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The interaction of the amnesic agent 2-deoxygalactose with fucose incorporation into glycoproteins in day-old chick forebrain has been studied with the aim of identifying glycoproteins whose synthesis is modified during memory formation. 2-Deoxygalactose inhibited total exogenous [14C]fucose incorporation into the forebrain glycoproteins by 26%. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gradient gel analysis revealed that intracerebrally injected 2-[3H]deoxygalactose labelled the same eight major glycoprotein bands as were identified using [14C]fucose labelling. Subsequent investigations focussed on these selected components. Subcellular fractionation showed that between 4 and 24 h after administration of the deoxy-sugar, the incorporated radioactivity was found predominantly at the synaptic sites, some glycoproteins being more abundant in synaptic plasma membranes and others in postsynaptic densities. This distribution pattern varied according to the time after injection. The effect of passive avoidance training, using a methylanthranilate-coated bead, on [14C]fucose incorporation into forebrain was to decrease fucose uptake into components of molecular mass 150-180 kilodaltons but to increase significantly labelling of glycoproteins of molecular mass 33 and 28 kilodaltons. The possible implications of these training-induced changes are discussed.  相似文献   

We have used synaptic plasma membranes (SPMs) and postsynaptic densities (PSDs) to study protein phosphorylation at the synapse in the developing chick forebrain and in 1-day-old chick forebrain following training on a passive avoidance task. Endogenous phosphorylation patterns in SPMs and PSDs prepared by extraction with n-octylglucoside isolated from chick forebrain were investigated by labelling with [32P]ATP. The phosphoprotein components of the SPM and PSD fractions were separated using sodium dodecyl sulphate gradient polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Autoradiography and densitometry of the Coomassie Blue protein staining pattern revealed phosphate incorporation into several SPM components including those of molecular mass 52, 37, and 29 kilodaltons (kDa). Bands of similar molecular mass were not phosphorylated in PSD fractions. This difference in phosphorylation between SPMs and PSDs was not due to the detergent n-octylglucoside. In a developmental study in which SPM and PSD fractions were prepared from 1-day-old, 14-day-old, and 21-day-old chickens, the phosphorylation patterns of SPMs were similar throughout, but striking differences occurred in PSDs, both in the level of phosphorylation and in the components phosphorylated. A time-course study was carried out in which phosphorylation of SPMs and PSDs from 1-day-old chicks trained on a passive avoidance task was compared with patterns from control chicks trained on a water-coated bead and untrained chicks. In SPMs prepared from forebrains removed 10 mins following training, a consistent but nonsignificant decrease (-21%) in phosphorylation of a 52 kDa band occurred in chicks with passive avoidance training compared with water-trained and untrained chicks.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract: The preparation and characterisation of a monoclonal antibody to an antigen enriched in day-old chick brain postsynaptic densities (PSDs), with respect to other subcellular loci, are described. Immunolabelling with this antibody produced a dendritic immunoprecipitate that was markedly stronger in PSDs than in other subcellular loci. Thus, the antiserum could be used as a marker for PSDs during their purification by subcellular fractionation, as well as in the study of PSD assembly. Monoclonal antibody 411B has already been shown to be a useful tool in the chemical determination of changes in synapse density after various experimental manipulations in both the chick and rat. In the present study, we have used the antiserum to monitor the appearance and maintenance or redundancy of synaptic components in the developing chick forebrain.  相似文献   

Abstract: Incorporation of [1H]fucose into the TCA-precipitable material from the particulate and soluble fractions of different regions of the brain in the 1-day-old chick was measured following training on a passive avoidance task. A significant increase in the level of incorporation of [3H]fucose into the particulate fraction of the anterior forebrain roof was observed in the trained birds as compared with untrained controls. The percentage increases in radioactivity in the particulate fraction of the anterior forebrain roof were 29% ( p < 0.01), 16% ( p < 0.01), and 26% ( p < 0.01) in the trained birds as compared with controls, 30 min, 3 h, and 24 h following learning, respectively, but had returned to control levels after 48 h. These results suggest either increased production of glycoproteins or increased fucosylation of preexisting proteins following training, and suggest one of the possible localized neurochemical changes associated with the learning of the passive avoidance response.  相似文献   

Abstract: The distribution of a glycoprotein component of the muscle dystrophin complex, β-dystroglycan, has been determined in subcellular fractions of adult rat forebrain. The results show that β-dystroglycan is enriched in several membrane fractions, including synaptic membranes, but in marked contrast to dystrophin is not detectable in the postsynaptic density fraction. The antiserum also recognises a second molecular species of apparent molecular mass of 164 kDa which is highly enriched in the postsynaptic density fraction. Preabsorption of the antiserum with the antigen (a 22-mer peptide corresponding to the C-terminal sequence of rabbit skeletal muscle β-dystroglycan) abolished reactivity against both β-dystroglycan and the 164-kDa postsynaptic density-enriched protein, confirming that the two species are immunologically related. Enzymatic removal of N-linked oligosaccharide lowered the apparent molecular mass of β-dystroglycan by 3 kDa but did not alter the mass of the 164-kDa species.  相似文献   

Abstract: We have investigated the role of arachidonic acid, a putative retrograde messenger, in a one-trial aversive learning task in the day-old chick. The left and right intermediate medial hyperstriatum ventrale (IMHV) in the chick forebrain have previously been implicated in the formation of memory for this task. Using an ex vivo technique we have determined the concentrations of various fatty acids liberated from prisms prepared from these brain regions at different time points up to 24 h following passive avoidance training. At 30, 60, and 75 min post-training the concentration of arachidonic acid, but not of other fatty acids, in prisms prepared from the left IMHV, but not the right IMHV, was enhanced compared with that in chicks trained on a nonaversive water-coated bead. To test whether arachidonic acid liberation from the left IMHV was receptor-stimulated we showed that (a) liberation of endogenous arachidonic acid from homogenate prepared from the left and right IMHV of untrained chicks was stimulated by depolarization with KCl (50 m M ) and that (b) glutamate agonists of the NMDA and metabotropic subtypes of glutamate receptor stimulated release of preloaded [14C]arachidonic acid from prisms prepared from the left IMHV but not the right IMHV. These results indicate that arachidonic acid is liberated from the left IMHV following passive avoidance training in the day-old chick and may play a role as a retrograde messenger in this memory task.  相似文献   

Slices from the forebrains of day-old chicks represent a highly active in vitro protein-synthesising system. The in vitro incorporation of L-[14C]leucine into protein of slices was estimated to be 2.5 mmol/mg protein/h. Incorporation was linear over 90 min of incubation and was suppressed by 92% by 1 mM cycloheximide. The highest incorporation was into microsomal and cell-soluble fractions. Under the electron microscope, slices appeared vacuolated near the cut surfaces, but well preserved internally (greater than 40 micron from the edge). Autoradiography showed that radioactivity was incorporated evenly across the slice with no decrease in label in the central part of the tissue. The rate of incorporation was only weakly dependent on leucine concentration in the medium (0.04-1 mM). Addition of a mixture of unlabelled amino acids (1 mM) produced a 20-50% inhibition of incorporation of radioactive L-leucine depending on the amino acids involved. In slices prepared from chicks 1 h after training on a one-trial passive avoidance paradigm, L-[14C]leucine incorporation was 23% higher (p less than 0.01) in the forebrain roof than in slices from control chicks. This figure is comparable to the one previously reported in vivo. Subcellular fractionation of incubated slices from the forebrain roof of trained and control birds revealed that the increased protein synthesis was due mainly to an elevated leucine incorporation into the soluble fraction.  相似文献   

Abstract: Incorporation of [14T]leucine into trichloracetic acid-precipitable material and tubulin-enriched fractions, and total tubulin levels as determined by colchicine-binding activity and retention on DE81 filter discs, were measured in various regions of the chick brain following training on a one-trial passive avoidance task, suppression of pecking at a chromed bead as a consequence of the aversive taste of methylanthranilate. Radioactive pulse time was 0.5 h. The only brain region in which changes were found was the anterior forebrain roof, the same area in which biochemical changes in response to exposure of the birds to an imprinting stimulus have been observed previously. In the anterior forebrain roof the changes observed as a consequence of training were detectable at 0.5 and 24 h after the 10-s training experience but not 48 h subsequently. One-half hour after training, there were increases of the order of 20 or 30% in [14T]leucine incorporation into particulate and postmitochondrial TCA-precipitable material and a tubulin-enriched fraction purified as above. There were comparable increases in the total amount of colchicine-binding activity. By 48 h, none of these increases were detectable. Subcellular fractionation of the particulate fraction showed that most of the increase of incorporation into the tubulin-enriched fraction and in colchicine-binding activity was present in the soluble content of the synaptosomes; there were no increases in either measure in the synaptic membrane fraction. The possible role of changed levels and turnover of tubulin in the plastic responses of the brain to learning experiences is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Dystrophin associates with a 58-kDa and an 87-kDa protein in the postsynaptic membrane of the Torpedo electric organ. We have previously shown that the 87-kDa protein is a major phosphotyrosine-containing protein in these membranes. Immunoprecipitation of the 87-kDa protein from phosphorylated postsynaptic membranes results in coimmunoprecipitation of additional phosphoproteins. These phosphoproteins are identified as dystrophin and the 58-kDa protein. Monoclonal antibodies to dystrophin and the 58-kDa protein immunoprecipitate phosphorylated forms of these proteins from postsynaptic membranes phosphorylated in vitro. Phosphoamino acid analysis reveals that dystrophin and the 58-kDa protein are phosphorylated on serine and tyrosine residues. In addition, both dystrophin and the 58-kDa protein are shown to be phosphorylated on tyrosine residues in vivo. These results suggest that the synaptic function of dystrophin and its associated proteins, the 58-kDa and 87-kDa proteins, may be modulated by tyrosine and serine protein Phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Synaptic membrane and postsynaptic density (PSD) fractions isolated from canine cerebral cortex and cerebellum were assayed for the following proteins: adenylate cyclase and phosphodiesterase (PDE) activities against cyclic AMP and cyclic GMP, the regulatory subunit of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, and the substrate proteins for this kinase. The results were expressed on the basis of both the protein content of the fractions and the number of synapses in the synaptic membrane fractions. The number of synapses on a constant protein content basis was about three times higher in the cerebral cortex synaptic membrane fraction than in the comparable cerebellar fraction. Adenylate cyclase activity was from 3.4 to 5.6 times higher in the cerebral cortex membrane fraction than in the cerebellar membrane fraction based on protein content but only slightly higher based on synapse counts. PSD fractions had no adenylate cyclase activity. The cyclic AMP-PDE activity was from 17 to 27 times higher in the cerebral cortex membrane fraction than in the cerebellar membrane fraction based on protein content, and about five times higher based on synapse counts. By doing PDE histochemistry at the electron microscopy level it was found that all the cerebral cortex PSDs in the isolated fraction contained PDE activity, none being found associated with the broken-up material in the fraction. The amount of the regulatory subunit of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase was about equal in the two fractions based on protein, but about one-third lower in cerebral cortex fraction than in cerebellar fractions. In the cerebral cortex membrane fraction the primary substrate for the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase is synapsin I, with much lower amounts in the cerebellar membrane fraction. The PSD fraction from the two sources also showed these differences in synapsin I content. In the cerebellar membrane fraction, the primary substrate for the enzyme is a approximately 245,000 Mr protein not found in the cerebral cortex membrane fraction. The findings that the turnover of cyclic AMP is much higher in cerebral cortex synapses than in cerebellar synapses, and that differences are found between the cerebral cortex and cerebellum with regard to the substrate proteins for the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase indicate a divergence in the effect of cyclic AMP between cerebral cortex and cerebellar synapses.  相似文献   

Abstract: The postsynaptic apparatus is associated with a number of glycoproteins with apparent molecular masses of 180, 116, and 110 kDa, which are highly concentrated in and may be uniquely associated with this structure. These glycoproteins, purified by concanavalin A lectin-affinity chromatography, showed immunoreactivity in the present study with subunit-specific antibodies to glutamate receptors as follows: GP 180, NMDA receptor subunits NR2A/NR2B; GP 116, NMDA receptor NR1 (1a); and GP 110, pan-α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionate (pan-AMPA) receptors. Sensitivities to the glycosidases peptide N -glycosidase F and endo -β- N -acetylglucosaminidase H on both western blots and silver-stained gels suggested that the glutamate receptors were at least major constituents of the glycoprotein bands. Similar detailed glycosylation was observed for all three glycoproteins, with neutral oligosaccharides being dominant. Oligomannosidic glycans (with from five to nine mannoses) accounted for ∼50% of the neutral sugars, with Man 5 (at almost 20% of the neutral sugars) always the major glycan. Other abundant neutral oligosaccharides were of the complex type. Similar sensitivities to peptide N -glycosidase F and endo -β- N -acetylglucosaminidase H were observed for cell line-expressed NMDA receptor subunits, suggesting that irrespective of the glycosylation processing available, the least highly processed oligosaccharides will be expressed. This may be indicative of glycosylation sites in these receptors that are inaccessible to the later processing enzymes and favours the oligomannosidic class of glycans in functional roles.  相似文献   

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