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The mouse gene (mHB-EGF) encoding heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor was isolated from a mouse 129SVJ genomic library. DNA sequence analysis confirmed that the clone contained six exons (I–VI) and five introns (A–E), and spanned approx. 14 kb of DNA. PCR analysis showed that introns A–E of mHB-EGF are 203 bp, 2.5 kb, 5.5 kb, 825 bp and 272 bp in length, respectively. These results establish that mHB-EGF is similar in organization to human HB-EGF (hHB-EGF). However, DNA sequence analysis of introns A–E of mHB-EGF failed to show significant overall homology with those of hHB-EGF  相似文献   

Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) is known to induce cell growth in various cell types via transactivation of epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR). To investigate the involvement of HB-EGF and EGFR in cardiac remodeling after myocardial infarction (MI), we examined the expressions of mRNA and protein in rat hearts 6 weeks after MI-induction. Where increased expressions of HB-EGF mRNA and protein were observed, infarcted myocardium was replaced by extracellular matrix and interstitial fibroblasts. EGFR mRNA and protein expression did not show significant changes in sham-operated heart tissues, non-infarcted region, and infarcted region. In vitro study demonstrated that HB-EGF mRNA was expressed mainly in cultured fibroblasts rather than in myocytes. We suggest that the interaction between HB-EGF and EGFR transactivation is closely related to the proliferation of cardiac fibroblasts and cardiac remodeling after MI in an autocrine, paracrine, and juxtacrine manner.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of epidermal growth factor in rat and man   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a peptide which stimulates cell mitotic activity and differentiation, has a cytoprotective effect on the gastroduodenal mucosa, and inhibits gastric acid secretion. The immunohistochemical localization of EGF in the Brunner's glands and the submandibular glands is well documented. The localization of EGF in other tissues is still unclarified. In the present study, the immunohistochemical localization of EGF in tissues from rat, man and a 20 week human fetus were investigated. In man and rat, immunoreaction was found in the submandibular glands, the serous glands of the nasal cavity, Brunner's glands of the duodenum, the Paneth cells of the small intestine, and the tubular cells of the kidney. In the fetus EGF was found in the kidney and in the intestinal Paneth cells. Antisera raised against rat submandibular EGF did not recognize EGF in human tissues, whereas antisera against human urinary EGF worked in rat as well as man. EGF was found only in cells with an exocrine function.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical localization of epidermal growth factor in rat and man   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Summary Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is a peptide which stimulates cell mitotic activity and differentiation, has a cytoprotective effect on the gastroduodenal mucosa, and inhibits gastric acid secretion.The immunohistochemical localization of EGF in the Brunner's glands and the submandibular glands is well documented. The localization of EGF in other tissues is still unclarified.In the present study, the immunohistochemical localization of EGF in tissues from rat, man and a 20 week human fetus were investigated. In man and rat, immunoreaction was found in the submandibular glands, the serous glands of the nasal cavity, Brunner's glands of the duodenum, the Paneth cells of the small intestine, and the tubular cells of the kidney. In the fetus EGF was found in the kidney and in the intestinal Paneth cells.Antisera raised against rat submandibular EGF did not recognize EGF in human tissues, whereas antisera against human urinary EGF worked in rat as well as man. EGF was found only in cells with an exocrine function.  相似文献   

Ectodomain shedding is an important mechanism to regulate the biological activities of membrane proteins. We focus here on the signaling mechanism of the ectodomain shedding of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like growth factor (pro HB-EGF). Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a ligand for seven-transmembrane G protein-coupled receptors, stimulates the shedding of pro HB-EGF, which constitutes a G protein-coupled receptor-mediated transactivation of the EGF receptor. Experiments using a series of inhibitors and overexpression of mutant forms of signaling molecules revealed that the Ras-Raf-MEK signal is essential for the LPA-induced shedding. In addition, the small GTPase Rac is involved in the LPA-induced shedding, possibly to promote MEK activation. 12-O-Tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate is another potent inducer of pro HB-EGF shedding. We also demonstrate that the LPA-induced pathway is distinct from the 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate-induced pathway and that these pathways constitute a dual signaling cascade that regulates the shedding of pro HB-EGF.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) on preimplantation-embryo development and initiation of implantation in the rat. In vitro studies showed that HB-EGF improved the development of 8-cell embryos to the blastocyst stage in a concentration-dependent manner, and the growth factor had no effect on the cell number of the blastocyst developed. Intraluminal injection of an anti-HB-EGF antiserum into the uterine horns at 0600 h on day 5 of pregnancy decreased the number of implantation sites (blue dye reaction) at 0200 h on day 6. Intraluminal injection of 20 microl of HB-EGF solution (10 or 100 ng/ml) into each uterine horn induced implantation in about half of the ovariectomized progesterone-treated delayed implanting rats, and the number of implantation sites per rat increased dose-dependently. These results suggest that HB-EGF is involved in the preimplantation-embryo development and initiation of implantation in the rat.  相似文献   

Prostate glands of adult guinea pigs were stained for nerve growth factor (NGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) by immunohistochemical methods. Both NGF and EGF were localized diffusely in the cytoplasm of the glandular epithelial cells, and also in their secretory products. These findings suggest that NGF and EGF are synthesized, stored, and secreted by the glandular epithelial cells of the prostate.  相似文献   

Summary Prostate glands of adult guinea pigs were stained for nerve growth factor (NGF) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) by immunohistochemical methods. Both NGF and EGF were localized diffusely in the cytoplasm of the glandular epithelial cells, and also in their secretory products. These findings suggest that NGF and EGF are synthesized, stored, and secreted by the glandular epithelial cells of the prostate.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) is considered to be important in mammalian neonatal growth and development. In order to clarify its developmental role, we have investigated, by immunohistochemistry, the localization of EGF and the time of its first appearance in various organs from a series of 25 midtrimester human fetuses with a gestational age ranging from 13 to 22 weeks. The first detectable EGF immunoreactivity occurred in week 15–16 fetuses in the placenta, the skin, the distal tubules of the kidney, the surface epithelium of the stomach, and the tips of the small intestinal villi, as well as in a few Paneth cells. Glandular structures, such as the glands of the cardia and the pyloric part of the stomach. Brunner's glands of the duodenum, the pancreas, and the submucous glands of the trachea, showed positive EGF immunoreactivity later (week 17). Thus, apart from the kidney, staining of the surface epithelia seems to precede staining of the EGF-producing glandular structures and EGF is not present in the glands before these have already differentiated.  相似文献   

Like other members of the epidermal growth factor family, heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) is synthesized as a transmembrane protein that can be shed enzymatically to release a soluble growth factor. Ectodomain shedding is essential to the biological functions of HB-EGF and is strictly regulated. However, the mechanism that induces the shedding remains unclear. We have recently identified nardilysin (N-arginine dibasic convertase (NRDc)), a metalloendopeptidase of the M16 family, as a protein that specifically binds HB-EGF (Nishi, E., Prat, A., Hospital, V., Elenius, K., and Klagsbrun, M. (2001) EMBO J. 20, 3342-3350). Here, we show that NRDc enhances ectodomain shedding of HB-EGF. When expressed in cells, NRDc enhanced the shedding in cooperation with tumor necrosis factor-alpha-converting enzyme (TACE; ADAM17). NRDc formed a complex with TACE, a process promoted by phorbol esters, general activators of ectodomain shedding. NRDc enhanced TACE-induced HB-EGF cleavage in a peptide cleavage assay, indicating that the interaction with NRDc potentiates the catalytic activity of TACE. The metalloendopeptidase activity of NRDc was not required for the enhancement of HB-EGF shedding. Notably, a reduction in the expression of NRDc caused by RNA interference was accompanied by a decrease in ectodomain shedding of HB-EGF. These results indicate the essential role of NRDc in HB-EGF ectodomain shedding and reveal how the shedding is regulated by the modulation of sheddase activity.  相似文献   

The distribution of EGF receptors (EGF-R) was examined in normal, hyaline membrane diseased and pneumonic newborn lung tissues by immunohistochemical methods under the light microscope. The PAP technique with polyclonal antibodies was performed to demonstrate the EGF receptor localisation in these tissues. Strong EGF-R reactivity was observed on bronchiolar epithelium and type I and type II alveolar cells in normal newborn lung tissues; whereas, poor reactivity was observed in alveolar macrophages. On the other hand, strong immunoreactivity was detected in type I alveolar cells and alveolar macrophages in hyaline membrane disease, but no reactivity was present in type II alveolar cells. The strongest immunoreactivity was observed in alveolar macrophages of newborn pneumonic lung tissues. In conclusion, the most meaningful form of reactivity was observed in normal newborn lung tissues of airway track and respiration area. This result is related with the maturation of the lungs after birth.  相似文献   

A disintegrin and metalloprotease 12 (ADAM12/meltrin alpha) is a key enzyme implicated in the ectodomain shedding of membrane-anchored heparin-binding epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like growth factor (proHB-EGF)-dependent epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) transactivation. However, the activation mechanisms of ADAM12 are obscure. To determine how ADAM12 is activated, we screened proteins that bind to the cytoplasmic domain of ADAM12 using a yeast two-hybrid system and identified a protein called PACSIN3 that contains a Src homology 3 domain. An analysis of interactions between ADAM12 and PACSIN3 using glutathione S-transferase fusion protein revealed that a proline-rich region (amino acid residues 829-840) of ADAM12 was required to bind PACSIN3. Furthermore, co-immunoprecipitation and co-localization analyses of ADAM12 and PACSIN3 proteins also revealed their interaction in mammalian cells expressing both of them. The overexpression of PACSIN3 in HT1080 cells enhanced 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-induced proHB-EGF shedding. Furthermore, knockdown of endogenous PACSIN3 by small interfering RNA in HT1080 cells significantly attenuated the shedding of proHB-EGF induced by TPA and angiotensin II. Our data indicate that PACSIN3 has a novel function as an up-regulator in the signaling of proHB-EGF shedding induced by TPA and angiotensin II.  相似文献   

Heparin-binding epidermal growth factor-like growth factor (HB-EGF) has been shown to be a potent smooth muscle cell (SMC) mitogen and chemoattractant, and might be a candidate factor for the progression of atherosclerosis. We have investigated the effects of high glucose and hyperosmolarity on HB-EGF production in cultured human aortic endothelial cells. Following the culture of the cells for 2 days with high concentrations of glucose or in the hyperosmolar conditions, we measured the content of HB-EGF and the rate of production in the cells using a semi-quantitative immunofluorescent technique and a metabolic radiolabelling method. With high glucose (16.6 mmol) and hyperosmolar conditions (glucose 5.5 mmol + mannitol 11.1 mmol or glucose 5.5 mmol + raffinose 11.1 mmol), the content of HB-EGF was significantly increased and the metabolic rate was also significantly increased (more than a twofold increase, compared to that of 5.5 mmol glucose). In conclusion, conditions of high glucose or hyperosmolarity increase HB-EGF production in human aortic endothelial cells. These results suggest that diabetic macroangiopathy might be attributed at least in part to HB-EGF-related vascular changes which may be induced by glucose.  相似文献   

Both extracellular superoxide dismsutase (EC-SOD) and heparin binding EGF like growth factor (HB-EGF) are produced in smooth muscle cells of the arterial wall, and are thought to play pathological roles in atherosclerosis with heparin binding characteristics. EC-SOD treatment clearly reduced the H2O2 induced expression of HB-EGF in rat aortic smooth muscle cells (RASMC). EC-SOD also inhibited the induction of HB-EGF by 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in RASMC by 60%. Both H2O2 and TPA increased intracellular ROS levels, and EC-SOD inhibited ROS generation only for the case of H2O2 but not TPA. Treatment of the cells with heparin alone decreased HB-EGF expression by 20%, whereas EC-SOD alone and a co-incubation with EC-SOD and heparin suppressed the induction by 60 and 70%, respectively. These results suggest that EC-SOD is related to the EGF signaling in two ways, competition for HSPG with HB-EGF and as an ROS scavenger.  相似文献   

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