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The spectral, angular and polarization sensitivities of photoreceptors in the compound eye of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) are examined using electrophysiological methods. Intracellular recordings reveal a spectrally homogenous population of UV receptors with optical axes directed upwards and ≥10° to the contralateral side. Based on optical considerations and on the opsin expression pattern (Sauman et al. 2005), we conclude that these UV receptors belong to the anatomically specialized dorsal rim area (DRA) of the eye. Photoreceptors in the main retina with optical axes <10° contralateral or ipsilateral have maximal sensitivities in the UV (λmax≤340 nm), the blue (λmax=435 nm) or in the long-wave range (green, λmax=540 nm). The polarization sensitivity (PS) of the UV receptors in the DRA is much higher (PS=9.4) than in the UV cells (PS=2.9) or green cells (PS=2.8) of the main retina. The physiological properties of the photoreceptors in the DRA and in the main retina fit closely with the anatomy and the opsin expression patterns described in these eye regions. The data are discussed in the light of present knowledge about polarized skylight navigation in Lepidopterans.  相似文献   

In many insect species, a dorsal rim area (DRA) in the compound eye is adapted to analyze the sky polarization pattern for compass orientation. In the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria, these specializations are particularly striking. The DRA of the locust consists of about 400 ommatidia. The facets have an irregular shape, and pore canals are often present in the corneae. Screening pigment is missing in the region of the dioptric apparatus suggesting large receptive fields. The rhabdoms are shorter, but about four times larger in cross-section than the rhabdoms of ordinary ommatida. Eight retinula cells contribute to the rhabdom. The microvilli of retinula cell 7 and of cells 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 are highly aligned throughout the rhabdom and form two blocks of orthogonal orientation. The microvilli in the minute rhabdomeres of retinula cells 3 and 4, in contrast, show no particular alignment. As in other insect species, microvillar orientations are arranged in a fan-like pattern across the DRA. Photoreceptor axons project to distinct areas in the dorsal lamina and medulla. The morphological specializations in the DRA of the locust eye most likely maximize the polarization sensitivity and suggest that the locust uses this eye region for analysis of the sky polarization pattern.  相似文献   

We have examined the fine structure of dorsal rim ommatidia in the compound eye of the three odonate species Sympetrum striolatum, Aeshna cyanea and Ischnura elegans. These ommatidia exhibit several specializations: (1) the rhabdoms are very short, (2) there is no rhabdomeric twist, and (3) the rhabdoms contain only two, orthogonally-arranged microvillar orientations. The dorsal rim ommatidia of several other insect species are known to be anatomically specialized in a similar way and to be responsible for polarization vision. We suggest that the dorsal rim area of the odonate compound eye plays a similar role in polarization vision. Since the Odonata are a primitive group of insects, the use of polarized skylight for navigation may have developed early in insect phylogeny.  相似文献   

Gertrud Kolb 《Zoomorphology》1986,106(4):244-246
Summary The ommatidia in the two dorsal rows at the rim of the eye of Aglais urticae differ from all the other ommatidia of the large dorsal area, in rhabdom structure, length, and configuration of the ninth retinula cell. The type of rhabdom in this dorsal rim zone provides the structural prerequisites for the reception of polarized light; functional subdivision of the retina into two parts is indicated.  相似文献   

Many animals have been shown to use the pattern of polarized light in the sky as an optical compass. Specialised photoreceptors are used to analyse this pattern. We here present evidence for an eye design suitable for polarized skylight navigation in the flightless desert scarab Pachysoma striatum. Morphological and electrophysiological studies show that an extensive part of the dorsal eye is equivalent to the dorsal rim area used for polarized light navigation in other insects. A polarization-sensitivity of 12.8 (average) can be recorded from cells sensitive to the ultraviolet spectrum of light. Features commonly known to increase the visual fields of polarization-sensitive photoreceptors, or to decrease their spatial resolution, are not found in the eye of this beetle. We argue that in this insect an optically unspecialised area for polarized light detection allows it not be used exclusively for polarized light navigation.  相似文献   

Summary The superposition eye of the cockchafer, Melolontha melolontha, exhibits the typical features of many nocturnal and crepuscular scarabaeid beetles: the dioptric apparatus of each ommatidium consists of a thick corneal lens with a strong inner convexity attached to a crystalline cone, that is surrounded by two primary and 9–11 secondary pigment cells. The clear zone contains the unpigmented extensions of the secondary pigment cells, which surround the cell bodies of seven retinula (receptor) cells per ommatidium and a retinular tract formed by them. The seven-lobed fused rhabdoms are composed by the rhabdomeres of the receptor cells 1–7. The rhabdoms are optically separated from each other by a tracheal sheath around the retinulae. The orientation of the microvilli diverges in a fan-like fashion within each rhabdomere. The proximally situated retinula cell 8 does not form a rhabdomere. This standard form of ommatidium stands in contrast to another type of ommatidium found in the dorsal rim area of the eye. The dorsal rim ommatidia are characterized by the following anatomical specializations: (1) The corneal lenses are not clear but contain light-scattering, bubble-like inclusions. (2) The rhabdom length is increased approximately by a factor of two. (3) The rhabdoms have unlobed shapes. (4) Within each rhabdomere the microvilli are parallel to each other. The microvilli of receptor 1 are oriented 90° to those of receptors 2–7. (5) The tracheal sheaths around the retinulae are missing. These findings indicate that the photoreceptors of the dorsal rim area are strongly polarization sensitive and have large visual fields. In the dorsal rim ommatidia of other insects, functionally similar anatomical specializations have been found. In these species, the dorsal rim area of the eye was demonstrated to be the eye region that is responsible for the detection of polarized light. We suggest that the dorsal rim area of the cockchafer eye subserves the same function and that the beetles use the polarization pattern of the sky for orientation during their migrations.  相似文献   

We made intracellular recordings from the photoreceptors of the polarisation-sensitive dorsal rim area of the cricket compound eye combined with dye marking. By measuring visual field sizes and optical axes in different parts of the dorsal rim area, we assessed the optical properties of the ommatidia. Due to the large angular sensitivities (median about 20°) and the high sampling frequency (about 1 per degree), the visual fields overlap extensively, such that a given portion of the sky is viewed simultaneously by a large number of ommatidia. By comparing the dye markings in the retina and in the optic lobe, the axon projections of the retinula cells were examined. Receptors R1, R2, R5 and R6 project to the lamina, whereas R7 projects to the medulla. The microvilli orientation of the two projection types differ by 90° indicating the two analyser channels that give antagonistic input to polarisation-sensitive interneurons. Using the retinal marking pattern as an indicator for the quality of the intracellular recordings, the polarisation sensitivity of the photoreceptors was re-examined. The polarisation sensitivity of recordings from dye-coupled cells was much lower (median: 4.5) than that of recordings in which only one cell was marked (median: 9.8), indicating that artefactual electrical coupling between photoreceptors can significantly deteriorate polarisation sensitivity. The physiological value of polarisation sensitivity in the cricket dorsal rim area is thus typically about 10. Accepted: 4 November 1999  相似文献   

Heinze S  Reppert SM 《Neuron》2011,69(2):345-358
Migrating monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) use a time-compensated sun compass to navigate from eastern North America to their overwintering grounds in central Mexico. Here we describe the neuronal layout of those aspects of the butterfly's central complex likely to establish part of the internal sun compass and find them highly homologous to those of the desert locust. Intracellular recordings from neurons in the monarch sun compass network reveal responses tuned to specific E-vector angles of polarized light, as well as azimuth-dependent responses to unpolarized light, independent of spectral composition. The neural responses to these two stimuli in individual neurons are mediated through different regions of the compound eye. Moreover, these dual responses are integrated to create a consistent representation of skylight cues in the sun compass throughout the day. The results advance our understanding of how ambiguous sensory signals are processed by the brain to elicit a robust behavioral response.  相似文献   

  1. The optics of the corneal facet lenses from the dorsal rim area (DRA) and from the dorso-lateral areas (DA) of the compound eye of the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus were studied.
  2. The DRA of the cricket eye contains quite normally shaped facet lenses. The diameter of the facet lens in the DA is 2-fold larger compared to that in the DRA. The radius of curvature of the front surface is distinctly less in the DA facet lenses, as the surface of the facet lenses in the DRA are virtually flat.
  3. The averaged axial refractive index of the facet lenses of Gryllus bimaculatus, measured by interference microscopy, was 1.496 ± 0.008 (n = 42) in the DRA and 1.469 ± 0.004 (n = 39) in the DA. The geometrical thickness of the lenses was calculated to be 77 ± 3 μm (n = 42) in the DRA and 56 ± 1 μm (n = 39) in the DA.
  4. Analysis of the diffraction pattern obtained with a point light source revealed distinct focusing properties of both the DRA and the DA facet lenses; striking Airy-like diffraction patterns were obtained in both cases.
  5. Focal distances measured directly at the backfocal plane were 40 ± 8 μm (n = 84) in the DRA of all the animals studied, and 60–90 μm (n = 62) in DA depending on the animal. Analysis of the diffraction of the point light source yielded very similar focal distances: 40 ± 5 μm (n = 10) in DRA and 81 ± 8 μm (n = 11) in DA. In the DRA, focal distance of the facet lenses was smaller than the cone length, 58 ± 3 μm (n = 9) while in the DA the focal distance matched the effective cone length, 71 ± 5 μm (n = 16).

In the Drosophila eye, neighboring ommatidia are separated by inter-ommatidial cells (IOCs). How this ommatidial spacing emerges during eye development is not clear. Here we demonstrate that four adhesion molecules of the Irre cell recognition module (IRM) family play a redundant role in maintaining separation of ommatidia. The four IRM proteins are divided into two groups: Kirre and Rst are expressed in IOCs, and Hbs and Sns in primary pigment cells (1°s). Kirre binds Hbs and Sns in vivo and in vitro. Reducing activity of either Rst or Kirre alone had minimal effects on ommatidial spacing, but reducing both together led to direct ommatidium:ommatidium contact. A similar phenotype was also observed when reducing both Hbs and Sns. Consistent with the role of these factors in sorting ommatidia, mis-expression of Hbs plus Sns within a single IOC led to complete separation of the cell from neighboring ommatidia. Our results indicate mutual preferential adhesion between ommatidia and IOCs mediated by four IRM proteins is both necessary and sufficient to maintain separation of ommatidia.  相似文献   

A sperm activating substance is demonstrable in the male Monarch butterfly ejaculatory duct, but only during reproductively active stages. Experiments using neck-ligatures and allatectomies, with or without injections of juvenile hormone isomers, show that the post-eclosion production of sperm activator is stimulated by juvenile hormone.  相似文献   

Summary Structurally specialized ommatidia at the dorsal rim of the compound eyes of honey bees have been shown to be indispensable for polarized skylight navigation. In this study numerous other hymenopteran genera belonging to various superfamilies are shown to exhibit similar specializations in this part of the eye: (1) The cornea is penetrated by pore canals, which affect the optics of the ommatidia by scattering the light falling into the eye. In Andrena and Ammophila the cornea contains extensive cavities. (2) Each retinula contains 9 long receptor cells as opposed to 8 long ones in the adjacent dorsal area, and the rhabdom area is increased by a factor of up to 2. In all ant species examined there are no corneal but only retinal specializations at the dorsal rim of the eye. They include a specially shaped rhabdom as in Cataglyphis, in which polarization vision has also been demonstrated.  相似文献   

AK Davis  J Chi  C Bradley  S Altizer 《PloS one》2012,7(7):e41323
The distinctive orange and black wings of monarchs (Danaus plexippus) have long been known to advertise their bitter taste and toxicity to potential predators. Recent work also showed that both the orange and black coloration of this species can vary in response to individual-level and environmental factors. Here we examine the relationship between wing color and flight performance in captive-reared monarchs using a tethered flight mill apparatus to quantify butterfly flight speed, duration and distance. In three different experiments (totaling 121 individuals) we used image analysis to measure body size and four wing traits among newly-emerged butterflies prior to flight trials: wing area, aspect ratio (length/width), melanism, and orange hue. Results showed that monarchs with darker orange (approaching red) wings flew longer distances than those with lighter orange wings in analyses that controlled for sex and other morphometric traits. This finding is consistent with past work showing that among wild monarchs, those sampled during the fall migration are darker in hue (redder) than non-migratory monarchs. Together, these results suggest that pigment deposition onto wing scales during metamorphosis could be linked with traits that influence flight, such as thorax muscle size, energy storage or metabolism. Our results reinforce an association between wing color and flight performance in insects that is suggested by past studies of wing melansim and seasonal polyphenism, and provide an important starting point for work focused on mechanistic links between insect movement and color.  相似文献   

1. Migratory behaviour can result in reduced prevalence of pathogens in host populations. Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain this relationship: (i) ‘migratory escape’, where migrants benefit from escaping pathogen accumulation in contaminated environments; and (ii) ‘migratory culling’, where the selective removal of infected individuals occurs during migration. 2. In the host–parasite system between the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus Linn.) and its obligate protozoan parasite Ophryocystis elektroscirrha (OE), there is evidence to support both hypotheses, particularly during the monarchs' autumn migration. However, these processes can operate simultaneously and could vary throughout the monarchs' annual migratory cycle. Assessing the relative strength for each hypothesis has not previously been done. 3. To evaluate both hypotheses, parasite infection prevalence was examined in monarchs sampled in eastern North America during April–September, and stable isotopes (δ2H, δ13C) were used to estimate natal origin and infer migration distance. There was stronger support for the migratory escape hypothesis, wherein infection prevalence increased over the breeding season and was higher at southern latitudes, where the breeding season tends to be longer compared with northern latitudes. Little support was found for the migratory culling hypothesis, as infection prevalence was similar whether monarchs travelled shorter or longer distances. 4. These results suggest that migration allows individuals to escape parasites not only during the autumn, as shown in previous work, but during the monarchs' spring and summer movements when they recolonise the breeding range. These results imply a potential fitness advantage to monarchs that migrate further north to exploit parasite‐free habitats.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Energetic expenditure and predicted requirements for overwintering metabolism were determined for monarch butterflies ( Danaus plexippus L.) in southern California.
2. Fat content of butterflies declined steadily from a maximum of 71% lean dry weight in late November to a minimum of 36% lean dry weight in late January. The energy expenditure measured by fat depletion over a 61 day period from 24 November to 25 January was 26.05 joules per day.
3. Butterflies were generally the same temperature as the air at any time they were inactive, whether they were part of a large cluster or roosting solitarily.
4. Oxygen consumption of butterflies increased in a curvilinear fashion with increasing air temperature. Thus, the predicted metabolic requirements for an inactive butterfly during their quiescent period from late November to late January was 30.32 joules per day.
5. In contrast to the steady depletion of fat reserves during their quiescent period in December and January, low and stable fat levels of butterflies in late February coincide with high levels of flight activity, mating and emigration of females from the colony.
6. Progressive tightening of the energy balance due to increasing nocturnal temperatures from northern to southern California coastal areas may limit the southern distribution and duration of overwintering aggregations.  相似文献   

Summary The ommatidia in the dorsal eye of male Bibio marci (March flies) are comprised of eight retinula cells (R1–8). In the distal region, the open rhabdomeres of retinula cells 1–6 are arranged in a symmetrically circular pattern with their microvilli directed radially. Immediately beneath the crystalline cone, cell 7 forms a rhabdomere that is about 1 m long and lies in the center of the circle formed by the rhabdomeres of cells 1–6. For the remaining length of an ommatidium it is replaced by the rhabdomere of retinula cell 8. The cell body of this retinula cell almost encloses its own rhabdomere by forming a deep invagination. Consequently, no ommatidial cavity is present. In the left eye rhabdomeres R 3, 5 and 6 first twist clockwise along their longitudinal axes, while rhabdomeres R1, 2, 4 and 8 twist counterclockwise. Opposite twisting is observed in the right eye. The twist rate varies along the length of the rhabdomeres. In a middle region of 60 m, within which the direction of twist does not change, the maximal twist rates are approximately 2°–5°/m in R1–6 and even higher in R 8. In a proximal region, the direction of twist is reversed, but the initial orientation of the microvilli not reestablished. Both the cross-sectional shape of the rhabdomeres and their geometric arrangement in the retinula change along with the twisting. It is substantiated that the rhabdomeric twist is not due to artifactual deformation.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 4: E 2)The authors thank Dr. I. de la Motte for providing the material used in this study, Prof. H. Altner for critical discussion and Dr. M. Burrows for his attentive linguistic corrections  相似文献   

The Drosophila compound eye is formed by selective recruitment of undifferentiated cells into clusters called ommatidia during late larval and early pupal development. Ommatidia at the edge of the eye, which often lack the full complement of photoreceptors and support cells, undergo apoptosis during mid-pupation. We have found that this cell death is triggered by the secreted glycoprotein Wingless, which activates its own expression in peripheral ommatidia via a positive feedback loop. Wingless signaling elevates the expression of the pro-apoptotic factors head involution defective, grim and reaper, which are required for ommatidial elimination. We estimate that approximately 6-8% of the total photoreceptor pool in each eye is removed by this mechanism. In addition, we show that the retinal apoptosis previously reported in apc1 mutants occurs at the same time as the peripheral ommatidial cell death and also depends on head involution defective, grim and reaper. We consider the implications of these findings for eye development and function in Drosophila and other organisms.  相似文献   

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