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Defective retinal synaptic transmission in patients affected with congenital stationary night blindness type 2 (CSNB2) can result from different dysfunction phenotypes in Cav1.4 L-type calcium channels. Here we investigated two prototypical Cav1.4 variants from either end of the functional spectrum. Using whole-cell and single-channel patch-clamp techniques, we provide analysis of the biophysical characteristics of the point mutation L860P and the C-terminal truncating mutation R1827X. L860P showed a typical loss-of-function phenotype attributed to a reduced number of functional channels expressed at the plasma membrane as implied by gating current and non-stationary noise analyses. This phenotype can be rationalized, because the inserted proline is predicted to break an amphipatic helix close to the transmembrane segment IIIS1 and thus to reduce channel stability and promote misfolding. In fact, L860P was subject to an increased turnover. In contrast, R1827X displayed an apparent gain-of-function phenotype, i.e., due to a hyperpolarizing shift of the IV-curve and increased single-channel activity. However, truncation also resulted in the loss of functional C-terminal modulation and thus unmasked calcium-dependent inactivation. Thus R1827X failed to support continuous calcium influx. Current inactivation curtails the dynamic range of photoreceptors (e.g., when adapting to variation in illumination). Taken together, the analysis of two representative mutations that occur in CSNB2 patients revealed fundamental differences in the underlying defect. These may explain subtle variations in the clinical manifestation and must be taken into account, if channel function is to be restored by pharmacochaperones or related approaches.  相似文献   

Mutations in the gene encoding Cav1.4, CACNA1F, are associated with visual disorders including X-linked incomplete congenital stationary night blindness type 2 (CSNB2). In mice lacking Cav1.4 channels, there are defects in the development of “ribbon” synapses formed between photoreceptors (PRs) and second-order neurons. However, many CSNB2 mutations disrupt the function rather than expression of Cav1.4 channels. Whether defects in PR synapse development due to altered Cav1.4 function are common features contributing to the pathogenesis of CSNB2 is unknown. To resolve this issue, we profiled changes in the subcellular distribution of Cav1.4 channels and synapse morphology during development in wild-type (WT) mice and mouse models of CSNB2. Using Cav1.4-selective antibodies, we found that Cav1.4 channels associate with ribbon precursors early in development and are concentrated at both rod and cone PR synapses in the mature retina. In mouse models of CSNB2 in which the voltage-dependence of Cav1.4 activation is either enhanced (Cav1.4I756T) or inhibited (CaBP4 KO), the initial stages of PR synaptic ribbon formation are largely unaffected. However, after postnatal day 13, many PR ribbons retain the immature morphology. This synaptic abnormality corresponds in severity to the defect in synaptic transmission in the adult mutant mice, suggesting that lack of sufficient mature synapses contributes to vision impairment in Cav1.4I756T and CaBP4 KO mice. Our results demonstrate the importance of proper Cav1.4 function for efficient PR synapse maturation, and that dysregulation of Cav1.4 channels in CSNB2 may have synaptopathic consequences.  相似文献   

X-linked congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) is a nonprogressive retinal disorder characterized by a presumptive defect of neurotransmission between the photoreceptor and bipolar cells. Carriers are not clinically detectable. A new classification for CSNB includes a complete type, which lacks rod function by electroretinography and dark adaptometry, and an incomplete type, which shows some rod function on scotopic testing. The refraction in the complete CSNB patients ranges from mild to severe myopia; the incomplete ranges from moderate hyperopia to moderate myopia. To map the gene responsible for this disease, we studied eight multigeneration families, seven with complete CSNB (CSNB1) and one with incomplete CSNB, by linkage analysis using 17 polymorphic X-chromosome markers. We found tight genetic linkage between CSNB1 and an Xp11.3 DNA polymorphic site, DXS7, in seven families with CSNB1 (LOD 7.35 at theta = 0). No recombinations to CSNB1 were found with marker loci DXS7 and DXS14. The result with DXS14 may be due to the small number of scored meioses (10). No linkage could be shown with Xq loci PGK, DXYS1, DXS52, and DXS15. Pairwise linkage analysis maps the gene for CSNB1 at Xp11.3 and suggests that the CSNB1 locus is distal to another Xp11 marker, TIMP, and proximal to the OTC locus. Five-point analysis on the eight families supported the order DXS7-CSNB1-TIMP-DXS225-DXS14. The odds in favor of this order were 9863:1. Removal of the family with incomplete CSNB (F21) revealed two most favored orders, DXS7-CSNB1-TIMP-DXS255-DXS14 and CSNB1-DXS7-TIMP-DXS255-DXS14. Heterogeneity testing using the CSNB1-M27 beta and CSNB1-TIMP linkage data (DXS7 was not informative in F21) was not significant to support evidence of genetic heterogeneity (P = 0.155 and 0.160, respectively).  相似文献   

A recombinant chromosome in a male affected with X-linked congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB1) provides new information on the location of the CSNB1 locus. A four-generation family with five males affected with X-linked CSNB was analyzed with five polymorphic markers for four X-chromosome loci spanning the region OTC (Xp21.1) to DXS255 (Xp11.22). Four of the males inherited the same X chromosome; one male inherited a chromosome that from OTC to DXS7, inclusive, was derived from the normal X chromosome of his unaffected grandfather and that from a location between DXS7 and DXS426 proximally was derived from the chromosome carrying the CSNB1 locus. This recombinant maps the CSNB1 locus in this family to a region on the short arm of the X chromosome proximal to the DXS7 locus.  相似文献   

Mutations in the GUCY2D gene coding for the dimeric human retinal membrane guanylyl cyclase (RetGC) isozyme RetGC1 cause various forms of blindness, ranging from rod dysfunction to rod and cone degeneration. We tested how the mutations causing recessive congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB), recessive Leber''s congenital amaurosis (LCA1), and dominant cone–rod dystrophy-6 (CORD6) affected RetGC1 activity and regulation by RetGC-activating proteins (GCAPs) and retinal degeneration-3 protein (RD3). CSNB mutations R666W, R761W, and L911F, as well as LCA1 mutations R768W and G982VfsX39, disabled RetGC1 activation by human GCAP1, -2, and -3. The R666W and R761W substitutions compromised binding of GCAP1 with RetGC1 in HEK293 cells. In contrast, G982VfsX39 and L911F RetGC1 retained the ability to bind GCAP1 in cyto but failed to effectively bind RD3. R768W RetGC1 did not bind either GCAP1 or RD3. The co-expression of GUCY2D allelic combinations linked to CSNB did not restore RetGC1 activity in vitro. The CORD6 mutation R838S in the RetGC1 dimerization domain strongly dominated the Ca2+ sensitivity of cyclase regulation by GCAP1 in RetGC1 heterodimer produced by co-expression of WT and the R838S subunits. It required higher Ca2+ concentrations to decelerate GCAP-activated RetGC1 heterodimer—6-fold higher than WT and 2-fold higher than the Ser838-harboring homodimer. The heterodimer was also more resistant than homodimers to inhibition by RD3. The observed biochemical changes can explain the dominant CORD6 blindness and recessive LCA1 blindness, both of which affect rods and cones, but they cannot explain the selective loss of rod function in recessive CSNB.  相似文献   

Cav1.4 L-type Ca2+ channels are crucial for synaptic transmission in retinal photoreceptors and bipolar neurons. Recent studies suggest that the activity of this channel is regulated by the Ca2+-binding protein 4 (CaBP4). In the present study, we explored this issue by examining functional effects of CaBP4 on heterologously expressed Cav1.4. We show that CaBP4 dramatically increases Cav1.4 channel availability. This effect crucially depends on the presence of the C-terminal ICDI (inhibitor of Ca2+-dependent inactivation) domain of Cav1.4 and is absent in a Cav1.4 mutant lacking the ICDI. Using FRET experiments, we demonstrate that CaBP4 interacts with the IQ motif of Cav1.4 and that it interferes with the binding of the ICDI domain. Based on these findings, we suggest that CaBP4 increases Cav1.4 channel availability by relieving the inhibitory effects of the ICDI domain on voltage-dependent Cav1.4 channel gating. We also functionally characterized two CaBP4 mutants that are associated with a congenital variant of human night blindness and other closely related nonstationary retinal diseases. Although both mutants interact with Cav1.4 channels, the functional effects of CaBP4 mutants are only partially preserved, leading to a reduction of Cav1.4 channel availability and loss of function. In conclusion, our study sheds new light on the functional interaction between CaBP4 and Cav1.4. Moreover, it provides insights into the mechanism by which CaBP4 mutants lead to loss of Cav1.4 function and to retinal disease.  相似文献   

The appaloosa coat spotting pattern in horses is caused by a single incomplete dominant gene (LP). Homozygosity for LP (LP/LP) is directly associated with congenital stationary night blindness (CSNB) in Appaloosa horses. LP maps to a 6-cM region on ECA1. We investigated the relative expression of two functional candidate genes located in this LP candidate region (TRPM1 and OCA2), as well as three other linked loci (TJP1, MTMR10, and OTUD7A) by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. No large differences were found for expression levels of TJP1, MTMR10, OTUD7A, and OCA2. However, TRPM1 (Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel, Subfamily M, Member 1) expression in the retina of homozygous appaloosa horses was 0.05% the level found in non-appaloosa horses (R = 0.0005). This constitutes a >1800-fold change (FC) decrease in TRPM1 gene expression in the retina (FC = -1870.637, P = 0.001) of CSNB-affected (LP/LP) horses. TRPM1 was also downregulated in LP/LP pigmented skin (R = 0.005, FC = -193.963, P = 0.001) and in LP/LP unpigmented skin (R = 0.003, FC = -288.686, P = 0.001) and was downregulated to a lesser extent in LP/lp unpigmented skin (R = 0.027, FC = -36.583, P = 0.001). TRP proteins are thought to have a role in controlling intracellular Ca(2+) concentration. Decreased expression of TRPM1 in the eye and the skin may alter bipolar cell signaling as well as melanocyte function, thus causing both CSNB and LP in horses.  相似文献   

At least 48 mutations in the CACNA1F gene encoding retinal Ca(v)1.4 L-type Ca(2+) channels have been linked to X-linked recessive congenital stationary night blindness type 2 (CSNB2). A large number of these are missense mutations encoding full-length alpha1-subunits that can potentially form functional channels. We have previously shown that such missense mutations can confer their phenotype by different pathological mechanisms, such as complete lack of alpha1 subunit protein expression or dramatic changes in channel gating. Here we investigated the functional consequences of CSNB2 missense mutations R508Q and L1364H. We found no (R508Q) or only minor (L1364H) changes in the gating properties of both mutants after heterologous expression in Xenopus laevis oocytes (at 20 degrees C). However, both mutants resulted in altered expression density of Ca(v)1.4 currents. When expressed in the mammalian cell line tsA-201, the current amplitude of L1364H channels was reduced when cells were grown at 30 degrees C and both mutations affected total alpha1 protein expression. This effect was temperature dependent. Our data provide evidence that, in contrast to previously characterized CSNB2 missense mutations, the clinical phenotype of R508Q and L1364H is unlikely to be explained by changes in channel gating. Instead, these mutations affect the protein expression of Ca(v)1.4 Ca(2+) channels.  相似文献   

The neuromodulator adenosine mediates dark-adaptive changes in retinal photoreceptors through A(2a) receptors. In cold-blooded vertebrates, opsin mRNA expression is lower at night than during the day. In the present study, we tested whether adenosine could inhibit opsin mRNA expression in cultured rod cells and if endogenous adenosine acts to suppress opsin mRNA in the intact retina at night. Semi-quantitative in situ hybridization showed that treatment with 100 nm of the A(2a)/A(2b) agonist N(6)-[2-(3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(2-methylphenyl)-ethyl]adenosine (DPMA) reduced opsin mRNA 41% in cultured rod cells. The effect of DPMA was blocked by 10 microm of the A(2a) antagonist 8-(3-chlorostyryl)caffeine (CSC) but not by 10 microm of the A(2b) antagonist alloxazine. One micromolar adenosine alone had no effect on opsin mRNA. However, in the presence of the adenosine deaminase inhibitor erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl)adenine hydrochloride (EHNA), 1 microm adenosine reduced opsin mRNA 61%. EHNA alone reduced opsin mRNA by 26%. Consistent with an A(2a) receptor mechanism, 100 nm forskolin (adenylate cyclase agonist) decreased opsin mRNA 34%. Finally, northern blots showed that intravitreal injection of 10 microm CSC at night increased opsin I mRNA 38%. Thus, endogenous adenosine suppresses rod opsin I mRNA expression at night; in vitro results indicate this reduction occurs through A(2a)-like receptor binding and stimulation of adenylate cyclase activity.  相似文献   

In the chick retina, the D1 dopaminergic system differentiates very early, as shown by receptor-mediated increases in intracellular cyclic AMP concentration and the presence of [(3)H]SCH23390-specific binding sites. Here, we characterized, by RT-PCR, the expression of defined D1 receptor subtypes D(1A), D(1B), and D(1D) during the development of the chick retina. Total RNA was extracted from retinas of 6-day-old embryos (E6) to 1-day-old hatched chickens and reverse-transcribed. The resulting cDNA was amplified using D(1A)-, D(1B)-, or D(1D)-specific primers, and the PCR-amplified products were analyzed by electrophoresis. The fragment corresponding to D(1A) receptor was detected in developing retina as early as E7, whereas the fragment corresponding to D(1B) was observed starting around E10. No PCR product corresponding to D(1D) was observed in the retina, although it was detected in chick brain. As synaptogenesis in chick retina begins after E11 and [(3)H]SCH 23390 D1 binding sites increase after this stage, the present results show that expression of D(1B) receptor increases during synaptogenesis, whereas D(1A) is the receptor subtype associated with the D1-like actions of dopamine early in retina development.  相似文献   

1. A new method has been developed for the specific extraction of histone fraction f2(a) from calf thymus deoxyribonucleoprotein at pH7 by using a mixture of ethanol and guanidinium chloride. 2. Fraction f2(a) has been separated into the subfractions f2(a)1 and f2(a)2 by acetone precipitation from acid solution, and at pH7. 3. Modifications of existing electrophoretic methods are described that enable these fractions to be more easily characterized.  相似文献   

Retinal dystrophy (Rdy) is an autosomal dominant photoreceptor dysplasia of Abyssinian cats and a model for autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (ADRP) in man. We have pursued a candidate gene approach in the search for the causal mutation in Rdy. The genes RHO (encoding rhodopsin), ROM1 (encoding the structural retinal outer-membrane protein-1) and PDE6G (encoding the gamma subunit of the visual transduction protein cyclic guanosine monophosphate-phosphodiesterase) were polymerase chain reaction-amplified from normal feline genomic DNA. Leader, coding and 3' untranslated regions of each gene, and parts of introns were sequenced. Single-stranded conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis of Rdy-affected and normal cats was used to identify intragenic polymorphisms within ROM1 and PDE6G. DNA sequencing of all three genes in Rdy-affected cats was used to confirm results from SSCP. For both ROM1 and PDE6G polymorphisms identified by SSCP and sequencing showed disconcordance between the polymorphism and the disease phenotype within an Rdy disease pedigree. SSCP analysis of RHO performed across the 5' untranslated region, the entire coding sequence and the intron/exon boundaries in Rdy-affected and control cats failed to identify any intragenic polymorphisms that could be used for linkage analysis. DNA sequencing of these regions showed no differences between Rdy-affected and control cats. Mutations in ROM1 or in PDE6G are not causative of feline Rdy. The absence of potentially pathogenic polymorphisms in sequenced portions of the RHO gene makes it unlikely that a mutation in this gene is the cause of Rdy.  相似文献   

Human/rodent CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 orthologs are well known to exhibit species-specific differences in substrate preferences and rates of metabolism. This lab previously characterized a BAC-transgenic mouse carrying the human CYP1A1_CYP1A2 locus; in this line, human dioxin-inducible CYP1A1 and basal vs dioxin-inducible CYP1A2 have been shown to be expressed normally (with regard to mRNAs, proteins and three enzyme activities) in every one of nine mouse tissues studied. The mouse Cyp1a1 and Cyp1a2 genes are oriented head-to-head and share a bidirectional promoter region of 13,954 bp. Using Cre recombinase and loxP sites inserted 3' of the stop codons of both genes, we show here a successful interchromosomal excision of 26,173 bp that ablated both genes on the same allele. The Cyp1a1/1a2(-) double-knockout allele was bred with the "humanized" line; the final product is the hCYP1A1_1A2_Cyp1a1/1a2(-/-) line on a theoretically >99.8% C57BL/6J genetic background-having both human genes replacing the mouse orthologs. This line will be valuable for human risk assessment studies involving any environmental toxicant or drug that is a substrate for CYP1A1 or CYP1A2.  相似文献   

The nuclear receptor DAX-1, encoded by the NR0B1 gene, is presented in the hypothalamic tissues in humans and other vertebrates. Human patients with NR0B1 mutations often have hypothalamic-pituitary defects, but the involvement of NR0B1 in hypothalamic development and function is not well understood. Here, we report the disruption of the nr0b1 gene in zebrafish causes abnormal expression of gonadotropins, a reduction in fertilization rate, and an increase in postfasting food intake, which are indicators of abnormal hypothalamic functions. We find that loss of nr0b1 increases the number of prodynorphin (pdyn)-expressing neurons but decreases the number of pro-opiomelanocortin (pomcb)-expressing neurons in the zebrafish hypothalamic arcuate region (ARC). Further examination reveals that the proliferation of progenitor cells is reduced in the hypothalamus of nr0b1 mutant embryos accompanying the decreased expression of genes in the Notch signaling pathway. Additionally, the inhibition of Notch signaling in wild-type embryos increases the number of pdyn neurons, mimicking the nr0b1 mutant phenotype. In contrast, ectopic activation of Notch signaling in nr0b1 mutant embryos decreases the number of pdyn neurons. Taken together, our results suggest that nr0b1 regulates neural progenitor proliferation and maintenance to ensure normal hypothalamic neuron development.  相似文献   

Expression and function of phospholipase A(2) in brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phospholipase A(2) (PLA(2)) appears to play a fundamental role in cell injury in the central nervous system. We have investigated PLA(2) expression in the astrocytoma cell line 1231N1, and found that GIVA, GIVB, GIVC and GVI PLA(2) messages are expressed. PLA(2) activity is increased by inflammatory/injury stimuli such as interleukin-1beta and lipopolysaccharide in these cells but with very different time courses. The arachidonic acid liberated is converted to prostaglandin E(2), possibly by cyclooxygenase-2, which is induced by inflammatory stimuli. This cell system emerges as a model to study injury/inflammation-related activation of the new PLA(2) forms GIVB and GIVC.  相似文献   

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