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Mounting evidence suggests that income inequality is associated with worse individual health. But does the visibility of inequality matter? Using data from a horticultural-foraging society of native Amazonians in Bolivia (Tsimane’), we examined whether village inequality in resources and behaviors with greater cultural visibility is more likely to bear a negative association with health than village inequality in less conspicuous resources. We draw on a nine-year annual panel (2002–2010) from 13 Tsimane’ villages for our main analysis, and an additional survey to gauge the cultural visibility of resources. We measured inequality using the Gini coefficient. We tested the robustness of our results using a shorter two-year annual panel (2008–2009) in another 40 Tsimane’ villages and an additional measure of inequality (coefficient of variation, CV). Behaviors with low cultural visibility (e.g., household farm area planted with staples) were less likely to be associated with individual health, compared to more conspicuous behaviors (e.g., expenditures in durable goods, consumption of domesticated animals). We find some evidence that property rights and access to resources matter, with inequality of privately-owned resources showing a larger effect on health. More inequality was associated with improved perceived health – maybe due to improved health prospects from increasing wealth – and worse anthropometric indicators. For example, a unit increase in the Gini coefficient of expenditures in durable goods was associated with 0.24 fewer episodes of stress and a six percentage-point lower probability of reporting illness. A one-point increase in the CV of village inequality in meat consumption was associated with a 4 and 3 percentage-point lower probability of reporting illness and being in bed due to illness, and a 0.05 SD decrease in age-sex standardized arm-muscle area. In small-scale, rural societies at the periphery of market economies, nominal economic inequality in resources bore an association with individual health, but did not necessarily harm perceived health. Economic inequalities in small-scale societies apparently matter, but a thick cultural tapestry of reciprocity norms and kinship ties makes their effects less predictable than in industrial societies.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in assessing how income influences the consumption of wildlife in poor rural areas of developing nations. The interest stems from the possibility of using income to contribute to the conservation of wildlife. Though promising, efforts have been hampered by the difficulty of obtaining accurate measures of income. We propose using human body-mass index (BMI: weight in kilograms/physical stature in m2), an indicator of short-term nutritional status, as a proxy variable for monetary income to estimate income elasticities of wildlife consumption (income elasticity: percent change in wildlife consumption/one-percent change income). The advantages of BMI over monetary income include a positive association with monetary income, ease of measurement, and absence of zero values. The assessment procedure was tested among Tsimane’ Amerindians, a society of foragers and farmers in the Bolivian Amazon. The population over 15 years of age (350 men and 322 women) in 13 villages was surveyed for five consecutive quarters (August 2002–November 2003). Income elasticities of wildlife consumption using BMI as a proxy for income ranged from −0.84 to −1.20. The estimates suggest that wildlife is a food item whose consumption declines with increasing income. Estimates of income elasticity of wildlife consumption using conventional indices of monetary income are negative, but lower and indistinguishable from zero owing to classical measurement errors of monetary income. The use of BMI to estimate income elasticities of wildlife consumption is promising, but requires further validation in different settings.  相似文献   

Households exert an important influence on total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Therefore, their consumption behavior is of interest in evaluations of climate policy options and projections of future emission paths. While most evaluations of household consumption and its emissions are based on expenditure only, we use a household consumption model based on functional units (e.g., kg food, person kilometers, living square meters). The goal of this article is to assess changes in consumption with increasing affluence level of households and to compare the allocation of GHG emissions to monetary versus functional units. We find that (1) the model based on functional units provides good bottom-up estimates for greenhouse emissions of Swiss households; (2) quality (price per functional unit) increases with income for many consumption categories, and therefore using functional instead of monetary units leads to a lower increase of greenhouse gas emissions with income; (3) the relevance of GHG emissions from goods and mobility will increase. We conclude that using household models based on monetary units only overestimates the impact of marginal consumption and neglects the potential of decoupling income and environmental impact by consuming better instead of more. For sustainable consumption, research and policy should aim at preventing goods of higher quality from having higher environmental impact in order to benefit from the increasing quality orientation with rising income.  相似文献   

The ability of rural people to protect their food consumption matters because it captures their economic vulnerability. How well do foragers protect consumption from adverse income shocks and does protection work equally well for all people in the household? We answer the queries with data from 156 adults and 169 children collected over five consecutive quarters from the Tsimane’, a native Amazonian society of foragers and farmers in Bolivia. We estimate whether quarterly changes in the logarithm of consumption bear an association with quarterly changes in the logarithm of cash income while controlling for many confounders, including covariant shocks. We use anthropometric indices of short-run nutritional status to proxy for food consumption and use instrumental variables to abate biases from the endogeneity of income. We found that child consumption was fully protected from income growth, but adult consumption was not as well protected. Estimates of income elasticities of consumption fell toward the lower range of estimates from previous studies of farming and industrial societies. We present several hypotheses to explain how the Tsimane’ smooth consumption.  相似文献   

This study questions the assumption that there is an immutably positive relationship between per capita GNP and per capita energy consumption among human societies. A ratio of per capita GNP to per capita energy consumption ($U.S./kg coal equivalent) is proposed as a measure of energy efficiency for a cross-national analysis of 118 world nation-states and a subset of 25 developed market economies. This ratio is found to vary considerably, between 0.19 and 9.80. A review of literature suggests possible relationships among several sociodemographic characteristics of nations and levels of efficiency with which energy is converted into goods and services. Among the total sample, level of production (measured in terms of per capita GNP) bears a substantial inverse association with energy efficiency. When per capita GNP is held constant, agricultural share of gross domestic product and percentage of labor force in agriculture continue to be positively associated with energy efficiency among the total sample. Variables measuring defense expenditure, urbanization, and population density exhibit somewhat smaller multivariate relationships with energy efficiency when per capita GNP is controlled, i.e., these variables have significant multivariate parameters, but are less closely related to energy efficiency than level of production and agricultural composition of the economy and labor force. Agricultural composition of the economy and labor force is the major predictor of energy efficiency among the subset of 25 developed market economies. The results suggest that among the developed industrial societies level of production is less important than the composition of production activities in determining aggregate energy efficiency.This paper was originally presented at the annual meeting of the North Central Sociological Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 1977. This research was supported by funds from the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station, the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, and the National Research Council, National Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Resource characteristics and competitive pressure can affect an ant colony's foraging strategy. This study examined the ability of the wood ant Formica integroides to respond, at both the colony and individual levels, to changes in competitive pressure for access to terrestrial and arboreal resources.
2. Because foraging behaviours depend on resource characteristics, foraging for different resource types (e.g. terrestrial and arboreal habitats) produces different spatial or territorial arrangements. In this study, terrestrial contests for resources followed an interference-exploitation tradeoff, while arboreal foragers defended entire trees as absolute territories.
3. Competitive pressure for access to arboreal resources was shown to increase with distance from F. integroides nests.
4. In this study, the ability of F. integroides to defend a resource varied with body size. Large foragers were better defenders than small foragers. For groups of foragers, the ability to defend a resource increased with the ratio of large to small foragers.
5. In response to competitive pressure, F. integroides colonies altered the size distribution of arboreal, but not terrestrial, foragers. An increase in competitive pressure was matched by an increase in the number of large foragers allocated to trees. This response to competition affected the relationship between body size and distance from the nest for arboreal foragers.
6. Foraging behaviours for individual arboreal foragers also varied with competitive pressure. As competition increased, large arboreal foragers spent more time in direct contact with the resource rather than standing between resource patches.  相似文献   

1. Two proposed hypotheses about energy allocation were tested to explain the patterns of seasonal reproduction found in temperate mammals. The two hypotheses predict either that total demand for energy is greater during reproduction than during winter (when thermoregulatory costs are high) (Increased Demand Hypothesis) or that total costs during winter are greater than or equal to total costs during reproduction (Reallocation Hypothesis).
2. Data were compiled from the literature on summer (non-reproducing) and winter metabolic rates of temperate mammals, and were used on litter sizes and a published equation to predict metabolic rates during lactation.
3. All three measures of metabolic rate scaled to body mass with slopes significantly less than one. Metabolic rates during winter averaged ≈ 2 times greater than those of non-reproducing mammals during summer. On average, predicted metabolic rates during lactation were not significantly greater than during winter, but for some individual species they clearly were.
4. It is suggested that neither the Reallocation nor the Increased Demand Hypothesis can fully explain seasonal reproductive patterns in temperate mammals.  相似文献   

I use cross-cultural ethnographic data to explore the relationship between male and female subsistence labor among hunter-gatherer populations by examining data regarding resource procurement, time allocation, and task differentiation between the sexes relative to dependence on hunted foods. The findings indicate that female foragers generally perform a variety of nonsubsistence collection activities and preferentially procure high-return resources in hunting-based economies. I develop ideas about predictable relationships concerning the amount of time female foragers expend on subsistence and technological tasks relative to the dietary contribution of meat. I then use ethnographic trends to evaluate archaeological assumptions regarding the sexual division of labor in prehistoric foraging contexts, focusing on the dichotomous views of Clovis labor organization. I argue that archaeological interpretations of prehistoric labor roles in hunting-based foraging societies are commonly polarized between stereotypical views of male and female subsistence behaviors. I develop an interpretation of Early Paleoindian labor organization, emphasizing female labor in the production of material goods and the procurement of low-risk plant and animal resources based on global economic trends among foragers.  相似文献   

Dispersal of individuals from their natal communities at sexual maturity is an important determinant of kin association. In this paper we compare postmarital residence patterns among Pumé foragers of Venezuela to investigate the prevalence of sex-biased vs. bilateral residence. This study complements cross-cultural overviews by examining postmarital kin association in relation to individual, longitudinal data on residence within a forager society. Based on cultural norms, the Pumé have been characterized as matrilocal. Analysis of Pumé marriages over a 25-year period finds a predominant pattern of natalocal residence. We emphasize that natalocality, bilocality, and multilocality accomplish similar ends in maximizing bilateral kin affiliations in contrast to sex-biased residential patterns. Bilateral kin association may be especially important in foraging economies where subsistence activities change throughout the year and large kin networks permit greater potential flexibility in residential mobility.  相似文献   

Cooperative hunting is often assumed to be mutualistic, maintained through returns to scale, where, by working together, foragers can gain higher per capita return rates or harvest sizes than they can by hunting alone. We test this hypothesis among Martu hunters and find that cooperation only provides increased returns to poorer hunters while disadvantaging better hunters. Even so, better hunters still cooperate as frequently as poorer hunters. We ask whether better hunters are advantaged in secondary sharing distributions or whether they bias their partner choice to kin or household members. We find that better hunters are not more likely to pair up with kin and they do not gain consumption benefits from acquiring more. They share a greater proportion of their harvest than poorer hunters: no matter how much one produces — better hunter, worse hunter, cooperator, solitary hunter — all eat the same amount in the end. Such a result suggests the hypothesis that cooperation might be a costly signal of commitment to the public interest on the part of better hunters, which generates trust among camp members and facilitates strong social networks, particularly among women, who cooperate more than men. While some foragers may benefit through cooperation from returns to scale or risk reduction, others may benefit more through signaling commitment and generating trust.  相似文献   

Intensive food sharing among foragers and horticulturists is commonly explained as a means of reducing the risk of daily shortfalls, ensuring adequate daily consumption for all group members who actively pool resources. Consistently high food producers who give more than they receive, however, gain the least risk-reduction benefit from this daily pooling because they are the least likely to go without food on any given day. Why then do some high producers consistently share food, and why do some average producers share proportionally more food than others? We propose that although these individuals may not receive the same amounts they give (i.e., strict Tit-for-Tat), one explanation for their generosity is that they receive additional food during hard times. These include brief episodes of sickness, disease, injury, or accidents—fairly common events in traditional societies that can render individuals incapable of producing food, thereby having long-term effects on morbidity and fecundity and ultimately on lifetime reproductive success. Data collected among the Ache, a group of South American forager-horticulturists, indicate that those who shared and produced more than average (signaling cooperative intent and/or ability to produce) were rewarded with more food from more people when injured or sick than those who shared and produced below average. These results, framed within the context of tradeoffs between short-term and long-term fitness, may provide insight into motivations behind costly expenditures for establishing and reinforcing status and reputation.  相似文献   

This study documents and interprets systemic stress during the agricultural transition in prehistoric Japan using linear enamel hypoplasia (LEH) defects and cribra orbitalia (CO) lesions. Middle to Final Jomon cultures (5000–2300 BP) from Honshu Island represent the foraging samples, while Yayoi cultures (2500–1700 BP) represent the early agricultural samples. Jomon foragers from eastern Japan had broad‐based, intensive economies. Jomon foragers from western Japan had a greater focus on seasonally available, nutritionally poor resources, while Yayoi people were descendents of migrants from the East Asian continent and introduced wet rice economies to Japan. This study tests the hypotheses that wet rice economies will be associated with a lower prevalence of teeth/individuals affected by LEH defects in western Japan, while few differences in the prevalence of teeth/individuals with LEH defects will be observed between eastern Jomon people and Yayoi farmers. It is further predicted that similar CO prevalence will be observed between Jomon and Yayoi people given environmental similarities. Significantly greater frequencies of teeth affected by LEH defects are observed among western Jomon compared to Yayoi people. The prevalence of teeth with LEH defects is slightly elevated among eastern Jomon foragers compared to Yayoi agriculturalists. Significant differences in CO prevalence are not observed. Systemic stress prevalence in western Japan likely declined following wet‐rice agriculture because this crop provided a predictable, renewable resource base. Systemic stress prevalence was similar between eastern Jomon and Yayoi people because both groups practiced intensive subsistence strategies. Similar CO prevalence reflects infectious diseases associated with living conditions. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although few hunter‐gatherers or foragers exist today, they are well documented in the ethnographic record. Anthropologists have been eager to study them since they assumed foragers represented a lifestyle that existed everywhere before 10,000 years ago and characterized our ancestors into some ill‐defined but remote past. In the past few decades, that assumption has been challenged on several grounds. Ethnographically described foragers may be a biased sample that only continued to exist because they occupied marginal habitats less coveted by agricultural people. 3 In addition, many foragers have been greatly influenced by their association with more powerful agricultural societies. 4 It has even been suggested that Holocene foragers represent a new niche that appeared only with the climatic changes and faunal depletion at the end of the last major glaciation. 5 Despite these issues, the ethnographic record of foragers provides the only direct observations of human behavior in the absence of agriculture, and as such is invaluable for testing hypotheses about human behavioral evolution. 6 .  相似文献   

This commentary responds to the previously published Journal of Industrial Ecology article “The Employment Footprints of Nations: Uncovering Master‐Servant Relationships” by Alsamawi and colleagues. Their article uses extended input‐output analysis to calculate employment and income footprints and, consequently, quantifies and provides an analysis of the average wages embodied in consumption of countries in comparison with the wages received by domestic workers. In effect, Alsamawi and colleagues show the extent of inequality in labor income, especially between developed and developing economies, traced throughout the global supply chains, but ignore the price differentials existing between countries in their discussion of the welfare implications of global trade on workers. This commentary contends the appropriateness of adjusting nominal compensation of workers to purchasing power parity (PPP) when undertaking global comparisons that pertain to well‐being and recalculates the employment footprints and income footprints of nations with PPP adjustment. The price adjustment in this work is intended to show a more accurate depiction of the disparity among workers of different nations when their labor incomes are deflated by the index price of consumption goods in their country. Using observations covering 189 countries and 14,839 sectors for the period 1990–2011, the results of the adjustment reveal that the ratio of domestic wages to foreign wages paid in support of a country's consumption (footprint wages) tends to be underestimated for labor‐exporting countries (developing economies with relatively cheaper consumption goods) and overestimated for labor‐importing countries (developed economies with more expensive consumption goods), thus demonstrating, generally, relatively less income inequality than previously exposed.  相似文献   



We assessed HIV/AIDS expenditures in Dehong Prefecture, Yunnan Province, one of the highest prevalence regions in China, and describe funding sources and spending for different categories of HIV-related interventions and at-risk populations.


2010 HIV/AIDS expenditures in Dehong Prefecture were evaluated based on UNAIDS’ National AIDS Spending Assessment methodology.


Nearly 93% of total expenditures for HIV/AIDS was contributed by public sources. Of total expenditures, 52.7% was allocated to treatment and care, 24.5% to program management and administration and 19.8% to prevention. Spending on treatment and care was primarily allocated to the treatment of opportunistic infections. Most (40.4%) prevention spending was concentrated on most-at-risk populations, injection drug users (IDUs), sex workers, and men who have sex with men (MSM), with 5.5% allocated to voluntary counseling and testing. Prevention funding allocated for MSM, partners of people living with HIV and prisoners and other confined populations was low compared to the disproportionate burden of HIV/AIDS in these populations. Overall, people living with HIV accounted for 57.57% of total expenditures, while most-at-risk populations accounted for only 7.99%.


Our study demonstrated the applicability of NASA for tracking and assessing HIV expenditure in the context of China, it proved to be a useful tool in understanding national HIV/AIDS response from financial aspect, and to assess the extent to which HIV expenditure matches epidemic patterns. Limited funding for primary prevention and prevention for MSM, prisoners and partners of people living with HIV, signal that resource allocation to these key areas must be strengthened. Comprehensive analyses of regional and national funding strategies are needed to inform more equitable, effective and cost-effective HIV/AIDS resource allocation.  相似文献   

Economic input‐output life cycle assessment (IO‐LCA) models allow for quick estimation of economy‐wide greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with goods and services. IO‐LCA models are usually built using economic accounts and differ from most process‐based models in their use of economic transactions, rather than physical flows, as the drivers of supply‐chain GHG emissions. GHG emissions estimates associated with input supply chains are influenced by the price paid by consumers when the relative prices between individual consumers are different. We investigate the significance of the allocation of GHG emissions based on monetary versus physical units by carrying out a case study of the U.S. electricity sector. We create parallel monetary and mixed‐unit IO‐LCA models using the 2007 Benchmark Accounts of the U.S. economy and sector specific prices for different end users of electricity. This approach is well suited for electricity generation because electricity consumption contributes a significant share of emissions for most processes, and the range of prices paid by electricity consumers allows us to explore the effects of price on allocation of emissions. We find that, in general, monetary input‐output models assign fewer emissions per kilowatt to electricity used by industrial sectors than to electricity used by households and service sectors, attributable to the relatively higher prices paid by households and service sectors. This fact introduces a challenging question of what is the best basis for allocating the emissions from electricity generation given the different uses of electricity by consumers and the wide variability of electricity pricing.  相似文献   

This study reports on the occurrence of the shaking signal during a honey bee forager's life‐time while it visits natural food sources. Experienced foragers and dance followers accounted for more than 93% of the shaking signals. Foraging success triggered shaking directly, during the next return to the hive, and indirectly, on the morning of the next day. Shaking occurred most often after the first foraging successes of the day and frequently following the first foraging success after a spell of bad weather. These findings confirm several hypotheses that predict that individual foraging success underlies colony‐level patterns in shaking activity. Some results do not fit the previously suggested messages of the shaking signal. Therefore, I propose that the shaking signal has the very broad message: ‘reassess your current activity’. This message can explain the wide range of contexts that trigger shaking while it acknowledges that the meaning of the signal depends entirely on the context of the recipient.  相似文献   

The investment in capital goods is a well‐known driver of economic activity, associated resource use, and environmental impact. In national accounting, gross fixed capital formation (GFCF) constitutes a substantial share of the total final demand of goods and services, both in terms of monetary turnover and embodied resources. In this article, we study the structure of GFCF and the environmental impacts associated with it on a global scale, and link it to measures of development. We find that the share of GFCF as part of the total carbon footprint (CF) varies more across countries than GFCF as a share of gross domestic product (GDP). Countries in early phases of development generally tend to invest in resource‐intensive assets, primarily infrastructure and machinery, whereas wealthier countries invest in less resource‐intensive assets, such as computers, software, and services. By performing a structural decomposition analysis, we assess the relative importance of investment structure and input‐output multipliers for the difference in carbon intensity of capital assets, and find that the structure of investments plays a larger role for less‐developed countries than for developed countries. We find a relative decoupling of the CF of GFCF from GDP, but we can neither confirm nor rule out the possibility of an absolute decoupling.  相似文献   

The allocation of foragers in red wood ants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract. 1. We studied how colonies of the red wood ant, Formica polyctena , adjust the numbers of foragers allocated to different foraging trails. In a series of field experiments, foragers were marked and transferred from one nest to another, related nest, where they joined the foraging force. Transferred workers acted as a reserve of uncommitted, available foragers.
2. Previous work shows that each individual forager habitually uses one trail. We found that for an uncommitted forager, the influence of recruitment initially is stronger than that of directional fidelity. Transferred workers were likely to use trails leading to new food sources. When transferred to a new nest, foragers were not likely to use a trail in the same direction as their original trail in the donor nest.
3. After a week, transferred foragers tended to develop route fidelity. Even after bait was no longer present, they continued to use the trail that had formerly led to a bait source.
4. We examined how colonies adjust numbers on a trail by experimentally depleting some trails. Colonies usually did not compensate for depletion: foragers were not recruited to depleted trails.
5. In general, the dynamics of foraging in this species facilitate a consistent foraging effort rather than rapid adjustments of forager allocation.  相似文献   

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