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The interspecific complementary and competitive interactions between pea (Pisum sativum L.), barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.), grown as dual and tri-component intercrops were assessed in a field study in Denmark. Total biomass production and N use at two levels of N fertilisation (0.5 and 4.0 g N/m2), were measured at five harvests throughout a growing season. All intercrops displayed land equivalent ratio values close to or exceeding unity, indicating complementary use of growth resources. Whereas both rape and barley responded positively to increased N fertilisation, irrespective of whether they were grown as sole- or intercrops, pea was strongly suppressed when grown in intercrop. Of the three crops barley was the strongest competitor for both soil and fertiliser N, rape intermediate and pea the weakest. Faster initial growth of barley than pea and rape gave barley an initial competitive advantage, an advantage that in the two dual intercrops was strengthened by the addition of N. Apparently the competitive superiority of barley was less strong in the tri-component intercrop, indicating that the impact of the dominantmay, through improved growth of both rape and pea, have been diminished through indirect facilitation. Interspecific competition had a promoting effect on the percent of nitrogen derived from N2 fixation of pea, and most so at the low N fertilisation level. Results indicate that the benefits achieved from the association of a legume and nonlegume, in terms of N2 fixed were greatest when pea was grown in association with rape as opposed to barley which could indicate that the benefits achieved from the association of a legume and nonlegume are partly lost if the nonlegume is too strong a competitor.  相似文献   

Radopholus similis is the most destructive plant parasitic nematode in banana production systems. A glasshouse experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of legume intercrops on R. similis population and damage level in banana. A trial was laid out in a randomised complete block design with five treatments and five replications. The treatments were banana/cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) intercrop, banana/sunn hemp (Crotalaria juncea) intercrop, sole banana, sole banana with nematicide (Fenamiphos) and sole cowpea. Sunn hemp intercrop was suppressing R. similis population densities and reduced banana root damage the most compared to tested treatments. The legume intercropped banana plants had a significantly higher fresh root mass as the sole-cropped banana with nematicide while the sole-cropped banana without nematicide had significantly lowest fresh root mass. Sunn hemp and cowpea legumes are recommended for adoption by smallholder banana farmers as alternatives to nematicide use.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N) transfer from N-fixing legumes via vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungi to associated non-fixing plants has been demonstrated in greenhouse experiments. To date, this transfer has been shown only where mineral N is applied shortly before harvest, and hence is readily available. We have yet to demonstrate VAM-mediated N transfer where soil-N is limiting, a condition under which most traditional legume-nonlegume intercrops are grown.In this study, 15N-enriched soil (with 0.28%N) was used to distinguish between the uptake of soil- and atmospherically-derived N in maize grown with beans in the presence or absence of VAM fungi. VAM infection did not result in transfer of fixed N or soil N from bean to maize, despite a VAM-stimulated increase in N fixation in bean. In fact, beans were more competitive for soil N when mycorrhizal. N content in beans increased by 75% with a concomitant 22% decrease in mg N per maize plant. The competitive effect may have resulted from a VAM-mediated shift in carbon allocation in beans (but not maize) from shoots to roots.  相似文献   

Aims We present an improved model for the growth of individuals in plant populations experiencing competition.Methods Individuals grow sigmoidally according to the Birch model, which is similar to the more commonly used Richards model, but has the advantage that initial plant growth is always exponential. The individual plant growth models are coupled so that there is a maximum total biomass for the population. The effects of size-asymmetric competition are modeled with a parameter that reflects the size advantage that larger individual have over smaller individuals. We fit the model to data on individual growth in crowded populations of Chenopodium album .Important findings When individual plant growth curves were not coupled, there was a negative or no correlation between initial growth rate and final size, suggesting that competitive interactions were more important in determining final plant size than were plants' initial growth rates. The coupled growth equations fit the data better than individual, uncoupled growth models, even though the number of estimated parameters in the coupled competitive growth model was far fewer, indicating the importance of modeling competition and the degree of size-asymmetric growth explicitly. A quantitative understanding of stand development in terms of the growth of individuals, as altered by competition, is within reach.  相似文献   

Ozone effects on plant species mixtures could depend on the characteristics of the species involved, their mixing ratio, or on environmental conditions. Predicting long-term effects on the dynamics of plant communities requires an understanding of the interactions involved. The present experiment was designed to determine the effects of ozone on grassland species in relation to mixing ratio and soil water content (irrigation) using binary mixtures. The grass Trisetum flavescens was grown in potted replacement-series mixtures with Centaurea jacea (Experiment A) or Trifolium pratense (Experiment B). The plants were exposed to three concentrations of ozone in open-top chambers in two irrigation treatments. Total above-ground dry weight over three growth periods was measured. The competitive ability of T. flavescens was expressed as the competitive ratio ( CR T). In Experiment B, total above-ground dry weight was reduced by elevated ozone and by reduced soil moisture, and significant interactions were found for ozone × irrigation and ozone × ratio. In Experiment A these effects were not significant. Under well watered conditions, CR T tended to be reduced by elevated ozone in Experiment A, but increased significantly in Experiment B, indicating the importance of the competing species in modifying the ozone effect on T. flavescens . In both experiments reduced irrigation decreased the magnitude of ozone effects on biomass production, which could be related to observed reductions in specific leaf conductance. The results suggest that under well watered conditions the effect of elevated ozone on the competitive balance between species depends on the species mixture, but that the mixing ratio is less important.  相似文献   

1. High species richness in disturbed habitats is commonly attributed to the coexistence of species with diverse competitive abilities and, more generally, to the coexistence of different plant strategies sensu Grime (1977, 1979). The present study tests this assumption for the case of intermediately disturbed, species-rich macrophyte habitats. 2. Four species, Sparganium emersum, Hippuris vulgaris, Groenlandia densa and Luronium natans that coexist solely in one flood-disturbed, cut-off channel of the Upper Rhone River (France) were selected for this study. Apart from this common, disturbed habitat, they presented different distribution patterns within the floodplain. The present study aimed to establish both a hierarchical ranking of their competitive abilities and their respective strategies according to the C-S-R-model. 3. The study was carried out during one growth season in a de Wit experimental design with supplementary monitoring of growth characteristics. Whereas a clear ranking of species competitiveness could not be established, the experiment revealed differences in their traits and strategies. 4. S. emersum possesses the traits of a competitor, whereas the other species present intermediate secondary strategies, with a C-R-strategy in G. densa, a C-S-strategy in H. vulgaris, and a C-S-R or S-R-strategy in L. natans. These strategies are well matched to the distribution of the species within the floodplain, since the distribution of S. emersum reaches far into weakly disturbed and undisturbed, and supposedly competition intensive sites, whereas Luronium occupies a habitat that is both disturbed and relatively nutrient-poor. Only the presence of Hippuris in disturbed habitats seems not to correspond to the established strategy, but this might be explained by its need for only moderately intensive competition and by particularities of its regeneration strategy. The revealed differences in strategy may also make it possible to interpret the patchy pattern in vegetation cover within disturbed habitats.  相似文献   

Neighbouring plants generally compete for the limiting resources in order to grow and reproduce. Some resources, e.g., sun light, may be monopolised by the larger plants and this may lead to asymmetric competition where a plant, which is twice as large, grows more than twice as fast. A previously published individual-based Richards growth model that describes the asymmetric growth of individual plants is here generalised with respect to a variable mean plant density and an explicit spatial setting.  相似文献   


Resistance towards herbivory is expected to influence the competitive ability and ecological success of the resistant plant, but it is unclear how this general knowledge should be incorporated into long-term ecological predictions of plant community dynamics. In order to answer such questions, the long-term ecological effects of density, competition, herbivory and their compound interactions were investigated in a model system of a transgenic herbivore-resistant Arabidopsis thaliana genotype and the isogenic herbivore-sensitive A. thaliana genotype. It was concluded that herbivory had a significant effect on the fecundity of the susceptible genotype at high plant density. The most likely long-term scenario was that the susceptible genotype outcompeted the resistant genotype. But it was also shown that herbivory could down-regulate the equilibrium density of the susceptible genotype and, when the two genotypes were coexisting, up-regulate the equilibrium density of the resistant genotype.  相似文献   

温州地区黑荆树入侵群落的竞争与动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李乐  骆争荣  李琼  胡志勇  丁炳扬 《生态学报》2009,29(12):6622-6629
黑荆树作为一种入侵植物在国外已经引起了相当的重视,被作为经济植物引入我国以后,目前在很多地区也形成了黑荆树天然更新林.但至今其对于我国生态系统的入侵风险的研究仍然很少.以温州地区6个黑荆树群落为样本,对黑荆树和其它树种的竞争强度、空间关系和群落中物种的相互替代进行了分析,结果表明:(1)黑荆树在群落竞争中并没有体现出优势;(2)黑荆树与其它物种在空间上基本是独立的,这可能是由于竞争强度比较弱,并不能造成明显的竞争性死亡;(3)除马尾松外各群落中物种都维持较高的自我替代,但是在PY04、CN02和RN01群落未来黑荆树仍可能替代其它物种变成主要优势种,而由于其存在幼苗更新困难这种优势不会长久;(4)黑荆树的入侵风险不高,保持群落的生物多样性能够有效地防止黑荆树成为优势物种,因此今后要尽力维持本地群落的生物多样性.  相似文献   

The qualitative perceptual interactions in three binary mixtures of wine odorants were studied: isoamyl acetate (fruity note)/whisky lactone (woody note), ethyl butyrate (fruity note)/whisky lactone (woody note) and ethyl butyrate (fruity note)/guaiacol (woody note). For each binary mixture, the perceived quality and intensity of 24 stimuli (four supra-threshold concentration levels of each of the two compounds and their 16 possible combinations) were evaluated in five replications by a trained panel of 13 subjects. The application of the Olsson predictive model for odour intensity and quality perception gave quite a good estimation of the evolution of single component identification in the mixture when the intensity proportion of unmixed components varied. However, this model was unable to account for the odour quality dominance in mixtures of iso-intense components. An alternative linear logistic model was proposed to study the qualitative dominance of the woody note in the three mixtures when the perceived intensities of each unmixed compound were equal.  相似文献   

Additivity and interaction in three-component experiments with mixtures   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
DARROCH  J. N.; WALLER  J. 《Biometrika》1985,72(1):153-163

Intercropping enhances soil carbon and nitrogen   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Intercropping, the simultaneous cultivation of multiple crop species in a single field, increases aboveground productivity due to species complementarity. We hypothesized that intercrops may have greater belowground productivity than sole crops, and sequester more soil carbon over time due to greater input of root litter. Here, we demonstrate a divergence in soil organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) content over 7 years in a field experiment that compared rotational strip intercrop systems and ordinary crop rotations. Soil organic C content in the top 20 cm was 4% ± 1% greater in intercrops than in sole crops, indicating a difference in C sequestration rate between intercrop and sole crop systems of 184 ± 86 kg C ha?1 yr?1. Soil organic N content in the top 20 cm was 11% ± 1% greater in intercrops than in sole crops, indicating a difference in N sequestration rate between intercrop and sole crop systems of 45 ± 10 kg N ha?1 yr?1. Total root biomass in intercrops was on average 23% greater than the average root biomass in sole crops, providing a possible mechanism for the observed divergence in soil C sequestration between sole crop and intercrop systems. A lowering of the soil δ15N signature suggested that increased biological N fixation and/or reduced gaseous N losses contributed to the increases in soil N in intercrop rotations with faba bean. Increases in soil N in wheat/maize intercrop pointed to contributions from a broader suite of mechanisms for N retention, e.g., complementary N uptake strategies of the intercropped plant species. Our results indicate that soil C sequestration potential of strip intercropping is similar in magnitude to that of currently recommended management practises to conserve organic matter in soil. Intercropping can contribute to multiple agroecosystem services by increased yield, better soil quality and soil C sequestration.  相似文献   

Intra- and interspecific competition for food is one of the main factors governing zooplankton community structure and the evolution of the life history of herbivorous zooplankters. Competitive advantage considered as the ability of a whole population or some developmental stages to survive at low food concentrations is related to individual growth rate rather than to the body size of zooplankters as the “size-efficiency hypothesis” postulates. The slow-growing individuals have been shown to have the most competitive advantage. The outcome of competition among cladoceran species in predator-free waterbodies depends on the trophic status of the latter. In oligo-trophic and mesotrophic waterbodies, small slow-growing cladocerans are the superior competitors, while large rapid-growing species dominate in eutrophic waters and can outcompete the small cladocerans. Small rapid-growing species, which are poor competitors, can temporarily colonize eutrophic waterbodies. Three main types of cladoceran life history represent the compromises between low population mortality during periods of food depletion and high population natality at the abundance of food.  相似文献   

In the Mediterranean area, the introduction of cover crops in vineyards is hampered by the risk of severe competition for water. Belowground interactions are still not very clear in this perennial-herbaceous association. This work was aimed at characterizing the development of the root systems of associated crops and the soil water dynamics. It also investigated whether water competition could be the cause of vine vigour and yield reductions. Experiments were conducted in a 4-year-old association (vine – tall fescue) and in a weed controlled vineyard. Water transfers in the soil were estimated on the basis of the soil water potential and soil hydrodynamic properties. The vine root system was concentrated in the soil under the row, whereas the intercrop highly colonized a soil compartment under the inter-row to a depth of approximately 1 m. Despite this spatial complementarity in root distribution, intercropping reduced the amount of soil water available for the vine crop. The low soil water content reduced soil water conductivity thereby limiting water transfers, despite a significant gradient in the soil water potential. This conductivity did not differ significantly between treatments but the intercrop enhanced the infiltration of winter rainwater, probably by limiting surface runoff. There was temporal complementarity in this association since the period of intense water uptake by the intercrop occurred earlier than noted for the vine under bare soil conditions. Nevertheless, the competition for water was limited by better refilling of the soil water profile during winter in the intercropped treatment. The intercrop clearly interacted with the vine and decreased its vegetative vigor. Since predawn leaf water potential and stomatal conductance did not differ among treatments, mechanism(s) other than competition for water (e.g. nutrient competition, allelopathy) may be responsible.  相似文献   

沙区植物种的一类种间竞争模型及应用   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
以沙坡头人工固沙植物油蒿和柠条为研究对象,针对水分是沙坡头植物生r长的限制因子的现实,研究了在水分条件限制下两种植物的种间关系,建立了混播油蒿、柠条种间竞争模型,验证了油蒿、柠条既竞争又稳定共存的关系,其目的为充分有效利用水资源、稳定人工生态系统提供科学依据。  相似文献   

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