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Kinases that associate with integrins are likely to mediate the assembly/disassembly of cell:matrix junctions during cell migration. Here we show that ERK1 associates with alpha(v)beta(3) integrin following the addition of platelet-derived growth factor to serum-starved Swiss or NIH 3T3 fibroblasts in an interaction that is mediated by the central region of the beta(3) integrin cytodomain. alpha(v)beta(3).ERK1 association occurred prior to focal complex formation and was seen to initiate in small punctate complexes primarily in the peripheral regions of the plasma membrane. Expression of a dominant negative mutant of ERK1 (but not ERK2) significantly reduced the spreading of cells on vitronectin, whereas cell spreading on fibronectin was unaffected by inhibition of ERK1. In contrast, inhibition of ERK activation by PD98059 had no effect on the platelet-derived growth factor-regulated Rab4-dependent flux of alpha(v)beta(3) integrin from early endosomes to the plasma membrane, an event that is also necessary for cells to spread efficiently on vitronectin. We propose that alpha(v)beta(3) integrin must recycle to the plasma membrane via the Rab4 pathway and recruit active ERK1 in order to function efficiently.  相似文献   

Integrins are composed of noncovalently bound dimers of an alpha- and a beta-subunit. They play an important role in cell-matrix adhesion and signal transduction through the cell membrane. Signal transduction can be initiated by the binding of intracellular proteins to the integrin. Binding leads to a major conformational change. The change is passed on to the extracellular domain through the membrane. The affinity of the extracellular domain to certain ligands increases; thus at least two states exist, a low-affinity and a high-affinity state. The conformations and conformational changes of the transmembrane (TM) domain are the focus of our interest. We show by a global search of helix-helix interactions that the TM section of the family of integrins are capable of adopting a structure similar to the structure of the homodimeric TM protein Glycophorin A. For the alpha(IIb)beta(3) integrin, this structural motif represents the high-affinity state. A second conformation of the TM domain of alpha(IIb)beta(3) is identified as the low-affinity state by known mutational and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) studies. A transition between these two states was determined by molecular dynamics (MD) calculations. On the basis of these calculations, we propose a three-state mechanism.  相似文献   

We synthesized 4-aminopiperidine derivatives of our prototype integrin alpha(v)beta3 antagonist 1 in an attempt to increase the activity and water solubility. Introduction of one or two hydrophilic moieties into the central aromatic ring and/or the benzene ring at the C-terminus of 1 increased water solubility and enhanced inhibition of cell adhesion. The results of a structure-activity relationships (SAR) study indicated that the torsion angle between the central aromatic ring and the piperidine ring, and the acidity at the sulfonamide moiety, might be important for alpha(v)beta3 receptor binding activity. Some of these compounds are novel and potent alpha(v)beta3/alpha(IIb)beta3 dual antagonists with acceptable water solubility and a satisfactory early absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) profile.  相似文献   

The tetraspanin CD151 forms a stoichiometric complex with integrin alpha3beta1 and regulates its endocytosis. We observed that down-regulation of CD151 in various epithelial cell lines changed glycosylation of alpha3beta1. In contrast, glycosylation of other transmembrane proteins, including those associated with CD151 (e.g. alpha6beta1, CD82, CD63, and emmprin/CD147) was not affected. The detailed analysis has shown that depletion of CD151 resulted in the reduction of Fucalpha1-2Gal and bisecting GlcNAc-beta(1-->4) linkage on N-glycans of the alpha3 integrin subunit. The modulatory activity of CD151 toward alpha3beta1 was specific, because stable knockdown of three other tetraspanins (i.e. CD9, CD63, and CD81) did not affect glycosylation of the integrin. Analysis of alpha3 glycosylation in CD151-depleted breast cancer cells with reconstituted expression of various CD151 mutants has shown that a direct contact with integrin is required but not sufficient for the modulatory activity of the tetraspanin toward alpha3beta1. We also found that glycosylation of CD151 is also critical; Asn(159) --> Gln mutation in the large extracellular loop did not affect interactions of CD151 with other tetraspanins or alpha3beta1 but negated its modulatory function. Changes in the glycosylation pattern of alpha3beta1 observed in CD151-depleted cells correlated with a dramatic decrease in cell migration toward laminin-332. Migration toward fibronectin or static adhesion of cells to extracellular matrix ligands was not affected. Importantly, reconstituted expression of the wild-type CD151 but not glycosylation-deficient mutant restored the migratory potential of the cells. These results demonstrate that CD151 plays an important role in post-translation modification of alpha3beta1 integrin and strongly suggest that changes in integrin glycosylation are critical for the promigratory activity of this tetraspanin.  相似文献   

In order to generate novel compounds with integrin alpha(v)beta3-antagonistic activity together with antiplatelet activity, tricyclic pharmacophore-based molecules were designed and synthesized. Although piperazine-containing compounds initially prepared were selective alpha(IIb)beta3 antagonists, replacement of piperazine with piperidine furnished a potent alpha(v)beta3/alpha(IIb)beta3 dual antagonist. Structure-activity relationship (SAR) studies provided clues for further development of tricyclic pharmacophore-based integrin antagonists.  相似文献   

Integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) activation is critical for platelet physiology and is controlled by signal transduction through kinases and phosphatases. Compared with kinases, a role for phosphatases in platelet integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) signaling is less understood. We report that the catalytic subunit of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2Ac) associates constitutively with the integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) in resting platelets and in human embryonal kidney 293 cells expressing alpha(IIb)beta(3). The membrane proximal KVGFFKR sequence within the cytoplasmic domain of integrin alpha(IIb) is sufficient to support a direct interaction with PP2Ac. Fibrinogen binding to alpha(IIb)beta(3) during platelet adhesion decreased integrin-associated PP2A activity and increased the phosphorylation of a PP2A substrate, vasodilator associated phosphoprotein. Overexpression of PP2Ac(alpha) in 293 cells decreased alpha(IIb)beta(3)-mediated adhesion to immobilized fibrinogen. Conversely, small interference RNA mediated knockdown of endogenous PP2Ac(alpha) expression in 293 cells, enhanced extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK1/2) and p38 activation, and accelerated alpha(IIb)beta(3) adhesion to fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor. Inhibition of ERK1/2, but not p38 activation, abolished the increased adhesiveness of PP2Ac (alpha)-depleted 293 cells to fibrinogen. Furthermore, knockdown of PP2A(calpha) expression in bone marrow-derived murine megakaryocytes increased soluble fibrinogen binding induced by protease-activated receptor 4-activating peptide. These studies demonstrate that PP2Ac (alpha) can negatively regulate integrin alpha(IIb)beta(3) signaling by suppressing the ERK1/2 signaling pathway.  相似文献   

p21-activated kinase 1 (PAK1) can affect cell migration (Price et al., 1998; del Pozo et al., 2000) and modulate myosin light chain kinase and LIM kinase, which are components of the cellular motility machinery (Edwards, D.C., L.C. Sanders, G.M. Bokoch, and G.N. Gill. 1999. Nature Cell Biol. 1:253-259; Sanders, L.C., F. Matsumura, G.M. Bokoch, and P. de Lanerolle. 1999. SCIENCE: 283:2083-2085). We here present a novel cell motility pathway by demonstrating that PAK4 directly interacts with an integrin intracellular domain and regulates carcinoma cell motility in an integrin-specific manner. Yeast two-hybrid screening identified PAK4 binding to the cytoplasmic domain of the integrin beta 5 subunit, an association that was also found in mammalian cells between endogenous PAK4 and integrin alpha v beta 5. Furthermore, we mapped the PAK4 binding to the membrane-proximal region of integrin beta 5, and identified an integrin-binding domain at aa 505-530 in the COOH terminus of PAK4. Importantly, engagement of integrin alpha v beta 5 by cell attachment to vitronectin led to a redistribution of PAK4 from the cytosol to dynamic lamellipodial structures where PAK4 colocalized with integrin alpha v beta 5. Functionally, PAK4 induced integrin alpha v beta 5-mediated, but not beta1-mediated, human breast carcinoma cell migration, while no changes in integrin cell surface expression levels were observed. In conclusion, our results demonstrate that PAK4 interacts with integrin alpha v beta 5 and selectively promotes integrin alpha v beta 5-mediated cell migration.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is associated with several pathological disorders as well as with normal physiological maintenance. Components of vascular basement membrane are speculated to regulate angiogenesis in both positive and negative manner. Recently, we reported that tumstatin (the NC1 domain of alpha 3 chain of type IV collagen) and its deletion mutant tum-5 possess anti-angiogenic activity. In the present study, we confirm that the anti-angiogenic activity of tumstatin and tum-5 is independent of disulfide bond requirement. This property of tum-5 allowed us to use overlapping synthetic peptide strategy to identify peptide sequence(s) which possess anti-angiogenic activity. Among these peptides, only the T3 peptide (69-88 amino acids) and T7 peptide (74-98 amino acids) inhibited proliferation and induced apoptosis specifically in endothelial cells. The peptides, similar to tumstatin and the tum-5 domain, bind and function via alpha(v)beta(3) in an RGD-independent manner. Restoration of a disulfide bond between two cysteines within the peptide did not alter the anti-angiogenic activity. Additionally, these studies show that tumstatin peptides can inhibit proliferation of endothelial cells in the presence of vitronectin, fibronectin, and collagen I. Anti-angiogenic effect of the peptides was further confirmed in vivo using a Matrigel plug assay in C57BL/6 mice. Collectively, these experiments suggest that the anti-angiogenic activity of tumstatin is localized to a 25-amino acid region of tumstatin and it is independent of disulfide bond linkage. Structural features and potency of the tumstatin peptide make it highly feasible as a potential anti-cancer drug.  相似文献   

Angiostatin, the N-terminal four kringles (K1-4) of plasminogen, blocks tumor-mediated angiogenesis and has great therapeutic potential. However, angiostatin's mechanism of anti-angiogenic action is unclear. We found that bovine arterial endothelial (BAE) cells adhere to angiostatin in an integrin-dependent manner and that integrins alpha(v)beta(3), alpha(9)beta(1), and to a lesser extent alpha(4)beta(1), specifically bind to angiostatin. alpha(v)beta(3) is a predominant receptor for angiostatin on BAE cells, since a function-blocking antibody to alpha(v)beta(3) effectively blocks adhesion of BAE cells to angiostatin, but an antibody to alpha(9)beta(1) does not. epsilon-Aminocaproic acid, a Lys analogue, effectively blocks angiostatin binding to BAE cells, indicating that an unoccupied Lys-binding site of the kringles may be required for integrin binding. It is known that other plasminogen fragments containing three or five kringles (K1-3 or K1-5) have an anti-angiogenic effect, but plasminogen itself does not. We found that K1-3 and K1-5 bind to alpha(v)beta(3), but plasminogen does not. These results suggest that the anti-angiogenic action of angiostatin may be mediated via interaction with alpha(v)beta(3). Angiostatin binding to alpha(v)beta(3) does not strongly induce stress-fiber formation, suggesting that angiostatin may prevent angiogenesis by perturbing the alpha(v)beta(3)-mediated signal transduction that may be necessary for angiogenesis.  相似文献   

This protocol describes the preparation of Ab constructs using agents that target cells expressing integrins alpha(v)beta3 and alpha(v)beta5, and the monoclonal aldolase Ab 38C2. The targeting agents are equipped with a diketone or vinylketone linker, and selectively react through the reactive Lys residues in the Ab binding sites to form 38C2 conjugates or chemically programmed 38C2 (i.e., cp38C2). The targeting agent possessing a diketone linker reacts with the Lys residues forming an enaminone derivative. By contrast, the vinylketone linker is used as the corresponding acetone adduct (i.e., a pro-vinylketone linker), and this pro-adapter undergoes a 38C2-catalyzed retro-aldol reaction to produce the vinylketone linker, which forms a Michael-type adduct with the Lys residues. The Ab construct formation is achieved in <1 h for the diketone compounds at ambient temperature, and in 2-16 h using the pro-vinylketone linker at 37 degrees C. The 38C2 constructs are retargeted to cells over-expressing integrins, and are potential candidates for immunotherapy.  相似文献   

This study was performed to determine whether a highly selective nonpeptide alpha(v)beta(3) antagonist (SH306) would prove effective in inhibiting neointima formation in a rabbit cuff model. The animals were dosed with SH306, 5 mg/kg i.v., followed by 10 mg/kg s. c., 3 times daily for 3 days, or with vehicle (10% DMAC). Rabbits were sacrificed and perfused on days 1, 3, and 21; the vessels were paraffin embedded. A reduction in the intima/media (I/M) of the SH306-treated rabbits, as compared with the vehicle-treated control group, was noted (0.20 vs 0.36 [n = 4]). A significant increase in the area of the media was observed in the SH306-treated group versus the control group (0.20 vs 0.13). No difference was observed in cell proliferation between SH306 and vehicle after 1-day and 3-day dosing. Thrombi were found in 43% of the control vessels and in only 14% of the drug-treated vessels. No anticoagulant was used during the surgical procedure. No increase in inhibition of GPIIb/IIIa was observed in SH306-treated animals, as compared with the vehicle control group. We conclude that selective inhibition of alpha(v)beta(3) reduced neointima formation in a rabbit model at 3 weeks.  相似文献   

The integrin alpha(v)beta(3) is the major receptor mediating the attachment of osteoclasts to the extracellular matrix in bone and plays a critical role in bone resorption and bone remodeling. Most of the ligands interacting with the alpha(v)beta(3) receptor contain an Arg-Gly-Asp (RGD) motif. Recently, we have identified two small RGD peptides, containing a benzophenone moiety at either the carboxyl or amino terminus, that photo-cross-linked within the beta(3)[99-118] [Bitan, G., et al. (1999) Biochemistry 38, 3414-3420] or the beta(3)[167-171] [Bitan, G., et al. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 11014-11023] sequence, respectively, of the alpha(v)beta(3) receptor in a selective fashion. Here, we report the synthesis of a photoreactive analogue of echistatin (a 49-amino acid peptide), a potent RGD-containing antagonist of the alpha(v)beta(3) receptor both in vitro and in vivo. This bioactive analogue is substituted at position 45 with a p-benzoyl moiety (pBz(2)), located within the flexible C-terminal domain and removed 20 amino acid residues from the R(24)GD(26) triad. This C-terminal domain was reported to contribute to receptor binding affinity by acting as an auxiliary binding site. The radiolabeled (125)I-[Arg(35),Lys(45)(N(epsilon)-pBz(2))]-echistatin photo-cross-links effectively to a site within the beta(3)[209-220] sequence. Residues in this domain have been reported to be part of the metal ion-dependent adhesion site (MIDAS). Receptor fragments overlapping this domain were reported to bind to fibrinogen and block fibrinogen binding to alpha(IIb)beta(3), the platelet integrin receptor. Taken together, position 45 in echistatin, located within an auxiliary binding site in echistatin, cross-links to a site distinct from the two previously reported sites, beta(3)[99-118] and beta(3)[167-171], which cross-link to photophores flanking the RGD triad. These cross-linking data support the hypothesis that the ligand-bound conformation of the integrin beta(3) subunit differs from the known conformation of I domains.  相似文献   

In order to optimize our novel integrin alpha(v)beta3/alpha(IIb)beta3 dual antagonists, spatial screening at the N-terminus was performed. The alpha(v)beta3 antagonistic activity varied depending on the space that was occupied by the N-terminus, but high potency against alpha(IIb)beta3 was well maintained. The (3S)-aminopiperidine analogue had the strongest activity against alpha(v)beta3, and the S isomer at piperidine was more potent than the R isomer. Compounds selected on the basis of SAR analysis of a novel lead compound showed acceptable early absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and toxicity (ADMET) profiles and sufficient water solubility for use as infusion drugs. Docking studies with the alpha(v)beta3 receptor were performed to confirm the SAR findings.  相似文献   

During cell migration, the physical link between the extracellular substrate and the actin cytoskeleton mediated by receptors of the integrin family is constantly modified. We analyzed the mechanisms that regulate the clustering and incorporation of activated alphavbeta3 integrins into focal adhesions. Manganese (Mn2+) or mutational activation of integrins induced the formation of de novo F-actin-independent integrin clusters. These clusters recruited talin, but not other focal adhesion adapters, and overexpression of the integrin-binding head domain of talin increased clustering. Integrin clustering required immobilized ligand and was prevented by the sequestration of phosphoinositole-4,5-bisphosphate (PI(4,5)P2). Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching analysis of Mn(2+)-induced integrin clusters revealed increased integrin turnover compared with mature focal contacts, whereas stabilization of the open conformation of the integrin ectodomain by mutagenesis reduced integrin turnover in focal contacts. Thus, integrin clustering requires the formation of the ternary complex consisting of activated integrins, immobilized ligands, talin, and PI(4,5)P2. The dynamic remodeling of this ternary complex controls cell motility.  相似文献   

It is well documented that glycan synthesis is altered in some pathological processes, including cancer. The most frequently observed alterations during tumourigenesis are extensive expression of beta1,6-branched complex type N-glycans, the presence of poly-N-acetyllactosamine structures, and high sialylation of cell surface glycoproteins. This study investigated two integrins, alpha3beta1 and alpha(v)beta3, whose expression is closely related to cancer progression. Their oligosaccharide structures in two metastatic melanoma cell lines (WM9, WM239) were analysed with the use of matrix-assisted laser desorption ionisation mass spectrometry. Both examined integrins possessed heavily sialylated and fucosylated glycans, with beta1,6-branches and short polylactosamine chains. In WM9 cells, alpha3beta1 integrin was more variously glycosylated than alpha(v)beta3; in WM239 cells the situation was the reverse. Functional studies (wound healing and ELISA integrin binding assays) revealed that the N-oligosaccharide component of the tested integrins influenced melanoma cell migration on vitronectin and alpha3beta1 integrin binding to laminin-5. Additionally, more variously glycosylated integrins exerted a stronger influence on these parameters. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report concerning structural characterisation of alpha(v)beta3 integrin glycans in melanoma or in any cancer cells.  相似文献   

alpha(V)beta(3), a broadly distributed member of the integrin family of adhesion receptors, has been implicated in a variety of physiological and pathophysiological events, including control of bone density, angiogenesis, apoptosis, tumor growth, and metastasis. Recently, it has been shown that activation of alpha(V)beta(3), its transition from a low- to a high-affinity/avidity state, influences its recognition of certain ligands. Bone sialoprotein (BSP) is recognized as an important ligand for alpha(V)beta(3) in processes ranging from bone formation to the homing of metastatic tumor cells. Here, the influence of alpha(V)beta(3) activation on the adhesion and migration of relevant cells to BSP has been examined. Stimulation of lymphoblastoid, osteoblastoid, and human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) with PMA or Mn(2+) markedly enhanced alpha(V)beta(3)-dependent adhesion to BSP. alpha(V)beta(3)-mediated migration of HUVEC or osteoblastic cells to BSP was substantially enhanced by stimulation, demonstrating that alpha(V)beta(3) activation enhances both adhesive and migratory responses. However, adhesion and/or migration of certain tumor cell lines, including M21 melanoma and MDA MB435 and SKBR3 breast carcinoma cell lines, to BSP was constitutively high and was not augmented by alpha(V)beta(3)-activating stimuli. Inhibitors of the intracellular signaling molecules, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase with wortmannin, hsp90-dependent kinases with geldanamycin, and calpain with calpeptin, but not MAPKK with PD98059, reduced the high spontaneous adhesion and migration of the M21 cells to BSP, consistent with the constitutive activation of the receptor on these tumor cells. These results indicate that the activation state of alpha(V)beta(3) can regulate cell migration and adhesion to BSP and, by extension, to other ligands of this receptor. The constitutive activation of alpha(V)beta(3) on neoplastic cells may contribute to tumor growth and metastatic potential.  相似文献   

Cell surface integrins can adopt distinct conformations in response to ligand binding and intracellular signals. Several integrins including alpha(v)beta(3) can bind to multiple ligands. The binding of alpha(v)beta(3) to fibronectin and vitronectin was used as a model to determine whether the same or distinct forms of the receptor were utilized in strong binding to the two different ligands. A spinning-disc device was used to measure the relative strength of the alpha(v)beta(3)-ligand bonds. The initial binding reaction for both ligands occurred in the absence of metabolic energy and resulted in a strong adhesion to fibronectin but a weak adhesion to vitronectin. Increases in the strength of the alpha(v)beta(3)-vitronectin bond required phosphorylation of the beta(3) cytoplasmic domain, intracellular signals, and the binding of cytoskeletal proteins to cytoplasmic domains of beta(3) controlled by Tyr-747 and Tyr-759. In contrast, alpha(v)beta(3)-mediated adhesion to fibronectin was unaffected by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate, mutations of Tyr-747 and Tyr-759 to phenylalanine, or availability of metabolic energy. This suggests that strong adhesion to fibronectin used the initial binding conformation, whereas strong binding to vitronectin required signaling-induced changes in the conformation of alpha(v)beta(3).  相似文献   

Tumor blood vessels can be selectively targeted by RGD-peptides that bind to alpha(v)beta(3) integrin on angiogenic endothelial cells. By inhibiting the binding of these integrins to its natural ligands, RGD-peptides can serve as antiangiogenic therapeutics. We have prepared multivalent derivatives of the cyclic RGD-peptide c(RGDfK) by covalent attachment of the peptide to side chain amino groups of a protein. These RGDpep-protein conjugates inhibited alpha(v)beta(3)-mediated endothelial cell adhesion in vitro, while conjugates prepared with a control RAD-peptide showed no activity. Radiobinding and displacement studies with endothelial cells demonstrated an increased affinity of the RGDpep-protein conjugates compared to the free peptide, with IC(50) values ranging from 23 to 0.6 nM, depending on the amount of coupled RGDpep per protein. Compared to the parental RGD-peptide and the related RGD-peptide ligand c(RGDfV), the RGDpep-protein conjugates showed a considerable increase in affinity (IC(50) parent RGDpep: 818 nM; IC(50) c(RGDfV): 158 nM). We conclude that the conjugation of RGD-peptides to a protein, resulting in products that can bind multivalently, is a powerful approach to increase the affinity of peptide ligands for alpha(v)beta(3)/alpha(v)beta(5) integrins.  相似文献   

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