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Identification of the Hfq-binding site on DsrA RNA: Hfq binds without altering DsrA secondary structure 总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11
DsrA RNA regulates the translation of two global regulatory proteins in Escherichia coli. DsrA activates the translation of RpoS while repressing the translation of H-NS. The RNA-binding protein Hfq is necessary for DsrA to function in vivo. Although Hfq binds to DsrA in vitro, the role of Hfq in DsrA-mediated regulation is not known. One hypothesis was that Hfq acts as an RNA chaperone by unfolding DsrA, thereby facilitating interactions with target RNAs. To test this hypothesis, we have examined the structure of DsrA bound to Hfq in vitro. Comparison of free DsrA to DsrA bound to Hfq by RNase footprinting, circular dichroism, and thermal melt profiles shows that Hfq does not alter DsrA secondary structures, but might affect its tertiary conformation. We identify the site on DsrA where Hfq binds, which is a structural element in the middle of DsrA. In addition, we show that although long poly(U) RNAs compete with DsrA for binding to Hfq, a short poly(U) stretch present in DsrA is not necessary for Hfq binding. Finally, unlike other RNAs, DsrA binding to Hfq is not competed with by poly(A) RNA. In fact, DsrA:poly(A):Hfq may form a stable ternary complex, raising the possibility that Hfq has multiple RNA-binding sites. 相似文献
Small RNAs (sRNAs) regulate bacterial genes involved in environmental adaptation. This RNA regulation requires Hfq, a bacterial Sm-like protein that stabilizes sRNAs and enhances RNA-RNA interactions. To understand the mechanism of target recognition by sRNAs, we investigated the interactions between Hfq, the sRNA DsrA, and its regulatory target rpoS mRNA, which encodes the stress response sigma factor. Nuclease footprinting revealed that Hfq recognized multiple sites in rpoS mRNA without significantly perturbing secondary structure in the 5' leader that inhibits translation initiation. Base-pairing with DsrA, however, made the rpoS ribosome binding site fully accessible, as predicted by genetic data. Hfq bound DsrA four times more tightly than the DsrA.rpoS RNA complex in gel mobility-shift assays. Consequently, Hfq is displaced rapidly from its high-affinity binding site on DsrA by conformational changes in DsrA, when DsrA base-pairs with rpoS mRNA. Hfq accelerated DsrA.rpoS RNA association and stabilized the RNA complex up to twofold. Hybridization of DsrA and rpoS mRNA was optimal when Hfq occupied its primary binding site on free DsrA, but was inhibited when Hfq associated with the DsrA.rpoS RNA complex. We conclude that recognition of rpoS mRNA is stimulated by binding of Hfq to free DsrA sRNA, followed by release of Hfq from the sRNA.mRNA complex. 相似文献
Resch A Afonyushkin T Lombo TB McDowall KJ Bläsi U Kaberdin VR 《RNA (New York, N.Y.)》2008,14(3):454-459
The intricate regulation of the Escherichia coli rpoS gene, which encodes the stationary phase sigma-factor sigmaS, includes translational activation by the noncoding RNA DsrA. We observed that the stability of rpoS mRNA, and concomitantly the concentration of sigmaS, were significantly higher in an RNase III-deficient mutant. As no decay intermediates corresponding to the in vitro mapped RNase III cleavage site in the rpoS leader could be detected in vivo, the initial RNase III cleavage appears to be decisive for the observed rapid inactivation of rpoS mRNA. In contrast, we show that base-pairing of DsrA with the rpoS leader creates an alternative RNase III cleavage site within the rpoS/DsrA duplex. This study provides new insights into regulation by small regulatory RNAs in that the molecular function of DsrA not only facilitates ribosome loading on rpoS mRNA, but additionally involves an alternative processing of the target. 相似文献
Weiwei Wang Lijun Wang Jihui Wu Qingguo Gong Yunyu Shi 《Nucleic acids research》2013,41(11):5938-5948
The rpoS mRNA, which encodes the master regulator σS of general stress response, requires Hfq-facilitated base pairing with DsrA small RNA for efficient translation at low temperatures. It has recently been proposed that one mechanism underlying Hfq action is to bridge a transient ternary complex by simultaneously binding to rpoS and DsrA. However, no structural evidence of Hfq simultaneously bound to different RNAs has been reported. We detected simultaneous binding of Hfq to rpoS and DsrA fragments. Crystal structures of AU6A•Hfq•A7 and Hfq•A7 complexes were resolved using 1.8- and 1.9-Å resolution, respectively. Ternary complex has been further verified in solution by NMR. In vivo, activation of rpoS translation requires intact Hfq, which is capable of bridging rpoS and DsrA simultaneously into ternary complex. This ternary complex possibly corresponds to a meta-stable transition state in Hfq-facilitated small RNA–mRNA annealing process. 相似文献
Worhunsky DJ Godek K Litsch S Schlax PJ 《The Journal of biological chemistry》2003,278(18):15815-15824
Expression of sigma(s), the gene product of rpoS, is controlled translationally in response to many environmental stresses. DsrA, a small 87-nucleotide non-coding RNA molecule, acts to increase translational efficiency of RpoS mRNA under some growth conditions. In this work, we demonstrate that DsrA binds directly to the 30 S ribosomal subunit with an observed equilibrium affinity of 2.8 x 10(7) m(-1). DsrA does not compete with RpoS mRNA or tRNA(f)(Met) for binding to the 30 S subunit. The 5' end of DsrA binds to 30 S subunits with an observed equilibrium association constant of 2.0 x 10(6) m(-1), indicating that the full affinity of the interaction requires the entire DsrA sequence. In order to investigate translational efficiency of RpoS mRNA, we examined both ribosome-binding site accessibility and the binding of RpoS mRNA to 30 S ribosomal subunits. We find that that ribosome-binding site accessibility is modulated as a function of divalent cation concentration during mRNA renaturation and by the presence of an antisense sequence that binds to nucleotides 1-16 of the RpoS mRNA fragment. The ribosome-binding site accessibility correlates with the amount of RpoS mRNA participating in 30 S-mRNA "pre-initiation" translational complex formation and provides evidence that regulation follows a competitive model of regulation. 相似文献
Rolle K Zywicki M Wyszko E Barciszewska MZ Barciszewski J 《Journal of biochemistry》2006,139(3):431-438
DsrA RNA is an 87-nucleotide regulatory non-protein-coding RNA of Escherichia coli for which two secondary structure models (I and II) have been proposed. We have compared these models by the energy calculations, which revealed that the currently accepted model II should be rejected on the basis of thermodynamics. Here we provide new results of nuclease footprinting analysis and the application of RNA technologies that have not previously been used for DsrA RNA structural studies, such as hydrolysis with RNase H, DNAzyme, hydroxyl radicals and lead. These approaches together with bioinformatics calculations provided strong arguments for a new model III. This model clearly shows that the long U-rich region between hairpins 1 and 2 is double-stranded. These findings shed new light on DsrA RNA-Hfq interactions. 相似文献
Catalysed by members of the adenosine deaminase acting on RNA (ADAR) family of enzymes, adenosine-to-inosine (A-to-I) editing converts adenosines in RNA molecules to inosines, which are functionally equivalent to guanosines. Recently, global approaches to studying this widely conserved phenomenon have emerged. The use of bioinformatics, high-throughput sequencing and other approaches has increased the number of known editing sites by several orders of magnitude, and we now have a greater understanding of the control and the biological significance of editing. This Progress article reviews some of these recent global studies and their results. 相似文献
Kenneth Stedman 《Journal of molecular evolution》2013,76(6):359-364
Viruses contain three common types of packaged genomes; double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), RNA (mostly single and occasionally double stranded) and single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). There are relatively straightforward explanations for the prevalence of viruses with dsDNA and RNA genomes, but the evolutionary basis for the apparent success of ssDNA viruses is less clear. The recent discovery of four ssDNA virus genomes that appear to have been formed by recombination between co-infecting RNA and ssDNA viruses, together with the high mutation rate of ssDNA viruses provide possible explanations. RNA–DNA recombination allows ssDNA viruses to access much broader sequence space than through nucleotide substitution and DNA–DNA recombination alone. Multiple non-exclusive mechanisms, all due to the unique replication of ssDNA viruses, are proposed for this unusual RNA capture. RNA capture provides an explanation for the evolutionary success of the ssDNA viruses and may help elucidate the mystery of integrated RNA viruses in viral and cellular DNA genomes. 相似文献