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The complement system is central to the rapid immune response witnessed in vertebrates and invertebrates, which plays a crucial role in physiology and pathophysiology. Complement activation fuels the proteolytic cascade, which produces several complement fragments that interacts with a distinct set of complement receptors. Among all the complement fragments, C5a is one of the most potent anaphylatoxins, which exerts solid pro-inflammatory responses in a myriad of tissues by binding to the complement receptors such as C5aR1 (CD88, C5aR) and C5aR2 (GPR77, C5L2), which are part of the rhodopsin subfamily of G-protein coupled receptors. In terms of signaling cascade, recruitment of C5aR1 or C5aR2 by C5a triggers the association of either G-proteins or β-arrestins, providing a protective response under normal physiological conditions and a destructive response under pathophysiological conditions. As a result, both deficiency and unregulated activation of the complement lead to clinical conditions that require therapeutic intervention. Indeed, complement therapeutics targeting either the complement fragments or the complement receptors are being actively pursued by both industry and academia. In this context, the model structural complex of C5a–C5aR1 interactions, followed by a biophysical evaluation of the model complex, has been elaborated on earlier. In addition, through the drug repurposing strategy, we have shown that small molecule drugs such as raloxifene and prednisone may act as neutraligands of C5a by effectively binding to C5a and altering its biologically active molecular conformation. Very recently, structural models illustrating the intermolecular interaction of C5a with C5aR2 have also been elaborated by our group. In the current study, we provide the biophysical validation of the C5a-C5aR2 model complex by recruiting major synthetic peptide fragments of C5aR2 against C5a. In addition, the ability of the selected neutraligands to hinder the interaction of C5a with the peptide fragments derived from both C5aR1 and C5aR2 has also been explored. Overall, the computational and experimental data provided in the current study supports the idea that small molecule drugs targeting C5a can potentially neutralize C5a's ability to interact effectively with its cognate complement receptors, which can be beneficial in modulating the destructive signaling response of C5a under pathological conditions.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(2):112078
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A monoclonal antibody, 5-5B, which neutralizes Shiga toxin 1 (Stx1) cytotoxicity of Escherichia coli, was constructed. An epitope analysis indicated that Asn55 in Stx1 B subunit was an important residue. This result and our previous results using an anti-Stx2 monoclonal antibody indicate that the region around the cysteine residue of the disulfide bond might be important for the neutralization of Stx cytotoxicity, making it a potential vaccination candidate.  相似文献   

The human D5 monoclonal antibody binds to the highly conserved hydrophobic pocket on the N-terminal heptad repeat (NHR) trimer of HIV-1 gp41 and exhibits modest yet relatively broad neutralization activity. Both binding and neutralization depend on residues in the complementarity determining regions (CDRs) of the D5 IgG variable domains on heavy chain (VH) and light chain (VL). In an effort to increase neutralization activity to a wider range of HIV-1 strains, we have affinity matured the parental D5 scFv by randomizing selected residues in 5 of its 6 CDRs. The resulting scFv variants derived from four different CDR changes showed enhanced binding affinities to gp41 NHR mimetic (5-helix) which correlated to improved neutralization potencies by up to 8-fold. However, when converted to IgG1s, these D5 variants had up to a 12-fold reduction in neutralization potency over their corresponding scFvs despite their slightly enhanced in vitro binding affinities. Remarkably, D5 variant IgG1s bearing residue changes in CDRs that interact with epitope residues N-terminal to the hydrophobic pocket (such as VH CDR3 and VL CDR3) retained more neutralization potency than those containing residue changes in pocket-interacting CDRs (such as VH CDR2). These results provide compelling evidence for the existence of a steric block to an IgG that extends to the gp41 NHR hydrophobic pocket region, and can be a useful guide for developing therapeutic antibodies and vaccines circumventing this block.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the isolation and characterization of a monoclonal antibody against human serum transferrin (Tf) and the cloning and sequencing of its cDNA. The antibody competes with the transferrin receptor (TR) for binding to human Tf and is therefore expected to bind at or very close to a region of interaction between Tf and its receptor. From the deduced amino acid sequence, we constructed a 3-dimensional model of the variable domains of the antibody based on the canonical structure model for the hypervariable loops. The proposed structure of the antibody is a first step toward a more detailed characterization of the antibody-Tf complex and possibly toward a better understanding of the Tf interaction with its receptor. The model might prove useful in guiding site-directed mutagenesis studies, simplifying the experimental elucidation of the antibody structure, and in the use of automatic procedures to dock the interacting molecules as soon as structural information about the structure of the human Tf molecule will be available.  相似文献   

The tertiary structure of a unique C5a receptor antagonist was determined by two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The core domain of this 8-kDa antagonist exists as an antiparallel helical bundle, similar to recombinant human (rh)-C5a. However, unlike C5a, the antagonist's C terminus was found to be conformationally restricted along a groove between helices one and four in the core domain. This conformational restriction situates C-terminal D-Arg 75 in a wedge between core residues Arg 46 and His 15. Correlation of the antagonist's tertiary structure with point mutation analysis revealed the formation of a positively charged contiguous contact surface comprised of D-Arg 75, Arg 46, Lys 49, and His 15. The significance of this surface in generating antagonist properties implies a single binding site with the C5a receptor and provides a structural template for drug design.  相似文献   

C5a is an inflammatory mediator that evokes a variety of immune effector functions including chemotaxis, cell activation, spasmogenesis, and immune modulation. It is well established that the effector site in C5a is located in the C-terminal region, although other regions in C5a also contribute to receptor interaction. We have examined the N-terminal region (NTR) of human C5a by replacing selected residues in the NTR with glycine via site-directed mutagenesis. Mutants of rC5a were expressed as fusion proteins, and rC5a was isolated after factor Xa cleavage. The potency of the mutants was evaluated by measuring both neutrophil chemotaxis and degranulation (beta-glucuronidase release). Mutants that contained the single residue substitutions Ile-6-->Gly or Tyr-13-->Gly were reduced in potency to 4-30% compared with wild-type rC5a. Other single-site glycine substitutions at positions Leu-2, Ala-10, Lys-4, Lys-5, Glu-7, Glu-8, and Lys-14 showed little effect on C5a potency. The double mutant, Ile-6-->Gly/Tyr-13-->Gly, was reduced in potency to < 0.2%, which correlated with a correspondingly low binding affinity for neutrophil C5a receptors. Circular dichroism studies revealed a 40% reduction in alpha-helical content for the double mutant, suggesting that the NTR contributes stabilizing interactions that maintain local secondary or tertiary structure of C5a important for receptor interaction. We conclude that the N-terminal region in C5a is involved in receptor binding either through direct interaction with the receptor or by stabilizing a binding site elsewhere in the intact C5a molecule.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the antigen-binding fragment of a monoclonal antibody (8F5) that neutralizes human rhinovirus serotype 2 has been determined by X-ray diffraction studies. Antibody 8F5, obtained by immunization with native HRV2 virions, cross-reacts with peptides of the viral capsid protein VP2, which contribute to the neutralizing immunogenic site B in this serotype. The structure was solved by the molecular replacement method and has been refined to an R-factor of 18.9% at 2.8 A resolution. The elbow angle, relating the variable and constant modules of the molecule is 127 degrees, representing the smallest elbow angle observed so far in an Fab fragment. Furthermore, the charged residues of the epitope can be well accommodated in the antigen-binding site. This is the first crystal structure reported for an antibody directed against an icosahedral virus.  相似文献   

L1 cell adhesion molecule (L1CAM) is aberrantly expressed in malignant tumors and plays important roles in tumor progression. Thus, L1CAM could serve as a therapeutic target and anti-L1CAM antibodies may have potential as anticancer agents. However, L1CAM is expressed in neural cells and the druggability of anti-L1AM antibody must be validated at the earliest stages of preclinical study. Here, we generated a human monoclonal antibody that is cross-reactive with mouse L1CAM and evaluated its pharmacokinetic properties and anti-tumor efficacy in rodent models. First, we selected an antibody (Ab4) that binds human and mouse L1CAM from the human naïve Fab library using phage display, then increased its affinity 45-fold through mutation of 3 residues in the complementarity-determining regions (CDRs) to generate Ab4M. Next, the affinity of Ab4M was increased 1.8-fold by yeast display of single-chain variable fragment containing randomly mutated light chain CDR3 to generate Ab417. The affinities (KD) of Ab417 for human and mouse L1CAM were 0.24 nM and 79.16 pM, respectively. Ab417 specifically bound the Ig5 domain of L1CAM and did not exhibit off-target activity, but bound to the peripheral nerves embedded in normal human tissues as expected in immunohistochemical analysis. In a pharmacokinetics study, the mean half-life of Ab417 was 114.49 h when a single dose (10 mg/kg) was intravenously injected into SD rats. Ab417 significantly inhibited tumor growth in a human cholangiocarcinoma xenograft nude mouse model and did not induce any adverse effect in in vivo studies. Thus, Ab417 may have potential as an anticancer agent.  相似文献   

The anaphylatoxin C5a is a pro-inflammatory factor generated from C5 during complement activation. C5a derived from rat C5 exhibits significantly greater potency compared to C5a from other species. Rat C5a was 25-fold more potent than human C5a for eliciting spasmogenic contraction of guinea pig ileum. Proteolytic removal of the C-terminal arginine of C5a (C5adesArg) reduced spasmogenic potency of rat C5a by only 4-fold compared to a 3,000-fold reduction for human C5adesArg. In addition, rat C5adesArg was 50-fold more potent than human C5adesArg in a guinea pig vascular permeability (in vivo) assay and as a chemotactic factor for human neutrophils. C5a and C5adesArg were purified from zymosan-activated rat serum. Rat C5a, like human C5a, is glycosylated but contains 77 amino acid residues instead of the 74 residues of human C5a. Comparison of the primary structures of rat and human C5a indicated differences at 30 positions including an insert of 3 residues (LLH) in the rat molecule between residue positions 3 and 4 in human C5a. Insertion of residues LLH between Gln-3 and Lys-4 in a recombinant human C5a molecule using site-directed mutagenesis failed to enhance potency. Synthetic C-terminal analogues of rat C5a proved to be measurably more potent than the corresponding human C5a analogues (Ember JA et al., 1993, Protein Sci 2(Suppl 1):159 [Abstr]). We conclude that multiple sequence differences in the C-terminal effector portion and/or elsewhere in rat C5a, but not the LLH insert, account for the significant enhancement in potency of rat C5a over C5a from other species.  相似文献   

SM5-1 is a mouse monoclonal antibody which has a high specificity for melanoma, hepatocellular carcinoma, and breast cancer, making it a promising candidate for cancer targeting therapy. We have therefore attempted to construct a humanized antibody of SM5-1 to minimize its immunogenicity for potential clinical use. Using a molecular model of SM5-1 built by computer-assisted homology modeling, framework region (FR) residues of potential importance to the antigen binding were identified. Then, a humanized version of SM5-1 was generated by transferring these mouse key FR residues onto a human framework that was selected based on homology to the mouse framework, together with the mouse complementarity-determining region (CDR) residues. This humanized antibody retained only six murine residues outside of the CDRs but was shown to possess affinity and specificity comparable to that of the parental antibody, suggesting that it might have the potential to be developed for future clinical use.  相似文献   

Human monoclonal antibody 2F5 is one of a few human antibodies that neutralize a broad range of HIV-1 primary isolates. The 2F5 epitope on gp41 includes the sequence ELDKWA, with the core residues, DKW, being critical for antibody binding. HIV-neutralizing antibodies have never been elicited by immunization with peptides bearing ELDKWA, suggesting that important part(s) of the 2F5 paratope remain unidentified. The use of longer peptides extending beyond ELDKWA has resulted in increased epitope antigenicity, but neutralizing antibodies have not been generated. We sought to develop peptides that bind to 2F5, and that function as specific probes of the 2F5 paratope. Thus, we used 2F5 to screen a set of phage-displayed, random peptide libraries. Tight-binding clones from the random peptide libraries displayed sequence variability in the regions flanking the DKW motif. To further reveal flanking regions involved in 2F5 binding, two semi-defined libraries were constructed having 12 variegated residues either N-terminal or C-terminal to the DKW core (X(12)-AADKW and AADKW-X(12), respectively). Three clones isolated from the AADKW-X(12) library had similar high affinities, despite a lack of sequence homology among them, or with gp41. The contribution of each residue of these clones to 2F5 binding was evaluated by Ala substitution and amino acid deletion studies, and revealed that each clone bound 2F5 by a different mechanism. These results suggest that the 2F5 paratope is formed by at least two functionally distinct regions: one that displays specificity for the DKW core epitope, and another that is multispecific for sequences C-terminal to the core epitope. The implications of this second, multispecific region of the 2F5 paratope for its unique biological function are discussed.  相似文献   

The occurrence of lactones in various ganglioside preparations has been clearly demonstrated, yet the natural occurrence of ganglioside lactones in cells and tissues has been the subject of long debate, since lactones can be formed readily during preparation of gangliosides. We now report the generation of a monoclonal antibody (BBH5) that reacts specifically with lactones of disialogangliosides having the NeuAc2-8NeuAc2-3Gal sequence, but does not crossreact with the parent ganglioside. The specificity of the antibody resides on the first lactone ring between two sialic acid residues but not on the second lactone ring between sialic acid and galactose, as evidenced by reactivity with lactonized GD1b having the first lactone ring (L1), and by reactivity with lactonized polysialic acid homo-oligomers ([NeuAc2-8] n NeuAc). The sialic acid carboxyl involved in the lactone ring was unequivocally determined after ammonolysis followed by methylation and fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry. The antibody BBH5 thus provides a novel tool for studies of the natural occurrence of lactones in cells and tissues.Abbreviations BSA bovine serum albumin - CM chloroform-methanol - CMW chloroform-methanol-water - FAB-MS fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry - IHW isopropanol-hexane-water - MAb monoclonal antibody - PBS phosphate-buffered saline - TLC thin layer chromatography  相似文献   

MNAC13, a mouse monoclonal antibody, recognizes with high affinity and specificity the neurotrophin receptor TrkA and displays a neutralizing activity toward the NGF/TrkA interaction. Detailed knowledge of the molecular basis determining the specificity of this antibody is of importance because of its potential use as a modulator of the TrkA-mediated NGF activity. Here, we report a full biochemical and structural characterization of the MNAC13 antibody. Epitope mapping studies, by serial deletion mutants and by phage display, reveal a conformational epitope that is localized on the carboxy-terminal region of the first immunoglobulin-like domain (d4) of TrkA. The X-ray crystal structure of the MNAC13 Fab fragment has been determined and refined to 1.8 A resolution. The antigen-binding site is characterized by a crevice, surrounded by hydrophilic-charged residues on either side, dipping deep toward three mainly hydrophobic subsites. Remarkably an isopropanol molecule has been found to bind in one of the hydrophobic crevices. Overall, the surface topology (shape and electrostatic potential) of the combining site is consistent with the binding data on TrkA ECD serial deletions mutants. The structure of the MNAC13 Fab fragment may assist in the rational structure-based design of high affinity humanized forms of MNAC13, appropriate for therapeutic approaches in neuropathy and inflammatory pain states.  相似文献   

The ratio of hapten and bovine serum albumin in an antigen conjugate was determined by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. A hybridoma secreting monoclonal antibody against ginsenoside Rb1 was produced by fusing splenocytes immunized with a ginsenoside Rb1- bovine serum albumin conjugate with HAT-sensitive mouse myeloma cell line, P3-X63-Ag8-653. A very small cross-reaction appeared with ginsenoside Rc and ginsenoside Rd. The full measuring range of the assay extends from 20 ngml-1 to 400 ngml-1 of ginsenoside Rb1. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1), an insulinotropic gastrointestinal peptide produced mainly from intestinal endocrine L-cells, and liraglutide, a GLP-1 receptor (GLP-1R) agonist, induce satiety. The serotonin 5-HT2C receptor (5-HT2CR) and melanoroctin-4 receptor (MC4R) are involved in the regulation of food intake. Here we show that systemic administration of GLP-1 (50 and 200 μg/kg)-induced anorexia was blunted in mice with a 5HT2CR null mutation, and was attenuated in mice with a heterozygous MC4R mutation. On the other hand, systemic administration of liraglutide (50 and 100 μg/kg) suppressed food intake in mice lacking 5-HT2CR, mice with a heterozygous mutation of MC4R and wild-type mice matched for age. Moreover, once-daily consecutive intraperitoneal administration of liraglutide (100 μg/kg) over 3 days significantly suppressed daily food intake and body weight in mice with a heterozygous mutation of MC4R as well as wild-type mice. These findings suggest that GLP-1 and liraglutide induce anorexia via different central pathways.  相似文献   

单克隆抗体S2C4对2型志贺毒素及其亚型毒性的中和作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
纯化的2型志贺毒素(Shiga toxin 2,Stx2)经福尔马林脱毒后免疫BALB/c小鼠制备Stx2单克隆抗体,用体外中和试验对具有中和活性的阳性抗体克隆进行初筛,对所获得的中和抗体的重、轻链同种型及结合特异性进行鉴定,其中和保护作用通过体内、体外中和试验加以验证,最后,中和抗体对Stx2亚型Stx2c和Stx2vha的中和谱用体内中和试验验证.结果显示,12株抗Stx2的阳性抗体克隆中,只有1株具有中和活性,命名为S2C4,其重、轻链同种型为G1/κ,其靶分子为Stx2的A亚单位,与Stx2的B亚单位或Stx1不结合.在体外中和试验中S2C4可有效中和Stx2对Vero细胞的杀伤作用,同样,S2C4可中和致死量的Stx2及其亚型Stx2c和Stx2vha对小鼠的毒性作用.该抗体有望成为治疗产志贺毒素大肠杆菌感染的候选分子.  相似文献   

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