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In the rat small bowel mucosa significant variation was found in both the labelling and the mitotic indices with time of day. The zenith and the nadir of labelling and mitotic activity coincided at 15.00 and 02.00 hours respectively. Small changes were found in the ‘cut-off’ position, but this variation in proliferative compartment size was insufficient to account for the comparatively wider fluctuations in proliferative indices. Measurements of the rate of entry into mitosis, using metaphase arrest with vincristine at three widely separated times during the day, showed no significant change. Changes in the growth fraction or in the birth rate as measured cannot account for diurnal variation in the proliferative activity of the small bowel mucosa. We propose a hypothesis which involves diurnal fluctuations in the transit times through G1 and through G2.  相似文献   

Gastric parietal cells in mice present a spectrum of microscopic appearances due mainly to variations in the abundance of the tubular and vesicular component of the cytoplasm and in the size and number of microvilli lining the intracellular canaliculi. Differences in the range of forms among parietal cells of fasting versus fed mice were not especially striking, but cells with very numerous tubules and vesicles were more common after fasting. However, in mice treated with drugs or hormones that induce acid secretion, parietal cells were more uniform in appearance. There was a marked reduction of these cytoplasmic membranes and a concomitant increase in both the number and size of microvilli. Measurements of acid secretion in control animals and in animals treated with acid secretagogues indicated hydrogen ion secretion contemporaneous with depletion of the cytoplasmic tubulovesicular membranes and with increase of the microvilli. In mice with inhibited acid secretion, parietal cells showed an accumulation of cytoplasmic tubules and vesicles and reduction in the numbers of microvilli. Stereological methods were used to quantitate 10 different parietal cell compartments. Tracer studies with lanthanum did not reveal continuity between the tubules and the plasma membrane. However, there were regions of close apposition between the tubulovesicular membranes and the cell membrane of the canaliculus, and instances where cytoplasmic tubules extended from the cell into the core of enlarged microvilli.  相似文献   

We investigated the proliferative state of peritoneal exudate macrophage colony-forming cells (PE-CFC) by exposing them to [3H]thymidine with a high specific activity in vitro and by administering cytosine arabinoside and methotrexate in vivo. Since [3H]TdR had no appreciable killing effect on PE-CFC and since the drug treatment caused no reduction in the appearance of PE-CFC, we concluded that the majority of PE-CFC, if not all, are not in active cell cycle. The production of PE-CFC was, however, suppressed by the administration of nitrogen mustard, cyclophosphamide, BCNU and vinblastine.  相似文献   

Two chromosomally distinguishable haemopoietic cell populations were injected into lethally irradiated syngeneic recipients. The presence or absence of the T(14;15)6Ca reciprocal translocation (indicated by T6 marker chromosomes) did not affect the proliferation of a population. Wide disparities were found in the proportions of the two donor cell populations between animals and between the right and left femora of individual animals. This suggests (i) that there is, at most, a very limited interchange of proliferating cells and their precursors between the marrow of different bones; and (ii) that the number of clones proliferating in the bone marrow at any one time must be rather small; there was evidence that this number depended in part on the number of haemopoietic cells injected. Exchange between the mitotically active cell populations of spleen, thymus, lymph nodes and bone marrow was also limited, as shown by significant disparities in the proportions of the two donor populations proliferating in the different tissues of individual mice.  相似文献   

Based upon the previous paper in whichthe localization of Rohon-Beard cells in theneurula and their cranio-caudal appearancein later embryonic stages were reported,experiments were carried out with the em-bryos of Cynops orientalis,to study the func-tional development of Rohon-Beard cells andthe pathway of impulse transmission to evokethe early flexure—the earliest behaviour—ofthe embryo.  相似文献   

1. The numbers of cells in mitosis and in DNA synthesis in the epithelium of the hamster cheek pouch have been studied at different times of the day and night. 2. By accumulation of mitotic cells using colcemid, both the rate of entry of cells into mitosis and the duration of mitosis have been estimated at two different times of day. 3. A diurnal variation has been demonstrated in both the mitotic index and in the tritiated thymidine labelling index. Although these variations are of different amplitude and timing, the experimental data fit closely to the hypothesis that the diurnal mitotic variation is the result of a partially synchronous population moving through the DNA synthetic period. No direct action on the mitotic process need be postulated. 4. From the results of mitotic accumulation, it is clear that the rate of entry of cells into mitosis depends on the time of day at which this is studied. There is also the possibility that the duration of mitosis is slightly longer when the mitotic index is high. 5. It is concluded that, at least in the epithelium of the hamster cheek pouch, the diurnal rhythm in the number of mitoses present is a reflection of the diurnal variation in the number of cells synthesizing DNA at some time earlier. Small fluctuations in the mitotic pattern imposed by this partially synchronous population moving from S into mitosis, could be caused by slight variations in the duration of mitosis.  相似文献   

A double layer agar technique was used to investigate the proliferative state of granulocytic progenitor cells (Colony Forming Units in Culture; CFUc) in human peripheral blood and bone marrow. The sensitivity of the progenitor cells to the S-phase specific agent, hydroxyurea, was used as an index of the proportion of cells engaged in DNA synthesis. In the presence of low concentrations of colony stimulating factor (CSF) the CFUc were found to be virtually insensitive to the drug. However, when cultured in the presence of increasing concentrations of CSF the proportion of CFUc apparently killed by hydroxyurea increased to a maximum of 23% for those cells in the blood and 39% for those in the marrow. The results indicate that CFUc which are slowly proliferating are sensitive to low concentrations of CSF. In contrast, those CFUc which are proliferating more rapidly require high concentrations of CSF before they will form colonies in culture. A model has been devised which suggests that as CFUc mature, their cell cycle time shortens and their sensitivity to CSF decreases.  相似文献   

1. The development of the amphiaster is associated with the formation of two semisolid masses within the more fluid egg substance. 2. The elongation of the egg during cleavage is possibly produced as a consequence of the mutual pressure of these two growing semisolid masses. 3. The division of the egg into two blastomeres consists essentially in a growth, within the egg, of two masses of material at the expense of the surrounding cytoplasm. When all the cytoplasm of the egg is incorporated in these two masses cleavage occurs. 4. After a certain period of time the semisolid masses revert to a more fluid state. In the eggs studied this normally occurs after the cleavage furrow has completed the separation of the two blastomeres. The formation of the furrow, however, may be prevented in various ways, upon which the egg reverts to a single spherical semifluid mass containing two nuclei. 5. An egg mutilated during its semisolid state (amphiaster stage) may or may not revert to a more fluid state. If the more solid state is maintained, the cleavage furrow persists and proceeds till cleavage is completed. If the mutilation causes the egg to revert to the more fluid state the furrow becomes obliterated and a new cleavage plane is subsequently adopted. 6. The nuclei of eggs in the semifluid state are able to alter their positions. In semifluid mutilated eggs the nuclei tend to move to positions which may assure symmetry in aster formation and cleavage.  相似文献   

Disaggregated mouse embryo cells, grown in monolayers, underwent a progressive decline in growth rate upon successive transfer, the rapidity of the decline depending, among other things, on the inoculation density. Nevertheless, nearly all cultures developed into established lines within 3 months of culture. The first sign of the emergence of an established line was the ability of the cells to maintain a constant or rising potential growth rate. This occurred while the cultures were morphologically unchanged. The growth rate continued to increase until it equaled or exceeded that of the original culture. The early established cells showed an increasing metabolic autonomy, as indicated by decreasing dependence on cell-to-cell feeding. It is suggested that the process of establishment involves an alteration in cell permeability properties. Chromosome studies indicated that the cells responsible for the upturn in growth rate were diploid, but later the population shifted to the tetraploid range, often very rapidly. Still later, marker chromosomes appeared. Different lines acquired different properties, depending on the culture conditions employed; one line developed which is extremely sensitive to contact inhibition.  相似文献   

1. In a salt-free medium the proportion of the total amount of hemolytic sensitizer present, combined with the homologous cells, reaches a maximum of almost 100 per cent at pH 5.3. On the alkaline side of this point the proportion combined diminishes with the alkalinity and reaches a minimum of approximately 5 per cent at pH 10. On the acid side of pH 5.3 the proportion combined diminishes with the acidity but somewhat less rapidly than for a corresponding increase in alkalinity. 2. The presence of NaCl greatly increases the proportion of sensitizer combined with cells at all reactions except those in the neighborhood of pH 5.3. At this point the combination of sensitizer with cells is independent of the presence of electrolyte. 3. The curves representing the proportion of sensitizer combined or free run almost exactly parallel, both when the sensitizer combines de novo and when it dissociates from combination; therefore, in constant volume, at a given hydrogen ion concentration, and at a given temperature, an equilibrium exists between the amount of sensitizer free and that combined with cells. 4. The combination of sensitizer and cells is related fundamentally to the isoelectric point of the sensitizer. 5. The dissociated ions of the sensitizer, formed either by its acid or its basic dissociation, do not unite with cells. Combination takes place only between the cells and the undissociated molecules of the sensitizer.  相似文献   

Measurements were made of turgor pressures in epidermal, subsidiary,and guard cells at different degrees of stomatal opening. Theresults are correlated with estimates of solute potentials ofthe different cell saps and with a postulated matric potentialof cell walls. The results contribute to an understanding ofthe role of the subsidiary cells in the stomatal mechanism especiallyin the Graminaceous type and the role of ‘tissue tension’as a pressure involved in turgor phenomena in epidermal tissue.The results make it possible to explain the abnormally largestomatal openings found after floating illuminated leaf tissueon water or keeping it in humid CO2-free air.  相似文献   

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