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Tree species occupy different hydrological niches and climate warming may affect tree performance in those niches through increased drought stress. However, the effects of climate warming on growth, carbon and water fluxes would differ depending on species’ hydrological niche. Species from wet sites should show a lower growth dependence on precipitation and also lower intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUEi), as compared with species from dry sites which should improve more the WUEi. We test these ideas by comparing radial-growth rates (basal-area increment), climate- and drought-growth associations and WUEi of hackberry (Celtis australis) vs. Aleppo pine (Pinus halepensis) and maritime pine (Pinus pinaster) in two Mediterranean sites located in Spain. Species are subjected to similar regional climate conditions in each site but occupy contrasting local hydrological niches (hackberry in wet sites and pines in dry sites). Climate is warming in both study sites and drought-avoiding pines are responding by showing higher growth rates and improved WUEi. We also found a similar growth dependency on winter-spring precipitation and summer drought of all species and sites and comparable WUEi values and trends, excepting in hackberry from southern Spain which grew more, and showed a higher growth resistance to drought and lower and more stable WUEi values. Variables inferred from tree rings as growth rates and WUEi allow characterizing the hydrological niche of tree species, which may be contingent on site conditions and climate warming.  相似文献   

Drake PL  Franks PJ 《Oecologia》2003,137(3):321-329
This study investigated seasonal variation in the origin of water used by plants in a riparian tropical rainforest community and explored linkages between plant water source, plant xylem hydraulic conductivity and response to the onset of dry conditions. The study focused on five co-dominant canopy species, comprising three tree species (Doryphora aromatica, Argyrodendron trifoliolatum, Castanospora alphandii) and two climbing palms (Calamus australis and Calamus caryotoides). Stable isotope ratios of oxygen in water (18O) from soil, groundwater, stream water and plant xylem measured in the wet season and the subsequent dry season revealed water resource partitioning between species in the dry season. Measurement of stem-area-specific hydraulic conductivity (KS) in the wet season and subsequent dry season showed a significant dry-season loss of KS in three of the five species (Castanospora alphandii, Calamus australis and C. caryotoides) and a decrease in mean KS for all species. This loss of hydraulic conductivity was positively correlated with the difference between wet-season and dry-season midday leaf water potentials and with leaf carbon isotope discrimination, indicating that plants that were less susceptible to loss of conductivity had greater control over transpiration rate and were more water-use efficient.  相似文献   

In order to scale up from the ecophysiological characters of individual plants to population-level questions, we need to determine if character patterns in natural populations are stable through time, and if the characters are related to growth and survival. We investigated these questions in a 3-year study for one character, integrated water-use efficiency (WUE) as estimated by carbon isotope discrimination () in a population of the Great Basin shrub, Chrysothamnus nauseosus. WUE was a conservative character for a given plant within and across seasons, and a previously documented difference between two size classes (represented by juveniles and adults) was maintained; smaller juveniles had a lower WUE than larger adults. The lower WUE of juveniles was often accompanied by higher rates of photosynthesis and stomatal conductance as compared to adults even though juveniles generally had more negative xylem pressure potentials. Although many discussions of the role of WUE in natural populations have been based on the expectation that higher WUE (lower ) is generally associated with less growth, we found no such relation-ship for juvenile plants in this population (i.e was not positively correlated with height increase). In addition, juvenile plant mortality was not correlated with . Although there were stable patterns of WUE for plants in this population, the positive correlation between WUE and size, and the lack of a negative correlation between WUE and height growth, make it unlikely that the WUE of an individual plant will be related in a simple manner to its growth and survival in the population.  相似文献   

We report on community structural, ecophysiological, phenological, and morphological measurements made on woody plant species in the high elevation pre-altiplano zone on the western slopes of the Andean Cordillera of northern Chile. Notwithstanding extreme conditions of low rainfall, high atmospheric vapour demand and diurnal temperature fluctuation, a diversity of habitats (associated with drainage and slope aspect), appreciable local plant species richness (28 woody perennial plant species in a small area), and an array of adaptive morphological ecophysiological and phenological traits are present among woody species in these shrublands. Family diversity was low with four families accounted for 82% of the species. A range of gas exchange and watering use efficiency strategies was present ranging from highly efficient CAM species with a carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) of 3.7–7.5‰ through C3 species with varying stomatal and gas exchange characteristics with a Δ of 14.4 to 19.8‰. Drought-deciduous small-leaved amphistomatic species from arid slopes generally had high stomatal conductance and high carbon assimilation rates during the rainy season. These drought deciduous species were largely leafless and, with one exception had low water potentials, during the dry season. Wash and less xeric site species commonly had broader evergreen to semi-evergreen leaves, higher dry season water potentials, and relatively consistent and moderate rates of gas exchange throughout the year. For all species, intrinsic water use efficiency (as estimated from the inverse of c i :c a ratio) correlated positively with mean leaf width (broader leaves had a lower higher intrinsic WUE) and dry season water potential. The charismatic high altitude tree, Polylepis rugulosa (Roaceae), had a population structure that suggests highly episodic establishment of seedlings, likely in sequences of wet years. Little of the area of these significant shrublands is currently protected. It would be desirable to add areas of pre-altiplano shrublands to adjacent national parks to ensure the persistence of these important communities. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Moisture availability has the potential to affect tropical forest productivity at scales ranging from leaf to ecosystem. We compared data for leaf photosynthetic, chemical and structural traits of canopy trees, litterfall production and seasonal availability of soil water at four sites across a precipitation gradient (1,800–3,500 mm year–1) in lowland Panamanian forest to determine how productivity at leaf and ecosystem scales may be related. We found stronger seasonality in soil water potential at drier sites. Values were close to zero at all sites during the wet season and varied between a minimum of –2.5 MPa and –0.3 MPa at the driest and wettest sites, respectively, during the dry season. Leaf photosynthesis and nitrogen concentration decreased with increasing precipitation, whereas leaf thickness increased with increasing precipitation. Leaf toughness and fiber/N ratios increased with increasing precipitation indicating reduced nutritional content and palatability with precipitation. Seasonality of litter production and quality decreased with increasing precipitation, but the amount of litterfall produced was not substantially different among sites. It appears that in Neotropical forest, moisture availability is associated with leaf photosynthetic and defensive traits that influence litterfall timing and quality. Therefore, variation in leaf physiological traits has the potential to influence decomposition and nutrient cycling through effects on litter quality.  相似文献   

We studied the influence of summer drought and winter temperatures on seasonal and spatial variations of light-saturated net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance in Mediterranean woody species. We measured variations in leaf gas exchange over 3 years in 13 Mediterranean trees and shrubs, located at four different sites along a climate gradient of temperature and precipitation in the island of Mallorca (West Mediterranean basin). Net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance were at a maximum during spring, autumn or winter and at a minimum during summer in most sites, species and years. Nevertheless, important spatial, temporal and species-specific variations were observed. Summer drought limitation to gas exchange was greatest in the dry part of the transect, where many species showed their maximum gas exchange rate during winter. In contrast, winter temperatures limited gas exchange of many species at the wet and cool end of the transect, while summer depression of gas exchange was shorter and less pronounced. These results suggest that the effect on carbon fixation and productivity by the predicted future increase of aridity in the Mediterranean basin will depend on whether gas exchange is mostly limited by summer drought or by low winter temperatures.  相似文献   

Integrative ecophysiological and vegetative responses of Dryas octopetala were measured in response to field perturbations of temperature, precipitation and their interactions in a polar semi-desert in Svalbard, Norway (79°N, 12°E). Leaf carbon isotope discrimination (), total leaf nitrogen concentration and leaf development were determined for photosynthetic leaves collected during the last week of August 1991, after one season of manipulations. Individual leaf weight and the total mass of leaf tissue were significantly lower when water was added, irrespective of temperature regime. Leaf carbon isotope discrimination and estimated long-term c i/c avalues (the ratio of CO2 concentration in leaf intercellular spaces to that in the atmosphere) were significantly higher under all three field manipulation treatments, and was significantly reduced when Dryas was grown under drought conditions in a related greenhouse study. Nitrogen concentrations of plants from the field experiment were significantly lower under warmed conditions regardless of water regime. Our results indicate that changes in environmental conditions in high arctic settings will result in alterations of Dryas leaf gas exchange, as expressed by increases in carbon isotope discrimination, which may be accompanied by shifts in leaf nitrogen content and leaf biomass.  相似文献   

Cell volumes and intracellular concentrations of major solutes of Chlorococcum submarinum were determined before and after salinity shocks. Cells were found to shrink in size by about 30% following changes from 0.1 to 0.5 M NaCl, there was a transitory increase in sodium concentration and more permanent increases in concentrations of potassium, proline and glycerol (the major osmolyte). Conversely, cells doubled in size after the reciprocal downshock, there was rapid loss of about 70% of the cells' glycerol to the medium, a much smaller loss of cellular potassium and a steady disappearance of proline from the cells. The respiratory and photosynthetic responses to salinity fluctuations were also studied. Salinity downshocks stimulated respiration by 30% and inhibited photosynthesis by 16% within 5 min, but within 2 h these rates were identical to control rates. Upshocks caused a slight inhibition of respiration, but decreased photosynthesis by 40% within 5 min and recovery took 2 h. Downshocks had little effect on chlorophyll fluorescence, however, Fo strongly increased and both Fm and Fv/Fm declined within 5 min of salinity increases. This is consistent with a decrease in efficiency of PS2. Ecological and metabolic implications of the results are discussed.Abbreviations DMSO dimethyl sulphoxide - Hepes N-[2-hydroxyethyl]piperazine-N-2-ethane sulphonic acid - TCA trichloroacetic acid - Tris tris[hydroxymethyl]aminoethane  相似文献   

Lütz  Cornelius  Seidlitz  Harald K.  Meindl  Ursula 《Plant Ecology》1997,128(1-2):55-64
Exposure of postmitotic growing and non-growing cells of the unicellular green alga Micrasterias denticulata to different UV-B cut-off wavelengths together with simulated sunlight in a sun simulator has revealed a marked resistence of the algae against strong irradiation. While down to a cut-off wavelength of 284 nm irradiated during the most sensitive stage of cell development chloroplast ultrastructure remains unaffected, severe changes in arrangement and structure of stroma and grana thylakoids occur only at the lowest cut-off wavelengths of 280 and 275 nm. The structural alterations end up in a more or less complete desintegration of grana and stroma thylakoids with the remaining membraneous structures appearing in negative staining thus indicating drastic changes in membrane composition. Photosynthetic activity determined by chlorophyll fluorescence (ratio of variable to maximal fluorescence) and oxygen evolution responded more sensitively to UV-B irradiation. With decreasing UV cut-off wavelengths and prolonged incubation a decrease of photochemistry of PS II occured reaching its lowest values after 60 min at 275 and 280 nm. Oxygen production was even maintained under strong UV irradiation with a cut-off wavelenght of 275 nm up to 15 min. With prolonged UV-B treatment any activity was lost. HPLC separations of pigments exhibited the appearance of break-down products (mainly derivatives of chl b and chl a) with decreasing cut-off wavelength and increasing exposure time. The xanthophyll cycle pigments seemed to be unaffected at least for an irradiation period of 60 to 90 min at low UV cut-offs. Possible mechanisms of UV stress avoidance or protection are discussed with regard to the varying altitudes of the natural habitats of the algae.  相似文献   

Metrosideros polymorpha, a dominant tree species in Hawaiian ecosystems, occupies a wide range of habitats. Complementary field and common-garden studies of M. polymorpha populations were conducted across an altitudinal gradient at two different substrate ages to ascertain if the large phenotypic variation of this species is determined by genetic differences or by phenotypic modifications resulting from environmental conditions. Several characteristics, including ecophysiological behavior and anatomical features, were largely induced by the environment. However, other characteristics, particularly leaf morphology, appeared to be mainly determined by genetic background. Common garden plants exhibited higher average rates of net assimilation (5.8 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1) and higher average stomatal conductance (0.18 mol H2O m−2 s−1) than their field counterparts (3.0 μmol CO2 m−2 s−1, and 0.13 mol H2O m−2 s−1 respectively). Foliar δ13C of most common-garden plants was similar among sites of origin with an average value of −26.9‰. In contrast, mean values of foliar δ13C in field plants increased substantially from −29.5‰ at low elevation to −24.8‰ at high elevation. Leaf mass per unit area increased significantly as a function of elevation in both field and common garden plants; however, the range of values was much narrower in common garden plants (211–308 g m−2 for common garden versus 107–407 g m−2 for field plants). Nitrogen content measured on a leaf area basis in common garden plants ranged from 1.4 g m−2 to 2.4 g m−2 and from 0.8 g m−2 to 2.5 g m−2 in field plants. Photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) decreased 50% with increasing elevation in field plants and only 20% in plants from young substrates in the common garden. This was a result of higher rates of net CO2 assimilation in the common garden plants. Leaf tissue and cell layer thickness, and degree of leaf pubescence increased significantly with elevation in field plants, whereas in common garden plants, variation with elevation of origin was much narrower, or was entirely absent. Morphological characteristics such as leaf size, petiole length, and internode length decreased with increasing elevation in the field and were retained when grown in the common garden, suggesting a potential genetic basis for these traits. The combination of environmentally induced variability in physiological and anatomical characteristics and genetically determined variation in morphological traits allows Hawaiian M. polymorpha to attain and dominate an extremely wide ecological distribution not observed in other tree species. Received: 12 March 1997 / Accepted: 27 August 1997  相似文献   

We investigated scaling of physiological parameters between age classes of Quercus rubra by combining in situ field measurements with an experimental approach. In the in situ field study, we investigated changes in drought response with age in seedlings, juveniles, and mature trees of Q. rubra. Throughout the particularly dry summer of 1995 and the unusually wet summer of 1996 in New England, we measured water potential of leaves (ΨLeaf) and gas exchange of plants at three sites at the Harvard Forest in Petersham, Massachusetts. In order to determine what fraction of the measured differences in gas exchange between seedlings and mature trees was due to environment versus ontogeny, an experiment was conducted in which seedlings were grown under light and soil moisture regimes simulating the environment of mature trees. The photosynthetic capacity of mature trees was three-fold greater than that of seedlings during the wet year, and six-fold greater during the drought year. The seedling experiment demonstrated that the difference in photosynthetic capacity between seedlings and mature trees is comprised equally of an environmental component (50%) and an ontogenetic component (50%) in the absence of water limitation. Photosynthesis was depressed more severely in seedlings than in mature trees in the drought year relative to the wet year, while juveniles showed an intermediate response. Throughout the drought, the predawn leaf water potential (ΨPD) of seedlings became increasingly negative (–0.4 to –1.6 MPa), while that of mature trees became only slightly more negative (–0.2 to –0.5 MPa). Again, juveniles showed an intermediate response (–0.25 to –0.8 MPa). During the wet summer of 1996, however, there was no difference in ΨPD between seedlings, juveniles and mature trees. During the dry summer of 1995, seedlings were more responsive to a major rain event than mature trees in terms of ΨLeaf , suggesting that the two age classes depend on different water sources. In all age classes, instantaneous measurements of intrinsic water use efficiency (WUEi), defined as C assimilation rate divided by stomatal conductance, increased as the drought progressed, and all age classes had higher WUEi during the drought year than in the wet year. Mature trees, however, showed a greater ability to increase their WUEi in response to drought. Integrated measurements of WUE from C isotope discrimination (Δ) of leaves indicated higher WUE in mature trees than juveniles and seedlings. Differences between years, however, could not be distinguished, probably due to the strong bias in C isotope fractionation at the time of leaf production, which occurred prior to the onset of drought conditions in 1995. From this study, we arrive at two main conclusions: Received: 14 July 1999 / Accepted: 10 January 2000  相似文献   

To evaluate the effects of air pollution on the decline of Pinus densiflora forests, various research has been conducted around Mt. Gokurakuji (34° 23N, 132° 19E, 693 m a.s.l.) north of the Seto Inland Sea, west Japan. To investigate the mechanisms responsible for decreases in photosynthesis (Pn) and stomatal conductance (gl), 13C of needles and seasonal changes in the water content (WC) and abscisic acid concentration (ABA) of needles were measured in various stands. The 13C values were less negative in declining stands and younger needles. ABA and WC were not correlated with each other. WC decreased consistently with needle age while the ABA showed a minimum in August and a smaller content in older needles. Monthly precipitation and the daily maximum vapor pressure were not correlated with ABA and WC. In declining stands, WC and ABA tended to be higher and lower, respectively, than in nondeclining stands. These results suggest that the trees in declining stands received less water stress than those in nondeclining stands and the differences in gl and 13C are not caused by the difference in water stress. The possibilities of the effects of air pollution and the infection of pine-wood nematode on the physiological decline on the pine needles are discussed.  相似文献   

Intraspecific trait variability plays an important role in species adaptation to climate change. However, it still remains unclear how plants in semi-arid environments respond to increasing aridity. We investigated the intraspecific trait variability of two common Mediterranean annuals (Geropogon hybridus and Crupina crupinastrum) with similar habitat preferences. They were studied along a steep precipitation gradient in Israel similar to the maximum predicted precipitation changes in the eastern Mediterranean basin (i.e. −30% until 2100). We expected a shift from competitive ability to stress tolerance with decreasing precipitation and tested this expectation by measuring key functional traits (canopy and seed release height, specific leaf area, N- and P-leaf content, seed mass). Further, we evaluated generative bet-hedging strategies by different seed traits. Both species showed different responses along the precipitation gradient. C. crupinastrum exhibited only decreased plant height towards aridity, while G. hybridus showed strong trends of generative adaptation to aridity. Different seed trait indices suggest increased bet-hedging of G. hybridus in arid environments. However, no clear trends along the precipitation gradient were observed in leaf traits (specific leaf area and leaf N-/P-content) in both species. Moreover, variance decomposition revealed that most of the observed trait variation (≫50%) is found within populations. The findings of our study suggest that responses to increased aridity are highly species-specific and local environmental factors may have a stronger effect on intraspecific trait variation than shifts in annual precipitation. We therefore argue that trait-based analyses should focus on precipitation gradients that are comparable to predicted precipitation changes and compare precipitation effects to effects of local environmental factors.  相似文献   

Summary In the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico, both water and nitrogen limit the primary productivity of Larrea tridentata, a xerophytic evergreen shrub. Net photosynthesis was positively correlated to leaf N, but only in plants that received supplemental water. Nutrient-use efficiency, defined as photosynthetic carbon gain per unit N invested in leaf tissue, declined with increasing leaf N. However, water-use efficiency, defined as the ratio of photosynthesis to transpiration, increased with increasing leaf N, and thus these two measures of resource-use efficiency were inversely correlated. Resorption efficiency was not significantly altered over the nutrient gradient, nor was it affected by irrigation treatments. Leaf longevity decreased significantly with fertilization although the absolute magnitude of this decrease was fairly small, in part due to a large background of insect-induced mortality. Age-specific gas exchange measurements support the hypothesis that leaf aging represents a redistribution of resources, rather than actual deterioration or declining resource-use efficiency.  相似文献   

Summary Under favorable nutrition, accessions of the weedy barleygrass (Hordeum leporinum and H. glaucum) had a higher relative growth rate (RGR) than did accessions of cultivated barley (H. vulgare) or its wild progenitor (H. spontaneum). RGR was not positively correlated with the presumed level of soil fertility at the collection site of an accession either within or among species. RGR was reduced more strongly by low-P supply in the progenitor than in the crop or weed, indicating that selection of cultivars to grow in fertile soils had not reduced their potential to grow effectively under low-P conditions. Seed and embryo masses were more important than RGR in determining plant size. Relative differences among assessions in plant size declined with time, because (1) accessions with small seeds had a higher RGR, and (2) RGR of large-seeded accessions declined with time. Absolute growth rate correlated positively with leaf area and negatively with photosynthetic rate per unit leaf area. Under favorable nutrition, maximum photosynthetic rate correlated negatively with leaf length and therefore was higher in the weeds than in the crop or progenitor accessions. P absorption potential did not differ consistently among species but generally increased in response to P stress. Cultivars produced a few tall tillers, whereas weeds and progenitors produced many small tillers. The cultivar had a larger proportion of reproductive tillers, allocated a larger proportion of biomass to grain, and produced larger grains than did the weedy accession. By contrast, the weed began maturing seeds sooner, produced more reproductive tillers, and produced more grains per car and per plant than did the cultivar. The study suggests two major conclusions: (1) A low RGR is not an adaptation to low P supply in annual Hordeum species. (2) Seed size is the major determinant of early plant size between accessions in these Hordeum species under favorable nutrition. However, large seed size indirectly results in a low RGR because of the inverse relationship between plant size and RGR and results in a low photosynthetic rate because of the inverse relationship between leaf size and photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Summary Carbon isotope composition, photosynthetic gas exchange, and nitrogen content were measured in leaves of three varieties of Metrosideros polymorpha growing in sites presenting a variety of precipitation, temperature and edaphic regimes. The eight populations studied could be divided into two groups on the basis of their mean foliar 13C values, one group consisting of three populations with mean 13C values ca.-26 and another group with 13C values ca.-28. Less negative 13C values appeared to be associated with reduced physiological availability of soil moisture resulting from hypoxic conditions at a poorly drained high elevation bog site and from low precipitation at a welldrained, low elevation leeward site. Gas exchange measurements indicated that foliar 13C and intrinsic wateruse efficiency were positively correlated. Maximum photosynthetic rates were nearly constant while maximum stomatal conductance varied substantially in individuals with foliar 13C ranging from-29 to-24. In contrast with the patterns of 13C observed, leaf nitrogen content appeared to be genetically determined and independent of site characteristics. Photosynthetic nitrogenuse efficiency was nearly constant over the range of 13C observed, suggesting that a compromise between intrinsic water- and N-use efficiency did not occur. In one population variations in foliar 13C and gas exchange with leaf cohort age, caused the ratio of intercellular to atmospheric partial pressure of CO2 predicted from gas exchange and that calculated from 13C to be in close agreement only in the two youngest cohorts of fully expanded leaves. The results indicated that with suitable precautions concerning measurement protocol, foliar 13C and gas exchange measurements were reliable indicators of potential resource use efficiency by M. polymorpha along environmental gradients.  相似文献   

This paper describes structural change and damage to the natural tree vegetation in the Dr Alfredo Barrera Marín Botanical Garden, following Hurricane Gilbert in September, 1988. Post-hurricane data were compared with pre-hurricane data from the same plots, focusing mainly on composition and structure. Near complete defoliation of trees and plants of the understorey occurred and average foliage loss was estimated to be 4.5 t/ha. The density of trees decreased by 33%, and the basal area decreased by 12%. Small diameter trees accounted for the great majority of losses and trees in the largest diameter classes survived best. The average height of trees in the lower canopy decreased by 6% and for those in the upper canopy by 9%. The frequency of understorey plants decreased by 51% and their cover decreased by 70%. Floristic richness decreased only slightly after the hurricane.  相似文献   

Aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems are linked by fluxes of carbon and nutrients in riparian areas. Processes that alter these fluxes may therefore change the diet and composition of consumer communities. We used stable carbon isotope (δ13C) analyses to test whether the increased abundance of aquatic prey observed in a previous study led to a dietary shift in riparian consumers in areas illuminated by artificial light at night (ALAN). We measured the contribution of aquatic‐derived carbon to diets in riparian arthropods in experimentally lit and unlit sites along an agricultural drainage ditch in northern Germany. The δ13C signature of the spider Pachygnatha clercki (Tetragnathidae) was 0.7‰ lower in the ALAN‐illuminated site in summer, indicating a greater assimilation of aquatic prey. Bayesian mixing models also supported higher intake of aquatic prey under ALAN in spring (34% versus 21%). In contrast, isotopic signatures for P. clercki (0.3‰) and Pardosa prativaga (0.7‰) indicated a preference for terrestrial prey in the illuminated site in spring. Terrestrial prey intake increased in spring for P. clercki under ALAN (from 70% to 74%) and in spring and autumn for P. prativaga (from 68% to 77% and from 67% to 72%) and Opiliones (from 68% to 72%; 68% to 75%). This was despite most of the available prey (up to 80%) being aquatic in origin. We conclude that ALAN changed the diet of riparian secondary consumers by increasing the density of both aquatic and terrestrial prey. Dietary changes were species‐ and season‐specific, indicating that the effects of ALAN may interact with phenology and feeding strategy. Because streetlights can occur in high density near freshwaters, ALAN may have widespread effects on aquatic–terrestrial ecosystem linkages.  相似文献   

Biological soil crusts (biocrusts) are common and ecologically important members of dryland ecosystems worldwide, where they stabilize soil surfaces and contribute newly fixed C and N to soils. To test the impacts of predicted climate change scenarios on biocrusts in a dryland ecosystem, the effects of a 2–3 °C increase in soil temperature and an increased frequency of smaller summer precipitation events were examined in a large, replicated field study conducted in the cold desert of the Colorado Plateau, USA. Surface soil biomass (DNA concentration), photosynthetically active cyanobacterial biomass (chlorophyll a concentration), cyanobacterial abundance (quantitative PCR assay), and bacterial community composition (16S rRNA gene sequencing) were monitored seasonally over 2 years. Soil microbial biomass and bacterial community composition were highly stratified between the 0–2 cm depth biocrusts and 5–10 cm depth soil beneath the biocrusts. The increase in temperature did not have a detectable effect on any of the measured parameters over 2 years. However, after the second summer of altered summer precipitation pattern, significant declines occurred in the surface soil biomass (avg. DNA concentration declined 38%), photosynthetic cyanobacterial biomass (avg. chlorophyll a concentration declined 78%), cyanobacterial abundance (avg. gene copies g?1 soil declined 95%), and proportion of Cyanobacteria in the biocrust bacterial community (avg. representation in sequence libraries declined 85%). Biocrusts are important contributors to soil stability, soil C and N stores, and plant performance, and the loss or reduction of biocrusts under an altered precipitation pattern associated with climate change could contribute significantly to lower soil fertility and increased erosion and dust production in dryland ecosystems at a regional scale.  相似文献   

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