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The objective of this work was to quantify the heat loss by cutaneous evaporation of goats in an equatorial semi-arid environment. The latent heat loss from the body surfaces of these ten undefined breed goats was measured using a ventilated capsule in sun and shade and in the three body regions (neck, flank and hindquarters). Skin samples from these three regions were histologically analyzed to relate the quantity of sweat glands, the area of sweat glands and the epithelium thickness of each of these regions to the heat loss by cutaneous evaporation of the examined goats. The epithelium thickness that was measured varied significantly for body regions with different quantities and areas of sweat glands (P?<?0.01). Among the body regions that were examined, the samples from the neck demonstrated the highest epithelium thickness (16.23?±?0.13 μm). However, the samples of sweat glands from the flank had the biggest area (43330.51?±?778.71 μm2) and quantity per square centimeter (390?±?9 cm?2). After the animals were exposed to sun, the flanks lost the greatest amount of heat by cutaneous evaporation (73.03?±?1.75 W?m?2) and possessed the highest surface temperatures (39.47?±?0.18 °C). The histological characteristics may have influenced the heat loss by cutaneous evaporation that was observed in the flank region after the animals were exposed to sun.  相似文献   

In order to develop statistical models to predict respiratory heat loss in dairy cattle using simple physiological and environmental measurements, 15 Holstein cows were observed under field conditions in a tropical environment, in which the air temperature reached up to 40°C. The measurements of latent and sensible heat loss from the respiratory tract of the animals were made by using a respiratory mask. The results showed that under air temperatures between 10 and 35°C sensible heat loss by convection decreased from 8.24 to 1.09 W m–2, while the latent heat loss by evaporation increased from 1.03 to 56.51 W m–2. The evaporation increased together with the air temperature in almost a linear fashion until 20°C, but it became increasingly high as the air temperature rose above 25°C. Convection was a mechanism of minor importance for respiratory heat transfer. In contrast, respiratory evaporation was an effective means of thermoregulation for Holsteins in a hot environment. Mathematical models were developed to predict both the sensible and latent heat loss from the respiratory tract in Holstein cows under field conditions, based on measurements of the ambient temperature, and other models were developed to predict respiration rate, tidal volume, mass flow rate and expired air temperature as functions of the ambient temperature and other variables.This paper forms part of A. S. Campos Maias doctoral thesis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the daily variations in the thermoregulatory behavior of 4- to 6-week-old naked neck broilers (Label Rouge) in an equatorial semi-arid environment. A total of 220 birds were monitored for 5 days starting at 0600 hours and ending at 1800 hours. The period of observation was divided into classes of hours (C H). The observed behaviors were as follows: feed and water intake, wing-spreading, sitting or lying, and beak-opening. A total of 14,300 behavioral data values were registered. In C H 2 (0900 hours to 1100 hours) and 3 (1200 hours to 1500 hours), the greatest average body surface temperature was recorded (34.67?±?0.25 °C and 35.12?±?0.22 °C, respectively). The C H had an effect on the exhibition of all behaviors with the exception of the water intake behavior. Feed intake was more frequent in C H 1 (0600 hours to 0800 hours) and 4 (1600 hours to 1800 hours). In C H 2 and 3, the highest frequency of sitting or lying behavior was observed. Beak-opening and wing-spreading behaviors occurred more frequently in C H 3 where the body surface temperature (35.12?±?0.22 °C), radiant heat load (519.38?±?2.22 W m?2), and enthalpy (82.74?±?0.36 kJ kg?1 of dry air) reached maximum recorded averages. Thus, it can be concluded that naked neck broilers adjust their behavior in response to daily variations in the thermal environment. Wing-spreading and beak-opening behaviors are important adaptive responses to the thermal challenges posed by the equatorial semi-arid environment.  相似文献   

Lymphocyte functions in dairy cows in hot environment   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study was carried out to ascertain the effects of intense high environmental temperatures (HET) on lymphocyte functions in periparturient dairy cows. The study was undertaken from the beginning of March through the end of July 2003 in a commercial dairy unit located approximately 40 km north of Rome. Thirty-four Holstein cows were utilised in the study. Twenty-two of these cows gave birth in spring (SP cows), from 28 March to 30 April. The remaining 12 cows gave birth in summer (SU cows), between 15 June and 2 July. The two groups of cows were balanced for parity and were fed the same rations. Blood samples were taken 4, 3, 2 and 1 week before calving, and 1, 2 and 4 weeks after calving, in order to evaluate peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) function in vitro, and to determine plasma cortisol concentrations. After isolation, the PBMC were stimulated with mitogens and their response in terms of DNA synthesis and IgM secretion was measured. During spring, either the day (9–20 h) or the night (21–8 h) temperature humidity index (THI) was below the upper critical THI (72) established for dairy cows. During summer, the mean daily THI values were 79.5±2.9 during the day and 70.1±4.7 during the night. Furthermore, during summer, three heat waves (a period of at least 3 consecutive days during which there were less than 10 recovery hours) occurred. Recovery hours were intended hours with a THI below 72. The first heat wave lasted 5 days, the second 6 days, and the third 15 days. Compared to the SP cows, over the entire periparturient period the extent of DNA synthesis and IgM secretion levels were lower (P ranging from <0.01 to 0.0001) and higher (P<0.01) respectively, in the SU cows. Before calving, the SU cows also presented higher (P<0.01) concentrations of plasma cortisol compared to the SP cows. This study indicates that the effects of HET on the immune response depend on the specific immune function under consideration, and that neuroendocrinal changes due to HET may play a role in the perturbation of immune functions.  相似文献   

Since many dairy cows calve during late summer, the objective was to determine if heat stress immediately post-partum would (1) alter metabolism, thus, increasing susceptibility to metabolic disorders, (2) affect lactation and/or (3) affect reproduction. Forty four cows, calving during late summer, were paired with one member of each pair stressed (HS) for the first 10 post-partum days in a hot barn. Controls (CC) were kept in a cooled section of the barn. Plasma drawn weekly for 7 weeks was analyzed in an autoanalyzer for calcium, inor. phosphorus, protein, glucose and cholesterol and by radioimmunoassay for cortisol and progesterone. Ovaries and uteri were palpated weekly. Rectal temperatures were significant higher for HS during the first 10 post-partum days. No significant effects on plasma constituents were observed during the 10-day treatment period. For the 7-week period, glucose and cholesterol were lower in HS, as were cyclic peaks of progesterone and cortisol. Both calcium and inorganic phosphorus remained clinically low for the 7 weeks, but no treatment effects were seen. Uteri of HS involuted more rapidly than the CC. Treatment did not affect reproductive efficiency. Lactation milk yields did not differ, but milk fat percent was lower in HS. Heat stress immediately post-partum altered lipid metabolism, but the animal's compensatory mechanisms prevented reduction in milk production or reproductive efficiency.Journal Paper No. 4227 Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station.Presented at the Eighth International Congress of Biometeorology, 9–14 September 1979, Shefayim, Israel.  相似文献   

The general principles of the mechanisms of heat transfer are well known, but knowledge of the transition between evaporative and non-evaporative heat loss by Holstein cows in field conditions must be improved, especially for low-latitude environments. With this aim 15 Holstein cows managed in open pasture were observed in a tropical region. The latent heat loss from the body surface of the animals was measured by means of a ventilated capsule, while convective heat transfer was estimated by the theory of convection from a horizontal cylinder and by the long-wave radiation exchange based on the Stefan–Boltzmann law. When the air temperature was between 10 and 36°C the sensible heat transfer varied from 160 to –30 W m–2, while the latent heat loss by cutaneous evaporation increased from 30 to 350 W m–2. Heat loss by cutaneous evaporation accounted for 20–30% of the total heat loss when air temperatures ranged from 10 to 20°C. At air temperatures >30°C cutaneous evaporation becomes the main avenue of heat loss, accounting for approximately 85% of the total heat loss, while the rest is lost by respiratory evaporation.Part of first authors doctoral thesis  相似文献   

Embryos were collected non-surgically from the tip of one uterine horn of 23 lactating dairy cows on Day 7 of pregnancy. Embryos were classified on the basis of morphological criteria as normal (n = 12) or abnormal (n = 13). Abnormal embryos were further classified as cleavage stage (n = 9) or morula/blastocyst (n = 4). Cows producing an abnormal embryo did not differ in days post partum at oestrus, age or parity from cows producing a normal embryo. Cows with an abnormal morula/blastocyst also did not differ with respect to days post partum at oestrus from cows with abnormal cleavage-stage embryos but cows with an abnormal morula/blastocyst were significantly older and of greater parity than cows with an abnormal cleavage-stage embryo. Hepes-saline-PVP solution (30 ml) was initially infused into the uterine tip, mixed and then withdrawn with a syringe. Analysis of this fluid revealed that the concentrations of glucose, total protein, calcium, magnesium and potassium were significantly higher in the flushings from the uterus of cows with abnormal embryos than from cows with normal embryos and zinc and phosphorus tended to be higher in the uterine flushings of cows with abnormal embryos. Phosphorus, total protein, calcium and magnesium tended to be higher in the flushings from cows with abnormal morulae/blastocysts than from cows with abnormal cleavage-stage embryos. Plasma progesterone did not differ between cows with normal or abnormal embryos or in cows with abnormal morulae/blastocysts or abnormal cleavage-stage embryos. Most embryonic mortality therefore occurred before Day 5 (during cleavage) in these cows.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A dairy herd experienced an increased incidence of retained placenta and postpartum metritis during late spring and summer of 1977 and 1978. The incidence of retained placenta and postpartum metritis was 24.05% during the period of May through September compared to 12.24% the rest of the year. The gestation period of cows having retained placenta and postpartum metritis was an average of 5.25 days shorter than that of cows not exhibiting these symptoms. The gestation period of cows calving during the warm season was an average of 2.82 days shorter than that of the cows calving during the cool season. Heat stress resulting in early parturition was the probable cause of this increased incidence of retained placenta and postpartum metritis. The number of days open was influenced both by abnormal postpartum period and season of calving. Cows having retained placenta and metritis were open an average of 31.69 days longer than cows with normal postpartum periods. Cows that calved during the warm season were open an average of 24.42 days longer than those calving during the cool season.  相似文献   

Heat stress negatively impacts the reproductive performance of dairy cows. The main objective of this study was to dissect the genetic basis underlying dairy cow fertility under heat stress conditions. Our first goal was to estimate genetic components of cow conception across lactations considering heat stress. Our second goal was to reveal individual genes and functional gene-sets that explain a cow’s ability to conceive under thermal stress. Data consisted of 74 221 insemination records on 13 704 Holstein cows. Multitrait linear repeatability test-day models with random regressions on a function of temperature–humidity index values were used for the analyses. Heritability estimates for cow conception under heat stress were around 2–3%, whereas genetic correlations between general and thermotolerance additive genetic effects were negative and ranged between −0.35 and −0.82, indicating an unfavorable relationship between cows’ ability to conceive under thermo-neutral vs. thermo-stress conditions. Whole-genome scans identified at least six genomic regions on BTA1, BTA10, BTA11, BTA17, BTA21 and BTA23 associated with conception under thermal stress. These regions harbor candidate genes such as BRWD1, EXD2, ADAM20, EPAS1, TAOK3, and NOS1, which are directly implicated in reproductive functions and cellular response to heat stress. The gene-set enrichment analysis revealed functional terms related to fertilization, developmental biology, heat shock proteins and oxidative stress, among others. Overall, our findings contribute to a better understanding of the genetics underlying the reproductive performance of dairy cattle under heat stress conditions and point out novel genomic strategies for improving thermotolerance and fertility via marker-assisted breeding.  相似文献   

The dairy industry in regions with moderate climates, such as Central Europe, will be increasingly challenged in the future by climate change. The problem of heat stress will especially affect dairy husbandry in naturally ventilated barns (NVB). The approach of the study was to determine a heat stress threshold of the average daily temperature-humidity index (THI) that results in changes in the daily rumination time (RT) of lactating, high-yielding cows. The data set was composed of a high sample size of 183 cows and long-duration measurements of 21240 daily observations over two years from June 2015 to May 2017, which were collected in an NVB in Groβ Kreutz, Germany. The THI was calculated in 5-min intervals by data from several sensors in different positions inside the barn. Additionally, every cow from the herd of an average of 53 cows in the experimental procedure was wearing a neck collar with a Lely Qwes HR system that provided the RT 24 h a day (12 2-h recordings were summarized). The study showed that heat stress also negatively influenced RT in moderate climates. The heat stress threshold of 52 THI was determined by broken-stick regression and indicated changes of RT of lactating dairy cows in Germany. During the experimental period, the heat stress threshold for RT was reached from April to September for up to 720 h per month. The changes in RT to the heat stress threshold will be affected by cows' characteristics. Therefore, we considered several cow-related factors, such as milk yield (MY), lactation number (LN), lactation stage (days in milk, or DIM) and pregnancy stage (P) to better understand cows’ individual reactions to heat stress. Multiparous, high-yielding cows in later lactation stages are potentially more strongly affected than other cows.  相似文献   

Measurement of body temperature is the most common method for an early diagnosis of sick cows in fresh cow protocols currently used on dairy farms. Thresholds for fever range from 39.4 °C to 39.7 °C. Several studies attempted to describe normal temperature ranges for healthy dairy cows in the early puerperium. However, the definition of a healthy cow is variable within these studies. It is challenging to determine normal temperature ranges for healthy cows because body temperature is usually included in the definition. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to identify factors that influence body temperature in healthy dairy cows early postpartum and to determine normal temperature ranges for healthy cows that calved in a moderate (temperature humidity index: 59.8 ± 3.8) and a hot period (temperature humidity index: 74.1 ± 4.4), respectively, excluding body temperature from the definition of the health status. Furthermore, the prevalence of fever was calculated for both periods separately. A subset of 17 (moderate period) and 15 cows (hot period) were used for analysis. To ensure their uterine health only cows with a serum haptoglobin concentration ≤ 1.1 g/L were included in the analysis. Therefore, body temperature could be excluded from the definition. A vaginal temperature logger that measured vaginal temperature every 10 min was inserted from Day 2 to 10 after parturition. Additionally rectal temperature was measured twice daily. Day in milk (2 to 10), period (moderate and hot), and time of day had an effect on rectal and vaginal temperature. The prevalence of fever (≥ 39.5 °C) was 7.4% and 28.1% for rectal temperature in the moderate and hot period, respectively. For vaginal temperature (07.00 to 11.00 h) it was 10% and 33%, respectively, considering the same threshold and period. This study demonstrates that body temperature in the early puerperium is influenced by several factors (day in milk, climate, time of day). Therefore, these factors have to be considered when interpreting body temperature measures to identify sick cows. Furthermore, the prevalence of fever considering different thresholds is higher during hot than moderate periods. However, even in a moderate period healthy cows can exhibit a body temperature that is considered as fever. This fact clearly illustrates that fever alone should not be considered the decision criterion whether a cow is allocated to an antibiotic treatment, although it is the most important one that is objectively measurable.  相似文献   

Intensive genetic selection for increased milk production, coupled with increased dry matter intakes has led to significant improvements in cow milk yield, however, this increase in milk output has been accompanied by a decline in cow fertility. It has been suggested that there is a higher increment of late embryonic loss in high-yielding than in moderate yielding cows or in heifers. The objectives of this study were to establish the extent and pattern of embryonic loss, from days 28 to 84 of gestation, and to examine possible relationships between cow milk yield, cow genetic merit, parity, calving to insemination interval and embryonic loss in dairy cows managed mainly under pasture-based milk production systems. Multiparous dairy cows (n=1046) located on 8 farms and nulliparous dairy heifers (n=162) located on five of these farms were used in this study. The extent and timing of embryonic loss was measured by ultrasound scanning of the cows and heifers at 14-day intervals between days 28 and 84 of gestation. Positive diagnosis of pregnancy was based on the presence of an embryo or foetus with a visible heartbeat and, at the later scans, visible movement, whose size was compatible with stage of gestation and also on the presence of clear amniotic fluid of the cows and heifers presented as presumed pregnant on day 28 after insemination, 67 and 81%, respectively had a viable embryo. The subsequent embryonic loss rate between days 28 and 84 of gestation was similar (P>0.05) for cows (7.2%) and heifers (6.1%) and the pattern of loss over this period was also similar (P>0.05) for cows and heifers. There was no significant association (P>0.05) between level of milk production or milk energy output measured to day 120 of lactation and embryonic loss rate. Similarly, there was no significant relationship (P>0.05) between % milk fat, % milk protein and % milk lactose and embryonic loss rate. The extent and pattern of embryonic loss were not related (P>0.05) to either cow or to cow sire genetic merit. There was no significant (P>0.05) relationship between the calving to first service interval and embryonic loss. The extent of embryonic loss was greater (P<0.05) in cows that lost body condition between days 28 and 56 of gestation compared with cows than either maintained or improved in body condition.  相似文献   

Records were obtained over a 3 year period from six Holstein dairy farms of 300 to 500 cows each in the Phoenix, Ariz. area. Dairies were selected on the basis of similar management practices, herd size, milk production and facilities (with the exception of cooling systems). Microclimatic modifications (two dairies each) were shade only (approximately 3.7 m2/cow), evaporative-cooled shades and low-pressure water foggers under the shades. Data were categorized by season of calving (spring, Feb.–May; summer, June–Sept.; and fall, Oct.–Jan.). Traits evaluated were calving interval, days open and services/conception. Calving interval was shortest for cows calving in the spring (378 days), intermediate in fall (382 days) and longest in summer (396 days). Similar seasonal trends were observed for days open (103, 103 and 119 days, respectively) and services/conception (1.54, 1.81 and 1.93, respectively). All differences between spring and summer were significant (P < 0.05). Calving interval and days open were less for evaporative-cooled groups (374 and 98 days, respectively), with no difference between shade only and foggers (391 and 392 days, 112 and 116 days, respectively). Services/conception were similar for all groups (1.72 to 1.79). A significant interaction between microclimate and season for services/conception could be interpreted as (i) smaller season differences for evaporative-cooled groups than for shade or foggers, or (ii) a change in the ranking of control and fogger groups during summer versus fall. Evaporative cooling was more effective than fogging for reducing the detrimental effects of seasonal high temperatures on fertility.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate serum concentrations of nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), cortisol, insulin, and progesterone (P4) of dairy cows maintaining or mobilizing body weight (BW). Eleven non-lactating, non-pregnant, and ovariectomized Gir × Holstein cows were stratified by BW and body condition score (BCS), and randomly assigned to: 1) BW loss (six cows; LOSS) and 2) BW maintenance (five cows; MAINT). Treatments were achieved through a grazing schedule using three pastures. From Days −7 to 1 of the study, all cows were maintained in Pasture A (12 kg of dry matter/cow daily). From Days 2 to 30, LOSS cows were maintained in Pasture B (less than 1.0 kg of dry matter/cow daily), whereas MAINT cows were maintained in Pasture C (12 kg of dry matter/cow daily). However, from Days 3 to 30 of the study, cows from both treatments were regrouped daily into Pasture A from 0600 to 1200 h to allow LOSS cows to consume, on average, 4.5 kg/d of forage dry matter. On Day −66 of the study, all cows received an intravaginal drug releasing device containing 1.9 g of P4 (replaced every 14 d and removed on Day 3). Cow BW and BCS were assessed on Day 0 and 30 and blood samples were collected daily from Days 0 to 30 at 0600 and 1200 h. Changes in BW and BCS were greater (P ≤ 0.05) in LOSS cows compared to MAINT cows. Within samples collected at 0600 h, serum NEFA concentrations were often greater (P < 0.05) in LOSS cows compared to MAINT after Day 14. Serum P4 concentrations were greater (P < 0.05) on Days 21 and 22, and tended (P < 0.10) to be greater on Days 16, 23, and 24 of the study in LOSS cows compared to MAINT. In conclusion, BW loss was associated with increased circulating concentrations of P4 in non-lactating ovariectomized dairy cows; this was mainly attributed to fat mobilization and consequent release of P4 stored in adipose tissues.  相似文献   

The influence of temporary cooling on pregnancy rate and ovarian secretion of cortisol, estradiol and progesterone in Holstein cows was evaluated during the months of June to September. Cows were randomly assigned to one of five treatment groups: 1) evaporative cooling, 8 d; 2) evaporative cooling, 16 d; 3) refrigerated air conditioning, 8 d; 4) refrigerated air conditioning, 16 d and 5) controls maintained outdoors with access to shade. Estrus was synchronized by giving two injections of prostaglandin (25 mg). Cows in the cooled groups were placed in box stalls at the time of the second prostaglandin injection, allowing them to be cooled for approximately 3 d prior to breeding. Blood samples were taken on days 0, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 25 postbreeding and serum was analyzed for estradiol, cortisol, progesterone and a pregnancy-specific protein. Pregnancy rates as determined by palpation per rectum at 40 to 60 d post breeding were not different between cows in cooled treatments, regardless of duration or type of cooling. Pregnancy rate was higher (P<0.05) in cooled as compared to control cows. Serum progesterone concentrations were higher on Day 15 in cooled cows as compared to control cows. No differences in serum estradiol or cortisol concentrations were observed between cooled and control cows. Pregnancy-specific protein determinations indicated that 50% of both cooled and control cows conceived. Results indicate that temporary cooling increased pregnancy rates by increasing embryonic survival rates.  相似文献   

Even in temperate climate regions, an increase in ambient temperature and exposure to solar radiation can cause heat stress in lactating dairy cows. We hypothesised that grazing dairy cows exhibit short-term physiological changes due to increasing heat load under moderate climate conditions. Over two consecutive summers, 38 lactating Holstein dairy cows were studied in a full-time grazing system. Data were collected in 10 experimental periods of up to three consecutive days with a moderate comprehensive climate index (CCI). The individual animals’ vaginal temperature (VT), heart rate, and locomotor activity data were automatically monitored with sensors. Blood samples and proportional whole milk samples were collected at afternoon milking. The concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate, glucose, non-esterified fatty acids, urea nitrogen, plasma thyroxine and triiodothyronine were analysed in blood plasma, and fat, protein, lactose, urea nitrogen, cortisol, Na+, K+, and Cl? concentrations were analysed in milk. The daily distribution of VT recordings greater than 39 °C showed a circadian rhythm with a proportion of recordings of 2% and lower during the night and a percentage of 10% or higher in the afternoon. The cows’ maximal daily vaginal temperature (VTMAX) between 0830 and 1430 h was positively related to the mean daily CCI in the same time period (CCIMEAN; mean and SD 23.6 ± 5.4 °C). Cows with greater VTMAX had an increased mean heart rate, plasma glucose and milk cortisol concentrations and decreased concentrations of plasma thyroxine and triiodothyronine. The concentration of Na+ in milk was lower, and the concentration of K+ in milk tended to be higher in cows with increased VTMAX. For beta-hydroxybutyrate, non-esterified fatty acids and urea nitrogen concentrations in plasma and fat and lactose concentrations in milk no relationships were found in terms of increasing VT. For milk urea nitrogen and protein concentrations, the proportion of total variance explained by inter-individual or -period variance was high. In conclusion, changes observed in milk and blood likely reflected short-term physiological responses to moderate heat stress. In particular, milk cortisol and Na+ may be useful traits for timely monitoring of heat stress in individual cows because their inter-individual variances were relatively small and samples can be collected non-invasively.  相似文献   

Objectives were to determine factors associated with conception rate (CR) and pregnancy loss (PL) in high producing lactating Holstein cows. In Study 1, CR was evaluated in 7633 artificial inseminations (AI) of 3161 dairy cows in two dairy farms. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed by palpation per rectum 39+/-3 days after AI. Environmental temperature was recorded at different intervals prior to and after AI. In Study 2, 1465 pregnancies from 1393 cows diagnosed at 31+/-3 days after AI by ultrasonography on three dairy farms were re-examined 14 days later to determine PL. Temperature > or =29 degrees C was considered to be heat stress (HS). Exposure to HS was defined as following: NH, no heat stress; HS1, exposure to at least 1 day of maximum temperature > or =29 degrees C and average daily maximum temperature (ADMT) <29 degrees C; and HS2, exposure to ADMT > or =29 degrees C. In Study 1, exposure of cows to HS1 and HS2 from 50 to 20 prior to AI was associated with reduced CR compared to cows not exposed to HS (28.8, 23.0, and 31.3%, respectively). Post-AI HS was not associated with CR. Cows inseminated following estrus detection or timed AI had similar CR. As the number of AI increased, CR decreased. Multiparous cows had lower CR than primiparous cows, and occurrence of milk fever and retained placenta was associated with decreased CR. In Study 2, PL was not associated with exposure to HS either prior to or after AI. Cows diagnosed with clinical mastitis experienced increased PL, but parity, number of AI, AI protocol, milk production, and days postpartum at AI were not associated with PL. In conclusion, CR was affected by HS prior to AI, parity, number of AI, and postparturient diseases, whereas PL was affected by clinical mastitis.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken during spring and summer months in a territory representative of the Mediterranean climate to assess the effects of season on some immunological parameters of dairy cows. Twenty Holstein cows were used. Eleven of those cows gave birth during spring; the remaining nine cows gave birth in summer. The two groups of cows were homogeneous for parity. Values of air temperatures and relative humidity were recorded both during spring and summer, and were utilized to calculate the temperature humidity index (THI). One week before the expected calving, rectal temperatures and respiratory rates of the cows were recorded (1500 hours), and cell-mediated immunity was assessed by measuring the proliferation of mitogen-stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Within 3 h of calving, one colostrum sample was taken from each cow and analysed to determine content of immunoglobulin (Ig) G1, IgG2, IgM and IgA. At 48 h after birth, passive immunization of the calves was assessed by measuring total serum IgG. During summer, daytime (0900-2000 hours) THI values were above the upper critical value of 72 [75.2, (SD 2.6)] indicating conditions that could represent moderate heat stress. That THI values were able to predict heat stress was confirmed by the values of rectal temperatures and respiratory rates, which were higher (P < 0.05 and P < 0.001 respectively) during summer. Proliferation of PBMC, the colostral concentration of Ig fractions and serum levels of IgG in their respective off-spring did not differ between spring and summer cows. Results indicated that moderate heat stress due to the hot Mediterranean summer does not modify cell-mediated immunity, the protective value of colostrum and passive immunization of the offspring in dairy cows.  相似文献   

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