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A total of 2,886 bats captured in the Amazon Basin of Brazil were processed for the isolation of fungi. From the livers, spleens, and lungs of 155 bats (5.4%), 186 fungal isolates of the genera Candida (123 isolates), Trichosporon (26 isolates), Torulopsis (25 isolates), Kluyveromyces (11 isolates), and Geotrichum (1 isolate) were recovered. Seven known pathogenic species were present: Candida parapsilosis, C. guilliermondii, C. albicans, C. stellatoidea, C. pseudotropicalis, Trichosporon beigelii, and Torulopsis glabrata. Twenty-three culture-positive bats showed identical fungal colonization in multiple organs or mixed colonization in a single organ. The fungal isolation rates for individual bat species varied from 1 fungus per 87 bats to 3 fungi per 13 bats, and the mycoflora diversity for members of an individual fungus-bearing bat species varied from 16 fungi per 40 bats to 7 fungi per 6 bats. Of the 38 fungal species isolated, 36 had not been previously described as in vivo bat isolates. Of the 27 culture-positive bat species, 21 had not been previously described as mammalian hosts for medically or nonmedically important fungi.  相似文献   

Díaz MM 《动物学研究》2011,32(2):168-178
位于秘鲁的亚马孙盆地北部是世界小型哺乳动物多样性最高的地区之一.该文报道了亚马孙流域在秘鲁伊基托斯的蝙蝠物种多样性:这里的蝙蝠物种数约占秘鲁已知152个蝙蝠物种的60%.与在该地区之前开展的研究不同,本次调查范围为城市和农村地区.结果发现1个秘鲁新记录(Eumops delticus)、8个伊基托斯新记录(Peropteryx macrotis、Peropteryx pallidoptera、Anoura caudifer、Lionycteris spurrelli、Vampyrum spectrum、Thyroptera lavali、Cynomops planirostris和Molossus coibensis)和1个秘鲁东北部新记录(Eumops maurus).
The northern Amazon Basin in Peru is one of the most diverse areas for small mammals in the world. In this work, I present information related to the diversity of bat species in the Amazonian region of Iquitos, Peru, where nearly 60% of the 152 bat species known to Peru recorded. Unlike in previous investigations in this area, bat surveys were designed to detect species living in urban and rural areas. The results have added a new bat species (Eumops delticus) to the Peruvian fauna, eight new species for the region around Iquitos (Peropteryx macrotis, Peropteryx pallidoptera, Anoura caudifer, Lionycteris spurrelli, Vampyrum spectrum, Thyroptera lavali, Cynomops planirostris, and Molossus coibensis), and a new species for Northeast Peru (Eumops maurus).  相似文献   

In field measurement programmes, stratified sampling can optimize sampling efficiency, but stratification is often undertaken subjectively, and is frequently based on a priori classification schemes such as those used for vegetation maps. In order to avoid the problems associated with a priori subjective schemes, we explore here an objective procedure, Regression Tree Analysis (RTA). RTA has previously been used in local-scale studies, but here we apply it to a very large study domain, namely the entire humid tropical zone of South America. The aim of the study was to develop an optimal sampling design in preparation for the Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA). Co-registered spatially continuous fields of rainfall, temperature, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), the normalized difference index (NDVI), an index of surface moisture, and other independent variables were used to predict three dependent variables, annual net radiation (Rn), latent heat (LE) and net primary production (NPP). Rather than simply dividing the study area based on differing levels of the three dependent variables, empirical models were developed using RTA to indicate how the relationships between these and possible forcing variables vary across the study area. For each variable long-term seasonal indices such as annual average, monthly minimum and amplitude were used to exclude effects of temporal phase differences between the hemispheres. The resulting hierarchical models revealed variations in the interdependence of the forcing variables throughout the study area and therefore provided a basis for a stratified sampling and identifying the most important variables to be collected in LBA for the Amazon basin as a whole as well as optimizing the sampling scheme for scaling up findings from the field scale to larger areas.  相似文献   

This study identifies theoretically-based predictors of condom use in a sample of 251 sexually active adults recruited from Sao Gabriel da Cachoeira and six indigneous communities of the Upper Rio Negro region of Amazonas Brazil. The information-motivation-behavioral skills (IMB) model of AIDS-preventive behavior was used to describe the roles of HIV/AIDS knowledge, experiences with and attitudes toward condom use, peer influences, perceived vulnerability, monogamy and behavioral skills. A predictive path analytic model revealed significant predictors of more condom use including male gender, greater sexual HIV knowledge, positive experiences and attitudes about condom use, multiple partners, and greater behavioral skills. Results suggest that attention to behavioral skills for negotiating safer sex and instruction in the correct use of condoms are important elements in reducing high risk behaviors. Increasing the specific knowledge level of indigenous people regarding the complexities of sexual transmission of HIV is crucial and should be addressed. Heightening individuals' understanding of the limited protection of serial monogamy, and the need to conduct gender-specific training for behavior change to reduce transmission of HIV should be an additional goal of Brazilian health professionals. Obstacles to the implementation of the IMB HIV prevention program in Amazonas are noted and an alternative Brazilian HIV/AIDS prevention program is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Mycelium from the periphery of actively growing colonies on cellophane and from shake flask cultures was used for the isolation of protoplasts from strains ofAgaricus bisporus,Auricularia auricula, Lentinus edodes, Pleurotus sajor-caju, Volvariella bombycina andV. volvacea. The mycelial cells were treated with two mycolytic enzymes, Novozym 234 or lywallzyme. Protoplasts were produced from all the edible fungi tested.Pleurotus sajor-caju gave the highest yield (3.84×107/ml), followed byAu. auricula (7.46×106/ml),Ag. bisporus (2.16×106/ml) andV. volvacea (1.92×106/ml), when treated with lywallzyme.Agaricus bisporus gave the smallest yield of protoplasts when Novozym 234 was used. The effects of different molarities of osmotic stabilizers were also studied. The cellophane method is simple and quick and can be used as a screening procedure. The yields of protoplasts obtained from liquid cultures were usually higher than those from cellophane cultures.
Aislamiento de protoplastos a partir de setas comestibles
Resumen Para el aislamiento de protoplastos de cepas deAgaricus bisporus, Auricularia auricula,Lentinus edodes, Pleurotus sajor-caju, Volvariella bombycina, y V. volvacea se utilizo micelio periferico de colonias que estaban en crecimiento activo en celofan y en frascos de agitación. Las celulas del micelio se tratarón con dos enzymas mycoliticos: Novozym 234 y lywallzyme. Todas las setas comestibles ensayadas produjerón protoplastos. Mediante tratamiento con lywallzyme la mejor cosecha de protoplastos la proporcionoP. sajor-caju (3.84×107/ml) seguido porAu. auricula (7.46×106/ml),Ag. bisporus (2.16×106/ml) yV. volvacea (1.92×106/ml). Con Novozym 234Ag. bisporus fué la de menor rendimiento. También se estudiarón los efectos de distintos estabilizadores osmoticos a diferentes molaridades.

Isolement de protoplastes à partir de champignons comestibles
Résumé Du mycélium prélevé à la périphérie de colonies dévoloppées sur cellophane ou à partir de cultures liquides agitées a été utilizé pour la préparation de protoplastes d'Agaricusbisporus,Auricularia auricula, Lentinus edodes, Pleurotus sajor-caju, Volvariella bombycina etV. volvacea. Les cellules mycéliales ont été traitées par deux enzymes mycolytiques, Novozym 234 et lywallzyme. Par traitement avec le lywallzyme, des protoplastes ont été obtenus avec tous les champignons comestibles étudiés,P. sajor-caju donnant le rendement le plus élevé (3.84×107/ml), suivi parAu. auricula (7.46×106/ml,Ag. bisporus (2.16×106/ml etV. volvacea 1.92×106/ml). Avec le Novozym 234,Ag. bisporus a donné le rendement en protoplastes le moins élevé. Les effets de différentes molarités de stabilisateurs osmotiques ont également été étudiés. La méthode de la cellophane est simple et rapide et peut être employée comme procédé de degrossissage. Les rendements en protoplastes obtenus à partir des cultures liquides sont habituellement plus élevés que ceux à partir des cultures sur cellophane.

Summary 1. Results of culture of thirty soil samples obtained from the Judean Desert on the western side of the Dead Sea are reported. These soil samples were obtained from caves found in the walls of the cliff leading to the plateau Massada, the level of the caves varying from sea level to 300 feet below.2. Two strains ofCryptococcus neoformans were recovered from soil obtained from a bat cave 300 feet below the top of the plateau.3. No evidence ofHistoplasma capsulatum orCoccidioides immitis was found.4. This evidence, coupled with negative skin test data reported previously, implies thatHistoplasma capsulatum andCoccidioides immitis are probably not inhabitants of soil in this part of Israel.  相似文献   

In recent years novel human respiratory disease agents have been described in South East Asia and Australia. The causative pathogens were classified as pteropine orthoreoviruses with strong phylogenetic relationship to orthoreoviruses of flying foxes inhabiting these regions. Subsequently, a zoonotic bat-to-human transmission has been assumed. We report the isolation of three novel mammalian orthoreoviruses (MRVs) from European bats, comprising bat-borne orthoreovirus outside of South East Asia and Australia and moreover detected in insectivorous bats (Microchiroptera). MRVs are well known to infect a broad range of mammals including man. Although they are associated with rather mild and clinically unapparent infections in their hosts, there is growing evidence of their ability to also induce more severe illness in dogs and man. In this study, eight out of 120 vespertilionid bats proved to be infected with one out of three novel MRV isolates, with a distinct organ tropism for the intestine. One isolate was analyzed by 454 genome sequencing. The obtained strain T3/Bat/Germany/342/08 had closest phylogenetic relationship to MRV strain T3D/04, isolated from a dog. These novel reoviruses provide a rare chance of gaining insight into possible transmission events and of tracing the evolution of bat viruses.  相似文献   

Of 236 soil samples baited with wool, some 71.2% (168) produced fungal growth. Gliocladium (25.0%), Paecilomyces (14.8%), Trichophyton (11.9%) species were the most prevalent in soil moistened with sterile distilled water (SDW) containing antibiotics. On the other hand, in soil moistened with SDW only, Trichophyton (32.6%), Paecilomyces (27.5%), Diheterospora (16.5%), Gliocladium (13.6%) and Fusarium (13.1%) species were more common. Of the known potential pathogens, the Paecilomyces and Fusarium species were frequently isolated from soil collected in parks, cleared areas, paddocks, rivers and roadsides. All five sites are areas of human and animal activity. The keratinolytic species were Microsporum cookei, M. gypseum complex, Trichophyton ajelloi and T. terrestre, which are regarded as nonpathogens with the exception of M. cookei and M. gypseum complex.  相似文献   

A new species of Graffenrieda (Melastomataceae: Merianieae) from northern Brazil and southern Venezuela is described. Graffenrieda laevicarpa closely resembles the morphologically variable and complex G. caryophyllea, but can be distinguished based on leaf morphology and pubescence, and by its shiny capsules.  相似文献   

Distribution of aboveground live biomass in the Amazon basin   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The amount and spatial distribution of forest biomass in the Amazon basin is a major source of uncertainty in estimating the flux of carbon released from land‐cover and land‐use change. Direct measurements of aboveground live biomass (AGLB) are limited to small areas of forest inventory plots and site‐specific allometric equations that cannot be readily generalized for the entire basin. Furthermore, there is no spaceborne remote sensing instrument that can measure tropical forest biomass directly. To determine the spatial distribution of forest biomass of the Amazon basin, we report a method based on remote sensing metrics representing various forest structural parameters and environmental variables, and more than 500 plot measurements of forest biomass distributed over the basin. A decision tree approach was used to develop the spatial distribution of AGLB for seven distinct biomass classes of lowland old‐growth forests with more than 80% accuracy. AGLB for other vegetation types, such as the woody and herbaceous savanna and secondary forests, was directly estimated with a regression based on satellite data. Results show that AGLB is highest in Central Amazonia and in regions to the east and north, including the Guyanas. Biomass is generally above 300 Mg ha−1 here except in areas of intense logging or open floodplains. In Western Amazonia, from the lowlands of Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia to the Andean mountains, biomass ranges from 150 to 300 Mg ha−1. Most transitional and seasonal forests at the southern and northwestern edges of the basin have biomass ranging from 100 to 200 Mg ha−1. The AGLB distribution has a significant correlation with the length of the dry season. We estimate that the total carbon in forest biomass of the Amazon basin, including the dead and belowground biomass, is 86 Pg C with ±20% uncertainty.  相似文献   

Two Amazonian freshwater trichomycterid catfishes, Sarcoglanis simplex and Malacoglanis gelatinosus , are described as new genera andspecies and placed in a new subfamily Sarcoglanidinae. The relationships of this new subfamily and those of the Trichomycterinae, Nematogenyinae, Phreatobiinae and Glanapteryginae are discussed.  相似文献   

Between 1985 and 1987, fecal samples were collected from 71 bats representing 14 species (Desmodontidae, Molossidae, Noctilionidae, Phyllostomidae, Vespertilionidae) from 8 localities in 3 states (Beni, Pando, Santa Cruz) in Bolivia, South America. Of these, 2 black myotid bats (Vespertilionidae), Myotis nigricans, and 1 tent-making bat (Phyllostomidae), Uroderma magnirostrum, had oocysts in their feces that represent undescribed species of Eimeria. The new species from M. nigricans (2/4, 50%) has sporulated oocysts that are subspheroidal, 18.9 x 16.9 (17-23 x 14-20) microm, without a micropyle; oocyst residuum of 6-8 spheroidal globules and 1 highly refractile polar granule are present. The oocyst wall has 2 layers (approximately 1.3 microm thick), with a rough outer layer. Ovoidal sporocysts are 10.1 x 7.4 (7-14 x 5-10) microm, with a Stieda body, substieda body, and a sporocyst residuum. The new eimerian species from U. magnirostrum (1/2, 50%) has sporulated oocysts that are subspheroidal to ellipsoidal, 23.8 x 20.8 (20-26 x 19-24) microm, without micropyle or oocyst residuum, but 1-3 polar granules are present. The oocyst wall has 2 layers (approximately 1.5 microm thick), with a rough, mammilated outer layer. Ovoidal sporocysts are 11.6 x 8.6 (10-12 x 7-10) microm, with a Stieda body, substieda body and a sporocyst residuum.  相似文献   

采用涂布平板法从甘蔗渣泥中共分离得到5株优势真菌,分别为头孢霉属(Cephalosporium)、曲霉属(Asper-gillus)、木霉属(Trichoderma)、毛霉属(Mucor)和地霉属(Geotrichum)。对分离得到的真菌进行产酶特性的研究。采用两种不同的产酶培养基(培养基Ⅴ,培养基Ⅵ),这两种培养基的无机盐成分、含量相同,它们的主要差别为碳源不同。培养基Ⅴ的主要碳源为葡萄溏,培养基Ⅵ的主要碳源为甘蔗渣(过60目筛)。结果表明:分离得到的真菌在这两种培养基中的产酶酶活力相差很大,最优菌株为木霉属Q-3,在培养基Ⅵ中产酶酶活最高,赖锰过氧化物酶和漆酶最高活性分别为4.2245U/mL、1.2525U/mL,相对应的纤维素酶活性较低。  相似文献   

Alkaloid-like substances have been obtained from the cultivation of fungi Penicillium granulatum and Penicillin corylophillum. The procedure for their preparative isolation has been developed. They do not have physico-chemical characteristics typical of alkaloids viridicatine and cyclopenine, previously isolated from Penicillium fungi. The presence of nitrogen in the structure has been shown in the product synthesized by Penicillium granulatum. Ultraviolet, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance and mass spectra have been recorded for the product.  相似文献   

Wood-inhabiting fungi include many molds, wood-staining fungi, and decay fungi. Most of these fungal species can result in economic losses to wood users. Studies on molds, staining fungi, and decay fungi are necessary to be able to control their growth on wood and wood products. In this study, wood-inhabiting fungi were isolated from logs of 3 major Canadian hardwood species: sugar maple, white birch, and yellow birch. Two media were used for isolation. From these 3 wood species, a total of 1198 fungal cultures were obtained from summer- and winter-harvested logs in dry storage and under water sprinkling. The results showed that most fungal species were not host specific and affected all of the wood species tested. Frequently isolated molds were Alternaria alternata, Trichoderma species, and Mucor/Rhizopus (Zygomycota) species, frequently isolated staining fungi were Ophiostoma piceae and Ophiostoma piliferum, a frequently isolated bark saprophyte was Nectria cinnabarina, and frequently isolated decay fungi were taxa of the phylum Basidiomycota. More fungal species were isolated from summer-harvested logs than from winter-harvested logs. Fewer fungal cultures, especially decay fungi, were isolated from logs in early storage than from logs in late storage.  相似文献   

Three new species of Curimatopsis are described from major tributaries of the Amazon basin. Curimatopsis guaporensis n. sp., from the Rio Madeira, belongs to the Curimatopsis evelynae clade and can be distinguished by the distinctive shape of the dark blotch on the caudal peduncle and by the position and shape of the nostrils. Curimatopsis pallida n. sp., from the Rio Negro, also related to C. evelynae, is distinguished from all congeners by the complete absence of pigmentation on the lateral surface of the caudal peduncle. Curimatopsis jaci n. sp., apparently endemic to the upper Rio Tapajós, belongs to the Curimatopsis macrolepis clade and differs from all congeners in details of body pigmentation. Meristic and morphometric features supplement diagnoses for the three new species. These species are hypothesized to belong to the two main clades of Curimatopsis on the basis of previous studies of osteology and external morphology and supplement a recent genetic study that revealed several cryptic and yet undescribed species within the genus. An updated identification key to the species of Curimatopsis is also provided.  相似文献   

Bacillus sp. P45, isolated from the intestine of the Amazon basin fish Piaractus mesopotamicus, showed proteolytic activity when grown on skimmed milk and feather meal agar plates. The keratinolytic potential of this strain was evaluated on whole feather broth and human hair broth. Bacillus sp. P45 degraded almost 90% of chicken feathers after 72 h of submerged cultivation on whole feather broth, and the production of extracellular proteases was observed. The formation of thiol groups was also detected during growth, indicating the contribution of sulphitolysis to the efficient hydrolysis of feather keratin. Nevertheless, Bacillus sp. P45 was unable to degrade hair keratin, possibly due to the conformational diversity of this substrate in comparison to feather keratin. Additionally, preliminary results demonstrated that this strain might be utilized in the degradation of recalcitrant collagen-containing wastes. The keratinolytic character of Bacillus sp. P45 might be utilized in environmental-friendly processes such as bioconversion of waste feathers, representing an alternative way of waste management that could lead to the production of value-added products such as microbial biomass, protein hydrolysates and proteolytic enzymes.  相似文献   

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