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Abstract In a colony headed by a single monandrous foundress, theories predict that conflicts between a queen and her workers over both sex ratio and male production should be intense. If production of males by workers is a function of colony size, this should affect sex ratios, but few studies have examined how queens and workers resolve both conflicts simultaneously. We conducted field and laboratory studies to test whether sex-ratio variation can be explained by conflict over male production between queen and workers in the primitively eusocial wasp Polistes chinensis antennalis.
Worker oviposition rate increased more rapidly with colony size than did queen oviposition. Allozyme and micro-satellite markers revealed that the mean frequency of workers' sons among male adults in queen-right colonies was 0.39 ± 0.08 SE (n = 22). Genetic relatedness among female nestmates was high (0.654–0.796), showing that colonies usually had a single, monandrous queen. The mean sex allocation ratio (male investment/male and gyne investments) of 46 queen-right colonies was 0.47 ± 0.02, and for 25 orphaned colonies was 0.86 ± 0.04. The observed sex allocation ratio was likely to be under queen control. For queen-right colonies, the larger colonies invested more in males and produced reproductives protandrously and/or simultaneously, whereas the smaller colonies invested more in females and produced reproductives protogynously. Instead of positive relationships between colony size and worker oviposition rate, the frequency of workers' sons within queen-right colonies did not increase with colony size. These results suggest that queens control colony investment, even though they allow worker oviposition in queen-right colonies. Eggs laid by workers may be policed by the queen and/or fellow workers. Worker oviposition did not influence the outcome of sex allocation ratio as a straightforward function of colony size.  相似文献   

1. Bumblebee colonies show much variation in the number of workers, drones, and queens produced. Because this variation prevails even when colonies are kept under identical conditions, it does not seem to be caused by extrinsic factors but rather by differences between founding queens. 2. The most likely factor that could cause differences between queens is diapause. Although colonies are raised under standardised conditions, the queens often experience diapause of different length. If there are costs associated with diapause that influence post‐diapause reproduction, the diapause history of the queens could affect colony characteristics. 3. Here, several colony characteristics are compared: number of first and second brood workers; total number of workers, drones, and queens; energy spent on sexuals; sex ratio; rate of worker production; time to emergence of first reproductive; and colony lifetime. Colonies were used where the queens experienced a diapause treatment of 0 (nondiapause queens), 2, and 4 months. 4. Although no proof was found for the existence of costs associated with diapause, the colony characteristics of nondiapause queens were significantly different from those of diapause queens. Colonies of nondiapause queens produced the lowest number of workers but the highest number of young queens. 5. It is argued that these nondiapause colonies are more time‐constrained than diapause colonies because nondiapause colonies produce two generations within the same season and should therefore be more efficient in producing sexual offspring. 6. Moreover, nondiapause colonies should rear a more female‐biased sex ratio because they can be certain of the presence of males produced by other (diapause) colonies.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theories of ageing predict that life span increases with decreasing extrinsic mortality, and life span variation among queens in ant species seems to corroborate this prediction: queens, which are the only reproductive in a colony, live much longer than queens in multi-queen colonies. The latter often inhabit ephemeral nest sites and accordingly are assumed to experience a higher mortality risk. Yet, all prior studies compared queens from different single- and multi-queen species. Here, we demonstrate an effect of queen number on longevity and fecundity within a single, socially plastic species, where queens experience the similar level of extrinsic mortality. Queens from single- and two-queen colonies had significantly longer lifespan and higher fecundity than queens living in associations of eight queens. As queens also differ neither in morphology nor the mode of colony foundation, our study shows that the social environment itself strongly affects ageing rate.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Patterns of worker demography in the ant Formica neorufibarbis were documented under natural conditions.
2. Some workers lived at least 4 years.
3. In 4 of 5 years, colonies were more likely to retain older workers than new workers.
4. Workers persisted for more years in colonies lacking queens than in queenright colonies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. The effects of colony size and time of reproduction on the survival and size of offspring colonies and on drone production were examined for honey bees, Apis mellifera L. Drone and worker production and survival of parental and offspring colonies were monitored following swarming. Also, the temporal patterns of drone emergence and availability of unmated queens were examined.
2. Colony size at swarming was positively correlated with the number of workers invested in offspring colonies and the number of queens produced. However, colony size at swarming was not correlated with the number of offspring colonies produced.
3. Swarm size was positively correlated with drone and worker production after swarms were hived. Worker production of hived swarms was positively correlated with colony survival. Offspring queens which inherited a parental nest survived longer than queens in either primary swarms or afterswarms, presumably due to the advantage of inheriting a nest.
4. Drone emergence peaked just prior to swarming, the time when unmated queens were available. High drone production by colonies initiated by swarms probably reflected an attempt to reproduce prior to winter. The probabilities of a second swarming cycle within the same year and of surviving the winter were low for colonies initiated from swarms.  相似文献   

The central trade‐off between reproduction and longevity dominates most species' life history. However, no mortality cost of reproduction is apparent in eusocial species, particularly social insects in the order Hymenoptera: one or a few individuals (typically referred to as queens) in a group specialize on reproduction and are generally longer lived than all other group members (typically referred to as workers), despite having the same genome. However, it is unclear whether this survival advantage is due to social facilitation by the group or an intrinsic, individual property. Furthermore, it is unknown whether the correlation between reproduction and longevity is due to a direct mechanistic link or an indirect consequence of the social role of the reproductives. To begin addressing these questions, we performed a comparison of queen and worker longevity in the ant Cardiocondyla obscurior under social isolation conditions. Survival of single queens and workers was compared under laboratory conditions, monitoring and controlling for brood production. Our results indicate that there is no intrinsic survival advantage of queens relative to workers unless individuals are becoming reproductively active. This interactive effect of caste and reproduction on life expectancy outside of the normal social context suggests that the positive correlation between reproduction and longevity in social insect queens is due to a direct link that can activate intrinsic survival mechanisms to ensure queen longevity.  相似文献   

The overwintering temperatures of ants might well be elevated due to climate change. We studied whether the overwintering temperature affects the survival of the queens and whole colonies of the black garden ant, Lasius niger (Linnaeus, 1758). In two consecutive years (2009, 2010) we collected mated, colony founding queens (n=280) from the urban area of Turku, Finland. Half of the queens overwintered in +7 to +8 °C and the other half in +2 °C. After the overwintering period, we determined their survival rate and measured the body fat content, body size and immune defence (encapsulation rate) of overwintering queens. Using the same setup, we studied the survival of 1-year-old L. niger colonies (queen & workers). Overwintering at a lower temperature (+2 °C) decreased the survival of workers. The survival of colony founding queens differed between years, but unlike with workers, the overwintering temperature did not affect their survival: neither in the colony experiment nor in the single queen experiment. All of the surviving queens managed to produce their worker offspring at the same rate. The relative amount of body fat of queens was higher for those who overwintered at a lower temperature, which is likely a result of lower energy consumption. We did not detect differences in the encapsulation rate between the temperature treatment groups. The ability of colony founding queens to tolerate wide overwintering temperature variations present in urban environments may explain the success of the colony in urban areas. As the colony grows, the overwintering chambers may extend more deeply into the ground. Thus, workers may not have to cope with such cold conditions as colony founding queens.  相似文献   

Kin selection theory predicts conflict between queens and workers in the social insect colony with respect to male production. This conflict arises from the haplodiploid system of sex determination in Hymenoptera that creates relatedness asymmetries in which workers are more closely related to the sons of other workers than to those of the queen. In annual hymenopteran societies that are headed by a single queen, the mating frequency of the queen is the only factor that affects the colony kin structure. Therefore, we examined the mating structure of queens and the parentage of males in a monogynous bumblebee, Bombus ignitus, using DNA microsatellites. In the seven colonies that were studied, B. ignitus queens mated once, thereby leading to the prediction of conflict between the queen and workers regarding male production. In each of the five queen-right colonies, the majority of the males (95%) were produced by the colony’s queen. In contrast, workers produced approximately 47% of all the males in two queenless colonies. These results suggest that male production in B. ignitus is a conflict between queen and workers.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1.  Pachycondyla goeldii constitutes the only recorded case of a monogynous (i.e. one queen per colony) polydomous (i.e. several nests per colony) species in the Ponerinae subfamily. This study examines the impact of polydomy on reproductive allocation between nests (also called 'calies' in polydomous society) in Pachycondyla goeldii Forel, by: (i) recording the number of workers and sexuals in 67 nests belonging to 21 colonies; (ii) dissection of workers in nine nests containing a queen (QR nests), nine nests without a queen but associated to a QR nest (QL nests) and five nests belonging to colonies that permanently lost the queen (OR nests); and (iii) measuring the length of all eggs present in the nests (our laboratory study shows that queen-laid eggs were significantly longer than worker-laid eggs).
2. The number of workers was significantly higher in QR nests than in QL nests, while the number of virgin queens was significantly higher in QL nests compared with QR nests.
3. Worker ovarian activity is inversely related to queen proximity: highest in OR nests, intermediate in QL nests, and lowest in QR nests.
4. Egg length was highest in QR nests, where the queen was most likely the primary egg-layer, intermediate in QL nests, where eggs could have originated from both the queen and workers, and lowest in OR nests, where workers were the sole egg-layers.
5. We postulate that the proximal mechanism explaining differences between QR and QL nests is the pheromonal absence of the queen from QL nests and that the evolutionary reasons of these divergences between nest types are likely to originate from the different conflicts occurring in ant colonies.  相似文献   

Workers in eusocial insects usually tend the brood of the queenand so achieve representation in the next generation throughaiding relatives to reproduce. However, workers of some eusocialspecies, such as bumblebees, are capable of reproductive activityeven in the presence of the queen (in queen-right colonies),and worker reproduction is associated with aggressive behaviorsand egg cannibalism, both of which reduce colony efficiency.Thus, factors that affect worker ovariandevelopment, a preconditionfor reproduction, can influence social harmony and colony productivity.Parasites are a ubiquitous and important part of the bioticenvironment of all organisms. Here we show that parasites playan important role in the reproductive physiology of worker bumblebeesin queen-right colonies of Bombus terrestris, affecting thepattern and timing of ovarian development and oviposition. Workersfrom colonies parasitized with the intestinal trypanosome Crithidiabombi had less developed ovaries than workers of the same agefrom unparasitized colonies. In addition, parasitized colonieswere smaller than unparasitized colonies for about the firsthalf of colony development. This generated further demographiceffects such that workers were on average younger in parasitizedthan in unparasitized colonies around the time of the onsetof worker oviposition, and worker oviposition occurred significantlylater in parasitized colonies. Workers in parasitized coloniestherefore had lower individual reproductive potential and werecooperative for a larger proportion of the colony cycle thanthose in unparasitized colonies. In this system, where transmissionof the parasite between years probably occurs only in infested,young queens, this effect may represent an adaptation on thepart of the parasite to ensure its successful passage throughthe winter. Parasites, by reducing the cost of worker cooperation,may facilitate queen control over her worker force and playan important role in moderating the social organization of eusocialinsect colonies.  相似文献   

Aron S  Passera L 《Animal behaviour》1999,57(2):325-329
In ants, young queens can found new colonies independently (without the help of workers) or dependently (with the help of workers). It has been suggested that differences in the mode of colony founding strongly influence queen survival and colony development. This is because independent queens are constrained to produce a worker force rapidly, before they deplete their body reserves and to resist the intense intercolony competition during the founding stage. By contrast, queens that found colonies dependently remain with the workers, which probably results in a lower mortality rate and earlier production of reproductive offspring. Consequently, in species that found independently, queens of incipient colonies are expected to produce mostly worker brood by laying a lower fraction of haploid (male) eggs than queens in mature colonies; such a difference would not occur in species founding dependently. We compared the primary sex ratio (proportion of male-determined eggs) laid by queens in incipient and mature colonies of two ant species Lasius nigerLinepithema humile, showing independent and dependent modes of colony founding, respectively. As predicted L. niger queens of incipient colonies laid a lower proportion of haploid eggs than queens from mature colonies. By contrast, queens of L. humile laid a similar proportion of haploid eggs in both incipient and mature colonies. These results provide the first evidence that (1) the primary sex ratio varies according to the mode of colony foundation, and (2) queens can adjust the primary sex ratio according to the life history stage of the colony in ants. Copyright 1999 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Although central to understanding life‐history evolution, the relationship between lifetime reproductive success and longevity remains uncertain in many organisms. In social insects, no studies have reported estimates of queens’ lifetime reproductive success and longevity within populations, despite the importance of understanding how sociality and associated within‐group conflict affect life‐history traits. To address this issue, we studied two samples of colonies of the annual bumblebee, Bombus terrestris audax, reared from wild‐caught queens from a single population. In both samples, queens’ lifetime reproductive success, measured as either queens’ inclusive fitness or as total biomass of queen‐produced sexuals (new queens and males), was significantly positively associated with queen longevity, measured from the day the first worker was produced. We suggest that a positive relationship between reproductive success and longevity was inherited from nonsocial ancestors showing parental care and maintained, at least in part, because the presence of workers buffers queens against extrinsic mortality.  相似文献   

Morphological differences between queens and workers in an Australian swarm-founding paper wasp, Ropalidia romandi , were examined, providing detailed information on the nature of morphological caste differences in swarm-founding Ropalidia for the first time. Queens and workers differed in overall size and had divergent shapes, but differences were not always significant. In colonies in which queen–worker dimorphism was distinct, while the head width of queens was nearly the same as that of workers, queens were significantly larger in measures on the metasoma than workers. Plotting of metasomal variables against the mesosomal length and analysis of covariance showed that queen–worker morphological differentiation in R. romandi cannot be explained by simple linear allometric growth, suggesting that the two castes diverge in their growth parameters in the preadult stage. The pattern of morphological caste difference varied among colonies or was colony specific; there was no clear correlation between caste differences and colony cycle progression. These results suggest that morphological caste differences in R. romandi are determined genetically or by interactions between genetic background and intrinsic factors and/or external conditions.  相似文献   

Holzer B  Chapuisat M  Keller L 《Oecologia》2008,157(4):717-723
Understanding social evolution requires us to understand the processes regulating the number of breeders within social groups and how they partition reproduction. Queens in polygynous (multiple queens per colony) ants often seek adoption in established colonies instead of founding a new colony independently. This mode of dispersal leads to potential conflicts, as kin selection theory predicts that resident workers should favour nestmate queens over foreign queens. Here we compared the survival of foreign and resident queens as well as their relative reproductive share. We used the ant Formica exsecta to construct colonies consisting of one queen with workers related to this resident queen and introduced a foreign queen. We found that the survival of foreign queens did not differ from that of resident queens over a period of 136 days. However, the genetic analyses revealed that resident queens produced a 1.5-fold higher number of offspring than introduced queens, and had an equal or higher share in 80% of the colonies. These data indicate that some discrimination can occur against dispersing individuals and that dispersal can thus have costs in terms of direct reproduction for dispersing queens.  相似文献   

While the extraordinary life span of queens and division of labor in eusocial societies have been well studied, it is less clear which selective forces act on the short life span of workers. The disparity of life span between the queen and the workers is linked to a basic issue in sociobiology: How are the resources in a colony allocated between colony maintenance and reproduction? Resources for somatic maintenance of the colony can either be invested into quality or quantity of workers. Here, we present a theoretical optimization model that uses a hierarchical trade-off within insect colonies and extrinsic mortality to explain how different aging phenotypes could have evolved to keep resources secure in the colony. The model points to the significance of two factors. First, any investment that would generate a longer intrinsic life span for workers is lost if the individual dies from external causes while foraging. As a consequence, risky environments favor the evolution of workers with a shorter life span. Second, shorter-lived workers require less investment than long-lived ones, allowing the colony to allocate these resources to sexual reproduction or colony growth.  相似文献   

《Animal behaviour》1998,55(2):299-306
The morphologically specialized queen caste has been lost in various ponerine ants, and mated workers (‘gamergates’) reproduce instead of queens. Unlike previous reports in the literature, we found only one gamergate in each colony ofDinoponera quadriceps. We documented monogyny by dissecting ovaries and spermathecae in 914 workers from 15 colonies, and by observing mating in the laboratory. In colonies without a gamergate, aggressive interactions among some of the unmated nestmates led to the behavioural differentiation of a top-ranking worker (‘alpha’), which laid almost all the eggs. Only the alpha went outside the nest at night, and mated if foreign males were present (N=11 tests), thus becoming a gamergate. The alpha was sexually attractive even when her ovaries were not yet active. After intromission, the male remained linked to the alpha while she severed the end of his abdomen. Pieces of the male genitalia remained attached to her genital tract, and she removed them after 30±18 min (sdN=9). We interpret this to be a mating plug, preventing other males from fathering her offspring. None of these newly inseminated gamergates continued to go outside the nest, and, when tested, they never re-mated (N=4). Thus, gamergates ofD. quadricepsprobably mate only once. In queenless ant species, comparative evidence indicates that worker mating is often regulated in monogynous species, while unrestricted mating of young individuals is typical of polygynous species (oviposition is regulated subsequently). Furthermore, the occurrence of either monogyny or polygyny influences the mating strategies of males, and mating plugs have been reported only in some monogynous species.  相似文献   

Abstract. The influence of weight and colony origin of the queen of Solenopsis geminata (F.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on worker attraction is studied under laboratory conditions. In the first experiment, worker response to individual queens of different weight from the same colony is evaluated. Heavier queens are more attractive than smaller queens to their own workers. In subsequent experiments, the colony origin effect is investigated and worker response to a pair of queens of the same weight from the same or different colonies is compared. When queens are from the same colony, workers do not show a significant preference between queens. However, when queens are from a different colony, workers are significantly more attracted to their own queen than to the foreign queen. Finally, the response of workers to queens of different weight from the same or different colonies is investigated. In both cases, workers are significantly more attracted to a heavier queen than a lighter queen, even if the lighter queen is their own queen. A putative pheromonal component (E)‐6‐(1‐pentenyl)‐2H‐2‐pyranone, is not positively correlated with queen weight.  相似文献   

Workers of the Florida harvester ant (Pogonomyrmex badius), the only North American Pogonomyrmex with a polymorphic worker caste, produce males when colonies are orphaned. In this study,we assessed the reproductive potential of workers of each caste group, minors and majors, in the presence and absence of the queen, and tested whether males produced in natural queen-right colonies are derived from workers. Worker size was positively correlated with ovariole number such that major workers had approximately double the number of ovarioles as minor workers. The number of vitellogenic oocytes, a measure of reproductive potential, was greater in major compared to minor workers and increased in both worker castes when queens were removed. Major workers have greater reproductive potential than minors although they represent a minority within the colony (~5% of workers are majors). Worker produced eggs were visible in colonies 28 – 35 days after queen removal. This time lag, from queen removal to egg production, is similar to other ants and bees. Though workers are capable of producing viable eggs, we found no evidence that they do so in queen-right colonies, suggesting that worker reproduction is controlled via some social mechanism (self restraint, policing, or inhibition). This result supports predictions of kin selection theory – that due to multiple mating by the queen workers are more related to queen-produced males than most worker-produced males and should thus favor reproduction by the queen and inhibit reproduction by other workers. Received 25 January 2007; revised 1 May 2007; accepted 21 May 2007.  相似文献   

Mutualistic associations among nonkin can form when animalsin groups have a greater chance of overcoming challenges presentedby the environment than do solitary animals. Colony foundingby small groups of unrelated queens, a habit documented in severalspecies of ants, is often interpreted as a mutualistic interactionselected by intense competition among incipient colonies. However,many new colonies in these species are founded in areas wheretheir chief enemies are mature ant colonies, rather than othernewly founded colonies. In this study, we tested whether groupnest-founding in the fire ant Solenopsis invicta improved theability of queens to survive attacks by mature colonies. Inthe laboratory, queens in groups of three were more likely thansolitary queens to survive attacks by workers of the nativefire ant Solenopsis geminata. When newly mated queens were establishedexperimentally in the field, workers from mature S. invictacolonies caused the majority of queen deaths. Queens in groupsof two, but not in groups of four, had higher survival ratesthan did solitary queens during the period between colony establishmentand the appearance of the first workers. The advantage of cooperativedefense approximately counterbalanced the disadvantages causedby competition within foundress associations of two to threequeens. Previous studies have shown that colonies founded bymultiple queens produce larger worker populations than coloniesfounded by solitary queens; however, experimentally increasingworker number in incipient colonies had no effect on colonysurvival in the field.  相似文献   

Reproductive partitioning among group members is a key feature in social Hymenoptera. We investigated the genetic colony structure of a tropical paper wasp Polistes olivaceus, with an emphasis on variation in the number of queens and reproductive sharing among queens. Among 22 P. olivaceus colonies, 6 were monogynous, 9 polygynous, and 7 were queenless. Adults and brood (eggs and larvae) were genotyped based on six polymorphic microsatellite loci. In each of the polygynous colonies, progenies were assigned to their mothers using maximum-likelihood methods. Nestmate queens were full sisters. The vast majority of reproduction appeared to be monopolized by the dominant queen (α), and the overall reproductive skews were 0.63 ± 0.04 (B index) and 0.97 ± 0.02 (S c index). Although all nestmate queens had equal reproductive potential, the high magnitude of reproductive skew was enigmatic in this species. Although 9.55 ± 2.07 workers contained developed ovaries in 11 of 15 queen-right colonies, they were unrelated to the nestmate queens but related to each other as full sisters, suggesting that they were the remaining offspring of superseded queens. In 2 of the 11 colonies, we detected male eggs produced by reproductive workers. On average, 7.27 % of the total genotyped male eggs were derived from reproductive workers among the colonies. These results suggest three possibilities regarding the presence of reproductive workers in the P. olivaceus colonies: drifting between colonies, putative remaining offspring from superseded queens, and the offspring of unrelated females who joined the colonies and reproduced there. We found no worker-derived larvae or adult males, suggesting that male eggs were removed by nestmates at some point between oviposition and hatching.  相似文献   

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