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《细菌:有关结构和功能论文》(The bacteria: a treatise on structure and function)多卷书由J. R. Stokatch L. Nicholar Ornston主编,美国学术出版社出版。该书有12卷:①Structure结构;②Metabolism代谢;③Biosynthesis生物合成;④The physiology of growth生长生理学;⑤Heredity遗传学;⑥Bacterial diversity细菌多样性;⑦Mechanisms of adaptation适应机制;⑧Archaebacteria原始细菌;⑨  相似文献   

柯朗奎斯特系统美国学者A.Cronquist在1968年出版了《有花植物的演化和分类The evolution and classificatiOn of flowering plants》一书中,发表了他的被子植物新系统。在1980年他又出版了《有花植物一综合分类系统An integrated system of classificatiOn of flowering plants》一书,对其1968年的系  相似文献   

植物-《植物育种的生物化学基础》(The Bioehemieal Basis of plant Breeding)volumesl和25C.A.Neyra主编,los6CRC press.《涉及到微生物植物相互作用的基因》(Genes involved in Microbe一pla“t Interactions)D.P.S.Verma和T.Hotin主编,1954 Springer一verlag.《植物传染源》(Plant Infeetions Agents)viruses,Airoids,virusoids and SatlliteK(系分子生物学现代通讯)H.D.Robertson等主编,2954 spring Harbor《植物微生物相互作用》(plant一Mierobe Interaetions)T·Kyosuge和E·W·Nester编,1 985 Maemillan.《植物分子…  相似文献   

马金双   《广西植物》1991,11(3):283-285
<正> 《广西植物》近年来先后刊登了我国植物标本室代号存在的问题(毕培曦,8(1):65—74,1988)及改进建议(马金双,9(1):95,1989)。现第八版《世界植物标本馆索引》(Index Herbariorum, part Ⅰ, The Herbaria of The World, 8th ed., P. K. Holmgten等编著,1990,New York, USA)已经出版,其中收载我国的标本馆(室)  相似文献   

路子显  常团结  刘翔  朱祯 《遗传》2002,24(2):182-189
植物碱性亮氨酸拉链(bZIP)蛋白在高等植物基因表达与调控中起重要作用。本文介绍了植物bZIP蛋白与DNA结合特性,探讨了它们的基因表达和功能,综述了它们在分子生物学和基因工程研究中的应用。 Abstract:Plant basic leucine zipper (bZIP) proteins play an important role in the expression and regulation of higher plant genes.The DNA-binding properties of plant bZIP protein are introduced first in this article.Then their expression and function are discussed.Finally,their application to the studies of molecular biology and genetic engineering is reviewed.  相似文献   

蓝胸秧鸡 Rallus striatus albiventer (Swainson) Rallus albiventer Swainson, 1838, Animals in Menageries: 337 (印度)。Aii, S., and S.D. Ripley 1980 Handbook of the birds of Indai and Pakistan. Vol. 2. P: 153—154.; Deignan, H.G. 1945 The birds of northern Thailand. P: 103—104.; Smythies, B.E. 1953 The birds of Burina. P: 452—454. and P; 609.  相似文献   

《肿瘤学进展》丛书是八十年代美国波士顿和荷兰多德雷赫德的Nijhoff出版社出版的一套关于肿瘤学研究的学术性丛书,质量较高,中科院上海文献情报中心基本搜集齐全。 v.1:《肿瘤细胞的遗传起源》(Genetic originS of tumor cells),128页,1980年出版。索书号:63.854/D489。/v.1 v.2:《癌症治疗研究》(Cancer treatment research),271页,1980年出版。索书号:63.854/D489。/v.2 v.3:《神经肿瘤学:临床和实验领域》(Neuro-oncology:clinical and experimental aspe-ctS),会议录,261页,1980年出版。索书号:63.854/D489。/v.3 v.4:《转移:临床和实验领域》(Metastasis:clinical and experimental aspects),会议录,456页,1980年出版。索书号:63.854/D489。/v.4  相似文献   

The function of a protein molecule is greatly influenced by its three-dimensional (3D) structure and therefore structure prediction will help identify its biological function. We have updated Sequence, Motif and Structure (SMS), the database of structurally rigid peptide fragments, by combining amino acid sequences and the corre-sponding 3D atomic coordinates of non-redundant (25%) and redundant (90%) protein chains available in the Protein Data Bank (PDB). SMS 2.0 provides information pertaining to the peptide fragments of length 5-14 resi-dues. The entire dataset is divided into three categories, namely, same sequence motifs having similar, intermedi-ate or dissimilar 3D structures. Further, options are provided to facilitate structural superposition using the pro-gram structural alignment of multiple proteins (STAMP) and the popular JAVA plug-in (Jmol) is deployed for visualization. In addition, functionalities are provided to search for the occurrences of the sequence motifs in other structural and sequence databases like PDB, Genome Database (GDB), Protein Information Resource (PIR) and Swiss-Prot. The updated database along with the search engine is available over the World Wide Web through the following URL http://cluster.physics.iisc.ernet.in/sms/.  相似文献   

《抗体》(Antibodies)系有关结构与功能,是一本很好的’学4习大纲。M.W.steward,lgs4ehapman and Hall二是一本短的绪论书。 ((不可思议的抗体》(The Antibody Enigma)T.J.Kindt和J.D.Capra-1984Plenum. ((免疫遗传基础))(Basie工mmun。genetiCs)H.H.Fudenberg等,1054 oxf。rdUniversity Press。 《免疫学字典》(Dietionary of Im二unology)F.Rosen,L。Steiner和E.unanus 1985 Maemillan ((基本临床免疫学))(Essential xmmunology)’H.M.Chapel M.R.Haenev,A。J。MeMiehael, 《免疫学基础》 《免疫学基础》 《免疫化学技术…  相似文献   

利用视黄酸(RA)诱导小鼠胚胎干细胞通过悬浮类胚培养法体外定量分化为神经样细胞.结果显示能够进行种系嵌合的MESPU22细胞系与不能进行种系嵌合的MESPU13细胞系的体外神经分化比例在统计学上没有明显差异.此结果对于人的胚胎干细胞全能性的鉴定与检测有重要启示。 Abstract: Murine embryonic stem cells were induced to differentiate into neuron-like cells by all-trans Retinotic Acids through embryoid body culture. The results indicate that there is no obvious difference between MESPU22 cell line which is highly germline competent and MESPU13 cell line which has no germline competence. The result has important illumination on the identity of the totipotence of human embryonic stem cells.  相似文献   

《多胺生物学与化学》(The biology and chemistry of polyamines)由Sara H. Goldemberg和Israel D. Algranati编著,1990年IRL Press出版,244页。该书有下列部份:大分子合成和代谢调节中的多胺;酶和多胺代谢调节;微生物和病毒中的多胺;寄生物和植物中的多胺;细胞生长和分化中的多胺;多胺衍生物合成设计与代谢  相似文献   

生物膜是由蛋白质、脂质和糖等组成的一种复合结构,包括细胞表面质膜和各种细胞器膜,其主要功能是在膜的内外进行物质、能量交换及信息传递。生物氧化、光合作用、细胞识别、免疫反应、激素及药物作用、神经传导、物质的传输都和膜有密切关系。学术出版社就生物膜的结构和功能出版了膜和传输当代论题丛书,简略介绍如下: v.20:《上皮输送的分子途径》(Molecular approaches to epithelial trasport),324页,1984年出版。 V.21:《离子通道:分子和生理领域》(Ion channels:Molecular and physiological aspects),394页,1984年出版。 v.22:《鱿鱼轴突》(The squid axon),593页、1984年出版。  相似文献   

《人、植物和生态系统》(Plant,Man,and the Ecosystem)是著名生态学家比林斯(Billings,W.D.)的《植物和生态系统》(Plant and the Ecosystem)的第二版。它以植物为中心概述了与其它生命以及环境相互之间的关系,不同于第一版的是更突出地强调了人的作用。全书分八个郎分:(一)什么是生态学。介绍了生态学研究的对象、领域以及与其它学科的关系。强调了该学科的综合性,提出了8个综合  相似文献   

Leighton, Terranee et al. (eds.): The Molecular Gene- tics of Development. Academic Pr.. New York, 1980. 478p.David Glick.: Methods of Biochemical Analysis, V. 26. New York, Wiley. 1980. 451p.Porter, Keith R.: Methods in Cell Biology. Vol. 21: Normal Human Tissue and Cell Culture A. Res- piratory, Cardiovascular, and Integumentary Systems. Academic Press, New York, 1980. 323p.  相似文献   

从前年起,《植物生理学通讯》开辟了“植物生理学如何为四个现代化服务”专栏。许多同志发表了宝贵的意见。近读《限制植物生产的生理过程》一书中H.W.Woolhouse的“作物生理学与农业生产关系:遗传联系”(Crop Physiology in Relation to Agrlcultural Production:The Genetic Link,见该书1—22页)一文,觉得其内容有可供  相似文献   

The Lightweight Design of Low RCS Pylon Based on Structural Bionics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> A concept of Specific Structure Efficiency (SSE) was proposed that can be used in the lightweight effect evaluation ofstructures.The main procedures of bionic structure design were introduced systematically.The parameter relationship betweenhollow stem of plant and the minimum weight was deduced in detail.In order to improve SSE of pylons, the structural characteristicsof hollow stem were investigated and extracted.Bionic pylon was designed based on analogous biological structuralcharacteristics.Using finite element method based simulation, the displacements and stresses in the bionic pylon were comparedwith those of the conventional pylon.Results show that the SSE of bionic pylon is improved obviously.Static, dynamic andelectromagnetism tests were carried out on conventional and bionic pylons.The weight, stress, displacement and Radar CrossSection (RCS) of both pylons were measured.Experimental results illustrate that the SSE of bionic pylon is markedly improvedthat specific strength efficiency and specific stiffness efficiency of bionic pylon are increased by 52.9% and 43.6% respectively.The RCS of bionic pylon is reduced significantly.  相似文献   

正Metabolism is the basic activity of life.Two international conferences,including the 4th International Conference on Plant Metabolism(ICPM2017,http://www.cspb.org.cn/2017/icpm.asp),and the 13th International Meeting on Biosynthesis,Function and Synthetic Biology of Isoprenoids(TERPNET2017,http://www.cspb.org.cn/2017/terpnet.asp)were concurrently convened side by side in Dalian from July 16 to 20,2017.The two conferences were scheduled with independent programs to keep their traditional style,but also arranged with  相似文献   

《西北植物学报》创刊于1980年,2003年变更为月刊.本刊为A4开本,214页,每月15日出版,国内外公开发行.据2004年版《中国科技期刊引证报告》数据,《西北植物学报》影响因子为0.607,在全国科技期刊影响因子总排序中居第198名,列生物类期刊第13名,植物学科期刊第5名.《西北植物学报》居《中文核心期刊要目总览》第四版(2004年版)植物学科第5名.1.内容范围:《西北植物学报》立足西北,面向全国,主要刊载有关植物遗传育种学、分子生物学、植物基因工程、植物解剖学、植物分类学、植物生理生化、药用植物成分分析,以及植物群落生态学、生物多样性、…  相似文献   

《西北植物学报》创刊于1980年,2003年变更为月刊.本刊为A4开本,214页,每月15日出版,国内外公开发行.据2004年版《中国科技期刊引证报告》数据,《西北植物学报》影响因子为0.607,在全国科技期刊影响因子总排序中居第198名,列生物类期刊第13名,植物学科期刊第5名.《西北植物学报》居《中文核心期刊要目总览》第四版(2004年版)植物学科第5名.1.内容范围:《西北植物学报》立足西北,面向全国,主要刊载有关植物遗传育种学、分子生物学、植物基因工程、植物解剖学、植物分类学、植物生理生化、药用植物成分分析,以及植物群落生态学、生物多样性、…  相似文献   

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