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Active sulphate-reducing microorganism which belongs to the genus Pseudomonas has been distinguished and described. The culture is a facultative aerobe, optimum Eh is -170-180 mV. Pseudomonas sp. being cultivated under strictly anaerobic conditions sulphate-reduction proceeds more intensively than under aerobic conditions. This fact should be taken into account under treatment of industrial sewage.  相似文献   

I G Shvidenko 《Antibiotiki》1978,23(3):223-227
beta-Lactamases of Proteus and their role in the mechanism of the microbe resistance to penicillins and ceporin were studied. It was found that the beta-lactamase of Proteus had low activity and were produced by both beta-lactamide resistant and sensitive clinical strains of Proteus. The resistant cultures of Proteus produced enzymes more frequently (3.4--5 times) than the sensitive ones. The synthesis of beta-lactamase in the clinical Proteus strains was inducable. The high induction coefficient was achieved only in the presence of high concentrations of the inductor. No significant dependence of the culture sensitivity level of ampicillin and ceporin on the induction level was observed. The most significant part of the constitutive enzyme in Proteus was intracellular, while that of the inducable enzyme was extracellular. No correlative dependence between the culture resistance levels to penicillins and ceporin and the enzyme activity was noted. The beta-lactamase activity was not found in the transconjugants with the in vitro acquired R-factor controlling the ampicillin and ceporin resistance, as well as in the resistant mutants selected on the media with increasing concentrations of the above antibiotics. Induction of beta-lactamase synthesis was not found in these strains either. The ability of Proteus to synthesize beta-lactamase can be lost on the strain storage under laboratory conditions which was not always accompanied by reduction of the culture sensitivity to ampicillin and ceporin. The enzymatic destruction of beta-lactamides was not the main mechanism of Proteus resistance to the above antibiotics.  相似文献   

Incompatibility of epsilon-caprolactam biodegradation plasmids pBS262, pBS263, pBS264, pBS265, pBS266, pBS267, pBS268, pBS270, pBS276, pBS269 with the tester plasmids of P-1, P-2, P-7, P-9 incompatibility groups in the system of strains of P. putida line BSA, as well as the character of plasmid interaction with the number of P. aeruginosa and P. putida bacteriophages have been studied. The majority of the studied plasmids belongs to IncP-7, IncP-9 or simultaneously to IncP-7 and IncP-9 incompatibility groups. The ability to restrict the growth of some bacteriophages of P. aeruginosa and P. putida has been demonstrated for some plasmids.  相似文献   

E V Kozlova  A M Boronin 《Antibiotiki》1983,28(10):729-733
A total of 132 Pseudomonas strains isolated from untreated sewage of antibiotic plants were tested. A significant number of the strains were resistant to streptomycin (77 per cent), carbenicillin (75 per cent), kanamycin (37.5 per cent) and tetracycline (23 per cent). Eighteen conjugative and 3 nonconjugative resistance plasmids were detected in 19 strains. The genes determining the resistance to streptomycin, kanamycin and tetracycline were most frequent. The frequency of the plasmid transfer between the strains of Ps. aeruginosa (PAO) varied within 10(-3)--10(-7) per donor cell. Six plasmids belonged to group Inc P-1. Four plasmids belonged to group Inc P-2, 3 plasmids to groups Inc P-3 and Inc P-5 and 1 plasmid to group Inc P-7.  相似文献   

In 290 strains of bacteria belonging to the genus Pseudomonas, 120 morphological and physiologo-biochemical characters were studied and the results obtained thereby were analyzed by the methods of numerical taxonomy using computers. The majority of strains were subdivided into 11 clusters: Ps. aeruginosa (1), Ps. putida (2), Ps. rathonis (5), Ps. syringae (8), Ps. pseudoalcaligenes (9), Ps. maltophilia (10), Ps. acidovorans (11), Ps. testosteroni (12), Ps. mendocina (13), Ps. cepacia (14), Ps. fluorescens (3). The latter cluster included also the strains identified earlier as Ps. aurantiaca, Ps. lemonnieri, Ps. fluoro-violaceus, and Ps. aureofaciens. Three clusters contained strains which could not be identified and probably should be regarded as distinct species. The characteristics have been selected useful for diagnostics of the above Pseudomonas bacteria and the subgroups of Ps. fluorescens.  相似文献   

Antagonistic properties of the strain Bacillus subtilis IB-54 with respect to dermatophyte fungi Trichophyton rubrum, T. mentagrophytes var. gypseum, Microsporum canis was studied. The studied strains of bacilli effectively inhibited growth and development of dermatophytes when were cultivated on the media containing different carbon sources. Experiments on laboratory animals showed that B. subtilis IB-54 displayed no virulence, toxicity, and toxigenicity and can be considered as perspective object for development of antimycotic drugs.  相似文献   

Fatty acid composition during naphthalene utilization was investigated in three strains of bacteria Pseudomonas vesicularis, Pseudomonas stutzeri and Pseudomonas sp. JS150 that expressed different naphthalene degradation abilities. All strains significantly changed their cellular fatty acid profiles as a response to naphthalene exposure. Since naphthalene was present in the medium P. stutzeri increased ratio of saturated/unsaturated fatty acids from 1.1 to 2.1 and Pseudomonas sp. JS150 from 7.5 to 12.0, respectively. In contrast, this ratio decreased from 2.1 to 1.1 in P. vesicularis under the same growth conditions. The changes comprised also alterations in the percentage of selected groups of fatty acids: iso and anteiso, hydroxy and cyclopropane fatty acids. Our results showed that naphthalene induced in tested strains different changes in fatty acids composition. It may suggest that in the presence of naphthalene microorganisms used different adaptive mechanisms to maintain the cells in appropriate physiological state.  相似文献   

The transition of the bacterial culture into the stationary growth phase is accompanied by an appearance of cyanide-resistant respiration. Chloramphenicol inhibits the development of cyanide-resistant respiration. The cyanide-resistant oxidase is localized in the bacterial membrane. Its appearance is not due to the quantitative and qualitative changes of flavins, non-heme iron, ubiquinone and cytochromes of the b and c types, but is accompanied by an increase in the copper content of the membrane preparations. Neither cyanide-sensitive, nor cyanide-resistant chains of the bacterial electron transfer contain cytochromes of the a type. The cyanide-resistant oxidase accepts electrons at the ubiquinone--cytochrome b level of the main respiratory chain. The cyanide-resistant respiration is not accompanied by a formation of hydrogen peroxide. Cytochrome o performs the function of cyanide-sensitive oxidase. The nature of cyanide-resistant oxidase still remains obscure.  相似文献   

The nature of phenylalanine auxotrophy in Pseudomonas sp. strain M9 was studied. A metabolic defect was found after the aromatic amino acid pathway branches from chorismate, so that the latter could not be converted to phenylpiruvate. It was shown that enzymatic activity of the strain could convert phenyllactate to phenylalanine. The reaction mechanisms were studied, and approaches to increasing the rate of the process and phenylalanine yield were proposed.  相似文献   

A high degree of similarity (exceeding 90%) between the electrophoregrams of the exoproducts of 31 Pseudomonas strains, including the standard species P. aeruginosa, P. maltophilia, P. putida, P. alcaligenes, P. testosteroni, P. diminuta, P. stutseri, P. fluorescens, has been shown by the method of electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel.  相似文献   

On the basis of the study of some Tn5 induced mutants in Pseudomonas putida strain BS836 containing the plasmid pBS268 coding caprolactam degradation, growth on caprolactam and its intermediates, and the data on the induction of oxidative activities in plasmid containing P. putida strain BS831 it was shown that plasmid and chromosome genes regulated the expression of CAP-determinants. The regulation has some elements of the negative control mechanism. Caprolactam is the inducer of the synthesis of key enzymes cleaving it and its intermediates (aminocaproic and adipic acids). At the same time each of its intermediates induced the synthesis of enzymes responsible for its cleavage.  相似文献   

A number of Pseudomonas sp. strains isolated from wood shavings not preserved with chemical agents were characterized by tolerance to concentrated creosote oil. Of eleven strains subjected to closer scrutiny, five showed good or very good growth in minimal medium with creosote oil as sole carbon and energy source. These isolates can be of potential use for the biodegradation of waste wood conserved with creosote oil.  相似文献   

The ability to inactivate lysozyme was found in representatives of three species of the genus Klebsiella bacteria: K. pneumoniae (117 strains), K. rhinoscleromatis (104 strains), K. ozaenae (90 cultures). The test cultures displayed a different antilysozyme activity, inactivating from 2 to 30 micrograms/ml of the enzyme. Taking into account the lysozyme role in the immunity and chitin synthesis processes in the organism of insects, the inactivation of the enzyme by Klebsiella may be considered as one of possible mechanisms of the entomopathogenic action of these bacteria.  相似文献   

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