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Autostimulatory growth factors may contribute to the ability of malignant cells to escape normal growth controls. We have previously shown that Hs0294 human malignant melanoma cells release into culture medium an acid-soluble, heat-stable, trypsin-sensitive, autostimulatory monolayer mitogen which can be purified from acetic acid extracts of conditioned medium by gel filtration, reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography, and preparative electrophoresis. The majority of this melanoma growth-stimulatory activity (MGSA) resides in a 16-Kd moiety, though bioactivity is also associated with 24-26 and less than 14-Kd forms of MGSA (Richmond and Thomas: J Cell Physiol 129:375, 1986). In order to further characterize this growth factor, monoclonal antibodies were prepared against a partially purified preparation of the autostimulatory melanoma mitogen. Monoclonal antibody clones were selected based on supernate inhibition of 3H-thymidine incorporation in serum-free Hs0294 melanoma cultures. One of these, termed FB2AH7, slows, but does not completely block, the growth of Hs0294 cells in serum-free medium in a dose-dependent manner. This antibody does not slow the growth of normal rat kidney fibroblasts, which neither produce nor require this mitogen, in either serum-free medium or medium containing 0.8% calf serum. This monoclonal antibody also blocks the mitogenic effects of partially purified preparations of this melanoma growth stimulatory activity (MGSA) on both Hs0294 cells and normal rat kidney fibroblasts. The FB2AH7 antibody has been demonstrated to bind MGSA by Western blot and by immunoprecipitation procedures. Western blot analysis of reverse-phase high-performance liquid chromatography purified growth factor demonstrated that FB2AH7 antibody binds to the 16-Kd and approximately 13-14-Kd forms of MGSA. FB2AH7 antibody can be used in immunoprecipitation experiments to bind the approximately 13-16-Kd forms of MGSA. The specificity of the binding of FB2AH7 antibody for MGSA but not other growth factors has been demonstrated in a modified dot blot assay. These data thus support the hypothesis that MGSA is an autostimulatory melanoma mitogen distinct from other growth factors.  相似文献   

Summary A serum-free medium (HMRI-2) has been developed for the outgrowth and subculture of epithelial cells from normal adult human ureter and bladder. Medium HMRI-2 consists of Ham’s MCDB 152 with double the amounts of the essential amino acids in Stock 1, low Ca2+ (0.06 mM) and is supplemented with epithelial growth factor, 5 ng/ml; transferrin, 5 μg/ml; insulin, 5 μg/ml; ethanolamine and phosphoethanolamine, 0.1 mM each; hydrocortisone, 2.8×10−6 M; and bovine pituitary extract, 126 μg protein/ml. The cultured cells showed ultrastructural markers of epithelial cells (prekeratin fibers, tonofilaments, surface microvilli with glycocalyx), exhibited ABO antigens, and had a normal human diploid karyotype. Primary cultures could be subcultured and also cryopreserved in HMRI-2 in liquid nitrogen. Cells in mass cultures showed a population doubling time of 40.5±4.5 h and had a maximum in vitro life span of 20 to 25 population doublings. It was observed that primary outgrowths, secondary cultures, and even cryopreserved cells all retained the capacity to respond to high Ca2+ and serum by differentiation and desquamation. This study has resulted in the availability of easily obtainable serum-free epithelial cultures from normal adult human ureter and bladder. The useful in vitro life span of these cultures may be important in future studies of carcinogenesis. This work was supported by a grant from the National Cancer Institute (R01CA25089), Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Summary A low protein aqueous lipid supplement (Ex-Cyte VLE), in combination with pluronic polyol, is an effective replacement for fetal bovine serum for insect Sf-9 cells. Serum-free medium with lipid supplement and pluronic (SFM-LP) supported higher cell viability and maximum cell populations than serum-supplemented medium. No adaptation procedures are required when switching cells from serum-containing medium to SFM-LP, and growth rates remain constant during continued passages in SFM-LP. The amounts of recombinant proteins produced, which is the major use for the Sf-9 cells, are better or equal in SFM-LP compared to serum-supplemented medium. SFM-LP also supports growth of the TN-368 cell line but IPLB-SF-21AE or IZD-Mb0503 lines grow poorly in this medium.  相似文献   

A homemade serum-free medium containing a low protein level under 0.1 g l−1 has been proved to support long-term cultures of VO 208 hybridoma cells successfully up to 50 days. The low protein level was achieved by supplying the lipids through liposomes containing cholesterol, oleic acid, - dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine, and bovine serum albumin. The influence of the liposome content in the feeding medium was studied in a continuous culture performed with step variations of the liposomes level, from 7.5 to 30 ml l−1. The cell density decreased at the highest liposomes content while it became higher with 7.5 or 12 ml l−1 of liposomes. For each step variation appeared a transitory activation of the specific rates of nutrient consumption, metabolite production and antibody secretion, as well as a transitory decrease of the specific cell growth rate. The overall structure of the antibodies was not affected during the culture.  相似文献   

Summary The life span and growth from clonal density of bovine adrenocortical cell cultures were studied in serum-supplemented medium and a serum-free defined medium, which supported sustained cell proliferation and steroid production. The total culture life span was 79 population doublings in serum-supplemented medium with fibroblast growth factor (FGF) and 36 population doublings in the defined medium without serum. Older passage cell cultures grown in the defined medium progressively lost the ability to produce 11β- and 21-hydroxylated steroids, which was observed previously for cultures in serum-supplemented medium, and also had a decline of 17α-hydroxylated steroid production. The cloning efficiency in the defined medium was 12.2% as compared to 24% in serum-supplemented medium with FGF. Five isolated clonal cell lines grown in the defined medium were characterized for steroid function in response to steroidogenic agents. All five clonal cell lines had stimulated steroid production with 8-bromo-cAMP, but only four of the clonal lines were stimulated also by adrenocorticotropin. None of the clonal cell lines produced 11β-, 21- or 17α-hydroxylated steroids in response to treatment with either steroidogenic agent, results that were similar to data obtained from older mass cultures. The apparent deficiency of the defined medium as compared to serum-supplemented medium for maximum support of the culture life span and cloning efficiency may be useful in studies of cellular aging and its relation to differentiated function for this cell culture system. This study was supported by the Iowa Diabetes and Endocrinology Research Center (grant AM25295 from the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD). D.A.F. was supported by a National Research Service Award from the National Institutes of Health (grant HL07485).  相似文献   

In this work a recombinant BHK21 clone producing a fusion protein with potential application in tumour target therapy was adapted to five different serum-free media (SFM) and to a protein-free medium (PFM). Only the PFM did not require a gradual adaptation to cell growth in the absence of serum. All tested SFM required a gradual adaptation (up to 35 days). For the majority of the SFM tested, cell specific productivity was not affected by the decrease in serum concentration during adaptation; however, cell growth was significantly affected by the serum decrease. Both cell growth and productivity were increased when PFM SMIF6 was used instead of the control medium. Long term measurements (approximately 100 days) of cell specific productivity for PFM and the two best SFM showed that productivity was maintained. This indicates the media capability to be used in long term production processes.  相似文献   

Epithelial cell cultures derived from the ventral prostate of normal adult mice have been propagated in serum-free medium. The cultures were initiated and maintained in Ham's F-12 nutrient mixture supplemented with insulin (5 micrograms/ml), EGF (10 ng/ml), hydrocortisone (0.5 micrograms/ml), cholera toxin (10 ng/ml), bovine pituitary extract (25 micrograms protein/ml) and antibiotics. The cells exhibited microvilli on cell surfaces, interdigitations and junctional complexes including desmosomes between cells, and cytokeratins in cytoplasm which are characteristic of epithelial cells. In addition, the cells exhibited the tissue-specific markers, prostatic acid phosphatase and prostate-specific antigen.  相似文献   

Summary We have developed an improved serum-free medium to optimize the cell growth of bovine granulosa cells. The cells on collagen-coated culture plates proliferated extensively in a nutrient medium supplemented with insulin, heparin binding growth factor-2 (HBGF-2), lipoprotein, and bovine serum albumin (BSA). The cell doubling time at logarithmic phase and final cell density at confluent cultures were equal to those of cultures grown in the presence of medium supplemented with optimal concentration (10%) of fetal bovine serum (FBS). Whereas HBGF-2 or insulin alone had a small mitogenic effect of granulosa cells, lipoprotein or BSA did not. When lipoprotein, BSA, or insulin was added together with HBGF-2, synergistic cell proliferation was observed in all combinations. Insulin or lipoprotein had an additive mitogenic stimulation of these cells in the presence of BSA. After granulosa cells were subcultivated in a serum-containing medium until three generations [8.5 cumulative population doubling level (CPDL)], subsequent subcultivation of the cells in a complete serum-free medium could be achieved up to six generations (14.4 CPDL). These results demonstrate that this serum-free medium can support the optimal cell growth and long-term subcultivation of bovine granulosa cells.  相似文献   

Summary The analysis of lipoprotein synthesis and secretion in primary hepatocytes has been restricted by the short-term viability and low proliferative response of hepatocytes in vitro. During this investigation a serum-free medium formulation was developed that supports long-term maintenance (>70 d) and active proliferation of primary baboon hepatocytes. Examination of proliferating cells by electron microscopy revealed a distinctive hepatocyte ultrastructure including intercellular bile canaliculi and numerous surface microvilli. High levels of secreted apolipoproteins A-I and E were detected in the tissue culture medium by gel electrophoresis and immunoblot analysis. Immunoprecipitation of proteins from [35S]-methionine labeled tissue culture medium revealed the synthesis and secretion of numerous plasma proteins. Metabolic labeling of cells with [35S]-methionine followed by single-spin density gradient flotation of the media demonstrated that apolipoproteins were being secreted in the form of lipoprotein particles with buoyant densities corresponding to the very low density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein range, and to the high density lipoprotein range. The labeled apolipoproteins included B h , E, and A-I. This system for primary hepatocyte culture should prove very useful in future investigations on the regulation of lipoprotein production by hepatocytes. This investigation was supported in part by a research grant from the Southwest Foundation Forum, by program project HL 28972 from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, Bethesda, MD, and by grants to R. V. H. from the National Institutes of Health (HL 15062), the American Heart Association, and the Louis Block Fund.  相似文献   

Summary Serum-free mouse embryo (SFME) cells are a cell line derived in medium in which serum is replaced with growth factors and other supplements. These cells display unusual properties: a) they do not lose proliferative potential or show gross chromosomal aberration upon extended culture, b) they depend on epidermal growth factor (EGF) for survival, and c) they are reversibly growth inhibited by plasma and serum. Transfection of SFME cells with oncogenes (ras, neu, SV40 T antigen) results in cells that grow in serum-supplemented medium and no longer require EGF for survival. The growth inhibitory activity of human plasma on SFME cells was investigated. The activity was present in delipidated plasma and was not dialyzable against 1M acetic acid. The activity precipitated in 33% methanol, bound to concanavalin A-agarose and was retarded by Sephadex G-50 in 200 mM acetic acid. A fifty- to one-hundred-fold purification was achieved, although most of the differential inhibition of untransformed vs. transformed cells was lost in the course of the purification.  相似文献   

Summary Gingival tissue from healthy adult human donors was used as a source of epithelial cells for culture. An overnight incubation of this tissue with dispase facilitated the mechanical separation of the surface epithelium from the underlying fibrous connective tissue. This step minimized culture contamination with fibroblasts. The epithelium was then trypsinized to prepare a single cell suspension. The cell pellets were collected by centrifugation and resuspended in keratinocyte growth medium, incubated at 37° C and 5% CO2 in a humid atmosphere. Primary cultures grew in small islands that coalesced at confluency. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated uniform staining of the cells with antibodies to keratins of stratified squamous epithelium. Ultrastructurally, the cells contained distinct intermediate filaments. When cells were grown in media with low calcium (0.15 mM), cell-to-cell contacts were via interlacing papillary projections with no desmosomes. However, when cells were grown under physiologic calcium (1.2 mM), desmosomes were prominent and well developed. Cells were maintained in culture for over 100 d (7 passages). This work was supported by Biomedical Research grant RR 05346 from the National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, and the University of Washington Graduate School Research Fund.  相似文献   

A serum-free medium formulation – TUD-1 – was developed supporting growth of HUVEC in tissue culture. Special features of the basal medium formulation are highly elevated levels of glutamine and serine as well as the inclusion of N-acetylcysteine and phosphoascorbic acid. The cellular mitogenic needs are satisfied by bFGF, VEGF, EGF and liver growth factor. Further hormone supplementation consists of insulin and hydrocortisone. A protocoll for serum-free passage of HUVEC was established for serum-free long-term cultivation of freshly isolated HUVEC for up to 20 cumulative population doublings without significant differences in final cell density compared to controls cultivated with serum. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Egg yolk lipoprotein promoted growth of a wide variety of mammalian cell lines, including plasma-cytomas and epithelial cell lines, in serum-free medium. The lipoprotein was active for cell growth when used with insulin, transferrin, ethanolamine and selenite. The most active lipoprotein fraction (YLP-pI7.5) was purified to give a single peak by chromatofocusing and gel filtration, and was homogeneous on a 0.35% agarose gel electrophoretogram. The lipoprotein was characterised as a very low density lipoprotein with a protein content of only 1.3%. This lipoprotein had an optimal concentration of 300 g/ml (4 g protein/ml). It was easily separable from proteinous molecules secreted into the serum-free medium by the cells, since it floated on the surface of the medium after addition of ammonium sulfate, to precipitate protein, and centrifugation. An associated structure of lipid and protein seemed to be still necessary for the lipoprotein to exhibit a growth promoting activity.  相似文献   

Potassium or sodium phosphate was found to stimulate the production of human monoclonal antibody by human-human hybridoma HB4C5. The addition of 15 mM Na-phosphate (pH 7.4) into serum-free culture medium increased the antibody production up to 4-fold, when seeded at cell density of 1×105 cells/ml in dishes. At the higher cell density of 5×105 cells/ml, K-phosphate was more effective than Na-phosphate, at the same concentration. In large-scale continuous culture, the addition of 10 mM Na-phosphate into serum-free culture medium stimulated antibody production by HB4C5 cells 6-fold.  相似文献   

Cell culture with serum-containing medium has potential problems associated with contamination of infectious agents. This study demonstrates for the first time the feasibility of regenerating cartilage tissues in vivo by implantation of chondrocytes cultured in vitro in a chemically-defined, serum-free medium. Chondrocytes cultured in the serum-free medium grew similarly to those in a serum-containing medium. Implantation of chondrocytes cultured in the serum-free medium and seeded on to polymer scaffolds resulted in the regeneration of cartilage tissues with histological aspects similar to those of cartilage tissues regenerated from chondrocytes cultured in serum-containing medium.  相似文献   

A Namalwa cell line, KJM-1, which was adapted to serum-free medium is thought to be a good host cell line for recombinant DNA technology. We previously reported the expression of human -interferon (-IFN) in Namalwa KJM-1 (Miyaji, 1989a). The utility of Namalwa KJM-1 for expression of foreign genes was further examined. As a target gene to be expressed, human lymphotoxin (hLT) cDNA was used. It was engineered for expression in Namalwa KJM-1 using a simian virus 40 (SV40)-based expression vector pAGE107 (Miyaji, 1989a). It contains all components necessary for the expression of cDNA in mammalian cells. The expression vector was introduced into Namalwa KJM-1 by electroporation. Among the transformants, clone 7 was further examined for the expression of hLT in serum-free medium. The production level of hLT was augmented with the increase of the cell density. Thus it was further indicated that Namalwa KJM-1 is useful for production of foreign gene products.Abbreviation HEPES 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)-1-piperazineethanesulfonic acid  相似文献   

Summary Ob17 is a clonal cell line isolated from the epididymal fat pad of C57 BL/6J ob/ob mouse that differentiates into adiposelike cells in serum-supplemented medium. In serum-free medium, this cell line shows increased growth under the addition of insulin, transferrin, fibroblast growth factor (FGF), and a factor present in extract of rat submaxillary gland (SMGE). This medium is referred to as 4F. Epidermal growth factor or nerve growth factor cannot replace SMGE, whereas partially purified platelet extract can substitute for FGF but only partially for SMGE. 4F Medium is able to support the proliferation of cells from other established preadipocyte clonal lines, HGFu and 3T3-F442A, and also of preadipocyte cells isolated from the stromal-vascular fraction of rat and mouse adipose tissues. In each case 4F medium is insufficient to support the differentiation of these cells into adipocytes. Ob17 cells grown and maintained in serum-free hormone-supplemented medium retain the ability to convert to adiposelike cells after serum addition. This serum requirement for differentiation cannot be substituted by the addition of growth hormone or of other putative adipogenic factors, or both. The results are discussed with respect to the requirements for growth and differentiation of the 3T3-L1 and 1246 preadipocyte cell lines previously described. This work was supported by the “Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique” (Grant 1208-Biochimie du Développement and Grant 4162-Endocrinologie), by the “Ministère de la Recherce et de la Technologie” (Grant 81-L-1322), by the “Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale,” by NATO (Grant 1704), and by the “Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale” (Grant 827006).  相似文献   

Summary Proliferation and differentiation of opossum kidney cells in a serum-free defined medium was investigated and compared to that under conditions in which fetal bovine serum FBS (10%) was employed. Monolayers were grown in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium-Ham's F12 nutrient mixture containing insulin (10 μg/ml), bovine serum albumin fraction V (1 mg/ml) and fetuin (1 mg/ml). Cells in serum-free medium seeded at 1×104 per cm2 grew to confluency within 6 to 8 d and formed hemicysts or domes at a frequency equivalent to those in serum-containing medium. Electron microscopy of cultures grown in serum-free medium revealed polarized monolayers with the presence of microvilli and tight junctions. The differentiated characteristics, including sodium-dependent phosphate transport, the inhibition of this transport by parathyroid hormone (PTH), and the generation of cyclic AMP in response to PTH, were preserved in opossum kidney cells grown in serum-free medium.  相似文献   

Hormonal growth control of cells in culture   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Summary Serum is the last undefined component in cell culture media. Our results indicate that the primary role of serum is to provide hormones and that serum can be replaced by a group of hormones. A rat pituitary cell line, GH3, can grow in serum-free medium if the medium is supplemented with 3,3′,5-triiodothyronine, TSH-releasing hormone, transferrin, parathyroid hormone, insulin and three isoelectric focusing fractions of blood meal. The blood-meal components can be replaced by fibroblast growth factor and somatomedin C. The growth rate of GH3 cells in hormone-supplemented serum-free medium is equal to that in serum-supplemented medium, and subculture in such medium is also possible. These results indicate that the replacement of the serum component is complete in the GH3 system. The hormonal requirements of GH3 cells and those of HeLa and mouse melanoma, M2R, were compared. Two generalizations could be made: (a) All three cell lines require insulin and transferrin. (b) There is a requirement for a hormone which localizes in the nucleus for each cell line. These generalizations seem to hold true for most of the other cell lines for which the hormonal requirements have been partially worked out. Since insulin is one of the universally required hormones, its effects on GH3, HeLa and M2R were compared. Insulin stimulates glycogen synthesis in all three cell lines and facilitates fatty-acid synthesis in GH3 and M2R. However, there is a difference in the effect of insulin on growth among the three cell lines. Insulin is an absolute requirement for GH3 cells without which the cells cannot survive, whereas this is not the case for HeLa and M2R. The most stringent requirement for HeLa cells is for hydrocortisone, and for M2R, it is for transferrin. These results indicate that even though the necessity for some hormones is common, the degree of requirement may vary from one cell line to another. Whether this difference reflects the difference in the primary mode of action of the hormone on each cell type needs further investigation. Presented in the Opening Symposium on Nutritional Factors and Differentiation at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Tissue Culture Association, New Orleans, Louisiana, June 6–9, 1977. This work was supported by NIH Grant GM 17019. J. Larner was supported by Josiah Macy Foundation  相似文献   

Summary During the course of investigating the growth and differentiation of opossum kidney cells in serum-free medium, it was observed that a mycoplasma contamination (M. hyorhinis) contributed to the spreading of cells. Contaminated cells, seeded on collagen-coated plates, spread out and grew to confluency in Dulbecco’s modified eagle’s medium/Ham’s F12 nutrient mixture containing insulin, transferrin, sodium selenite, and bovine serum albumin fraction V. In addition, differentiated characteristics, including parathyroid hormone-inhibitable, sodium-dependent phosphate transport, were expressed by these cells grown in this medium. After the infection was eradicated, the contamination-free cells would not spread out and proliferate in the same serum-free medium as they had done in the presence of mycoplasma. Normal cellular development, however, was attained after cells were plated in serum-free medium that included fetuin. Cells once again spread out, grew to confluency, and were able to express their differentiated characteristics.  相似文献   

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