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Deoxyuridine triphosphatase (dUTPase; deoxyuridine diphosphohydrolase; EC activity during mitogen stimulation was investigated in human T-cell and B-cell enriched mononuclear leucocyte fractions as well as in a mixed lymphocyte population. The dUTPase activity was very low in the resting peripheral blood lymphocytes. A remarkable enhancement of enzymatic activity was observed when cells were stimulated with different mitogens; T-cells and non-separated lymphocytes with phytohaemagglutinin, and the B-cell enriched fraction with pokeweed mitogen. There was a positive correlation between dUTPase activity and the enhancement of macromolecule synthesis (protein and RNA). In particular, a highly significant correlation was observed between dUTPase activity and DNA synthesis in the three human lymphocyte populations studied. This supports the view that the enzyme dUTPase may have a significant role in cellular proliferation. The physiological role of the enzyme is discussed.  相似文献   

An assay measuring the release of TCA soluble radioactive peptides from 3H acetylated casein or hemoglobin has been used to demonstrate that human peripheral blood lymphocytes contain a number of proteases, including cathepsin D, a neutral serine protease(s) inhibited by DFP and TLCK and probably a thiol protease(s) as well. We have also found a neutral protease activity bound to the surface of the lymphocyte, but not secreted into the medium which is not inhibited by TLCK. TLCK inhibits blast transformation to PHA under conditions that do not profoundly affect protein synthesis and inhibits the total extractable proteolytic activity of lymphocytes by approximately 25%. Lymphocytes contain one or more proteases that may play a role in blast transformation and other lymphocyte functions.  相似文献   

Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) B-lymphocytes have a unique and specific diminution of L-system (leucine favoring) amino acid uptake; the maximal velocity is approximately 10% of normal B-lymphocytes. Treatment of CLL B-cells with the maturational agent, tetradecanoyl phorbol acetate, results in restoration of L-system amino acid uptake to normal velocity. To further characterize the effect of phorbol ester on the L-system of CLL B-cells, we have examined the ability of normal and CLL lymphocytes to exchange intracellular for extracellular amino acids by the L-system (trans-stimulation). A 60% increase in L-system uptake was noted in normal B- and T-lymphocytes in the presence of a high intracellular concentration of 2-amino-2-carboxy-bicycloheptane (BCH), a largely L-system-specific substrate. L-system transport was not trans-stimulated in CLL B-lymphocytes. Phorbol ester treatment restored L-system uptake in CLL to a normal Vmax of 900 mumol/liter cell water per minute in the absence of BCH loading. The Vmax could be increased further to 2,400 if phorbol ester-treated CLL cells were loaded with BCH. Hence, phorbol esters result not only in a normalization of L-system uptake in CLL B-cells but the transport system demonstrates exchange rates comparable to normal lymphocytes.  相似文献   

The high concentrations of inosine triphosphate in human erythrocytes of some subjects has been related to a deficiency in intracellular inosine triphosphatase. Evidence has been presented for genetic transmission of this enzyme and for the existence of a homozygous-heterozygous relationship. Pedigree studies of individuals with erythrocyte ITPase deficiency suggest a Mendelian autosomal trait.This investigation was partly supported by PHS Research Grant No. Am-11116 from the National Institute of Arthritis and Metabolic Disorders.  相似文献   

Tyrosine-specific protein kinase (ATP: protein phosphotransferase, EC activity was measured in normal human nonadherent peripheral blood lymphocytes using synthetic peptide substrates having sequence homologies with either pp60src or c-myc. A high level of tyrosine-specific protein kinase activity was found associated with the cell particulate fraction (100 000 × g pellet). High-pressure liquid chromatography and phosphoamino acid analysis of the synthetic peptide substrates substantiated the phosphorylation of tyrosine residues by the particulate fraction enzyme. The human enzyme was also capable of phosphorylating a synthetic random polymer of 80% glutamic acid and 20% tyrosine. Enzyme activity was half-maximal with 22 μM Mg·ATP and had apparent Km values for the synthetic peptides from 1.9 to 7.1 mM. The enzyme preferred Mg2+ to Mn2+ for optimal activity and was stimulated 2–5-fold by low levels (0.05%) of some ionic as well as non-ionic detergents including deoxycholate, Nonidet P-40 and Triton X-100. The enzyme activity was not stimulated by N6;O2′-dibutyryl cyclic AMP (100 μM), N6;O2′-dibutyryl cyclic GMP (100 μM), Ca2+ (200 μM), insulin (1 μg/ml) or homogeneous human T-cell growth factor (3 μg/ml) under the conditions used. Alkaline-resistant phosphorylation of particulate proteins in vitro revealed protein bands with Mr 59 000 and 54 000 suggesting that there are endogenous substrates for the human lymphocyte tyrosine protein kinase.  相似文献   

Guanosine triphosphatase activity in human erythrocyte membranes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Human red cell membranes have the capacity to hydrolyze enzymatically GTD to GDP. The reaction requires magnesium, is not appreciably affected by sodium, potassium or calcium, and is not inhibited by ouabain. Kinetic analysis suggests that there are two separate enzymes in membranes which cleave GTP, a 'high Km' GTPase and a 'low Km' GTPase. Both enzymes are also ATPases, with an approximately equal affinity for GTP and ATP. GTPase activity did not extract from the membrane with spectrin and was not inactivated by antispectrin antibody. Activity was partially destroyed by 0.5% Triton X-100. It seems probable that the low Km GTPase is the sodium- and potassium-independent ATPase of red cell membranes. The identity of the high Km enzyme is not clear.  相似文献   

Interleukin 1 (IL 1) production by normal human B lymphocytes was investigated. Normal human peripheral blood B lymphocytes were purified by sequential separation with the use of Ficoll-Hypaque gradient centrifugation, sheep red blood cell rosette formation, Percoll gradients, and treatment with monoclonal antibodies (anti-Leu-M1, B73.1, and T101) and complement. Both purified large B lymphocytes (BL) and small B lymphocytes (BS) produced IL 1-like (thymocyte co-mitogenic and fibroblast mitogenic) activities in response to lipopolysaccharide. Maximal production of IL 1 activity by both BL and BS occurred at 48 hr. The m.w. of IL 1 activities from both BL and BS were about 20,000 with high pressure liquid chromatography, and the major isoelectric point of BL- and BS-derived IL 1 activity was 7.0. A rabbit anti-human monocyte IL 1 antiserum inhibited the activity of B cell-derived IL 1, suggesting antigenic similarities of monocyte- and B lymphocyte-derived IL 1 moieties. These data suggest that normal B lymphocyte-derived IL 1 activity is biochemically and immunologically similar to monocyte-derived IL 1.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid (GC) receptors were studied in intact lymphocytes from 11 donors. GC binding parameters were found to be highly reproducible in repeated experiments with lymphocytes. It was shown that GC receptors in donors' lymphocytes could be distributed into two different classes similarly to the pattern seen in skin fibroblasts. Human lymphocytes are an adequate object for studying genetically determined variability of GC receptors and its clinical importance.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructural localization of Ca2+, Mg2+-activated ATPase was studied in phytohaemagglutinin activated lymphocytes and in normal unstimulated lymphocytes. Cells, fixed in paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde, were incubated in a medium containing 3mm ATP, 5mm CaCl2 and 2.4mm Pb(NO3)2 in 0.1m tris buffer at pH 8.5, the optimum pH for histochemical demonstration of this enzyme. Reaction product was localized i the endoplasmic reticulum, nuclear membrane, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria and on the membrane surrounding large electron-dense bodies. Cytoplasmic vesicles and the plasma membrane were negative. Activity in unstimulated lymphocytes showed a similar localization but the amount of endoplasmic reticulum was much less than in activated lymphocytes.The pH of the medium was critical for the localization of the enzyme. At pH 7.5, the cytoplasmic reaction was almost completely inhibited but a dense precipitate was present on the outer surface of the plasma membrane. The reaction was stimulated by either Ca2+ or Mg2+ and was greatly decreased in the absence of these cations or in the presence ofp-chloromercuribenzoate orN-ethylmaleimide. Oligomycin inhibited selectively the reaction in mitochondria but not the reaction at other sites. While the reaction in mitochondria showed complete substrate specificity, a mild reaction was obtained at the other sites with uridine diphosphate or sodium -glycophosphate as substrate. ATP was, however, the preferential substate.  相似文献   

To determine whether genetic mechanisms control large variations in cytosolic epoxide hydrolase (cEH) activity of unstimulated lymphocytes from normal human subjects, cEH activity was measured in: a) 6 sets of monozygotic (MZ) twins and 6 sets of dizygotic (DZ) twins; b) 100 unrelated male subjects and c) 6 families. The twin study revealed predominantly genetic control (H2/1 = 0.95). Variability was markedly less within MZ (intrapair variance = 0.25) than DZ twins (intrapair variance = 6.33). In 100 unrelated male subjects the extent of interindividual variation was 11-fold. Unimodal distribution of values among 99 subjects encompassed a six-fold range. One outlier with very high activity clearly stood apart. Using the whole distribution curve we phenotyped members of 6 families. In the outlier's family, analysis of 3 generations suggested autosomal dominant transmission of high cEH activity. Analysis of the other 5 families and 12 sets of twins, all from the large unimodal distribution, was consistent with either monogenic or polygenic control of variations within this mode.  相似文献   

Circulating lymphocytes from patients with chronic lymphatic leukaemia show extreme sensitivity to colchicine, with 80%-90% cell death after exposure to 10(-7) M colchicine for 20 h in vitro. This is 100,000-times greater than the dose required (10(-2) M) for a similarly toxic effect on normal lymphocytes. A time course series of fixations during the 20-h exposure of chronic lymphoid leukaemia (CLL) lymphocytes to 10(-7) colchicine revealed an entire spectrum of ultrastructural alterations well in advance of any sign of cell death, previously only ascertained by nuclear pycnosis in the light microscope. The changes included the appearance of large numbers of intermediate filaments, loss of surface microvilli, mitochondrial alterations and the formation of annulate lamellae. Mitochondrial changes included disruption of the cristae, swelling and tight clumping of the entire mitochondrial population into a single region of the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

Reconstituted actomyosin (ATP phosphohydrolase, EC (0.400 mg F-actin/mg myosin) in 10.0 muM ATP loses 96% of its specific ATPase activity when its reaction concentration is decreased from 42.0 mug/ml down to 0.700 mug/ml. The loss of specific activity at the very low enzyme concentrations is prevented by the addition of more F-actin to 17.6 mug/ml. It is concluded that at low actomyosin concentrations the complex dissociates into free myosin with a very low specific ATPase activity and free F-actin with no ATPase. The dissociation of the essential low molecular weight subunits of myosin from the heavy chains at very low actomyosin concentrations may be a contributing factor. Actomyosin has its maximum specific activity at pH 7.8-8.2. The Km for ATP is 9.4 muM, which is at least 20-fold greater than myosin's Km for ATP. The actin-activated ATPase of myosin follows hyperbolic kinetics with varying F-actin concentrations. The Km values for F-actin are 0.110 muM (4.95 mug/ml) at pH 7.4 and 0.241 muM (10.8 mug/ml) at pH 7.8. The actin-activated maximum turnover numbers for myosin are 9.3 s-1 at pH 7.4 and 11.6 s-1 at pH 7.8. The actomyosin ATPase is inhibited by KCl. This KCl inhibition is not competitive with respect to F-actin, and it is not a simple form of non-competitive inhibition.  相似文献   

Lymphocytes from healthy donors and from patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) were stimulated to divide with sodium periodate. The time of maximal response of normal lymphocytes to sodium periodate (NaIO4) was earlier than that observed to phytohemagglutinin (PHA), but the magnitude was lower. In comparison, CLL lymphocytes responded to NaIO4 more extensively and earlier than to PHA.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosomal aberrations were scored in normal human lymphocytes cultured for 3 to 7 days at 20, 40, 50, and 60% oxygen. Compared to normoxic cultures (20% O2), in hyperoxic cultures (40% to 60% O2) the frequency of aberrant cells was significantly increased, especially at the longer incubation times. The increase was mainly due to chromatid-type damage: chromatid gaps, breaks, and interchanges. In addition, long-term hyperoxic cultures had a remarkably high incidence of endoreduplications, up to 7.4%. It appears that prolonged hyperoxic incubation induces a pattern of cytogenetic abnormalities in normal human lymphocytes similar to that present spontaneously in 3-day normoxic cultures from patients with Fanconi anemia.  相似文献   

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