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Alternanthera (Amaranthaceae) is a diverse genus largely restricted to the American Tropics that belongs to the alternantheroid clade containing C4 and C3–C4 intermediate species. This research focuses on the study of pollen characters by studying 13 species, representatives of the two major clades and subclades of Alternanthera. General palynological comparisons were conducted with light microscopy (LM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and with confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) for exine ultrastructure. Twenty-five characters were measured and described for Alternanthera and among these, 14 pollen characters were used to discriminate pollen groups using cluster analysis and canonical analysis of principal coordinates (CAP). Pollen form and ornamentation, pores number, spines length, number of ektexinous bodies and nanospines on the ektexinous bodies on pore membranes, arrangement of nanopores and spines on structural elements, and metareticula form were taxonomically important and therefore used to construct the first palynological key to the alternantheroid clade species. Our study indicates that the seemingly subtle morphological variation of pollen is useful for recognising three main pollen types within Alternanthera. The much needed palynological terminology for describing the mesoporium in the metareticulate pollen of Amaranthaceae is provided.  相似文献   

Pollen morphology of the Thymelaeaceae in relation to its taxonomy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Pollen morphology of the four subfamilies of Thymelaeaceae sensu Domke (1934) was examined using LM, SEM and TEM. The variation of the exine architecture allows to distinguish four pollen types and three subtypes. Distribution of pollen types proves to be widely correlated with the occurrence of characters from wood anatomy and flower morphology. If pollen types are connected with subfamilies sensu Domke (1934), Gonystyloideae, Thymelaeoideae and Synandrodaphnoideae are stenopalynous, whereas Aquilarioideae are eurypalynous. Based on pollen morphology as well as on other characters it is evident that Aquilarioideae are not monophyletic. Its genera Aquilaria and Gyrinops are more closely related to Thymelaeoideae and Synandrodaphnoideae than to other genera of Aquilarioideae sensu Domke (1934). The remaining genera of Aquilarioideae Deltaria, Solmsia and Lethedon are most similar to Gonystyloideae and therefore are included in this subfamily, as it was suggested by Airy Shaw (1979). Furthermore, palynological and other characters favour the transfer of Octolepis from Aquilarioideae to Gonystyloideae. The re-circumscribed Aquilarioideae together with Thymelaeoideae and Synandrodaphnoideae are shown to form a monophyletic group. Received August 8, 2001 Accepted December 7, 2001  相似文献   

Most members of theOchnaceae possess poricidal anthers that are emptied by pollen collecting bees performing vibrational foraging. In several genera, such asTyleria, Adenarake, and various species ofSauvagesia, however, pollen is released by vibration from the anthers through the porus of a novel structure formed by staminodia. These envelop the androecium and gynoecium. Anthers enclosed in this envelope are often longicidal.  相似文献   

A palynological survey, including LM, SEM and TEM is presented for eight genera, nine species and 76 samples of the Monotropoideae which is composed of 10 genera and 13 species. On the basis of the aperture number and shape, the following six pollen types are recognized: 1) 3-colp(oroid) ate—Allotropa, 2) 2-colpor(oid)ate—Monotropsis andHemitomes, 3) 4-colpor(oid)ate—Pterospora, Sarcodes andPleuricospora, 4) 2- and 3-colpor(oid)ate—Monotropa hypopitys, 5) 3-colporate and-porate —Monotropa uniflora, 6) 3- to 4- porate—Monotropastrum humile. Relationships among taxa within the Monotropoideae are illustrated on the palynological characters including the aperture type, exine sculpture and structure. Both pollen grains with two and four apertures have evolved independently from pollen grains with three apertures, according to the infraspecific variation of aperture numbers and the usual occurrence of three-aperturate pollen grains in the Ericaceae. 3-colp(oroid)ate pollen ofAllotropa is the most primitive and occupies an isolated position in the subfamily, on the other hand 3- to 4-porate pollen ofMonotropastrum humile is most advanced in the subfamily, probably even in the Ericaceae. A reduced sexine inMonotropastrum humile appears to be a specialized pollen character. Infraspecific geographical difference in palynological characters is revealed in two species ofMonotropa for the first time.M. hypopitys is basically characterized by pollen grains with two apertures in the New World vs. three apertures in the Old World.M. uniflora is basically characterized by 3-porate pollen in the New World vs. 3-colporate in the Old World. In both species pollen grains with more primitive characters usually occur in the Old World.  相似文献   

The possible alliance between Gaertnera and Pagamea (Rubiaceae-Rubioideae), two genera from the Old and New World, respectively, is investigated on the basis of wood anatomy and pollen morphology. Nowadays, the main point of discussion about the taxonomic position of these genera is whether they belong to the Psychotrieae or constitute a tribe Gaertnereae characterised by their secondarily superior ovary and sheathing stipules. Both the wood and pollen of the genus pair are found to show specific features absent in other genera of the Psychotrieae, e.g. parenchyma bands in the xylem and endexine thickenings on the polar sites of the pollen apertures. Nevertheless Gaertnera and Pagamea share many other characters with the Psychotrieae. Wood and pollen convincingly demonstrate the very close affinity of the two genera. The sister pair differs in so many features from other Psychotrieae, that Gaertnera and Pagamea should constitute at least a subtribe Gaertnerinae, formally recognized here. The general lack of profound studies on the affinities within the very large tribe Psychotrieae makes further comments on the taxonomic relationships of the Gaertnerinae difficult.  相似文献   

Palynological characters of 18 species belonging to seven genera of the traditional subfamily Alsinoideae including Arenaria, Cerastium, Eremogone, Lepyrodiclis, Minuartia, Sabulina and Stellaria were studied in detail using light and scanning electron microscopy. Pollen grains of subfamily Alsinoideae are subspheroidal or prolate, pantoporate and 20.04 to 51.4 µm in size, prominent and sunken apertures uniformly distributed on the pollen surface. Two types of pollen grain ornamentation were observed, i.e. microechinate-punctate or microechinate-perforate. Echini are present on the surface of the pollen of all investigated species with medium, dense, or sparse echinodensity. These species exhibit variation in polar view, equatorial diameter, number of apertures, exine thickness, diameter of pore, appendages per pore, pore ornamentation, echini arrangement, echinidensity and shape of pollen. Based on qualitative characters, a dichotomous key has been developed for quick and easy identification. The present investigation contributes to the systematic approach using palynological characteristics and correct identification of species for members of subfamily Alsinoideae (Caryophyllaceae).  相似文献   

Fossil chloranthoid androecia,Chloranthistemon endressii gen. et spec. nov. are described from the Upper Cretaceous (Upper Santonian or Lower Campanian) of Scania, southern Sweden. They are three-lobed and dorsiventrally flattened with all pollen sacs borne laterally and inclined toward the presumed adaxial surface. The central lobe bears two pairs of pollen sacs, the lateral lobes a single pair each. The morphology, anatomy and valvate dehiscence of the fossil androecia is very similar to that seen in extant species ofChloranthus andSarcandra, but the in situ pollen differs from that of all extantChloranthaceae in being spiraperturate. A single chloranthoid androecium from the Lower Cretaceous (Upper Albian) of Maryland, North America has a more generalized structure thanChloranthistemon endressii. It consists of three stamens that are fused at the base, and each stamen bears two pairs of oppositely positioned pollen sacs. Combined with anatomical information from recentChloranthus the Lower Cretaceous specimen suggests that the androecium in the living genus has arisen by fusion and other modifications of three separate stamens each with a normal complement of four pollen sacs. The structure of both the Upper and Lower Cretaceous androecia suggest that these fossilChloranthaceae were insectpollinated. Macrofossil evidence combined with information from dispersed pollen indicates that theChloranthaceae diversified early in angiosperm fossil history and were an important component of Mid-Cretaceous plant communities.  相似文献   

The functional floral morphology of the three genera of Vivianiaceae (= Ledocarpaceae, Geraniales), Rhynchotheca, Viviania and Balbisia, is compared. Likely pollination mechanisms are inferred from morphology and field observations. The flowers of Viviania are nectariferous and apparently zoophilous with nectar as the (primary) pollinator reward. Balbisia has pollen flowers without nectaries, its showy corolla indicates that it is also zoophilous with pollen as sole pollinator reward; bees were observed as flower visitors. One taxon (B. gracilis) may be anemophilous. Rhynchotheca has flowers without petals, with large, pendulous anthers and lacks nectaries. It shows synchronous mass flowering in its natural populations and is evidently anemophilous. A comparison with other Geraniales shows that nectar flowers with small anthers are likely the ancestral condition in Vivianiaceae. This suggests that the pollen flowers with larger anthers of Balbisia and Rhynchotheca may represent an apomorphic condition. The documentation of pollen flowers and anemophily in Vivianiaceae expands the range of known floral and pollination syndromes in Geraniales.  相似文献   

Fossil pollen believed to be related to extant Hagenia abyssinica were discovered in the early Miocene (21.73 Ma) Mush Valley paleoflora, Ethiopia, Africa. Both the fossil and extant pollen grains of H. abyssinica were examined with combined light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, and transmission electron microscopy to compare the pollen and establish their relationships. Based on this, the fossil pollen grains were attributed to Hagenia. The presence of Hagenia in the fossil assemblage raises the questions if its habitat has changed over time, and if the plants are/were wind pollinated. To shed light on these questions, the morphology of extant anthers was also studied, revealing specialized hairs inside the anthers, believed to aid in insect pollination. Pollen and anther morphology are discussed in relation to the age and origin of the genus within a molecular dated phylogenetic framework, the establishment of complex topography in East Africa, other evidence regarding pollination modes, and the palynological record. The evidence presented herein, and compiled from the literature, suggests that Hagenia was an insect‐pollinated lowland rainforest element during the early Miocene of the Mush Valley. The current Afromontane habitat and ambophilous (insect and wind) pollination must have evolved in post‐mid‐Miocene times.  相似文献   

Dioecy has evolved independently several times in the large, mostly tropical genusSolanum. In all cases of dioecy inSolanum functionally male flowers have normal anthers, normal pollen and reduced stigmas while functionally female flowers have stigmas and anthers that appear normal but contain non-functional, usually inaperturate pollen. The inaperturate pollen has living cytoplasm, but apparently never germinates and it has been hypothesised that the pollen in these functionally female flowers is retained as a pollinator reward. Pollen morphology is compared in twelve of the thirteen known dioecious species ofSolanum, and some stages in the the development of inaperturate pollen in the anthers of functionally female flowers ofSolanum confertiseriatum of Western Ecuador are examined. Observations on the development and morphology of inaperturate pollen in functionally female flowers ofSolanum are related to hypotheses about the evolution of dioecy in the genus.  相似文献   

The Dimorphandra group, as traditionally circumscribed, is a rather diverse assemblage of genera in Leguminosae subfamily Caesalpinioideae that share certain morphological characteristics with the basally branching lineages of subfamily Mimosoideae. It currently comprises 51 species in seven genera: Burkea (1 species), Dimorphandra (26 species), Erythrophleum (10 species), Mora (6 species), Pachyelasma (1 species), Stachyothyrsus (2 species) and Sympetalandra (5 species). This study investigates the pollen morphology of 25 samples from 19 species of all seven genera. Pollen of the Dimorphandra group is small, isopolar, trizonocolporate and released in monads. Apertures are almost equal to polar length, with correspondingly small apocolpial areas. The shape of the aperture apices varies from acute to wide and rounded. Surface ornamentation is psilate, perforate, microreticulate, or perforate‐rugulate. The wall structure is usually columellate with a well developed foot layer. The pollen is small and unspecialised, agreeing with a previously noted pattern of more fixed and homogenous pollen structure in the more derived clades in subfamily Caesalpinioideae, compared with the great diversity of pollen types found in the basally branching lineages.  相似文献   

Floral morphology and anatomy of 15 genera in thePolygalaceae have been studied. The pentamerous origin of the polygalaceous flower is confirmed and shown to apply to all genera in the family. The keel is interpreted as a single petal, and the androecium as of bimeric origin. Vascular structure in the receptacles ofCarpolobia andMonnina subg.Monnina is described in detail, and a compilation of results, focusing on the vascular supply for the androecium and gynoecium, is given for all genera. Based on similarities and differences in vascularization it is concluded that present taxonomy, in particular the tribal system, needs to be reviewed.  相似文献   

Parthenocissus (the Virginia creeper genus, Vitaceae) consists of 13 species and shows a disjunct distribution between Asia and North America. We investigated the inflorescence structure, calyx morphology, appendages on the inner side of petals, leaf epidermis, pollen and seed characters throughout the genus. A combined phylogenetic analysis with 27 morphological and 4137 molecular characters was conducted and the result was largely congruent with that of the previous molecular work, but with higher resolution. The combined analysis identified two clades corresponding to the Asian and North American taxa. Parthenocissus feddei was resolved as closely related to the clade containing P. cuspidifera, P. heterophylla and P. semicordata. The four species share synapomorphies of having conspicuously raised veinlets, an obscurely five‐ (to eight‐) lobed calyx, appendages on the inner side of petals covering the entire length of anthers and foveolate pollen exine ornamentation. Within the Old World clade, the pentafoliolate species were weakly supported as more closely related to species with both simple and trifoliolate leaves. Furthermore, the ancestral states of tendril apices, inflorescence structure, appendages on the inner side of petals and exine ornamentation of pollen grains were reconstructed on the molecular strict consensus tree. The appendages on the inner side of petals and exine ornamentation of pollen grains were suggested to be important characters in the taxonomy of Parthenocissus, especially for species with trifoliolate leaves. Finally, the previous classifications of Parthenocissus were evaluated within the phylogenetic framework. © 2011 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2011, ?? , ??–??.  相似文献   

Aquifoliales, as currently circumscribed, comprise five families and 20 genera, most of which have not been compared with regard to their pollen. Generic relationships within the order have not been fully resolved with molecular data, but pollen can provide a potential source of characters for future phylogenetic studies. To assess diversity in the order, pollen from 19 genera was examined with light and scanning electron microscopy. Pollen is typically tricolpate to triporate, although grains with one to nine pores were observed. Grains are small to medium, with a polar axis of 6–44 μm and an equatorial axis of 10–47 μm. Irregular pollen was recorded from nine genera. Exine patterning is diverse at the generic level and includes psilate, microechinate, striate to reticulate and clavate types, and is quite complex in some genera. All but four genera of Aquifoliales can be readily distinguished by their pollen, if heavy deposits of pollenkitt (present in 11 genera) are removed during and after acetolysis. Pollen from multiple taxa of Gomphandra, the second most diverse genus in the order, was surveyed to investigate species boundaries. Specimens of Gomphandra from continental Asia exhibited seven different pollen morphologies, suggesting that exine patterns may be useful for the recognition of species in that region. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 175 , 169–190.  相似文献   

Örjan Nilsson 《Grana》2013,52(2-3):279-363
The pollen morphology of several genera in Portulacaceae is described. Particular attention has been paid to the genera of the subfamily Montioideae, as a stage of continued monographical studies. Among genera especially dealt with are Claytonia, Montia, Crunocallis, Naiocrene, Neopaxia, Mona, Maxia, Limnalsine, and Montiastrum. In the taxonomical treatment of these genera the pollen morphology has proved to afford many important additional characters.

The pollen grains of Claytonia are distinguished from those of the remainder in being 3-colpate. The grains of the Claytonia-type have many similarities with those of Lewisia, a genus of the subfamily Portulacoideae. The other genera of Montioideae have pantocolpate pollen grains. Among these genera several different pollen types are distinguished, chiefly with regard to the sexine structures and the aperture membranes. The Montiastrum-type is especially interesting, with tholate grains, a particular pollen type not met with in any other genus in the family. The pollen morphology of some genera in the Portulacoideae is also treated. In some species in Calandrina and Talinum pantotreme pollen grains are observed with apertures transitional between pori and colpi. The apertures of the pantotreme grains are arranged in characteristic patterns.

Particular attention has been given to the variation of the pollen morphological characters. This variation has been examined with regard to the differences between different populations of the same species as well as between different species. The greatest variation has been observed in the shape and size of the grains. The structure and sculpture and thickness of the sexine and the aperture membranes are less variable. Some polyploid taxa are connected with the occurrence of pollen grains with divergent and varying aperture numbers.

In a survey of the genera the taxonomical results of the investigation are presented with particular regard to the pollen morphology. The new genus, Maxia Ö. Nilss., is described. One new species, Montia clara Ö. Nilss., is described and some new combinations are made.

Pollen morphological diagnoses are given for 46 different taxa. The aperture conditions for 96 different species are presented.  相似文献   

In the anthers of flowering plants, gymnosperms, and seed ferns, tiny (±1?μm) granules might occur on the radial and innermost tangential wall of secretory tapetum cells. These sporopollenin granules develop simultaneously with the pollen exine and are called orbicules or Ubisch bodies. The present paper focuses on two quite different topics associated with orbicules.

The morphological and ultrastructural diversity of orbicules in the order Gentianales is summarized, and it is demonstrated that orbicules are a plesiomorphic feature in the order. Furthermore, orbicule characters seemed to be correlated with evolutionary trends in pollen dispersal unit and tapetum type features.

In the second part, we report on our investigation of Corylus avellana L. (Hazel) pollen, using immunogold electron microscopy to gain an insight into the possible role that orbicules may play as a vector of pollen allergens. During the pollen season orbicules are dispersed into the atmosphere along with Hazel pollen grains. The localisation of homologues of the new birch pollen allergen Bet v 7 was studied at the subcellular level in Hazel anthers. The results of this study indicate that orbicules and pollen of Hazel might act as very effective vectors for homologues of Bet v 7 and that debris of Hazel anthers represent vectors of allergens after the pollen season.  相似文献   

Locule structure and organization were studied in vivo and in vitro to determine whether the disposition of pollen within barley anthers affected the response of pollen in culture. Following release from the meiotic tetrads, juvenile barley microspores become peripherally organized around the locule, with the single pollen pore oriented towards the tapetum. Scanning electron micrographs of transverse sections from freeze fractured anthers showed that some microspores failed to locate the tapetal surface and occupied a position in the centre of the locule where they continued to develop as small, abnormal pollen grains (dimorphic pollen). Previous evidence has suggested that in some species dimorphic pollen could be the source of embryonic pollen in vitro. Cultured anthers frequently dehisced to reveal a mass of dividing pollen grains, however those anthers that remained intact retained the original locule structure and could be freeze fractured permitting examination of the developing pollen in situ. This showed that pollen embryogenesis was not restricted to dimorphic pollen, and that any grain could become Embryogenic irrespective of position.  相似文献   

新疆裸果木亚科植物花粉形态学研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
通过光镜和扫镜电镜对新疆产裸果木亚科3属6种植物的花粉形态进行了观察与观察。结果表明:花粉形态有三种类型,裸果木属为散孔类型,治疝草属为三孔类型,拟漆姑草属为三沟类型。具孔类型中,萌发孔边缘界限有不清楚,孔膜不明显,颗粒状纹饰;具沟类型中,萌发沟上有膜覆盖,具颗粒状纹饰。根据花粉形态,编出分属检索表,并讨论了花粉形态在分类中的作用以及各属之间的亲缘关系。  相似文献   

Pollen grains of the tribe Pavetteae (Rubiaceae, subfamily Ixoroideae) are examined using LM and SEM. Grains are 3‐ or 4‐colporate and (semi‐) tectate (in one Versteegia species atectate). Sexine patterns vary between perforate, microreticulate, reticulate, rugulate and striato‐reticulate. Supratectal elements are sometimes present. The variation in pollen morphology in the Pavetteae allows to recognize seven pollen types, the distribution of which is useful to evaluate generic delimitations and relationships within the tribe. Pollen characters corroborate the close relationships between the genera Coleactina, Dictyandra and Leptactina and between Homollea, Homolliella and Paracephaelis. All the genera of the tribe proved to be stenopalynous (the species examined possess the same pollen type), except Pavetta, Rutidea, Versteegia and Tarenna which are eurypalynous. In the huge genus Pavetta the existing infrageneric classification is supported pollen morphologically. Pollen morphology further indicates that the genus Tarenna is badly delimited and strongly in need of a revision. The small genus Versteegia is in need of further taxonomic and palynological study to understand the pollen morphological variation encountered here. At a higher rank, pollen morphology also does not contradict the recent division of the Pavetteae in the Ixoreae (a stenopalynous tribe with presumably primitive pollen) and the Pavetteae sensu stricto (eurypalynous).  相似文献   

Grias theobromicarpa, a new species from northwestern Ecuador is described. This species is found in wet forests at ca. 1500 m elevation, and is distinguished by its erect petals that conceal the androecium, filaments fused to form a very distinct staminal tube, anthers that are oblong with cucullate connectives enclosing most of the thecae, and especially by its fruits, which are prominently ridged when fresh. The species is illustrated and its relationship with its closest relative, G. purpuripetala, from southwestern Colombia, is discussed.  相似文献   

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