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Direct cloning by covalent attachment of probe DNA to target DNA.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
A novel cloning procedure which makes use of covalent attachment of probe DNA to specific target DNA is reported. We show that specific gene fragments found in complex genomes such as the human genome can be cloned directly from a pool of genomic DNA with very high efficiency. This direct cloning method totally eliminates certain steps in current cloning procedures such as construction of DNA libraries and colony (plaque) hybridization. The resulting process has made cloning methods simpler and more time efficient, while achieving high cloning efficiency due to the stable nature of the probe-target DNA complex through covalent bonding. Most importantly, since clones are directly obtained from a pool of genomic DNA, the isolated clones are considered to be faithful copies of the original genes. This has apparently solved the problem of isolating clones with misincorporated bases or chimeric DNA, both of which are often encountered in cloning processes using PCR or other methods involving in vitro DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Strategies for covalent attachment of DNA to beads   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Several covalent attachment chemistries were tested for the immobilization of DNA onto glass beads. The comparison was based on the ability of these chemistries to produce derivatized beads that give good hybridization signals. Cyanuric chloride, isothiocyanate, nitrophenyl chloroformate, and hydrazone chemistries gave us the best (yet comparable) hybridization signals. We further characterized the cyanuric chloride method for the number of attachment sites, number of hybridizable sites, hybridization kinetics, effect of linker length on hybridization intensity and stability of the derivatized beads.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA gyrase contains a 1:1 ratio of protomers coded by the genes gyrA and gyrB. This along with previous results shows that the enzyme has two copies of each protomer and thus a molecular weight of 400,000. Abortion of the gyrase reaction results in double-strand breakage of the DNA and covalent attachment of both gyrA protomers to the 5'-cut ends. We conclude that the gyrA protomer contains a critical part of the active site for the concerted breakage and reunion reaction of gyrase, the topoisomerase activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

DNA microarray is a powerful tool allowing simultaneous detection of many different target molecules present in a sample. The efficiency of the array depends mainly on the sequence of the capture probes and the way they are attached to the support. The coupling procedure must be quick, covalent, and reproducible in order to be compatible with automatic spotting devices dispensing tiny drops of liquids on the surface. We compared several coupling strategies currently used to covalently graft DNA onto a glass surface. The results indicate that fixation of aminated DNA to an aldehyde-modified surface is a choice method to build DNA microarrays. Both the coupling procedure and the hybridization efficiency have been optimized. The detection limit of human cytomegalovirus target DNA amplicons on such DNA microarrays has been estimated to be 0.01 nM by fluorescent detection.  相似文献   

We have prepared oligonucleotides with a naphthylquinoline triplex-binding ligand covalently tethered to the 5'-end and have used UV-melting and DNase I footprinting to examine the stability of intra- and inter-molecular triplexes containing this modification. We find that covalent attachment of the ligand increases the melting temperature of intramolecular 6-mer triplexes by about 14 K, and increases the binding of 9-mer oligonucleotides to their duplex target sites by about 60-fold.  相似文献   

Methodologies to detect DNA sequences with high sensitivity and specificity have tremendous potential as molecular diagnostic agents. Most current methods exploit the ability of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) to base pair with high specificity to a complementary molecule. However, recent advances in robust techniques for recognition of DNA in the major and minor groove have made possible the direct detection of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA), without the need for denaturation, renaturation, or hybridization. This review will describe the progress in adapting polyamides, triplex DNA, and engineered zinc finger DNA-binding proteins as dsDNA diagnostic systems. In particular, the sequence-enabled reassembly (SEER) method, involving the use of custom zinc finger proteins, offers the potential for direct detection of dsDNA in cells, with implications for cell-based diagnostics and therapeutics.  相似文献   

DNA fragments containing multiple internucleotidic phosphorothioate diesters, prepared by either chemical or enzymatic syntheses, are amenable to labeling with the fluorophore monobromobimane. With the incorporation of phosphorothioate diesters at each internucleotidic site, multiple fluorophores, ideally one for each nucleotide residue, can be covalently attached to the DNA fragment. The presence of multiple labels can be expected to interfere with analysis techniques, such as polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. To avoid such problems, the fluorophores are introduced in a "postassay" fashion, that is, while the fragments are still embedded within the gel matrix. The detection limit (to the naked eye) for multiply labeled single-stranded DNA containing hundreds of base residues is in the low femtomole range. DNA containing greater than 1000 base residues can be visualized in some cases in the subfemtomole range without the use of sophisticated electronic instrumentation.  相似文献   

The preparation of a covalent DNA conjugate of vitamin B12 by means of heterogeneous solid-phase synthesis is reported. The cyano-corrinoid made available, dipotassium Co(beta)-cyanocobalamin-(3'-->2'),(3'-->5')-bis-2'-deoxythymidyl-3'-ate (K(2)-4), was cleanly methylated at the Co center by electrosynthetic means. Aqueous solutions of the resulting organometallic DNA-B12 conjugate K(2)-5 exhibited spectroscopic properties indicative of significant weakening of the axial (Co-N) bond, together with a 25-times higher basicity relative to Co(beta)-methylcobalamin (2). Methyl-transfer equilibria of pH-neutral aqueous solutions of K(2)-5 and cob(I)alamin (K-7) on one side, and of cob(I)alamin-(3'-->2'),(3'-->5')-bis-2'-deoxythymidyl-3'-ate (K(3)-8) and methylcobalamin (2) on the other, were studied at room temperature (Scheme 3). The NMR-derived data provided an equilibrium constant of ca. 0.3. Activation of K(2)-5 for abstraction of its Co-bound Me group by a nucleophile (such as cob(I)alamin) was, thus, indicated.  相似文献   

The covalent attachment of polyamines to proteins in plant mitochondria.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Plant mitochondria from both potato and mung bean incorporated radioactivity into acid insoluble material when incubated with labelled polyamines (spermine, spermidine and putrescine). Extensive washing of mitochondrial precipitates with trichloroacetic acid and the excess of cold polyamine failed to remove bound radioactivity. Addition of nonradioactive polyamine stopped further incorporation of radioactivity but did not release radioactivity already bound. The radioactivity is incorporated into the membrane fraction. The labelling process has all the features of an enzymatic reaction: it is long lasting with distinctive kinetics peculiar to each polyamine, it is temperature dependent and is affected by N-ethylmaleimide. The latter inhibits the incorporation of putrescine but stimulates the incorporation of spermine and spermidine. Treatment of prelabelled mitochondria with pepsin releases bound radioactivity thus indicating protein to be the ligand for the attachment of polyamines. HPLC of mitochondrial hydrolysates revealed that the radioactivity bound to mitochondria is polyamines; traces of acetyl polyamines were also found in some samples. On autoradiograms of SDS/PAGE gels several radioactive bands of proteins were detected. Protein sequencing of labelled spots from a 2D gel gave a sequence which was 60% identical to catalase. We suggest that the attachment of polyamines to mitochondrial proteins occurs cotranslationally possibly via transglutaminases.  相似文献   

We have developed a method for fabricating DNA microarrays that uses a Bubble Jet ink jet device to eject 5'-terminal-thiolated oligonucleotides to a glass surface. The oligonucleotides are covalently attached to the glass surface by heterobifunctional crosslinkers that react with the amino group on the substrate and a thiol group on the oligonucleotide probe. Using this method, we fabricated DNA microarrays that carried 64 groups of 18-mer oligonucleotides encoding all possible three-base mutations in the mutational "hot spot" of the p53 tumor-suppressor gene. These were screened with a fluorescently labeled synthetic 18-mer oligonucleotide derived from the p53 gene, or segments of the p53 gene that had been PCR amplified from genomic DNA of two cell lines of human oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). This allowed us to discriminate between matched hybrids and 1 bp-mismatched hybrids.  相似文献   

With the goal to design ligands recognizing extended regions on dsDNA, a covalent dimer of the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33258 [bis-HT(NMe)] composed of two dye molecules linked via the phenol oxygen atoms with a (CH2)3-N+ H(CH3)-(CH2)3 fragment was constructed using computer modeling and then synthesized. Its interactions with the double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) were studied by fluorescent and UV-Vis spectroscopy and circular (CD) and linear dichroism (LD). Based on variations in the affinity to the dsDNA, it was shown that complexes of three types are formed. The first type complexes result from binding of a bis-HT(NMe) monomer in the open conformation; in this case the ligand covers the total dsDNA turn and is located in the minor groove according to the positive value of CD at 370 nm. In addition, the ability to form bis-HT(NMe)-bridges between two dsDNA molecules, i.e., each of the two bis-HT(NMe) ends binds to two different dsDNA molecules, was demonstrated for the first type complexes. Spectral characteristics (maximal absorption at 362 nm, positive sign, and maximal value of CD at 370 nm) of the first type complexes conform to those of the specific Hoechst 33258 complex with poly[d(A-T)] x poly[d(A-T]. The second type complexes correspond to the bis-HT(NMe) sandwich (as an inter- or intramolecular) binding to dsDNA with stoichiometry > or = 5 bp. Thereby, a negative LD at 360 nm and the location of bis-HT(NMe) sandwiches in the minor groove of B form dsDNA seems contradictory. Spectral characteristics (maximal positive CD at 345 nm, a dramatic decrease in fluorescence intensity and the shift of its maximum to 490 nm) of these complexes favor a suggestion that this binding correlates to the formation of nonspecific dimeric Hoechst 33258 complex with dsDNA. The third type complexes are characterized by stoichiometry of one bis-HT(NMe) molecule per approximately 2 bp and the tendency to zero of LD values at 270 and 360 nm. We assume that in these complexes bis-HT(NMe) sandwich dimers are formed on dsDNA. The complexes of this type conform to the aggregation type complex of Hoechst 33258 with dsDNA. The ability of bis-HT(NMe) to cover the whole dsDNA turn or form bridges with two dsDNA upon the formation of the first type complexes essentially distinguishes it from Hoechst 33258, which can only occupy 5 bp and does not form such bridges. This specific property of bis-HT(NMe) may support new biological activities.  相似文献   

 The notion that DNA is capable of electron transfer (ET) has inspired several groups to investigate the nature of this intriguing process. While several factors modulate ET reaction rates, the distance dependence of ET in DNA is the focus of our current investigations. To this end we propose that several design criteria must be met to facilitate the collection of kinetic data corresponding to DNA-mediated ET reactions. These criteria include (1) covalent attachment of site-selective donor-acceptor pairs, (2) incorporation of donor-acceptor pairs that offer minimal structural perturbation of the DNA duplex, and (3) use of spectroscopically distinguishable donor and acceptor complexes that allow identification of kinetic intermediates. Received, accepted: 5 January 1998  相似文献   

The present paper reports that amikhellin, a drug so far used as a coronary vasodilator, binds to double-stranded DNA by an intercalation process which does not depend upon DNA base composition. The binding to DNA was established by spectrophotometry, ultracentrifugation and competition with ethidium bromide. The parameters of the binding equilibrium were calculated by these two latter methods. Evidence for intercalation was obtained from the observation by viscosimetric experiments of the length increase of sonicated calf thymus DNA and of the untwisting of circular PM2 DNA. The unwinding angle was measured to be 6° per bound drug molecule.  相似文献   

We have developed a strategy for immobilization-stabilization of alpha-chymotrypsin by multipoint covalent attachment of the enzyme, through its amino groups, to agarosealdehyde gels. We have studied the role of the main variables that control the intensity of these enzyme-support multi-interaction processes (surface density of aldehyde groups in the activated gel, contact time between the immobilized enzyme and the activated support prior to borohydride reduction of the derivatives, etc.). In this way, we have prepared a number of very different chymotrypsinagarose derivatives. Our best derivatives, with the most intense multipoint attachment, were more stable than one-point attached derivatives and were more than 60,000-fold more stable than soluble enzyme in the absence of autolysis phenomena. In spite of the dramatic stabilization, the catalytic activity of these derivatives is little changed (they only lose 35% of intrinsic activity after this intense enzyme-support multi-interaction process). In addition, we have also demonstrated the very high capacity of 6% aldehyde-agarose gels to immobilize pure chymotrypsin (40 mg enzyme/mL catalyst). Furthermore, we have been able to establish a clear correlation between enzyme-support multipoint covalent attachment, stabilization against very different denaturing agents (heat, urea, organic cosolvents), and insensitivity of those immobilized chymotrypsin molecules to some activating agents.  相似文献   

Brief exposure of covalently closed circular duplex PM2 DNA to low concentrations of the clinical bleomycin mixture (Blenoxane) resulted in specific fragmentation of the genome that does not depend on the presence of superhelical turns. The double-strand breaks are in fact produced at several discrete sites on the PM2 genome but frequently occurring near the HpaII restriction endonuclease cleavage site. Initial rates of formation of nicked circular and linear duplex PM2 DNAs are reduced to different extents as the ionic strength of the reaction is increased. Increasing ionic strength is most effective in reducing the initial rate and overall yield of apparent double-strand scissions compared with single-strand scissions in the bleomycin-treated PM2 DNA.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR assays have recently been developed for diagnostic and research purposes. Signal generation in real-time PCR is achieved with probe designs that usually depend on exonuclease activity of DNA polymerase (e.g. TaqMan probe) or oligonucleotide hybridization (e.g. molecular beacon). Probe design often needs to be specifically tailored either to tolerate or to differentiate between sequence variations. The conventional probe technologies offer limited flexibility to meet these diverse requirements. Here, we introduce a novel partially double-stranded linear DNA probe design. It consists of a hybridization probe 5'-labeled with a fluorophore and a shorter quencher oligo of complementary sequence 3'-labeled with a quencher. Fluorescent signal is generated when the hybridization probe preferentially binds to amplified targets during PCR. This novel class of probe can be thermodynamically modulated by adjusting (i) the length of hybridization probe, (ii) the length of quencher oligo, (iii) the molar ratio between the two strands and (iv) signal detection temperature. As a result, pre-amplification signal, signal gain and the extent of mismatch discrimination can be reliably controlled and optimized. The applicability of this design strategy was demonstrated in the Abbott RealTime HIV-1 assay.  相似文献   

A method for direct detection of Salmonella spp. in water was developed by using a commercially available DNA probe. Particulate DNA was extracted from 500- to 1,500-ml water samples collected from New York Harbor and Chesapeake Bay and used as a substrate for a salmonella-specific DNA probe in dot blot assays. The method detected salmonellae in water samples from 12 of 16 sites, including 6 sites where salmonellae could not be cultured. The specificity of the probe was evaluated, and cross-hybridization, although negligible, was used to set detection limits for the assay. Salmonella DNA bound the probe quantitatively, and from these results Salmonella DNA in the total particulate DNA in environmental samples could be estimated. The data obtained in this study indicate that Salmonella spp. often are not detected in water samples by culture methods, even when they are present in significant numbers.  相似文献   

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