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Uridine-rich small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (U snRNPs) play key roles in pre-mRNA processing in the nucleus. The assembly of most U snRNPs takes place in the cytoplasm and is facilitated by the survival motor neuron (SMN) complex. Discrete cytoplasmic RNA granules called U bodies have been proposed to be specific sites for snRNP assembly because they contain U snRNPs and SMN. U bodies invariably associate with P bodies, which are involved in mRNA decay and translational control. However, it remains unknown whether other SMN complex proteins also localise to U bodies. In Drosophila there are four SMN complex proteins, namely SMN, Gemin2/CG10419, Gemin3 and Gemin5/Rigor mortis. Drosophila Gemin3 was originally identified as the Drosophila orthologue of human and yeast Dhh1, a component of P bodies. Through an in silico analysis of the DEAD-box RNA helicases we confirmed that Gemin3 is the bona fide Drosophila orthologue of vertebrate Gemin3 whereas the Drosophila orthologue of Dhh1 is Me31B. We then made use of the Drosophila egg chamber as a model system to study the subcellular distribution of the Gemin proteins as well as Me31B. Our cytological investigations show that Gemin2, Gemin3 and Gemin5 colocalise with SMN in U bodies. Although they are excluded from P bodies, as components of U bodies, Gemin2, Gemin3 and Gemin5 are consistently found associated with P bodies, wherein Me31B resides. In addition to a role in snRNP biogenesis, SMN complexes residing in U bodies may also be involved in mRNP assembly and/or transport.  相似文献   

A paramount question in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) research is why reduced levels of SMN, a ubiquitously expressed protein, leads to a motoneuron-specific disease. It has been hypothesized that SMN may have a dual function: a role in snRNP assembly and a novel function that affects axons. We have previously shown that decreasing Smn levels in zebrafish causes defects in motor axon outgrowth. To determine whether decreasing other components of the snRNP complex would also cause motor axon defects, we knocked down Gemin2, a SMN binding protein involved in snRNP assembly. Moderate knockdown of Gemin2 yields a large percentage of morphologically abnormal embryos with shortened trunks and overall delayed development. Examination of motor axons revealed that only embryos with abnormal body morphology had aberrant motor axons indicating that the motor axon defects are secondary to the overall body defects observed in these embryos. To directly test this, we knocked down Gemin2 specifically in motoneurons using two separate approaches and found that motor axons developed normally. Furthermore, wild-type neurons transplanted into morphologically abnormal gemin2 morphants had aberrant motor axons indicating that the motor axon defects observed when Gemin2 is decreased are secondary to the defects in body morphology. These data show that reduction of Gemin2, unlike reduction of SMN, in zebrafish embryos does not directly cause motor axon outgrowth defects. Since Gemin2 and SMN both function in snRNP biogenesis yet only SMN knockdown causes motor axon defects, these data are consistent with an additional role for SMN that is snRNP independent.  相似文献   

The motor neuron degenerative disease spinal muscular atrophy is caused by reduced expression of the survival motor neuron (SMN) protein. Here we report a genetic system developed in the chicken pre-B cell line DT40, in which the endogenous SMN gene is disrupted by homologous recombination, and SMN protein is expressed from a chicken SMN cDNA under control of a tetracycline (tet)-repressible promoter. Addition of tet results in depletion of SMN protein and consequent cell death, which directly demonstrates that SMN is required for cell viability. The tet-induced lethality can be rescued by expression of human SMN, indicating that the function of SMN is highly conserved between the two species. Cells expressing low levels of SMN display slow growth proportional to the amount of SMN they contain. Interestingly, the level of the SMN-interacting protein Gemin2 decreases significantly following depletion of SMN, supporting the conclusion that SMN and Gemin2 form a stable complex in vivo. This system provides a powerful setting for studying the function of SMN in vivo and for screening for potential therapeutics for spinal muscular atrophy.  相似文献   

Reduced expression of SMN causes spinal muscular atrophy, a severe neurodegenerative disease. Despite the importance of maintaining SMN levels, relatively little is known about the mechanisms by which SMN levels are regulated. We show here that Gemin5, the snRNA-binding protein of the SMN complex, binds directly to the SMN mRNA and regulates SMN expression. Gemin5 binds with high specificity, both in vitro and in vivo, to sequence and structural elements in the SMN mRNA 3′-untranslated region that are reminiscent of the snRNP code to which Gemin5 binds on snRNAs. Reduction of Gemin5 redistributes the SMN mRNA from heavy polysomes to lighter polysomes and monosomes, suggesting that Gemin5 functions as an activator of SMN translation. SMN protein is not stoichiometrically present on the SMN mRNA with Gemin5, but the mRNA-binding activity of Gemin5 is dependent on SMN levels, providing a feedback mechanism for SMN to regulate its own expression via Gemin5. This work both reveals a new autoregulatory pathway governing SMN expression, and identifies a new mechanism through which SMN can modulate specific mRNA expression via Gemin5.  相似文献   

In previous studies we showed that galectin-1 and galectin-3 are factors required for the splicing of pre-mRNA, as assayed in a cell-free system. Using a yeast two-hybrid screen with galectin-1 as bait, Gemin4 was identified as a putative interacting protein. Gemin4 is one component of a macromolecular complex containing approximately 15 polypeptides, including SMN (survival of motor neuron) protein. Rabbit anti-galectin-1 co-immunoprecipitated from HeLa cell nuclear extracts, along with galectin-1, polypeptides identified to be in this complex: SMN, Gemin2 and the Sm polypeptides of snRNPs. Direct interaction between Gemin4 and galectin-1 was demonstrated in glutathione S-transferase (GST) pull-down assays. We also found that galectin-3 interacted with Gemin4 and that it constituted one component of the complex co-immunoprecipitated with galectin-1. Indeed, fragments of either Gemin4 or galectin-3 exhibited a dominant negative effect when added to a cell-free splicing assay. For example, a dose-dependent inhibition of splicing was observed in the presence of exogenously added N-terminal domain of galectin-3 polypeptide. In contrast, parallel addition of either the intact galectin-3 polypeptide or the C-terminal domain failed to yield the same effect. Using native gel electrophoresis to detect complexes formed by the splicing extract, we found that with addition of the N-terminal domain the predominant portion of the radiolabeled pre-mRNA was arrested at a position corresponding to the H-complex. Inasmuch as SMN-containing complexes have been implicated in the delivery of snRNPs to the H-complex, these results provide strong evidence that galectin-1 and galectin-3, by interacting with Gemin4, play a role in spliceosome assembly in vivo.  相似文献   

The SMN complex   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The survival of motor neurons (SMN) protein is the product of the disease-determining gene of the neurodegenerative disorder spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). SMN is part of a stable multiprotein complex that is found in all metazoan cells in the cytoplasm and in nuclear Gems. The SMN complex contains, in addition to SMN, at least six other proteins, named Gemins2-7, and plays an essential role in the assembly of the spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs). Through its binding to specific sequences in the snRNAs, the SMN complex surveys the correct identity of the target RNAs and facilitates snRNP assembly. Based on its ability to interact with several other protein and RNA components of cellular RNPs, it is likely that the SMN complex functions as an assemblyosome in the formation of diverse RNP particles, some of which may be of particular importance to the motor neuron. A detailed understanding of the cellular roles of the SMN complex may help the development of therapeutic strategies for this neurodegenerative disease.  相似文献   

Zhang R  So BR  Li P  Yong J  Glisovic T  Wan L  Dreyfuss G 《Cell》2011,146(3):384-395
The SMN complex mediates the assembly of heptameric Sm protein rings on small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), which are essential for snRNP function. Specific Sm core assembly depends on Sm proteins and snRNA recognition by SMN/Gemin2- and Gemin5-containing subunits, respectively. The mechanism by which the Sm proteins are gathered while preventing illicit Sm assembly on non-snRNAs is unknown. Here, we describe the 2.5?? crystal structure of Gemin2 bound to SmD1/D2/F/E/G pentamer and SMN's Gemin2-binding domain, a key assembly intermediate. Remarkably, through its extended conformation, Gemin2 wraps around the crescent-shaped pentamer, interacting with all five Sm proteins, and gripping its bottom and top sides and outer perimeter. Gemin2 reaches into the RNA-binding pocket, preventing RNA binding. Interestingly, SMN-Gemin2 interaction is abrogated by a spinal muscular atrophy (SMA)-causing mutation in an SMN helix that mediates Gemin2 binding. These findings provide insight into SMN complex assembly and specificity, linking snRNP biogenesis and SMA pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The survival of motor neurons (SMN) protein, the product of the neurodegenerative disease spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) gene, is localized both in the cytoplasm and in discrete nuclear bodies called gems. In both compartments SMN is part of a large complex that contains several proteins including Gemin2 (formerly SIP1) and the DEAD box protein Gemin3. In the cytoplasm, the SMN complex is associated with snRNP Sm core proteins and plays a critical role in spliceosomal snRNP assembly. In the nucleus, SMN is required for pre-mRNA splicing by serving in the regeneration of spliceosomes. These functions are likely impaired in cells of SMA patients because they have reduced levels of functional SMN. Here, we report the identification by nanoelectrospray mass spectrometry of a novel component of the SMN complex that we name Gemin4. Gemin4 is associated in vivo with the SMN complex through a direct interaction with Gemin3. The tight interaction of Gemin4 with Gemin3 suggests that it could serve as a cofactor of this DEAD box protein. Gemin4 also interacts directly with several of the Sm core proteins. Monoclonal antibodies against Gemin4 efficiently immunoprecipitate the spliceosomal U snRNAs U1 and U5 from Xenopus oocytes cytoplasm. Immunolocalization experiments show that Gemin4 is colocalized with SMN in the cytoplasm and in gems. Interestingly, Gemin4 is also detected in the nucleoli, suggesting that the SMN complex may also function in preribosomal RNA processing or ribosome assembly.  相似文献   

The survival of motor neurons (SMN) complex is essential for the biogenesis of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) as it binds to and delivers Sm proteins for assembly of Sm cores on the abundant small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs). Using the conserved snRNAs encoded by the lymphotropic Herpesvirus saimiri (HVS), we determined the specific sequence and structural features of RNAs for binding to the SMN complex and for Sm core assembly. We show that the minimal SMN complex-binding domain in snRNAs, except U1, is comprised of an Sm site (AUUUUUG) and an adjacent 3' stem-loop. The adenosine and the first and third uridines of the Sm site are particularly critical for binding of the SMN complex, which directly contacts the backbone phosphates of these uridines. The specific sequence of the adjacent stem (7 to 12 base pairs)-loop (4 to 17 nucleotides) is not important for SMN complex binding, but it must be located within a short distance of the 3' end of the RNA for an Sm core to assemble. Importantly, these defining characteristics are discerned by the SMN complex and not by the Sm proteins, which can bind to and assemble on an Sm site sequence alone. These findings demonstrate that the SMN complex is the identifier, as well as assembler, of the abundant class of snRNAs in cells because it is able to recognize an snRNP code that they contain.  相似文献   

RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) play crucial roles in all organisms. The protein Gemin5 harbors two functional domains. The N-terminal domain binds to snRNAs targeting them for snRNPs assembly, while the C-terminal domain binds to IRES elements through a non-canonical RNA-binding site. Here we report a comprehensive view of the Gemin5 interactome; most partners copurified with the N-terminal domain via RNA bridges. Notably, Gemin5 sediments with the subcellular ribosome fraction, and His-Gemin5 binds to ribosome particles via its N-terminal domain. The interaction with the ribosome was lost in F381A and Y474A Gemin5 mutants, but not in W14A and Y15A. Moreover, the ribosomal proteins L3 and L4 bind directly with Gemin5, and conversely, Gemin5 mutants impairing the binding to the ribosome are defective in the interaction with L3 and L4. The overall polysome profile was affected by Gemin5 depletion or overexpression, concomitant to an increase or a decrease, respectively, of global protein synthesis. Gemin5, and G5-Nter as well, were detected on the polysome fractions. These results reveal the ribosome-binding capacity of the N-ter moiety, enabling Gemin5 to control global protein synthesis. Our study uncovers a crosstalk between this protein and the ribosome, and provides support for the view that Gemin5 may control translation elongation.  相似文献   

The Sm binding sites of different spliceosomal U small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), the RNA structural elements required for interaction with common snRNP proteins, have been considered to be similar or identical. Here we show that this is not the case. Instead, structural and sequence features unique to U1 or U5 snRNAs that contribute to common protein binding are identified. The determinants of Sm protein binding in both RNAs are complex, consisting in U5 of minimally two and in U1 of minimally four separate structural elements. Even the most conserved features of the two RNAs, single-stranded regions whose generalized sequence is PuA(U)nGPu, are not functionally interchangeable in protein binding. At least one of the newly defined RNA elements functions in assembly with the common proteins, but is not required for their stable binding thereafter. U1, but not U5, snRNP requires a trimethyl guanosine cap structure for its transport to the nucleus. This is not a consequence of the differences in common snRNP binding to the two RNAs, but is due to structural features of U1 RNA that do not contribute to Sm protein binding.  相似文献   

The SMN complex,an assemblyosome of ribonucleoproteins   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Spinal muscular atrophy is a common, often lethal, neurodegenerative disease that results from low levels of, or loss-of-function mutations in, the SMN (survival of motor neurons) protein. SMN oligomerizes and forms a stable complex with five additional proteins: Gemins 2-6. SMN also interacts with several additional proteins referred to as "substrates". Most of these substrates contain a domain enriched in arginine and glycine residues (the RG-rich domain), and are constituents of different ribonucleoprotein complexes. Recent studies revealed that the substrates can be modified by an arginine methyltransferase complex, the methylosome. This forms symmetrical dimethylarginines within the RG-rich domains of the substrates, thereby converting them to high-affinity binders of the SMN complex, and most likely providing regulation of the ribonucleoprotein assembly processes.  相似文献   

Childhood spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is caused by a reduction in survival motor neuron (SMN) protein. SMN is expressed in every cell type, but it is predominantly the lower motor neurones of the spinal cord that degenerate in SMA. SMN has been linked to the axonal transport of β-actin mRNA, a breakdown in which could trigger disease onset. It is known that SMN is present in transport ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) granules that also contain Gemin2 and Gemin3. To further characterise these granules we have performed live cell imaging of GFP-tagged SMN, GFP-Gemin2, GFP-Gemin3, GFP-Gemin6 and GFP-Gemin7. In all, we have made two important observations: (1) SMN granules appear metamorphic; and (2) the SMN-Gemin complex(es) appears to localise to two distinct subsets of bodies in neurites; stationary bodies and smaller dynamic bodies. This study provides an insight into the neuronal function of the SMN complex.  相似文献   

Protein complexes are dynamic entities; identification and quantitation of their components is critical in elucidating functional roles under specific cellular conditions. We report the first quantitative proteomic analysis of the human cap-binding protein complex. Components and proteins associated with the translation initiation eIF4F complex that may affect complex formation were identified and quantitated under distinct growth conditions. Site-specific phosphorylation of eIF4E and eIF4G and elevated levels of eIF4G:eIF4E complexes in phorbol ester treated HEK293 cells, and in serum-starved tumorigenic human mesenchymal stromal cells, attested to their activated translational states. The WD-repeat, scaffolding-protein Gemin5 was identified as a novel eIF4E binding partner, which interacted directly with eIF4E through a motif (YXXXXLPhi) present in a number of eIF4E-interacting partners. Elevated levels of Gemin5:eIF4E complexes were found in phorbol ester treated HEK293 cells. Gemin5 and eIF4E co-localized to cytoplasmic P-bodies in human osteosarcoma U2OS cells. Interaction between eIF4E and Gemin5 and their co-localization to the P-bodies, may serve to recruit capped mRNAs to these RNP complexes, for functions related to RNP assembly, remodeling and/or transition from active translation to mRNA degradation. Our results demonstrate that our quantitative proteomic strategy can be applied to the identification and quantitation of protein complex components in human cells grown under different conditions.  相似文献   

The SMN complex is essential for the biogenesis of small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), the major constituents of the spliceosome. Deficiency in functional SMN protein causes spinal muscular atrophy, a common motor neuron degenerative disease of severity commensurate with SMN levels and, correspondingly, snRNP assembly decreases. We developed a high-throughput screen for snRNP assembly modifiers and discovered that reactive oxygen species (ROS) inhibit SMN-complex activity in a dose-dependent manner. ROS-generating compounds, e.g., the environmental toxins menadione and beta-lapachone (in vivo IC(50) = 0.45 muM) also cause intermolecular disulfide crosslinking of SMN. Both the oxidative inactivation and SMN crosslinking can be reversed by reductants. We identified two cysteines that form SMN-SMN disulfide crosslinks, defining specific contact points in oligomeric SMN. Thus, the SMN complex is a redox-sensitive assemblyosome and an ROS target, suggesting that it may play a role in oxidative stress pathophysiology, which is associated with many degenerative diseases.  相似文献   

The survival of motor neurons (SMN) gene is the disease gene of spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), a common motor neuron degenerative disease. The SMN protein is part of a complex containing several proteins, of which one, SIP1 (SMN interacting protein 1), has been characterized so far. The SMN complex is found in both the cytoplasm and in the nucleus, where it is concentrated in bodies called gems. In the cytoplasm, SMN and SIP1 interact with the Sm core proteins of spliceosomal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs), and they play a critical role in snRNP assembly. In the nucleus, SMN is required for pre-mRNA splicing, likely by serving in the regeneration of snRNPs. Here, we report the identification of another component of the SMN complex, a novel DEAD box putative RNA helicase, named Gemin3. Gemin3 interacts directly with SMN, as well as with SmB, SmD2, and SmD3. Immunolocalization studies using mAbs to Gemin3 show that it colocalizes with SMN in gems. Gemin3 binds SMN via its unique COOH-terminal domain, and SMN mutations found in some SMA patients strongly reduce this interaction. The presence of a DEAD box motif in Gemin3 suggests that it may provide the catalytic activity that plays a critical role in the function of the SMN complex on RNPs.  相似文献   

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