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Regulation of the assembly of the photosystem I (PS I) complexin response to the light regime in the photosynthetic systemof cyanophytes was studied in Synechocystis PCC 6714. The relationshipbetween the assembly of the PS I complex and synthesis of Chla was examined by model experiments in which synthesis of Chla was controlled by two inhibitors, gabaculine (GAB) and 2,2'-dipyridyl(DP). Both inhibitors caused a change to a lower ratio of PSI to PS II even under light that normally induces a high ratioof PS I to PS II. The change in stoichiometry induced by theseinhibitors was suppressed when protein synthesis was inhibitedby chloram-phenicol, similarly to the change in the stoichiometryinduced by light that excites mainly PS I (PS I light). Comparisonof the levels of PS I, PS II and Cyt b6-f complexes per cellindicated that a selective suppression of the assembly of thePS I complex was induced by the inhibitors: the stoichiometricrelationship among PS I, PS II and Cyt b6-f complexes was identicalto that induced by PS I light or white light of high intensity.GAB induced a decrease in size of the phycobilisome also, whileDP did not, similarly to PS I light. The results indicate thatthe ratio of PS I to PS II can be changed by the control ofsynthesis of Chl a. They also suggest that control of the synthesisor supply of Chl a probably exerted at site(s) in or after theprocess of the Mg-protoporphyrin branch, is involved in themechanism of regulation of the assembly of the PS I complexin cyanophytes. (Received September 7, 1989; Accepted November 20, 1989)  相似文献   

The light-harvesting system of photosynthesis was studied infour strains of Porphyra yezoensis differing in their phycoerythrin(PE) content; the red strain, richer in PE than the wild strain,and the green and the yellow strains, poorer in PE. Specialattention was given to possible alteration of pigment systemin response to PE content, especially in the green and the yellowstrains. The relative quantum yields of Chi a fluorescence at–196°C and O2 evolution were compared. Four strains commonly showed a low yield in pigment system II(PS II) fluorescence on Chl a excitation. The yield was as lowas in those algae in which PS II has only a small portion ofChl a as the light harvester. Measurement of O2 evolution gavethe same results. Results indicate that the functional compositionof Chl a system remains unaltered in four strains with differentPE content. PS II in the green and the yellow strains reflectsa reduction in the size of light-harvesting components, suggestingthat pigmentation in these strains is fixed genetically as asun-type. 4 On leave from University of Washington, Seatle, Washington,U.S.A. (Received September 18, 1982; Accepted December 25, 1982)  相似文献   

Cytochrome composition of the cyanobacterial photosyntheticsystem was studied with Anacystis nidulans (Tx 20) in relationto the chromatic regulation of photosystem composition. Comparisonof cytochrome compositions in cells with a high PS I/II ratio(3.0, grown under weak orange light) and with a low ratio (1.6,grown under weak red light) indicated that cytochrome compositionwas also changed in the chromatic regulation of photosystemcomposition. Two types of cytochrome change were observed: 1)contents of cytochromes C553 and c548 were changed in parallelwith the changes in PS I content, and 2) cytochrome b553 andcytochrome b6-f complex were held at a constant molar ratioto PS II. The molar ratio, PS II : cytochrome b559 : cytochromeb6-f complex : cytochrome c553 : PS I : cytochrome C548, inthe red-grown cells was 1 : 2.5 : 1.3 : 0.17 : 1.6 : 0.67, andthe ratio in the orange-grown cells, 1:2.4:0.9:0.32:3.0:1.2.In both types of cells, almost all cytochrome f in the cytochromeb6-f complex was rapidly oxidized after multiple flash activation,indicating that all cytochrome b6-f complexes in cells of bothtypes are functionally connected to PS I, even when the molarratio to PS I is largely changed. The content of cytochromeC553 was at most 0.14 of PS I, suggesting that the cytochrometurns over several times per one turnover of PS I. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Tokyo Metropolitan University, Fukazawa 2-1-1, Setagaya, Tokyo158, Japan. (Received January 20, 1986; Accepted March 17, 1986)  相似文献   

The photochemical apparatus organization in the thylakoid membraneof the diatom Cylindrotheca fusiformis was investigated in cellsgrown under high and low irradiance. High light (HL, 200µE.m–2.s–1)grown cells displayed a relatively low fucoxanthin to chlorophyll(Chl) ratio, a low photosystem (PS) stoichiometry (PSII/PS I=1.3/1.0)and a smaller photosynthetic unit size in both PS I and PS II.Low light (LL, 30µE.m–2.s–1) grown cells displayeda 30% elevated fucoxanthin content, elevated PS II/PS I=3.9/1.0and larger photosynthetic unit size for PS II (a change of about100%) and for PS I (by about 30%). In agreement, SDS polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis of thylakoid membrane polypeptides showedgreater abundance of PS I, RuBP carboxylase and ATP synthasepolypeptides in HL cells. In contrast, LL grown cells exhibitedgreater abundance of light-harvesting complex polypeptides.Assuming an efficiency of red (670 nm) light utilization of1.0, the measured efficiency of blue (481 nm) light utilizationwas 0.64 (HL cells) and 0.72 (LL cells). The lower efficiencyof blue versus red light utilization is attributed to the quenchingof absorbed energy by non-fucoxanthin carotenoids. Differencesin the efficiency of blue light utilization between HL and LLgrown cells are attributed to the variable content of fucoxanthin.The results support the hypothesis of a variable Chl a-Chl c-fucoxanthinlight-harvesting antenna associated with PS II and PS I in Cylindrotheca. (Received February 10, 1988; Accepted April 6, 1988)  相似文献   

The effect of SO2 fumigation (2 ppm, v/v) on photosynthesisin spinach leaves in vivo was investigated by measuring Chla fluorescence (OIDP transient) and the electron paramagneticresonance (EPR) signal I. SO2 fumigation raised the I levelto yield the ID dip and suppressed the DP transient before anyvisible damage occurred in the leaf. In SO2-fumigated leaves,the time course of EPR signal I indicates that reduction ofP700 by white light illumination was inhibited but dark reductionof P700 was not significantly affected. Photosynthetic O2 evolutionwas also inhibited by SO2 fumigation. All of these effects werereversible after removal of SO2. The variable part of the fluorescencein the presence of DCMU was only slightly affected and decreasedas the fumigation time increased. We concluded that SO2 fumigationreversibly inhibits the photosynthetic water-splitting enzymesystem and it injures the reaction center of PS II in vivo whenthe fumigation time is prolonged. We discussed the role of possible toxicants derived from SO2within the leaf on the basis of the SO2 action on Chl a fluorescence. (Received December 8, 1983; Accepted May 7, 1984)  相似文献   

The relationship between the accumulation of Chl and the apoproteinsof the light-harvesting Chl a/b-protein complex of PS II (LHCII)during the greening of cucumber cotyledons was studied. LHCIIapoproteins were not detected in etiolated cotyledons. Uponillumination, Chl a was formed as a result of photoconversionof protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) which had accumulated in thedark. During the lag period that preceded the accumulation ofChl, a small amount of LHCII apoproteins appeared. The amountof LHCII apoproteins increased with increases in levels of Chlb, though somewhat more rapidly during the first 10 h of greening.Treatment with benzyladenine (BA) or levulinic acid (LA) wasused to vary the supply of Chl a for apoproteins by promotingor inhibiting the synthesis of Chl a, respectively. LA decreasedbut BA increased the rate of accumulation of Chl b and LHCIIapoproteins. Only small amounts of Chl b and LHCII apoproteinswere formed under intermittent illumination. However, in thepresence of chloramphenicol (CAP), which inhibits the synthesisof plastome-coded proteins including apoproteins of the P700-Chla-protein complex (CP1) and a Chl a-protein complex of PS II(CPa), we observed the accumulation of Chl b and LHCII apoproteins,both of which are of nuclear origin. During incubation in thedark after intermittent exposure to light, CAP alone allowedneither destruction nor accumulation of Chl b and LHCII apoproteins,but it did enhance the effect of CaCl2 in inducing both Chlb and these apoproteins. These results can be explained by assumingthat apoproteins of CP1 and CPa have a higher affinity for Chla than do LHCII apoproteins. When the availability of Chl ais limited, these apoproteins compete with one another for Chla, with the resultant preferential formation of CP1 and CPa.However, when the supply of Chl a becomes large enough for saturationof apoproteins of CP1 and CPa, some of the Chl a is incorporatedinto LHCII apoproteins either directly or after conversion toChl b. Thus, the formation of different Chl-protein complexes(CPs) is regulated by the relative rates of synthesis of Chla and apoproteins and by differential affinities of the apoproteinsfor Chl a. 4Present address: Kyowa Hakko Co., Ltd., 4041, Ami-machi, Inashiki,Ibaraki, 300-03 Japan (Received September 14, 1989; Accepted April 26, 1990)  相似文献   

The effects were examined of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) onthe accumulation of Chl and apoproteins of light-harvestingChl a/b-protein complex of photosystem II (LHCII) in cucumbercotyledons under intermittent light. A supply of ALA preferentiallyincreased the accumulation of Chl a during intermittent illumination.However, when cotyledons were pretreated with a brief exposureto light or benzyladenine (BA), the stimulatory effect of ALAon the increase in the level of Chl b was greater than thatin the level of Chl a, resulting in decreased ratios of Chla/b. Time-course experiments with preilluminated cotyledonsrevealed that LHCII apoproteins accumulated rapidly within thefirst 30 min of intermittent illumination with a decline duringsubsequent incubation in darkness. A supply of ALA did not affectthe accumulation of LHCII apoproteins during the intermittentlight period, but it efficiently inhibited the decline in theirlevels during the subsequent darkness. After exposure to a singlepulse of light of BA-treated cotyledons, the prompt increasein levels of LHCII apoproteins was not accompanied by the formationof Ch b, which began to accumulate later. The pattern of changesin levels of LHCII apoproteins was quite similar to that inlevels of Chl a. These results suggest that LHCII apoproteinsare first stabilized by binding with Chl a and that an increasedsupply of Chl a and the accumulation of LHCII apoproteins areprerequisites for the formation of Chl b. 1Present address: Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Scienceand Technology, Meijo University, Aichi, 468 Japan.  相似文献   

  1. The intensity dependence and spectral variations during thefast transient of chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence have beenanalyzed in the blue-green alga Anacystis nidulans. (Unlikethe case of eukaryotic unicellular green or red algae, the fastfluorescence induction characteristics of the prokaryotic blue-greenalgae had not been documented before.)
  2. Dark adapted cellsof Anacystis exhibit two types of fluctuationsin the fluorescenceyield when excited with bright orange light(absorbed mainlyin phycocyanin). The first kinetic patterncalled the fast (sec)fluorescence transient exhibits a characteristicoriginal levelO, intermediary hump I, a pronounced dip D, peakP and a transitorysmall decline to a quasi steady state S.After attaining S,fluorescence yield slowly rises to a maximumlevel M. From M,the decline in fluorescence yield to a terminalT level is extremelyslow as shown earlier by Papageorgiou andGovindjee (8). Ascompared with green and red algae, blue-greenalgae seem tohave a small PS decline and a very characteristicslow SM rise,with a M level much higher than the peak P.
  3. A prolonged darkadaptation and relatively high intensity ofexciting illuminationare required to evoke DPS type yield fluctuationsin Anacystis.At low to moderate intensities of exciting light,the time forthe development of P depends on light doses, butfor M, thisremains constant at these intensities.
  4. Fluorescence emissionwas heterogeneous during the inductionperiod in Anacystis;the P and the M levels were relativelyenriched in short-wavelengthsystem II Chi a emission as comparedto D and S levels.
  5. Thefast DPS transient was found to be affected by electrontransportcofactor (methyl viologen), and inhibitors (e.g.,DCMU, NH2OH)in a manner suggesting that these changes are mostlyrelatedto the oxido-reduction level of intermediates betweenthe twophotosystems. On the other hand, the slow SM changesin fluorescenceyield, as reported earlier (5, 15), paralleloxygen evolution.These changes were found to be resistant toa variety of electrontransport inhibitors (O-phenanthroline,HOQNO, salicylaldoxime,DCMU, NH2OH and Antimycin a). It issuggested that, in Anacystis,even in the presence of so-calledinhibitors of cyclic electronflow, a "high energy state" isstill produced.
  6. Measurementsof Chlorophyll a fluorescence and delayed lightemission inthe presence of both DCMU and NH2OH indicate thatthe slow SMchanges are not due to the recovery of the reactioncenter IIin darkness preceeding illumination.
  7. Our results, thus, suggestthat in Anacystis a net electrontransport supported oxidation-reductionstate of the quencherQ regulates only partially the developmentof the DPS transient,but the development of the slow fluorescenceyield changes seemsnot to be regulated by these reactions.It appears, from datapresented elsewhere, that the slow risein the yield resultsdue to a structural modification of thethylakoid membrane.
1We are grateful to the National Science Foundation for financialsupport. (Received November 21, 1972; )  相似文献   

The chlorophyll (Chl) a-b light harvesting complex II (LHC II)contains more than 80% of the light-harvesting pigments of photosystemII (PS II) in chloroplasts. The supramolecular assembly andfunction of this auxiliary antenna system was investigated inChi b-deficient and Chi b-less mutant chloroplasts from soybeanand barley plants, and in their wild-type counterparts. Fourdistinct LHC II polypeptides were resolved by SDS-PAGE (subunitsa, b, c and d), having apparent molecular masses of 29, 28,27.2 and 26.8 kDa, respectively. The analysis of LHC II subunitcomposition in different developmental stages of the PS II unitin soybean (3>Chla/Chlbb>6), indicated the associationof specific subunits with the LHC H-inner and LHC II-peripheralin the chloroplast. The amount of subunit a in PS II was constantover a broad range of Chl a/Chl b ratios, suggesting that thissubunit is closely associated with the PS II-core complex. Subunitd also appeared to be constant over a wide range of Chl a/Chlb ratios, suggesting close association with the LHC II-inner.The PS II content in subunits b and c increased with the PSII antenna development in soybean but the ratio of b/c remainedconstant in all developmental stages and equal to 2 :1. Subunita was present in the Chl b-less chlorina f2 mutant of barleygrown under continuous illumination but was absent under intermittentillumination. The results suggest that each subunit binds 13-15Chl molecules. A working hypothesis is presented on the PS IIantenna development and LHC II subunit composition in soybeanchloroplasts. (Received October 11, 1988; Accepted January 19, 1989)  相似文献   

Light-induced changes in stoichiometry among three thylakoidcomponents, PS I, PS II and Cyt b6-f complexes, were studiedwith the cyanophyte Synechocystis PCC 6714. Special attentionwas paid to two aspects of the stoichiometric change; first,a comparison of the patterns of regulation in response to differencesin light-intensity with those induced by differences in light-quality,and second, the relationship between regulation of the stoichiometryand the steady state of the electron transport system. Resultsfor the former indicated that (1) the abundance of PS I on aper cell basis was reduced under white light at the intensityas high as that for light-saturation of photosynthesis, butPS I per cell was increased under low light-intensity, (2) PSII and Cyt b6-f complexes remained fairly constant, and (3)changes in the abundance of PS I depended strictly on proteinsynthesis. The pattern was identical with that of chromaticregulation. For the second problem, the redox steady-statesof Cyt f and P700 under white light of various intensities weredetermined by flash-spectroscopy. Results indicated that (1)Cyt f and P700 in cells grown under low light-intensity [highratio of PS I to PS II (PS I/PS II)] were markedly oxidizedwhen the cells were exposed to high light-intensity, while theyremained in the reduced state under low light-intensity. (2)After a decrease in the abundance of PS I, most of P700 remainedin the reduced state even under high light-intensity, whilethe level of reduced Cyt f remained low. (3) Both Cyt f andP700 in cells of low PS I/PS II were fully reduced under lowlight-intensity, and Cyt f reduction following the flash wasrapid, which indicates that the turnover of PS I limits theoverall rate of electron flow. After an increase in the abundanceof PS I, the electron transport recovered from the biased state.(4) The redox steady-state of the Cyt b6-f complex correlatedwell with the regulation of PS I/PS II while the state of thePQ pool did not. Based on these results, a working model ofthe regulation of assembly of the PS I complex, in which theredox steady-state of the Cyt b6-f complex is closely relatedto the primary signal, is proposed. (Received August 2, 1990; Accepted December 10, 1990)  相似文献   

In situ light measurements were used to obtain information oninherent and apparent optical properties. The average verticalattenuation coefficient Kd(ave) varied from 1.1 to 4.6 In unitsm–1 During three periods the variation in Kd(ave) correlatedwith changes in chlorophyll a concentration and specific attenuationcoefficients Ks, of 0.013, 0.014 and 0.022 m2 mg Chl a–1were calculated. Chlorophyll-specific diffuse absorption coefficients(A,) for these periods were 0.012. 0.013 and 0.017 m2 mg Chla–1 and only varied significantly from estimates of Ksin the period when scattering was intense. Absorption coefficientsa(zmid) and scattering coefficients b(zmid) calculated for themid-point of the euphotic zone ranged between 0.45 and 2.9 mand 3.5–52.0 m respectively. Chlorophyll-specific absorptioncoefficients Ka, of 0.005, 0.006 and 0.007 m2 mg Chl a–1and scattering coefficients Kb of 0.05. 0.09 and 0.191 m2 mgChl a–1 were measured during the three periods. The highKb value occurred when gas-vacuolate cyanobactena were dominant.Algal photosynthesis and light absorption were related throughthe maximum quantum yield m which varied between 0.019 and 0.11mol C Einstein–1 while average quantum yields a, variedbetween 0.006 and 0.024 with a mean of 0.013 mol C Einstein–1A comparison of changes in the mean irradiance of the mixedzone and chlorophyll concentration indicated that growth waslight limited below 0.04–0.05 Einsteins absorbed mg Chla–1 day–1.  相似文献   

Thirty-six new strains of nonphotosynthetic mutants of Chlamydomonasreinhardtii, which had been induced by UV irradiation then screenedphotographically for strong chlorophyll fluorescence of theircolonies, were characterized with respect to pigment contents,photochemical activities of Hill and Mehler reactions and chlorophyllfluorescence induction, and by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresisof the chlorophyllprotein complexes. Eight strains did not show any Photosystem II activity and fiveshowed only very weak activity. Analysis of the chloroplastmembranes of ten of these strains showed that all containedboth complexes CP I and CP II. In the case of one of these mutants,Fl 50, which was totally unable to perform the Hill reactionfrom H2O, addition of DPC restored about 25% of the DCIP photoreductionactivity. This could be interpreted tentatively in terms ofan impaired accessibility of the Photosystem II centers to electrondonors and acceptors. Ten other mutants showed the following anomalies: no PhotosystemI activity, lack of complex CP I, and higher chlorophyll fluorescenceyield and lower Chl a/Chl b ratio than the wild type. Thesefeatures appeared to be related. (Received February 8, 1979; )  相似文献   

Using 77 K chlorophyll a (Chl a) fluorescence spectra in vivo, the development was studied of Photosystems II (PS II) and I (PS I) during greening of barley under intermittent light followed by continuous light at low (LI, 50 μmol m−2 s−1) and high (HI, 1000 μmol m−2 s−1) irradiances. The greening at HI intermittent light was accompanied with significantly reduced fluorescence intensity from Chl b excitation for both PS II (F685) and PS I (F743), in comparison with LI plants, indicating that assembly of light-harvesting complexes (LHC) of both photosystems was affected to a similar degree. During greening at continuous HI, a slower increase of emission from Chl b excitation in PS II as compared with PS I was observed, indicating a preferred reduction in the accumulation of LHC II. The following characteristics of 77 K Chl a fluorescence spectra documented the photoprotective function of an elevated content of carotenoids in HI leaves: (1) a pronounced suppression of Soret region of excitation spectra (410–450 nm) in comparison with the red region (670–690 nm) during the early stage of greening indicated a strongly reduced excitation energy transfer from carotenoids to the Chl a fluorescing forms within PS I and PS II; (2) changes in the shape of the excitation band of Chl b and carotenoids (460–490 nm) during greening under continuous light confirmed that the energy transfer from carotenoids to Chl a within PS II remained lower as compared with the LI plants. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Stability of thylakoid components under supra-high irradiancewas studied with the cyanophyte Synechocystis PCC 6714. Theactivity of overall photosynthesis was quickly inactivated (T1/2=20min) under supra-high irradiance (300 W m–2, white light).In parallel with the inactivation of photosynthesis, QA in PSII was also inactivated. Both inactivations were acceleratedby chloramphenicol (CAP) addition. The reactivation of PS IIrequired weak irradiation and was suppressed by CAP. However,PS I measured as P700 was very stable. The level of PS I measuredas P700 was not significantly reduced by the irradiation for12 h even in the presence of CAP while the level of Cyt b559,component of PS II, was decreased markedly. The function ofPS I before and after supra-high irradiation with CAP was examinedby comparing sizes of P700 oxidation induced by a short flash,by a continuous light, and by determination of O2-and ferredoxin-reduction.No difference was observed in PS I actions before and afterthe irradiation treatment. These results indicate that the PSI complex is very tolerant of supra-high irradiation. However,the cells grown under supra-high irradiance contained much fewerPS I and PS II complexes than Cyt b6–f complexes. Theformer levels were reduced to a half to one fourth of thosebefore growth while the level of Cyt b6–f complex wasnot reduced so much. A possible mechanism for changes in thylakoidcomposition under supra-high irradiation was discussed. (Received February 16, 1991; Accepted June 12, 1991)  相似文献   

The cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina is unique because it mainly contains Chlorophyll d (Chl d) in the core complexes of PS I and PS II instead of the usually dominant Chl a. Furthermore, its light harvesting system has a structure also different from other cyanobacteria. It has both, a membrane-internal chlorophyll containing antenna and a membrane-external phycobiliprotein (PBP) complex. The first one binds Chl d and is structurally analogous to CP43. The latter one has a rod-like structure consisting of three phycocyanin (PC) homohexamers and one heterohexamer containing PC and allophycocyanin (APC). In this paper, we give an overview on the investigations of excitation energy transfer (EET) in this PBP-light-harvesting system and of charge separation in the photosystem II (PS II) reaction center of A. marina performed at the Technische Universität Berlin. Due to the unique structure of the PBP antenna in A. marina, this EET occurs on a much shorter overall time scale than in other cyanobacteria. We also briefly discuss the question of the pigment composition in the reaction center (RC) of PS II and the nature of the primary donor of the PS II RC.  相似文献   

The effect of regulation of photosystem (PS) composition onthe photosynthetic steady state was examined using the cyanobacteriumSynechocystis PCC 6714. Photosynthetic rates under orange lightabsorbed by phycobiliprotein (PBP) (PBP light) and under redlight absorbed mainly by chlorophyll a (Chi a light) were comparedfor the cells before and after adaptation to the respectivelight regimes. Results were as follows: (1) Photosynthetic ratesper absorbed light quantum became higher after adaptation thanthose before adaptation. (2) Under Chi a light, the low turnoverrate of PS I before adaptation was markedly enhanced after adaptation(decrease in PS I content), but in the case of adaptation toPBP light (increase in PS I content), a marked enhancement ofPS II turnover occurred after adaptation. (3) In the formercase, a low turnover rate of PS I before adaptation was dueto the occurrence of a large number of closed PS I complexes,but in the latter, limited excitation of PS I caused a largenumber of closed PS II complexes before adaptation. Resultsfor the latter case indicate that the energy transfer from phycobilisome(PBS) to one PS I complex is far smaller than that from PBSto one PS II complex, and that the imbalance of energy distributionfrom PBS to the two photosystems is compensated for by the increasein the number of PS I complexes. (Received September 10, 1987; Accepted December 9, 1987)  相似文献   

The formation of Chl-protein complexes (CPs) in cucumber cotyledonsduring a dark period after a brief illumination was studied.SDS-PAGE analysis showed that the P700-Chl a-protein complex(CP1) and Chl a-protein complex of the PS II core (CPa) increased,with a concomitant decrease in the light-harvesting Chl a/6-proteincomplex of PS II (LHCII), during 24-h dark incubation of cotyledonsafter 6h of continuous illumination. In agreement with theseresults, curve analysis revealed that spectral components characteristicof CP1 and CPa increased while those of Chi b decreased duringthe dark incubation. Since Chl is not synthesized in the dark,Chl must be released from LHCII and re-incorporated into CP1and CPa. The amounts of apoproteins of CP1 and 43 kDa protein(one of the apoproteins of CPa) increased during the dark incubation,and the increase could be inhibited by chloramphenicol (CAP).CP1 did not increase in the dark when tissues were incubatedwith CAP which inhibited the synthesis of apoproteins of CP1,indicating that CP formation by Chl redistribution needs newlysynthesized apoproteins. The decrease in LHCII apoproteins duringdark incubation was inhibited by CAP probably because Chl wasnot removed from LHCII by apoproteins of CP1 and CPa, whosesynthesis was blocked by the presence of CAP. When intermittently-illuminatedcotyledons containing a little LHCII were incubated with CaCl2in the dark, Chl b and LHCII apoproteins accumulated with thedisappearance of 43 kDa protein; Chl of 43 kDa protein may beutilized for LHCII formation. We concluded that Chl moleculesonce bound with their apoproteins are redistributed among theapoproteins. (Received October 17, 1990; Accepted December 6, 1990)  相似文献   

Methyl viologen (MV) is a well-known electron mediator that works on the acceptor side of photosystem I. We investigated the little-known, MV-induced inhibition of linear electron flow through photosystem II (PS II) in spinach-leaf discs. Even a low [MV] decreased the (1) average, light-adapted photochemical efficiency of PS II traps, (2) oxidation state of the primary quinone acceptor QA in PS II during illumination, (3) photochemical efficiency of light-adapted open PS II traps, (4) fraction of absorbed light energy dissipated constitutively in a light-independent manner or as chlorophyll (Chl) a fluorescence emission, (5) Chl a fluorescence yield corresponding to dark-adapted open reaction-center traps (F o) and closed reaction-center traps (F m), and (6) half-time for re-oxidation of QA in PS II after a single-turnover flash. These effects suggest that the presence of MV accelerates various “downhill” electron-transfer steps in PS II. Therefore, when using the MV to quantify cyclic electron flow, the inhibitory effect of MV on PS II should be taken into account.  相似文献   

Five pigment-protein complexes were isolated from digitonin-solubilizedthylakoids of Fucus serratus using sucrose density gradientcentrifugation. Two heavy fractions corresponded to PS I andPS II antennae with their active reaction-centers. A light fractionwas identified as a light-harvesting antenna, while the twoother fractions were not very well defined. The light-harvestingfractions contained the major part of the C16:1-trans-phosphatidylglycerol.The results are discussed and compared with those from Chl a/bplants taking into account the basic organization of brown algachloroplasts. (Received May 15, 1984; Accepted October 25, 1984)  相似文献   

SANDOZ 9785, also known as BASF 13.338, is a pyridazinone derivative that inhibits Photosystem II (PS II) activity leading to an imbalance in the rate of electron transport through the photosystems. Synechococcus sp. strain PCC 7942 cells grown in the presence of sublethal concentration of SANDOZ 9785 (SAN 9785) for 48 hours exhibited a 20% decrease in Chl a per cell. However, no changes were observed in the content of phycocyanin per cell, the size of the phycobilisomes or in the PS II:PS I ratio. From an estimate of PS II electron transport rate under varying light intensities and spectral qualities and analysis of room temperature Chl a fluorescence induction, it was deduced that growth of Synechococcus PCC 7942 in the presence of SAN 9785 leads to a redistribution of excitation energy in favour of PS II. Though the redistribution appears to be primarily caused by changes affecting the Chl a antenna of PS II, the extent of energetic coupling between phycobilisomes and PS II is also enhanced in SAN 9785 grown Synechococcus PCC 7942 cells. There was a reduction in the effective size of PS I antenna based on measurement of P700 photooxidation kinetics. These results indicate that when PS II is partially inhibited, the structure of photosynthetic apparatus alters to redistribute the excitation energy in favour of PS II so that the efficiency of utilization of light energy by the two photosystems is optimized. Our results suggest that under the conditions used, drastic structural changes are not essential for redistribution of excitation energy between the photosystems.Abbreviations APC Allophycocyanin - Chl a chlorophyll a - DBMIB 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophyenyl)-1,1-dimethyl urea - DCIP 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol - Fo fluorescence when all the reaction centres are open - fm fluorescence yield when all the reaction centres are closed - Fv variable chlorophyll fluorescence - HEPES N-2-Hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulphonic Acid - I50 concentration that causes 50% inhibition in activity - MV methyl viologen - pBQ para benzoquinone - PBS phycobilisome - PC phycocyanin - PS I, PS II Photosystem I, Photosystem II - P700 reaction centre Chl a of PS I - SAN 9785 SANDOZ 9785 i.e. 4-chloro-5-dimethylamino-2-phenyl-3 (2H) pyridazinone, also known as BASF 13.338  相似文献   

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