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The cytochrome P450 enzyme is one of the most versatile redox proteins and it is responsible for the oxidative metabolism of a wide variety of endogenous and exogenous compounds. The cytochrome P450 gene, CYP105F2, from Streptomyces peucetius was subcloned into the pET-32a(+) vector to overexpress the protein in E. coli BL21 (DE3) pLysS. The expressed enzyme was purified by fast protein liquid chromatography with a DEAE and UNO Q column. A 3D model was constructed based on the known crystallographic structures of cytochrome P450, and comparison with PikC and MoxA signified broad substrate specificity toward structurally diverse compounds. In addition, the in vitro hydroxylation of oleandomycin by purified CYP105F2 observed in liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and mass/mass spectrometry indicated its flexibility towards alternative polyketides for the structural diversification of the macrolide by post-polyketide synthase hydroxylation.  相似文献   

CYP107W1 from Streptomyces avermitilis is a cytochrome P450 enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of macrolide oligomycin A. A previous study reported that CYP107W1 regioselectively hydroxylated C12 of oligomycin C to produce oligomycin A, and the crystal structure of ligand free CYP107W1 was determined. Here, we analyzed the structural properties of the CYP107W1-oligomycin A complex and characterized the functional role of the Trp178 residue in CYP107W1. The crystal structure of the CYP107W1 complex with oligomycin A was determined at a resolution of 2.6 Å. Oligomycin A is bound in the substrate access channel on the upper side of the prosthetic heme mainly by hydrophobic interactions. In particular, the Trp178 residue in the active site intercalates into the large macrolide ring, thereby guiding the substrate into the correct binding orientation for a productive P450 reaction. A Trp178 to Gly mutation resulted in the distortion of binding titration spectra with oligomycin A, whereas binding spectra with azoles were not affected. The Gly178 mutant’s catalytic turnover number for the 12-hydroxylation reaction of oligomycin C was highly reduced. These results indicate that Trp178, located in the open pocket of the active site, may be a critical residue for the productive binding conformation of large macrolide substrates.  相似文献   

At least 35 cytochrome P450 (P450, CYP) or cytochrome P450-like genes have been identified in 10 cyanobacterial genomes yet none have been functionally characterized. CYP110 and CYP120 represent the two largest cyanobacterial P450 families with 16 and four members, respectively, identified to date. The Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 CYP120A1 protein sequence shares high degrees of conservation with CYP120A2 from Trichodesmium erythraeum IMS101 and CYP120B1 and CYP120C1 from Nostoc punctiforme PCC 73102. In this communication, we report the cloning, expression, purification, and characterization of CYP120A1 from Synechocystis. Homology modeling predictions of the three-dimensional structure of CYP120A1 coupled with in silico screening for potential substrates and experimental spectroscopic analyses have identified retinoic acid as a compound binding with high affinity to this P450's catalytic site. These characterizations of Synechocystis CYP120A1 lay the initial foundations for understanding the basic role of cytochrome P450s in cyanobacteria and related organisms.  相似文献   

We have determined the genome sequence of 8.7 Mb chromosome of Streptomyces peucetius ATCC 27952, which produces clinically important anthracycline chemotherapeutic agents of the polyketide class of antibiotics, daunorubicin and doxorubicin. The cytochrome P450 (CYP) superfamily is represented by 19 sequences in the S. peucetius. Among those, 15 code for functional genes, whereas the remaining four are pseudo genes. CYPs from S. peucetius are phylogenetically close to those of Streptomyces amermitilis. Four CYPs are associated with modular PKS of avermectin and two with doxorubicin biosynthetic gene cluster. CYP252A1 is the new family found in S. peucetius, which shares 38% identity to CYP51 from Streptomyces coelicolor A3 (2). Nine CYPs from S. peucetius are found in the cluster containing various regulatory genes including rar operon, conserved in S. coelicolor A3 (2) and Streptomyces griseus. Although two ferredoxins and four ferredoxin reductases have been identified so far, only one ferredoxin reductase was found in the cluster of CYP147F1 in S. peucetius. To date, 174 CYPs have been described from 45 Streptomyces species in all searchable databases. However, only 18 CYPs are clustered with ferredoxin. The comparative study of cytochrome P450s, ferredoxins, and ferredoxin reductases should be useful for the future development and manipulation of antibiotic biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 147F1 from Streptomyces peucetius is a new CYP subfamily of that has been identified as ω-fatty acid hydroxylase. We describe the identification of CYP147F1 as a fatty acid hydroxylase by screening for the substrate using a substrate binding assay. Screening of substrates resulted in the identification of fatty acid groups of compounds as potential hits for CYP147F1 substrates. Fatty acids from C10:0 to C18:0 all showed type I shift spectra indicating their potential as substrates. Among several fatty acids tested, lauric acid, myrsitic acid, and palmitic acid were used to characterize CYP147F1. CYP147F1 activity was reconstituted using putidaredoxin reductase and putidaredoxin from Pseudomonas putida as surrogate electron transfer partners. Kinetic parameters, including the dissociation constant, Km, NADH consumption assay, production formation rate, and coupling efficiency for CYP147F1 were also determined.  相似文献   

The polyene macrolide antibiotic filipin is widely used as a probe for cholesterol and a diagnostic tool for type C Niemann-Pick disease. Two position-specific P450 enzymes are involved in the post-polyketide modification of filipin during its biosynthesis, thereby providing molecular diversity to the “filipin complex.” CYP105P1 and CYP105D6 from Streptomyces avermitilis, despite their high sequence similarities, catalyze filipin hydroxylation at different positions, C26 and C1′, respectively. Here, we determined the crystal structure of the CYP105P1-filipin I complex. The distal pocket of CYP105P1 has the second largest size among P450 hydroxylases that act on macrolide substrates. Compared with previously determined substrate-free structures, the FG helices showed significant closing motion on substrate binding. The long BC loop region adopts a unique extended conformation without a B′ helix. The binding site is essentially hydrophobic, but numerous water molecules are involved in recognizing the polyol side of the substrate. Therefore, the distal pocket of CYP105P1 provides a specific environment for the large filipin substrate to bind with its pro-S side of position C26 directed toward the heme iron. The ligand-free CYP105D6 structure was also determined. A small sub-pocket accommodating the long alkyl side chain of filipin I was observed in the CYP105P1 structure but was absent in the CYP105D6 structure, indicating that filipin cannot bind to CYP105D6 with a similar orientation due to steric hindrance. This observation can explain the strict regiospecificity of these enzymes.  相似文献   

P450cin (CYP176A) is a rare bacterial P450 in that contains an asparagine (Asn242) instead of the conserved threonine that almost all other P450s possess that directs oxygen activation by the heme prosthetic group. However, P450cin does have the neighbouring, conserved acid (Asp241) that is thought to be involved indirectly in the protonation of the dioxygen and affect the lifetime of the ferric-peroxo species produced during oxygen activation. In this study, the P450cin D241N mutant has been produced and found to be analogous to the P450cam D251N mutant. P450cin catalyses the hydroxylation of cineole to give only (1R)-6β-hydroxycineole and is well coupled (NADPH consumed: product produced). The P450cin D241N mutant also hydroxylated cineole to produce only (1R)-6β-hydroxycineole, was moderately well coupled (31 ± 3%) but a significant reduction in the rate of the reaction (2% as compared to wild type) was observed. Catalytic oxidation of a variety of substrates by D241N P450cin were used to examine if typical reactions ascribed to the ferric-peroxo species increased as this intermediate is known to be more persistent in the P450cam D251N mutant. However, little change was observed in the product profiles of each of these substrates between wild type and mutant enzymes and no products consistent with chemistry of the ferric-peroxo species were observed to increase.  相似文献   



In this study, instead of current biochemical methods, the effects of deleterious amino acid substitutions in F8 and F9 gene upon protein structure and function were assayed by means of computational methods and information from the databases. Deleterious substitutions of F8 and F9 are responsible for Haemophilia A and Haemophilia B which is the most common genetic disease of coagulation disorders in blood. Yet, distinguishing deleterious variants of F8 and F9 from the massive amount of nonfunctional variants that occur within a single genome is a significant challenge.


We performed an in silico analysis of deleterious mutations and their protein structure changes in order to analyze the correlation between mutation and disease. Deleterious nsSNPs were categorized based on empirical based and support vector machine based methods to predict the impact on protein functions. Furthermore, we modeled mutant proteins and compared them with the native protein for analysis of protein structure stability.


Out of 510 nsSNPs in F8, 378 nsSNPs (74%) were predicted to be ''intolerant'' by SIFT, 371 nsSNPs (73%) were predicted to be ''damaging'' by PolyPhen and 445 nsSNPs (87%) as ''less stable'' by I-Mutant2.0. In F9, 129 nsSNPs (78%) were predicted to be intolerant by SIFT, 131 nsSNPs (79%) were predicted to be damaging by PolyPhen and 150 nsSNPs (90%) as less stable by I-Mutant2.0. Overall, we found that I-Mutant which emphasizes support vector machine based method outperformed SIFT and PolyPhen in prediction of deleterious nsSNPs in both F8 and F9.


The models built in this work would be appropriate for predicting the deleterious amino acid substitutions and their functions in gene regulation which would be useful for further genotype-phenotype researches as well as the pharmacogenetics studies. These in silico tools, despite being helpful in providing information about the nature of mutations, may also function as a first-pass filter to determine the substitutions worth pursuing for further experimental research in other coagulation disorder causing genes.  相似文献   

The genus Streptomyces produces about two-thirds of naturally occurring antibiotics and a wide array of other secondary metabolites, including antihelminthic agents, antitumor agents, antifungal agents, and herbicides. The newly completed genome sequence of the avermectin-producing bacterium Streptomyces avermitilis contains 33 cytochromes p450 (CYPs), many more than the 18 observed in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). Some of the likely metabolic functions are reported together with their genomic location and bioinformatic analysis. Seven entirely new CYP families were found together with close homologues of some forms observed in S. coelicolor A3(2). The presence of unusual CYP forms associated with conservons is revealed and of these, CYP157 forms in both S. avermitilis and S. coelicolor A3(2) deviate from the previously accepted rule for an EXXR motif within the K-helix of CYPs. Amongst this range of CYPs are forms associated with avermectin, filipin, geosmin, and pentalenolactone biosynthesis as well as unknown pathways of secondary metabolism.  相似文献   

Chemotherapy of clonorchiasis with praziquantel (PZQ) is effective but about 15% of treated cases have been reported uncured. The present study investigated correlation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the cytochrome P450 gene, CYP3A5 and cure of clonorchiasis. A total of 346 egg passing residents were subjected and treated by 3 doses of 25 mg/kg PZQ. Reexamination recognized 33 (9.5%) uncured and 313 cured. Numbers of eggs per gram of feces (EPGs) before treatment were significantly lower in the cured group than in the uncured group (2,011.2±3,600.0 vs 4,998.5±7,012.0, P<0.001). DNAs of the subjects were screened for SNPs at 7 locations of CYP3A5 using PCR. In the uncured group, the SNP frequencies at g.-20555G>A and g.27526C>T of CYP3A5 were 15.2% and 9.1% while those were 3.8% and 1.0%, respectively, in the cured group. The cure rate was significantly lower in the cases with SNP at g.27526C>T and EPGs≥1,000. In conclusion, EPGs and SNPs of CYP3A5 are factors which influence cure of clonorchiasis by PZQ therapy. It is strongly suggested to recommend 2-day medication for individuals with high EPGs≥1,000.  相似文献   

The genus Streptomyces produces two-thirds of microbially derived antibiotics. Polyketides form the largest and most diverse group of these natural products. Antibiotic diversity of polyketides is generated during their biosynthesis by several means, including postpolyketide modification performed by oxidoreductases, a broad group of enzymes including cytochrome P450 monooxygenases (CYPs). CYPs catalyze site-specific oxidation of macrolide antibiotic precursors significantly affecting antibiotic activity. Efficient manipulation of Streptomyces CYPs in generating new antibiotics will require identification and/or engineering of monooxygenases with activities toward a diverse array of chemical substrates. To begin to link structure to function of CYPs involved in secondary metabolic pathways of industrially important species, we determined the X-ray structure of Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) CYP154A1 at 1.85 A and analyzed it in the context of the closely related CYP154C1 and more distant CYPs from polyketide synthase (EryF) and nonribosomal peptide synthetase (OxyB) biosynthetic pathways. In contrast to CYP154C1, CYP154A1 reveals an active site inaccessible from the molecular surface, and an absence of catalytic activities observed for CYP154C1. Systematic variations in the amino acid patterns and length of the surface HI loop correlate with degree of rotation of the F and G helices relative to the active site in CYP154A1-related CYPs, presumably regulating the degree of active site accessibility and its dimensions. Heme in CYP154A1 is in a 180 degrees flipped orientation compared with most other structurally determined CYPs.  相似文献   

The highly conserved 16S rRNA (rrs) gene is generally used for bacterial identification. In organisms possessing multiple copies of rrs, high intra-genomic heterogeneity does not allow easy distinction among different species. In order to identify Vibrio species, a wide range of genes have been employed. There is an urgent requirement of a consensus gene, which can be used as biomarker for rapid identification. Eight sequenced genomes of Vibrio species were screened for selecting genes which were common among all the genomes. Out of 108 common genes, 24 genes of sizes varying from 0.11 to 3.94 kb were subjected to in silico digestion with 10 type II restriction endonucleases (RE). A few unique genes—dapF, fadA, hisD, ilvH, lpxC, recF, recR, rph and ruvB in combination with certain REs provided unique digestion patterns, which can be used as biomarkers. This protocol can be exploited for rapid diagnosis of Vibrio species.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1007/s12088-015-0553-5) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Comparing bufuralol 1'-hydroxylase activity among liver microsomes prepared from individuals whose CYP2D6 genotypes had been determined, we found that the activity tended to decrease depending on the number of the CYP2D6*10 allele. Pre-incubation of liver microsomes from individuals homozygous for the CYP2D6*10 allele resulted in a decrease in the enzyme activity more rapidly than those from individuals homozygous for the CYP2D6*1, suggesting that not only the catalytic activity but also the thermal stability of the enzyme appeared to be affected by the genetic polymorphism. To confirm this hypothesis, the kinetic parameters of CYP2D6.1 and CYP2D6.10 were compared for bufuralol 1'-hydroxylation and dextromethorphan O-demethylation using microsomes prepared from yeast transformed with plasmids carrying CYP2D6 cDNAs (*1A and *10B). Kinetic studies of these CYP2D6 forms indicated clear differences in the metabolic activities between the wild (CYP2D6.1) and the mutant enzymes (CYP2D6.10). Bufuralol 1(')-hydroxylase activity in microsomes of yeast expressing CYP2D6.10 was rapidly decreased by heat treatment, supporting the idea that the thermal stability of the enzyme was reduced by amino acid replacement from Pro (CYP2D6.1) to Ser (CYP2D6.10). These data strongly suggest that the thermal instability together with the reduced intrinsic clearance of CYP2D6.10 is one of the causes responsible for the known fact that Orientals show lower metabolic activities than Caucasians for drugs metabolized mainly by CYP2D6, because of a high frequency of CYP2D6*10 in Orientals.  相似文献   

With CYP2E1 in vitro both the first and the second electron of the catalytic cycle can come from cytochrome b(5) via either NADPH-cytochrome P450 reductase or NADH-cytochrome b(5) reductase, and the presence of cytochrome b(5) stimulates CYP2E1 turnover both in vitro and in vivo. To determine whether electron input via the NADH-dependent pathway was similarly functional in whole cells and necessary for the stimulation by cytochrome b(5), we constructed five plasmids designed to express human CYP2E1 in various combinations with cytochrome b(5) reductase, cytochrome b(5), and cytochrome P450 reductase. CYP2E1 activity in Salmonella typhimurium cells transformed with each plasmid was assessed by mutagenic reversion frequency in the presence of dimethylnitrosamine. A fivefold increase in reversion frequency when cytochrome b(5) was coexpressed with P450 reductase was abolished by disruption of heme-binding in cytochrome b(5) by site-directed mutagenesis (His68Ala), suggesting that electron transfer to cytochrome b(5) was necessary for the stimulation. Addition of cytochrome b(5) reductase to the cytochrome b(5)/P450 reductase coexpression plasmid did not further increase the stimulation by cytochrome b(5), but b(5) reductase could support CYP2E1 activity in the absence of P450 reductase at a level equivalent to that obtained with just CYP2E1 and P450 reductase. Neither cytochrome b(5) reductase nor cytochrome b(5) alone could support CYP2E1 activity. These results demonstrate that the cytochrome b(5) reductase/cytochrome b(5) pathway can support CYP2E1 activity in bacterial cells.  相似文献   

Pyrethroid resistance in Anopheles funestus is threatening malaria control in Africa. Elucidation of underlying resistance mechanisms is crucial to improve the success of future control programs. A positional cloning approach was used to identify genes conferring resistance in the uncharacterised rp2 quantitative trait locus (QTL) previously detected in this vector using F6 advanced intercross lines (AIL). A 113 kb BAC clone spanning rp2 was identified and sequenced revealing a cluster of 15 P450 genes and one salivary protein gene (SG7-2). Contrary to A. gambiae, AfCYP6M1 is triplicated in A. funestus, while AgCYP6Z2 orthologue is absent. Five hundred and sixty-five new single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were identified for genetic mapping from rp2 P450s and other genes revealing high genetic polymorphisms with one SNP every 36 bp. A significant genotype/phenotype association was detected for rp2 P450s but not for a cluster of cuticular protein genes previously associated with resistance in A. gambiae. QTL mapping using F6 AIL confirms the rp2 QTL with an increase logarithm of odds score of 5. Multiplex gene expression profiling of 15 P450s and other genes around rp2 followed by individual validation using qRT–PCR indicated a significant overexpression in the resistant FUMOZ-R strain of the P450s AfCYP6Z1, AfCYP6Z3, AfCYP6M7 and the glutathione-s-transferase GSTe2 with respective fold change of 11.2, 6.3, 5.5 and 2.8. Polymorphisms analysis of AfCYP6Z1 and AfCYP6Z3 identified amino acid changes potentially associated with resistance further indicating that these genes are controlling the pyrethroid resistance explained by the rp2 QTL. The characterisation of this rp2 QTL significantly improves our understanding of resistance mechanisms in A. funestus.  相似文献   

The fungal respiratory pathogen Histoplasma capsulatum evades the innate immune response and colonizes macrophages during infection. Although macrophage production of the antimicrobial effector nitric oxide (NO) restricts H. capsulatum growth, the pathogen is able to establish a persistent infection. H. capsulatum contains a P450 nitric oxide reductase homologue (NOR1) that may be important for detoxifying NO during infection. To characterize the activity of this putative P450 enzyme, a 404 amino acid fragment of Nor1p was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to homogeneity. Spectral characterization of Nor1p indicated that it was similar to other fungal P450 nitric oxide reductases. Nor1p catalyzed the reduction of NO to N2O using NADH as the direct reductant. The KM for NO was determined to be 20 μM and the kcat to be 5000 min−1. Together, these results provide evidence for a protective role of a P450 nitric oxide reductase against macrophage-derived NO.  相似文献   

The HIV protease inhibitor ritonavir (RTV) is also a potent inhibitor of the metabolizing enzyme cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) and is clinically useful in HIV therapy in its ability to enhance human plasma levels of other HIV protease inhibitors (PIs). A novel series of CYP3A inhibitors was designed around the structural elements of RTV believed to be important to CYP3A inhibition, with general design features being the attachment of groups that mimic the P2–P3 segment of RTV to a soluble core. Several analogs were found to strongly enhance plasma levels of lopinavir (LPV), including 8, which compares favorably with RTV in the same model. Interestingly, an inverse correlation between in vitro inhibition of CYP3A and elevation of LPV was observed. The compounds described in this study may be useful for enhancing the pharmacokinetics of drugs that are metabolized by CYP3A.  相似文献   

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