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Many sugars and derivatives were tested in the capillary assay for their attraction of Bacillus subtilis. The major attractants were 2-deoxy-D-glucose, D-fructose, gentiobiose, D-glucose, maltose, D-mannitol, D-mannose, N-acetylglucosamine, alpha-methyl-D-glucoside, beta-methyl-D-glucoside, N-acetylmannosamine, alpha-methyl-D-mannoside, D-sorbitol, L-sorbose, sucrose, trehalose and D-xylose. Only glucose chemotaxis was completely constitutive. Competition experiments were carried out to determine the specificities of chemoreceptors. There were 25 instances of no influence of two sugars on each other's taxis, 92 instances of one sugar interfering non-reciprocally with chemotaxis towards another and 49 instances of two sugars reciprocally competing. However, in most of the last instances, other sugars were identified that interfered with chemotaxis towards one member of the pair but not the other. Thus, nearly all sugars and related compounds appear to be detected by their own chemoreceptors, but many secondary interactions exist.  相似文献   

Summary Utilization of xanthine as the sole nitrogen source for growth byChlamydomonas reinhardtii cells involved the formation of a transient, intracellular pool of xanthine. Up to 20% of the total xanthine supplied to the medium was not assimilated after uptake but stored in the cells at concentrations that exceeded xanthine solubility in water. At the subcellular level, a massive accumulation of starch grains in the chloroplast and the appearance of many vacuoles in the cytoplasm distinguished xanthine-grown from ammonium-grown cells. Starch accumulation, but not development of vacuoles, was also observed in N-starved cells. Uptake experiments with radio-labelled xanthine showed that this accumulates only in the cytoplasm, most probably inside vacuoles. The electron-dense material observed in vacuoles of xanthine-grown cells suggests that the intracellular xanthine is in part solid xanthine.  相似文献   

Summary Expression of uncase (urate oxidase) fromChlamydomonas reinhardtii has been investigated by using specific polyclonal antibodies. By Western blot analyses performed under nondenaturing conditions, a 124 kDa protein band corresponding to active uricase was detected in protein extracts from cells cultured with urate or nitrogen-starved cells. This protein band was absent in cells cultured with ammonium. Besides the 124 kDa band, the antibodies also reacted with a massive protein band, with an apparent molecular mass of 500 kDa, that was detected in all nutritional conditions assayed. In vitro, inactive uricase from cells grown with ammonium was activated by incubation in presence of urate. The appearance of uricase activity in vitro coincided with a decrease of the 500 kDa protein and an increase of the 124 kDa band corresponding to the active enzyme. We suggest that a posttranslational regulation of uricase synthesis takes place inC. reinhardtii, and that urate may be responsible for the assembly or maturation of inactive precursors to form the active uricase.  相似文献   

Summary The contractile vacuole (CV) cycle ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii has been investigated by videomicroscopy and electron microscopy. Correlation of the two kinds of observation indicates that the total cycle (15 s under the hypo-osmotic conditions used for videomicroscopy) can be divided into early, middle, and late stages. In the early stage (early diastole, about 3 s long) numerous small vesicles about 70–120 nm in diameter are present. In the middle stage (mid-diastole, about 6 s long), the vesicles appear to fuse with one another to form the contractile vacuole proper. In the late stage (late diastole, also about 6 s long), the CV increases in diameter by the continued fusion of small vesicles with the vacuole, and makes contact with the plasma membrane. The CV then rapidly decreases in size (systole, about 0.2 s). In isosmotic media, CVs do not appear to be functioning; under these conditions, the CV regions contain numerous small vesicles typical of the earliest stage of diastole. Fine structure observations have provided no evidence for a two-component CV system such as has been observed in some other cell types. Electron microscopy of cryofixed and freeze-substituted cells suggests that the irregularity of the profiles of larger vesicles and vacuoles and some other morphological details seen in conventionally fixed cells may be shrinkage artefacts. This study thus defines some of the membrane events in the normal contractile vacuole cycle ofChlamydomonas, and provides a morphological and temporal basis for the study of membrane fusion and fluid transport across membranes in a cell favorable for genetic analysis.Abbrevations CV contractile vacuole - PM plasma membrane  相似文献   

The sexual agglutinin from the mating-type minus gametes ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii was purified by gel filtration and hydroxyapatite chromotography. The minus agglutinin was identified as a single glycopolypeptide termed Agg(-) of very high molecular weight by SDS-poly-acrylamide gel electrophoresis. It was also observed as a glycoprotein with agglutinin activity on non-SDS polyacrylamide gels. The native agglutinin appeared to be composed of a complex of Agg(-) subunits. It consisted of about 60% protein and 40% carbohydrate and the activity was diminished by a mild periodate oxidation. When the plus agglutinin was also purified and compared with the minus agglutinin, it was found that both agglutinins migrate in the same position by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, whereas their behaviors on gel filtration and hydroxyapatite chromatography are different.Abbreviations mt +/– mating-tape plus or minus - SDS sodium dodecyl sulfate - Ve elution volume - Vo void volume - kDa kilodalton  相似文献   

Nakamura  S.  Sakihara  M.  Chibana  H.  Ikehara  T.  Kuroiwa  T. 《Protoplasma》1994,178(3-4):111-118
Summary To study the mechanism of condensation of dispersed plastid (pt) nucleoids into a single pt nucleoid with aging of the cells ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii, two mutants, designated cond-1 and cond-2, were isolated. A plastid of a wild type cell, 6.5 m in diameter, contained ten dispersed spherical pt nucleoids within one week of culture on an agar plate. At about one week of culture, the cell number was saturated and pt nucleoids began to associate with each other, condensing into a single pt nucleoid at three weeks of culture. In contrast, cond-1 and cond-2 cells, which had about 20 and 45 pt nucleoids and whose cell diameters were 7.8 and 9.5 m at one week of culture respectively, still had about 10 and 20 pt nucleoids at even 7 weeks of culture. Doubling times of the three cell types were similar. From genetic analysis, each of the two mutants had one gene mutation. The two mutations are probably linked. The measurement of O2 evolution showed that the two mutations did not affect the photosynthetic system. Lipid contents of the two mutant cells were clearly higher than that of wild type cells. The role of a higher number of pt nucleoids is probably to increase the activity of lipid and/or membrane synthesis for lipid storage.  相似文献   

Chemotaxis toward sugars in Escherichia coli   总被引:18,自引:30,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
Using a quantitative assay for measuring chemotaxis, we tested a variety of sugars and sugar derivatives for their ability to attract Escherichia coli bacteria. The most effective attractants, i.e., those that have thresholds near 10(-5) M or below, are N-acetyl-d-glucosamine, 6-deoxy-d-glucose, d-fructose, d-fucose, 1-d-glycerol-beta-d-galactoside, galactitol, d-galactose, d-glucosamine, d-glucose, alpha-d-glucose-1-phosphate, lactose, maltose, d-mannitol, d-mannose, methyl-beta-d-galactoside, methyl-beta-d-glucoside, d-ribose, d-sorbitol, and trehalose. Lactose, and probably d-glucose-1-phosphate, are attractive only after conversion to the free monosaccharide, while the other attractants do not require breakdown for taxis. Nine different chemoreceptors are involved in detecting these various attractants. They are called the N-acetyl-glucosamine, fructose, galactose, glucose, maltose, mannitol, ribose, sorbitol, and trehalose chemoreceptors; the specificity of each was studied. The chemoreceptors, with the exception of the one for d-glucose, are inducible. The galactose-binding protein serves as the recognition component of the galactose chemoreceptor. E. coli also has osmotically shockable binding activities for maltose and d-ribose, and these appear to serve as the recognition components for the corresponding chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

This paper compares the repair of DNA single strand breaks (ssb) induced by γ-radiation in two strains ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii (137C/+/ and UVS-I) and three lines ofPisum sativum (NN 131, 198, 140) differing in the degree of radioresistance. DNA ssb in cells exposed to γ-rays (50, 100, 200, 500 Gy) were measured by electrophoresis and alkaline unwinding method with subsequent chromatography on hydroxyapatite immediately after irradiation and after 30 min of post-irradiation incubation at 25°C. An increase of double-strand DNA (in%) was found in cells after 30 min post-irradiation incubation.C. reinhardtii strains displayed an equal level of DNA degradation and repair efficiency in the DNA single strand breaks. The radioresistant line N 198 ofP. sativum is characterized by a lower level of induced DNA ssb and higher efficiency of repair of these breaks as compared with less radioresistant lines NN 131 and 140.  相似文献   

Yulan Zhang  Madeline Wu 《Protoplasma》1993,172(2-4):57-63
Summary Immunocytology method showed that frx B was primarily located in vesicles adjacent to the pyrenoid inChlamydomonas reinhardtii. In synchronous cells, frx B concentration in these vesicles increased in the light period and decreased in the dark period. Prolonged treatment with 5-fluorodeoxyuridine or aging reduced the detectable cellular frx B content. In these cells, frx B appeared as a single dot attached to the pyrenoid. The frx B content in each mating gamete was initially high. As the mating progressed, frx B-containing vesicles in the male gamete disintegrated while that in the female gamete persisted. The time course of this change coincided with that of the chloroplast DNA nucleoids. Persistant small patches of frx B around the pyrenoid were detected in mature zygotes. Fluorescent membrane potential probe showed that membrane vesicles around the pyrenoid had higher transmembrane potential than other chloroplast membranes. This high membrane potential was sensitive to inhibitors of chlororespiration.  相似文献   

The nuclear heat shock geneHSP70B ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii is inducible by heat stress and light. Induction by either environmental cue resulted in a transient elevation in HSP70B protein. Here we describe the organization and nucleotide sequence of theHSP70B gene. The deduced protein exhibits a distinctly higher homology to prokaryotic HSP70s than to those of eukaryotes, including the cytosolic HSP70A ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii. The HSP70B protein, as previously demonstrated by in vitro translation, is synthesized with a cleavable presequence. Using an HSP70B-specific antibody, this heat shock protein was localized to the chloroplast by cell fractionation experiments. A stromal location was suggested by the presence of a conserved sequence motif used for cleavage of presequences by a signal peptidase of the stroma. Amino acid alignments of HSP70 proteins from various organisms and different cellular compartments allowed the identification of sequence motifs, which are diagnostic for HSP70s of chloroplasts and cyanobacteria.  相似文献   

Summary Four independent osmoregulatory mutants,osml, osm3,osm4, and osm7, were isolated on the basis of their requirement for growth medium of high osmotic strength. In normal low-osmoticstrength medium, in contrast to wild-type cells, the mutants grow poorly or not at all; in distilled water mutant cells are immobilized and eventually swell and burst. The mutants were examined by ordinary brightfield and phase-contrast microscopy, videomicroscopy, and electron microscopy. The four mutants showed different defects in the contractile vacuole (CV) cycle. Timing of various stages of the CV cycle showed thatosm1 was affected primarily in the early stage of the cycle when the CV begins to grow,osm3 primarily in midcycle when vacuoles fuse to form the CV proper,osm7 at a late stage of the cycle at docking and fusion of the CV with the plasma membrane, andosm4 during contraction of the CV. At the electron microscopic level, in dilute medium, mutant cells by comparison with wild-type cells had large autophagosomes, swollen mitochondria, and dilated ER cisternae. Although electron microscopy showed general abnormalities of the contractile vacuoles consistent with the videomicroscopic observations of living cells, no obvious vacuole membrane abnormalities were seen which would explain the mutational defects. The mutations help define the separate processes that contribute to the coordinated CV cycle inChlamydomonas, and open the way to eventual isolation of some of the genes responsible for CV function.Abbreviations CV contractile vacuole - TAP Tris-acetate-phosphate medium - TAP+L medium supplemented with lactose - TAP+S medium supplemented with sucrose or other sugar  相似文献   

Eight respiratory-deficient mutants ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii have been isolated after mutagenic treatment with acriflavine or ethidium bromide. They are characterized by their inability to grow or their very reduced growth under heterotrophic conditions. One mutation (Class III) is of nuclear origin whereas the seven remaining mutants (Classes I and II) display a predominantly paternalmt - inheritance, typical of mutations residing in the mitochondrial DNA. Biochemical analysis has shown that all mutants are deficient in the cyanide-sensitive cytochrome pathway of the respiration whereas the alternative pathway is still functional. Measurements of complexes II + III (antimycin-sensitive succinate-cytochromec oxido-reductase) and complex IV (cytochromec oxidase) activities allowed to conclude that six mutations have to be localized in the mitochondrial apocytochromeb (COB) gene, one in the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) gene and one in a nuclear gene encoding a component of the cytochrome oxidase complex. By using specific probes, we have moreover demonstrated that five mutants (Class II mutants) contain mitochondrial DNA molecules deleted in the terminal end containing the COB gene and the telomeric region; they also possess dimeric molecules resulting from end-to-end junctions of deleted monomers. The two other mitochondrial mutants (Class I) have no detectable gross alteration. Class I and Class II mutants can also be distinguished by the pattern of transmission of the mutation in crosses.Anin vivo staining test has been developed to identify rapidly the mutants impaired in cyanide-sensitive respiration.  相似文献   

B. N. Patel  M. J. Merrett 《Planta》1986,169(1):81-86
The regulation of carbonic anhydrase by environmental conditions was determined forChlamydomonas reinhardtii. The depression of carbonic anhydrase in air-grown cells was pH-dependent. Growth of cells on air at acid pH, corresponding to 10 m CO2 in solution, resulted in complete repression of carbonic-anhydrase activity. At pH 6.9, increasing the CO2 concentration to 0.15% (v/v) in the gas phase, corresponding to 11 M in solution, was sufficient to completely repress carbonic-anhydrase activity. Photosynthesis and intracellular inorganic carbon were measured in air-grown and high-CO2-grown cells using a silicone-oil centrifugation technique. With carbonic anhydrase repressed cells limited inorganic-carbon accumulation resulted from non-specific binding of CO2. With air-grown cells, inorganic-carbon uptake at acid pH, i.e. 5.5, was linear up to 0.5 mM external inorganic-carbon concentration whereas at alkaline pH, i.e. 7.5, the accumulation ratio decreased with increase in external inorganic-carbon concentration. It is suggested that in air-grown cells at acid pH, CO2 is the inorganic carbon species that crosses the plasmalemma. The conversion of CO2 to HCO 3 - by carbonic anhydrase in the cytosol results in inorganic-carbon accumulation and maintains the diffusion gradient for carbon dioxide across the cell boundary. However, this mechanism will not account for energy-dependent accumulation of inorganic carbon when there is little difference in pH between the exterior and cytosol.  相似文献   

Zoospores of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii exhibit chemotaxis towards maltose, sucrose, xylose, mannitol, and ammonium. Ten independent mutants defective in chemotaxis towards sugars have been isolated. These mutants form five phenotypic classes. Genetic analysis of two mutant strains defective in chemotaxis to maltose (CHE1, CHE3) and two mutant strains defective in chemotaxis to sucrose (CHE2, CHE4) indicated that the defect in them depended on single nuclear recessive mutant alleles. Mutations mal1, mal2, suc1, and suc2 represent four chemotactic loci that are unlinked to the marker mt located on the linkage group VI. Four loci are unlinked to each other. These observations suggest that the mal and the suc loci do not constitute a spatially single functional group.  相似文献   

Effects of increasing doses of UV-B radiation on photosynthetic efficiency (PE) and motility inChlamydomonas reinhardtii were investigated. The exposure time ranged from 10 to 120 min at 0.73 W/m2 UV-B radiation. A decrease in compensation points (CP) was followed by an increase in PE on extending the UV-B treatment up to 60 min. The subsequent increase in PE was accompanied by increasing CPs. Enhanced doses of UV-B radiation thus have a stimulatory effect on the PE inC. reinhardtii. No inhibitory effects could be detected. No statistically significant differences in motility could be observed due to an extremely high variation of values.  相似文献   

Transformation of the nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial genomes can now be accomplished inChlamydomonas reinhardtii. Many biosynthetic pathways are carried out in the chloroplast, and efforts to manipulate these pathways will require that gene products be directed to this compartment. Chloroplast proteins are encoded in either the chloroplast or nuclear genome. In the latter case they are synthesized in the cytoplasm and imported post-translationally into the chloroplast. Thus, strategies for expressing foreign genes or overexpressing endogenous genes whose products reside in the chloroplast could involve either genome. This paper reviews the present status of transformation methodology for the nuclear and chloroplast genomes inChlamydomonas. Considerations for expressing gene products in the chloroplast are discussed. Experimental evidence for homologous recombination during transformation of the nuclear genome is presented.  相似文献   

The work addressed the adjustment of the photosystem ratio in the green algaChlamydomonas reinhardtii. It is shown that green algae, much like cyanophytes and higher plants, adjust and optimize the ratio of the two photosystems in chloroplasts in response to the quality of irradiance during growth. Such adjustments are compensation reactions and helpC. reinhardtii to retain a quantum efficiency of oxygen evolution near the theoretical maximum. Results show variable amounts of PS I and a fairly constant amount of PS II in chloroplasts and suggest that photosystem stoichiometry adjustments, occurring in response to the quality of irradiance during plant growth, are mainly an adjustment in the concentration of PS I. The work delineates chromatic effects on chlorophyll accumulation in the chloroplast ofC. reinhardtii from those pertaining to the regulation of the PS I/PS II ratio. The detection of the operation of a molecular feedback mechanism for the PS I/PS II ratio adjustment in green algae strengthens the notion of the highly conserved nature of this mechanism among probably all oxygen evolving photosynthetic organisms. Findings in this work are expected to serve as the basis of future biochemical and mutagenesis experiments for the elucidation of the photosystem ratio adjustment in oxygenic photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the maternal chloroplast inheritance ofChlamydomonas reinhardtii by epifluorescence microscopy after staining with DNA specific fluorochrome DAPI and by genetic methods, using wild type cells and cells containing previously isolated mutation of cond-1 and cond-2. Wild type cells contained about 7 chloroplast (cp) nucleoids, while mutants, cond-1(+) and cond-2(+), contained about 14 and 23 cp nucleoids, respectively, after one week culture on agar plates. The total cpDNA contents were almost proportional to the numbers of cp nucleoids. When cells containing cond-1 or cond-2 mutation were used as a parental source to cross with wild type cells of the other parent, preferential digestion of cp nucleoids from male parent (mt) origin occurred in the zygotes, although the frequencies of the digestion were slightly lower than that in the zygotes from the cross between wild type cells. Western blot analysis of the protein ofzyslB gene, which has been found related to preferential digestion of mt origin cp-nucleoids DNA, showed that a high amount of this protein was detected with the initiation of preferential digestion of mt cp nucleoids and disappeared with the completion of the digestion. Cp genetic markers for antibiotic resistance were maternally inherited in all crosses. These results showed that although the preferential digestion of cp nucleoids consisting of large number and large cpDNA amount requires a slightly longer period to complete, this high ploidy of the cp nucleoids does not disturb maternal inheritance.  相似文献   

Patterns of chemotaxis by Salmonella typhimurium strain LT-2 to l-amino acids and to several sugars were quantitated by the Adler capillary procedure. Competition experiments indicated that LT-2 possesses three predominant receptors, or interacting sets of receptors, for amino acids. These were termed the aspartate, serine, and alanine classes, respectively. Studies with strains carrying point and deletion mutations affecting components of the phosphoenolpyruvate: glycose phosphotransferase system (PTS) made unlikely a role in primary reception of d-glucose by the three soluble PTS components, namely HPr, enzyme I, and factor III. A ptsG mutant defective in membrane-bound enzyme IIB' of the high-affinity glucose transport system was shown to exhibit normal chemotaxis providing pleiotropic effects of the mutation were eliminated by its genotypic combination with other pts mutations or, phenotypically, by addition of cyclic AMP and substrate. A correlation was demonstrated between chemotaxis to glucose and activity of the low-affinity glucose transport complex, membrane-bound enzymes IIB:IIA, and an enzyme IIB:IIA mutant was shown to have a preponderant defect in chemotaxis to glucose and mannose. Of four systems capable of galactose transport, only the beta-methylgalactoside transport system was implicated in chemotaxis to galactose. Some properties of a mutant possibly defective in processing of signals for chemotaxis to sugars is described.  相似文献   

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