from calves or mice infected with guinea pig Cryptosporidium were not infectious for guinea pigs. Four isolates of C. parvum from calves were incapable of infecting weanling guinea pigs. Microscopic examination of tissue from the colon and cecum of suckling guinea pigs inoculated with C. parvum revealed sparse infection of some pups. These host range studies and previously described differences in 125I-labeled oocyst surface protein profiles between Cryptosporidium sp. from guinea pigs and C. parvum suggest they are distinct species. We propose the name Cryptosporidium wrairi be retained. Studies with monoclonal antibodies indicate that C. wrairi and C. parvum are antigenically related.  相似文献   

The putative role of biting flies in Bartonella transmission among ruminants was investigated. Amplification of the Bartonella citrate synthase gene from 83 Hippoboscidae was detected in 94% of 48 adult Lipoptena cervi flies, 71% of 17 adult Hippobosca equina flies, 100% of 20 adult Melophagus ovinus flies, and 100% of 10 M. ovinus pupae. Our findings suggest that Hippoboscidae play a role in the transmission of Bartonella among ruminants. The vertical transmission of Bartonella in M. ovinus and the presence of Bartonella DNA in all samples suggest a symbiotic association between Bartonella and M. ovinus.  相似文献   

The association of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts with suspended particles can alter the oocysts' effective physical properties and influence their transport in aquatic systems. To assess this behavior, C. parvum oocysts were mixed with various suspended sediments under a variety of water chemical conditions, and the resulting settling of the oocysts was observed. Direct microscopic observations showed that oocysts attached to suspended sediments. Settling column and batch experiments demonstrated that oocysts are removed from suspension at a much higher rate when associated with sediments. The rate of oocyst sedimentation depended primarily on the type of sediment with which the oocysts were mixed. Changes in background water conditions had a relatively small impact on the extent of oocyst-particle association and the resulting oocyst deposition. We believe that the ubiquitous association of C. parvum oocysts with suspended particles enhances the sedimentation of oocysts in natural waters and that this interaction should generally be considered when predicting the migration of pathogens in the environment.  相似文献   

The association of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts with suspended particles can alter the oocysts' effective physical properties and influence their transport in aquatic systems. To assess this behavior, C. parvum oocysts were mixed with various suspended sediments under a variety of water chemical conditions, and the resulting settling of the oocysts was observed. Direct microscopic observations showed that oocysts attached to suspended sediments. Settling column and batch experiments demonstrated that oocysts are removed from suspension at a much higher rate when associated with sediments. The rate of oocyst sedimentation depended primarily on the type of sediment with which the oocysts were mixed. Changes in background water conditions had a relatively small impact on the extent of oocyst-particle association and the resulting oocyst deposition. We believe that the ubiquitous association of C. parvum oocysts with suspended particles enhances the sedimentation of oocysts in natural waters and that this interaction should generally be considered when predicting the migration of pathogens in the environment.  相似文献   

With the emergence of Cryptosporidium parvum as a major pathogen encountered in human and veterinary clinical practice, a need for increased knowledge of the cellular- and immuno-biology of this Apicomplexan parasite has developed. Initial work has used paradigms taken from other Apicomplexans, especially Plasmodium, Toxoplasma and Eimeria, as a starting point. In this article, Carolyn Petersen discusses the observation that in these organisms, molecular targets of antibodies (which have protective value, in vivo, against disease) have frequently been located in the apical complex or on the surface of the invasive stages of the parasite and appear to mediate biologically crucial processes including motility, attachment to the host cell, modification of the host membrane, and entry into the host cell. Molecular-biology approaches to the study of enzymes and of structural proteins which mediate motility are also considered. Invasion mechanisms, biochemical pathways and motility may involve molecules that will prove susceptible to immunotherapeutic or chemotherapeutic interruption of cryptosporidiosis.  相似文献   

Pathogenesis of Cryptosporidium parvum infection   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cryptosporidium parvum can be regarded as a minimally invasive mucosal pathogen, since it invades surface epithelial cells that line the intestinal tract but does not invade deeper layers of the intestinal mucosa. Nonetheless, infection can be associated with diarrhea and marked mucosal inflammation. This article briefly reviews in vitro and in vivo models useful for studying the pathogenesis of C. parvum infection and explores the role of innate and acquired immune responses in host defense against this protozoan parasite.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum is an important zoonotic parasite that causes significant economic loss in the animal husbandry industry,especially the cattle industry.As there is no specific vaccine or drug against Cryptosporidium,a rapid and accurate method for the detection of C.parvum is of great significance.In this study,colloidal gold strips were developed based on Cryptosporidium parvum virus 1 (CSpV1) for the detection of C.parvum infection in cattle fecal samples.The colloidal gold solution was prepared by reducing trisodium citrate and the CSpV1 #5 monoclonal antibody was labeled with colloidal gold.A polyclonal antibody against the CSpV1 capsid protein and an anti-mouse IgG antibody were coated on the colloidal gold strips for use in the test and control lines,respectively.Our results showed that the detection sensitivity in fecal samples was up to a 1:64 dilution.There was no cross-reaction with Cryptosporidium andersoni or Giardia in the fecal samples.The different preservation conditions (room temperature,4℃,and 37℃) and preservation time (7,30,60,and 90 days) were analyzed.The data showed that the strips could be preserved for 90 days at 4℃ and for 60 days at room temperature or 37℃.The colloidal gold strips were used to detect the samples of 120 clinical fecal in Changchun,China.The results indicated that the rate of a positive test was 5%(6/120).This study provides a rapid and accurate method for detecting C.parvum infection in cattle and humans.  相似文献   

A collection of 140 Cryptosporidium parvum isolates previously analyzed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and sequence analyses of the small-subunit (SSU) rRNA and 60-kDa glycoprotein (GP60) genes was further characterized by multilocus fragment typing of six minisatellite (MSB and MS5) and microsatellite (ML1, ML2, TP14, and 5B12) loci. Isolates were collected from diarrheic preweaned calves originating from 61 dairy cattle farms in northern Spain. A capillary electrophoresis-based tool combining three different fluorescent tags was used to analyze all six satellites in one capillary. Fragment sizes were adjusted after comparison with sizes obtained by sequence analysis of a selection of isolates for every allele. Size discrepancies at all but the 5B12 locus were found for those isolates that were typed by both techniques, although identical size differences were reported for every allele within each locus. A total of eight alleles were seen at the ML2 marker, which contributed the most to the discriminatory power of the multilocus approach. Multilocus fragment typing clearly improved the discriminatory power of GP60 sequencing, since a total of 59 multilocus subtypes were identified based on the combination of alleles at the six satellite loci, in contrast to the 7 GP60 subtypes previously reported. The majority of farms (38) displayed a unique multilocus subtype, and individual isolates with mixed multilocus subtypes were seen at 22 farms. Bayesian structure analysis based on combined data for both satellite and GP60 loci suggested the presence of two major clusters among the C. parvum isolates from cattle farms in this geographical area.  相似文献   

Epifluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry were used in different combinations with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled immunoglobulins M and G3 to estimate the numbers of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in soil extracts containing 10 to 10,017 oocysts/ml. No combination had a systematic effect on accuracy or precision. Background debris may have produced overestimates at low oocyst concentrations when flow cytometry was used.  相似文献   

Epifluorescent microscopy and flow cytometry were used in different combinations with fluorescein isothiocyanate-labeled immunoglobulins M and G3 to estimate the numbers of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in soil extracts containing 10 to 10,017 oocysts/ml. No combination had a systematic effect on accuracy or precision. Background debris may have produced overestimates at low oocyst concentrations when flow cytometry was used.  相似文献   

Cryptosporidium parvum is a zoonotic protozoan parasite that causes cryptosporidiosis, an infectious diarrheal disease primarily affecting humans and neonatal ruminants. Understanding the transmission dynamics of C. parvum, particularly the specific contributions of zoonotic and anthroponotic transmission, is critical to the control of this pathogen. This study used a population genetics approach to better understand the transmission of C. parvum in the Upper Midwest United States. A total of 254 C. parvum isolates from cases of human cryptosporidiosis in Minnesota and Wisconsin and diarrheic calves in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and North Dakota were genotyped at eight polymorphic loci. Isolates with a complete profile from all eight loci (n = 212) were used to derive a multilocus genotype (MLT), which was used in population genetic analyses. Among the 94 MLTs identified, 60 were represented by a single isolate. Approximately 20% of isolates belonged to MLT 2, a group that included both human and cattle isolates. Population analyses revealed a predominantly panmictic population with no apparent geographic or host substructuring.  相似文献   

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