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Fire is not an integral part of terrestrial ecosystems in temperate Europe, nevertheless prescribed burning is proposed to be an alternative to traditional management applied to grasslands. Thus, anthropogenic fire represents a serious challenge to plant species, and there is no information on how the recruitment of species responds to fire. The aim of our study was to assess the effect of fire on seed germination of 16 herbaceous grassland and ruderal species belonging to four common families. We first assessed the fuel load in open habitats in early spring and measured soil temperatures during experimental fires. After that we performed a controlled pot experiment involving heat treatments and experimental fire applied to seeds and followed their germination. Our measurements showed that maximum temperatures are between 73 °C and 264 °C on the ground surface and fire passage is fast, with short residence times of high temperatures. In deeper soil layers (1 cm and 5 cm), temperature increase is negligible. Seed germination of half of the species was decreased by the passage of fire, and a heat shock of 100 °C for 5 min had an even stronger adverse effect. Seeds of three Fabaceae species were stimulated by heat or fire, while negative effects prevailed among species belonging to other families. Anthropogenic fire in grasslands of temperate Europe might reduce recruitment by seed, particularly in species of the Asteraceae and Poaceae, two very important families with a large representation in temperate grasslands. Our results indicate that prescribed burning should be carefully applied in order not to endanger the local persistence of grassland species whose seedling emergence is negatively affected by fire.  相似文献   

Australian Acacia species introduced to South Africa as ornamentals have notably smaller invasive ranges than those introduced for forestry or dune stabilization. We asked whether the relatively small invasive extent of Acacia elata, a species used widely for ornamental purposes, is due to low rates of reproduction. Age at reproductive maturity, seed dispersal, annual seed production, seed bank dynamics and seed germination and viability were assessed at five sites in the Western Cape. Results indicate that A. elata has similar traits to other invasive Australia Acacia species: annual seed input into the leaf litter was high (up to 5000 seeds m 2); large seed banks develop (> 20,000 seeds m 2) in established stands; seed germinability is high (> 90%); seeds accumulate mostly in the top soil layers but can infiltrate to depths of 40 cm; and seed germination appears to be stimulated by fire. However the age at the onset of reproduction (~ 4 years) is longer than most widespread invaders (~ 3 years) and dispersal is fairly limited (seeds fell up to distances of 6 m from the parent canopy; the highest density of seed rain was found directly under the canopy with over 20% of seeds falling directly under the terminal branches). We suggest that the current limited distribution of invasive A. elata populations is the result of the relatively small size of initial populations (cf. large plantations and widespread plantings for forestry and dune stabilization species), the species' apparent lack of secondary dispersal vectors, and the planting of trees in gardens and urban settings offer limited opportunities for recruitment, proliferation and spread. The species is, however, increasing in abundance and range. We propose methods to improve management of invasions of the species. Management to reduce seed production of this species through classical biological control, as has been achieved for other Australian Acacia species in South Africa, should be prioritised.  相似文献   

The tropical conifer Widdringtonia whytei Rendle is an endangered species endemic to Mulanje Mountain in Malawi. A study was conducted for the first time under controlled conditions in order to assess the effects of temperature and light on germination and viability of W. whytei seeds. Seeds incubated at a constant temperature of 20 °C attained the highest cumulative germination percentage (100%) followed by 87% germination under fluctuating temperatures of 15 °C night/25 °C day. No seed germination occurred at temperatures below 15 °C. Seeds that failed to germinate at temperatures below 15 °C showed the highest (> 90%) viability compared to the seeds incubated at 25 °C (60%). Across temperature regimes, germination was significantly higher under light (44.7%) than dark (35.6%) conditions. It is concluded that temperature is one of the critical factors for germination of W. whytei seed. The ability of W. whytei seeds to germinate both in light and darkness implies that the species would unlikely form a persistent soil seed bank, an attribute which is common in species that survive in habitats frequently disturbed by fires.  相似文献   

《Acta Oecologica》2006,29(1):78-84
The aim of the present work was to analyse the relationship of seedlings and saplings of Taxus baccata to the photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) reaching the forest floor under natural conditions. Two permanent plots, subdivided into 1 × 1 m square plots, were established in a naturally regenerating population of T. baccata formed during last decades in the Kórnik Arboretum, Poland. All seedlings in every 1 × 1 m plots were counted. Relative PPFD was measured for every plot at the canopy height of the yew seedlings. The dependence of seedling density upon PPFD was examined. We found, that the frequency of the smallest seedlings (to 6.0 cm tall) was highest in the most shaded plots and decreased in plots with increasing PPFD. Thus, the youngest yew seedlings can germinate and grow in very shady conditions. However, the older seedlings (6.1–25.0 and 25.1–100.0 classes) were observed most frequently in 2–7% PPFD. The small numbers of older, taller seedlings in deep shade likely indicate a higher mortality rate of seedlings less than 6 cm in height without promotion to the next height class. Probably the low value of PPFD under the canopy of the stand significantly reduces the competition of other plants with the youngest yew seedlings. At higher light levels they may not be able to compete with more light-demanding plants, such as herbs and seedlings of broad-leaved trees. The seedlings of the second (6.1–25.0 cm) and third (25.1–100.0 cm) height classes were observed most frequently in the plots with 2–7% PPFD (Fig. 1b and c).  相似文献   

The separate contributions of different vectors to net seed dispersal curves of diplochorous systems have rarely been characterised. In Australia, myrmecochory is a common seed dispersal syndrome and in the majority of such systems, seeds are initially dispersed ballistically. We measured ballistic and myrmecochorous seed dispersal distances in relation to canopies of Adriana quadripartita (Euphorbiaceae) and used a simulation model to estimate the net dispersal curve. We also compared seed removal rates and ant abundances under, and outside, plant canopies to examine how foraging patterns by ants may affect net dispersal.Overall ant abundance did not show a significant numerical response to seedfall; however, the abundance of the main seed dispersing ant, Rhytidoponera ‘metallica’ did. Despite this, seed removal rates did not differ significantly between canopy and open locations. Rhytidoponera ‘metallica’ account for 93% of observed seed dispersal events. On average, the ants dispersed seeds 1.54 m and in doing so, moved seed a mean radial distance of 0.76 m away from canopy edges. This contribution to net dispersal distance by ants is considerable since ballistic dispersal moved seeds a median distance of 7.5 cm. Our simulation model indicated that the combination of ballistic and ant seed dispersal is expected to result in seeds being transported a median net radial dispersal distance of 1.05 m from the canopy edge.Thus in this system, an important function of diplochory may simply be to move a higher proportion of seeds from under the canopy of parent plants than is possible by ballistic dispersal alone. This ‘dispersal-for-distance’ may result in reduced parent–offspring competition or may increase the probability that seeds reach rare safe sites for germination and recruitment.  相似文献   

We compared daily visitation frequency indices by 4 large (> 150 g), 7 medium-size (50–150 g), 5 small (30–50 g) and 8 and tiny (< 30 g) frugivorous bird species on fleshy fruits of two native shrubs (Olea europaea subsp. africana and Chrysanthemoides monilifera subsp. monilifera), two established alien shrubs (Solanum mauritianum and Lantana camara) and two emerging alien shrubs (Myoporum tenuifolium and Pittosporum undulatum) at nine different sites in the Cape Floristic Region. Large, medium-size and tiny birds as groups displayed significantly higher visitation frequency indices on fruits of both emerging alien shrub species than the other shrub species. Small birds as a group displayed insignificantly different visitation frequency indices on fruits of both emerging and established alien shrub species but significantly higher visitation frequency indices on fruits of both emerging and established alien shrub species than on fruits of the native shrub species. However, there were significant differences in foraging frequency indices of the bird species included within each of these body size groups on fruits of the different shrub species. Among the large birds, Columba guinea and among the medium size birds Sturnus vulgaris, Streptopelia senegalensis, Turdus olivaceus and Onychognathus morio all exhibited significantly higher visitation frequency indices on fruits of both emerging alien shrub species than on fruits of the other shrub species. These findings indicate that alien plant control measures should be focused on eradicating localised populations of emerging aliens to limit preferential consumption of their fruits by birds and consequent dispersal of their seeds that germinate readily into natural areas.  相似文献   

The recruitment and mortality of Melaleuca quinquenervia seedlings were evaluated over a 3-year period in a seasonally inundated wetland in the western Everglades region. The mean (±SE) density of seedlings/saplings m?1 declined from 64.8 (±4.5) to 0.5 (±0.2) over the 3 years, a population reduction of 99.2%. Four distinct water regimes characterized this site: dry, dry to wet transition, flooded, and wet to dry transition. Seedling recruitment was highest in the dry to wet transition and lowest in the flooded water regime, while mortality was highest under flooded and dry water regimes. The mean estimate of population growth (λ) across water regimes was 0.64 ± 0.05 indicating negative population growth. Elimination of introduced insect herbivores using insecticides did not reduce mortality of recruited M. quinquenervia seedlings/saplings indicating that direct herbivory was not responsible for the decline in seedling density. On the other hand, a mean of only 0.2 (±0.03) viable seeds m?2 d?1 fell into the plots, an amount considerably lower than in previous studies. We submit that change in the invasion trajectory M. quinquenervia was most likely caused by reduced seed inputs from aerial seed banks depleted by insect herbivory rather than direct herbivory on seedlings. This may indicate a fundamental alteration of M. quinquenervia population dynamics ultimately resulting in a less invasive and, therefore, less ecologically damaging species.  相似文献   

Non-lethal alternatives are needed to manage bird damage to confectionery and oilseed sunflower crops (Helianthus annuus). Ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) can cause localized damage to newly planted sunflower, and blackbirds (Icterids) damage ripening sunflower annually in the United States of America. We conducted seed germination experiments, a repellent efficacy study with ring-necked pheasants and Avipel® repellent (a.i. 50% 9,10-anthraquinone), and laboratory and field efficacy studies with common grackles (Quiscalus quiscula) and Avipel®-treated confectionery sunflower. Compared to the germination of seeds not treated with anthraquinone, we observed no negative effects of up to 12,223 ppm, 14,104 ppm, and 11,569 ppm anthraquinone seed treatments for germination of confectionery sunflower, oilseed sunflower, and canola seeds, respectively. Pheasants avoided emergent sunflower seedlings (12 days post-planting) from 15,800 ppm anthraquinone seed treatments during a caged preference test (P = 0.045). We observed a positive concentration–response relationship (P = 0.001) and predicted a threshold concentration (i.e., 80% repellency) of 9200 ppm anthraquinone for common grackles offered Avipel®-treated confectionery sunflower seeds. Grackles also reliably discriminated between untreated sunflower and seeds treated with 1300 ppm anthraquinone in captivity (P < 0.001). During our field efficacy study for ripening confectionery sunflower, we observed 18% damage among anthraquinone-treated enclosures and 64% damage among untreated enclosures populated with common grackles (P < 0.001). Harvested seed mass averaged 2.54 kg (dry weight) among treated enclosures and 1.24 kg among untreated enclosures (P < 0.001). Our laboratory and field efficacy data provide a reliable basis for planning future field applications of anthraquinone-based repellents for protection of sunflower crops. Supplemental field efficacy studies are necessary for development of an effective avian repellent and management of avian depredation of ripening agricultural crops, including oilseed sunflower.  相似文献   

The effect of various pre-treatments and their interaction with temperature on cumulative percentage and the rate of germination were evaluated for Digitaria nuda. Stored and fresh seeds were pre-treated with either 0.02 M KNO3, soaked in water for 24 h (priming), sterilized with 0.5% NaOCl or heat treated at 60 °C. Seeds were germinated at constant temperatures of 25 and 30 °C and fluctuating temperature regimes of 25/10 and 30/15 °C. The effect of pre-chilling on germination of stored and fresh seed was evaluated at 30/15 °C, and seed emergence in two soil types at different burial depths (0, 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 cm) was also determined. The pre-treatment of stored seed with KNO3 resulted in the highest germination percentage (100%), whereas the pre-treatment of fresh seed with water for 24 h gave the best germination (99%), at constant temperatures of 25 and 30 °C. Pre-chilling of seed increased germination by more than 30%. Emergence from clay loam soil was greater compared with the emergence from sandy loam soil. Total seedling emergence decreased exponentially with increasing burial depths with only 5% of seed germinating from a burial depth of 6 cm. Results from this study showed that germination requirements are species specific and knowledge of factors influencing germination and emergence of grass weed seed can assist in predicting flushes in emergence allowing producers to implement control practices more effectively.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2005,81(1):1-11
Seed bank samples were collected from Huli Marsh, a subtropical shallow water mountainous marsh in Hunan Province, South China. Core samples were divided into upper and lower layers (each 5 cm in depth) and allowed to germinate in three water levels (0, 5 and 10 cm) over a 4-month period. A total of 51 species germinated and the mean density was 9211 ± 7188 seedlings m−2. In the top 5 cm 41 species and 5747 ± 5111 seedlings m−2 germinated, whereas 40 species and 3464 ± 3363 seedlings m−2 did so from 5–10 cm. Germinated seedling density was significantly higher in the upper layer, largely due to differences in eight species. With increasing experimental water depth, less seedlings germinated: respectively, 9788 ± 7157 m−2, 2050 ± 2412 m−2 and 1978 ± 2616 m−2, of 44, 21 and 19 species, submerged under 0, 5 or 10 cm. Seven species could emerge only in 0 water level. Vallisneria natans occurred only in 5 cm water, whereas Ottelia alismoides occurred in 10 cm water. In the vegetation survey of the marsh, 25 species were recorded, which was less than half of the species recorded in the seed bank. The top 10 dominants in the standing vegetation, accounting for 89% of vegetation abundance, represented only 10% in the seed bank. Twenty germinated species that also occurred in the standing vegetation accounted for 56% of the total seed bank. Our observed number of species germinating from a Chinese wetland seed bank is within the range observed elsewhere in the northern hemisphere (15–113 species).  相似文献   

Retrieving leaf chlorophyll content at a range of spatio-temporal scales is central to monitoring vegetation productivity, identifying physiological stress and managing biological resources. However, estimating leaf chlorophyll over broad spatial extents using ground-based traditional methods is time and resource heavy. Satellite-derived spectral vegetation indices (VIs) are commonly used to estimate leaf chlorophyll content, however they are often developed and tested on broadleaf species. Relatively little research has assessed VIs for different leaf structures, particularly needle leaves which represent a large component of boreal forest and significant global ecosystems. This study tested the performance of 47 published VIs for estimating foliar chlorophyll content from different leaf and canopy structures (broadleaf and needle). Coniferous and deciduous sites were selected in Ontario, Canada, representing different dominant vegetation species (Picea mariana and Acer saccharum) and a variety of canopy structures. Leaf reflectance data was collected using an ASD Fieldspec Pro spectroradiometer (400–2500 nm) for over 300 leaf samples. Canopy reflectance data was acquired from the medium resolution imaging spectrometer (MERIS). At the canopy level, with both leaf types combined, the DD-index showed the strongest relationship with leaf chlorophyll (R2 = 0.78; RMSE = 3.56 μg/cm2), despite differences in leaf structure. For needleleaf trees alone the relationship with the top VI was weaker (D[red], R2 = 0.71; RMSE = 2.32 μg/cm2). A sensitivity study using simulated VIs from physically-modelled leaf (PROSPECT) and canopy (4-Scale) reflectance was performed in order to further investigate these results and assess the impacts of different background types and leaf area index on the VIs’ performance. At the leaf level, the MNDVI8 index showed a strong linearity to changing chlorophyll and negligible difference to leaf structure/type. At canopy level, the best performing VIs were relatively consistent where LAI  4, but responded strongly to differences in background at low canopy coverage (LAI = 2). This research provides comprehensive assessments for the use of spectral indices in retrieval of spatially-continuous leaf chlorophyll content at the leaf (MTCI: R2 = 0.72; p < 0.001) and canopy (DD: R2 = 0.78; p < 0.001) level for resource management over different spatial and temporal scales.  相似文献   

Predation is a key source of seed mortality in many weed species and thus is a part of natural control. In the field, the intensity of seed predation by invertebrates varies during the course of a year. One source of this variation is fluctuations in ambient temperature. Here, the effect of temperature on seed consumption is investigated for the first time, using two abundant carabid seed predators, Pseudoophonus rufipes and Harpalus affinis (Coleoptera: Carabidae), and dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) as a model system. Field collected individuals were sexed, kept at one of six constant temperatures between 10 and 28 °C and provided with a surplus of seed. Seed consumption was recorded over a period of 4 days. Averaged over all the temperatures, the smaller H. affinis consumed 12.2 seeds day?1 and larger P. rufipes 29 seeds day?1. On average, females consumed more seeds than males. Seed consumption by both species increased with temperature. In H. affinis the increase was linear and different for males and females. In P. rufipes the consumption was similar in both sexes but curvilinear because there was no further increase in consumption above 20 °C. Assuming a linear relationship between temperature and consumption at up to 20 °C we calculated the temperature at which seed consumption ceased (?0.1 to 0.3 °C in H. affinis and 6.3–6.9 °C in P. rufipes) and the increment in seed consumption per 1 °C increase in temperature above this threshold (0.4–1.0 and 1.5–4.2 seeds individual?1 day?1, respectively) for the two species. Thus, it is possible to calculate the average daily consumption of each species over a range of temperatures up to 20 °C.  相似文献   

Woody vegetation dynamics and Dracaena cinnabari regeneration have been studied for five years in the conditions of Socotra Island. Woody plants were measured regularly inside and outside the exclosure area, and the growth and survival of D. cinnabari seedlings were observed. In the exclosure of about 1000 m2 a total of 49 species were identified, including 23 endemics, growing in the average density of 3.82 specimens per m2. The fenced area was overgrown relatively rapidly by dense grass cover – reaching approx. 2.7 t/ha. Species growth dynamics inside and outside the exclosure shows that grazing had a marked impact, leading to the elimination of trees and shrubs. All grazed species grew noticeably in the exclosure, in the average of 50 cm in 5 years. D. cinnabari as the dominant flagship species of Socotra has been studied with regards to regeneration dynamics. Observations indicate that probability of its seedlings survival increases with their age. No seedlings germinated from the seeds sown in the experiment, however, outplanted seedlings performed relatively well. Field observations show that D. cinnabari seed germination is triggered when the seed reaches a protected micro-habitat with a developed humus layer and high relative humidity in the soil lasts for at least two days.  相似文献   

The influence of temperature on the diurnal activity of five species of aphidophagous lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) was investigated between 0700 and 1900 h in chili (Capsicum annuum L.) agroecosystems and neighboring vegetation (goose grass, Eleusine indica L.). The lady beetle species observed were Menochilus sexmaculatus Fabricius, Coelophora inaequalis F., Coccinella transversalis F., Harmonia octomaculata F. and Coelophora bissellata Mulsant. More lady beetles (of all species) were found during cooler periods (at 0700, 0900, 1100, and 1900 h). The diurnal pattern of lady beetle adult was temperature dependent. On chili plants, numbers were higher at temperatures between 22 to 30 °C (at 0700, 0900, 1100 and 1900 h) and numbers decreased when temperatures were above 30 °C. When temperature was above 30 °C under the chili plant canopy, numbers were higher in neighboring goose grass, where temperatures were cooler (< 30 °C). Numbers of all species were negative correlated between chili plant and goose grass.  相似文献   

Cicadulina bipunctata was originally distributed in tropical and subtropical regions of the Old World. This leafhopper recently expanded its distribution area to southern parts of temperate Japan. In this study, factors affecting the overwintering ability of C. bipunctata were examined. A series of laboratory experiments revealed that cold acclimation at 15 °C for 7 days enhanced the cold tolerance of C. bipunctata to the same level as an overwintering population, adult females were more tolerant of cold temperature than adult males, and survival of acclimated adult females was highly dependent on temperature from −5 to 5 °C and exposure duration to the temperature. The temperature of crystallization of adult females was approximately −19 °C but temperatures in southern temperate Japan rarely dropped below −10 °C in the winter, indicating that overwintering C. bipunctata adults in temperate Japan are not killed by freezing injury but by indirect chilling injury caused by long-term exposure to moderately low temperatures. An overwintering generation of C. bipunctata had extremely low overwinter survival (<1%) in temperate Japan; however, based on winter temperature ranges, there are additional areas amenable to expansion of C. bipunctata in temperate Japan.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,87(2):111-115
In this study, 169 stream lily (Helmholtzia glaberrima) seedlings from six micro-drainages were genotyped with AFLP markers to quantify the impact that topographic landscape features and altitude may have in shaping patterns of genetic diversity within individual populations. A global analysis of genetic diversity detected significant genetic differentiation among micro-drainages (FST = 0.22, P < 0.01). The observed genetic structure of sampled sites conformed to a hierarchical model of gene flow. Assignment tests also supported a hierarchical model of gene flow as only one dispersal event among the sampled micro-drainages was detected. This suggests that opportunities for seed dispersal in H. glaberrima are highly constrained by patterns of hydrographic networks even at a local scale. In contrast, altitude had little impact on partitioning of genetic diversity as no increase in genetic diversity was evident among individuals in the upper (0.18 ± 0.02), and lower (0.17 ± 0.02) areas of micro-drainages. Overall these results suggest that the influence of freshwater landscape features can vary widely the effect on the patterns of genetic diversity of seedlings in stream lily populations.  相似文献   

Increasing attention in invasion biology is being paid to measuring and understanding the impacts of invasive species. For plant invasions, however, the impact of invasion on soil seed bank communities has been under-studied. At six sites in southern Germany, we investigated whether areas invaded by Solidago gigantea and Solidago canadensis experienced a reduction in seed bank species richness, size and diversity, and a change in species composition compared to adjacent uninvaded areas. We found no overall effect of invasion on seed bank size, or on species richness and diversity. Seed bank size significantly decreased from 0–5 cm to 5–10 cm depth in both invaded and uninvaded areas. A significant amount of variation in species composition was explained by invasion, but it was only one-tenth of that explained solely by site effects. Our study suggests that invasion by Solidago species may not have the same impacts on the soil seed banks of native species as other invasive perennial forbs that have so far been studied.  相似文献   

Terminalia bellerica Roxb. (Belleric Myrobalan, Vern. — Baheda, Sanskrit-Vibhitaki, Family: Combretaceae) is among multipurpose tree species in India. The dried pulp of the seeds being used for the preparation of an ancient herbal formulation called Triphala (in Hindi). Seed size is considered a useful attribute for the propagation of valuable trees. The effect of seed size on seedling emergence in T. bellerica was studied under nursery conditions. Emergence of seedlings from large (mean dry weight1.18 ± 0.02 g), medium (0.95 ± 0.03 g) and small seeds (0.76 ± 0.03 g) varied significantly (LSDSin p < 0.05 = 4.12, Sin = 0.52). Higher numbers of seedlings emerged from the large seeds compared with medium and small seeds. Seed weight also correlated positively with seedling emergence in T. bellerica (r = 0.967, significant α = 0.01, df = 7). Findings of this study will be useful for mass propagation of T. bellerica and reintroduction of elites in different habitats.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2007,87(3):209-220
We evaluated dormancy loss in seeds of 14 Carex species (C. atherodes, C. brevior, C. comosa, C. cristatella, C. cryptolepis, C. granularis, C. hystericina, C. lacustris, C. pellita, C. scoparia, C. stipata, C. stricta, C. utriculata, C. vulpinoidea) under growing season and stratification conditions and determined the temperature requirements for germination. Seeds were germinated for 1 year at a diel temperature regime (5/1 °C, 14/1 °C, 22/8 °C, or 27/15 °C) or a seasonal regime (seeds moved among the four diel regimes to mimic seasonal temperatures). All species had conditionally dormant seeds at maturity. The optimal temperature for germination of most species was 27/15 °C. The 14 species were grouped by their seed viability, dormancy, and germination with a Seed Regeneration Index (SRI; range 0–1) using the results of this study and a previously published paper on stratification effects on Carex seed dormancy and germination. The eight species that had an SRI value >0.5 (C. brevior, C. comosa, C. cristatella, C. cryptolepis, C. hystericina, C. scoparia, C. stipata, C. vulpinoidea) had high seed viability (>60%) and required little to no stratification to germinate readily over a broad range of temperatures. The six species with an SRI value <0.5 (C. atherodes, C. granularis, C. lacustris, C. pellita, C. stricta, C. utriculata) generally had low seed viability (<50% and often <1%) and required stratification or particular temperatures (35/30 °C or 5/1 °C for C. stricta; 35/30 °C for C. utriculata; 27/15 °C for C. atherodes, C. lacustris, C. pellita; 5/1 °C for C. granularis) for germination ≥50%. These six species will require more attention from restoration practitioners to ensure that there are sufficient viable seeds to meet revegetation goals, that dormancy break is achieved, and that seeds are sown when temperatures are optimal for germination. The different seed germination syndromes that we found for these Carex species likely contribute to variable seed bank formation and emergence patterns, and species coexistence.  相似文献   

The effects of bio-regulators salicylic acid (SA) and 24-epibrassinolide (EBL) as seed soaking treatment on the growth traits, content of photosynthetic pigments, proline, relative water content (RWC), electrolyte leakage percent (EC%), antioxidative enzymes and leaf anatomy of Zea mays L. seedlings grown under 60 or 120 mM NaCl saline stress were studied. A greenhouse experiment was performed in a completely randomized design with nine treatments [control (treated with tap water); 60 mM NaCl; 120 mM NaCl; 10 4 M SA; 60 mM NaCl + 10 4 M SA; 120 mM NaCl + 10 4 M SA; 10 μM EBL; 60 mM NaCl + 10 μMEBL or 120 mM NaCl + 10 μM EBL] each with four replicates. The results indicated that NaCl stress significantly reduced plant growth traits, leaf photosynthetic pigment, soluble sugars, RWC%, and activities of catalase (CAT), peroxidase (POX) as well as leaf anatomy. However, the application of SA or EBL mitigated the toxic effects of NaCl stress on maize seedlings and considerably improved growth traits, photosynthetic pigments, proline, RWC%, CAT and POX enzyme activities as well as leaf anatomy. This study highlights the potential ameliorative effects of SA or EBL in mitigating the phytotoxicity of NaCl stress in seeds and growing seedlings.  相似文献   

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