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Mechanisms of fidelity in pre-mRNA splicing   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
The pre-mRNA splicing machinery consists of five small nuclear RNAs (U1, U2, U4, U5 and U6) and more than fifty proteins. Over the past year, important advances have been made in understanding how these factors function to achieve fidelity in splicing. Of particular note were the discoveries that the splicing factor U2AF(35) recognizes the AG dinucleotide at the 3' splice site early in spliceosome assembly, that a DEAD-box ATPase, Prp28, triggers specific rearrangements of the spliceosome, and that the splicing factor hSlu7 functions in the fidelity of AG choice during catalytic step II of splicing.  相似文献   

CD1 antigens are cell-surface glycoproteins which have a molecular structure which is similar (consisting of extracellular domains alpha 1, alpha 2, and alpha 3, a transmembrane portion, and a cytoplasmic tail) to that of class I MHC molecules. Phylogenetic analysis of mammalian CD1 DNA sequences revealed that these genes are more closely related to the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) than to the class II MHC and that mammalian genes are more closely related to avian class I MHC genes than they are to mammalian class I MHC genes. The CD1 genes form a multigene family with different numbers of genes in different species (five in human, eight in rabbit, and two in mouse). Known CD1 genes are grouped into the following three families, on the basis of evolutionary relationship: (1) the human HCD1B gene and a partial sequence from the domestic rabbit, (2) the human HCD1A and HCD1C genes, and (3) the human HCD1D and HCD1E genes plus the two mouse genes and a sequence from the cottontail rabbit. The alpha 1 and alpha 2 domains of CD1 are much less conserved at the amino acid level than are the corresponding domains of class I MHC molecules, but the alpha 3 domain of CD1 seems to be still more conserved than the well-conserved alpha 3 domain of class I MHC molecules. Furthermore, in the human CD1 gene family, interlocus exon exchange has homogenized alpha 3 domains of all CD1 genes except HCD1C.  相似文献   

The Down syndrome cell adhesion molecule (Dscam) gene has essential roles in neural wiring and pathogen recognition in Drosophila melanogaster. Dscam encodes 38,016 distinct isoforms via extensive alternative splicing. The 95 alternative exons in Dscam are organized into clusters that are spliced in a mutually exclusive manner. The exon 6 cluster contains 48 variable exons and uses a complex system of competing RNA structures to ensure that only one variable exon is included. Here we show that the heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein hrp36 acts specifically within, and throughout, the exon 6 cluster to prevent the inclusion of multiple exons. Moreover, hrp36 prevents serine/arginine-rich proteins from promoting the ectopic inclusion of multiple exon 6 variants. Thus, the fidelity of mutually exclusive splicing in the exon 6 cluster is governed by an intricate combination of alternative RNA structures and a globally acting splicing repressor.  相似文献   

The faithful expression of genes requires that cellular machinery select substrates with high specificity at each step in gene expression. High specificity is particularly important at the stage of nuclear pre-mRNA splicing, during which the spliceosome selects splice sites and excises intervening introns. With low specificity, the usage of alternative sites would yield insertions, deletions and frame shifts in mRNA. Recently, biochemical, genetic and genome-wide approaches have significantly advanced our understanding of splicing fidelity. In particular, we have learned that DExD/H-box ATPases play a general role in rejecting and discarding suboptimal substrates and that these factors serve as a paradigm for proofreading NTPases in other systems. Recent advances have also defined fundamental questions for future investigations.  相似文献   

Mammalian cells frequently depend on homologous recombination (HR) to repair DNA damage accurately and to help rescue stalled or collapsed replication forks. The essence of HR is an exchange of nucleotides between identical or nearly identical sequences. Although HR fulfills important biological roles, recombination between inappropriate sequence partners can lead to translocations or other deleterious rearrangements and such events must be avoided. For example, the recombination machinery must follow stringent rules to preclude recombination between the many repetitive elements in a mammalian genome that share significant but imperfect homology. This paper takes a conceptual approach in addressing the homology requirements for recombination in mammalian genomes as well as the general strategy used by cells to reject recombination between similar but imperfectly matched sequences. A mechanism of heteroduplex rejection that involves the unwinding of recombination intermediates that may form between mismatched sequences is discussed.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, most protein-coding genes contain introns which are removed by precursor messenger RNA (pre-mRNA) splicing. Alternative splicing is a process by which multiple messenger RNAs (mRNAs) are generated from a single pre-mRNA, resulting in functionally distinct proteins. Recent genome-wide analyses of alternative splicing indicated that in higher eukaryotes alternative splicing is an important mechanism that generates proteomic complexity and regulates gene expression. Mis-regulation of splicing causes a wide range of human diseases. This review describes the current understanding of pre-mRNA splicing and the mechanisms that regulate mammalian pre-mRNA splicing. It also discusses emerging directions in the field of alternative splicing. Supported by the Program of “one Hundred Talented people” of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.  相似文献   

To explore the extent to which the X chromosome has been conserved during mammalian evolution, we compared six loci that are X-linked in the human genome with the corresponding genes of the North American marsupial, the Virginia opossum (Didelphis virginiana). Our analysis shows that in the opossum genome there are sequences highly homologous to those of human cDNAs for housekeeping genes, glucose-6-phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT), phosphoglycerate kinase A (PGK1), and alpha-galactosidase A (GLA). However, ornithine transcarbamylase and blood clotting Factor IX--tissue-specific genes that are X-linked in eutherians mammals--have no highly conserved homologs in the marsupial genome. By cloning opossum G6PD and HPRT, we found that these genes are X-linked in the opossum and that homologous sequences are limited to coding regions. As all genomic fragments hybridizing with the human GLA probe show dosage effects, it is likely that the opossum counterpart is X-linked. Finally, the pattern of hybridization suggests that the autosomal pseudogenes of HPRT and PGK1 in the opossum have remained highly homologous to the human X-linked genes.  相似文献   

Evolutionary convergence of alternative splicing in ion channels   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
In Drosophila melanogaster and humans, members of three different ion-channel gene families share tandem exon duplications, which are alternatively spliced. In this article, I demonstrate that the duplication events that give rise to these mutually exclusive exons are unlikely to be ancestral but have probably occurred independently in different lineages. These events provide remarkable examples of evolutionary convergence in alternative splicing. The result has important implications for the analysis of regulation of alternative splicing using comparative genomics and our understanding of molecular evolution.  相似文献   

Nasim MT  Eperon IC 《Nature protocols》2006,1(2):1022-1028
Changes in alternative splicing patterns can result from both inherited and acquired defects, and they are increasingly recognized as causes of human diseases. Hence, improvements in the understanding of alternative splicing regulation may provide opportunities for restoring productive patterns of splicing. The identification of factors (such as proteins, nucleic acids or small molecules) that modulate the splicing pattern would be facilitated by systems with which many samples can be screened. The absence of reliable systems prompted us to develop an assay system based on dual enzymatic activities. Two distinct signals derived from spliced and unspliced RNA are measured, providing the basis for a robust, rapid and convenient assay for investigating splicing. This protocol describes how to use this system; the time required for lysing the cells and recording enzymatic activity is about 2 hours.  相似文献   

Two recent papers, one from the Staley laboratory (Koodathingal and colleagues) and the other from the Cheng laboratory (Tseng and colleagues), show that the RNA-dependent ATPase Prp16, which is required for the second step of splicing, acts to reject slowly splicing pre-mRNAs immediately before the first catalytic reaction in pre-mRNA splicing. The results answer long-investigated questions about the actions of Prp16 and provide a wealth of molecular details on the proofreading process in pre-mRNA splicing. The discussion here reviews and integrates the results of the two papers and describes the implications for proofreading in splicing.  相似文献   

Changes in neocortex size were a prominent feature of mammalian brain evolution, but the implications for cortical structure, and consequently for the functional significance of such changes in overall cortical size, are poorly understood. A basic question is whether functionally differentiated cortical areas evolved independently of one another (adaptive specialization) or were allometrically constrained to co-vary tightly with the size of the whole. Here, I provide comparative evidence for adaptive specialization of cortical structure. First, the sizes of individual areas differ significantly between taxa after controlling for overall cortical size. Second, an analysis of separate visual cortical areas reveals that these exhibit statistically correlated evolution, independent of variation in nonvisual areas. Third, visual cortex size exhibits correlated evolution with peripheral visual adaptations (eye morphology and optic nerve size) and with photic niche. Thus, the evolution of mammalian cortical structure was closely associated with specialization for different sensory niches.  相似文献   

The covariation of biodiversity with climate is a fundamental pattern in nature. However, despite the ubiquity of this relationship, a consensus on the ultimate cause remains elusive. The evolutionary speed hypothesis posits direct mechanistic links between ambient temperature, the tempo of micro-evolution and, ultimately, species richness. Previous research has demonstrated faster rates of molecular evolution in warmer climates for a broad range of poikilothermic and homeothermic organisms, in both terrestrial and aquatic environments. In terrestrial systems, species richness increases with both temperature and water availability and the interaction of those terms: productivity. However, the influence of water availability as an independent variable on micro-evolutionary processes has not been examined previously. Here, using methodology that limits the potentially confounding role of cladogenetic and demographic processes, we report, to our knowledge, the first evidence that woody plants living in the arid Australian Outback are evolving more slowly than related species growing at similar latitudes in moist habitats on the mesic continental margins. These results support a modified evolutionary speed explanation for the relationship between the water-energy balance and plant diversity patterns.  相似文献   

Despite great interest in the role of the amygdala in animal and human behaviour, its very existence as a structurally and functionally unified brain component has been questioned, on the grounds that cell groups within it display divergent pharmacological and connectional characteristics. We argue that the question of whether particular brain nuclei constitute a valid structural and functional unit is inherently an evolutionary question, and we present a method for answering it. The method involves phylogenetic analysis of comparative data to determine whether or not separate regions of the putative brain structure show statistically correlated evolution. We find that, in three separate groups of mammals (primates and two groups of insectivores), evolutionary changes in the volumes of amygdala components are strongly correlated, even after controlling for volumetric change in a wide range of limbic and other brain structures. This allows us to reject the strong claim that the amygdala is neither a structural nor a functional unit, and demonstrates the importance of evolutionary analysis in resolving such issues in systems neuroscience.  相似文献   

Making pairwise comparisons of karyotypes of species belonging to a genus, we have calculated the probabilities that two randomly chosen species from a genus have the same karyotype. This probability decreases exponentially with time. Thus if we know the divergence time of species from a common ancestor, we can know the rate at which a karyotype changes in unit time. According to our result, mammalian karyotypes appear to be evolving at a rate of one change of either chromosomal number or arm number in every two and half million years. Data indicate that the rate of evolution in chromosome number and arm number are fairly similar in most of mammalian genera. The genus Peromyscus is, however, an exception and exhibits a rather rapid change in the arm number due to heterochromatin changes, but a very slow evolution in the chromosome number.  相似文献   



Alternative splicing has been shown to be one of the major evolutionary mechanisms for protein diversification and proteome expansion, since a considerable fraction of alternative splicing events appears to be species- or lineage-specific. However, most studies were restricted to the analysis of cassette exons in pairs of genomes and did not analyze functionality of the alternative variants.  相似文献   

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