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The gene for bovine interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) has been cloned, and its nucleotide sequence has been determined. The IRBP gene is about 11.6 kilobase pairs (kb) and contains four exons and three introns. It transcribed into a large mRNA of approximately 6.4 kb and translated into a large protein of 145,000 daltons. To prove the identity of the genomic clone, we determined the protein sequence of several tryptic and cyanogen bromide fragments of purified bovine IRBP protein and localized them in the protein predicted from its nucleotide sequence. There is a 4-fold repeat structure in the protein sequence with 30-40% sequence identity and many conservative substitutions between any two of the four protein repeats. The third and fourth repeats are the most similar pair. All three of the introns in the IRBP gene fall in the fourth protein repeat. Two of the exons, the first and the fourth, are large, 3173 and 2447 bases, respectively. The introns are each about 1.5-2.2 kb long. The human IRBP gene has a sequence that is similar to one of the introns from the bovine gene. The unexpected gene structure and protein repeat structure in the bovine gene lead us to propose a model for the evolution of the IRBP gene.  相似文献   

Adipose tissue has been reported to contain relatively high levels of the specific mRNA for retinol-binding protein (RBP) (Makover A., Soprano, D.R., Wyatt, M. L., and Goodman, D.S. (1989) J. Lipid Res. 30, 171-180). Studies were conducted to explore retinoid and retinoid-binding protein storage and metabolism in adipose tissue. In these studies, we measured RBP and cellular retinol-binding protein (CRBP) mRNA levels and retinoid levels in 6 adipose depots in male rats. Total RNA was isolated from inguinal, dorsal, mesenteric, epididymal, perinephric, and brown adipose tissue, and average RBP and CRBP mRNA levels were determined by Northern blot analysis. The relative levels of RBP mRNA in these 6 anatomically different adipose depots averaged, respectively, 6.3, 6.7, 16, 34, 37, and 21% of the level in a rat liver RNA standard. Retinoid levels in the 6 depots were similar and averaged approximately 6-7 micrograms of retinol eq/g of adipose tissue. Since adipose tissue contains several cell types, the cellular localizations of RBP and CRBP expression and retinoid storage were examined. RNA was prepared from isolated rat adipocytes and stromal-vascular cells. Cellular levels of the mRNAs for RBP, CRBP, apolipoprotein E (apoE), lipoprotein lipase, adipocyte P2, and adipsin were measured by Northern blot analysis. RBP was expressed almost exclusively in the adipocytes and only weakly in the stromal-vascular cells. Both CRBP and apoE mRNA levels were relatively high in the stromal-vascular cell preparations and only very low mRNA levels were found in the adipocytes. Lipoprotein lipase, adipsin, and adipocyte P2 mRNAs were found in substantial levels in both the adipocytes and stromal-vascular cells, but with higher levels present in the adipocytes. Cultured adipocytes synthesized RBP protein and secreted it into the medium. Only adipocytes (not stromal-vascular cells) contained retinol, at levels between 0.65-0.8 micrograms of retinol eq/10(6) cells. These studies demonstrate that adipocytes store retinoid and synthesize and secrete RBP, and suggest that rat adipocytes may be dynamically involved in retinoid storage and metabolism.  相似文献   

Streptococcal protein G. Gene structure and protein binding properties   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Protein G was solubilized from 31 human group C and G streptococcal strains with the muralytic enzyme mutanolysin. As judged by the mobility in sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and the binding patterns of the solubilized protein G molecules in Western blot experiments, the strains could be divided into three groups, represented by the group G streptococcal strains G148 and G43 and the group C streptococcal strain C40. The 65-kDa G148 protein G and the 58-kDa C40 protein G showed affinity for both immunoglobulin G (IgG) and human serum albumin (HSA), whereas the 40-kDa G43 protein G bound only IgG. Despite the different molecular patterns, the three protein G species had identical NH2-terminal amino acid sequences. Apart from the 65-kDa peptide, digestion of G148 streptococci with mutanolysin also produced a 52-kDa IgG- and HSA-binding peptide and a 14-kDa HSA-binding peptide. It was demonstrated that these peptides resulted from cleavage of 65-kDa protein G by proteolytic components in the mutanolysin preparation. The protein G genes of the C40 and G43 strains were cloned and sequenced, and their structure was compared to the previously published sequence of the G148 protein G gene. As compared to G148, both the C40 and G43 genes lacked a 210-base pair fragment in the IgG-binding region, accounting for the 10-fold lower affinity of these proteins for IgG. The G43 gene also lacked a 450-base pair fragment in the 5'-end of the gene, explaining why the G43 protein G did not bind HSA. The differences in protein G structure did not correlate with the clinical origin of the strains used in this study. The IgG-binding region of protein G was further mapped. Thus, a peptide corresponding to a single IgG-binding unit was obtained by the cloning and expression of a 303-base pair polymerase chain reaction-generated DNA fragment. The affinity of this 11.5-kDa peptide for human IgG was 8.0 x 10(7) M-1, as determined by Scatchard plots. Finally, a 55-amino acid-long synthetic peptide, corresponding to one of the three repeated domains in the COOH-terminal half of strain G148 protein G, effectively blocked binding of protein G to IgG.  相似文献   

A Metspalu  A Rebane  S Hoth  M Pooga  J Stahl  J Kruppa 《Gene》1992,119(2):313-316
The amino acid (aa) sequence of human ribosomal protein S3a (hRPS3a) was deduced partially from the nucleotide sequence of the corresponding cDNA and confirmed by direct aa sequencing from the N terminus of the purified hRPS3a protein. The cDNA clone was isolated from a cDNA expression library in the pEX vector using antibodies. The hRPS3a protein has 263 aa and its calculated M(r) is 29 813.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the gamma 1 subunit of human liver alcohol dehydrogenase isoenzyme gamma 1 gamma 1 was deduced by characterization of 36 tryptic and 2 CNBr peptides. The polypeptide chain is composed of 373 amino acid residues. gamma 1 differs from the beta 1 subunit of human liver alcohol dehydrogenase at 21 positions, and from the E subunit of horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase at 43 positions including a gap at position 128 as in the beta 1 subunit. All zinc-liganding residues from the E subunit of the horse protein and the beta 1 subunit of the human enzyme are conserved, but like beta 1, gamma 1 also has an additional cysteine residue at position 286 (in the positional numbering system of the horse enzyme) due to a Tyr----Cys exchange. Most amino acid exchanges preserve the properties of the residues affected and are largely located on the surface of the molecules, away from the active site and the coenzyme binding region. However, eight positions with charge differences in relation to the E subunit of the horse enzyme are noticed. These result in a net positive charge increase of one in gamma 1 versus E, explaining the electrophoretic mobilities on starch gels. Of functional significance is the conservation of Ser-48 in gamma 1 relative to E. The residue is close to the active site but different (Thr-48) in the beta 1 subunit of the human enzyme. Thus, the closer structural relationship between human gamma 1 and horse E enzyme subunit than between beta 1 and E is also reflected in functionally important residues, explaining a greater similarity between gamma 1 gamma 1 and EE than between beta 1 beta 1 and EE.  相似文献   

Structural properties of the retinal extracellular-matrix glycolipoprotein interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) from human, monkey and bovine retinas have been compared. SDS/polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoretic analysis of limited tryptic and Staphylococcus aureus-V8-proteinase digests show virtually identical patterns for the monkey and human proteins, whereas both sets differ considerably from the bovine protein pattern. Time-course digestion shows monkey IRBP to be more readily cleaved than bovine IRBP and also cleaved to smaller fragments. Also, reversed-phase h.p.l.c. of complete tryptic digests of the IRBPs indicate that, although they have in common a similar preponderance of hydrophobic peptides, all three proteins differ extensively in their fine structure. The N-terminal sequences of monkey and bovine IRBPs have been extended beyond those presented in our previous report [Redmond, Wiggert, Robey, Nguyen, Lewis, Lee & Chader (1985) Biochemistry 24, 787-793] to over 30 residues each. The sequences yet show extensive homology, differing at only two positions, although the major monkey sequence has an additional five amino acid residues at its N-terminus ('n + 5' sequence) not observed with bovine IRBP ('n' sequence). The newly determined N-terminal sequence of human IRBP demonstrates the presence of equal amounts of the 'n' and 'n+5' sequences that are qualitatively identical with those of the monkey. The presence of the five-amino-acid-residue extension in primate, but not bovine, IRBP may indicate variation in post-translational processing.  相似文献   

The regeneration of visual pigment in rod photoreceptors of the vertebrate retina requires an exchange of retinoids between the neural retina and the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). It has been hypothesized that interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP) functions as a two-way carrier of retinoid through the aqueous compartment (interphotoreceptor matrix) that separates the RPE and the photoreceptors. The first part of this review summarizes the cellular and molecular biology of IRBP. Work on the IRBP gene indicates that the protein contains a four-fold repeat structure that may be involved in binding multiple retinoid and fatty acid ligands. These repeats and other aspects of the gene structure indicate that the gene has had an active and complex evolutionary history. IRBP mRNA is detected only in retinal photoreceptors and in the pineal gland; expression is thus restricted to the two photosensitive tissues of vertebrate organisms. In the second part of this review, we consider the results obtained in experiments that have examined the activity of IRBP in the process of visual pigment regeneration. We also consider the results obtained on the bleaching and regeneration of rhodopsin in the acutely detached retina, as well as in experiments testing the ability of IRBP to protect its retinoid ligand from isomerization and oxidation. Taken together, the findings provide evidence that, in vivo, IRBP facilitates both the delivery of all-trans retinol to the RPE and the transfer of 11-cis retinal from the RPE to bleached rod photoreceptors, and thereby directly supports the regeneration of rhodopsin in the visual cycle.  相似文献   

Changes in the levels of liver cellular aetinol- and retinoic acid-binding proteins were studied after partial (about 70%) hepatectomy for 14 days in the rat. It was found that a novel binding protein designated F-type appears transiently in liver cytosol 3 days after the operation. The appearance of this protein coincides with the peak level of the alpha 1-fetoproteain. In contrast, cellular retinoic acid-binding protein was detected only the first day after hepatectomy, whereas no significant change was observed in the level of the cellular retinol-binding protein during the entire observation period. [3H]Retinol or [3H]retinoic acid complexed with serum retinol-binding protein injected intravenously into vitamin A-deficient rats 1 day after the hepatectomy was recovered 5 min or 20 min later bound specifically to cellular retinol- or retinoic acid-binding protein, respectively. The results presented here strongly suggest that each of the three cellular retinoid-binding proteins plays a distinct role in cell proliferation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Human thrombin, prepared from an extrinsically activated prothrombin, was finally chromatographed on an affinity column of p-chlorobenzylamido-?-aminocaproyl agarose. After reduction and s-pyridylethylation, the A and B chains were separated. The A chain contains 36 residues and no carbohydrate and has a formula weight of 4093. Its sequence corresponds to 14–49 of the bovine A chain sequence with nine replacements. Human B chain contains 264 residues. The carbohydrate content is 3.5% neutral sugar, 2.6% glucosamine, and 1.5% sialic acid. High-speed sedimentation equilibrium in guanidine gave a minimum molecular weight of 33,500. Sequenator analysis yielded the first 50 amino-terminal residues and established the positions of three of the cyanogen bromide fragments. A fourth fragment lacked homoserine and was placed at the carboxyl-terminus. The four remaining fragments, comprising half of the B chain, were tentatively assigned positions by assuming homology with bovine thrombin and with pancreatic serine proteases. Within the B chain, the active site histidine and serine were both in highly conservative regions, and an Arg-Tyr bond has been identified as a biological degradation site. Sixty-nine percent of the primary structure of human thrombin was identified by sequenator analysis. In comparing this sequence with that reported for the bovine molecule, 26 replacements are present.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of human alpha-fetoprotein, a 67-kDa protein present in mammalian embryonic serum, was verified by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometric (FAB/MS) analyses of three different enzymatic digests of the protein. Human alpha-fetoprotein obtained from a large-scale cell culture was digested with trypsin and V-8 protease either separately on two different samples or combined on the same one. The V-8 protease digest of the protein was partially fractionated by HPLC; the other samples were directly analyzed by FAB/MS without previous purification steps. About 90% of the alpha-fetoprotein amino acid sequence was verified by mass spectrometric analysis; this also confirmed that the cell-derived protein is identical with the hepatoma-derived protein. FAB analysis revealed that the N terminus of the mature protein is arginine rather than threonine, with the threonine occupying the second position. Therefore, the processing site of the alpha-fetoprotein signal peptide during maturation of the protein occurs at the N-terminal side of the arginine residue formerly indicated as residue-1. Thus mature alpha-fetoprotein contains 591 amino acids rather than 590.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a deletion of approximately 3 kilobases in the unique glycophorin C (GPC) gene, which encodes for the human erythrocyte glycophorins C and D, is associated with the Gerbich (Ge) blood group deficiency (Ge-2,-3 and Ge-2,+3 types) (Le van Kim, C., Colin, Y., Blanchard, D., Dahr, W., London, J. & Cartron, J.P. (1987) Eur. J. Biochem. 165, 571-579). We have now isolated and characterized the structure of the GPC gene from the common Ge+2,+3 donors and from a Ge-2,-3 variant (Ge-2,-3 gene). The GPC gene is organized in four exons distributed over 13.5-kilobase pairs (kbp) DNA and contains two directly repeated domains of 3.4 kbp in length which are likely derived from the recent duplication of a unique ancestral domain. Restriction mapping and sequence analysis indicate that a 3.4-kbp deletion within this gene, arising probably by unequal crossing over between the two repeated domains, is responsible for the formation of the Ge-2,-3 gene. The breakpoints of the deletion are located within introns 2 and 3, and therefore exon 3 is removed. The defective gene is transcribed as a mRNA with a continuous open reading frame extending over 300 nucleotides which is translated into an unusual sialoglycoprotein present on Ge-2,-3 red cells. The primary structure of this new glycoprotein has been deduced from nucleotide sequencing. It is proposed in addition, that another 3.4-kb deletion within the GPC gene eliminates exon 2 only by a similar mechanism and generates a defective gene encoding for the abnormal glycoprotein present on Ge-2,+3 erythrocytes. Interestingly, the same deletion which lead to the rare Ge-2,-3 genetic condition, occurred spontaneously and frequently in the cloned GPC gene during the propagation of the recombinant phages in Escherichia coli. From these observations we suggest that the Ge-2,-3 and Ge-2,+3 genes might represent the two allelic forms of a unique ancestral form of the GPC gene, following successive internal duplication and deletion events.  相似文献   

Vitamin A and fatty acids are critical to photoreceptor structure, function, and development. The transport of these nutrients between the pigment epithelium and neural retina is mediated by interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP). IRBP, a 133-kDa (human) glycolipoprotein, is the major protein component of the extracellular matrix separating these two cell layers. In amphibians and mammals, IRBP consists of four homologous repeats of about 300 amino acids which form two retinol and four fatty acid-binding sites. Here we show that IRBP in teleosts is a simpler protein composed of only two repeats. Western blot analysis shows that goldfish IRBP is half the size (70 kDa) of IRBP in higher vertebrates. Metabolic labeling studies employing Brefeldin A taken together with in situ hybridization studies and the presence of a signal peptide show that goldfish IRBP is secreted by the cone photoreceptors. The translated amino acid sequence has a calculated molecular weight of 66.7 kDa. The primary structure consists of only two homologous repeats with a similarity score of 52.5%. The last repeats of human and goldfish IRBPs are 69.1% similar with hydrophobic regions being the most similar. These data suggest that two repeats were lost during the evolution of the ray-finned fish (Actinopterygii), or that the IRBP gene duplicated between the emergence of bony fish (Osteichthyes) and amphibians. Acquisition of a multirepeat structure may reflect evolutionary pressure to efficiently transport higher levels of hydrophobic molecules within a finite space. Quadruplication of an ancestral IRBP gene may have been an important event in the evolution of photoreceptors in higher vertebrates. Correspondence to: F. Gonzalez-Fernandez  相似文献   

The phosphorylation of interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP), the major soluble (glycolipo) protein of the interphotoreceptor matrix (IPM) and a putative intercellular retinoid-transport vechicle, has been examined in a crude bovine IPM wash using [γ-32P]ATP. SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and autoradiography, size-exclusion high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and ion-exchange HPLC all showed IRBP to be phosphorylated in this system. The phosphorylation probably is of serine and/or threonine residues rather than of tyrosine. Interestingly, phosphorylated IRBP was bound tightly to concanvalin A (Con A)-Sepharose and was not eluted by 50 mM α-methyl-d-mannoside indicating a marked alteration in binding characteristics upon phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Human spermidine synthase: cloning and primary structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a synthetic deoxyoligonucleotide mixture constructed for a tryptic peptide of the bovine enzyme as a probe, cDNA coding for the full-length subunit of spermidine synthase was isolated from a human decidual cDNA library constructed on phage lambda gt11. After subcloning into the Eco RI site of pBR322 and propagation, both strands of the insert were sequenced using a shotgun strategy. Starting from the first start codon, which was immediately preceded by a GC-rich region including four overlapping CCGCC consensus sequences, an open reading frame for a 302-amino-acid polypeptide was resolved. This peptide had an Mr of 33,827, started with methionine, and ended with serine. The identity of the isolated cDNA was confirmed by comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence with resolved sequences of the tryptic peptides of bovine spermidine synthase. The coding strand of the cDNA revealed no special regulatory or ribosome-binding signals within 82 nucleotides preceding the start codon and no polyadenylation signal within 247 nucleotides following the stop codon. The coding region, containing a 13-nucleotide repeat close to the 5' end, was longer than, and very different from, that of the bacterial counterpart. This region seems to be of retroviral origin and shows marked homology with sequences found in a variety of human, mammalian, avian, and viral genes and mRNAs. By computer analysis, the first 200 nucleotides of the 5' end of the coding strand appear able to form a very stable secondary structure with a free energy change of -157.6 kcal/mole.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The primary structure of rat ribosomal protein L23.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The amino acid sequence of the rat 60S ribosomal subunit protein L23 was deduced from the sequence of nucleotides in two recombinant cDNAs. Ribosomal protein L23 has 140 amino acids and a molecular weight of 14,856. Hybridization of the cDNA to digests of nuclear DNA suggests that there are 7-9 copies of the L23 gene. The mRNA for the protein is about 600 nucleotides in length. Rat L23 is homologous to Saccharomyces cerevisiae L17a and related to Escherichia coli L14 and other members of the prokaryotic L14 family.  相似文献   

The primary structure of rat ribosomal protein L38.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The amino acid sequence of the rat 60S ribosomal protein L38 was deduced from the sequence of nucleotides in three recombinant cDNAs. Ribosomal protein L38 has 69 amino acids (the NH2-terminal methionine is removed after translation of the mRNA) and has a molecular weight of 8,081. Hybridization of the cDNA to digests of nuclear DNA suggests that there are 11-13 copies of the L38 gene. The mRNA for the protein is about 450 nucleotides in length.  相似文献   

The primary structure of rat ribosomal protein S8.   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
Y L Chan  A Lin  V Paz    I G Wool 《Nucleic acids research》1987,15(22):9451-9459
The amino acid sequence of rat ribosomal protein S8 was deduced from the sequence of nucleotides in a recombinant cDNA and confirmed from the NH2- and carboxyl-terminal amino acid sequences of the protein. Ribosomal protein S8 contains 207 amino acids (the NH2-terminal methionine is removed after translation of the mRNA) and has a molecular weight of 23,928. Hybridization of the cDNA to digests of nuclear DNA suggests that there are 7-9 copies of the S8 gene. Ribosomal protein S8 contains a possible internal repeat that has 12 or 13 residues, is basic, and occurs 5 times in the protein.  相似文献   

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