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A simple model of a double-headed crossbridge is introduced to explain the retardation of force decay after an imposed stretch in skeletal muscle fibers under equilibrium conditions. The critical assumption in the model is that once one of the heads of a crossbridge is attached to one of the available actin sites, the attachment of the second head will be restricted to a level of strain determined by the attachment of the first head. The crossbridge structure, namely the connection of both heads of a crossbridge to the same tail region, is assumed to impose this constraint on the spatial configurations of crossbridge heads. The unique feature of the model is the prediction that, in the presence of a ligand (PPi, ADP, AMP-PNP) and absence of Ca2+, the halftime of force decay is many times larger than the inverse rate of detachment of a crossbridge head measured in solution. This prediction is in agreement with measured values of half-times of force decay in fibers under similar conditions (Schoenberg, M., and E. Eisenberg. 1985. Biophys. J. 48:863-871f). It is predicted that a crossbridge head is more likely to re-attach to its previously strained position than remain unattached while the other head is attached, leading to the slow decay of force. Our computations also show that the apparent cooperativity in crossbridge binding observed in experiments (Brenner, B., L. C. Yu, L. E. Greene, E. Eisenberg, and M. Schoenberg. 1986. Biophys. J. 50:1101-1108) can be partially accounted by the double-headed crossbridge attachment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The functional correlates of fatigue observed in both animals and humans during exercise include a decline in peak force (P0), maximal velocity, and peak power. Establishing the extent to which these deleterious functional changes result from direct effects on the myofilaments is facilitated through understanding the molecular mechanisms of the cross-bridge cycle. With actin-myosin binding, the cross-bridge transitions from a weakly bound low-force state to a strongly bound high-force state. Low pH reduces the number of high-force cross bridges in fast fibers, and the force per cross bridge in both fast and slow fibers. The former is thought to involve a direct inhibition of the forward rate constant for transition to the strong cross-bridge state. In contrast, inorganic phosphate (Pi) is thought to reduce P0 by accelerating the reversal of this step. Both H+ and Pi decrease myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity. This effect is particularly important as the amplitude of the Ca2+ transient falls with fatigue. The inhibitory effects of low pH and high Pi on P0 are reduced as temperature increases from 10 to 30 degrees C. However, the H+-induced depression of peak power in the slow fiber type, and Pi inhibition of myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity in slow and fast fibers, are greater at high compared with low temperature. Thus the depressive effects of H+ and Pi at in vivo temperatures cannot easily be predicted from data collected below 25 degrees C. In vitro, reactive oxygen species reduce myofibrillar Ca2+ sensitivity; however, the importance of this mechanism during in vivo exercise is unknown.  相似文献   

The stiffness of single fibers from frog skeletal muscle was measured by the application of small 2-kHz sinusoidal length oscillations during twitch and tetanic contractions at a range of initial sarcomere lengths. The earliest mechanical signs of activation were a fall in tension (latency relaxation) and a rise in stiffness. The earliest stiffness increase and the earliest tension fall occurred simultaneously at all sarcomere lengths. This suggests a cross-bridge origin for the latency relaxation. The lead of stiffness over tension seen during the rise of tension was substantially established during the latent period. Reducing the size of the twitch by reducing calcium release with D-600 (methoxyverapamil) reduced the latency relaxation and the stiffness development during latency much less than it reduced the twitch tension. For very small twitches the peak of the stiffness response occurred during the latent period and the times of onset of both latency relaxation and stiffness rise were delayed, but remained coincident. This suggests a strong connection between the latency relaxation and the rise of stiffness during the latent period, whereas the connection between these events and positive tension generation appears to be less strong.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to compare the effects of halothane on malignant hyperthermia (MH) and normal isolated muscle bundle performance during isometric contraction and relaxation phases. Mechanical parameters were measured: peak tension (PT), time to peak tension (TPT) and positive peak of isometric tension derivative (+dP/dtmax) characterized the contraction phase. Half-relaxation time (RT1/2) and negative peak of isometric tension derivative (-dP/dtmax) characterized the relaxation phase. The ratio R = (+dP/dtmax)/(-dP/dtmax) was used to study the coupling between contraction and relaxation under isometric condition. In normal muscle, halothane increased PT by nearly 40% without altering TPT. The +dP/dtmax value increased concomitantly with the -dP/dtmax values, thus no changes in R was observed. In MH muscle, PT was first potentiated (0.5-1.0 vol% halothane) and then depressed (2.0-3.0 vol% halothane). TPT and +dP/dtmax were not altered whereas RT1/2 increased progressively with concomitant decrease in -dP/dtmax, thus R increased by nearly 40%. The amplitude of MH muscle contracture with stepwise concentrations of halothane was correlated with the increase of RT1/2 and R, and the decrease of -dP/dtmax. These results suggest that halothane alters the relaxation phase more than the contraction phase in MH human skeletal muscle compared to normal muscle.  相似文献   

Mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), in particular p38 MAPK, are phosphorylated in response to contractile activity, yet the mechanism for this is not understood. We tested the hypothesis that the force of contraction is responsible for p38 MAPK phosphorylation in skeletal muscle. Extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles isolated from adult male Swiss Webster mice were stimulated at fixed length at 10 Hz for 15 min and then subjected to Western blot analysis for the phosphorylation of p38 MAPK and ERK1/2. Contralateral muscles were fixed at resting length and were not stimulated. Stimulated muscles showed a 2.5-fold increase in phosphorylated p38 MAPK relative to nonstimulated contralateral controls, and there was no change in the phosphorylation of ERK1/2. When contractile activity was inhibited with N-benzyl-p-toluene sulfonamide (BTS), a specific inhibitor of actomyosin ATPase, force production decreased in both a time- and concentration-dependent manner. Preincubation with 25, 75, and 150 µM BTS caused 78 ± 4%, 97 ± 0.2%, and 99 ± 0.2% inhibition in contractile force, respectively, and was stable after 30 min of treatment. Fluorescence measurements demonstrated that Ca2+ cycling was minimally affected by BTS treatment. Surprisingly, BTS did not suppress the level of p38 MAPK phosphorylation in stimulated muscles. These data do not support the view that force generation per se activates p38 MAPK and suggest that other events associated with contraction must be responsible. calcium; energetics; mechanical stress; metabolism  相似文献   

The effects of acid--base alterations produced by changing bicarbonate (metabolic type), carbon dioxide tension (respiratory type), or both bicarbonate and carbon dioxide tension (compensated type) on skeletal muscle twitch tension, intracellular pH, and intracellular potassium were studied in vitro. Hemidiaphragm muscles from normal rats and rats fed a potassium-deficient diet were used. Decreasing the extracellular pH by decreasing bicarbonate or increasing CO2 in the bathing fluid produced a decrease in intracellular pH, intracellular K+, and muscle twitch tension. However, at a constant extracellular pH, an increase in CO2 (compensated by an increase in bicarbonate) produced an increase in intracellular K+ and twitch tension in spite of a decrease in intracellular pH. The effect on twitch tension of the hemidiaphragms showed a rapid onset, was reversible, persisted until the buffer composition was changed, and was independent of synaptic transmission. It is concluded that the twitch tension of the skeletal muscle decrease with a decrease in intracellular K+. The muscle tension also decreases with an increase in the ratio of intracellular and extracellular H+ concentration. However, there is no consistent relationship between muscle tension and extracellular or intracellular pH. The muscle tension of the diaphragms taken from K+-deficient rats is more sensitive to variations in CO2, PH, and bicarbonate concentration of the medium than that of the control rat diaphragms.  相似文献   

Over the last 30 years, research into the neuromuscular apparatus, has expanded greatly. Multidisciplinary investigations have rapidly advanced our understanding both of diseases and of the basic neuromuscular mechanisms. The mode of pathological reaction of the neuromuscular apparatus is now quite well understood. The most notable aspect of the reaction of the injured neuromuscular apparatus is the remarkably stereotyped character of the resulting pathological changes as demonstrated by a wide variety of harmful causes, producing surprisingly similar effects. The findings of our combined histochemical and biochemical investigations presented in this monograph, are in complete harmony with the stereotyped character of the pathological changes. For example, it is particularly striking that many affected muscle fibres of patients with muscular dystrophies, congenital myopathies, inflammatory myopathies, metabolic myopathies, endocrine myopathies, or with diseases of the lower motor neuron, display an enhanced activity of both oxidative enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway. Likewise, we found that experimental animals with disordered skeletal muscles, provoked by different types of agents or treatments, reveal the same marked rise in activity of GPDH and PGDH in the muscle fibres, with a positive correlation between the activity of both enzymes. Other findings of our investigations point to a positive correlation between the activity of GPDH and PGDH on the one hand and that of the non-oxidative enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway, the enzymes TA, TK, RPI and RPE on the other hand. The rise in activity of PGDH and, in particular, of GPDH is regulated by two different mechanisms. The first represents a rapid control mechanism based on the stimulation of both oxidative enzymes of the pentose phosphate pathway by NADP+ and on their inhibition by NADPH. The other mechanism represents a long-term effect directed at the synthesis of the enzymes. It is this type of mechanism which is responsible for the rise in activity of GPDH and PGDH we observed. The findings obtained with the applied enzyme histochemical techniques clearly demonstrated that the rise in activity of both enzymes is not homogeneously distributed in the disordered skeletal muscles of man and experimental animals. For that reason, in order to obtain reliable quantitative information about enzyme activities in the muscle fibres themselves, the application of biochemical assays on a micro-scale was indispensable. The biochemical assay of enzyme activities was performed on histologically and histochemically selected dissected muscle specimens.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effect of tumour bearing on skeletal muscle glutamine metabolism.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. The effects of tumour bearing on glutamine metabolism in rat skeletal muscle were examined using the Walker 256 carcinosarcoma. 2. There was a rapid and marked decrease in skeletal muscle glutamine content, which was correlated with the size of the tumour, and a decrease in plasma glutamine concentration. 3. The rate of release of glutamine from EDL muscle in vitro was increased in cachectic, tumour bearing animals, but was unaffected from the soleus muscle of the same animals. 4. It is hypothesized that the increase in the rate of muscle glutamine release during cachexia represents a response of this tissue in order to satisfy the demand for glutamine by the tumour or by cells of the immune system.  相似文献   

Several regions within the 35-kDa COOH-terminal portion of caldesmon have been implicated in the ability of caldesmon to inhibit actin-activated myosin ATPase activity. To further define the functional regions of caldesmon, we have studied the effects of three chymotryptic fragments, one fragment produced by CNBr digestion and two fragments produced by digestion with submaxillaris arginase C protease, on the relaxed stiffness and active force of rabbit psoas fibers. Each of the regions of caldesmon studied had either direct or indirect effects on single-fiber mechanics. The 35-kDa and 20-kDa fragments of caldesmon, like intact caldesmon, were effective inhibitors of fiber stiffness, a measure of cross-bridge attachment. The 7.3-kDa and 10-kDa fragments, which constitute the NH2 and COOH halves of the 20-kDa fragment, inhibited both relaxed fiber stiffness and active force production, but with a reduced efficacy compared to the 20-kDa fragment. These results suggest that several regions within the 35-kDa COOH-terminal region of caldesmon are required for optimum function of caldesmon and that function includes inhibition of weak cross-bridge attachment and force production.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested that women may be more resistant to muscle fatigue than men (Fulco CS, Rock PB, Muza SA, Lammi E, Cymerman A, Butterfield G, Moore, LG, Braun B, and Lewis SF. Acta Physiol Scand 167: 233-239, 1999) possibly because of differences in muscle oxidative metabolism. We evaluated muscle fatigue produced by intermittent, maximal volitional isometric contractions of the dorsiflexor muscles of healthy young (21-34 yr) men (n = 8) and women (n = 8) under two conditions: free-flow (FF) circulation and ischemia. Measures of voluntary and stimulated (10- and 50-Hz) force, central activation ratio (CAR), and compound muscle action potential (CMAP) were collected in each session. The ischemic protocol induced greater fatigue than the FF protocol, in both sexes, and was associated with greater reductions in CAR, CMAP, stimulated force, and the ratio of 10- to 50-Hz force compared with the FF condition. Women fatigued less than men in FF but not during ischemia, and this difference was roughly paralleled by a difference in CAR. No sex effects on the CMAP, tetanic force, and measures of excitation-contraction coupling function were found in the FF condition, suggesting that the primary mechanism behind the difference in fatigue was a relatively greater impairment of central activation in men. The observation that ischemia eliminated the sex differences in fatigue is consistent with a number of studies (Kent-Braun JA, Ng AV, Doyle JW, and Towse TF. J Appl Physiol 93: 1813-1823, 2002) relating fatigue to muscle metabolism and might be the result of sex-based differences in metabolic pathway utilization during muscle contraction.  相似文献   

Eleven international jumpers and throwers engaged in year round training were divided into experimental (n = 6) and control (n = 5) groups. The experimental group was tested before and after a 3 weeks simulated hypergravity period, and again 4 weeks after the hypergravity period. The high gravity condition was created by wearing a vest weighing about 13% of the subjects body weight. The vest was worn from morning to evening including the training sessions, and only removed during sleep. The daily training of all subjects consisted of classical weight training and jumping drills. No changes in the ordinary training program were allowed in the experimental group, except for the use of the vest. Vertical jumps, drop jumps and a 15 s continuous jumping test were used to measure the explosive power characteristics of the subjects. After the hypergravity period the experimental subjects demonstrated significant (5-10%, P less than 0.05-0.01) improvements in most of the variables studied: however, 4 weeks after cessation of the high gravity period they tended to return towards the starting values. No changes were observed in the results of the control group. The improvement observed in the experimental subjects was explained as fast adaptation to the simulated high gravity field. It is suggested that adaptation had occurred both in neuromuscular functions and in metabolic processes.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study is to determine the passive transverse mechanical properties of skeletal muscle. Compression experiments were performed on four rat tibialis anterior muscles. To assess the stress- and strain-distributions in the muscle during the experiment, a plane stress model of the cross section was developed for each muscle. The incompressible viscoelastic Ogden model was used to describe the passive muscle behaviour. The four material parameters were determined by fitting calculated indentation forces on measured indentation forces. The elastic parameters, mu and alpha, were 15.6+/-5.4 kPa and 21.4+/-5.7, respectively. The viscoelastic parameters, delta and tau, were 0.549+/-0.056 and 6.01+/-0.42 s. When applying the estimated material parameters in a three-dimensional finite element model, the measured behaviour can be accurately simulated.  相似文献   

The effects of the nitric oxide (NO) donor spermine NONOate (Sp-NO, 1.0 mM) on cross-bridge recruitment and cross-bridge cycling kinetics were studied in permeabilized rabbit psoas muscle fibers. Fibers were activated at various Ca2+ concentrations (pCa, negative logarithm of Ca2+ concentration), and the pCa at which force was maximal (pCa 4.0) and approximately 50% of maximal (pCa50 5.6) were determined. Fiber stiffness was determined using 1-kHz sinusoidal length perturbations, and the fraction of cross bridges in the force-generating state was estimated by the ratio of stiffness during maximal (pCa 4.0) and submaximal (pCa 5.6) Ca2+ activation to stiffness during rigor (at pCa 4.0). Cross-bridge cycling kinetics were evaluated by measuring the rate constant for force redevelopment after quick release (by 15% of optimal fiber length, L(o)) and restretch of the fiber to L(o). Exposing fibers to Sp-NO for 10 min reduced force and the fraction of cross bridges in the force-generating state at maximal and submaximal (pCa50) Ca2+ activation. However, the effects of Sp-NO were more pronounced during submaximal Ca2+ activation. Sp-NO also reduced the rate constant for force redevelopment but only during submaximal Ca2+ activation. We conclude that Sp-NO reduces Ca2+ sensitivity by decreasing the number of cross bridges in the strongly bound state and also impairs cross-bridge cycling kinetics during submaximal activation.  相似文献   

Intracellular water of frog skeletal muscle fibers has been studied under various physiological conditions by use of the 1H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) technique. 1H-NMR spectra of muscle fibers had single peaks derived from the intracellular water. The spectra changed in a characteristic fashion when the fiber axis was aligned at various angles relative to the magnetic field of the NMR magnet. Further, the relaxation rates of the 1H-NMR spectra changed depending on the water content of muscle fibers, and in association with contraction and rigor formation of muscle fibers. The obtained results indicate that the intracellular water of muscle fibers is structured and aligned along the myofilaments, and further that the state of the intracellular water changes with physiological conditions.  相似文献   

The responses of muscle to steady and stepwise shortening are simulated with a model in which actin-myosin cross-bridges cycle through two pathways distinct for the attachment-detachment kinetics and for the proportion of energy converted into work. Small step releases and steady shortening at low velocity (high load) favor the cycle implying approximately 5 nm sliding per cross-bridge interaction and approximately 100/s detachment-reattachment process; large step releases and steady shortening at high velocity (low load) favor the cycle implying approximately 10 nm sliding per cross-bridge interaction and approximately 20/s detachment-reattachment process. The model satisfactorily predicts specific mechanical properties of frog skeletal muscle, such as the rate of regeneration of the working stroke as measured by double-step release experiments and the transition to steady state during multiple step releases (staircase shortening). The rate of energy liberation under different mechanical conditions is correctly reproduced by the model. During steady shortening, the relation of energy liberation rate versus shortening speed attains a maximum (approximately 6 times the isometric rate) for shortening velocities lower than half the maximum velocity of shortening and declines for higher velocities. In addition, the model provides a clue for explaining how, in different muscle types, the higher the isometric maintenance heat, the higher the power output during steady shortening.  相似文献   

Alterations in the phospholipid levels of three gastrocnemii (G. externus, G. medius and G. internus) of chick have been studied during 56 days postembryonic growth of the three muscles. The effects of denervation and work-overload stress on their phospholipid content during the same period have been discussed in the light of denervation-induced membrane breakdown and exercise-induced fibre hypertrophy.  相似文献   

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