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Reaction of [WVIS4]2− with ethane-1,2-dithiol edtH2 in the presence of the sulfide scavenger Cd2+ yielded the dinuclear tungstate syn-[{(edt)WV(O/S)}2(μ-S)2]2− (1), with the terminal S/O disordered over the two tungsten sites in the ratio 0.8:02. In the presence of thiocyanate, phosphine and CuI, the anionic cuboidal clusters of composition [{(SCN)3WV}2{CuI(PPh3)}23-S)4]2− (2) and (3, diphos = 1,2-bis(o-diphenylphosphinophenyl)ethane), and possibly via an intermediate [{(SCN)3WVS}2(μ-S)2]4−. The crystal and molecular structures of [Et4N]21, [Et4N]22 · H2O and [Et4N]23 · H2O have been determined.  相似文献   

Reactions of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with the diarylthallium(III) bromides Ar2TlBr [Ar = Ph and p-ClC6H4] in methanol gave good yields of the thallium(III) adducts [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlAr2]+, isolated as their salts. The corresponding selenide complex [Pt2(μ-Se)2(PPh3)4TlPh2]BPh4 was similarly synthesised from [Pt2(μ-Se)2(PPh3)4], Ph2TlBr and NaBPh4. The reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with PhTlBr2 gave [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlBrPh]+, while reaction with TlBr3 gave the dibromothallium(III) adduct [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlBr2]+[TlBr4]. The latter complex is a rare example of a thallium(III) dihalide complex stabilised solely by sulfur donor ligands. X-ray crystal structure determinations on the complexes [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlPh2]BPh4, [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlBrPh]BPh4 and [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4TlBr2][TlBr4] reveal a greater interaction between the thallium(III) centre and the two sulfide ligands on stepwise replacement of Ph by Br, as indicated by shorter Tl-S and Pt?Tl distances, and an increasing S-Tl-S bond angle. Investigations of the ESI MS fragmentation behaviour of the thallium(III) complexes are reported.  相似文献   

Reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with a number of transition metal-iodo complexes leads to the formation of the cationic iodo analogue [Pt2(μ-S)(μ-I)(PPh3)4]+, identified using electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (ESI MS). Synthetic routes to this complex were developed, using the reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with either [PtI2(PPh3)2] or elemental iodine. The complex was characterised by NMR spectroscopy, ESI MS and an X-ray structure determination, which reveals the presence of a planar, disordered {Pt2SI}+ core. Monitoring the iodine reaction by ESI MS allows the identification of various iodine species, including the short-lived intermediate [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4I]+, which allows a mechanism for the reaction to be proposed.  相似文献   

The reactions of [ReCl22-NNC(O)Ph}(PPh3)2] (1) with t-BuOOH, in C6H6 or chlorinated solvents, at room temperature or with MeOH upon reflux in air lead to the trichloro-η1-benzoyldiazenido [ReCl31-NNC(O)Ph}(PPh3)2] (2) or the methoxy-oxo [ReOCl2(OMe)(PPh3)2] (3) compound, respectively, which have been characterized by spectroscopic and FAB+-MS methods, elemental and single crystal X-ray diffraction analyses. They show distorted octahedral coordinaiton geometries with trans triphenylphosphine ligands, an essentially linear η1-diazenido moiety in 2 and the methoxy group in 3 in trans position to the oxo ligand.  相似文献   

The reactions of [Pt2(μ-E)2(PPh3)4] (E = S, Se) with cis-1,4-dichlorobut-2-ene (cis-ClCH2CHCHCH2Cl) give the dichalcogenolate complexes [Pt2(μ-ECH2CHCHCH2E)(PPh3)4]2+; an X-ray structure determination on the thiolate complex was carried out. The complexes give the expected dications in ESI mass spectra recorded at very low cone voltages, but at moderate cone voltages undergo facile fragmentation via a retro-Diels-Alder reaction and loss of 1,3-butadiene, giving the dichalcogenide species [Pt2(μ-E2)(PPh3)4]2+. Analogous species containing bidentate phosphine or arsine ligands have been previously generated electrochemically, and studied theoretically.  相似文献   

The title complexes, [M(Diap)2(OAc)2] · H2O (M = Zn,Cd; Diap = 1,3-diazepane-2-thione; OAc = acetate) with an MO2S2 configuration, have been characterized by X-ray crystallography as well as FT-IR, 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. In these complexes, the metal atoms lie in a pseudo-tetrahedral environment and are coordinated by the thione sulfur atoms of two neutral 1,3-diazepane-2-thione ligands and one oxygen atom from each of two monodentate acetate anions. In both complexes, there are two intramolecular N-H?O hydrogen bonds, each being between one NH group of a Diap ligand and the uncoordinated O atom of an OAc ligand. The water molecule is also involved in hydrogen bonds, as an acceptor and as a donor twice, linking together three symmetry-related complexes. The Cd complex undergoes a structural phase transition from a monoclinic form at 150 K with Z′ = 2 to a smaller monoclinic cell at room temperature with Z′ = 1 without loss of crystallinity. The Zn complex does not exhibit an equivalent phase transition, and at 150 K is isostructural with the room-temperature form of the Cd complex. All three crystallographically independent molecules found for the Cd complex (two at low temperature and one at room temperature) have essentially the same structure except for small changes in the conformations of the ligands. Tetrahedral coordination with monodentate carboxylate ligands is common for Zn complexes of this kind, but is unusual for Cd complexes, and is the result of the bulky Diap ligands.  相似文献   

Photolysis of M2(CO)4(μ-S-t-Bu)2, where M = Rh or Ir, in Nujol matrices at ca. 90 K results in simple CO loss to form a tricarbonyl intermediate analogous to that observed for Rh2(CO)4(μ-Cl)2. Photolysis of the anions, [M(CO)2Cl2]1−, where M = Rh or Ir, in inert ionic matrices at ca. 90 K, results in CO-loss to form an intermediate analogous to that formed by Rh(CO)2(i-Pr2HN)Cl. Finally, photolysis of trans-Ir(CO)(PMe3)2Cl in a Nujol matrix at ca. 90 K gives rise to a new species whose carbonyl band is shifted slightly down in energy as has been observed for trans-Rh(CO)(PMe3)2Cl. In all cases the iridium compounds behave similarly to the rhodium species although the photon energy for iridium photochemistry is typically above that of the rhodium compounds.  相似文献   

The reactions of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with excess PbBr2 or PbI2 in methanolic suspension result in the formation of the neutral lead(II) halide adducts [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4PbX2] (X = Br, I). The X-ray structure determination of the lead iodide adduct reveals an essentially tetrahedral lead(II) centre, which is a rare coordination geometry for lead(II), which almost invariably is hemidirected, with a stereochemically active lone pair. In contrast, the structure of the PbBr2 adduct, although suffering from some disorder, shows a more typical, distorted arrangement of ligands; these results are discussed in terms of the tendency for soft, bulky ligands to promote symmetric, holodirected geometries. The ESI mass spectra of the adducts are reported, and yield [M−halide]+ ions.  相似文献   

Further studies have been carried out into the reactivity of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] towards a range of activated alkylating agents of the type RC(O)CH2X (R = organic moiety, e.g. phenyl, pyrenyl; X = Cl, Br). Alkylation of both sulfide centers is observed for PhC(O)CH2Br, 3-(bromoacetyl)coumarin [CouC(O)CH2Br], and 1-(bromoacetyl)pyrene [PyrC(O)CH2Br], giving dications [Pt2{μ-SCH2C(O)R}2(PPh3)4]2+, isolated as their PF6 salts. The X-ray structure of [Pt2{μ-SCH2C(O)Ph}2(PPh3)4](PF6)2 shows the presence of short Pt?O contacts. In contrast, the corresponding chloro compounds [typified by PhC(O)CH2Cl] and imino analogues [e.g. PhC(NOH)CH2Br] do not dialkylate [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4]. The ability of PhC(O)CH2Br to dialkylate [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] allows the synthesis of new mixed-alkyl dithiolate derivatives of the type [Pt2{μ-SCH2C(O)Ph}(μ-SR)(PPh3)4]2+ (R = Et or n-Bu), through alkylation of in situ-generated monoalkylated compounds [Pt2(μ-S)(μ-SR)(PPh3)4]+ (from [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] and excess RBr). In these heterodialkylated systems ligand replacement of PPh3 occurs by the bromide ions in the reaction mixture forming monocations [Pt2{μ-SCH2C(O)Ph}(μ-SR)(PPh3)3Br]+. This ligand substitution can be easily suppressed by addition of PPh3 to the reaction mixture. The complex [Pt2{μ-SCH2C(O)Ph}(μ-SBu)(PPh3)4]2+ was crystallographically characterized. X-ray crystal structures of the bromide-containing complexes [Pt2{μ-SCH2C(O)Ph}(μ-SR)(PPh3)3Br]+ (R = Et, Bu) are also reported. In both structures the coordinated bromide is trans to the SCH2C(O)Ph ligand, which adopts an axial position, while the ethyl and butyl substituents adopt equatorial positions, in contrast to the structures of the dialkylated complexes [Pt2{μ-SCH2C(O)Ph}2(PPh3)4]2+ and [Pt2{μ-SCH2C(O)Ph}(μ-SBu)(PPh3)4]2+ (and many other known analogues) where both alkyl groups adopt axial positions.  相似文献   

A mixed ligand and dimeric CuII complex [(phen)2Cu(μ-L)Cu(phen)2]L · 12.5H2O (H2L = succinic acid) containing bridging succinate moiety and also non-coordinated succinate dianion was prepared from polymeric Cu(II) succinate by nucleophilic reaction with o-phenanthroline (phen) followed by depolymerization. The dimeric product was characterized by crystallographic, spectroscopic and thermoanalytical studies. The complex crystallizes in triclinic crystal system and is composed of succinate bridged [(phen)2Cu(μ-L)Cu(phen)2]2+ complex cations, non-coordinated succinate anions and hydrogen bonded water molecules. Within the dimeric cationic unit, each of the Cu atoms is octahedrally coordinated by four N atoms of both phen ligands and both O atoms of a carboxylate moiety of the bridging succinate group in chelating form. Through intermolecular π-π stacking interactions, the complex cations form positively charged 2-D layers, between which the non-coordinating succinate anions and water molecules are sandwiched. Both the electronic and EPR studies indicate that the dimeric complex undergoes partial dissociation in solution state to exist in two structural forms. The kinetic and thermodynamic parameters involved in three stage thermal decompositions of the dimeric complex could also be evaluated using Coats-Redfern method.  相似文献   

The complexes [Cu(DPS)(H2O)Cl2] · H2O (1a) and [{Cu(DPS)Cl}2μ-(Cl)2] (1b) where DPS = Di(2-pyridyl)sulfide have been synthesized and characterized using elemental analysis, thermal analysis (TG/DSC), vibrational and electronic spectroscopies as well as electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR). Additionally, the crystal and molecular structures of both compounds have been determined by X-ray diffraction techniques.  相似文献   

The metalloligand [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] reacts with Bi(S2CNEt2)3 or Bi(S2COEt)3 in methanol to produce the orange cationic adducts [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4Bi(S2CNEt2)2]+ and [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4Bi(S2COEt)2]+, respectively, isolated as their hexafluorophosphate salts. An X-ray structure determination on [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4Bi(S2CNEt2)2]PF6 reveals the presence of a six-coordinated bismuth centre with an approximately nido-pentagonal bipyramidal coordination geometry. Fragmentation pathways for both complexes have been probed using electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry; ions [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)2Bi(S2CXEtn)2]+ (X = O, n = 1, X = N, n = 2) are formed by selective loss of two PPh3 ligands, and at higher cone voltages the species [(Ph3P)PtS2Bi]+ is observed. Ions formed by loss of CS2 are also observed for the xanthate but not the dithiocarbamate ions.  相似文献   

Routes to the synthesis of the mixed sulfide-phenylthiolate complex [Pt2(μ-S)(μ-SPh)(PPh3)4]+ have been explored; reaction of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with excess Ph2IBr proceeds readily to selectively produce this complex, which was structurally characterised as its PF6 salt. Reactions of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] with other potent arylating reagents (1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene and 1,5-difluoro-2,4-dinitrobenzene) also produce the corresponding nitroaryl-thiolate complexes [Pt2(μ-S){μ-SC6H2(NO2)2X}(PPh3)4]+ (X = H, F). The complex [Pt2(μ-S)(μ-SPh)(PPh3)4]+ reacts with Me2SO4 to produce the mixed alkyl/aryl bis-thiolate complex [Pt2(μ-SMe)(μ-SPh)(PPh3)4]2+, but corresponding reactions with the nitroaryl-thiolate complexes are plagued by elimination of the nitroaryl group and formation of [Pt2(μ-SMe)2(PPh3)4]2+. [Pt2(μ-S)(μ-SPh)(PPh3)4]+ also reacts with Ph3PAuCl to give [Pt2(μ-SAuPPh3)(μ-SPh)(PPh3)4]2+.  相似文献   

The reactions of [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] towards a range of palladium(II) complexes containing organometallic ligands (cyclopalladated N-donor ligands, η3-allyl, phenyl) have been explored, leading to the formation of a series of cationic, trinuclear sulfido-bridged aggregates containing {Pt2PdS2} cores. [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4] also reacts with the platinum(II) hydride complex trans-[PtHCl(PPh3)2] giving the adduct [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4PtH(PPh3)]+. X-ray crystal structure determinations on the complexes [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4PdPh(PPh3)]PF6 and [Pt2(μ-S)2(PPh3)4PtH(PPh3)]PF6 are reported, and show the expected bis μ3-sulfido aggregates with three square-planar metal centres.  相似文献   

《Inorganica chimica acta》2004,357(2):571-580
Treatment of the ligand N-(2-mercaptoethyl)-3,5-dimethylpyrazole with [Pd(CH3COO)2]3 and reaction of [PdCl(μ-med)]2 with pyridine (py) or triphenylphosphine (PPh3) in the presence of AgBF4 produced the following complexes: [Pd(CH3COO)(μ-med)]2, [Pd(μ-med)(py)]2(BF4)2 and [Pd(μ-med)(PPh3)]2(BF4)2. Similar reactions carried out with 2,2-bipyridine (bpy) or 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane (dppp) produced [Pd(μ-med)(bpy)]x(BF4)x (x=1 or 2) and [Pd(μ-med)(dppp)]x(BF4)x (x=1 or 2). Treatment of [Pd(μ-med)(bpy)]x(BF4)x with [PdCl2(CH3CN)2] produced [Pd3Cl2(μ-med)2(bpy)2](BF4)2. Treatment of [Pd(μ-med)(dppp)]x(BF4)x with [PdCl2(CH3CN)2] produced a mixture of [Pd(μ-Cl)(dppp)]2(BF4)2 and [Pd(μ-med)2(dppp)]2+. X-ray crystal structures of [Pd(μ-med)(PPh3)]2(BF4)2 · 2CH3CN and [Pd(μ-med)(bpy)]2(BF4)2 · 0.5CH3OH are presented.  相似文献   

The new trans-hyponitrite derivative complex [Ru2(CO)4(μ-PtBu2)(μ-dppm)(μ-η2-ONNOMe)] (2, dppm = Ph2PCH2PPh2) was prepared by deprotonation of [Ru2(CO)4(μ-H)(μ-PtBu2)(μ-dppm)(μ-η2-ONNOMe)][BF4] (1) with the base DBU (1.8-diazabicyclo[5.4.0]undec-7-ene). The latter complex salt has been obtained in an improved synthesis starting from the trans-hyponitrite complex [Ru2(CO)4(μ-H)(μ-PtBu2)(μ-dppm)(μ-η2-ONNO)]. Compound 2 has been characterized by spectroscopic methods as well as by X-ray diffraction and represents the first neutral complex bearing a deprotonated monoester of the hyponitrous acid as the bridging ligand.  相似文献   

Two novel tetranuclear compounds with an unprecedented mode of a hydrogenphosphato bridge, [Cu4(dpyam)443-HPO4)2(μ-X)2]2+ (in which dpyam = di-2-pyridylamine and X = Cl (1), Br (2)) have been synthesised and characterised structurally and magnetically. The Cu(II) ions in the structures each display a square-pyramidal geometry, with two tridentate hydrogenphosphato groups bridging four copper atoms in a μ43 coordination mode which is rarely found in hydrogenphosphate metal compounds. Each (different) pair of Cu(II) ions is additionally bridged by halide ions, with relatively long Cu-X distances (2.551(3)-2.604(3) Å for 1 and 2.707(1)-2.766(2) Å for 2) and subsequently also a small Cu-X-Cu angle (65.7(1)° and 65.1(1)° for 1 and 61.6(1)° and 62.4(1) for 2) and a large Cu-X-Cu angle (95.5(1)° and 96.5(1)° for 1 and 91.1(1)° and 92.6(1)° for 2). Cu?Cu distances in the tetranuclear units varies from 2.802(3) to 5.232(3) Å for 1 and from 2.834(1) to5.233(1) Å in 2. The lattice structures are stabilised by extensive intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The magnetic susceptibility measurements down to 5 K revealed a weak ferromagnetic interaction between the outer pairs of Cu(II) ions which vary from 22 to 46 cm−1 in 1 and 12 to 33 cm−1 in 2 and a moderately strong antiferromagnetic interaction between the inner Cu(II) ions of −79 cm−1 in 1 and −83 cm−1 in 2, via the Cu-O-P-O-Cu pathway.  相似文献   

Three doubly-bridged, trinuclear copper(II) compounds with hydroxo and carboxylato bridges, 1[Cu3(L1)2(μ-OH)2(μ-propionato)2](1), [Cu3(L2)2(μ-OH)2(μ-propionato)2(DMF)2] (2) and 1{[Cu3(L3)2(μ-OH)2(μ-propionato)2]} [Cu3(L3)2(μ-OH)2(μ-propionato)2(DMF)2]} (3) [HL1 = N-(pyrid-2-ylmethyl)benzenesulfonylamide, HL2 = N-(pyrid-2-ylmethyl)toluenesulfonylamide, HL3 = N-(pyrid-2-ylmethyl)naphthalenesulfonylamide], have been synthesized and characterized. 1 is built from [Cu3(L1)2(μ-OH)2(μ-propionato)2] clusters. Each unit contains three copper(II) with two different coordination environments: the terminal centers are square-base pyramidal whereas the central copper is square planar. 2 presents a similar square-base pyramidal geometry in the terminal centers, but the central copper is six-coordinate. 3 shows an unusual 1D coordination polymer comprised of two distinct building blocks: one similar to that found in 1 and the other similar to that found in 2. The magnetic susceptibility measurements (2-300 K) reveal a ferromagnetic interaction between the Cu(II) ions with J values of 76.0, 55.0, and 48.0 cm−1 for 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Emission spectroscopy, thermal denaturation, viscosimetry and cyclic voltammetry show an interaction of the complexes with DNA through the sugar-phosphate backbone. All three Cu(II) complexes were found to be very efficient agents of plasmid DNA cleavage in the presence of ascorbato or mercaptopropionic acid. Both the kinetics and the mechanism of the cleavage reaction have also been examined.  相似文献   

The reactions of the fluorovinyl-substituted phosphines PPh2(CFCF2) and PPh2(CClCF2), with K2PtX4 (X = Br, I) have been investigated. The resulting complexes have been characterized by a combination of 19F and 31P{1H} NMR, IR and Raman spectroscopy. The reactions of these phosphines with K2PtBr4 yield the monomeric complexes cis-[PtBr2{PPh2(CFCF2)}2] (1) and trans-[PtBr2{PPh2(CClCF2)}2] (2), respectively, whilst the reactions with K2PtI4 yield both the monomeric species trans-[PtI2{PPh2(CXCF2)}2], {X = F (3), Cl (4)}, and the dimeric species [PtI(μ-I){PPh2(CXCF2)}]2, {X = F (5), Cl (6)}. The dimers 5 and 6 represent the first crystallographically characterised platinum(II) iodide-bridged phosphine complexes, and both adopt the symmetric-trans structure.  相似文献   

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