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《Ecological Indicators》2008,8(4):360-372
This study deals with the application of macrozoobenthos-based biotic indices (BI) within the frame of the implementation of the European Water Framework Directive. More precisely, this study aimed at assessing the performance of five recently developed methodologies (BI) for the assessment of ecological quality status (EcoQ) in two semi-enclosed, sheltered coastal ecosystems and in one transitional water body situated along the Western French coast, namely Marennes-Oléron Bay, Arcachon Bay, and the Seine Estuary. This study showed that these five indices rarely agreed with each other, describing very different pictures of the overall EcoQ of the three study sites. This work also clearly underlined the limitations of these approaches, notably the dependency of most of these BI and the resulting EcoQ classifications on habitat characteristics, more particularly to natural levels of sediment silt–clay content and the location of stations in the subtidal or the intertidal. The implication of our observations concerning the use of these BI for implementation of the WFD is discussed in terms of definition of habitat-specific reference conditions and necessity to adjust thresholds to the particular habitat occurring in semi-enclosed ecosystems. Meanwhile, the unmodified use of these BI severely impaired accurate assessment of EcoQ and decision-making on the managers’ point of view.  相似文献   

Spiders are a megadiverse group that can be useful indicators of the overall species richness and health of biotic communities. The spider diversity in subtropical forests of the Neotropical region are not yet well known, especially in Argentinean subtropical forests where systematic fieldwork has not been done until recently. The Great Chaco is very important as the unique dry subtropical forest of the earth, but it is suffering increasing degradation by the advance of agriculture. Spider communities have been shown to be more directly influenced by vegetation architecture than vegetation species composition. In this study, we aim to assess whether spider diversity and assemblages change in adjacent habitats with different types of vegetation. We compare the diversity and spider assemblages in two different contiguous protected habitats (hygrophilous woodland and savannah parkland) of the Mburucuyá National Park, (Humid Chaco ecoregion). Seasonal samples were obtained using three types of sampling methods: pitfall trapping, beating, and manual litter extraction. The spider assemblages were different in the studied areas, and the abundance, diversity, evenness, and species richness were higher in the hygrophilous woodland than the savannah parkland. These differences in spider diversity and assemblages indicate that both types of habitats are important if the biodiversity is to be conserved in the Chaco ecoregion, where different types of habitat are shown as a patchy distribution.  相似文献   

This paper compares the flexibility in the nexus between phenotype and genotype in plants and animals. These taxa although considered to be fundamentally different are found to be surprisingly similar in the mechanisms used to achieve plasticity. Although non-cognitive behaviour occurs in plants, its range is limited, while morphological and developmental plasticity also occur to a considerable extent in animals. Yet both plants and animals are subject to unique constraints and thus need to find unique solutions to functional problems. A true comparison between the plant and animal phenotype would be a comparison between plants and sessile photosynthesizing colonial invertebrates. Such comparisons are lacking. However, they would provide important insights into the adaptive significance of plasticity in these groups. It is also suggested that a comparison of inflexible traits in these groups would provide an understanding of the constraints, as well as the costs and benefits, of a plastic versus non-plastic phenotype in plants and animals.  相似文献   

Flowering and fruiting phenological patterns at the individual-, population-, and community level were studied in a southern Spanish scrub community composed of 30 shrub species. Few individuals of any species produced a high number of flowers. Intrapopulation deviation in the peak time of flowering showed a strong and positive skewness. Relative flowering duration, however, displayed a virtually normal distribution. Generally, species flowering in spring have a short flowering time, while species flowering earlier or later in the year show significantly longer flowering periods. Species were in bloom throughout the year, but there was a major peak during spring and two lesser ones in autumn and early summer. Shallow rooting taxa in typically mediterranean genera displayed a strategy of spring flowering and summer fruiting. Summer and autumn flowering occurred among heath-like shrubs of relatively wet places, and forest-associated, vertebrate-dispersed species which commonly have underground storage organs. Species with ripe fruits presented two peaks, the major one during the summer including the majority of taxa with seeds dispersed by non-vertebrate agents. There was a minor fruiting peak in autumn dominated by taxa that rely on vertebrates for dispersal. The complex seasonal patterns observed are interpreted in relation to environmental conditions and physiological constraints on species living in a highly seasonal climate.  相似文献   

Infrared spectroscopy in the amide I region of purified membrane-bound Na,K-ATPase preparation shows that Na+- and K+-bound forms of the enzyme have almost the same secondary structure. No difference is detected in the beta-structure (pleated sheets) content. This is contrary to the statement of the recent paper (Gresalfi, T. J., and Wallace, B. A. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259, 2622-2628) where a similar preparation was examined by circular dichroism spectroscopy and it was claimed that net 7% of protein peptide groups undergo a beta-sheet to alpha-helix conformational change upon Na,K-ATPase conversion from the K+ to the Na+ form. The discrepancy of the results is most likely caused by the particulate nature of the enzyme preparations used that could lead to optical artifacts in CD but not in IR measurements. A thorough comparison of IR spectra of these enzyme forms has revealed a very minor spectral difference which could suggest conformational perturbations, if any, of a much lower scale and another type than that claimed by Gresalfi and Wallace. The K+ form tends to absorb slightly more in the region of the alpha-helix band. This could reflect some distortion or a transition to a random coil structure of a small fraction of alpha-helical segments (less than or equal to 2% protein peptide groups) upon the enzyme conversion from the K+ to the Na+ form.  相似文献   

Large predators can have profound impacts on community composition. Not only do they directly affect prey abundance, they also indirectly affect prey abundance through their direct effects on smaller predators. In Australia, dingoes fill the role of a large predator and, in southern Australia, have clear impacts on introduced foxes. Their effect on introduced cats, however, is less clear. Here we present data from multiple sites across northern Australia (where foxes are absent), which reveal a negative correlation between cat and dingo activity. This relationship could arise because cats avoid areas where dingoes are active, or because cats are less abundant in areas with high dingo densities, or a combination of both. At a subset of our study sites, we experimentally reduced dingo (but not cat) abundance by poison baiting. This resulted in a 55% drop in dingo activity within 4 weeks of baiting, but without a compensatory increase in cat activity. This suggests the negative correlation between cat and dingo activity is not a simple consequence of cats reactively avoiding areas with higher dingo traffic, but rather, that there are fewer cats in areas where dingoes are more active. This study is a rare demonstration of the potential for dingoes to affect the behaviour and potentially the population size of feral cats, and therefore reduce the impact of feral cats on vulnerable native prey species.  相似文献   

The heterocystous cyanobacterium Richelia intracellularis Schmidt 1901 is well known for its capability to fix atmospheric nitrogen (N2) in oligotrophic waters. Symbiotic associations of Richelia intracellularis with the diatoms Rhizosolenia hebetata, Rhizosolenia clevei, Rhizosolenia cylindrus and Hemiaulus membranaceus is reported for the first time from the coastal waters of South Andaman, India. In these the symbiotic associations, variations were observed in the number of vegetative cells, trichomes, and the shape of the heterocysts. The highest number of trichomes was observed in Rhizosolenia clevei (14) per host. The trichomes consisted of 9–10 vegetative cells and a spherical heterocyst that was orientiated toward one end of the host diatom cell. In Rhizosolenia hebetata, three trichomes of Richelia intracellularis were present, one trichome at one end with 7–8 vegetative cells and two trichomes at the other end. In Rhizosolenia cylindrus, two trichomes of Richelia were observed, with a spherical heterocyst and 5–6 vegetative cells. An association between Hemiaulus membranaceus and Richelia intracellularis was also observed but with less frequency. Trichomes were observed in the centre of the diatom. By using the cell-specific rates, the amount of new N provided by the Diatom-Diazotrophic Associations was estimated. This is the first record of a symbiotic association of Richelia in diatoms from Andaman coastal waters.  相似文献   

The occurrence of Chara connivens (Charophyta, Characeae) and its status in the Baltic Sea may raise controversies regarding its origin and historical dispersal pathways in the area. This study critically revises the protection status of C. connivens in the countries around the Baltic Sea, as well as its status on the red lists of endangered plant species (including the HELCOM Red List). The first reports on the presence of C. connivens in the Baltic Sea area were published in the aftermath of Carl Baenitz’s talks given in the early 1870s. Already then, the scientific community was well aware of the fact that C. connivens had been introduced as a ballast plant to the known Baltic areas of occurrence – the first known record of the species is from 1829. Since Poland is the only country where C. connivens is protected, the historical and contemporary distribution of this charophyte in the Polish coastal waters is presented against the background of the available historical and recent records of the species in the Baltic Sea. Recent reports from the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century have confirmed a fairly common occurrence of C. connivens in Estonia, Sweden and Poland. This species still occurs on the German coast and has also been reported from Finland (the Åland archipelago). In recent decades, however, the species was considered rare in the Baltic Sea area. In Poland, C. connivens was even classified as extinct, despite earlier data on its occurrence in the Vistula Lagoon in the 1970s, where it was rediscovered in 2011. It was also found in the Szczecin Lagoon a year later. Both localities well suit Luther’s pattern of C. connivens occurrence in areas with intensive shipping and ballast discharge operations in historical times. Based on this in-depth revision of historical and current distribution, it is postulated that C. connivens, as non-indigenous, should not be red-listed in the Baltic Sea area, following the example of Finland. Moreover, its legal status in Poland of a strictly protected species should be reconsidered.  相似文献   

The contribution of fish communities to organic matter (OM) fluxes, especially between salt marshes and adjacent marine coastal waters are reviewed. For this a data set from the bay of Mont Saint-Michel and literature is examined and discussed. In a range of macro-tidal coasts of Europe, salt marshes are only flooded at spring tides for a short time. Many animals, including fish, then invade the salt marshes through tidal creeks. They forage there for up to a few hours and swim back to sea at ebb. Meanwhile, organic matter is exported as gut content. In the 4000 ha of salt marshes of the bay of Mont Saint-Michel mullets were responsible for the export of about 8 kg of dry weight OM ha–1 in 1996 and of roughly 12 kg in 1997. Although spatio-temporally variable, the fish communities appear to play a more or less significant role, as biotic vectors in the nutrient fluxes between salt marshes and coastal waters.  相似文献   

Previous studies from Central Europe and North America showed that species richness is higher in urban than in rural landscapes. Do protected areas, which can be found in both city and countryside, reflect this species richness pattern? The impact of urban land-use might reduce conservation success and necessitate special management strategies. We compared species richness and species spatial turnover of selected animal and plant taxa (carabids, butterflies, snails, birds, lichens, mosses, vascular plants) in 30 protected areas in the city of Halle and 56 protected areas in the adjacent rural district of Saalkreis (Central Germany). Species were mapped by experienced biologists within a systematic species inventory. We corrected species numbers for the effects of landscape structure (e.g. size, shape and distance of habitats) which might influence species diversity beyond urbanisation effects. Butterflies, birds and lichens had significantly higher species numbers in the rural protected areas. Species spatial turnover was higher among urban areas than among rural areas or pairs of urban and rural areas for most taxa. Diversity in all taxa depended on the size of a protected area. We discussed these patterns in the context of the general urban-rural species diversity patterns. Our results indicate an increasing isolation of species assemblages with urbanisation and highlight that space for protected areas is even more limited in urban than rural areas. An effective conservation of urban species diversity should include both typical urban and semi-natural habitats to cover the full range of species living in cities.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic changes to habitat are a global phenomenon and the impact of these changes may act in tandem to cause loss of biodiversity. One major global change is the introduction of invasive species. In order to determine whether other human impacts might correlate with populations of invaders, we examined the habitat correlates of distribution, persistence and reproduction of a global invader, the American bullfrog (Rana catesbeiana). We then compared these correlates with those of a threatened, native congener, the California red-legged frog (Rana draytonii). We found striking differences between the two species in response to habitat fragmentation and degradation. Our work suggests that human alteration of habitat, in particular the hydrology of freshwater sites and through building roads, favors this invasive species across the landscape.  相似文献   

Introduced species are assumed to exert a variety of negative ecological effects in their new environments. However, rigid studies on such effects are still rare. Using a case study we exemplify pitfalls and obstacles for research on ecological effects of invaders and highlight the need for a concise framework. The suspension feeding gastropod Crepidula fornicata was accidentally introduced with American oysters to Europe and was soon after defamed as an ‘oyster pest’ although no evidence was provided in justification. Recently, small-scale experiments with C. fornicata and the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas failed to prove competition. As an epizootic, however, C. fornicata is impeding native mussels Mytilus edulis but at the same time provides protection against starfish predation. It also may serve as a sink for infectious trematode parasites and hence be beneficial for bivalve basibionts. Another positive effect of C. fornicata, especially at the coast of France where it is superabundant, may be that it causes a shift of phytoplankton blooms from toxic flagellates to diatoms. The multiple interactions with recipient coastal ecosystems result in a complex interplay of negative as well as positive effects of the invader on native biota. Positive effects of invaders might occur with the same frequency as negative ones, and the general prejudice that introduced species exert per se a negative effect may dictate the outcome of research. We argue that considering both, negative as well as positive effects of an introduced species is needed to eventually enable us to evaluate the overall effect of an invasion on recipient ecosystems. Besides pointing to the importance of positive effects, this case study also shows that research on effects of introduced species should (1) be species specific, (2) consider different spatial scales, (3) clarify which stage of an invasive process is under observation and (4) clearly distinguish between ecological effects, human-relevant impacts and the ethical judgment of both. A concise framework for research on ecological effects of introduced species – which still has to be developed – should incorporate these aspects.  相似文献   

Perkins SL  Martinsen ES  Falk BG 《Parasitology》2011,138(13):1664-1674
Systematics involves resolving both the taxonomy and phylogenetic placement of organisms. We review the advantages and disadvantages of the two kinds of information commonly used for such inferences--morphological and molecular data--as applied to the systematics of metazoan parasites generally, with special attention to the malaria parasites. The problems that potentially confound the use of morphology in parasites include challenges to consistent specimen preservation, plasticity of features depending on hosts or other environmental factors, and morphological convergence. Molecular characters such as DNA sequences present an alternative data source and are particularly useful when not all the parasite's life stages are present or when parasitaemia is low. Nonetheless, molecular data can bring challenges that include troublesome DNA isolation, paralogous gene copies, difficulty in developing molecular markers, and preferential amplification in mixed species infections. Given the differential benefits and shortcomings of both molecular and morphological characters, both should be implemented in parasite taxonomy and phylogenetics.  相似文献   

Animal models have been widely used to investigate the relationship between diet and atherosclerosis and also to study disease etiology and possible interventions. Guinea pigs have been suggested to be a more “realistic” model for atherosclerosis due to their many similarities to humans. However, few published studies actually reported observations of characteristic atherosclerotic lesions and even fewer of advanced lesions. Studies, by our group, of guinea pigs fed on a high-fat diet revealed similar observations, with indications primarily of fatty streaks but little evidence of atherosclerotic plaques. This review discusses the feasibility of the guinea pig as a model for dietary-induced atherosclerosis. As it stands, current evidence raises doubt as to whether guinea pigs could serve as a realistic model for atherosclerosis. However, our own data and the literature suggest that they could be useful models for studying lipoprotein metabolism, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, and dietary interventions which may help regulate these conditions.  相似文献   

Growth and development events are observed in all organisms and can be modified by exogenous factors such as nutritional changes. Drastic morphological and functional alterations may occur during a vulnerable stage of development. The aim of this study was to investigate if malnutrition and/or fluoxetine neonatal treatment program alterations in heart morphology during the postnatal period. The sample consisted of 48 albino Wistar male rats. The rats were divided into two groups: nourished and malnourished. Pharmacologic manipulation was performed during the suckling period. The animals of each group were divided into two subgroups: saline-nourished and saline-malnourished, treated with sodium chloride solution, and fluoxetine-nourished and fluoxetine-malnourished, treated with fluoxetine. Half of the individuals in each subgroup were weighed and sacrificed on day 30 and the other half on day 71. Myocardial perfusion was performed and the heart subsequently weighed. The ventricles were cross-sectioned into two parts, which were fixed, dehydrated and sectioned. There were differences in body weight, heart weight, cross-sectional area and perimeter of the heart and in the cross-sectional area and perimeter of the cardiac cells among the groups at the different ages. Malnutrition appears to program alterations in heart morphology. However, malnourished animals that had undergone drug treatment did not exhibit the same changes.  相似文献   

Evolution appears to be especially rapid during speciation, and the genes involved in speciation should be evident in species such as humans that have recently speciated or are presently in the process of speciation. Haldane's rule is that when one sex is sterile or inviable in interspecific F(1) hybrids, it is usually the heterogametic sex. For mammals, this implicates genes on the X chromosome as those particularly responsible for speciation. A preponderance of sex- and reproduction-related genes on the X chromosome has been shown repeatedly, but also mental retardation genes are more frequent on the X chromosome. We argue that brain, testis, and placenta are those organs most responsible for human speciation. Furthermore, the high degree of complexity of the vertebrate genome demands coordinate evolution of new characters. This coordination is best attained when the same set of genes is redeployed for these new characters in the brain, testis, and placenta.  相似文献   

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