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Meske V  Hartmann E 《Protoplasma》1995,188(1-2):59-69
Summary The F-actin distribution in caulonemal tip cells of the mossCeratodon purpureus was examined by rhodamine-phalloidin staining. Gravitropically-growing caulonemal tip cells of the moss possess a distinct alignment of microfilaments (MFs) in their apices. Axially oriented actin bundles run from subapical regions to the apex where they converge towards a central area of the tip, although bundles are absent from the central area itself thus forming a collar-like structure. During a unilateral red light irradiation the actin strands of the apical dome become reoriented towards the irradiated apical flank and still surround an area free of MFs, the point of prospective outgrowth. This process is closely correlated with the morphological effect of bulging and precedes the light-directed outgrowth. The collar structure is essential for the tubular growth form. In darkness, under the influence of antimicrotubule agents the structure is decomposed, the actin strands drift along the cell flanks and finally accumulate in randomly distributed areas where further growth takes place. The microtubules (MTs) are not involved in the phytochromemediated reorientation of the microfilaments. Unilateral red light suppresses the distorting effect of antimicrotubule drugs and restores the collar structure with a pronounced light-directed orientation. Instead, the MTs seem to be responsible for restricting the reorientation to the cell tip. This notion is based on the observation that the small area in the apical dome, which is normally the exclusive location of the light-regulated MF rearrangement, extends towards the cell base when MT inhibitors are applied before the unilateral red light irradiation. This in turn leads to a non-tubular expansion of the light-directed cell flank.Abbreviations DIG differential interference contrast - DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide - EGTA ethyleneglycol-bis-(beta-aminoethylether) N,N,N,N-tetraacetic acid - MF microfilament - MT microtubule - MTSB microtubule stabilizing buffer - MBS 3-maleimidobenzoic  相似文献   

Volker D. Kern  Fred D. Sack 《Planta》1999,209(3):299-307
Apical cells of protonemata of the moss Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid. are negatively gravitropic in the dark and positively phototropic in red light. Various fluence rates of unilateral red light were tested to determine whether both tropisms operate simultaneously. At irradiances ≥140 nmol m−2 s−1 no gravitropism could be detected and phototropism predominated, despite the presence of amyloplast sedimentation. Gravitropism occurred at irradiances lower than 140 nmol m−2 s−1 with most cells oriented above the horizontal but not upright. At these low fluence rates, phototropism was indistinct at 1 g but apparent in microgravity, indicating that gravitropism and phototropism compete at 1 g. The frequency of protonemata that were negatively phototropic varied with the fluence rate and the duration of illumination, as well as with the position of the apical cell before illumination. These data show that the fluence rate of red light regulates whether gravitropism is allowed or completely repressed, and that it influences the polarity of phototropism and the extent to which apical cells are aligned in the light path. Received: 19 January 1999 / Accepted: 19 March 1999  相似文献   

G. Schmiedel  E. Schnepf 《Planta》1980,147(5):405-413
In the caulonema tip cells of Funaria hygrometrica, chloroplasts, mitochondria, and dictyosomes have differences in structure which are determined by cell polarity. In contrast to the slowly growing chloronema tip cells the apical cell of the caulonema contains a tip body. Colchicine stops tip growth; it causes the formation of subapical cell protrusions, redistribution of the plastids, and a loss of their polar differentiation. Cytochalasin B inhibits growth and affects the position of cell organelles. After treatment with ionophore A23 187, growth is slower and shorter and wider cells are formed. D2O causes a transient reversion of organelle distribution but premitotic nuclei are not dislocated. In some tip cells the reversion of polarity persists; they continue to grow with a new tip at their base. During centrifugation, colchicine has only a slight influence on the stability of organelle anchorage. The former polar organization of most cells is restored within a few hours after centrifugation, and the cells resume normal growth. In premitotic cells the nucleus and other organelles cannot be retransported, they often continue to grow with reversed polarity. Colchicine retards the redistribution of organelles generally and increases the number of cells that form a basal outgrowth. The interrelationship between the peripheral cytoplasm and the nucleus and the role of microtubules in maintaining and reestablishing cell polarity are discussed.Abbreviations DMSO dimethylsulfoxide - CB cytochalasin B Dedicated to Prof. Dr. A. Pirson on the occasion of his 70. birthday  相似文献   

E. Hartmann  M. Weber 《Planta》1988,175(1):39-49
A phytochrome-regulated phototropic response of the moss Ceratodon purpureus was investigated. Chlorotetracycline (CTC) was used to visualize membrane-associated calcium gradients in the tip cell of moss caulonemal filaments. A tip-to-base Ca2+ gradient was observed. The ionophore monensin rapidly inhibited the growth of the tip cell and abolished the CTC fluorescence. Six hours after transferring to inhibitor-free medium, protonemal growth resumed and reached the normal growth rate within 12 h. The growth was accompanied by a reappearance of the CTC-fluorescence gradient. Unilateral irradiation given during the monensin treatment or after the treatment during the period when growth inhibition persisted led, with the re-initiation of growth, to a typical positive phototropic bending in complete darkness. Far-red light applied just before the growth response started, or during growth inhibition, abolished the phototropic response. The phytochrome-mediated signal was qualitatively (position) and quantitatively (degree of bending) memorized. Signal perception and response could be separated temporally. This result indicates that at least under some circumstances, e.g. under the influence of monensin, the phytochrome-mediated signal can be stored for several hours in darkness. Calcium seems to be essential for the processing of polar growth only. A specific function (second messenger) in phytochrome-dependent signal transduction could not be confirmed.Abbreviation CTC chlorotetracycline  相似文献   

Summary The interphase nucleus in theFunaria caulonema tip cells is associated with many non-cortical microtubules (Mts). In prophase, the cortical Mts disappear in the nuclear region; in contrast to moss leaflets, a preprophase band of Mts is not formed in the caulonema. The Mts of the early spindle are associated with the fragments of the nuclear envelope. Remnants of the nucleolus remain in the form of granular bodies till interphase. The metaphase chromosomes have distinct kinetochores; the kinetochore Mts are intermingled with non-kinetochore Mts running closely along the chromatin. Each kinetochore is associated with an ER cisterna. ER cisternae also accompany the spindle fibers in metaphase and anaphase. In telophase, Golgi vesicles accumulate in the periphery of the developing cell plate where no Mts are found. The reorientation of the cell plate into an oblique position can be inhibited by colchicine. It is concluded that the ER participates in controlling the Mt system, perhaps via calcium ions (membrane-bound calcium ions have been visualized by staining with chlorotetracycline) but that, on the other hand, the Mt system also influences the distribution of the ER. The occurrence and function of the preprophase band of Mts is discussed.  相似文献   

 In protonemal tip cells of the moss Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid., phototropism and chlorophyll accumulation are regulated by the photoreceptor phytochrome. The mutant ptr116 lacks both responses as a result of a defect in the biosynthesis of phytochromobilin, the chromophore of phytochrome, at the point of biliverdin formation. The rescue of the phototropic response and of chlorophyll synthesis were tested by injecting different substances into tip cells of ptr116. Microinjection was first optimised with the use of fluorescent dyes and an expression plasmid containing a green fluorescent protein (GFP) gene. Injected phycocyanobilin, which substitutes for phytochromobilin, rescued both the phototropic response and light-induced chlorophyll accumulation in ptr116. The same results were obtained when expression plasmids with heme oxygenase genes of rat (HO-1) and Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. (HY1) were injected. Heme oxygenase catalyses the conversion of heme into biliverdin. Whereas HY1 has a plastid target sequence and is presumably transferred to plastids, HO-1 is proposed to be cytosolic. The data show that ptr116 lacks heme oxygenase enzyme activity and indicate that heme oxygenases of various origin are active in Ceratodon bilin synthesis. In addition, it can be inferred from the data that the intracellular localisation of the expressed heme oxygenase is not important since the plastid enzyme can be replaced by a cytosolic one. Received: 8 March 1999 / Accepted: 30 July 1999  相似文献   

InHordeum vulgare cultivar “Kirin-choku No. 1”, the final length of intact coleoptiles of totally etiolated seedlings was approximately twice as long as that of those grown under continuous red light. The fluence response curve of the latter was biphasic; the low-energy effect was saturated by red light of ca. 50 J m−2 which gave rise to about 40% of the maximum inhibition by continuous irradiation with red light of 1.2 W m−2, whereas the high-energy effect was induced by irradiation for 1 hr or longer. Coleoptiles of 3-day-old seedlings were most sensitive to light causing the low-energy effect, which was repeatedly red/far-red reversible. The growth inhibition was correlated to the photometrically measured percentage of Pfr so that the maximum effect was induced by red light of 50 J m−2 which transformed 70% of phytochrome to Pfr in the coleoptile tip. Wavelength dependence of the high-energy effect showed that monochromatic light of 400, 600 and 650 nm greatly inhibited the coleoptile growth, whereas light of 700 and 750 nm promoted it instead. The effect was also induced by intermittent irradiation with red light, and the more frequently the intermittent treatment was given, the more the growth was inhibited.  相似文献   

In caulonemal filaments of the moss, Physcomitrella patens, which had been incubated in darkness, 3 s irradiation with blue light (λmax 450 nm) at fluence rates of 100 μmol m−2 s−1 and above caused a transient␣increase in cytosolic calcium ion concentration, [Ca2+]cyt, which was both intensity- and time-dependent. Measurements of [Ca2+]cyt were made using moss transformed with the cDNA for apoaequorin and reconstituting the Ca2+-dependent photoprotein aequorin in the cytosol by incubation in coelenterazine.␣In response to blue light at fluence rates of 100–1000 μmol photons m−2 s−1, [Ca2+]cyt increased transiently from a basal level of approximately 50 nM to between 200 and 700 nM. Irradiation with red light did not evoke any measurable change in [Ca2+]cyt. The presence of calcium in the incubating medium was not required for the increase in [Ca2+]cyt to occur. A mutant strain, gad-139, was identified which required an irradiance of only 1 s to evoke a response. The kinetics showed a delay of approximately 6 s from the beginning of illumination before the beginning of the increase in [Ca2+]cyt. The data suggest that the activation of a photoreceptor rather than the direct opening of calcium channels is involved in this blue-light response. Received: 4 December 1997 / Accepted: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

Moritoshi Iino 《Planta》1988,176(2):183-188
The effects of pretreatments with red and blue light (RL, BL) on the fluence-response curve for the phototropism induced by a BL pulse (first positive curvature) were investigated with darkadapted maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles. A pulse of RL, giving a fluence sufficient to saturate phytochrome-mediated responses in this material, shifted the bell-shaped phototropic fluence-response curve to higher fluences and increased its peak height. A pulse of high-fluence BL given immediately prior to this RL treatment temporarily suppressed the phototropic fluence-response curve, and shifted the curve to higher fluences than induced by RL alone. The shift by BL progressed rapidly compared to that by RL. The results indicate (1) that first positive curvature is desensitized by both phytochrome and a BL system, (2) that desensitization by BL occurs with respect to both the maximal response and the quantum efficiency, and (3) that the desensitization responses mediated by phytochrome and the BL system can be induced simultaneously but develop following different kinetics. It is suggested that theses desensitization responses contribute to the induction of second positive curvature, a response induced by prolonged irradiation.Abbreviations BL blue light - RL red light CIW-DPB Publication No. 1001  相似文献   

Carol Reiss  Samuel I. Beale 《Planta》1995,196(4):635-641
Excised etiolated cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cotyledons that were depleted of external Ca2+ by equilibration with a Ca2+ buffer, which maintained the free Ca2+ concentration at 10–8 M, failed to accumulate chlorophyll upon a 2-h exposure to white light. Increasing amounts of chlorophyll accumulation occurred at increasing external Ca2+ concentrations within the range of 10–7-10–3 M. Preillumination with red light or pretreatment with benzyladenine, which enhanced the rate of light-induced chlorophyll accumulation in control cotyledons, did not overcome the block to light-induced chlorophyll accumulation caused by the depletion of external Ca2+. Etiolated cotyledons that were treated with the Ca2+ ionophore, A23187, and then equilibrated with 10–5 M Ca2+, accumulated significantly more chlorophyll during exposure to light than did untreated cotyledons. The enhancing effect of A23187 was approximately equal to that caused by red-light pretreatment. Etiolated cotyledons that were exposed to the Ca2+ channel-blocking agent, Nd3+ (neodymium), in the presence of 10–5 M Ca2+, did not exhibit an enhancement of chlorophyll accumulation by red-light pretreatment, although they accumulated control levels of chlorophyll upon exposure to light and showed control levels of enhancement of chlorophyll accumulation by cytokinin pretreatment. Conversely, etiolated cotyledons that were equilibrated with 10–5 M Ca2+ in the presence of nifedipine, a blocker of some Ca2+ channels, did not exhibit an enhancement of chlorophyll accumulation by cytokinin pretreatment, although they accumulated control levels of chlorophyll upon exposure to light and showed control levels of enhancement of chlorophyll accumulation by red-light pretreatment. These results indicate that external Ca2+ is required for chlorophyll accumulation by excised etiolated cucumber cotyledons during the first 2 h of light exposure, and that an influx of external Ca2+ is required for the enhancing effect of redlight and cytokinin. The differential abilities of Nd3+ and nifedipine to block the effects of red-light and cytokinin pretreatments suggests that enhancement of chlorophyll accumulation by red-light and cytokinin may involve different classes of Ca2+ channels.Abbreviations A23187 antibiotic 23187 calcium ionophore - Chl chlorophyll - nifedipine 1,4-dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-4-(2-nitrophenyl)-3,5-pyridinedicarboxylic acid dimethyl ester We thank Randy Wayne for advice and encouragement.  相似文献   

A. Kadota  M. Wada 《Protoplasma》1992,167(1-2):97-107
Summary Changes in the organization of cortical actin microfilaments during phytochrome-mediated and blue light-induced photoorientation of chloroplasts were investigated by rhodamine-phalloidin staining in protonemal cells of the fernAdiantum capillusveneris. Low- and high-fluence rate responses were induced by partial irradiation of individual cells with a microbeam of 20 m in width. In the low-fluence rate responses to red and blue light, a circular structure composed of microfilaments was induced on the chloroplast concentrated in the irradiated region, on the side facing the plasma membrane, as already reported in the case of the low-fluence rate response induced by polarized red or blue light. Such a structure was not observed on the chloroplasts located far from the microbeam. Time-course studies revealed that the structure was induced after the chloroplasts gathered in the illuminated region and that the structure disappeared before chloroplasts moved out of this region when the microbeam was turned off. In the high-fluence rate response to blue light, chloroplasts avoided the irradiated site but accumulated in the shaded area adjacent the edges of microbeam. The circular structure made of microfilaments was also observed on the chloroplasts gathered in the area and it showed the same behavior with respect to its appearance and disappearance during a light/dark regime as in the case of the low-fluence rate response. However, no such circular structure was observed in the high-fluence rate response to red light, in which case the chloroplasts also avoided the illuminated region but no accumulation in the adjacent areas was induced. These results indicate that the circular structure composed of microfilaments may play a role in the anchorage of the chloroplast during intracellular photo-orientation.  相似文献   

After a pre-treatment with red light, hair formation at the growing tip of the siphonaceous green alga Acetabularia mediterranea Lamour. (= A. acetabulum (L.) Silva) can be induced by a pulse of blue light. Red light is needed again after the inductive blue-light pulse if the new whorl of hairs is to develop within the next 24 h. In order to investigate the role of this red light, the duration of the red irradiation was varied and combined with periods of darkness. The response of hair-whorl formation was dependent on the total amount of red light, regardless of whether the red irradiation followed the blue pulse immediately or was separated from it by a period of darkness. Furthermore, periods of exposure to the photosynthesis inhibitor 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1-1dimethylurea had a similar effect to darkness. Both observations indicate that this red irradiation acts as a light source for photosynthesis. Whether or not the red light had an additional effect via phytochrome was tested in another type of experiment. The dependence of hair-whorl formation on red-light irradiance in the presence of simultaneous far-red irradiation was determined for the pre-irradiation period as well as for the irradiation period after the blue pulse. In both experiments, far-red light caused a small promotion of hair-whorl formation when low irradiances of red light were used. However, these differences were attributable to a low level of photosynthetic activity (which in fact was measurable) caused by red light reflected in the growth chamber. Furthermore, lowering the proportion of active phytochrome by far-red light would be expected to suppress hair-whorl formation. The influence of far-red light was also tested in a strain of Acetabularia mediterranea that developed hair whorls in about 20% of cells even when kept in complete darkness after the blue-light pulse. Far-red irradiation had no effect. These results strongly indicate that phytochrome is not involved in hair-whorl formation. Rather it is concluded that the effects of red light are caused by photosynthesis.Abbreviation DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea  相似文献   

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Photoorientation of chloroplasts mediated by phytochrome and blue light-absorbing pigment in protonemal cells of the fernAdiantum was studied by use of inhibitors of the cytoskeleton and was analyzed with a video-tracking system. The photoorientation responses were inhibited by cytochalasin B and by N-ethylmaleimide (NEM) but not by colchicine, suggesting that the photomovement depends on the actomyosin system. In the dark, chloroplasts moved randomly, being independent of one another. After induction of photoorientation by polarized red light, most chloroplasts that had been located at the margin of cells moved almost perpendicularly to the cell axis toward the site of photoorientation. This type of movement was hardly ever observed in the dark. Under polarized blue light, such specific movements were less evident but were still observed in the case of a few chloroplasts. After photoorientation was complete, chloroplasts still moved in random directions but their mobility was lower than that in the dark, indicating the presence of some anchoring mechanism. When EGTA was applied, photoorientation was inhibited but this inhibition was overcome by the addition of CaCl2. Video-tracking of chloroplasts in the dark revealed that the mobility of chloroplasts was higher in medium with EGTA than in medium with EGTA plus CaCl2 and that many of the chloroplasts moved jerkily in the medium with EGTA. This change in the nature of movements was also seen under polarized light, resulting in the disturbance of photoorientation. These results indicate that the inhibition of photoorientation at low concentrations of Ca2+ ions may be due to change in the nature of chloroplast movement.  相似文献   

In general, phototropic responses in land plants are induced by blue light and mediated by blue light receptor phototropins. In many cryptogam plants including the fern Adiantum capillus-veneris, however, red as well as blue light effectively induces a positive phototropic response in protonemal cells. In A. capillus-veneris, the red light effect on the tropistic response is mediated by phytochrome 3 (phy3), a chimeric photoreceptor of phytochrome and full-length phototropin. Here, we report red and blue light-induced negative phototropism in A. capillus-veneris rhizoid cells. Mutants deficient for phy3 lacked red light-induced negative phototropism, indicating that under red light, phy3 mediates negative phototropism in rhizoid cells, contrasting with its role in regulating positive phototropism in protonemal cells. Mutants for phy3 were also partially deficient in rhizoid blue light-induced negative phototropism, suggesting that phy3, in conjunction with phototropins, redundantly mediates the blue light response.  相似文献   

The photoreceptor phytochrome mediates tropic responses in protonemata of the moss Ceratodon purpureus. Under standard conditions the tip cells grow towards unilateral red light, or perpendicular to the electrical vector of polarized light. In this study the response of tip cells to partial irradiation of the apical region was analysed using a microbeam apparatus. The fluence response curve gave an unexpected pattern: whereas a 15-min microbeam with light intensities around 3 micro mol m (-2) s (-1) induced a growth curvature towards the irradiated side, higher light intensities around 100 micro mol m (-2) s (-1) caused a negative response, the cells grew away from the irradiated side. This avoidance response is explained by two effects: the light intensity is high enough to induce photoconversion into the active Pfr form of phytochrome, not only on the irradiated but also on the non-irradiated side by stray light. At the same time, the strong light on the irradiated side acts antagonistically to Pfr. As a result of this inhibition, the growth direction is moved to the light-avoiding side. Such a Pfr-independent mechanism might be important for the phototropic response to distinguish between the light-directed and light-avoiding side under unilateral light.  相似文献   

A. Kadota  N. Yoshizaki  M. Wada 《Protoplasma》1999,207(3-4):195-202
Summary Nongrowing, two-celled protonemata of the fernAdiantum capillus-veneris L. resume tip growth within the apical cell upon irradiation with red light. In this study, the phenomenon of growth resumption was analyzed with reference to changes in cytoskeletal organization. Continuous observations of apical cells with time lapse video-microscopy revealed that the nucleus migrated toward the tip ca. 1.9 h after the onset of red light, much earlier than the initiation of tip growth, which took place ca. 8.5 h after irradiation. Cytoskeletal organization was observed at various time points during growth resumption by fluorescent staining of microfilaments (MFs) and microtubules (MTs) with rhodamine-phalloidin and anti-tubulin antibodies. At 2 h after red-light irradiation, endoplasmic MF and MT strands appeared at the apical end of nucleus. These strands extended into the apical endoplasm, where filaments were rare prior to irradiation. Many fine filaments branched from the strands to the cell periphery, including the cortex of the apical-dome region. At this time, cortical circular arrays of MTs and MFs, normally found in the growing apex of protonemal cells, were absent. Both MT and MF circular arrays appeared during the resumption of tip growth concomitantly. The half-maximum appearance of MT and MF circular arrays within a population occurred at 5.4 h and 5.8 h after red-light irradiation, respectively. Thus, the process of red-light-induced resumption of tip growth in fern protonemal cell is composed of a series of events. These events include: (1) the appearance of strands extending from the nucleus toward the apical cortex and the migration of nucleus toward the apex; (2) the formation of circular MT and MF arrays at the sub-apical cortex; and (3) the initiation of cell growth at the apex. These results reflect the significant roles of MF and MT cytoskeleton in the resumption of tip growth.Abbreviations MBS m-maleimidobenzoic acid N-hydroxysuccinimide ester - MF microfilament - MT microtubule  相似文献   

Summary The organization and distribution of microfilaments (MFs) in the preprophase bands (PPBs) of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L. var. Maryland Mammoth) root tip cells were studied with high pressure freezing and freeze-substitution methods. MFs were present predominantly as single filaments interspersed among microtubules (MTs) throughout the PPB. Some MFs appeared to be associated with MTs, whereas others were not. This is the first time that MFs have been demonstrated in the PPB at the electron microscope level.  相似文献   

H. Quader  E. Schnepf 《Protoplasma》1989,151(2-3):167-170
Summary With an improved method to visualize the actin filament system it is possible to detect a small, peculiar accumulation of actin filaments under the prospective area of side branch formation inFunaria protonema cells. It consists of a ring-like configuration of actin filaments from which filaments radiate, preferentially along the plasma membrane. During the transition to tip growth the arrangement becomes loosened and eventually disappears whereas the filaments are concentrated in inner regions of the cytoplasm with a maximum in the apical dome.  相似文献   

The plasticity of elongated nuclei with thread-like basal protrusions was investigated after centrifuging protonemal cells of the fernAdiantum capillus-veneris basipetally for 2 or 3 hr. The morphological recovery of the nuclei including the shortening process of the thread could directly be visualized by video microscopy of nuclei with bubble-like thread ends in centrifuged, living cells. The shortening proceeded in three phases: (1) the fast shortening of the part between the bubble and the nuclear apical main body (NAMB), (2) the slow shrinking of the bubble, (3) the entrance of the nucleolus into the NAMB. Although the thread shortening process was quite uniform, there were irregularities like reextension of the threads over short distances. The experimental system of elongated nuclei was used to probe the role of the cytoskeleton in the nuclear plasticity. Directly after basipetal centrifugation, thick strands of microfilaments (MFs) were found to be aligned with the nuclear threads, whereas microtubules (MTs) were not. In cytoskeleton-depolymerizing experiments, cytochalasin B caused a reduction of the shortening process, showing that the MF system in the cytoplasm is involved in the nuclear recovery. In non-centrifuged as well as in centrifuged cells, on the other hand, cytoplasmic streaming was efficiently inhibited by cytochalasin B, whereas it was not significantly affected by colchicine. The moderate effect of cytochalasin B on the thread shortening suggests that still other driving forces such as tension in the nuclear envelope and perhaps intranuclear forces are involved in the thread shortening mechanism.  相似文献   

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