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D B Wilson  L A Finta 《Teratology》1979,19(3):337-340
The lumbosacral region of the neural tube was studied by means of transmission electron microscopy in retrospectively confirmed normal (+/+; Sp/+) and abnormal (Sp/Sp) embryos of the splotch mutant mouse early on the ninth day of gestation when the caudal neural groove is normally in the process of closing to form the neural tube. In abnormal embryos, a consistent feature is the presence of gap junctional vesicles, particularly in the region of the neural groove which subsequently fails to close, whereas these structures are rarely observed in similar areas of normal embryos. The possible significance of gap junctional vesicles is discussed in terms of cellular adhesion during early neurogenesis.  相似文献   

The Lp mouse mutant provides a model for the severe human neural tube defect (NTD), cranio-rachischisis. To identify the Lp gene, a positional cloning approach has been adopted. Previously, linkage analysis in a large intraspecific backcross was used to map the Lp locus to distal mouse chromosome 1. Here we report a detailed physical map of this region. The interval surrounding Lp has been cloned in a yeast artificial chromosome (YAC) contig consisting of 63 clones spanning approximately 3.2 Mb. Fifty sequence tagged sites (STSs) have been used to construct the contig and establish marker order across the interval. Based on the high level of conserved synteny between distal mouse chromosome 1 and human 1q21-q24, many of these STSs were designed from expressed sequences identified by cross-screening human and mouse databases of expressed sequence tags. Added to other known genes in the region, a total of 29 genes were located and ordered within the contig. Seven novel polymorphisms were identified within the region, allowing refinement of the genetic map and a reduction in the size of the physical interval containing the Lp gene. The Lp interval, between D1Mit113 and Tagln2, can be spanned by two nonchimeric overlapping YACs that define a physical distance of approximately 1 Mb. Within this region, 10 potential candidate genes have been mapped. The materials and genes described here will provide a resource for the identification and further study of the mutated Lp gene that causes this severe neural tube defect and will provide candidates for other defects known to map to the homologous region on human chromosome 1q.  相似文献   

A sub-population of the neural crest is known to play a crucial role in development of the cardiac outflow tract. Studies in avians have mapped the complete migratory pathways taken by 'cardiac' neural crest cells en route from the neural tube to the developing heart. A cardiac neural crest lineage is also known to exist in mammals, although detailed information on its axial level of origin and migratory pattern are lacking. We used focal cell labelling and orthotopic grafting, followed by whole embryo culture, to determine the spatio-temporal migratory pattern of cardiac neural crest in mouse embryos. Axial levels between the post-otic hindbrain and somite 4 contributed neural crest cells to the heart, with the neural tube opposite somite 2 being the most prolific source. Emigration of cardiac neural crest from the neural tube began at the 7-somite stage, with cells migrating in pathways dorsolateral to the somite, medial to the somite, and between somites. Subsequently, cardiac neural crest cells migrated through the peri-aortic mesenchyme, lateral to the pharynx, through pharyngeal arches 3, 4 and 6, and into the aortic sac. Colonisation of the outflow tract mesenchyme was detected at the 32-somite stage. Embryos homozygous for the Sp2H mutation show delayed onset of cardiac neural crest emigration, although the pathways of subsequent migration resembled wild type. The number of neural crest cells along the cardiac migratory pathway was significantly reduced in Sp2H/Sp2H embryos. To resolve current controversy over the cell autonomy of the splotch cardiac neural crest defect, we performed reciprocal grafts of premigratory neural crest between wild type and splotch embryos. Sp2H/Sp2H cells migrated normally in the +/+ environment, and +/+ cells migrated normally in the Sp2H/Sp2H environment. In contrast, retarded migration along the cardiac route occurred when either Sp2H/+ or Sp2H/Sp2H neural crest cells were grafted into the Sp2H/Sp2H environment. We conclude that the retardation of cardiac neural crest migration in splotch mutant embryos requires the genetic defect in both neural crest cells and their migratory environment.  相似文献   

Southern blot analysis with murine (Mu) interferon (IFN)-alpha cDNA of restricted genomic DNA of three inbred strains of mice belonging to the species Mus musculus domesticus (BALB/c, C57BL/6, and DBA/2) revealed only a limited degree of polymorphism. For example, with HindIII there were only two polymorphic bands out of 14 hybridizing fragments. With Mu IFN-beta cDNA there was no polymorphism at all between BALB/c and C57BL/6 in DNA restricted with seven different enzymes. In contrast, HindIII-restricted DNA of an inbred strain of wild mice (M. spretus Lataste) hybridized with the IFN-alpha probe displayed a high degree of polymorphism compared with the three strains of laboratory mice and was also polymorphic when probed with IFN-beta cDNA. Although M. musculus domesticus and M. spretus Lataste represent different species, certain interspecies crosses are possible in the laboratory. This enabled us to follow segregation of restriction fragment length polymorphism in HindIII-restricted DNA obtained from 18 backcross progeny of a (DBA/2 X M. spretus)F1 X DBA/2 interspecies cross. There was complete coincidence between the segregation of parental (DBA/2) and (DBA/2 X M. spretus)F1-type IFN-beta and IFN-alpha restriction fragment length polymorphism, indicating tight linkage of the IFN-beta and IFN-alpha genes. In addition, in 15 of 18 progeny the segregation coincided with that of the brown locus on chromosome 4, in accord with previous results obtained with the IFN-alpha probe in strains derived from crosses between BALB/c and C57BL/6 mice. Thus, the Mu IFN-beta gene is tightly linked to the Mu IFN-alpha gene cluster on chromosome 4 near the brown locus.  相似文献   

Danforth's short tail (Sd) is a semidominant mutation of the mouse with effects on the skeleton and the urogenital system. In view of its phenotype and its position in the proximal part of Chromosome (Chr) 2, three genes qualified as possible candidates: Pax-8, a paired box-containing gene; Midkine (Mdk), a retinoic acid-responsive gene; and a new locus (Etl-4) identified by enhancer trapping with a lacZ reporter gene which showed expression in the notochord, the mesonephric mesenchyme, and the apical ectodermal ridge. Three different backcrosses involving all three genes in different combinations were set up and analyzed. From our results we conclude that Sd, Etl-4, Pax-8, and Mdk are independent loci, with Etl-4 being the closest genetic marker (1.1±1.4 cM) to the Danforth's short tail (Sd) gene.  相似文献   

Measurements of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (DBH), catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), and monoamine oxidase (MAO) along with 27 polymorphic marker phenotypes were available for 162 patients with major affective disorders and 1,125 of their relatives. Levels of enzymes were previously found not to be associated with illness. Pedigree analysis methods for quantitative traits are used to test single-gene hypotheses for segregation of DBH in 32 families with 411 individuals. COMT in 30 families with 351 individuals, and MAO in 50 families with 309 individuals. The familial distribution of both DBH and COMT are consistent with two codominant alleles at the same locus that account for 56% and 59% of the total variance, respectively. MAO activity cannot be shown to be segregating as a single major gene, but a purely nongenetic hypothesis is also rejected. A possible linkage of a locus for DBH to the ABO locus is indicated by a maximum lod score of 1.82 at 0% and 10% recombination fractions for males and females, respectively. A lod score of 0.61 at 0% recombination for a similar analysis in a single large pedigree was reported by Elston et al., making the combined lod score for the two studies equal to 2.32 at 0% recombination.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) was constructed, using 54 microsatellites and 473 amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. The mapping population consisted of two full-sib families within one paternal half-sib family from the Norwegian breeding population. A mapping strategy was developed that facilitated the construction of separate male and female maps, while retaining all the information contributed by the dominant AFLP markers. By using this strategy, we were able to map a significant number of the AFLP markers for which all informative offspring had two heterozygous parents; these markers then served as bridges between the male and female maps. The female map spanned 901 cM and had 33 linkage groups, while the male spanned 103 cM and had 31 linkage groups. Twenty-five linkage groups were common between the two maps. The construction of the genetic map revealed a large difference in recombination rate between females and males. The ratio of female recombination rate vs. male recombination rate was 8.26, the highest ratio reported for any vertebrate. This map constitutes the first linkage map of Atlantic salmon, one of the most important aquaculture species worldwide.  相似文献   

Hereditary arthro-ophthalmopathy (AO), or Stickler syndrome, is a dominantly inherited disorder characterized by vitreo-retinal degeneration and frequently accompanied by epiphyseal dysplasia and premature degenerative joint disease. Three large families with AO were analyzed for clinical manifestations of the disease and for coinheritance of the genetic defect with RFLPs in the type II procollagen gene (COL2A1). Genetic linkage between AO and COL2A1 was demonstrated in the largest family, with a maximum LOD score of 3.52 at a recombination distance of zero. Data from a second family also supported linkage of AO and COL2A1, with a LOD score of 1.20 at a recombination distance of zero. These results are consistent with the conclusion that mutations in the COL2A1 gene are responsible for AO in these two families. In a third AO family, however, recombination between AO and COL2A1 occurred in at least one meiosis, and the data were inconclusive with respect to linkage.  相似文献   

The gene responsible for Krabbe disease, an autosomal recessive disorder caused by deficiency of galactocerebrosidase (GALC), was localized by multipoint linkage analysis on chromosome 14. Eight mapped dinucleotide repeat polymorphisms were tested for linkage to GALC. Two-point linkage analysis demonstrated close linkage of GALC and D14S48, with Z = 13.69 at theta = 0. Multipoint analysis yielded strong support for this finding, with maximum likelihood for GALC located within 1 cM of D14S48. This analysis also identified markers that clearly flank the GALC locus, as the map order of D14S53-GALC-D14S45 is favored by odds greater than 10(6):1. Additional support for close linkage of GALC and D14S48 comes from the apparent linkage disequilibrium between these two loci in a consanguineous Druze community in Israel. These data localize GALC to 14q24.3-q32.1.  相似文献   

Epidermolysis bullosa (EB) is a heterogeneous group of heritable blistering disorders affecting the skin and the mucous membranes. Previous ultrastructural studies on the dystrophic (scarring) forms of EB have demonstrated abnormalities in the anchoring fibrils, morphologically distinct structures below the basal lamina at the dermal/epidermal basement membrane zone. Type VII collagen is the major collagenous component of the anchoring fibrils, and it is therefore a candidate gene for mutations in some families with dystrophic forms of EB. In this study, we performed genetic linkage analyses in a large kindred with dominant dystrophic EB. A 1.9-kb type VII collagen cDNA clone was used to identify a PvuII RFLP to follow the inheritance of the gene. This RFLP cosegregated with the EB phenotype in this family, strongly supporting genetic linkage (Z = 5.37; theta = .0). In addition, we assigned the type VII collagen gene (COL7A1) to chromosome 3 by hybridization to a panel of human x rodent somatic cell hybrids. These data demonstrate very close genetic linkage between the clinical phenotype in this family and the polymorphism in the type VII collagen gene mapped to chromosome 3. The absence of recombination between EB and the type VII collagen gene locus, as well as the observed abnormalities in the anchoring fibrils, strongly suggest that this collagen gene is the mutant locus in this kindred.  相似文献   

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