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微RNA(microRNA,miRNA)是一类在分子进化中十分保守的非编码RNA,长度约22个核苷酸,一般情况下它在转录后水平抑制基因表达。miRNA在细胞增殖、分化、凋亡等诸多生理过程中发挥着重要作用。有些miRNA具有组织特异性表达,其中miR-206是目前发现的唯一在骨骼肌中特异表达的miRNA,它在调节骨骼肌发生过程中扮演重要角色。miR-206表达异常与一些肌肉相关疾病如肌肉营养不良、肌萎缩性侧索硬化症等有关。此外,在Texel羊中,myostatin基因的一个点突变就产生了一个miR-206和miR-1的靶点,抑制了myostain基因的表达,从而产生了双肌表型。因此,miR-206有可能成为治疗肌肉相关疾病和畜禽改良育种的重要候选分子。  相似文献   

Connexin 43 (Cx43) is thought to be present largely in the plasma membrane and its function solely to provide low resistance electrical connection between myocytes. A recent report suggested the presence of Cx43 in the mitochondria as well. We confirmed the presence of Cx43 in the mitochondria isolated from adult rat ventricles with the Cx43 immunoreactivity fractionating to the outer mitochondrial membrane. Mitochondrial Cx43 is mostly phosphorylated only detected by a phospho-specific antibody. Using a Ca2+ -sensitive electrode and Western blot, we showed that the gap junction inhibitors 18-beta-glycyrrhetinic acid (beta-GA), oleamide, and heptanol all induced concomitant release of Ca2+ and cytochrome C in isolated mitochondria whereas the inactive analog 18-beta-glycyrrhizic acid failed to do so. In low density neonatal myocyte culture with no appreciable cell-cell contacts, beta-GA induced apoptosis as assessed by TUNEL staining. Our results suggest a novel role of Cx43 as a regulator of mitochondrial physiology and myocyte apoptosis.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels mediate direct cell–cell communication via the exchange of second messengers, ions, and metabolites from one cell to another. Mutations in several human connexin (cx) genes, the subunits of gap junction channels, disturb the development and function of multiple tissues/organs. In particular, appropriate function of Cx43 is required for skeletal development in all vertebrate model organisms. Importantly, it remains largely unclear how disruption of gap junctional intercellular communication causes developmental defects. Two groups have taken distinct approaches toward defining the tangible molecular changes occurring downstream of Cx43‐based gap junctional communication. Here, these strategies for determining how Cx43 modulates downstream events relevant to skeletal morphogenesis were reviewed. genesis 51:75–82, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTB) and its recently discovered homologue brain-enriched PTB (brPTB) are RNA binding proteins involved in the control of alternative splicing. We have characterized expression patterns of the PTB and brPTB in course of mouse brain development, using mRNA in situ hybridization. PTB is expressed in choroid plexi and ependyma at all the stages of development and temporarily in the mantle layer of migrating neuroblasts of fore-, mid- and hindbrain and in the external granular layer of cerebellum. In the neurons of adult mouse cerebrum and cerebellum expression of PTB is undetectable. In contrast to this, brPTB is expressed ubiquitously in neuroblasts of various parts of embryonic brain and in the differentiated neurons of postnatal cerebrum and cerebellum. brPTB mRNA is not observed in choroid plexi and ependymal layer. Thus, in the embryonic brain expression patterns of PTB and brPTB overlap, but in the course of brain development the patterns become complementary to each other.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone for a Xenopus laevis skeletal muscle beta-tropomyosin (beta-TMad) isoform was isolated from an adult skeletal muscle cDNA library. Sequence analysis revealed that this clone corresponded to a second beta-tropomyosin mRNA distinct from the one that was previously characterized (beta-TMemb). The two skeletal beta-TM mRNAs originate from distinct genes and are differentially expressed during development. Beta-TMemb mRNA is expressed only in the somites of the early embryo while beta-TMad mRNA is expressed in pre-metamorphic tadpoles and adult skeletal muscles. We have isolated the promoter region of the beta-TMemb gene and shown that a DNA construct containing 2.9 kb of promoter region is properly expressed after injection in the embryo.  相似文献   

Gap junction channels composed of connexin43 (Cx43) are essential for normal myogenic differentiation and skeletal muscle regeneration. Here, the aim was to study whether lithium chloride (LiCl) could regulate Cx43 expression and gap junction channel function by mimicking the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway in primary myoblasts. Cx43 mRNA expression in myoblasts was up-regulated in response to 5 mM LiCl. The enhanced Cx43 protein expression resulting from treatment with 5 and 10 mM LiCl for 24 h increased gap-junctional coupling in myoblasts. However, no obvious changes were observed with 20 mM LiCl. Furthermore, chronic treatment with 10 mM LiCl decreased Cx43 protein expression compared with untreated cells. The authors showed that LiCl mimicked the active canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling by glycogen synthase kinase-3beta (GSK-3beta) inactivation and accumulation of the effector protein beta-catenin into the nucleus. These results suggest that LiCl regulates Cx43 expression in skeletal myoblasts in vitro partly by a Wnt/beta-catenin-dependent pathway.  相似文献   

Abnormal QT prolongation with the associated arrhythmias is a significant predictor of mortality in diabetic patients. Gap junctional intercellular communication allows electrical coupling between heart muscle cells. The effects of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetes mellitus on the expression and distribution of connexin 43 (Cx43) in ventricular muscle have been investigated. Cx43 mRNA expression was measured in ventricular muscle by quantitative PCR. The distribution of total Cx43, phosphorylated Cx43 (at serine 368) and non-phosphorylated Cx43 was measured in ventricular myocytes and ventricular muscle by immunocytochemistry and confocal microscopy. There was no significant difference in Cx43 mRNA between diabetic rat ventricle and controls. Total and phosphorylated Cx43 were significantly increased in ventricular myocytes and ventricular muscle and dephosphorylated Cx43 was not significantly altered in ventricular muscle from diabetic rat hearts compared to controls. Disturbances in gap junctional intercellular communication, which in turn may be attributed to alterations in balance between total, phosphorylated and dephosporylated Cx43, might partly underlie prolongation of QRS and QT intervals in diabetic heart.  相似文献   

Cellular heterogeneity during vertebrate skeletal muscle development   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Although skeletal muscles appear superficially alike at different anatomical locations, in reality there is considerably more diversity than previously anticipated. Heterogeneity is not only restricted to completely developed fibers, but is clearly apparent during development at the molecular, cellular and anatomical level. Multiple waves of muscle precursors with different features appear before birth and contribute to muscular diversification. Recent cell lineage and gene expression studies have expanded our knowledge on how skeletal muscle is formed and how its heterogeneity is generated. This review will present a comprehensive view of relevant findings in this field.  相似文献   

Cysteine proteinases, cathepsins B, H, K, L and S, have been implicated in several proteolytic processes during development, growth, remodeling and aging, as well as in a variety of pathological processes. For systematic analysis of cathepsin gene expression we have produced cDNA clones for mouse and human cysteine cathepsins. Northern analysis of a panel of total RNAs isolated from 16-19 different human and mouse tissues revealed the presence of mRNAs for cathepsin B, H, K, L and S in most tissues, but each with a distinct profile. Of the different cathepsin mRNAs, those for cathepsin K were clearly the highest in bone and cartilage. However, relatively high mRNA levels for the other cathepsins were also present in these tissues. To better understand the roles of different cathepsins during endochondral ossification in mouse long bones, cathepsin mRNAs were localized by in situ hybridization. Cathepsin K mRNAs were predominantly seen in multinucleated chondroclastic and osteoclastic cells at the osteochondral junction and on the surface of bone spicules. The other cathepsin mRNAs were also seen in osteoclasts, and in hypertrophic and proliferating chondrocytes. These observations were confirmed by immunohistochemistry and suggest that all cysteine cathepsins are involved in matrix degradation during endochondral ossification.  相似文献   

Muscles are formed by fusion of individual postmitotic myoblasts to form multinucleated syncytial myotubes. The process requires a well-coordinated transition from proliferation, through migratory alignment and cycle exit, to breakdown of apposed membranes. Connexin43 protein and cell-cycle inhibitor levels are correlated, and gap junction blockers can delay muscle regeneration, so a coordinating role for gap junctions has been proposed. Here, wild-type and dominant-negative connexin43 variants (wtCx43, dnCx43) were introduced into rat myoblasts in primary culture through pIRES-eGFP constructs that made transfected cells fluoresce. GFP-positive cells and vitally-stained nuclei were counted on successive days to reveal differences in proliferation, and myotubes were counted to reveal differences in fusion. Individual transfected cells were injected with Cascade Blue, which permeates gap junctions, mixed with FITC-dextran, which requires cytoplasmic continuity to enter neighbouring cells. Myoblasts transfected with wtCx43 showed more gap-junctional coupling than GFP-only controls, began fusion sooner as judged by the incidence of cytoplasmic coupling, and formed more myotubes. Myoblasts transfected with dnCx43 remained proliferative for longer than either GFP-only or wtCx43 myoblasts, showed less coupling, and underwent little fusion into myotubes. These results highlight the critical role of gap-junctional coupling in myotube formation.  相似文献   

Signals that determine fast- and slow-twitch phenotypes of skeletal muscle fibers are thought to stem from depolarization, with concomitant contraction and activation of calcium-dependent pathways. We examined the roles of contraction and activation of calcineurin (CN) in regulation of slow and fast myosin heavy chain (MHC) protein expression during muscle fiber formation in vitro. Myotubes formed from embryonic day 21 rat myoblasts contracted spontaneously, and approximately 10% expressed slow MHC after 12 d in culture, as seen by immunofluorescent staining. Transfection with a constitutively active form of calcineurin (CN*) increased slow MHC by 2.5-fold as determined by Western blot. This effect was attenuated 35% by treatment with tetrodotoxin and 90% by administration of the selective inhibitor of CN, cyclosporin A. Conversely, cyclosporin A alone increased fast MHC by twofold. Cotransfection with VIVIT, a peptide that selectively inhibits calcineurin-induced activation of the nuclear factor of activated T-cells, blocked the effect of CN* on slow MHC by 70% but had no effect on fast MHC. The results suggest that contractile activity-dependent expression of slow MHC is mediated largely through the CN-nuclear factor of activated T-cells pathway, whereas suppression of fast MHC expression may be independent of nuclear factor of activated T-cells.  相似文献   

Transition of arterial smooth muscle cells from the contractile to the synthetic phenotype in vivo is associated with up-regulation of the gap-junctional protein, connexin43 (Cx43). However, the role of increased Cx43 expression in relation to the characteristic features of the synthetic phenotype – altered growth, differentiation or synthetic activity – has not previously been defined. In the present study, growth was induced in cultured human aortic smooth muscle cells by treatment with thrombin and with PDGF-bb; growth arrest was induced by serum deprivation and contact inhibition. Alterations in Cx43 expression and gap-junctional communication were analyzed in relation to expression of markers for contractile differentiation and extracellular matrix synthesis. Treatment with thrombin, but not PDGF-bb, led to up-regulation of Cx43 gap junctions, increased synthetic activity yet also enhanced contractile differentiation. Inhibition of growth by deprivation of serum growth factors in sub-confluent cultures had no effect on Cx43 expression or contractile differentiation. Growth arrest by contact inhibition led to progressive reduction in Cx43 expression, in parallel with progressive increase in expression of differentiation markers but no alteration in synthetic activity. Of a range of stimuli examined, only thrombin had the combined effect of increasing Cx43 gap-junction communication, growth and synthesis, yet it also enhanced contractile differentiation. Down-regulation of Cx43 and improved contractile differentiation occurred only when growth arrest was induced through the contact–inhibition pathway, though, in this instance, synthesis remained undiminished. We conclude that Cx43 levels, though having common correlates, are not exclusively linked to the cell phenotype or the state of growth.  相似文献   

Heart failure is known to predispose to life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias even before compromising the systemic circulation, but the underlying mechanism is not well understood. The aim of this study was to clarify the connexin43 (Cx43) gap junction remodeling and its potential role in the pathogenesis of arrhythmias during the development of heart failure. We investigated stage-dependent changes in Cx43 expression in UM-X7.1 cardiomyopathic hamster hearts and associated alterations in the electrophysiological properties using a high-resolution optical mapping system. UM-X7.1 hamsters developed left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy by ages 6 approximately 10 wk and showed a moderate reduction in LV contractility at age 20 wk. Appreciable interstitial fibrosis was recognized at these stages. LV mRNA and protein levels of Cx43 in UM-X7.1 were unaffected at age 10 wk but significantly reduced at 20 wk. The expression level of Ser255-phosphorylated Cx43 in UM-X7.1 at age 20 wk was significantly greater than that in control golden hamsters at the same age. In UM-X7.1 at age 10 wk, almost normal LV conduction was preserved, whereas the dispersion of action potential duration was significantly increased. UM-X7.1 at age 20 wk showed significant reduction of cardiac space constant, significant decrease in conduction velocity, marked distortion of activation fronts, and pronounced increase in action potential duration dispersion. Programmed stimulation resulted in sustained ventricular tachycardia or fibrillation in UM-X7.1. LV activation during polymorphic ventricular tachycardia was characterized by multiple phase singularities or wavebreaks. During the development of heart failure in the cardiomyopathic hamster, alterations of Cx43 expression and phosphorylation in concert with interstitial fibrosis may create serious arrhythmogenic substrate through an inhibition of cell-to-cell coupling.  相似文献   

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a pervasive clinical problem involving alterations in both neurogenic and myogenic activity. While there has been some progress in understanding neurogenic inputs to OAB, the mechanisms controlling myogenic bladder activity are unclear. We report the involvement of myocardin (MYOCD) and microRNA‐1 (miR‐1) in the regulation of connexin 43 (GJA1), a major gap junction in bladder smooth muscle, and the collective role of these molecules during post‐natal bladder development. Wild‐type (WT) mouse bladders showed normal development from early post‐natal to adult including increases in bladder capacity and maintenance of normal sensitivity to cholinergic agents concurrent with down‐regulation of MYOCD and several smooth muscle cell (SMC) contractile genes. Myocardin heterozygous‐knockout mice exhibited reduced expression of Myocd mRNA and several SMC contractile genes concurrent with bladder SMC hypersensitivity that was mediated by gap junctions. In both cultured rat bladder SMC and in vivo bladders, MYOCD down‐regulated GJA1 expression through miR‐1 up‐regulation. Interestingly, adult myocardin heterozygous‐knockout mice showed normal increases in bladder and body weight but lower bladder capacity compared to WT mice. These results suggest that MYOCD down‐regulates GJA1 expression via miR‐1 up‐regulation, thereby contributing to maintenance of normal sensitivity and development of bladder capacity. J. Cell. Physiol. 228: 1819–1826, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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