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Plant cell walls serve several functions: they impart rigidity to the plant, provide a physical and chemical barrier between the cell and its environment, and regulate the size and shape of each cell. Chemical studies have provided information on the biochemical composition of the plant cell walls as well as detailed knowledge of individual cell wall molecules. In contrast, very little is known about the distribution of specific cell wall components around individual cells and throughout tissues. To address this problem, we have produced polyclonal antibodies against two cell wall matrix components; rhamnogalacturonan I (RG-I), a pectic polysaccharide, and xyloglucan (XG), a hemicellulose. By using the antibiodies as specific markers we have been able to localize these polymers on thin sections of suspension-cultured sycamore cells (Acer pseudoplatanus). Our results reveal that each molecule has a unique distribution. XG is localized throughout the entire wall and middle lamella. RG-I is restricted to the middle lamella and is especially evident in the junctions between cells. These observations indicate that plant cell walls may have more distinct chemical (and functional?) domains than previously envisaged.  相似文献   

Boron (B)-deficient pumpkin (Cucurbita moschata Duchesne) plants exhibit reduced growth, and their tissues are brittle. The leaf cell walls of these plants contain less than one-half the amount of borate cross-linked rhamnogalacturonan II (RG-II) dimer than normal plants. Supplying germanium (Ge), which has been reported to substitute for B, to B-deficient plants does not restore growth or reduce tissue brittleness. Nevertheless, the leaf cell walls of the Ge-treated plants accumulated considerable amounts of Ge. Dimeric RG-II (dRG-II) accounted for between 20% and 35% of the total RG-II in the cell walls of the second to fourth leaves from Ge-treated plants, but only 2% to 7% of the RG-II was cross-linked by germanate (dRG-II-Ge). The ability of RG-II to form a dimer is not reduced by Ge treatment because approximately 95% of the monomeric RG-II generated from the walls of Ge-treated plants is converted to dRG-II-Ge in vitro in the presence of germanium oxide and lead acetate. However, dRG-II-Ge is unstable and is converted to monomeric RG-II when the Ge is removed. Therefore, the content of dRG-II-Ge and dRG-II-B described above may not reflect the actual ratio of these in muro. (10)B-Enriched boric acid and Ge are incorporated into the cell wall within 10 min after their foliar application to B-deficient plants. Foliar application of (10)B but not Ge results in an increase in the proportion of dRG-II in the leaf cell wall. Taken together, our results suggest that Ge does not restore the growth of B-deficient plants.  相似文献   

Proton and copper adsorption to maize and soybean root cell walls   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13       下载免费PDF全文
A surface complexation model which has been used to describe inner-sphere complexation on metal oxide surfaces was applied to the adsorption of Cu by isolated cell walls of 4-day and 28-day-old maize (Zea mays L. cv WF9 × Mo17) and 21-day-old soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr. cv Dare) roots. Concentration dependence of the titration data prevented the determination of unique pK and capacitance values for the 4-day maize cell walls, though mean values obtained for the intrinsic pK of the titratable carboxyl groups were 3.0 (4-day maize), 3.6 (28-day maize), and 3.0 (21-day soybean) as determined by potentiometric titration with either NaOH or HCl in 20 millimolar NaCl. The constant capacitance model was applied to Cu sorption data from rapid batch equilibrium experiments in an ionic medium of 20 millimolar NaClO4. Speciation calculations indicated that the formation of a bidentate surface complex was sufficient to describe the experimental data for all three types of plant material, with only one value for the pK and capacitance density. The intrinsic constants of Cu complexation by a neutral site are: log K = −0.3 ± 0.1, −0.2 ± 0.3, and 0.9 ± 0.1 for 4-day and 28-day maize, and 21-day soybean, respectively. The integral capacitance density parameter, which describes the relationship between surface charge density and electrical potential, is several times larger than for crystalline mineral surfaces. This result indicates that the surface electrical potential remains low even when the surface charge density is high. Such behavior is characteristic of gels and porous oxides.  相似文献   

Galactomannans [(1-->6)-alpha-D-galactose (Gal)-substituted (1-->4)-beta-D-mannans] are major cell wall storage polysaccharides in the endosperms of some seeds, notably the legumes. Their biosynthesis in developing legume seeds involves the functional interaction of two membrane-bound glycosyltransferases, mannan synthase (MS) and galactomannan galactosyltransferase (GMGT). MS catalyzes the elongation of the mannan backbone, whereas GMGT action determines the distribution and amount of Gal substitution. Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum) forms a galactomannan with a very high degree of Gal substitution (Man/Gal = 1.1), and its GMGT has been characterized. We now report that the endosperm cell walls of the tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) seed are rich in a galactomannan with a very low degree of Gal substitution (Man/Gal about 20) and that its depositional time course is closely correlated with membrane-bound MS and GMGT activities. Furthermore, we demonstrate that seeds from transgenic tobacco lines that express fenugreek GMGT constitutively in membrane-bound form have endosperm galactomannans with increased average degrees of Gal substitution (Man/Gal about 10 in T(1) generation seeds and about 7.5 in T(2) generation seeds). Membrane-bound enzyme systems from transgenic seed endosperms form galactomannans in vitro that are more highly Gal substituted than those formed by controls under identical conditions. To our knowledge, this is the first report of structural manipulation of a plant cell wall polysaccharide in transgenic plants via a biosynthetic membrane-bound glycosyltransferase.  相似文献   

Nod factors are signaling molecules secreted by Rhizobium bacteria. These lipo-chitooligosaccharides (LCOs) are required for symbiosis with legumes and can elicit specific responses at subnanomolar concentrations on a compatible host. How plants perceive LCOs is unclear. In this study, using fluorescent Nod factor analogs, we investigated whether sulfated and nonsulfated Nod factors were bound and perceived differently by Medicago truncatula and Vicia sativa root hairs. The bioactivity of three novel sulfated fluorescent LCOs was tested in a root hair deformation assay on M. truncatula, showing bioactivity down to 0.1 to 1 nM. Fluorescence microscopy of plasmolyzed M. truncatula root hairs shows that sulfated fluorescent Nod factors accumulate in the cell wall of root hairs, whereas they are absent from the plasma membrane when applied at 10 nM. When the fluorescent Nod factor distribution in medium surrounding a root was studied, a sharp decrease in fluorescence close to the root hairs was observed, visualizing the remarkable capacity of root hairs to absorb Nod factors from the medium. Fluorescence correlation microscopy was used to study in detail the mobilities of sulfated and nonsulfated fluorescent Nod factors which are biologically active on M. truncatula and V. sativa, respectively. Remarkably, no difference between sulfated and nonsulfated Nod factors was observed: both hardly diffuse and strongly accumulate in root hair cell walls of both M. truncatula and V. sativa. The implications for the mode of Nod factor perception are discussed.  相似文献   

Plant cell walls are complex configurations of polysaccharides that fulfil a diversity of roles during plant growth and development. They also provide sets of biomaterials that are widely exploited in food, fibre and fuel applications. The pectic polysaccharides, which comprise approximately a third of primary cell walls, form complex supramolecular structures with distinct glycan domains. Rhamnogalacturonan I (RG–I) is a highly structurally heterogeneous branched glycan domain within the pectic supramolecule that contains rhamnogalacturonan, arabinan and galactan as structural elements. Heterogeneous RG–I polymers are implicated in generating the mechanical properties of cell walls during cell development and plant growth, but are poorly understood in architectural, biochemical and functional terms. Using specific monoclonal antibodies to the three major RG–I structural elements (arabinan, galactan and the rhamnogalacturonan backbone) for in situ analyses and chromatographic detection analyses, the relative occurrences of RG–I structures were studied within a single tissue: the tobacco seed endosperm. The analyses indicate that the features of the RG–I polymer display spatial heterogeneity at the level of the tissue and the level of single cell walls, and also heterogeneity at the biochemical level. This work has implications for understanding RG–I glycan complexity in the context of cell‐wall architectures and in relation to cell‐wall functions in cell and tissue development.  相似文献   

Peptide(s) produced from degraded soybean protein by an alkaline protease from Bacillus circulans HA12 (degraded soybean-meal products; DSP) increased the number of both the root hair cells (trichoblasts) and hairless cells (atrichoblasts) of Brassica rapa by about 4.4 times and 1.9 times, respectively. To identify the root hair-promoting peptide(s) in DSP, the origin protein of the root hair-promoting peptide(s) was identified as Kunitz trypsin inhibitor (KTI). The root hair-promoting peptide in the degraded products of KTI was purified and produced a signal of 1,198.2 Da with matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI–TOF MS) analysis. A search of the amino acid sequence of KTI located the peptide GGIRAAPTGNER, which had a molecular weight identical to 1,198.2 Da. The peptide GGIRAAPTGNER was chemically synthesized, and the synthetic peptide possessed root hair-promoting activity. Thus, it is concluded that this peptide in DSP is the foreign bioactive peptide promoting the differentiation of root hairs.  相似文献   

Li M  Qin C  Welti R  Wang X 《Plant physiology》2006,140(2):761-770
Root elongation and root hair formation are important in nutrient absorption. We found that two Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) phospholipase Ds (PLDs), PLDzeta1 and PLDzeta2, were involved in root elongation during phosphate limitation. PLDzeta1 and PLDzeta2 are structurally different from the majority of plant PLDs by having phox and pleckstrin homology domains. Both PLDzetas were expressed more in roots than in other tissues. It was reported previously that inducible suppression or inducible overexpression of PLDzeta1 affected root hair patterning. However, gene knockouts of PLDzeta1, PLDzeta2, or the double knockout of PLDzeta1 and PLDzeta2 showed no effect on root hair formation. The expression of PLDzetas increased in response to phosphate limitation. The elongation of primary roots in PLDzeta1 and PLDzeta2 double knockout mutants was slower than that of wild type and single knockout mutants. The loss of PLDzeta2, but not PLDzeta1, led to a decreased accumulation of phosphatidic acid in roots under phosphate-limited conditions. These results indicate that PLDzeta1 and PLDzeta2 play a role in regulating root development in response to nutrient limitation.  相似文献   

The symbiotic interaction between legumes and soil bacteria (e.g., soybean [Glycine max L.] and Bradyrhizobium japonicum]) leads to the development of a new root organ, the nodule, where bacteria differentiate into bacteroids that fix atmospheric nitrogen for assimilation by the plant host. In exchange, the host plant provides a steady carbon supply to the bacteroids. This carbon can be stored within the bacteroids in the form of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate granules. The formation of this symbiosis requires communication between both partners to regulate the balance between nitrogen fixation and carbon utilization. In the present study, we describe the soybean gene GmNMNa that is specifically expressed during the infection of soybean cells by B. japonicum. GmNMNa encodes a protein of unknown function. The GmNMNa protein was localized to the nucleolus and also to the mitochondria. Silencing of GmNMNa expression resulted in reduced nodulation, a reduction in the number of bacteroids per infected cell in the nodule, and a clear reduction in the accumulation of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate in the bacteroids. Our results highlight the role of the soybean GmNMNa gene in regulating symbiotic bacterial infection, potentially through the regulation of the accumulation of carbon reserves.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation microscopy (FCM) is a new single-molecule detection technique based on the confocal principle to quantify molecular diffusion and concentration of fluorescent molecules (particles) with sub-micron resolution. In this study, FCM is applied to examine the diffusional behaviour of fluorescent Nod factor analogues on living Vicia sativa root hairs. Three recently described Nod factors with a fluorescent acyl chain (Goedhart et al. Biochemistry 1999, 38, 10898-10907) were used. Plasmolysis of fluorescently labelled root hairs showed that the Nod factors are predominantly located in the cell wall, as hardly any fluorescence could be detected in the plasma membrane. After Nod factor-induced root hair deformation, the new outgrowth was not labelled, indicating a lack of migration of Nod factors to the newly synthesized cell wall. In agreement, FCM showed a > 1,000-fold reduction of molecular mobility of the fluorescence Nod factors upon binding to the cell wall. In addition, FCM demonstrated that Nod factors, when exogenously applied in aqueous solution at 10 nM, markedly concentrate in the cell wall of root hairs (up to 50-fold). The feasibility of applying FCM for the study of living plant cells as well as the implications of our results for the perception of Nod factors are discussed.  相似文献   

High levels of aluminium in the soil solution of forest soils cause stress to forest trees. Within the soil profile, pH and aluminium concentration in the soil solution vary considerably with soil depth. pH strongly influences the speciation of A1 in solution, and is a factor when considering toxicity of A1 to roots. Norway spruce ( Picea abies [L.] Karst.) seedlings were grown for 7 weeks in nutrient solutions at pH 3.2, 4.0 or 5.0 containing 0, 100 or 400 µ M A1. At the end of this period, seedling growth, the cation exchange capacity of the roots and the amount of exchangeable Ca and Mg in roots were determined. A1 concentrations in whole roots, root segments, and in needles were measured. Using X‐ray microanalysis, the concentrations of Al, Ca, Mg and P were determined in cortical cell walls. We wanted to test the hypotheses that (1) the amount of Al bound to cation exchange sites can be used as a marker for Al toxicity and (2) the Mg concentration of needles is controlled by the amount of Mg bound to cation exchange sites. Low pH reduced the inhibition of Al on root growth and shoot length. Both low pH and Al lowered the concentration of Ca and Mg in needles. Al concentrations in the roots decreased as the pH decreased. In the roots, Al displaced Mg and Ca from binding sites at the root cortical cell walls. A comparison of the effects of Al at the different pH values on root growth and Mg concentration in the needles, suggests that, at pH 5.0, an Al fraction in the apoplast inhibits root growth, but does not affect Mg uptake. This fraction of Al is not available for transport to the shoots. In contrast, Mg uptake is strongly affected by Al at pH 3.2, although only very low levels of Al were detected in the roots. Thus, Al accumulation in the apoplast is a positive marker for Al effects on root growth, but not Mg uptake. The Mg concentration of needles is not controlled by the amount of Mg bound to cation exchange sites.  相似文献   

In Arabidopsis, root hairs are formed only from a set of epidermal cells named trichoblasts or hair-forming cells. Previous studies showed CAPRICE (CPC) promotes differentiation of hair-forming cells by controlling a negative regulator, GLABRA2 (GL2), which is preferentially expressed in hairless cells. Here, we show that CPC is also predominantly expressed in the hairless cells, but not in the neighboring hair-forming cells, and that CPC protein moves to the hair-forming cells and represses the GL2 expression. We also show that the N terminus of bHLH protein interacts with CPC and is responsible for the GL2 expression. We propose a model in which CPC plays a key role in the fate-determination of hair-forming cells.  相似文献   

Arabinogalactan-proteins (AGPs) are extracellular proteoglycans that are implicated in many plant growth and developmental processes, but in no case has a biological function been assigned to a particular AGP. AtAGP30 is a non-classical AGP core protein from Arabidopsis that is expressed only in roots. Analysis of the corresponding mutant, agp30, has revealed that the wild-type gene product is required in vitro for root regeneration and in planta for the timing of seed germination. The mutant shows a suppression of the abscisic acid (ABA)-induced delay in germination and altered expression of some ABA-regulated genes. This suggests that AtAGP30 functions in the ABA response. By analogy to proteoglycan-mediated regulation of growth-factor-signalling pathways in animals, our data indicate that phytohormone activity in plants can be modulated by AGPs.  相似文献   

A chronic demyelinating disease results from murine infection with the neurotropic strain JHM of mouse hepatitis virus (MHV-JHM). Demyelination is largely immune mediated. In this study, the individual roles of CD4 and CD8 T cells in MHV-induced demyelination were investigated using recombination-activating gene 1-/- (RAG1-/-) mice infected with an attenuated strain of MHV-JHM. These animals develop demyelination only after adoptive transfer of splenocytes from mice previously immunized to MHV. In this study, we show that, following adoptive transfer, virus-specific CD4 and CD8 T cells rapidly infiltrate the CNS of MHV-JHM-infected RAG1-/- mice. Adoptive transfer of CD4 T cell-enriched donors resulted in more severe clinical disease accompanied by less demyelination than was detected in the recipients of undepleted cells. Macrophage infiltration into the gray matter of CD4 T cell-enriched recipients was greater than that observed in mice receiving undepleted splenocytes. In contrast, CD8 T cell-enriched recipients developed delayed disease with extensive demyelination of the spinal cord. MHV-JHM-infected RAG1-/- mice receiving donors depleted of both CD4 and CD8 T cells did not develop demyelination. These results demonstrate that the development of demyelination following MHV infection may be initiated by either CD4 or CD8 T cells. Furthermore, they show that CD4 T cells contribute more prominently than CD8 T cells to the severity of clinical disease, and that this correlates with increased macrophage infiltration into the gray matter.  相似文献   

The diversity‐invasion resistance theory argues that increased diversity results in increased competitive suppression of establishing plants. Although there is support for the pattern of decreased invasion with increased diversity, empirical demonstrations of increased competition are limited. An experiment was conducted during a severe drought in a native grassland community. The drought resulted in minimal shading among neighbours, and in contrast to prior studies, competition here was exclusively belowground. Neither diversity nor community composition influenced root crowding or competition. It appears that when competition is belowground, it is independent of diversity, likely because of fundamental differences in the mechanisms of above‐ and belowground competition. This suggests that even at the neighbourhood scale, there is no inherently negative relationship between competition and diversity, and lends support to alternative theories which suggest factors of than diversity may more strongly influence community invasibility.  相似文献   

《Carbohydrate research》1985,138(1):109-126
3-Deoxy-d-manno-2-octulosonic acid (KDO), a sugar previously presumed to occur only as a glycosyl residue in polysaccharides produced by Gram-negative bacteria, was found to be a component of the cell walls of higher plants. In the form of the disaccharide α-l-Rhap-(1→5)-d-KDO, KDO was released by mild hydrolysis with acid from the purified cell wall polysaccharide rhamnogalacturonan II. KDO was shown to be present in purified cell walls of several plants, including dicots, a monocot, and a gymnosperm. Improved methods for detecting and quantitating KDO residues in polysaccharides were developed during this investigation.  相似文献   

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