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Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) is a diverse genus largely restricted to the American Tropics that belongs to the alternantheroid clade containing C4 and C3–C4 intermediate species. This research focuses on the study of pollen characters by studying 13 species, representatives of the two major clades and subclades of Alternanthera. General palynological comparisons were conducted with light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) for exine ultrastructure. Twenty-five characters were measured and described for Alternanthera and among these, 14 pollen characters were used to discriminate pollen groups using cluster analysis and canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP). Pollen form and ornamentation, pores number, spines length, number of ektexinous bodies and nanospines on the ektexinous bodies on pore membranes, arrangement of nanopores and spines on structural elements, and metareticula form were taxonomically important and therefore used to construct the first palynological key to the alternantheroid clade species. Our study indicates that the seemingly subtle morphological variation of pollen is useful for recognising three main pollen types within Alternanthera. The much needed palynological terminology for describing the mesoporium in the metareticulate pollen of Amaranthaceae is provided.  相似文献   

ELIASSON, U. H. 1985. Identity and taxonomic affinity of some members of the Amaranthaceae from the Galápagos Islands. The type species of Pleuropetalum, P. DarwiniI, is endemic to the Galápagos and is morphologically closer to P. pleiogynum than to P. sprucei. Pleuropetalum pleiogynum has a wider distribution than previously assumed, ranging from Costa Rica to Peru. Amaranlhus anderssonii is closely related to A. urceolatus, a species of the Pacific coast of S America, and to A. berlandieri, a species of Texas and NE Mexico. Amaranlhus squamulatus, previously regarded as endemic to the Galápagos, is reported from the Guayas province of Ecuador. The genus Galápagosus, proposed for Amaranlhus sclerantoides, is rejected. Lithophila scirpoides, an overlooked taxon from the Galápagos, is believed to be an aberrant specimen of L. radicala. Lithophila subscaposa from the islands of Santiago and Pinzon differs morphologically from the specimens of Floreana. Iresine edmonstonii, probably erroneously reported from the Galápagos, is conspecific with J. angusti/olia. Blutaparon rigidum is morphologically divergent from other members of the genus, being adapted to arid conditions, and is assumed to be extinct.  相似文献   

杜鹃花属植物花粉形态及其分类学意义   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
王玉国  李光照  漆小雪  欧祖兰   《广西植物》2006,26(2):113-119
利用扫描电子显微镜对5个亚属20种杜鹃花属植物的花粉形态进行了观察和比较研究,其中大部分(16种)为首次报道。杜鹃花属花粉均为四合花粉,呈正四面体排列。四合体为圆角三角形,连接紧密。单粒花粉为球形或近球形,具三沟孔。在扫描电镜下,除了杜鹃亚属的百合杜鹃、羊踯躅亚属的羊踯躅以及马银花亚属的马银花组具有明显的纹饰特征之外,其它类群的形态特征相互重叠,不足以作为现有亚属的分类依据。花粉粒具不同的外壁纹饰,可为分类研究提供孢粉学方面的证据,但应慎重应用花粉形态对杜鹃花属植物特定种进行分类鉴定。  相似文献   

对中国苦苣苔科异片苣苔属、长檐苣苔属和报春苣苔属等3个特有属中3种代表植物的花粉形态进行了光镜和扫描电镜的观察。结果发现这些植物的花粉形状比较一致,均为长球形或近球形,表明花粉形状对苦苣苔科的系统与分类没有太大的参考价值。观察到两种类型的花粉外壁纹饰:细网状纹饰、粗网状纹饰;异片苣苔属具粗网状纹饰,长檐苣苔属和报春苣苔属具细网状纹饰。还讨论了一些花粉外壁纹饰特征在苦苣苔科的系统研究方面的潜在价值。  相似文献   

中国柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)花粉形态研究及其分类意义的探讨   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
研究观察了中国柽柳科(Tamaricaceae)4属27种植物的花粉形态。中国柽柳科植物花粉为三沟类型,无三拟孔沟类型,形态及外壁雕纹属间差异明显。根据花粉资料,探讨了属间的进化关系和分类地位及本科植物花粉外壁的演化途径。  相似文献   

The pollen morphology of 38 representative species and varieties within the genus Coffea L. is described. Eight pollen types, placed in two major groups, have been identified on the basis of the number of colpi, colpus characteristics, exine morphology and pollen size. Differences in pollen structures of the species studied do not correspond to present taxonomic groupings, but support a current proposal to place some of the species in the genus Paracoffea Leroy. Among the four sections in the genus, the section Eucoffea contains a high degree of pollen polymorphism.  相似文献   

The acetolysed pollen of 33 species of the genus Justicia in Thailand is investigated using both light and scanning electron microscopy. The pollen of the genus is characterised as being isopolar, bilaterally or radially symmetrical, with mostly prolate or prolate spheroidal shape. Based on characters with high factor loading in the cluster analysis and principal components analysis, the studied species are divided into two major groups; one with 3-colporate with six pseudocolpi and the other with 2-porate or 2–3-colporate with aperture areas. The pollen morphology of each group is described and illustrated. Pollen characters are useful for taxonomic delimitation and relationships among Thai species.  相似文献   


In this study, using light and scanning microscopes, the morphobiometric characters of pollen grains of Bupleurum fruticosum L., B. fontanesii Guss. ex Caruel, B. gerardi All., B. lancifolium Hornem., B. semicompositum L., B. tenuissimum L. have been analysed. The elaboration of qualitative and quantitative palynological data has allowed us to formulate a key of identification which characterizes six morphotypes. Pollen grains of B. fruticosum (a perennial species) have been distinguished from the grains of the other annual species examined by us on the basis of several morphobiometric characters, a condition which has confirmed the systematic arrangements suggested by several authors. The close palynological affinity between B. tenuissimum and B. semicompositum compared with B. gerardi has supported the placement of these three species in a distinct subsect. of the sect. Eubupleura Briq. or in a distinct subsect. of the sect. Isophyllum (Hoffm.) Dumort. Similarly, our palynological data on B. fontanesii have confirmed the systematic arrangement. However, these data differ from those reported by different authors who placed the three species in the sect. Aristata Godron subsect. Juncea Briq.  相似文献   

葫芦科8属11种植物花粉形态的扫描电镜观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用扫描电子显微镜,对葫芦科8属10种1变种植物的花粉形态进行观察研究。结果显示:冬瓜属、葫芦属和栝楼属的花粉粒为近球形,具3孔沟;苦瓜属、西瓜属和丝瓜属的花粉粒为长球形,具3沟;黄瓜属的花粉粒为近球形,具3孔;南瓜属的花粉粒为球形,具散孔。花粉粒大小、形状和外壁雕纹属、种间差异显著。  相似文献   

Pollen morphology from 143 collections representing 11 genera and 75 species of native South American Convolvulaceae was analyzed with LM and SEM. Exine structure and sculpture allow to distinguish three main types, in two of these types some subtypes were recognized. 1) Tectate, microechinate-perforate exine, with ramified columellae. On the basis of apertures three subtypes were distinguished: tricolpate in Aniseia, Bonamia, Convolvulus, Cressa, Dichondra, Merremia and Jacquemontia blanchetii; penta-hexacolpate in Merremia umbellata; and pantoporate with elliptic and circular pores, in Calystegia. 2) Tectate, microechinate-perforate exine with microspines and single columellae in concordant pattern, relates pantocolpate pollen of Jacquemontia and Evolvulus. From pollen data generic status of J. blanchetii should be considered. 3) Semitectate, echinate or gemmate, microechinate-microreticulate exine with single columellae is exclusive of pantoporate pollen of Ipomoea. Four subtypes were recognized in this genera, which are discussed in relation to Austins infrageneric classification.  相似文献   

 The terrestrial orchid Epipactis helleborine is a morphologically variable species with a wide distribution in Europe. It is pollinated by social wasps, and most populations show the morphological characteristics of outcrossing species. However, local predominantly selfing subspecies and varieties have been documented from drier habitats. To document geographic variation in floral morphology, ability to produce seeds through autogamy, and reproductive success in E. helleborine, we sampled 13 populations from three geographic regions along a latitudinal gradient of c. 1000 km from northern to southern Sweden. In the southernmost region, populations in dry and mesic habitats were compared. Supplemental hand-pollination was conducted to determine whether among-population variation in fruit set could be explained by differences in the natural level of pollination, and whether any relationship between floral morphology and fruit production could be explained by interactions with pollinators. Bagging experiments showed no evidence of autogamy in any of the study populations. Number of flowers, pollinia removal and fruit set varied significantly among populations but did not differ among regions. Pollinia removal was positively correlated with population size and both pollinia removal and fruit set were lower in dry than in mesic habitats. At the level of the individual plant, the number of pollinia removed increased more rapidly with flower number than did number of fruits produced. The hand-pollination experiment indicated that the positive relationship between number of flowers and fruit production was due to a higher degree of pollen limitation in plants with few flowers than in plants with many flowers. The experiment also showed that variation in the level of pollen limitation could only partly explain variation in fruit set among populations. Received November 6, 2001; accepted April 27, 2002 Published online: December 3, 2002  相似文献   

Cell distribution and surface morphology in petals, androecia and styles of Commelinaceae. Epidermal cell shape, distribution, surface topography and cuticular morphology in petals, androecia and styles of 10 species in the Commelinaceae are described. Petals of all species possess a basal area of elongated, straight-sided cells and an area of cells with sinuous, anticlinal walls. The degree of convolution of anticlinal wall and the length of cells varies between genera. The surface of cells in Aneilema, Commelina and Cyanotis are micropapillate. In all other genera they are low-domed. Cuticular surfaces of the three genera are smooth, while in the remainder heavily striated. The cells of stamens, staminodes, staminal hairs, and styles are variably elongated and straight-sided, their surfaces convex and cuticle striated. The degree of striation is less pronounced at the base of each organ but becomes more densely arrayed towards the apex. Petal pigments are located in upper epidermal cells in Tradescantia and Thyrsanthemum , in upper and lower epidermises in Dichorisandra and Commelina , and in both epidermises, and mesophyll of Aneilema. In most species pigmentation of androecium and style is similar to petals though often fainter at base and apex. Flavonols in the pigments give rise to spectral polmorphisms visible in longwave UV light. Epidermal adaptations for light capture in petals is compared to that in leaf structure.  相似文献   

Floral morphology and anatomy of 15 genera in thePolygalaceae have been studied. The pentamerous origin of the polygalaceous flower is confirmed and shown to apply to all genera in the family. The keel is interpreted as a single petal, and the androecium as of bimeric origin. Vascular structure in the receptacles ofCarpolobia andMonnina subg.Monnina is described in detail, and a compilation of results, focusing on the vascular supply for the androecium and gynoecium, is given for all genera. Based on similarities and differences in vascularization it is concluded that present taxonomy, in particular the tribal system, needs to be reviewed.  相似文献   

刘林  张良英  程贵兰  何丹  张力飞  孟凡丽 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1675-1683
采用扫描电镜法,观察和比较了西藏色季拉山10种报春花的花粉形态特征,同时进行聚类分析,以期为该属植物分类提供孢粉学证据,并进一步为西藏报春花属植物杂交育种及种质资源的利用提供参考。结果表明:(1)供试10种报春花属植物的花粉形状为扁球形、近球形,其中,工布报春(Primula kongboensis)的花粉粒最小,暗紫脆蒴报春(P.calderiana)的花粉粒最大,西藏报春(P.tibetica)为多沟型花粉,其余报春花的花粉一般具3孔沟,大部分孔沟在极区汇合形成复合沟。(2)花粉外壁纹饰大多为穴状或网状,其中,中甸灯台报春(P.chungensis)和西藏报春为网状纹饰中的粗网状类型。(3)虽然基于花粉形态的聚类分析与植物学分类表现出一定的一致性,但粉报春组的西藏报春和工布报春则由于在孢粉学特征上具有明显差异,因此保持了相对较远的亲缘关系。该研究初步认为,色季拉山10种报春花粉形态存在种间差异,研究结果可为植物分类提供一定的参考依据。然而,在进行分类时,仍然需要结合形态学特征、分子生物学等方面综合考虑。  相似文献   

银缕梅属花形态及其分类学意义   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以1995年在江苏宜兴发现的一较大银缕梅居群的花为材料,观察确认金缕梅亚科单种属银缕梅属(ShaniodendronM.B.Deng,H.T.WeietX.QWang)的花序为近头状短稳状花序,由4~7朵花组成,花序内轮4~5朵花,两性;外轮1~2朵花,常为雄花,构成雄全同株。花无柄,无花瓣,花喜常合成浅林状,杯缘及杯背早期簇生长硬毛(hirsute),花生于初生苞片腋处,初生苞片卵形或阔卵形。雄蕊不定数,5~15枚,花丝长,直立。与其他无花瓣属植物比较表明,银缕梅属与特产里海南岸的Parrotia形态极为相似,主要区别在于本属花萼合生成浅怀状。银缕梅属花形态特征的阐明,对探讨金缕梅亚科无花瓣类群的系统发育具有重要意义。  相似文献   

锹甲的头部形态及常用分类特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
锹甲的外部形态纷繁多样,头部形态尤其复杂并导致种类鉴定混乱,有必要对其深入研究。文章介绍锹甲的头部形态,并以代表性属种为例,比较与讨论上颚、上唇、下颚和下唇、复眼、触角等常用分类特征及其分类学意义。  相似文献   

Due to contradicting relationships obtained from various morphological and genetic studies, phylogenetic relationships among New World monkey genera are highly disputed. In the present study, we analyzed the presence/absence pattern of 128 SINE integrations in all New World monkey genera. Among them, 70 were specific for only a single genus, whereas another 18 were present in all New World monkey genera. The 40 remaining insertions were informative to elucidate phylogenetic relationships among genera. Several of them confirmed the monophyly of the three families Cebidae, Atelidae and Pitheciidae as well as of the subfamily Callithrichinae. Further markers provided evidence for a sister grouping of Cebidae and Atelidae to the exclusion of Pitheciidae as well as for relationships among genera belonging to Callithrichinae and Atelidae. Although a close affiliation of Saimiri, Aotus and Cebus to Callithrichinae was shown, the relationships among the three genera remained unresolved due to three contradicting insertions.  相似文献   

中国植物花粉形态的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
中国植物花粉形态研究经历了3个发展阶段;从1953年建立国内第一个孢粉学实验室到1960年我国第一部花粉形态学专著的出版为起步阶段;1961-1980年由于历史的原因,国内的研究发展较慢;80年代以来,中国植物花粉形态学研究进入了一个高速发展阶段。迄今已系统研究过花粉形态的在中国裸子植物中占63.64%。在双子叶植物中占36.36%,在单子叶植物中占33.33%。  相似文献   

The transition from biotic to wind pollination and the consequencesof this transition for the evolution of dioecious breeding systems wereinvestigated in Schiedea and Alsinidendron(Caryophyllaceae: Alsinoideae), genera endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. The potential for wind pollination was studied for five species ofSchiedea using a wind tunnel. Morphological correlates of windpollination for these species were then used to infer the presence orabsence of wind pollination in the remaining Schiedea species. Hermaphroditic Alsinidendron and Schiedea species,which occur in mesic to wet forests, or less commonly in dry habitats,show little or no indication of wind pollination. These species had lowpollen:ovule ratios, large relative pollen size, diffuse inflorescences,substantial nectar production in several cases, and appear to bebiotically pollinated or autogamous. Sexually dimorphic species, whichall occur in dry habitats, are wind pollinated, based on wind tunnelresults or morphological adaptations indicating the potential for windpollination. These adaptations include high pollen:ovule ratios, smallpollen size, moderately to highly condensed inflorescences, and reducednectaries and nectar production. Shifts to wind pollination anddimorphism are strongly correlated in Schiedea, suggesting theclose functional relationship of the twophenomena.  相似文献   

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