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Mutations in the genes that code for collagen VI subunits, COL6A1, COL6A2, and COL6A3, are the cause of the autosomal dominant disorder, Bethlem myopathy. Although three different collagen VI structural mutations have previously been reported, the effect of these mutations on collagen VI assembly, structure, and function is currently unknown. We have characterized a new Bethlem myopathy mutation that results in skipping of COL6A1 exon 14 during pre-mRNA splicing and the deletion of 18 amino acids from the triple helical domain of the alpha1(VI) chain. Sequencing of genomic DNA identified a G to A transition in the +1 position of the splice donor site of intron 14 in one allele. The mutant alpha1(VI) chains associated intracellularly with alpha2(VI) and alpha3(VI) to form disulfide-bonded monomers, but further assembly into dimers and tetramers was prevented, and molecules containing the mutant chain were not secreted. This triple helical deletion thus resulted in production of half the normal amount of collagen VI. To further explore the biosynthetic consequences of collagen VI triple helical deletions, an alpha3(VI) cDNA expression construct containing a 202-amino acid deletion within the triple helix was produced and stably expressed in SaOS-2 cells. The transfected mutant alpha3(VI) chains associated with endogenous alpha1(VI) and alpha2(VI) to form collagen VI monomers, but dimers and tetramers did not form and the mutant-containing molecules were not secreted. Thus, deletions within the triple helical region of both the alpha1(VI) and alpha3(VI) chains can prevent intracellular dimer and tetramer assembly and secretion. These results provide the first evidence of the biosynthetic consequences of structural collagen VI mutations and suggest that functional protein haploinsufficiency may be a common pathogenic mechanism in Bethlem myopathy.  相似文献   

Human unhydroxylated homotrimeric triple-helical collagen I produced in transgenic plants was used as an experimental model to provide insights into the role of hydroxyproline in molecular folding and fibril formation. By using chemically cross-linked molecules, we show here that the absence of hydroxyproline residues does not prevent correct folding of the recombinant collagen although it markedly slows down the propagation rate compared with bovine fully hydroxylated homotrimeric collagen I. Relatively slow cis-trans-isomerization in the absence of hydroxyproline likely represents the rate-limiting factor in the propagation of the unhydroxylated collagen helix. Because of the lack of hydroxylation, recombinant collagen molecules showed increased flexibility as well as a reduced melting temperature compared with native homotrimers and heterotrimers, whereas the distribution of charged amino acids was unchanged. However, unlike with bovine collagen I, the recombinant collagen did not self-assemble into banded fibrils in physiological ionic strength buffer at 20 degrees C. Striated fibrils were only obtained with low ionic strength buffer. We propose that, under physiological ionic strength conditions, the hydroxyl groups in the native molecule retain water more efficiently thus favoring correct fibril formation. The importance of hydroxyproline in collagen self-assembly suggested by others from the crystal structures of collagen model peptides is thus confirmed experimentally on the entire collagen molecule.  相似文献   

A single G1679E mutation in the amino-terminal globular domain N2 of the alpha3 chain of type VI collagen was found in a large family affected with Bethlem myopathy. Recombinant production of N2 ( approximately 200 residues) in transfected mammalian cells has now been used to examine the possibility that the mutation interfered with protein folding. The wild-type form and a G1679A mutant were produced at high levels and shown to fold into a stable globular structure. Only a small amount of secretion was observed for mutants G1679E and G1679Q, which apparently were efficiently degraded within the cells. Homology modeling onto the related von Willebrand factor A1 structure indicated that substitution of G1679 by the bulky E or Q cannot be accommodated without considerable changes in the folding pattern. This suggests protein misfolding as a molecular basis for this particular mutation in Bethlem myopathy, in agreement with radioimmunoassay data showing reduced levels of domain N2 in cultured fibroblasts from two patients.  相似文献   

Kinetic, circular dichroism, and NADH and NADPH fluorescence quenching studies indicate that these compounds interact with the antimalarial drug primaquine (PQ). The affinity of both pyridine nucleotides for PQ is similar. The data are in contrast with a previous report (Thornalley et al. (1983) Biochem. Pharmacol. 32, 3571-3575) suggesting specificity for the interaction with NADPH. The complex was seen to facilitate electron transfer from NAD(P)H to oxygen, generating oxygen-free radicals which were detected by the spin-trapping technique and to flavin nucleotides, giving rise to flavin semiquinone radicals which were demonstrated by direct ESR spectroscopy under anaerobic conditions. A twofold increase in oxygen uptake and hydroxyl radical generation by the NAD(P)H-PQ complex was observed in the presence of hemoglobin. This effect was independent of heme concentration (in the range 1 X 10(-5)-1 X 10(-4) M) and oxidation state of the iron. Under anaerobic conditions, the NAD(P)H-PQ complex reduces Fe-III to Fe-II hemoglobin, and under aerobic conditions about 65% of the heme chromophore is irreversibly destroyed. Superoxide dismutase inhibits hydroxyl radical generation by the NAD(P)H-PQ pair; this effect is not observed in the presence of hemoglobin. In the presence of microsomes there is a 10-fold increase in both oxygen consumption and hydroxyl radical generation by the NAD(P)H-PQ pair. The fact that both pyridine nucleotides are active, and the inability of SKF 525A in decreasing hydroxyl radical generation, suggests that microsomal reductases are involved in the catalysis.  相似文献   

Collagen VI, a microfibrillar protein found in virtually all connective tissues, is composed of three distinct subunits, alpha1(VI), alpha2(VI), and alpha3(VI), which associate intracellularly to form triple helical heterotrimeric monomers then dimers and tetramers. The secreted tetramers associate end-to-end to form beaded microfibrils. Although the basic steps in assembly and the structure of the tetramers and microfibrils are well defined, details of the interacting protein domains involved in assembly are still poorly understood. To explore the role of the C-terminal globular regions in assembly, alpha3(VI) cDNA expression constructs with C-terminal truncations were stably transfected into SaOS-2 cells. Control alpha3(VI) N6-C5 chains with an intact C-terminal globular region (subdomains C1-C5), and truncated alpha3(VI) N6-C1, N6-C2, N6-C3, and N6-C4 chains, all associated with endogenous alpha1(VI) and alpha2(VI) to form collagen VI monomers, dimers and tetramers, which were secreted. These data demonstrate that subdomains C2-C5 are not required for monomer, dimer or tetramer assembly, and suggest that the important chain selection interactions involve the C1 subdomains. In contrast to tetramers containing control alpha3(VI) N6-C5 chains, tetramers containing truncated alpha3(VI) chains were unable to associate efficiently end-to-end in the medium and did not form a significant extracellular matrix, demonstrating that the alpha3(VI) C5 domain plays a crucial role in collagen VI microfibril assembly. The alpha3(VI) C5 domain is present in the extracellular matrix of SaOS-2 N6-C5 expressing cells and fibroblasts demonstrating that processing of the C-terminal region of the alpha3(VI) chain is not essential for microfibril formation.  相似文献   

BP180 is a homotrimeric transmembrane protein with a carboxy-terminal ectodomain that forms an interrupted collagen triple helix. Null type mutations in the BP180 gene produce a recessive subepidermal blistering disease, non-Herlitz junctional epidermolysis bullosa. Like the null mutations, a glycine substitution (G627V) within the longest BP180 collagenous domain (COL15) is also associated with the recessive skin disease; however, unlike the null mutations, this glycine substitution appears to act in a dominant fashion to give rise to a novel form of random pitting dental enamel hypoplasia. The dominant effects of this mutation were thought to be due to alterations in the assembly and/or stability of this BP180 collagenous region. To further investigate this issue, a structural analysis was performed on recombinant forms of the wild type and G627V mutant BP180 ectodomain. Both proteins were found to form collagen-like triple helices with very similar Stokes radii and melting temperatures and exhibited very similar rates of synthesis, secretion and turn-over. Tryptic digestion analysis revealed that the mutant G627V-sec180e contains an additional highly sensitive proteolytic site that maps within the region of the mutation. Thus, the disease-associated G627V mutation in BP180 does not grossly alter protein structure, but causes a local destabilization of the triple-helix that exposes sensitive residues to the in vitro effects of trypsin and possibly affects its structure-function in vivo.  相似文献   

Cultured fibroblasts from a patient affected with a moderate form of osteogenesis imperfecta were defective for the synthesis of type I collagen molecules; about half of the alpha 1(I) chains contained a cysteine residue in the triple helical domain and a disulfide link formed when two mutant alpha 1(I) chains were incorporated into a type I collagen heterotrimer. The proband's parents were clinically and biochemically normal. The cysteine was localized within peptide alpha 1(I)CB8 between residues 170 and 200 of the triple helical domain using a chemical procedure with 2-nitro-5-thiocyanobenzoic acid (Tenni, R., Rossi, A., Valli, M., Mottes, M., Pignatti, P. F., and Cetta, G. (1990) Matrix 10, 20-26). Type I procollagen heterotrimers containing either one or two mutant chains showed (i) a slight abnormality in secretion from cells; (ii) a low degree of post-translational overmodifications; (iii) the same, but lower than normal, thermal stability. Total RNA was isolated from the proband's dermal fibroblast cultures, and cDNAs for pro-alpha 1(I) were prepared d using total RNA. A portion of cDNA, coding for the region encompassing residues 119-193 of alpha 1(I) triple helical domain, was amplified by polymerase chain reaction. A single base pair mismatch was identified by chemical cleavage of DNA.DNA heteroduplexes, indicating a possible substitution of a guanine in the triplet coding for glycine 178 or 181. The same unique mismatch was detected by chemical cleavage in about one-half of the molecules in heteroduplexes formed between patient's pro-alpha 1(I) mRNAs and a normal cDNA probe. The amplified products were cloned and sequenced, confirming the heterozygous nature of the patient and demonstrating the presence and the location of a missense mutation; a single T for G substitution was found in the first base of the triplet coding for residue 178 of alpha 1(I) triple helical domain, leading to a cysteine for glycine substitution. Allele-specific oligonucleotide hybridization to amplified DNA confirmed a de novo point mutation in the proband's genome. The findings in this patient are in accord with the phenotypic gradient model, which correlates the localization of the structural defect with the clinical outcome of osteogenesis imperfecta. The mutant protein has some properties that differ from the caused by the cysteine for glycine 175 substitution, suggesting a direct influence of the neighboring amino acids on the effects of the mutation.  相似文献   

The hereditary bone disorder osteogenesis imperfecta is often caused by missense mutations in type I collagen that change one Gly residue to a larger residue and that break the typical (Gly-Xaa-Yaa)(n) sequence pattern. Site-directed mutagenesis in a recombinant bacterial collagen system was used to explore the effects of the Gly mutation position and of the identity of the residue replacing Gly in a homogeneous collagen molecular population. Homotrimeric bacterial collagen proteins with a Gly-to-Arg or Gly-to-Ser replacement formed stable triple-helix molecules with a reproducible 2 °C decrease in stability. All Gly replacements led to a significant delay in triple-helix folding, but a more dramatic delay was observed when the mutation was located near the N terminus of the triple-helix domain. This highly disruptive mutation, close to the globular N-terminal trimerization domain where folding is initiated, is likely to interfere with triple-helix nucleation. A positional effect of mutations was also suggested by trypsin sensitivity for a Gly-to-Arg replacement close to the triple-helix N terminus but not for the same replacement near the center of the molecule. The significant impact of the location of a mutation on triple-helix folding and conformation could relate to the severe consequences of mutations located near the C terminus of type I and type III collagens, where trimerization occurs and triple-helix folding is initiated.  相似文献   

We generated transgenic silkworms that synthesized human type I collagen α1 chain [α1(I) chain] in the middle silk glands and secreted it into cocoons. The initial content of the recombinant α1(I) chain in the cocoons of the transgenic silkworms was 0.8%. The IE1 gene, a trans‐activator from the baculovirus, was introduced into the transgenic silkworm to increase the content of the chain. We also generated silkworms homozygous for the transgenes. These manipulations increased the α1(I) chain content to 8.0% (4.24 mg per cocoon). The α1(I) chain was extracted and purified from the cocoons using a very simple method. The α1(I) chain contained no hydroxyprolines due to the absence of prolyl‐hydroxylase activity in the silk glands. Circular dichroism analysis showed that the secondary structure of the α1(I) chain is similar to that of denatured type I collagen, demonstrating the absence of the triple helical structure. Human skin fibroblasts were seeded on the α1(I) chain‐coated dishes. The cells attached and spread, although at decreased chain concentrations the spreading rate was lower than that of the collagen and gelatin. Cynomolgus monkey embryonic stem cells cultured on the α1(I) chain‐coated dishes maintained an undifferentiated state after 30 passages, and their pluripotency was confirmed by teratoma formation in severe combined immunodeficient mice. These results show that the recombinant human α1(I) chain is a promising candidate biomaterial as a high‐quality and safe gelatin substitute for cell culture. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2010;106: 860–870. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Among the structural components of extracellular matrices (ECM) fibrillar collagens play a critical role, and single amino acid substitutions in these proteins lead to pathological changes in tissues in which they are expressed. Employing a biologically relevant experimental model consisting of cells expressing R75C, R519C, R789C, and G853E procollagen II mutants, we found that the R789C mutation causing a decrease in the thermostability of collagen not only alters individual collagen molecules and collagen fibrils, but also has a negative impact on fibronectin. We propose that thermolabile collagen molecules are able to bind to fibronectin, thereby altering intracellular and extracellular processes in which fibronectin takes part, and we postulate that such an atypical interaction could change the architecture of the ECM of affected tissues in patients harboring mutations in genes encoding fibrillar collagens.  相似文献   

Two substitutions for glycine in the triple-helical domain were found in type I procollagen synthesized by skin fibroblasts from two probands with lethal osteogenesis imperfecta. One was a substitution of valine for glycine alpha 1-637, and the other was a substitution of arginine for glycine alpha 2-694. The effects of the mutations on the zipper-like folding of the collagen triple helix were similar, since there was post-translational overmodification of the collagenase A fragments (amino acids 1-775) but not of more COOH-terminal fragments of the protein. The mutations differed markedly, however, on their effects on thermal unfolding of the triple helix. The collagenase A fragment from the collagen containing the arginine alpha 2-694 substitution was cleaved at about amino acid 700 when incubated with trypsin at 30-35 degrees C. Therefore, there was micro-unfolding of the triple helix at a site close to the glycine substitution. Surprisingly, however, the collagenase A fragment with the valine alpha 1-637 substitution was also cleaved at about amino acid 700 under the same conditions. The results, therefore, demonstrated that although most glycine substitutions delay folding of the triple helix in regions that are NH2-terminal to the site of the substitution, the effects on unfolding can be transmitted to regions that are COOH-terminal to the site of the glycine substitution.  相似文献   

The thermal stability of the trimeric species formed by seven type I collagen CNBr peptides was determined at neutral and acidic pH. Melting temperature of peptide trimers and free energy change for monomer to trimer transition were used as indices of trimer stability. A greater stability at neutral pH than at acidic pH was found for all peptides analysed because in most conditions an entropic gain overwhelms an enthalpic cost. Enthalpic reasons are prevailing only in some conditions of the more acidic peptides. The overlap zone of type I collagen fibrils is more basic than the gap zone and is therefore more sensitive to variations of pH from neutral to acidic, e.g. in bone degradation when osteoclasts acidify the lacuna lying between cell and bone. Peptide trimer stability in neutral conditions is influenced also by the chaotropic nature and the concentration of three anions: chloride, sulfate and phosphate. This was more evident for sulfate at the highest concentration used (0.5 M) when a greater stability is caused by entropic reasons. The contribution of hydroxyproline to the stability of peptide trimers is greater at neutral than at acidic pH, particularly at the highest concentration of sulfate. All our data indicate that pH, chaotropic nature and concentration of three anions influence the networks of hydrogen bonds present in the collagen triple helical structure.  相似文献   

A study has been done of the effect of neutral salts (NaCl and CaCl2) on the mechanism of type I collagen triple helix folding and unfolding in concentrated acetic acid solutions (2-8.8 M). It is shown that in these conditions, thermoabsorption and secondary structure change in heated solutions proceed in two consecutive stages. Salts exert a different destabilizing effect on different sites of the macromolecule, promoting the detection of a thermostable domain. The presence of a thermostable domain permits one to carry out reversible denaturation of collagen and to study the mechanism of the triple helix folding. Proceeding from the mechanism of the triple helix folding, an assumption has been made on the localization of the thermostable domain and its biological role.  相似文献   

The potential toxicity of ronidazole residues present in the tissues of food-producing animals was assessed using the Ames mutagenicity test. Since ronidazole is activated by reduction, reduced derivatives of ronidazole and metabolites formed by enzymatic reduction of ronidazole were tested for mutagenicity. When tested at levels several orders of magnitude higher than that at which ronidazole was mutagenic, 5-amino-4-S-cysteinyl-1,2- dimethylimidazole , a product of the dithionite reduction of ronidazole in the presence of cysteine, the 5-N-acetylamino derivative of ronidazole and 5-amino-1,2- dimethylimidazole all lacked mutagenic activity in Ames strain TA100. The metabolites of ronidazole formed by the incubation of ronidazole with microsomes under anaerobic conditions were also not mutagenic. These data demonstrate that although ronidazole is a potent mutagen, residues from it which may be present in the tissues of food-producing animals lack any mutagenic activity.  相似文献   

In this study, we test the hypothesis that the carboxyl noncollagenous (NC1) domain of collagen X is sufficient to direct multimer formation without a triple helix. Two peptides containing the NC1 domain of avian collagen X have been synthesized using a bacterial expression system and their properties characterized. One peptide consists only of the NC1 domain, and the other is a chimeric molecule with a noncollagenous A domain of matrilin-1 fused to the N terminus of NC1. The NC1 peptide alone forms a 45-kDa trimer under native conditions, suggesting that NC1 contains all the information for trimerization without any triple helical residues. This trimeric association is highly thermostable without intermolecular disulfide bonds. This indicates that the NC1 domain contributes to the remarkable structural stability of collagen X. Chemical cross-linking of the NC1 trimer results in a series of varying sized multimers, the smallest of which is a trimer. Therefore the NC1 trimer is sufficient to form higher order multimers. The chimeric A-NC1 peptide forms a homotrimer by itself, and a series of heterotrimers with the NC1 peptide via the NC1 domain. Thus the NC1(X) domain directs multimer formation, even in a noncollagenous molecule.  相似文献   

Internally generated reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide was the most efficient substrate for glycine transport by membrane vesicles of Paracoccus denitrificans.  相似文献   

Collagen secretion by chick embryo fibroblasts was measured by incorporating [14C]proline into proteins and then analyzing the amount of collagen in the cell and medium separately by using purified bacterial collagenase. In order to produce varying levels of hydroxylation, cells were incubated with varying concentrations of ascorbate or with varying concentrations of α,α′-dipyridyl in the presence of saturating ascorbate. Ascorbate stimulated both the hydroxylation of proline in collagen and the secretion of collagen; the concentration of ascorbate required for half-maximal stimulation of both proesses was approximately 4.5 × 10?7, m. Since the cells could concentrate ascorbate 10-fold, this KM for proline hydroxylation is 100-fold lower than values reported for purified prolyl hydroxylase (Abbot, M. T., and Udenfriend, S. (1974) in Molecular Mechanisms of Oxygen Activation (Hayaishi, O., ed.), p. 173, Academic Press New York; Kivirikko K. I., et al. (1968) Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 151, 558–567). Conversely, α,ga′-dipyridyl inhibited both proline hydroxylation and collagen secretion; half-maximal inhibition of both processes was observed at 7 × 10?5, m. The results of the two types of experiments show that the secretion of collagen becomes directly proportional to proline hydroxylation when approximately 30% of the proline residues in collagen have been hydroxylated compared to maximal hydroxylation of 50%. Since the stability of triple-helical collagen at 37 °C has been shown to be dependent on the hydroxyproline content of the molecule (Rosenbloom, J., et al. (1973) Arch. Biochem. Biophys., 158, 478–484), we suggest that the observed proportionality between secretion and hydroxylation is a reflection of the increased amount of stable triple helical collagen at 37 °C. When the cells were incubated with a concentration of ascorbate that was saturating for secretion and hydroxylation, there was no significant activation of prolyl hydroxylase as measured in a cell-free extract. These experiments suggest that ascorbate effects collagen secretion by acting at the site of proline hydroxylation but not by increasing the activity of prolyl hydroxylase.  相似文献   

Previous studies of the Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system, as an insertional mutagen in the germline of mice, have used reverse genetic approaches. These studies have led to its proposed use for regional saturation mutagenesis by taking a forward-genetic approach. Thus, we used the SB system to mutate a region of mouse Chromosome 11 in a forward-genetic screen for recessive lethal and viable phenotypes. This work represents the first reported use of an insertional mutagen in a phenotype-driven approach. The phenotype-driven approach was successful in both recovering visible and behavioral mutants, including dominant limb and recessive behavioral phenotypes, and allowing for the rapid identification of candidate gene disruptions. In addition, a high frequency of recessive lethal mutations arose as a result of genomic rearrangements near the site of transposition, resulting from transposon mobilization. The results suggest that the SB system could be used in a forward-genetic approach to recover interesting phenotypes, but that local chromosomal rearrangements should be anticipated in conjunction with single-copy, local transposon insertions in chromosomes. Additionally, these mice may serve as a model for chromosome rearrangements caused by transposable elements during the evolution of vertebrate genomes.  相似文献   

We recently cloned and sequenced alpha 1 (VIII) collagen cDNAs and demonstrated that type VIII collagen is a short-chain collagen that contains both triple helical and carboxyl-terminal non-triple helical domains similar to those of type X collagen (Yamaguchi, N., Benya, P., van der Rest, M., and Ninomiya, Y. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 16022-16029). We report here on the structural organization of the gene encoding the rabbit alpha 1 (VIII) collagen chain. The alpha 1 (VIII) gene contains four exons, whose sizes are 69, 120, 331, and 2278 base pairs. The first and second exons encode only 5'-untranslated sequences, whereas the third exon codes for a very short (3 nucleotides) stretch of 5'-untranslated sequence, the signal peptide, and almost the entire amino-terminal non-triple helical (NC2) domain (109 1/3 codons). Interestingly, the last exon encodes the rest of the translated region, including 7 2/3 codons of the NC2 domains, the complete triple helical domain (COL1, 454 amino acid residues), the entire carboxyl-terminal non-triple helical domain (NC1, 173 amino acid residues), and the 3'-untranslated region. This exon-intron structure is in stark contrast to the multi-exon structure of the fibrillar collagen (types I, II, III, V, and XI) genes, but it is remarkably similar to that of the type X collagen gene (LuValle, P., Ninomiya, Y., Rosenblum, N. D., and Olsen, B. R. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 18278-18385). The data suggest that the alpha 1 (VIII) and the alpha 1 (X) genes belong to the same subclass within the collagen family and that they arose from a common evolutionary precursor.  相似文献   

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