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This study describes an analysis of different treatments that influence the relative content and the midpoint potential of HP Cyt b559 in PS II membrane fragments from higher plants. Two basically different types of irreversible modification effects are distinguished: the HP form of Cyt b559 is either predominantly affected when the heme group is oxidized (“O-type” effects) or when it is reduced (“R-type” effects). Transformation of HP Cyt b559 to lower potential redox forms (IP and LP forms) by the “O-type” mechanism is induced by high pH and detergent treatments. In this case the effects consist of a gradual decrease in the relative content of HP Cyt b559 while its midpoint potential remains unaffected. Transformation of HP Cyt b559 via an “R-type” mechanism is caused by a number of exogenous compounds denoted L: herbicides, ADRY reagents and tetraphenylboron. These compounds are postulated to bind to the PS II complex at a quinone binding site designated as QC which interacts with Cyt b559 and is clearly not the QB site. Binding of compounds L to the QC site when HP Cyt b559 is oxidized gives rise to a gradual decrease in the Em of HP Cyt b559 with increasing concentration of L (up to 10 Kox(L) values) while the relative content of HP Cyt b559 is unaffected. Higher concentrations of compounds L required for their binding to QC site when HP Cyt b559 is reduced (described by Kred(L)) induce a conversion of HP Cyt b559 to lower potential redox forms (“R-type” transformation). Two reaction pathways for transitions of Cyt b559 between the different protein conformations that are responsible for the HP and IP/LP redox forms are proposed and new insights into the functional regulation of Cyt b559 via the QC site are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study provides a thorough analysis of effects on the redox properties of cytochrome (Cyt) b559 induced by two photosystem II (PS II) herbicides [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) and 2,4-dinitro-6-sec-butylphenol (dinoseb)], an acceleration of the deactivation reactions of system Y (ADRY) agent carbonylcyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP), and the lipophilic PS II electron-donor tetraphenylboron (TPB) in PS II membrane fragments from higher plants. The obtained results revealed that (1) all four compounds selectively affected the midpoint potential (E(m)) of the high potential (HP) form of Cyt b559 without any measurable changes of the E(m) values of the intermediate potential (IP) and low potential (LP) forms; (2) the control values from +390 to +400 mV for HP Cyt b559 gradually decreased with increasing concentrations of DCMU, dinoseb, CCCP, and TPB; (3) in the presence of high TPB concentrations, a saturation of the E(m) decrease was obtained at a level of about +240 mV, whereas no saturation was observed for the other compounds at the highest concentrations used in this study; (4) the effect of the phenolic herbicide dinoseb on the E(m) is independent of the occupancy of the Q(B)-binding site by DCMU; (5) at high concentrations of TPB or dinoseb, an additional slow and irreversible transformation of HP Cyt b559 into IP Cyt b559 or a mixture of the IP and LP Cyt b559 is observed; and (6) the compounds stimulate autoxidation of HP Cyt b559 under aerobic conditions. These findings lead to the conclusion that a binding site Q(C) exists for the studied substances that is close to Cyt b559 and different from the Q(B) site. On the basis of the results of the present study and former experiments on the effect of PQ extraction and reconstitution on HP Cyt b559 [Cox, R. P., and Bendall, D. S. (1974) The functions of plastoquinone and beta-carotene in photosystem II of chloroplasts, Biochim. Biophys. Acta 347, 49-59], it is postulated that the binding of a plastoquinone (PQ) molecule to Q(C) is crucial for establishing the HP form of Cyt b559. On the other hand, the binding of plastoquinol (PQH2) to Q(C) is assumed to cause a marked decrease of E(m), thus, giving rise to a PQH2 oxidase function of Cyt b559. The possible physiological role of the Q(C) site as a regulator of the reactivity of Cyt b559 is discussed.  相似文献   

The behaviour of cytochrome (cyt) b559 during acceptor- and donor-side photoinhibition has been investigated in oxygen-evolving and non-evolving photosystem II (PSII) membranes. Strong illumination at 20 degrees C under aerobiosis induced a strong decrease in the absorbance of the cyt b559 alpha-band in the two preparations. This absorbance decline was observed only in non-oxygen-evolving PSII samples when illumination was performed under aerobiosis but at 4 degrees C, or under anaerobiosis at 20 degrees C. These results suggest that acceptor-side photoinhibition induces the degradation of cyt b559 by a mechanism related to an enzymatic reaction mediated by singlet oxygen. Donor-side photoinhibition may induce, however, a non-enzymatic photocleavage of the protein.  相似文献   

Restoration of a high potential (HP) form of cytochrome b-559 (Cyt b-559) from a low potential (LP) form was the primary process in the reconstitution of O2-evolving center during the photoreactivation of Tris-inactivated chloroplasts. In normal chloroplasts, about 0.5 to 0.7 mol of Cyt b-559 was present in the HP form per 400 chlorophyll molecules. However, the HP form was converted to the LP form when the O2-evolving center was inactivated by 0.8 M alkaline Tris-washing (pH 9.1). The inactivation was reversible and both the Cyt b-559 HP form and the O2-evolving activity were restored by incubating the inactivated chloroplasts with weak light, Mn2+, Ca2+ and an electron donor (photoreactivation). The recovery of the HP form preceded the recovery of O2-evolving activity. 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) and 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone (DBMIB) did not inhibit the recovery of the HP form. Thus, the recovery of Cyt b-559 HP form was the primary reaction in the photoreactivation, which was stimulated by the light-induced redox reaction of the PS-II core center.Abbreviations ASC ascorbate - BSA bovine serum albumin - Chl chlorophyll - Cyt b-559 HP form high potential form of cytochrome b-559 - Cyt b-559 LP form low potential form of cytochrome b-559 - Cyt b-559 VLP form very low potential form of cytochrome b-559 - Cyt f cytochrome f - DBMIB 2,5-dibromo-3-methyl-6-isopropyl-p-benzoquinone - DCMU 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea - DCPIP 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol - Hepes N-2-hydroxyethyl-piperazine-N-2-ethanesulfonic acid - HQ hydroquinone - SHN chloroplast-preparation medium containing 0.4 M sucrose, 50 mM Hepes-Na (pH 7.8) and 20 mM NaCl - PS-II Photosystem II  相似文献   

C A Buser  B A Diner  G W Brudvig 《Biochemistry》1992,31(46):11449-11459
Cytochrome b559 (cyt b559) is an intrinsic and essential component of the photosystem II (PSII) protein complex, but its function, stoichiometry, and electron-transfer kinetics in the physiological system are not well-defined. In this study, we have used flash-detection optical spectroscopy to measure the kinetics and yields of photooxidation and dark reduction of cyt b559 in untreated, O2-evolving PSII-enriched membranes at room temperature. The dark redox states of cyt b559 and the primary electron acceptor, QA, were determined over the pH range 5.0-8.5. Both the fraction of dark-oxidized cyt b559 and dark-reduced QA increased with increasing acidity. Consistent with these results, an acid-induced drop in pH from 8.5 to 4.9 in a dark-adapted sample caused the oxidation of cyt b559, indicating a shift in the redox state during the dark reequilibration. As expected from the dark redox state of cyt b559, the rate and extent of photooxidation of cyt b559 during continuous illumination decreased toward more acidic pH values. After a single, saturating flash, the rate of photooxidation of cyt b559 was of the same order of magnitude as the rate of S2QA- charge recombination. In untreated PSII samples at pH 8.0 with 42% of cyt b559 oxidized and 15% of QA reduced in the dark, 4.7% of one copy of cyt b559 was photooxidized after one flash with a t1/2 of 540 +/- 90 ms. On the basis of our previous work [Buser, C. A., Thompson, L. K., Diner, B. A., & Brudvig, G. W (1990) Biochemistry 29, 8977] and the data presented here, we conclude that Sn+1, YZ., and P680+ are in redox equilibrium and cyt b559 (and YD) are oxidized via P680+. After a period of illumination sufficient to fully reduce the plastoquinone pool, we also observed the pH-dependent dark reduction of photooxidized cyt b559, where the rate of reduction decreased with decreasing pH and was not observed at pH < 6.4. To determine the direct source of reductant to oxidized cyt b559, we studied the dark reduction of cyt b559 and the reduction of the PQ pool as a function of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (DCMU) concentration. We find that DCMU inhibits the reduction of cyt b559 under conditions where the plastoquinone pool and QA are reduced. We conclude that QB-. (H+) or QBH2 is the most likely source of the electron required for the reduction of oxidized cyt b559.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A review of a recent study of the spectral and thermodynamic properties of cytochrome b559 as well as of the electron transfer between b559 and photosystem II reaction center cofactors in isolated D1/D2/cytochrome b559 complex RC-2 is presented. Attention is paid to the existence of intermediary-potential (IP, +150 mV) and extra-low-potential (XLP, –45 mV) hemes located close to the acceptor (quinone) and donor (P680) sides of the reaction center cofactors, respectively. These hemes found in isolated RC-2 probably correspond to the high-potential and low-potential hemes in chloroplasts, respectively. The above location of the hemes is believed to allow the photoreduction of the XLP heme and photooxidation of the IP heme. The electron transfer between the two hemes is discussed in terms of the cyclic electron flow and possible involvement in water splitting.  相似文献   

Characterization of the multiple forms of cytochrome b559 in photosystem II   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Cytochrome b559 is an essential component of the photosystem II (PSII) protein complex. Its function, which has long been an unsolved puzzle, is likely to be related to the unique ability of PSII to oxidize water. We have used EPR spectroscopy and spectrophotometric redox titrations to probe the structure of cytochrome b559 in PSII samples that have been treated to remove specific components of the complex. The results of these experiments indicate that the low-temperature photooxidation of cytochrome b559 does not require the presence of the 17-, 23-, or 33-kDa extrinsic polypeptides or the Mn complex (the active site in water oxidation). We observe a shift in the g value of the EPR signal of cytochrome b559 upon warming a low-temperature photooxidized sample, which presumably reflects a change in conformation to accommodate the oxidized state. At least three redox forms of cytochrome b559 are observed. Untreated PSII membranes contain one high-potential (375 mV) and one intermediate-potential (230 mV) cytochrome b559 per PSII. Thylakoid membranes also appear to contain one high-potential and one intermediate-potential cytochrome b559 per PSII, although this measurement is more difficult due to interference from other cytochromes. Removal of the 17- and 23-kDa extrinsic polypeptides from PSII membranes shifts the composition to one intermediate-potential (170 mV) and one low-potential (5 mV) cytochrome b559. This large decrease in potential is accompanied by a very small g-value change (0.04 at gz), indicating that it is the environment and not the ligand field of the heme which changes significantly upon the removal of the 17- and 23-kDa polypeptides.  相似文献   

A model of heme–quinone redox interaction has been developed for cytochrome b559 in photosystem II. The quinone QC in the singly protonated form may function as an interacting quinone. The electrostatic effect between the charges on the heme iron of the cytochrome and QCH leads to appearance of three forms of the cytochrome with different redox potentials. A simple and effective mechanism of redox regulation of the electron transfer pathways in photosystem II is proposed.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b559 (Cyt b559) is a well-known intrinsic component of Photosystem II (PS II) reaction center in all photosynthetic oxygen-evolving organisms, but its physiological role remains unclear. This work reports the response of the two redox forms of Cyt b559 (i.e. the high- (HP) and low-potential (LP) forms) to inhibition of the donor or acceptor side of PS II. The photooxidation of HP Cyt b559 induced by red light at room temperature was pH-dependent under conditions in which electron flow from water was diminished. This photooxidation was observed only at pH values higher than 7.5. However, in the presence of 1 M CCCP, a limited oxidation of HP Cyt b559 was observed at acidic pH, At pH 8.5 and in the presence of the protonophore, this photooxidation of the HP form was accompanied by its partial transformation into the LP form. On the other hand, a partial photoreduction of LP Cyt b559 was induced by red light under aerobic conditions when electron transfer through the primary quinone acceptor QA was impaired by strong irradiation in the presence of DCMU. This photoreduction was enhanced at acidic pH values. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that both photoreduction and photooxidation of Cyt b559 is described under inhibitory conditions using the same kind of membrane preparations. A model accommodating these findings is proposed.Abbreviations CCCP carbonylcyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone - Cyt cytochrome - DCBQ 2,5-dichloro-p-benzoquinone - DCMU dichlorophenyldimethylurea - E m midpoint redox potential - HP and LP high- and low-potential forms of Cyt b559 - P680 primary donor - IA acceptor side inhibition - ID donor side inhibition - Pheo pheophytin - PS II photosystem II - QA primary quinone acceptor of PS II - QB secondary quinone acceptor of PS II  相似文献   

"Reduced minus oxidized" difference extinction coefficients Deltavarepsilon in the alpha-bands of Cyt b559 and Cyt c550 were determined by using functionally and structurally well-characterized PS II core complexes from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus. Values of 25.1+/-1.0 mM(-1) cm(-1) and 27.0+/-1.0 mM(-1) cm(-1) were obtained for Cyt b559 and Cyt c550, respectively. Anaerobic redox titrations covering the wide range from -250 up to +450 mV revealed that the heme groups of both Cyt b559 and Cyt c550 exhibit homogenous redox properties in the sample preparation used, with E(m) values at pH 6.5 of 244+/-11 mV and -94+/-21 mV, respectively. No HP form of Cyt b559 could be detected. Experiments performed on PS II membrane fragments of higher plants where the content of the high potential form of Cyt b559 was varied by special treatments (pH, heat) have shown that the alpha-band extinction of Cyt b559 does not depend on the redox form of the heme group. Based on the results of this study the Cyt b559/PSII stoichiometry is inferred to be 1:1 not only in thermophilic cyanobacteria as known from the crystal structure but also in PSII of plants. Possible interrelationships between the structure of the Q(B) site and the microenvironment of the heme group of Cyt b559 are discussed.  相似文献   

Light-induced production of superoxide (O2*-) in spinach PSII (photosystem II) membrane particles was studied using EPR spin-trapping spectroscopy. The presence of exogenous PQs (plastoquinones) with a different side-chain length (PQ-n, n isoprenoid units in the side-chain) enhanced O2*- production in the following order: PQ-1>PQ-2>PQ-9. In PSII membrane particles isolated from the tobacco cyt (cytochrome) b559 mutant which carries a single-point mutation in the beta-subunit and also has a decreased amount of the alpha-subunit, the effect of PQ-1 was less than in the wild-type. The increase in LP (low-potential) cyt b559 content, induced by the incubation of spinach PSII membrane particles at low pH, resulted in a significant increase in O2*- formation in the presence of PQ-1, whereas it had little effect on O2*- production in the absence of PQ-1. The enhancement of O2*- formation induced by PQ-1 was not abolished by DCMU [3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea]. Under anaerobic conditions, dark oxidation of LP cyt b559 increased, as pH was decreased. The presence of molecular oxygen significantly enhanced dark oxidation of LP cyt b559. Based on these findings it is suggested that short-chain PQs stimulate O2*- production via a mechanism that involves electron transfer from Pheo- (pheophytin) to LP cyt b559 and subsequent auto-oxidation of LP cyt b559.  相似文献   

The photosynthetic cyclic electron transfer of the purple bacterium Rubrivivax gelatinosus, involving the cytochrome bc(1) complex and the reaction center, can be carried out via two pathways. A high potential iron-sulfur protein (HiPIP) acts as the in vivo periplasmic electron donor to the reaction center (RC)-bound cytochrome when cells are grown under anaerobic conditions in the light, while cytochrome c is the soluble electron carrier for cells grown under (8)aerobic conditions in the dark. A spontaneous reversion of R. gelatinosus C244, a defective mutant in synthesis of the RC-bound cytochrome by insertion of a Km(r) cassette leading to gene disruption with a slow growth rate, restores the normal photosynthetic growth. This revertant, designated C244-P1, lost the Km(r) cassette but synthesized a RC-bound cytochrome with an external 77-amino acid insertion derived from the cassette. We characterized the RC-bound cytochrome of this mutant by EPR, time-resolved optical spectroscopy, and structural analysis. We also investigated the in vivo electron transfer rates between the two soluble electron donors and this RC-bound cytochrome. Our results demonstrated that the C244-P1 RC-bound cytochrome is still able to receive electrons from HiPIP, but it is no longer reducible by cytochrome c(8). Combining these experimental and theoretical protein-protein docking results, we conclude that cytochrome c(8) and HiPIP bind the RC-bound cytochrome at two distinct but partially overlapping sites.  相似文献   

Cytochrome b559 is an essential component of the photosystem II reaction center in photosynthetic oxygen-evolving organisms, but its function still remains unclear. The use of photosystem II preparations from Thermosynechococcus elongatus of high integrity and activity allowed us to measure for the first time the influence of cytochrome b559 mutations on its midpoint redox potential and on the reduction of the cytochrome b559 by the plastoquinone pool (or QB). In this work, five mutants having a mutation in the α-subunit (I14A, I14S, R18S, I27A and I27T) and one in the β-subunit (F32Y) of cytochrome b559 have been investigated. All the mutations led to a destabilization of the high potential form of the cytochrome b559. The midpoint redox potential of the high potential form was significantly altered in the αR18S and αI27T mutant strains. The αR18S strain also showed a high sensitivity to photoinhibitory illumination and an altered oxidase activity. This was suggested by measurements of light induced oxidation and dark re-reduction of the cytochrome b559 showing that under conditions of a non-functional water oxidation system, once the cytochrome is oxidized by P680+, the yield of its reduction by QB or the PQ pool was smaller and the kinetic slower in the αR18S mutant than in the wild-type strain. Thus, the extremely positive redox potential of the high potential form of cytochrome b559 could be necessary to ensure efficient oxidation of the PQ pool and to function as an electron reservoir replacing the water oxidation system when it is not operating.  相似文献   

“Reduced minus oxidized” difference extinction coefficients Δ? in the α-bands of Cyt b559 and Cyt c550 were determined by using functionally and structurally well-characterized PS II core complexes from the thermophilic cyanobacterium Thermosynechococcus elongatus. Values of 25.1 ± 1.0 mM−1 cm−1 and 27.0 ± 1.0 mM−1 cm−1 were obtained for Cyt b559 and Cyt c550, respectively. Anaerobic redox titrations covering the wide range from −250 up to +450 mV revealed that the heme groups of both Cyt b559 and Cyt c550 exhibit homogenous redox properties in the sample preparation used, with Em values at pH 6.5 of 244 ± 11 mV and −94 ± 21 mV, respectively. No HP form of Cyt b559 could be detected. Experiments performed on PS II membrane fragments of higher plants where the content of the high potential form of Cyt b559 was varied by special treatments (pH, heat) have shown that the α-band extinction of Cyt b559 does not depend on the redox form of the heme group. Based on the results of this study the Cyt b559/PSII stoichiometry is inferred to be 1:1 not only in thermophilic cyanobacteria as known from the crystal structure but also in PSII of plants. Possible interrelationships between the structure of the QB site and the microenvironment of the heme group of Cyt b559 are discussed.  相似文献   

Shibamoto T  Kato Y  Watanabe T 《FEBS letters》2008,582(10):1490-1494
The redox potential of cytochrome b559 (Cyt b559) in the D1-D2-Cyt b559 complex from spinach has been determined to be +90+/-2mV vs. SHE at pH 6.0, by thin-layer cell spectroelectrochemistry for the first time. The redox potential, corresponding uniquely to the so-called "low-potential form", exhibited a sigmoidal pH-dependence from pH 4.0 to 9.0, ranging from +115 to +50mV. An analysis of the pH-dependence based on model equations suggests that two histidine residues coordinating to the heme iron in the protein subunits may exert electrostatic influence on the redox potential of Cyt b559.  相似文献   

C A Buser  B A Diner  G W Brudvig 《Biochemistry》1992,31(46):11441-11448
The stoichiometry of cytochrome b559 (one or two copies) per reaction center of photosystem II (PSII) has been the subject of considerable debate. The molar ratio of cytochrome b559 has a number of significant implications on our understanding of the functional role of cytochrome b559, the mechanism of electron donation in PSII, and the stoichiometry of the other redox-active, reaction center components. We have reinvestigated the stoichiometry of cytochrome b559 in PSII-enriched and thylakoid membranes, using differential absorbance and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopies. The data from both quantitation procedures strongly indicate only one copy of cytochrome b559 per reaction center in PSII-enriched membranes and also suggest one copy of cytochrome b559 per reaction center in thylakoid membranes.  相似文献   

Beta-carotene (Car) and chlorophyll (Chl) function as secondary electron donors in photosystem II (PS II) under conditions, such as low temperature, when electron donation from the O(2)-evolving complex is inhibited. In prior studies of the formation and decay of Car(*+) and Chl(*+) species at low temperatures, cytochrome b(559) (Cyt b(559)) was chemically oxidized prior to freezing the sample. In this study, the photochemical formation of Car(*+) and Chl(*+) is characterized at low temperature in O(2)-evolving Synechocystis PS II treated with ascorbate to reduce most of the Cyt b(559). Not all of the Cyt b(559) is reduced by ascorbate; the remainder of the PS II reaction centers, containing oxidized low-potential Cyt b(559), give rise to Car(*+) and Chl(*+) species after illumination at low temperature that are characterized by near-IR spectroscopy. These data are compared to the measurements on ferricyanide-treated O(2)-evolving Synechocystis PS II in which the Car(*+) and Chl(*+) species are generated in PS II centers containing mostly high- and intermediate-potential Cyt b(559). Spectral differences observed in the ascorbate-reduced PS II samples include decreased intensity of the Chl(*+) and Car(*+) absorbance peaks, shifts in the Car(*+) absorbance maxima, and lack of formation of a 750 nm species that is assigned to a Car neutral radical. These results suggest that different spectral forms of Car are oxidized in PS II samples containing different redox forms of Cyt b(559), which implies that different secondary electron donors are favored depending on the redox form of Cytb(559) in PS II.  相似文献   

A detailed analysis of the properties of cytochrome b(559) (Cyt b(559)) in photosystem II (PS II) preparations with different degrees of structural complexity is presented. It reveals that (i) D1-D2-Cyt b(559) complexes either in solubilized form or incorporated into liposomes contain only one type of Cyt b(559) with E(m) values of 60 +/- 5 and 100 +/- 10 mV, respectively, at pH 6.8; (ii) in oxygen-evolving solubilized PS II core complexes Cyt b(559) exists predominantly (>85%) as an LP form with an E(m,7) of 125 +/- 10 mV and a minor fraction with an E(m,7) of -150 +/- 15 mV; (iii) in oxygen-evolving PS II membrane fragments three different redox forms are discernible with E(m) values of 390 +/- 15 mV (HP form), 230 +/- 20 mV (IP form), and 105 +/- 25 mV (LP form) and relative amplitudes of 58, 24, and 18%, respectively, at pH 7.3; (iv) the E(m) values are almost pH-independent between pH 6 and 9.5 in all sample types except D1-D2-Cyt b(559) complexes incorporated into liposomes with a slope of -29 mV/pH unit, when the pH increases from 6 to 9.5 (IP and LP form in PS II membrane fragments possibly within a restricted range from pH 6.5 to 8); (v) at pH >8 the HP Cyt b(559) progressively converts to the IP form with increasing pH; (vi) the reduced-minus-oxidized optical difference spectra of Cyt b(559) are very similar in the lambda range of 360-700 nm for all types except for the HP form which exhibits pronounced differences in the Soret band; and (vii) PS II membrane fragments and core complexes are inferred to contain about two Cyt b(559) hemes per PS II. Possible implications of conformational changes near the heme group and spin state transitions of the iron are discussed.  相似文献   

Nakamura  Makoto  Boussac  Alain  Sugiura  Miwa 《Photosynthesis research》2019,139(1-3):475-486
Photosynthesis Research - Cytb559 in Photosystem II is a heterodimeric b-type cytochrome. The subunits, PsbE and PsbF, consist each in a membrane α-helix. Mutants were previously designed and...  相似文献   

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